How to earn money from scratch in a small town? What can you open in a small town?

Many people who have no experience think that starting their own business is very difficult. In reality this is not the case.

Any person who has start-up capital and desire can. No special knowledge is needed. The main thing is to carefully study the type of business that you want to do, take into account all the points and nuances.

Decisive at the start will be- find a good supplier, if this is a store and location. It is very important. Many people, out of inexperience, opened stores in places with poor traffic, saving on rent and going broke. As for the quality of the goods, this is also key moment, because we need regular customers. A person who has bought a product from you once must be satisfied so that he will return to you again.

So, what kind of business to start in a small town? In our article we will look at the most profitable ones. Production requires a large start-up capital, so we will not consider this type of activity.

So, you can either open a store or provide some services. First, let's look at which stores are the most profitable.

Which store is better to open in a small town: 7 ideas

1. Grocery store

Perhaps the most profitable option for a small business in a small town. But to start you need a large amount. A minimum of 20-30 thousand dollars, and this is provided that you rent the premises and not buy them. Few people have such a sum in their big city.

Yet again this type of business has many nuances and pitfalls. If you have no experience, then to start open grocery store I wouldn't recommend it.

2. Second-hand clothing store

A thousand dollars is enough to get started. You rent a room, buy display cases and goods. Second-hand clothes are sold (purchased) by the kilogram and are inexpensive. The markup is usually 400-500 percent, which is very good. Most people in small towns are poor and willingly buy used clothes.

3. Shop fish meat

To start you need at least 3-4 thousand dollars. Profitability is 100-150 percent. Meat, such as pork, is purchased for 130-150 rubles per kg. and you can sell it for 300-400 rubles.

4. Pharmacy

To open a pharmacy in a small town you need an amount of 15-20 thousand dollars. The markup on medicines is 30-100 percent, which is not much, but due to turnover the pharmacy makes a good profit.

5. Fresh flower shop

To start, you don’t need such a large amount. You can make shelves for flowers yourself from boards. Flowers, for example roses, are purchased for 30 rubles and sold for 80-120. You can calculate for yourself how profitable the flower shop is.

6. Clothing store

To open such a business, you need 5-10 thousand dollars for the purchase of commercial equipment, the first batch of goods and rent of premises (the first month).

7. Cosmetics and perfumery store

To start a small store, 10 thousand dollars is enough. There is always a demand for this product. The girl may not eat, but she is unlikely to leave the house without makeup. Markup on cosmetics is 50-150 percent.

What service business is best to open in a small town: 7 ideas

1. Hair salon

You can open both men's and women's. Or maybe both together. It all depends on the starting capital. To start, 1-2 thousand dollars is enough. Let's try to estimate how profitable a hairdressing salon, for example a men's one, is.

The average price of a haircut is 250 rubles. It takes 20-30 minutes, let’s round it up, let’s say 30. Out of an 8-hour working day, let’s say the master will be busy with work for 6 hours. The total is 3000 rubles per day. You can calculate how much it will be per month.

2. Husband for an hour

To open such a business, you need little - the employees are handy and you need to purchase tools.

3. Plumber services

The main thing is to find and hire non-drinking, intelligent employees who are well versed in plumbing.

4. Nail salon

You can start with a very small amount. In this case, the location is not so important. The main thing is to provide high-quality services and keep prices low.

5. Massage parlor

You can complete massage courses yourself or hire an employee. The first option is preferable, since over time your employee will start slacking and luring away clients. Without your knowledge, he will go to their home and provide massage services.

6. Computer repair at home

You can work on your own (if you know how) or find a smart young man. For example, installing Windows costs 1000-1500 rubles and in my city the service is in demand. You can serve 3-4 clients per day.

Even if we estimate that the average cost of repairs will be 1000 rubles, that works out to 3000-4000 rubles per day. A per month it turns out to be approximately 70-90 thousand rubles, if you work with one day off. This is much better than working for your uncle for 15-30 thousand rubles. per month. And in small towns, salaries are exactly the same.

7. Funeral services

Very profitable in a small town, but to create a full-fledged company you will need decent funds.

Many will wonder what to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. I would advise opening an individual entrepreneur, taxation is easier, but for an LLC you will most likely have to hire an accountant as well.

We have listed the best types of business for small towns. It’s up to you to decide which profitable one to open. But keep in mind that before opening, you need to carefully study this type of business.

This is mandatory, since any unaccounted little detail can ruin yours at the start.

Many people who are planning to start their own business unfairly believe that they can only develop their business and make high profits in a big city. In fact, this is not true for several reasons, the main ones we will discuss below.

First, let’s understand what business technologists mean by “small city.” This is considered a settlement that has up to 100 thousand inhabitants. It should be noted that in Russia there are only more than 83% of such cities, that is, business ideas for a small locality open up enormous prospects; opening your own business in a small city is much easier and more profitable.

Own business for a small town

Living in a small community, there are many business opportunities. This is due to lower costs than in a metropolis and lack of competition.

Why is it needed?

By opening his own business in a small town, a businessman first of all gains independence and the opportunity to earn quite large sums.

At the same time, a considerable part of the money is saved due to the fact that starting a business in the provinces incurs much lower costs than in cities with a population of one million.

In addition, you can be the first in the city to offer certain services, in which case the absence of competitors will allow you to quickly expand and strengthen your business.

Differences from large cities

There are quite a lot of differences, and almost all of them benefit those who decide to start their own business in a small town.

Let's take a closer look at some of them:

  • Residents of small towns tend to have low incomes. Therefore, it is not profitable to develop a large business in such populated areas (with the exception of opening large enterprises that require labor);
  • The demand in such cities is for ordinary, familiar goods and products that we use every day. This allows you to expand your business in several directions at the same time;
  • Not a high investment at the start (low rent for premises, low wages, low costs for advertising campaigns).

An important factor for successfully running a business in a small town is the reputation of a businessman. After all, residents often learn city news not from newspapers, but from neighbors and friends. Therefore, this aspect should be given special attention; measures to attract and retain customers are very important.

Best ideas 2014

Before deciding what business to open, let’s name a few of the most popular business ideas of this year.

Small business in the catering industry

A profitable business is opening a small cafe with affordable prices and familiar dishes. In small towns there are usually few such establishments, so they are very popular among residents.

This type of business is perhaps the most profitable. It will not require large expenses, and the self-sufficiency is quite high.

Mini cafe on wheels. Nowadays it is a fairly common type of business that is in demand. The assortment in such cafes is small; it is enough to offer several types of pancakes, hot dogs, and drinks. If the snacks are tasty and inexpensive, such a cafe will always be popular;

The canteen at the enterprise will be in demand - it does not always have its own catering station. By setting low prices and offering homemade dishes, there will always be customers in the dining room.


If one cafe seems not enough for you, try offering your clients to organize holidays, corporate events, weddings, setting a low price. In small cities there are unlikely to be many event agencies, so there is a chance of becoming a pioneer and a monopolist.

A club with a disco will be very popular among young people. To do this, you will need to rent a large room and equip it. Modest but tasteful is not your option; such an establishment most likely already exists in the city. But the real one night club with performances by metropolitan DJs - this will attract the public. In such a club you can hold themed parties, games, and events. There you can also offer your clients training in various courses (music, singing, dancing, etc.)

During the daytime, you can arrange in the same club.


The service sector will never lose relevance from the point of view of a business project: investments are minimal, the main thing is to have the necessary skills.

A manicure and pedicure salon is always held in high esteem. Even in a small town, the female population will be delighted with such a service and will come there again and again. Additionally, you can offer the services of a cosmetologist and massage therapist, make-up and holiday makeup services.

A taxi service may also be a good idea. Even in a small city, there will be people who want to get to the right place by car, rather than by car. public transport. It is enough to have several drivers on staff with their own cars, make them business cards, which they will distribute to clients, and the business will certainly begin to generate income.

Another option for providing services is a tailoring studio. To open this type of business you will need a small premises, appropriate equipment and several employees. By offering low prices, such a business will flourish;

A company that provides services for garbage removal and demolition of old buildings is a new but popular type of service. In small towns there are enough buildings that are subject to demolition and houses are built in their place. You will need to purchase the appropriate equipment and find several employees with experience in such work.

Garbage removal - popular service even in the smallest locality.

Car repair, tire fitting. In this option, it is enough to have a garage and minimal equipment. Almost every city resident has a car that periodically requires repairs and seasonal tire replacement. It is enough to hire 1-2 employees who understand car repairs. Such a business will be in demand.

Key making has been popular among the population since Soviet times. You will need a small room, a special machine for making keys and minimal advertising. To open your own business of this type, you need to have a starting capital of about 2 thousand dollars;

A private driving instructor can be an idea for extra income. Even in a small town, a car is no longer a luxury; almost every family has one. You can offer such a service on the client’s car, in which case the costs are minimal;

The Good Offices Bureau or the popular name today “Husband for an Hour” is a fairly popular type of business that will always be in demand. Having a set of tools, you can offer your customers minor repairs, installation and connection of household appliances at an affordable price. The costs are minimal.


Growing fruits and vegetables will be a profitable business. If you have even a small plot of land, your own business will soon flourish.

But you will have to look for sales of plant products in other, larger cities. In the periphery, every resident has an abundance of this product due to the availability of garden plots.

A grocery store is a banal but always relevant idea. The main success factor is the correct location and reasonable prices for the goods.

Other types of business that generate income in a small town

Today, throughout Russia, young parents are faced with the problem of kindergartens. Enterprising businesses are opening private development centers and mini-kindergartens for children in small towns.

This type of business will be in demand, especially among those parents who do not have the opportunity to leave their children with grandparents.

Of course, to open it you will need a qualified specialist who can be trusted with children. The costs are minimal; a mini-kindergarten can be set up even in your own apartment, if living space allows. In other cases, it is enough to rent a small room, make the appropriate repairs and obtain all the necessary permissions from the authorities (this often becomes the last stage, becoming an insurmountable obstacle for novice businessmen).

The delivery service for groceries, sushi and pizza is very popular. In small towns, such a service is rare, so you can become the first in the city to offer a service of this kind.

Opening a mini-bakery will require a small investment of money. Delicious bread is always in demand. If the products are of good quality and the price is affordable to the consumer, such a business will flourish even in the smallest town.

If you have real estate in a small town, daily or monthly rental of premises will be profitable. Not all small towns have a hotel, so this type of business, with proper advertising, can become quite successful and will not require special financial investments.

Internet: yes and no

The virtual space, which attracts an increasing number of people, both young and not so young, opens up many opportunities for earning money.

The easiest ideas to implement:

  • If a lot of young people live in the city, opening a computer salon will be profitable; such an establishment will quickly gain popularity. By setting low hourly wages, such a club will become a favorite place for young people to spend their leisure time.
  • Website content services can bring good income. Such a business does not require investment, but allows you to save significant money on renting premises and transportation costs.
  • Another type of earning money on the Internet is opening your own website. But here you will need certain skills and funds to open a business of this kind.
  • Some provide goods delivery services by opening an online store. For a small town, this could be household appliances and household items. Gone are the days when you had to go to the capital or another big city to buy large equipment; today it is possible to provide similar services in your city. This will save customers money and allow them to expand their business.

But you should remember that in a small town, not everyone has access to the Internet. In this case, one should build on the demand and capabilities of the population. A positive factor in favor of working on the Internet is little competition and little or no initial investment.

There is a fly in the ointment here too. Working from home, you will miss personal interaction. And opening clubs and an online store will require significant costs.

Where to begin?

Assessment of the situation

Before opening your own business, you need to study the market, find out what kind of services the city’s population needs. Having decided on the type of activity, it is necessary to select qualified personnel who will provide quality services and will help increase the client base.

Finding a good specialist is not easy; to do this, you can contact a recruiting agency.

The Internet will also help in searching. You can place a recruitment ad and a response will follow immediately. Considering that it is quite difficult to find work in small towns, this method is quite effective. Word of mouth will also be a good help, as it works better in small towns than any advertisement.

The second important step is to find product suppliers; this requires a lot of responsibility. Products must be of high quality and in demand among the population. First, you need to determine what type of service will be popular in a particular city.

Attracting suppliers from big cities is a thankless and unprofitable undertaking. Look for manufacturers (if you intend to trade) or sellers (if you need equipment and tools) in nearby cities.

The business must be in demand and be popular among the population, at least potentially.

Of course, you need to assess your strengths, what funds can be invested, and calculate how quickly the investment will pay off.

Finding funding

The most popular way to open your own business without investment is. You can choose which one is better by contacting several banks and comparing the conditions they offer.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to comply with some mandatory rules for a potential bank client, otherwise you will not receive a loan.

You will have to provide some documentation, you may need to present your business plans, based on the profitability of which the bank will decide to issue a loan.

Don't forget about government support for small businesses. Currently, there are special programs that are aimed at developing business in the regions, which allows you to receive certain benefits when lending, issuing subsidies and tax breaks. In order to competently use such a program, it is better to contact a qualified lawyer who will give detailed advice on this issue.

Selecting a location

For those who decide to start a business from scratch, the most profitable would be premises with a low rent. You may need to carry out minor repairs; to save money, you can do this yourself.

We must not forget that the appearance of the room is very important. It should be cozy and comfortable, the decor doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive and pretentious, but it should make you want to come back again. Residents of small towns are not tempted by rich interiors, but they should not be considered backward either. Bring everything into the proper form for a businessman. They greet you by their clothes.

The location of a business matters depending on its target audience. For example, it is better to open computer clubs in places where young people gather: near universities. Vocational schools, etc. Avoid schools, otherwise you will be tormented by listening to parents’ complaints that it is your direct fault that their child does not want to attend classes, but sits at the computer in your institution.

Catering and trade will naturally take root closer to the center. With the exception of a grocery store, which will be extremely welcome for residents of the outskirts, from where they have to travel far to buy bread.

Let's count?

Having even the smallest start-up capital, you can develop your business in a small city. Let's consider options for initial minimum investments for different types of business.

Minimum investment

As can be seen from the figures, starting your own business does not necessarily lead to large financial expenses. It’s enough to simply decide which type of business is closer, what your heart is most passionate about, and most importantly, what will be in demand in a particular city.

Expected profitability

You should not expect that a small business in a small locality will quickly pay for itself. Residents of such cities often do not have high incomes, so it will take several years before their own business begins to generate income. This also depends on the demand for services that will be offered to the consumer.

Seasonality also plays an important role.

For example, beauty salons, even in big cities, are practically empty in summer. On the contrary, the business of selling kvass in the summer will bring much more relevance than in the cold season.

What is the basis for a successful business in a small town?

In order for a business in a small town to be profitable and quickly pay for itself, you should remember several rules that will help bring a stable income and attract a large number of clients.

Basic aspects

  • The price for services of any kind should not be overpriced. The mentality of residents of small towns is such that people are not ready to overpay extra money. A low price and provision of discounts to regular customers will attract attention much faster than beautiful packaging or an expensive service.
  • If customers are satisfied with the service, they will definitely recommend you to their relatives, friends and neighbors. A bad reputation in a small town will kill any business much faster than in a metropolis. Even if your product is in demand and popular, you should not allow a negative opinion about yourself.
  • In a small town there is little competition, perhaps even its complete absence, so there is room for your imagination to run wild. By providing a high-quality and inexpensive service or product, your potential customers will become regular ones.

Watch also a video about business ideas in a small town:

Development methods

The key to success and prosperity of any business is constant development. Even the most profitable type involves improvement and the offering of new goods and services.

There are several ways to help expand and develop your business.

  1. First of all, this is competent advertising aimed at attracting new customers. This could be promotions, holding an event with a free presentation of products. These types of advertising are always relevant and popular with clients.
  2. It is also important to remember about marketing. Special offers with a limited validity period attract attention.
  3. The image of your business is equally important. Good reviews and new offers at low prices can increase the number of customers several times.
  4. An example of unusual, but sufficient successful business can be called chinchilla breeding. In recent years, this animal has become very popular; it is raised not only to make expensive fur coats for women, but is also kept as a pet. A Moldovan businessman who started this type of business notes that the investments are minimal, but the income exceeded all his expectations.

    Some aspiring businessmen figure out what to do just on the fly. An original way to make money was founded by American fitness instructor Kristen Horler; she developed a training program for women who had recently become mothers, and the classes were held right in the park.

    This idea did not foretell large incomes, but quickly began to be in demand among city residents.

    The price per lesson was set significantly lower, so the client base expanded very quickly and brought in good income. Today, these are quite popular courses that are attended by a large number of young mothers. This type of earnings can also take place in small towns in Russia. Many young women will be carried away by the idea of ​​playing sports without leaving their children to relatives.

    Ethnic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. Today it is difficult to surprise with resorts on the sea coast; many businessmen prefer to relax in remote picturesque corners of Russia.

    For example, excursions to Lake Baikal are in great demand, where you can enjoy the nature and beauty of the region without fuss.

    Many people go on vacation to Kamchatka and Karelia. If your town has similar attractions, you can arrange excursions and even accommodation in tents.

    In conclusion, it is worth saying that business options even in a small town with a small population can be very diverse, you can become successful businessman, an independent person with a good income. It is enough to have a great desire, not be afraid of changes in life and be confident. Many world-famous businessmen started from scratch and were able to achieve dizzying results thanks to hard work and perseverance.

Hello! Today we’ll talk about business in a small town and give you 28 profitable business ideas.

The article will be useful to those who are tired of working “for someone else”, and to those who are thinking about starting their own business due to the loss of another job. Also in the article I will give 28 business ideas for a small city that are the most profitable.

Business in the provinces has a lot of its own characteristics compared to business in large cities. If you take this specificity into account at the business planning stage, you can carve out quite a financial niche for yourself.

What to consider to open a business in a small town

The peculiarities of entrepreneurship in small towns are related to the specifics of their economic development.

Low purchasing power. Please note that your future clients and customers are residents of the province, where wages are low, the labor market is small, and there is simply nowhere to earn a lot. Agree that selling some exclusive expensive items is simply stupid. Examples of such a business include: a fashion boutique, a car dealership, a VIP-class beauty salon, and a purely vegetarian restaurant.

Such business ideas in a small town will not find their consumers - instead of profit, you risk receiving a loss.

Shortage of basic goods. Yes, this happens too. Analyze the availability of shops and pharmacies in your area. Is there a supermarket in your part of the city, or do you need to go to the other end of the city? Or maybe in your city there are no clothing stores representing popular chain brands, and all residents of the city either go to the local market to get dressed, or go to the shopping center of a neighboring city? Or maybe in your locality there is one pharmacy for everyone? Analyze the situation: what doesn’t exist in your city, but would really like to see in the future?

Plan to expand in the future. In a small town, business development may be limited. Why? Everything is simple here. At first, your business may attract a large number of customers, but then the increase in demand for your goods or services will begin to slow down and stop altogether - the city will run out of people willing to buy something from you. If you want to develop further, you should think about this in advance. Perhaps over time you will be able to expand, and the number of your clients will be replenished by residents of nearby locations.

Low barriers to entry into business. This can be considered one of the advantages of doing business in a small town. Indeed, the costs of renting premises, advertising, and paying employees in the provinces are significantly lower than similar costs in a large city.

Favorable competitive environment. In the provinces, it is easier for a novice businessman to obtain government support to start his own business. Small businesses are often encouraged, there are many support programs - this issue also needs to be studied. If you can take advantage of some privilege, you should do it! Some entrepreneurial niches may be completely empty in your year.

Advertising in the form of “word of mouth”. On the one hand, this is great. Since the news about your newly opened store will quickly spread throughout most of the city. But this phenomenon also has a minus: if you make a mistake even once, the whole city will also know about it.

What business to open in a small town

What exactly can a budding entrepreneur do in the province? What exactly to sell or what services to provide? How to make this difficult choice? Let's list a few points.

Take on what you are good at. This is an ideal option for your first experience in business. You have worked for several years in a company and feel like an expert in your field - you can work independently. The most typical example: an accountant. An experienced accountant can easily open his own business providing accounting and tax accounting services, preparation and submission of tax returns.

There will always be a demand for such services: it is easier for small organizations and individual entrepreneurs (and there are many of them in the province!) to turn to such an accountant than to hire a permanent employee. Accounting support in this case will cost less than the salary of a full-time accountant. In addition to such a business, you can also consider the option of organizing courses: if you are an expert in your field, you can pass on your knowledge to others. Other examples include notaries and lawyers, cosmetologists, photographers, and massage therapists.

Pay attention to those areas where there will always be demand. There are certain business niches where sales do not depend on economic crises or other factors. Food, personal care, health, inexpensive entertainment - all this is always in demand.

Organize a business that provides scarce services. For example, in provincial cities there are very few affordable inexpensive entertainment options - city residents, both adults and children, have nowhere to go in their free time. I see they are now actively putting it in good passable places trampolines, for example! Analyze possible “scarce” options. What if the city lacks just your implemented business ideas: don’t forget about the affordability of your services.

Explore the Internet. This advice can be taken in different ways. You can launch an online store, but in a small town this idea will not find its customers - the target audience is very small, although in some cities such stores can operate successfully. But creating an Internet cafe or organizing Internet courses (using the Internet, creating websites, the basics of copywriting) may well turn out to be successful ideas. A good option would be to work on a citywide website on which all city news, announcements and other interesting information will be posted.

Savings and more savings. Residents of the province will be attracted to those services that will allow them to save money. This includes all repair services for clothes and shoes, apartments and cars, hairdressers with affordable prices that offer the full range of basic services at affordable prices. And the complex “House of Life” may generally become the best option: low prices will be compensated by constant demand from local residents.

Business based on local products. What's the point? Buy in your locality, and sell in a large city. Local products in the form of berries, mushrooms, fresh vegetables, fish and farm products can be purchased at low prices. In a large metropolis, “eco-products” are now in fashion, which means that the resale margin can be quite significant. It’s even better if the products are not simply resold, but first processed: options include small canneries, smokehouses, bakeries and other similar enterprises.

Small-scale production has not been canceled. You can produce goods to sell to other cities or make do with your own small town. It could be anything: a bakery, furniture production, welding work, etc. The main thing is to think! Production costs will be cheaper in a small town.

We take someone else's idea as a basis. Business based on someone else's idea is called franchising, that is, you no longer have to create a business from scratch - from the very beginning you will represent a well-known brand. Franchises are now offered by many well-known brands. Which one to choose: clothes, cosmetics, fast food? Here you need to focus on the needs of city residents.

Let us briefly summarize our reasoning. Business in a small town can be very different; it can be organized in one of three areas:

  • Providing services to the population: tire service and car washes, hairdressers and beauty salons, minor repairs, services of specialist workers - plumbers, electricians, welders, tilers and others.
  • Trade in goods: grocery stores, pharmacies, stores of household chemicals, building materials, spare parts for cars - if there is an obvious shortage of them; selling handmade goods – it is better to combine sales through a retail store and an online store.
  • Own production: processing of local products for subsequent sale in a large city, mini-bakery if there is none in the city.

Don't forget about the children! Children's clothing, shoes, private kindergartens, development centers and additional education, various entertainment for children will be in demand in any city.

Consulting has not been canceled. You may be in a small town, but advise people all over Russia and even all over the world. The main thing is to be a specialist in the area in which there is a demand for consultations. Legal, accounting, psychological, medical, financial, etc.

TOP 28 business ideas for a small town

Below we present a selection of 28 business ideas for a small city. This is just a small part that we can give you. Therefore, in addition to these ideas, read other articles with collections of business ideas on our website:

  • Section about;

We are also waiting for your ideas in the comments.

Business idea No. 1. Opening a private kindergarten

The amount of initial investment is 320,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the opening of a kindergarten that provides services for the development and education of a certain number of preschool children. The service is in demand due to the constant increase in the birth rate and the desire of successful parents to place their child in a good institution.

The implementation of the project begins with the preparation of all necessary documents, registration with funds and various authorities, and licensing. Most of the financial costs fall on the following items:

  • rent of a large comfortable premises;
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • arrangement of a room for cooking;
  • staff salaries.

The average cost of one month for a child to visit such a private kindergarten is approximately 10,000 rubles. A group of 8 people brings in 80,000 rubles a month, and 30,000 rubles are needed for food and maintenance. Therefore, the minimum profit from working with one group can be 50,000 rubles. This is a dirty calculation, because there will also be expenses for utility bills.

Many kindergartens of this type practice new teaching methods and interesting programs, which significantly increase the cost of keeping a child in the institution. If you do not expect a quick return on the funds invested in the project, you can get a stable financial income over the next years.

Business idea No. 2. Tool sharpening services

Initial investment - 130,000 rubles.

A good business option that requires small financial investments does not depend on the season. The services of a master are constantly required by hairdressers, manicurists, restaurant staff, cafes and ordinary housewives. A specialist who constantly improves his skills and performs high-quality services will always be in demand among clients.

Organizing a tool sharpening workshop is considered an economically affordable activity, but getting started requires certain costs:

  • rent and arrangement of work premises;
  • payment for initial training courses and advanced training;
  • acquisition of equipment for organizing the process.

The average cost of sharpening nail scissors or clippers is 200 rubles. The cost of such work, taking into account depreciation of equipment, direct and overhead costs, is no more than 100 rubles per order. With a minimum number of 10 calls per shift, you can calculate the amount of income as 100 rubles. For more complex types of hairdressing or cooking tools, prices are set correspondingly higher.

To increase profits, you can provide advertising, personally pick up and deliver tools to customers.

Business idea No. 3. Organization of well drilling

The cost of the project is 180,000 rubles.

The essence of this project is to organize the complete process of drilling and equipping a well on private plots to provide water for irrigation and household use. The service is in constant demand from owners of country houses and households who need to provide themselves with water. This is relevant in villages and small towns where there are problems with central water supply.

Most of these projects do not provide for the purchase of building materials, suggesting that the customer do this. Therefore, the main expense item is the purchase of a drilling rig with a full set of additional hoses, drills, and pumps. The average cost, depending on the manufacturer, is from 150,000 rubles, which will quickly pay off with painstaking work.

The average cost of a well laid meter is 1,800 rubles, and the minimum length of any well is 21 meters. Therefore, for the client, the cost of the company’s services will be 37,800 rubles. The cost of laying includes wages, physical deterioration drill, overhead and transportation costs for an approximate amount of 14,500 rubles. A simple mathematical calculation of the results shows an income of 22,500 rubles. By constructing just two wells per week, you can fully recoup the installation costs in the first month.

Business idea No. 4. Making shawarma (shawarma)

Initial investment - 170,000 rubles.

The idea of ​​this project is to open a retail outlet for the production and sale of popular type snacks - shawarma. Cooking a Turkish national dish requires minimal knowledge of cooking and small investments. A tasty and satisfying way to satisfy your hunger on the go is very popular among many students and visitors to public recreation areas.

Such a point can be installed permanently in a special tent or you can purchase an inexpensive trailer like the domestic version “Kupava”. This will become the main part of expenses along with the following items:

  • purchase of equipment necessary for cooking;
  • salesperson's salary;
  • public utilities;
  • purchasing products and packaging materials.

Calculating the cost of one prepared shawarma with overhead and direct costs shows the amount of 40 rubles, depending on the number of components. If you offer a product for sale at a price of 70 rubles, you can make a profit of 30 rubles per client. Having sold 100 such portions during a shift, the entrepreneur will receive a stable income of 3,000 rubles daily. After deducting all expenses for taxes and wages 40,000 rubles remain at the owner’s disposal.

Business idea No. 5. Opening a tailoring studio

Initial costs - 200,000 rubles.

The essence of this idea is to open a small sewing studio offering services for repairing, manufacturing and decorating clothes. Such necessary work is in demand and popular, does not depend on the season at all, and covers a large number of clients of different ages. There are more and more people who want to look stylish, have original things, and breathe new notes into old coats and dresses.

You can open an atelier at home, but the best option would be rented space in a well-known shopping center, hypermarket or busy part of a residential area. Most of the expenses in a business plan come from the following items:

  • purchase of sewing equipment;
  • purchase of special furniture, mannequins;
  • purchase of sewing accessories;
  • rent of space or utility costs.

A small sewing studio is a business that does not guarantee a quick return on investment. At first, the average order bill is 300 rubles, and the main amount is hemming of things, fitting to the figure. By completing 15 such orders per day, you can achieve a profit of 2,000 rubles minus the cost. Advertising and cooperation with ready-made clothing stores can be of great help.

Business idea No. 6. Opening a clothing store

Estimated costs - 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to purchase high-quality knitwear and some types of economy-class clothing from a manufacturer, and sell them to the consumer in a small store. This popular and widespread type of business activity can bring stable profits even in a competitive environment, if you choose a place of trade and select an assortment wisely.

To open a store you do not need a large premises. You can rent for a department or several square meters in a shopping center. A modern option would be to place the goods in an online store, with delivery to the buyer in his area of ​​residence.

Specializing in inexpensive practical items will bring returns faster than selling famous branded items and will require less investment. Additional costs include:

  • delivery of goods from the supplier;
  • payment to the hired seller;
  • acquisition of display cases, mannequins, racks.

Selling knitted clothing in a stationary store with a real markup of up to 40-50% will help you achieve a stable turnover of funds and receive a net profit after the first year of operation. Working with manufacturers directly will significantly reduce the purchase price and increase the income from the project.

Business idea No. 7. Opening a jewelry and accessories store

Preliminary costs - 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project- search for suppliers of original accessories, jewelry, their sale in the store. The popularity of such a business is due to the growing interest in subjects self made, exclusive gifts and souvenirs. Such products are aimed at a female audience who are happy to purchase new jewelry.

You can purchase goods in this category:

  • in specialized warehouses for souvenir products;
  • from home-based craftsmen offering piece goods.

The latter willingly offer products for sale at a certain percentage of sales. They can be exhibited in a rented department of a large center, organized via the Internet, or participate in sales exhibitions. High traffic can be ensured by the proximity to women's clothing and cosmetics stores and a beauty salon. As additional income, such stores offer master classes on making accessories and jewelry.

The cost of the products offered depends on the trade margin. Small trade turnover is offset by high profitability and unlimited shelf life. Therefore, you should not expect a quick payback, focusing on the average period of 10 months.

Business idea No. 8. Opening a coffee shop

The initial investment amount is 180,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the opening of a small coffee shop with a certain assortment. It is an island or section in a free zone shopping center, where everyone can drink or take a cup of aromatic drink with them. Such a miniature establishment is aimed at high traffic, and the best location would be the presence of shops and higher educational institutions.

It is good to start a new business format using the franchising method, which consists of full support of each stage by the parent company. Certain dividends give you the right to work under a well-known brand and use their supplier base. Additional expense items:

  • payment for placement;
  • long-term rental of special coffee machines and other equipment;
  • arrangement of an island with places to accommodate clients;
  • purchase of high-quality coffee raw materials.

Every day the coffee shop sells from 50 to 150 cups of hot coffee at an average price of 70-100 rubles and a cost of 30 rubles. The calculation assumes receiving a daily profit of at least 2,000-10,000 rubles. Involving confectionery products and original coffee recipes can significantly increase income, fully recouping all investments in a few months. Business in such a small city will be profitable if the population is over 50,000 people.

Business idea No. 9. Flower business

The approximate investment is from 150,000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed business idea is to organize the process of purchasing fresh flowers from distributors, packaging them, arranging them in designer bouquets and selling them through retail outlets or flower boutiques. The relevance is due to the stable high demand for flowers and the quick payback of this business.

To implement the project, it is necessary to find a wholesale supplier of the assortment of flowers, determine the method of implementation (a retail outlet in the transition, a boutique or an online store). To open you will need:

  • rent a room for selling and storing flowers;
  • install equipment to create temperature conditions;
  • hire distributors, train florists in courses if necessary.

An additional expense item will be staff maintenance, delivery of flowers to clients, and packaging materials.

The minimum payback period for a fresh flower store is 1 year. The markup that can be set on such a product is seasonal. During the pre-holiday period, an increase in cost of 150-200% is allowed. An increase in the price of fresh flowers within the range of 80-100% contributes to the emergence of regular customers.

The disadvantages of this project include a high percentage of competitors, a short shelf life and the creation of special conditions for live goods.

Business idea No. 10. Fruit stall

Initial financial investments - from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is wholesale purchases of fresh fruits, their retail sale to the buyer in a special stationary stall. This type of small business is characterized by small initial investments, high competition, but constant profits with a reasonable approach to trade margins and compliance with trade standards. Fresh fruits are in demand in any season, but depend on changes in the assortment.

To open a stall, you should carefully study the competition and select places with good traffic: departments in markets, shopping malls, pavilions near transport stops, metro stations. To implement the project you will need:

  • stationary stall, open or closed tent;
  • concluding an agreement for the wholesale purchase of fruits;
  • purchase of weighing and refrigeration equipment.

The small size of the stall helps reduce costs for renting land, utilities, and taxes. Special attention should be paid to sanitary standards and quality of customer service.

The percentage of trade margin can range from 50 to 100% depending on the name of the product and its exotic nature. Therefore, the payback directly depends on the volume of trade turnover, and can range from three months.

Business idea No. 11. Opening a veterinary clinic

Approximate investment - from 150,000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed business idea is to open a veterinary clinic offering a full range of therapeutic and preventive services for animals in a hospital setting or at the client’s home. The relevance is due to the high demand of the population for such services. Even in a highly competitive environment, a modern clinic with experienced staff and quality service can achieve recognition and stable profits.

To implement the project, it is necessary to obtain a license and special permission from the state veterinary authority to carry out work, as well as:

  • purchase medical equipment;
  • assemble a qualified team.

The main expenses are related to the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and remuneration of personnel.

The clinic's estimated profit is 150,000 rubles monthly. The minimum cost of admission is 250 rubles. There is a great demand for high-quality veterinary services; foster care and a hotel for animals are becoming popular. When receiving more than 25 people daily and carrying out specific operations, income can significantly exceed average figures.

The disadvantage of the business project is the high percentage of the cost of veterinarian services. It reaches 75% of the specified cost. Because of this, the investment pays off within 8 to 10 years of the clinic’s operation.

Business idea No. 12. Opening a car wash

The initial investment is 200,000 rubles.

For small entrepreneurs, the optimal business project could be opening a mobile car wash and dry cleaning service. A small compact complex fits in the back of a medium-duty truck and consists of a wide tent, a set necessary equipment, cleaning products. Particular demand for such mobile washing installations is noted among owners of large vehicle fleets and enterprises that hire them for comprehensive washing of cars and buses.

The total cost of a simple set starts from 200,000 rubles, and additional costs depending on the tasks assigned are:

  • registration of work permits and documentation;
  • payment of rent or sublease of the site;
  • payment of wages.

The correct choice of location for a car wash is directly proportional to the number of customers. Therefore, the best option may be a residential area, a well-known hypermarket, or a busy highway entering the city. With an average cost of one car wash of 600 rubles and an estimated cost of 300 rubles, the average profit for servicing 10 cars will be 3,000 rubles.

Providing additional services for body polishing, interior dry cleaning. During the seasonal downturn, a good profit is guaranteed by a carpet washing service.

Business idea No. 13. Opening a cosmetics and perfumery store

Initial investments - up to 300,000 rubles.

The idea is to open a store, offering cosmetics and hygiene products, cleaning and laundry compositions, and perfumes. Such a product is in great demand at any time of the year, used in everyday life. Analysis of this segment consumer market speaks of the possibility of achieving success even in high competition with the right choice of trading strategy, reasonable prices and savings.

It is better to open such a point in a residential area with high traffic through the store. A non-residential apartment in a multi-storey building, an area in a shopping center or hypermarket would be suitable. The main costs for such a project:

  • rental of a trading place;
  • purchase of racks, display cases;
  • purchase of wholesale quantities of goods;
  • purchase and registration of the necessary cash register.

After opening, with an average markup of 40%, payback occurs no earlier than a year later, which is often typical for this type of trade. Most of the expenses go towards wages and maintaining the outlet, so the owner can take on some responsibilities. To attract regular customers, you can recommend promotions and advertising.

Business idea No. 14. Opening a butcher shop

The approximate investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

General essence of the project- opening and maintaining a store offering high-quality and fresh meat products. Food products are always in demand, and this type of business will bring good income. Therefore, opening a store that offers farm products with minimal markups can be a profitable investment.

You can open such a business using franchising or purchasing directly from farms, monitoring quality and freshness at every stage. There are some costs required to start the workflow:

  • rent retail space in the lively tiger center, the market;
  • purchase of refrigerated display cases and equipment;
  • purchase of the first supplies of meat of various categories;
  • equipping with special clothing and hygiene products for appropriate conditions.

Selling meat products requires creating ideal sanitary conditions and separating the cutting and selling areas. The average markup on some types of products can reach 50%, so the question of the payback of such a business depends on turnover and breadth of assortment. You should carefully choose the location on which the store’s traffic depends.

Business idea No. 15. Opening a baby food store

Preliminary expenses - 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the implementation of such a project- purchase from trusted wholesale suppliers of all types of baby food, formula and complementary foods, for the purpose of sale in a specialized store. Opening such a business is relevant for a big city, where the demand for such a product is high among young parents. The work should be based on a serious attitude to quality and cooperation only with direct manufacturers.

Large costs for opening such a store are associated with renting premises in a high-traffic area. The best option: proximity to children's clinics, grocery supermarkets, good transport links acceptable to clients. To organize the trading process you will need:

  • special refrigerators for products;
  • retail store equipment;
  • furniture for displaying goods.

At the initial stage, it is worth looking for distributors of well-known brands in the region who, on a contractual basis, can provide refrigerated cabinets, free delivery and advertising. As an addition, you can offer the sale of goods through an online store website. Considering the high costs of setting up and starting work, you should expect the store to become self-sustaining no earlier than in 10-12 months.

Business idea No. 16. Opening a kebab shop

The minimum investment is 270,000 rubles.

General essence of the business project- organization of a stationary cafe with a small assortment of dishes. The main idea is to prepare shish kebab and serve it to customers to take away or in an establishment. The relevance is due to the high demand for such places of recreation, especially in the summer season, good trafficability near highways and park areas.

To organize such a project and implement the idea you need:

  • select and rent a plot of land;
  • purchase a tent or tent for comfortable conditions for staff and clients;
  • provide the establishment with the necessary equipment and furniture.

The emphasis should be on quality meat, products, cleanliness and a cozy environment. The main amount of expenses quickly pays off with a large flow of visitors, so creating a reputation works no less than paid advertising. The owner should pay special attention to compliance with sanitary standards by employees.

During a shift, you can sell 150-170 servings of shish kebab, each of which is accompanied by additional snacks and drinks. Taking into account the trade margin of 100%, the monthly turnover of such kebab shops reaches 900,000 rubles, and the profit for a year of continuous operation exceeds 2 million rubles.

Business idea No. 17. Opening a lingerie store

Estimated costs - from 200,000 rubles.

General essence of the idea- opening a department or store offering underwear for women and men, swimwear and home sets of different price categories. Such a product has no seasonal demand, remaining relevant and in demand among beautiful ladies. Market analysis shows a steady increase in interest in good quality sets and lingerie over recent years.

To implement the planned project, it is necessary to think through and select an assortment that is focused on different shapes, sizes and ages of clients. It is better to open such a point in reputable shopping centers with high traffic of the target audience. After choosing a room you need to:

  • purchase retail equipment, racks and mannequins;
  • find a competent seller;
  • develop an original design to create comfortable conditions.

The most popular are classic and unusual sets of good quality underwear, which are best purchased directly from a foreign supplier. The trade margin on individual products and sets ranges from 50% to 100%. Offering discount and gift cards and replenishing your product range can help quickly attract a certain number of regular customers.

Business idea No. 18. Opening a store selling draft beer

Minimum investment - 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea- organizing and equipping a small store, searching for suppliers of fresh and live beer of several varieties, selling it to visitors in convenient containers. Such stationary points are always in demand among lovers of intoxicating drinks who prefer a high-quality and unpasteurized product. The relevance of the project is possible by combining a location with good traffic, quality customer service and the availability of a fresh product.

An excellent option would be to open a point in a residential area near metro stations, bus stops, grocery supermarkets or markets. To save costs and time in a good way will be the conclusion of an agreement with certain suppliers who will provide the equipment necessary for work for rent or lease (and sometimes free of charge), and ensure an uninterrupted supply of products.

The trade margin for the most popular varieties varies from 30 to 100%. Monthly income from one point in the warm months can reach 100,000 rubles. Considering the seasonality of the project, you can add soft drinks, kvass, packaged snacks for beer, and hot tea to go to the assortment.

Business idea No. 19. Renting electric cars for children

Initial costs - 100,000 rubles.

The basis of the project is the organization of leisure activities for children of different ages, based on the rental of modern models of electric vehicles and electric cars. This idea does not require special staff training, special working conditions and brings pleasure from working with small clients. Such sites with miniature cars are often located in parks, busy squares or near children's playgrounds.

Such a business project is suitable for implementation in small towns that do not have their own amusement park for children. The amount of expenses is distributed as follows:

  • purchase of several electric vehicles;
  • payment to the employee per shift;
  • territory rental;
  • transportation costs for transporting mini-cars.

The minimum cost of 10 minutes of rental on such a car is 100 rubles. On average it will work 30 minutes per hour or 300 minutes per day. This means that one machine can bring in 3,000 rubles per shift. The average cost of a new toy is 15,000 rubles, so we can talk about its payback in 5 days. Great savings come from working without the involvement of additional personnel and having your own truck for transporting such electric machines.

Business idea No. 20. Opening training courses

Initial investments - from 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– development of training programs, organization of the training process for clients of different ages. Short-term classes in aesthetic professions (hairdresser, makeup artist, nail service), the study of computer technology and driving lessons (driving school) are of great relevance. Language courses with different levels of preparation are no less in demand.

Implementation of the idea begins with developing a plan for training hours, obtaining a license and certification of training. The best option when looking for premises, it will be an hourly rental of classrooms at an institute or technical school. Main expenses:

  • educational materials;
  • necessary equipment, accessories;
  • remuneration for qualified teachers;
  • public utilities.

The profitability of such a business depends on the occupancy and number of students attending such courses. Providing monthly training for several groups with a total number of up to 100 people, the project can generate a turnover of 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Of particular importance is the advertising component, the constant introduction of new courses and in-demand professions.

Business idea No. 21. Opening a children's playroom

Initial investment - up to 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea consists of organizing a stationary room for leisure of children of different ages, which does not require licensing. Such rooms first appeared in shopping centers and quickly gained popularity due to the lack of alternatives. Modern options offer a small range of entertainment, slot machines and sets of toys that can keep an active child occupied for several hours.

Such a business requires major financial costs when organizing, but quickly pays off with the right pricing policy and selection of responsible personnel. The main costs will be:

  • payment of rent for premises;
  • purchase of equipment, special furniture, labyrinths or trampolines;
  • employee salaries.

Income depends entirely on the choice of the optimal location: cinemas, shopping centers, residential areas in big cities. The average cost of an hour of stay in a child center depends on the time, day of the week, and ranges from 100 to 200 rubles. With average monthly expenses and turnover of 50,000 and 100,000 rubles, respectively, you can achieve a profitability of 50%. You should attract customers with themed holidays, discounts and unusual toys of good quality.

Business idea No. 22. Opening a solarium

Preliminary investments - 390,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea in the purchase of equipment for solariums, provision of artificial tanning services to consumers. Such projects are widely in demand in cities with a temperate climate and a small number of sunny days per year. The relevance of this service is due to the desire of young people to look healthy and beautiful at any time of the year.

You can ensure a flow of clients by renting a small space in a well-known beauty salon, health or sports center. At the first stage, it is better to limit yourself to purchasing 2 devices: vertical and horizontal. To open a project:

  • re-equip the premises in accordance with safety standards;
  • provide comfortable conditions for clients;
  • arrange the administrator's workplace;
  • purchase the required minimum of cosmetics.

Analysis of such business ideas shows the optimal profit margin at 25-30%. For the idea to be profitable, it is necessary to ensure the number of clients is 10-15 people per shift. This will allow us to reach a monthly turnover of 130-135 thousand rubles, which will help recoup the business in six months. Do not neglect self-promotion of the solarium, providing cumulative discounts and interesting promotions to expand the circle of clients.

Business idea No. 23. Opening an optical store

Preliminary costs - 350,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea- opening a stationary store with a large assortment of glasses and accessories, providing optics selection and repair services to everyone. Good glasses in the middle price segment are in stable demand, so such a project will generate income even in a competitive environment.

To implement the idea of ​​an optical store, you need to choose a place with good traffic and convenient transportation. Non-residential premises on the ground floor of a high-rise building, renting a department in a supermarket, next to a clinic or metro station are ideal. To get started you will need:

  • purchase of equipment for optics repair and vision diagnostics;
  • installation of special showcases;
  • equipping a doctor's office and a glasses repairman's workplace.

Making a profit depends entirely on creating a good reputation, advertising, a wide range of optics at affordable middle and economy class prices. You can increase your profit by selling models of sunglasses, lenses, and related products. Monthly income can be 200-300 thousand rubles, so the store will be able to fully recoup all costs within 7 months.

Business idea No. 24. Opening a gym

The minimum investment amount is 900,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– equipment of the hall with the necessary set of exercise equipment and accessories for sports. This service is consistently in demand among people who lead an inactive lifestyle and want to improve their health. Small gyms in the mid-price range are popular even if there are sports clubs in the same city.

Choosing premises for a future gym or fitness club is necessary after carefully studying the market and demand in a particular residential area. Non-residential space on the first floors of houses or small halls in palaces of culture are suitable for placement. For comfortable leisure and training, clients will need:

  • arrangement of locker rooms, showers and rest areas;
  • purchasing a variety of training equipment;
  • appropriate decoration of the hall;
  • attracting personnel with appropriate knowledge and education.

You can make a gym or a new fitness club popular and profitable by offering special family or children's programs, or inexpensive classes for older people. With an average subscription cost of 1500-3000 rubles per month and a minimum number of clients of 100 people, we can talk about full payback only after 1-1.5 years.

Business idea No. 25. Opening a beer bar

Minimum investment - from 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea- equipment and opening of a small budget beer bar. A stylishly decorated establishment with an assortment of “live” beer can provide a stable income. Such cozy bars are highly valued among lovers of this drink. Stylish pubs that broadcast sports or offer simple snacks at affordable prices are very popular. The relevance of the project is due to the stable market growth of 17-18% annually.

To open such a beer bar, you should choose a work format (pub or restaurant), on which further work depends. A small establishment with 30 seats is considered optimal. It can fully pay for itself in a couple of years of stable work.

The main expense items when opening a beer bar are:

  • renting premises that are optimal for traffic;
  • original renovation and decoration;
  • purchase of necessary equipment and furniture;
  • purchase of the first batches of the product.

The trade markup in a beer bar can reach 1000% for certain types of products offered, and the average bill reaches 1500 rubles. This is a profitable project that requires the owner to constantly monitor all processes.

Business idea No. 26. Opening a car service and service station

Minimum investment – ​​over 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– opening a specialized car service center offering a wide range of repair services and car maintenance. The number of cars is growing steadily. Each of them needs specialized modifications, minor or major re-equipment. Therefore, a car service that offers high-quality and inexpensive work will always have a flow of orders from regular and new customers.

The main thing when opening a new service station is a good location and convenient transportation for customers. Before entering into a lease, it is best to conduct an analysis of the competition in the immediate area. For full work you will need:

  • specialized room with communications;
  • acquisition and installation of technical equipment;
  • qualified personnel.

For convenience and quick consolidation in the market, you can choose a separate niche for your service station: servicing only certain brands of cars or tuning without repair work. A car service with affordable prices and excellent quality of services will provide owners with a stable income and can pay for itself within the first year.

Business idea No. 27. Open a private bathhouse (sauna)

Minimum investment – ​​1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– opening an equipped private bath or sauna in a small town to provide services to private clients. This offer is aimed at people of different ages who love an informal type of relaxation. In addition to traditional services, we can offer an infrared sauna, classic massage and a refreshing pool. An inexpensive and cozy bathhouse will be popular in large and medium-sized cities.

Organizing a business project will require significant financial costs at the first stage:

  • comprehensive redevelopment and renovation of the premises in accordance with technical standards;
  • purchase and installation of equipment necessary for operation;
  • equipping a relaxation area for clients and staff;
  • advertising services in different ways.

You can place a bathhouse in a private house after a complete refurbishment. The average cost of an hour of stay can range from 800 to 1500 rubles, depending on the time of day and additional services. With an average load of 55%, monthly income can be up to 250,000 rubles. At this pace of work, a business project with a private bath or sauna can be repaid in 12-14 months.

Business idea No. 28. Opening a beauty salon

Minimum investment – ​​500,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– design and opening of a salon providing hairdressing and cosmetology services to the population. Modern people are happy to take care of their appearance by turning to professionals. Therefore, the market for such services is popular and is developing rapidly. This leads to high competition and requires thorough study of any.

To open a profitable and successful beauty salon, you need premises located in an area with good traffic and transport links. You can consider renting in shopping complexes or busy areas with an abundance of shops for women. The owner will require financial investments:

  • acquisition of necessary equipment;
  • arrangement of work and rest areas;
  • decoration of premises;
  • advertising services.

Analysis of similar projects suggests the optimal markup size is 200 - 250%. It includes not only the costs of maintaining the salon, but also the constant training of staff and the development of new cosmetic services. The payback period can depend on many factors, usually ranging from four months to a year.

Where to start a business in a small town

Directly depends on the type of business. For small business One of the special modes will do: you need to choose the most optimal one, where the amount of tax to be paid is less.

Opening a business even in the smallest city without any investments is almost impossible: some investments still need to be made. Therefore, be puzzled by the question, or.

You can use your own or contact the bank for. If you manage to find a free niche and organize profitable business, then all the invested funds will pay off fairly quickly.

What ideas do you have for starting a business in a small town? I'm waiting for answers in the comments!

    • 2.1. Some tips for successfully starting your business
    • Business idea No. 1. Opening a beauty salon
    • Business idea No. 2. Fast food on wheels
    • Business idea No. 3. Flower and houseplant shop
    • Business idea No. 4. Private kindergarten
    • Business idea No. 5. A husband for an hour is an ideal option!
    • Business idea No. 6. Production of keys
    • Business idea No. 7. Internet business in a small town
    • Other activities
  • 5. Conclusion

Each of us at least once in our lives thought about starting our own business. For some it is an escape from the office and a reluctance to waste time and knowledge “on someone else”, for some it is the need for self-realization, and for others it is the opportunity to independently manage personal time. But the most important criterion for everyone who wants to create their own business in a small town or large metropolis is financial freedom and an increase in living standards. At the same time, those eager to set sail on their own mistakenly believe that it is easier to succeed in large cities and metropolises than in small ones.

In order to refute this myth, let’s look at the concept of “small city”. As a rule, these are cities with a population of less than 50 thousand. And as practice shows, organizing and developing a business in a small city is much easier than in a large one.

In this article we will cover the following questions:

  • What are the pros and cons own business in a small town?
  • What is the best business to open in a small town?
  • What business ideas for a small city work in 2016 with minimal investment?
  • How to start your own business from scratch?

So, let's start to figure it out in order.

Selecting business ideas that can be implemented in a small town

1. Advantages of doing business in a small town

Pros ( + ) own business in a small town:

  1. Small starting capital. In small towns, business costs such as renting premises, utility bills, personnel costs and advertising are significantly lower.
  2. High efficiency of word of mouth. In small towns, the popularity of a product or service is largely due to acquaintances and personal reviews.
  3. There are quite a lot of empty niches due to the limited presence of goods and services. Many innovations appear in small towns with a considerable delay, which, undoubtedly, can be taken advantage of by “bringing” a business idea from a large city in which it has already been tested.
  4. Low competitive environment.

The main disadvantages ( - ) can be attributed to a limited potential audience (each client will be “worth its weight in gold”) and rather low purchasing power (in small towns, incomes are orders of magnitude lower than those of residents of large cities).

2. What new business can you open in a small town?

There is an opinion that it is real profitable business you can only open in a big city, and in a small city there is no point in trying, but this is not so. Of course, the specifics of the business will differ from business in large cities, but the income will not be long in coming. Moreover, there are many more small towns in Russia than large ones, and it will be more profitable and easier to develop your business in such a city.

Tip 1. The first thing you will need to do is to carefully consider what type of business you will be involved in from a profit point of view.

The most important thing is to find out what services the population in your city needs.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel again; you need to know that a catering establishment or a hairdresser will always take root in the city center, and 24-hour stalls will be in demand on the outskirts.

Tip 2. When choosing the type of activity for your business, you should always take into account your inclinations and talents in a particular area. It is important that you like your business, otherwise you will not be able to achieve success.

It will be best if you start doing what you know how to do best.

So, if you know how to cook well, have a long-dusty diploma as a catering technologist or cook, or maybe you work in this profession, then, of course, you should connect your new business with your old one. Believe me, this will protect you from many difficulties associated with the subsequent opening and organization of the entire business. Knowing the basics and having skills in a certain area, in your case, should be assessed as a huge bonus that will help you out more than once in the future.

2.2. An interesting solution for starting your own business

It is worth considering what at first glance is a completely frivolous type of business, like tutoring. It is notable for the fact that it requires almost no investment, but the income appears immediately and you do not have to wait for years for the business to pay off.

Remember! Perhaps you are good at drawing, or play the guitar or piano, or maybe you know English well?

Now this kind of business is gaining more and more momentum, people are happy to send their children to study, or go to private teachers themselves for a lower fee than specialized clubs with professional teachers offer them. Moreover, this is a chance for you to minimize the risks that any beginning entrepreneur will inevitably face. Because such a business is much more mobile, does not represent technical complexity and quickly reaches the break-even point, taking into account the minimum initial investment.

If, nevertheless, you could not figure out what exactly is best for you to do, then proceed from the principle of which service areas are most in demand. A grocery store is always a win-win because people are always in need of food. But it is worth considering the location of your store in the city, because if there is a large, well-known grocery store nearby, the chance of making a good profit in this place will be significantly reduced.

Ideas for business in a small town: what kind of business to open

3. Business ideas for a small city: with and without investments

Organizing any business implies the presence or absence of initial investments. Small town business is no exception. Not every business requires investment.

Here's a list of some ideas that don't cost you anything.

3.1. Business ideas without investment in a small town

  • Tutoring. Are you well versed in a particular area? Do you have teaching experience in educational institutions? Are you fluent in a musical instrument? Then this type of activity is for you. Place advertisements and recruit students.
  • Cleaning services. Every housewife has cleaning products at hand. Tidying up the office, helping with cleaning after festive events - all this is a reason to offer your services and start earning money. If you wish, you can organize a whole group of such assistants and grow into a large cleaning company.
  • Fluent in a foreign language - make translations.
  • I have a sewing machine and experience working with it - sell mini-atelier and clothing repair services. This type of service is always in demand, especially in small towns where buying new clothes involves significant expenses.

And this is not a complete list. Here are more examples: accompanying children, walking pets, transporting in a personal car - it’s worth taking a fresh look at your talents and skills, and you’ll find something to your liking.

If you have small cash savings at your disposal, the scope of searching for your own business for a small city expands significantly.

3.2. Ideas for business in a small town with minimal investment

  • A “husband for an hour” service. The higher your qualifications, the wider your client base will be. Minor home repairs, restoration of damaged items, plumbing work and electrician services - all this requires qualifications and a small set of tools, which will become your first investment. Required amount at the start: from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
  • Haircuts, hairstyles, braiding– a very relevant type of service today. Investments include the cost of tools and styling products. This amount will not exceed three thousand rubles. If necessary, you can complete hairdressing courses. This is still 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Creation and sale of handmade goods: soap, jewelry, cards, invitations, hair jewelry, decor for festive events. Material costs will not exceed 2000-3000 rubles. Recipes and master classes can be found on thematic forums and websites.

Read also how you can earn money with minimal investment in.

3.3. Starting your own business from scratch for a small (small) city with investments

If you are ready to invest the amount in start-up capital from 100 000 rubles and higher, then the expected profit will be higher than with little or no costs. Below are business ideas suitable for a small town involving significant funds:

  • Produse store. A balanced assortment and low prices are the secret of success. No expensive exotics or exclusives. A neighborhood store with affordable, high-quality products will quickly become a local favorite. Costs for rent, equipment and personnel: from 100,000 rubles. (See How to open an online store from scratch - detailed instructions)
  • Salon. The beauty industry is always popular in any locality. Particular attention should be paid to personnel selection. It is the masters who will either make your business successful or “sink” it. Expenses: from 50,000 - 100,000 rubles.
  • Auto repair shop/tire shop. A few skillful hands and an influx of clients is guaranteed. In this type of business, geography of location also becomes a decisive factor. When choosing a location, focus on areas with high motorist traffic. Attachments: 50,000 – 100,000 rubles.
  • Bakery. Hot baked goods will make people line up for you every morning. And if you introduce new items into the assortment, such as: pies and cakes to order, European pastries (strudels, croissants, snacks, etc.), then the success of your business will be ensured. Naturally, for a business such as a bakery, the presence of a competent baker-technologist becomes an important nuance. Investments, taking into account all the requirements for food establishments, will be not less than 150,000 rubles.

We have provided a list of business ideas that can be implemented in a small town with minimal investment or without significant financial costs. Next, we will consider ideas that successfully work and were tested by many entrepreneurs in 2016 in a small town, in more detail.

3.4. Business idea: apartment building or hostel

An excellent way to make money in a small city can be the construction or arrangement of a small apartment building or hostel. All that is needed to implement such an idea is to apply for a loan from a bank, buy, rent or build an individual house of a large area and divide it into several apartments.

The simplest option from those listed is to rent a finished house with an area of ​​100-120 square meters using credit funds. meters, divide it into 3-5 apartments and rent out the property. This scheme can fully recoup all costs and achieve net profit in 2-3 months. You can also open a hostel in your home using this method; in small towns, the demand for hostels today is quite high. If you are interested in this earning scheme, we advise you to download our free course on how to buy an apartment building and earn from 100 to 300 thousand rubles per month.

How to purchase an apartment building

Download your free business plan

Watch a video from our specialist on how to organize a rental business in 44 days:

4. Profitable ideas for a small town

Business idea No. 1. Opening a beauty salon

Beauty will always be a successfully sold product. Girls who often visit such establishments and take good care of themselves, men who need a simple half-cut, a grandmother who is used to trimming her hair on the last Fridays of the month, and a child who needs his bangs cut will come to your hairdresser. In a word, these services will always sell well, especially if you guess the best location.

There are several business models. The first is an economical option. This is the best one to open in a small town where unsophisticated residents live. Services should be the most ordinary. There is a hairdresser here, a well-functioning nail service, and light cosmetic services (eyebrow plucking and tinting, etc.).

A beauty salon is a business that will always be in demand among the population of a small town

The second model is called business class. A makeup stylist, professional hairdressers, cosmetologists with medical education can already work here, who carry out procedures such as deep peelings, tattooing, and there is a solarium in the salon. To open a salon of this level, you will need to study the market of your city very well, because such a salon will “live” only where people have at least average income.

Don’t forget about the requirements and taxes that apply to all beauty salons, and if you keep cosmetology, it will be much more complicated, since cosmetic procedures must only be carried out by a doctor with a higher medical education specializing in “therapeutic cosmetology.” There are no such strict requirements for other personnel.

If you are planning to provide a massage service in your salon, then the conditions for maintaining staff here are more loyal. Massage can be performed by a specialist with specialized secondary specialized medical education. If you decide to provide such services in your salon, you will have to provide a list of documents to RosZdravNadzor. All preparations for opening a salon will take you at least a year. So if you want to start your own business from scratch in this area, you will have to be patient.

Business idea No. 2. Fast food on wheels

A mobile food outlet will bring good income, and the costs of opening such a business will be minimal. On the Russian market, a van for fast food will cost you about $9,000. Previously, such vans could only be purchased abroad and for a large fee, but now several companies in Russia are engaged in their manufacture and the solution to this problem has been significantly simplified. The simplest van model offered by the Russian manufacturer Avtokholod costs approximately $5,000. This model is only suitable for cooking grilled chicken and shawarma and is not durable at all. The service life of the van is no more than 7 years.

Mobile food outlet-coffee shop - as a type of business that can always be opened in a small town

This business can be opened if you have a win-win point in mind where it would be possible to open a stall of this type. And don’t forget that placing such stalls in any places you like is prohibited. Each location will need to be agreed upon with the city administration; often you will be asked to move to another location. You also need to be prepared for this, including in a small city, where competition seems to be not as great as in megacities.

Business idea No. 3. Flower and houseplant shop

Flowers are not vital, but oddly enough, they are a very popular product in the country’s markets. Especially during the main holidays: March 8, September 1, New Year. Also, flowers are often needed on a weekday - on a date, as a thank you to someone for a service or to a teacher at the university.

To open such a business you will need about 10000 $ . Of course, you may be able to save money, but it’s still better to focus on just that amount. An area of ​​18-20 square meters is enough to open a small flower shop. The best store location will be near a large shopping center, if there is one in your city, or a large grocery store.

Photo of a flower shop

Also remember that a transparent display window well decorated with flowers, which attracts the eyes of passers-by, always outperforms the usual “Flower Shop” sign. The brighter the appearance of such a store, the more potential customers it will attract.

When everything has been decided with the paperwork, it’s time to rent a suitable room. Remember that traffic for a flower shop, as for any other type of business that involves sales, is critical. Think carefully about this aspect, and although renting a room near a large shopping center or store will be much more expensive than in a residential area, most likely the result will be much more effective.

It will be quite easy to negotiate with flower suppliers. Nowadays, there are many wholesale stores that specialize in flowers, and you can find out about them simply by using Internet resources. But don’t rush into cooperation with the first companies you come across; it is quite possible that after searching longer you will find a more profitable option for you, albeit less advertised.

At the beginning of your journey, you can hire two florists who would work in shifts. First buy only flowers that remain fresh for a long time. These are roses, gerberas, chrysanthemums. Indoor plants include phalaenopsis and anthurium orchids. It will be better if you understand at least a little about flowers and indoor plants, this will greatly facilitate your affairs and create understanding between you and your florists.

Business idea No. 4. Private kindergarten

In the current situation in Russia, the situation with government institutions, especially with kindergartens, leaves much to be desired. The costs of opening this business will not be small and you can’t expect it to pay off in the first year either. But there is good news: with persistence, patience and a good reputation, you have every chance of achieving excellent success in this area and existing for a very long time. Rumors about a good private kindergarten will spread throughout the city in an instant and you will not have a shortage of clients. But you need to remember that this type of business is very specific. Without proper love for children and your work in this field, you are unlikely to succeed.

Private kindergarten - as an example of a business for starting a business in a small town

Moreover, such establishments are always under the watchful eye of government agencies and are strictly checked by all possible authorities. Moreover, if you do not have the necessary pedagogical education, you will not be able to open such a business.

The premises of a private kindergarten must be at least 4 square meters per pupil. There are also separate rooms for sleeping, eating, and playing. A medical room is also considered mandatory. You will need special furniture and a separate entrance to the kindergarten. All personnel must have a pedagogical education. Work experience in this field and love for children should be the main arguments when hiring teachers and nannies.

To summarize, we can say that to open such an establishment you will need about 700,000 rubles. The amount is not small, but if you love children and are ready to dedicate your business to them, go for it, because the main argument is always your desire!

Business idea No. 5. A husband for an hour is an ideal option!

Probably the simplest and most inexpensive business would be “husband for an hour.” Of course, you will have to spend money on various tools and small spare parts, which you can then sell to your customers for a little more than what you bought them for. These will be switches, sockets, bolts, locks, possibly some parts of plumbing, light bulbs, etc. The range of your services will also be very diverse, so if you have gaps in any skills, they will need to be addressed as quickly as possible. Here is a list of services that you will definitely need to be able to do:

  • Elimination of breakdowns related to plumbing;
  • Repair of household appliances;
  • Furniture assembly;
  • Repair and replacement of sockets, switches;
  • Installation of satellite dishes, chandeliers, toilets, cisterns, etc.

And this is not the entire list that you will have to learn to do quickly and efficiently. The business plan will need to take into account that some tools will be more convenient to rent rather than buy, at least at first. Because it often happens that an expensive tool will be needed only a few times over the entire period of time and simply cannot pay for itself.

You should also take into account that carrying out this work without a vehicle will be very problematic, so it will be a huge plus if you already have a car. If not yet, then you should think about purchasing it.

Registering such a business will be very easy compared to many others. In this case, registration as an individual entrepreneur will be enough to open a business, with an income tax form UTII(Read the article on how to open an individual entrepreneur). All initial costs for such a business will be no more than 50,000 rubles(including uniform, protective gloves and other necessary parts).

And remember 90% The success of such a business depends on advertising. Do not spare money, use any possible means of advertising your business. This includes a running line, and advertising in newspapers and magazines in the city; you can post advertisements on houses and stands. There is another bonus of this business - for short time you can attract regular customers, who will subsequently bring the main profit.

Business idea No. 6. Production of keys

Agree, each of us has resorted to a key making service. This service always remains and will remain in demand, even in a small town. You don’t have to be a master in this matter to start doing it.

Nowadays there are key making machines that do everything for you, and learning how to use one won’t be too difficult. Only, if you decide to get into this business, you need to be well aware of your competitors. After all, keys are not something that people buy every day. If there is already such a stall somewhere nearby, then it’s not worth taking on this business.

One domestically produced machine will cost you $1000. You can always find cheap spare parts for it and repairs will also not be expensive, and domestic machines are also different high quality, so you will almost certainly choose it. You should not buy Chinese machines. Practice shows that their quality is much inferior to Russian ones, although the price is somewhat lower.

An ordinary stall is usually chosen for the premises, but you can also rent a small corner in a large store. Perhaps the latter option will be more profitable, since the stalls, as described above, are often subject to attacks from the city administration and perhaps at some point you will be asked to move it to another location, which will cause you to suffer significant losses.

Business idea No. 7. Internet business in a small town

Today more and more successful entrepreneurs organize an online business that brings a stable income. There are many types of services and products being ordered online, so why not start making money from it?

There are a lot of options for organizing an Internet business. To choose the most optimal one for yourself, we recommend downloading and studying our free course on how to start your own business from scratch on the Internet.

Other activities

Here are a few other business ideas for a small town and the minimum investment required to open them:

  • Organization of holidays and events (from 10,000 rubles);
  • Website creation (etc.) (from 40,000 rubles);
  • Selling kvass (from 80,000 rubles);
  • Growing vegetables and other crops (from 50,000 rubles).

In conclusion, we note that in any business you need to follow several important rules, without which you will either fail or have serious problems.

  1. Monitor your business's reputation! You can't even imagine how well word of mouth works in a small town. Every person, before deciding on any service, especially during a crisis, will think very carefully and perhaps ask his acquaintances and friends about the services of the organization he wants to contact. In this case, almost 100% of success depends on how your customers respond to you.
  2. We recommend focusing on the quality and reasonable affordable price of the product you are selling. Having established yourself as a good specialist, you will see how soon your hard work and perseverance will begin to bear fruit.
  3. Don't forget how important advertising is for business. Every month, and more often at the very beginning, devote some time to submitting advertisements to newspapers and ticker tape. Most often, advertising is the key to the success of a newly opened business.

We have looked at only a few examples of what kind of business to open in a small town, since the list is endless. Choose something that you like, you will never get tired of it and then you will succeed!

  • Choose the most suitable business option for a small city
  • Create a business plan to implement a specific business idea
  • Download our free course on making money on the Internet from scratch if you want to start a successful Internet business in a small town
  • Take advantage of our courses and books on making money that will help you realize your business idea
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    How to earn your first quick money in a big city, even if you have no experience!

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    How to choose a way to earn your first legal money?

    How to earn regular income and attract clients?

    How to increase your average bill and work as efficiently as possible?

    What do you actually need to do to make money?

    Situations that make it awkward

    Has it ever happened in your life that you urgently needed extra money? For example, you urgently need money to visit the dentist because you can no longer endure and continue to walk with such teeth.

    Or your girlfriend’s birthday or other holiday is approaching, she gently hinted at an expensive gift, but this gift does not fit into your budget.

    Or the girl with whom you lived so happily suddenly said that she was pregnant! And it seems like everything is fine with you, and you have enough money, and the salary at work is okay, but it’s there. But you still feel terrible anxiety, you start counting all the expenses, looking for good Doctors, additional courses for your wife, you need to get married quickly.

    In general, you get the feeling that there is money, but if there is a little more, it will not be superfluous.

    Do you have a feeling of boredom and blandness in life?

    Or perhaps you simply have free time after your main activity and would like to further monetize it. Why not? If you have time and desire, you are always welcome.

    In addition, diversify your life and get new experience is never superfluous)


    Last year I found myself in a situation where the activity that brought me my main income stopped bringing it to me. And the money was very necessary, since there were constant payments in the form of rent and household expenses.

    The first thought that came to my mind was naturally getting a job. But my conscience gnawed at me in my soul. How so. Quit your business just because you encounter difficulties. Shouldn’t continue it, but cowardly run away to work? How will you look at yourself in a few years, remembering this incident?

    And then I decided that, as a last resort, I would always have time to get a job, but my own business requires attention and time. And that’s why I need a part-time job so that I can plan my time myself and do it in my free time from other activities.

    How I looked for a job

    And I started looking for a bunch of different information about part-time jobs online.

    I came across MLMers who promised passive income of $100 a day, you just need to buy their miracle powder, I came across vacancies for security guards, where you had to sit all day and stare at the monitor depicting the security of the entire system, I came across one-time vacancies for the position of courier , but the requirements were in most cases it was necessary to make 3-5 deliveries per day and the salary was piecework. No one could predict the delivery time and in fact you had to sit on the alert and wait for them to call you and give you your order.

    Taxi experience

    And then I saw an offer to work in a taxi with a personal car. I had a car. And I decided to try what it was like to drive clients.

    I would like to note that in general, I liked driving a car.

    You know what I noticed while communicating with some fellow taxi drivers. Each of them has their own difficult and interesting life. Many people work normal jobs most of the time, and earn extra money in the evenings, just to have extra savings. And also because many of them are quite tired of drinking beer in front of the TV.

    Many of them enjoy constant live communication with people. It’s like you’re in a theater, and in every act there’s a new hero in front of you. If you are sociable enough, your new hero will share his story with you. He will show you the world from his point of view.

    And after all this he will also pay money)

    Some of the taxi drivers were simply fired from their jobs. Some have never even worked at work, surviving on some kind of income. Those who serve in the army and there is no possibility of official employment.

    I understand that in general it can be said that being a taxi driver is quite tedious and boring. That you often have to deal with drunk passengers, that you can run into someone, and much more.

    It's actually quite fun

    Honestly, at the very beginning, such thoughts also scared me. But during all this time there was not a single conflict incident. And my idea of ​​working in a taxi changed to the exact opposite. See what benefits you get:

    You just ride around the city and listen to music or chat about interesting topics

    When you're alone in the car you have plenty of time to just daydream.

    Every day you communicate with new people!

    Spend a lot of time listening to audiobooks, lectures, trainings and you have a great opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in a conversation if the moment is right

    You are not tied to a specific working time or a specific place

    Fulfilling orders, you move throughout the city, and you can combine this with your business and trips

    You have the opportunity to find out the requests and needs of living people of different social status and status

    After 3-4 months of listening to audio materials in English for 40 minutes a day, you will be able to understand and explain simple things to a foreigner who does not speak Russian

    Your driving skill improves with every trip

    You get paid for all this!!!

    If everything were that simple, you might think, then everyone would already be working as a taxi driver.

    Let's be honest, everyone can't drive a taxi. Firstly, not everyone likes to drive a car, not everyone knows how to do it.

    Secondly, not everyone wants to do this. Thirdly, not everyone understands that to work in a taxi, all you need to do is make a few phone calls and you can start working.

    You may object and say that this is a rather dangerous activity. Well, yes. It's much safer to sit and do nothing. Continuing to remain with the level of income that you already have.

    Everything you read about here and everything you strive for is real. This is real exactly as much as you want it, and what actions you take for this.

    Personal experience

    Let me give you a few examples from personal experience. Fulfilling one of the orders from the center to Nakhimovskaya, I took a client. While we were driving we talked a little about life, about the roads, about the specifics. When we were already approaching our destination, the client suddenly asked me the question: “Do you by any chance need a job?” In principle, I didn’t need a job, but my interest took its toll. I inquired about the work and the man said that he was the head of a construction company and was looking for a personal driver. Drive an executive car. Salary + bonus for overtime. I refused, but asked why he offered this to me? What prompted him?

    He thought about it and said that he looked at the driving style, talked and, in general, would like to see such a driver in his place.

    Why am I telling this? Not to the point that I have become a good driver, but to the fact that your life can change at any moment. Your chance could come knocking at any minute. Your task is to create as many of these minutes as possible so that the chance has more chances).

    Another time I came across a man whom I was driving home. He celebrated his dismissal from the company with friends. He was a little drunk, but not drunk. He was already aged and gray-haired.

    Naturally, along the road, and we drove long and far, he began to tell me about how difficult it was for him to live in life. About the fact that he was surrounded entirely by despot bosses, and no one gave him passage. At his last job, he actually worked as a courier, delivering documents to organizations and sometimes it got to the point where he didn’t even have time to go to the toilet.

    At first I listened, simply resigning myself to the idea that I had nowhere to escape and would have to agree sometimes.

    But then I had a silent question. This man lived his whole life doing something he never liked. Why was he doing this?

    I started asking him some leading questions: did he generally like his profession? What does he like most in life? What was his salary?

    And to my horror, I discovered that this adult, who had already lived most of his life, could not answer me unequivocally, what does he like to do most?

    What’s even worse, he said that he worked at his last job for a salary of a little more than 25,000 rubles, and at the same time he hated his boss, some colleagues, and also worked overtime, and also traveled around the city a lot as a courier (who knows what that is? , he will understand how tiring it can be in a big city).

    This got me thinking

    This man gave me great food for thought. Thanks to him, I began to think about what fascinates me. I started asking this to different people. And I communicated with dozens of different people, complete strangers to me. Some of them paint soldiers, some treat teeth and are interested in this and develop in this area, some breed aquarium fish, some are interested in working in large international projects

    I also worked as a courier

    I found an advertisement on the Internet that a courier was required and called this advertisement. I carried out various orders, on foot and by car. And I liked it too, because almost every time I had access to business owners or decision makers. I could ask them directly about their problems.

    I could find out the location of their suppliers. By the way, this is how I discovered one of the large suppliers of leather bags. They provide a service in which anyone can create their own online store and integrate their storefront into their website. It turns out that you do not need to have your own warehouse, everything is stored in the supplier’s warehouse. And when you receive an order, you buy the model you need and transfer it to the client. A simple, understandable and maximally risk-free scheme for starting your business.

    But I digress.

    It's not quite what you think

    I want you to understand one more thing. Such a part-time job is not only about working as a taxi driver and courier. This is a communication skill. This is a communication skill. This is one of the steps that will help you see the next step. This is the skill of listening to people and making the best suggestions.

    In general, come, it will be fun.

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