Top loneliness: why entrepreneurs join business clubs. Where to find a business partner The influence of our words on business

Moscow is the center of concentration of the richest and most successful men. That is why the capital attracts girls from different parts of the country to find an eligible groom.

Psychologists have long established that the most important thing in making a dream come true is the correct formulation of your goal. By sending your thoughts into the universe about the desire to meet a rich prince, you increase your chances of turning them into reality. However, it is not enough to rely only on luck. To achieve the goal, you must also make your own efforts. If you do not want a poor simpleton as your wife, but a respectable and wealthy handsome man, then it is important to look for your happiness in the right places. Where can you meet a rich man in Moscow?

11 “fishy” places to find a rich groom in the capital

When you start hunting for millionaires, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Remember that even lottery tickets are not free. And to find a noble groom, you will have to spend a decent amount on your own appearance, self-education and visiting prestigious places in order to enter the social circle of the social elite.

If you want to find a rich boyfriend, then first of all it is important to understand the lifestyle of eligible bachelors and visit the places where representatives of the capital's elite most often spend their free time.

To increase your chances of success, follow a number of rules:

  • try to settle in one of the elite areas of the capital, Moscow region or Moscow region (Ostozhenka, Patriarch's Ponds, Arbat, Tverskaya, Rublyovka, Barvikha) or take walks in these places more often with your girlfriends;
  • visit expensive restaurants;
  • at lunchtime, stop by the cafes located next to the State Duma;
  • visit the lobby bars of prestigious hotels;
  • sign up for an elite fitness club;
  • try to get a job at the Moscow City business center;
  • stroll through expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital, including those designed for respectable men;
  • use the services of elite marriage agencies;
  • place your portfolio in the VIP matchmaker database;
  • start a new hobby that wealthy people choose (golf, tennis, collecting rare things, sailing);
  • take part in charity events.

5 tips on where to meet a wealthy man in Moscow

5 tips will help you move on to an active search for a worthy man and increase your chances of a successful acquaintance.

  1. Girlfriends' experience. Ask your friends who are already in relationships with rich gentlemen how they managed to catch the “goldfish”. Try to find out information about where such men often go and how you can meet them. Ask your wealthy girlfriends to introduce you to promising bachelors from their social circle and don’t forget to invite you to private parties.
  2. Study gossip columns to understand the interests of modern rich people and the places where they like to relax. These could be thematic exhibitions, restaurants, private clubs. No one has canceled meeting people at parties, but you have a much better chance of meeting successfully at extreme driving courses, quests in Moscow, and board game clubs.
  3. Useful acquaintances. Wealthy male friends can become your guide to closed events, where eligible bachelors most often live. You can always ask for a private party or an interesting exhibition.
  4. Business centers. Remember that rich men devote most of their time to work or business. Most often, such wealthy grooms “settle” in business centers. That is why you should visit such places as often as possible.
  5. Trainings and courses for personal growth. There is a direct relationship between a man’s financial condition and the development of his intelligence. Rich men constantly improve themselves and gain new knowledge. Business training is a great opportunity to understand how rich people think and to be a little closer to them.

Health problems forced the entrepreneur to think about other people. “Facing the fear of death, I realized that I had not done enough in this life. What will be left after me? - says Hartmann. He compiled a spreadsheet in Excel in which he listed more than a thousand non-profit projects of famous businessmen, and then selected from them those that they created in the last three months of their lives: “I saw that half of the successful entrepreneurs left their capital in favor of gifted people - in the form scholarships, grants, technology business support. This was not an obvious option for me - after all, you can give it to starving children.”

Hartmann shared his thoughts with Rybakov, with whom they had already discussed what could be done to improve the business environment in Russia. “The government usually tries to help business by improving conditions: access to capital and so on,” says Hartmann. — Well, Russia has risen to 84th place in the Doing Business ranking in five years, and has it become easier? What needs to be changed is what is inside a person. This is how we came across the idea of ​​business clubs, which has proven itself well in the West.” Having studied foreign experience, Rybakov and Hartmann created two clubs for entrepreneurs.

The first of them, R2, was conceived as a meeting place for owners of companies with an annual turnover of 200 million rubles or more, where they could talk about their difficulties. “In a group of 8-12 people there will always be someone who managed to solve the same problem that torments you,” explains Rybakov.

Currently, R2 consists of 40 entrepreneurs, divided into four groups, including only one woman. Getting into the club is not so easy: you need to go through a telephone and personal interview with the leader of the group, here they are called masters. Each group member must then approve the candidate. There are several rules of the club: group members should not belong to the same business area and cannot be relatives. “They have to immediately ask strangers for help, and it should be comfortable. The problems are serious: the tax authorities have made their business a nightmare, others are entering countries whose culture they do not understand,” says the head of the R2 club, Kirill Krasnov. The cost of an annual subscription to the club varies from 510 thousand to 800 thousand rubles. depending on the composition of the group. Such a high amount, according to Krasnov, confirms the seriousness of intentions and at the same time guarantees that club members are at approximately the same level.

Group masters help keep the conversation on topic and not get lost in conversations about life. “Company owners are often antisocial people,” explains Krasnov. — One of our businessmen once said that those around him since childhood considered him strange and did not take him to the team. The only way to find a team was to create your own.” Among the experts are directors of the Russian divisions of TetraPak​, IKEA, etc. “We don’t hire coaches: if you’ve never been responsible for people and money, you won’t be useful,” says Krasnov.

The only format of events is meetings within the club once a month. Each person takes turns telling how things are going in business, what’s going on in the family and how he himself feels. The speaker is asked questions, and a discussion of his problem begins. “It happens like this with us. The first one says: everything is bad on the family front, I’m getting a divorce; the second says: I too am getting a divorce; third: me too. Fourth: wait, now it’s my turn, and I’ll tell you how my wife left me,” Krasnov recalls. Meetings sometimes drag on for eight to ten hours. One of the principles is that you should not interrupt under any circumstances: according to Krasnov, this is how club members learn to listen and train a rare skill for a manager - to be understandable.

“At the first meeting, I already received the necessary expert opinion and the necessary contacts,” recalls R2 club member Kirill Kazantsev, CEO of the I-Retail company, which installs online cash registers. “But I haven’t given up visiting: I expect the club to broaden my consciousness, I want to believe that I can enter the international market.”

Entrepreneurs do monthly tracking to see if they have achieved their goals. “The most important thing in R2 is the environment that allows you to maintain focus on your goals,” says Ivan Krasilnikov, owner of the Zoloto Trade wholesale company. “We constantly fall into the routine of operating activities, but here we are pulled out of the process every month, and we can look at our business from the outside.” His goal is to increase profits to 1 billion rubles. per year (at the end of 2016 it was about 120 million rubles). Without disclosing details, Krasilnikov says that one of the meetings in the group prompted him to make a decision that brought about 2 million rubles to the company’s cash desk.

Hartmann, however, believes that it is too early to talk about results: “We are not some kind of TV store, we cannot have quick, beautiful results. The most important things in life do not work quickly.”

Photo: press service of the Rybakov Fund

Mentor to help

Unlike R2, Equium is aimed at the so-called gazelles - founders and owners of fast-growing businesses, usually small and medium-sized ones. “The country doesn’t need more startups: there are enough of them being created. We need more scale-ups—companies that grow quickly,” says Hartmann. “And many small and medium-sized companies, when they reach a certain size, do not want to grow further - they are afraid.”

At Equium, each entrepreneur chooses a mentor - a successful manager with a good reputation, who weekly holds a two-hour conversation with a club resident - in person or via Skype. Mentors are not paid a salary; as a rule, they are simply interested in sharing their experience with colleagues . Mentors include, for example, the founder of the Svyaznoy network Maxim Nogotkov and the CEO of Danny Perekalsky. “But we do not specifically seek to attract well-known entrepreneurs; most often, managers of companies such as Evraz, Sibur, TechnoNikol work as mentors - not CEOs or media persons, but very strong specialists,” says the head of Equium, Egor Evlannikov.

The reporting period is four months: during this time, the entrepreneur must solve a specific problem. If necessary, the mentor attracts other consultants, helps you find contacts, and introduces you to the right people. “The participants have different goals, but one of them is usually to increase turnover several times,” shares Evlannikov. For example, the company of club member Yuri Petrov YCLIENTS (the main product is a cloud platform that automates business processes in beauty salons) has grown three times over the past year. Another member of Equium, Fedor Zhernovoy, general director of the Belgorod company Information Technology Factory, with the help of his mentor Maxim Nogotkov, introduced a system for attracting and developing talented personnel, which allowed saving about 10 million rubles on headhunter services.

Getting into Equium is easier than getting into R2: they hire general directors of companies with a turnover of 30 million rubles or more. and growth dynamics of 20% per year. They don’t check the accounting; they usually take their word for it. There is no need to obtain the approval of other members, and the annual fee is 200 thousand rubles.

In addition to working with a mentor, the club practices several other event formats. Every month all residents gather for a “board of directors” where they exchange experiences. Sometimes round tables are held, at which invited experts examine cases of specific companies owned by residents, as well as business breakfasts, where invited speakers speak.

Now there are 26 entrepreneurs in the Moscow branch of Equium and another 14 in the recently opened branches in Saratov and Belgorod; there are only two women in Equium. How long are entrepreneurs going to communicate? “The average lifespan of such groups around the world is five to seven years. In Russia, where companies grow faster on average, it may be somewhat shorter,” Krasnov believes.

For Igor Rybakov himself, business clubs are part of his charitable initiative, although he requires them to be self-sustaining. According to the entrepreneur, R2 is already making a profit, and Equium should become profitable in 2018.

Business clubs in numbers

24 thousand participants in the oldest international business club - New York YPO. It's been around for 67 years

2.5 times faster others are growing companies whose CEOs are members of large business clubs

$15 thousand per year- the highest price for an annual subscription, this is what Vistage club members from California (USA) pay

$4.7 million in year Residents of the international Entrepreneurs Organization, whose headquarters are located in Virginia (USA), earn on average

Sources: YPO, Vistage,, Rybakov Fund

"Businessmen" on the warpath

One of the oldest business clubs is Delovar, which has been operating since 2003. Its branches exist in 15 cities, including not only Russian Moscow, Saransk, Izhevsk, Penza, Krasnoyarsk, etc., but also Barcelona and Prague.

According to the president of the Moscow branch of Delovar, Lyudmila Lunkova, the club appeared completely by accident - she and six of her entrepreneur friends met and spent time together: “We noticed that such meetings have a beneficial effect on the development of our companies. Together we found solutions to issues, the right scenarios for difficult situations, any necessary people.” Lunkova started an e-mail newsletter where she told everyone about the meetings of the informal circle: “People read and asked permission to come to us. At some point, we suddenly realized that a business club was born on its own.”

Now the Delovar club already has 300 members, and among the mailing addressees there are 350 thousand people. All members of the club are entrepreneurs: access is denied to a hired employee, even if he is the general director. There are no other clear selection criteria - they even accept startups who are willing to pay 35 thousand rubles for an annual subscription. The money goes towards maintaining the club premises on Frunzenskaya.

Meetings take place twice a month and consist of two parts. First comes the thematic part. This could be a performance by invited stars (for example, the owner of the Dymov meat products factory Vadim Dymov, the founder of the Lebedev Studio Artemy Lebedev, etc. came). The second part is a coffee break: participants drink coffee and chat.

Other formats of events include seminars, business trainings and “boards of directors”, when owners of companies of the same level gather in groups of 15 people, helping one of the residents solve a problem. For an additional fee, Delovar organizes excursions to companies and enterprises; the tour guides are the owners themselves. And sometimes club members simply go on vacation together—in 2014, for example, they visited Kamchatka.

According to Lunkova, the main benefit for club members is acquaintances, which often turn into partnerships: “On the one hand, those who are just starting to create a business and do not yet know what exactly they want often come to the club. On the other hand, among the members there are many experienced entrepreneurs with experience who have ideas, money, employees and just don’t have a person who could lead a new project. And a newcomer to business often becomes such a junior partner.”

Club sections in other cities also appeared without a preliminary plan. “The initiative always comes not from us, but from entrepreneurs,” says Lunkova. “They come and say: “I want to open Delovar in my city.” We give all the instructions and ourselves hold the first meeting of the club in each city.” Foreign branches were opened by participants who decided to move to Europe for permanent residence.

The club does not track whether entrepreneurs achieve their goals. “But if an entrepreneur became a member of the club in 2006 and remains in 2017, paying a fee annually, he probably at least pays for these costs, right? — Lunkova smiles. “And more than 60% of our members joined the club more than five years ago and have been continuously renewing their membership since then.”

Lunkova does not disclose the financial results of Delovar’s work, but says that the club is covering its maintenance costs.

Photo: Business Family press service

Club for growth

Business clubs are created not only by communities of friends and reflective millionaires. Former analyst at the Moscow office of Citigroup Alexey Zharkov is trying to turn his Business Family club into an international business.

In 2012, Zharkov met the managing partner of the Moscow nightclub Soho Rooms, Artem Zvezdinsky, who came up with the idea of ​​making money from meetings by negotiating commissions with restaurants for attracting wealthy audiences. The partners founded the Business Family networking community and invested about 27 million rubles in it over five years.

Anyone can become a member of the club. Now there are more than 500 thousand people in the database, but meetings in bars and restaurants are usually attended by 100-300. Basic membership in the community is free, but approximately 5% of members have purchased paid accounts, which provide more features. For example, their owners are invited to some special events. Such an account costs up to 15 thousand rubles. For half a year.

According to Zharkov, community members have three main tasks: finding work, clients and dating for their personal life. “We do not fix the goals of each participant, but we help to recruit a new circle of contacts, which means we open up new opportunities,” says Zharkov. “We believe that if you make 100-150 new contacts per quarter, this will open up five to seven new opportunities in life in the form of projects, clients, work.” From time to time, Business Family also holds specialized industry meetings, which bring together entrepreneurs and employees of companies engaged in the general field - advertising, HR, IT, finance, etc. There are also just alumni meetings or get-togethers of people united by some kind of hobby.

The club takes an average of 30-50% commission from bars and restaurants on the cost of ordered dishes and drinks. But the main source of income for Business Family, which brings in up to 80% of revenue, is the organization of less frequent, but at the same time well-paid, private events for client companies - business breakfasts and conferences. “We attract the attention of a business audience that is very difficult to catch with advertising - middle managers of the largest Russian and foreign companies. This opens up opportunities for monetization through commercial events,” says Zharkov.

According to the latest data from SPARK, the revenue of Bizfam LLC in 2015 amounted to about 8 million rubles, the loss was 4 million rubles. Now the club, according to Zharkov, is making a profit, and turnover has increased significantly, but he does not disclose specific figures. “The ideal picture for me is to raise $2-3 million in investment, open branches in the 25-30 largest cities in the world, and then sell the company to LinkedIn. Our audiences are similar, and online without offline cannot exist in the long term,” Zharkov is sure.

Finding a business partner is quite a difficult task. The main reason is the negligible number of people potentially ready and able to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

By the way, there is one small paradox here. There are plenty of people who want to do business. So go out into the street during the day and ask the first ten passers-by you meet between the ages of 18 and 30: “Would you like to have your own business and stop working for your uncle?” I do not exclude that almost everyone will answer: “Of course, yes!”

In general, many people want to do business and this is a fact. But, if you continue the survey and ask: “Are you ready to quit your job tomorrow and start your own business? Are you ready to take out a loan to start a business? Are you ready to work 24 hours a day to achieve your goal? Are you ready to take blows from competitors and regulatory authorities? In the event of bankruptcy, do you have enough strength to get back on your feet, repay your debts and rush into battle with renewed vigor?”

I’m afraid that after a series of such questions, all ten passers-by you interviewed will answer: “No, I’ll probably continue to work for my uncle. Why do I need this business if they feed me so well?!”

Alas, the percentage of entrepreneurs is negligible. That’s why it’s not so easy to find a smart business partner. Not easy, but possible! If you want, you can achieve whatever you want. However, where to look for a business partner? You cannot search among friends and relatives - I spoke about this in detail. By the way, if anyone has not read it, I strongly recommend that you study this material thoroughly. Because there are a lot of valuable and useful recommendations related to the intricacies of choosing a business partner.

If you can’t search among close people, then where can you? And this is the right question! Companions for business are not on the shelves in stores, they cannot be found in queues for sausage (oh, what am I talking about - there are no such queues for a long time), there is no point in looking for them on dating sites and in the wardrobe, having suddenly returned from a business trip - all this not that. You need a smart search strategy!

Four effective ways to find a business partner

  1. 1. Good friends. Please do not confuse them with close friends - you cannot build a business with them under any circumstances. But with friends you can! Do you now understand who I mean? I'm talking about people with whom you somehow intersect or have intersected in life, occasionally communicate, have contact, but do not have close friendships. Naturally, you have a positive attitude towards them - you like them. These people, I believe, can be considered as potential companions.

    In relationships with them, it is possible to establish the distance necessary for effective work. You will also be able to easily distribute functional responsibilities among yourself and conclude an agreement on running a joint business. The main thing is not to get close. Remember:

    Close friendship between partners is detrimental to business.

  2. 2. Internet. We live in a dynamically developing age of high technology and cybernetics. The Internet has become a part of our lives. Why go far - the project site, on the pages of which you are now, is also an Internet resource. Communication on the Internet is a common occurrence for us. So why not start looking for a business partner via the Internet?

    There are plenty of places on the Internet where you can find like-minded people and potential partners for your future project. Here's a small list:

    Business forums– on such sites you can meet a lot of interesting people who will be happy to give you good advice and share their experience. Naturally, people interested in entrepreneurship communicate on forums dedicated to business topics, which means there is a high probability of finding a smart business partner there.

    Thematic forums. For example, you want to do . What’s stopping you from going to a thematic forum of home craftsmen or a forum dedicated to PVC windows? After all, this is where all your like-minded people, and possibly future partners, are located.

    Thematic groups on social networks. Social networks provide people with the opportunity not only to have fun on the Internet, but also to unite to communicate based on interests. Find business groups, as well as thematic groups on social networks and start searching for a potential partner.

    Entrepreneur blogs. Many entrepreneurs maintain personal blogs on the Internet. There they share their experiences with readers and also promote their products or services. These progressive-minded people are open to dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation. Pay attention to them!

  3. 3. Your director. Or maybe you don’t have to go far? Offer your boss a partnership! And what? He has experience, you know him well, there is a distance between you. If your idea is worthy of attention, if the boss senses potential in you, then there is a chance that he will respond to your proposal. However, I want to warn you:

    You cannot do business with an authoritarian leader.
    Partnership is the ability to hear each other and communicate as equals. Such relationships are real with a liberal leader. He will give you the opportunity to realize yourself and will not put pressure on you with his authority.

    If the boss is authoritarian, then you will remain an ordinary subordinate in his eyes. He will constantly put pressure on you, and also dictate his own rules of the game. Naturally, there can be no talk of any joint business with such a person.

  4. 4. Specialists from the field of your future business. Another interesting option is to offer a partnership to a person who is a good specialist in the field in which you plan to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

    After all, before you open your own business, you will conduct a market analysis, as well as communicate with people working in the field that interests you. It is possible that you will develop friendly relations with one of them, which could easily develop into a business partnership. Agree, it’s not bad when your partner is well acquainted with the “kitchen” of the future business.

Actually, that’s all I wanted to tell you about finding a companion, my friends. Now I am confident that you will cope with this task brilliantly. Therefore, I propose that we move on together to the next very important topic.

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This article is for businessmen and those who work for themselves. Or rather, for those who want to remain a winner under any circumstances. As you understand, it depends on your words. As in many other areas.

Let me remind you that our series is about how words affect our lives. From the Word of God we study the influence of the word. In the first four parts we looked at what and.

And here is the fifth part - words in business.

In this part of our study we will look at the influence of words in four areas of business

  1. Words in business speech.
  2. The influence of words on subordinates.
  3. Words during an interview.
  4. What words to say in difficulties.

Business communication. Conversation with partners, with clients.

For a successful businessman or a person who is going to start his own business, speaking ability is a very important aspect. It’s not easy to say whatever comes into your head, but to speak correctly and competently. A person must have communicative qualities of speech so that people would be drawn to him.

Communicative qualities of speech- This:

  • accuracy;
  • consistency;
  • right;
  • purity;
  • expressiveness;
  • relevance;
  • tolerance.

It turns out that our speech should be clean, correct, accurate and appropriate. It is thanks to what a businessman says that the success of his business will depend. The Bible says that: " The wicked is caught in the sins of his mouth; but the righteous will come out of trouble" Today there are many businessmen who are willing to lie, slander and hurt others for their own benefit. These wicked people will reap what they sow. And the righteous will succeed in everything.

Business communication in business

Every business has its own rules. And when it comes to business, then you can’t do without them, since everything you’ve invested yourself in is at stake. Business communication in business means not only competent speech, but also:

  1. First of all, punctuality. If a businessman allows himself to be late for business meetings, then no partner will want to have anything to do with such a person.
  2. Friendliness is also important. This is a smile, signs of approval with the head, a soft facial expression and pleasant words. Few people will want to deal with a rude person, but everyone will be drawn to a positive and friendly person.
  3. And, of course, competent speech. It is the ability to speak, to correctly express your thoughts and requirements, that play an important role in building a business. Speech in business communication is the key to success or failure.

In the book of Eccl.10:12 it is written: “ Words from the mouth of a wise man are grace, but the mouth of a fool destroys him.”

The impact of our words on business

Ps.33:6 " By the word of the Lord the heavens were created, and by the breath of his mouth all their hosts». Our God is good and merciful, and He created man in His image and likeness. The Lord created everything that surrounds us with the spirit of His mouth. And since we are created in His likeness, we are also given this enormous power to create something new.

In business, as in every person's life, there are difficult times. And even if something doesn’t go well or a deal doesn’t go through, this is not a reason to start saying that everything is bad. David knew better than anyone about the influence of words on our lives.

In Ps. 140:3 he asked God: “ Set, O Lord, a guard over my lips, and guard the doors of my lips.».

Proverbs 12:14 “ From the fruit of his mouth a man is satisfied with good things, and a man's reward is according to the works of his hands.».

Communication with subordinates. If the boss humiliates you.

An equally important component is communication with subordinates.

From my experience, the attitude of a boss towards his subordinates determines his internal self-esteem. For example, the boss humiliates them and insults them with words.

Anyone who does not invest himself in the development of his own employees will constantly be at the same level. I am writing this because I already have experience working as both a subordinate and a manager.

An example from real practice.

I worked as a manager in a web studio. One day a man came with a guy. A very young guy, and a middle-aged man. A normal working day, quiet and peaceful.

They wanted to order a website. When I asked what site it was, the guy began to say something confusingly. And the man shouted at him.

In the end, I did my job, spoke in detail about the development of the site, the timing, price, and clarified all the necessary information. And we said goodbye. We never saw each other again, but as far as I understand, they never redesigned the site.

And it’s clear why. It is very difficult to work with such a boss.

The Word of God speaks very simply about such people:

“Three make the earth shake; four it cannot bear: a slave when he becomes a king” (Proverbs 30:21-22)

When a person behaves like a slave, he is a slave, even if he occupies a high position. Only such a person humiliates all his subordinates.

Therefore, if you work for a slave boss, run away from him. And if you are a boss-slave, you only need it to get rid of internal slavery

Successful interview

If you are looking for a job, you will definitely have an interview. And during the interview, it is important to follow a few important tips:

  1. Be completely honest

Tell clearly about your goals, your plans and desires. This will have a positive impact on how you are perceived. And if your goals and plans coincide with the plans of management, you will definitely be hired.

  1. Don't flatter

Proverbs 28:23 He who reproaches a man will find greater favor later than he who flatters with his tongue.

Good example successful interview- in the story of Will Smith's hero from the film "The Pursuit of Happiness."

Difficulties in business. What words should I say?

The most difficult thing is to remain faithful in difficult circumstances.

When there is pressure, when there are fewer clients, the dollar is growing, there is a crisis - at this moment you cannot sin with your lips. Remember this

Moses was the meekest man in all the earth. But when he was greatly grieved, he sinned with his mouth. Here's what God's Word says about it:

Ps.105:33 For they grieved his spirit, and he sinned with his lips.

What words should I say then? Words of faith.

You need to proclaim words that will move mountains in your life. This is what Jesus said:

Mark 11:23 Have faith in God, for truly I say to you, if anyone says to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, whatever he says will be done for him.

Jesus did not talk about physical mountains, otherwise you and I would not have seen a single mountain by the year 2000. No, Jesus was talking about mountains in our lives.

There are several steps here:

  1. Tell the mountain;
  2. Do not doubt in your heart;
  3. Believe that your word will come true.

Then it will happen. Everything is very simple.

Therefore, speak words of faith. This is your hammer that will break any wall. Write out for yourself those scriptures that ignite your faith. And say them in faith, in prayer.

Here are some passages that speak of God's provision in the financial sector.

Deut.8:18 God gives me the power to acquire wealth, in order to fulfill, as now, His covenant, which He confirmed with an oath to your fathers.

Ps.22:1 The Lord is my shepherd; I won't need anything

Ps.33:10 there is no poverty for those who fear Him. I fear the Lord and therefore I have no poverty.

Phil.4:19 May my God supply all your need according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

One condition: the Word of God works in the lives of those who have renounced a sinful life and accepted God into their lives. If you haven't done this - then you need

This does not mean that there will be no more problems in your life. But this means that you can now overcome problems with God's Word!

Speak the right words into your life! And then no problem will be able to take hold of you.

Word of Encouragement

When there are difficulties in business, speak the Word of God. Because the Lord Himself stands behind His Word and He will fulfill It.

Jeremiah 1:12 “I am watchful for My word, that it may speedily be fulfilled.”

The importance of business communication between people cannot be overestimated. The fate of million-dollar contracts is often decided not by the optimal conditions of prices and delivery times of goods, but by the personal perception of the two contracting parties and the trust between them.

For most modern managers, business communication with the owner of the company is a particular problem, since it is very different from communication with managers of other ranks. How to convey the meaning of your project and find understanding from the “Supreme” government?

Brevity is the soul of wit

Any businessman, unlike an ordinary person, exists in a mode of continuous time pressure. The habit of filling your daily schedule with various activities as tightly as possible, appreciating every minute, is ingrained in him literally from childhood. Often, it is this skill that leads him to success in life. When communicating with him, try to be concise. There is no need for a lot of details; it is enough to formulate an idea and give a couple of numbers, for example, “opening a retail outlet in a given area will give us 30% profit per year with a starting investment of 1,500,000 rubles.” The ideal presentation is a short presentation, and all the details and calculations can be attached to it separately, in the form of a pile of Excel tables.

Low cost principle

Many owners of today's medium-sized trading and manufacturing companies with a turnover of billions of rubles a year grew up from small entrepreneurs. Having opened their own business in the “roaring nineties”, having modest starting capital, they got used to saving every penny. These people are skeptical about any costly ideas, be it placing expensive outdoor advertising or purchasing marketing research. Even having reached the heights of financial status, having luxury cars, apartments in the center of Moscow and a couple of cottages in prestigious suburbs, such a person will habitually save money in business projects. For this reason, and not out of natural harmfulness, he will “wrap up” most of your initiatives that do not meet the principle of least cost, no matter what brilliant ideas you formulate in your proposals.

Everything ingenious is simple

The beauty of simple solutions has delighted people at all times. Businessmen are no exception. The simpler your ideas, presentations or projects, the faster they will be understood by the owners. Try to avoid complex calculations and vague, even tempting prospects. Any businessman would be more willing to agree to a modest, but logical and reliable project, well supported by obvious facts, than to believe in castles in the air that you drew with great creative talent. Business lives by the principle: “What is right is what is rational.” Organizing a small stand at a specialized exhibition is rational, since the exhibition is a place where the target audience is concentrated. But advertising on federal channels is expensive and questionable from the point of view of refunds.

Involvement in the process

Show that work for you is not just a job, but a BUSINESS. Take on more responsibility, go beyond your own job description. Don't be afraid to overwork a little, it sends a clear signal to the owner that you care and are not just a random employee. Your involvement will pay off handsomely; career growth will not take long to arrive. This strategy has a psychological subtext - you become somewhat similar to the owner himself, but you do not have a share or legal claims to the business, which means you do not threaten it; on the contrary, you are ready to share the hardships of the work. The importance of such a person in the team definitely grows, especially compared to all the others who jump up from their office chair at 18:00 and run about their business.


When you decide to establish a relationship with the owner of the company, remember that he is a risky person. And don’t let it bother you that today he is wearing an expensive, respectable suit and a Swiss watch worth tens of thousands in hard currency. He once risked a lot, if not everything, to get his current status. Therefore, people who are incapable of action, who prefer a cozy, quiet rut, are unlikely to find respect from him. Healthy adventurism is appropriate, you just need to know the line and not cross it. Here lies the main difference between the owner and the General Director or other big bosses. Bosses love loyal stereotyped performers, since they themselves grew up from such pawns who followed the rules and respected ranks and titles. An entrepreneur is fundamentally different - he achieved heights thanks to the fact that he once violated all conceivable rules, went against the opinions of others, disregarded stereotypes, templates, and sometimes even official legislation, which is far from perfect.

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