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Businessmen 21. The most successful businessmen in the world

Do you know who is the most successful business me in Russia? You will probably immediately name such names as Prokhorov, Abramovich, Usmanov, Fridman and others. The success story of "old school" businessmen dates back to the 80s and 90s. The chronology of earning billions from these people is of the same type and is known to everyone. The 21st century is now in the yard - the time of new discoveries and the furious development of the IT industry. Some have gloriously succeeded in this and become successful millionaires at a fairly young age. Your attention is presented a list of "The most successful businessmen in Russia under 40". Of course, the leader in this area is Pavel Durov, but there are several more people who managed to make their multi-million dollar fortune before the age of 40. This article is a story about how successful businessmen in Runet become.

31 years old, founder and owner of the popular messenger Telegram. Net Worth - $1 Billion

In 2014, the number of users of the unique Telegram messenger was about 35 million people, and a year later there were more than 60 million (active monthly statistics). The trend of registering new users has continued to this day. In May 2015, Pavel Durov stated that 220,000 new users connect to the Telegram cross-platform application every day. If we estimate the scale of development of this project, then today the number of users should exceed 100 million people. The uniqueness and popularity of this messenger is immediately determined by the fact that the application itself is free and available for instant download and use. Also, an exceptional feature of Telegram is its confidentiality - all users of this social network can be sure that their correspondence will always be private and inaccessible to interception.

Unprecedented success of Durov after the launch of the social network "VKontakte"

Pavel Durov is a truly successful businessman and entrepreneur. The source of his wealth and popularity originates in the social network VKontakte, which he launched in 2006. This project has gained incredible popularity among the Russian-speaking population. This startup began to rapidly grow in mass. Having hooked every resident of the post-Soviet space into his social network, Pavel Durov very soon became a major millionaire, and the estimated value of VK exceeded $ 1.5 billion. For several years, Durov bought up shares on VKontakte. Pavel made millions of dollars doing it. In December 2014, Durov sold his last 12% of his own shares and ceased to be the owner of the most popular social network in Runet.

Pavel Durov's fortune

Little is known about Pavel's current life, because the billionaire does not like interviews and the press. In his Instagram, we can see photos from New York, then from San Francisco. Durov also often visits European capitals. It is known that Pavel is a true lover of picturesque nature. The young often visits the Finnish lakes, rests in Karelia and skis in Switzerland from time to time.

Today it has 1 billion dollars. He is the most successful young businessman in Russia. Pavel himself has repeatedly stated that the estimated value of Telegram varies from 3 to 4 billion dollars. He made these estimates based on what offers he received regarding the buyout of the Telegram messenger.

Ivan Tavrin: 39 years old, owner of YuTV Holding (USM Holdings). Net worth - $400 million

In 1996, while still a student at the MGIMO Faculty of Law, together with his friend, he founded advertising agency"Contract". In 2000, the agency's annual profits exceeded $10 million. In 2001, he founded a new company called Regional Media Group.

The area of ​​activity of RMG was still the same - the sale of media assets. In 2005, eight regional TV stations operated under the auspices of RMG. Tavrin's fortune at that time already totaled tens of millions of dollars, but the successful businessman went further. In 2010, Ivan Tavrin established the Media-1 holding, which was created to merge assets with AF Media Holding (which included well-known TV channels such as Muz-TV and 7TV), which was subsequently owned by the combined company became known as YuTV Holding. Thanks to this integration, Ivan Tavrin received a 50% stake from YuTV Holding.

To date, the state of Ivan Tavrin has about $ 400 million. In addition to owning shares in YuTV Holding, a successful businessman is a member of the board of directors of Kommersant, and also holds the post of CEO of Megafon.

Voinov brothers - Semyon and Efim, 33 years old: founders of Zeptolab. Net Worth - $250 million each

Successful modern Russian businessmen are even those who make mobile games. Such representatives are the Voinov brothers - the creators and developers of the most popular game for mobile phones Cut The Rope. In 2015, the game reached a new promising level - the Indian company Nazara Games bought the franchise from Zeptolab. The prospect of this deal is designed to capture the Indian subcontinent.

The mobile game Cut The Rope was released in 2010 and over the 5 years of its existence has acquired an audience of 750 million users. Along with this, Semyon and Efim Voinovs became big millionaires. The popularity of the Cut The Rope game is so great that the main character Om Nom became crowded on the screen of a mobile device - a whole series was dedicated to him, and in 2016 a whole cartoon about Om Nom was released.

The Voinov brothers are truly successful businessmen in Russia. They made their fortune by creating exciting games for mobile devices. The success story of Yefim and Semyon is truly amazing.

Little is known about the brothers' personal lives. Warriors do not like to give interviews and remain in the shadows from television cameras and the press.

Petr Kutis: 38, founder of OneTwoTrip. Net Worth - $130 Million

Successful Russian businessmen have also succeeded in the air ticket sales market. One of these representatives is Petr Kutis, the founder of OneTwoTrip. In 2014, online sales of airline tickets (including hotel and hotel reservations) totaled $11.2 billion worldwide. The indicator is very impressive, but analysts predict that the market will continue to grow and increase by 20-25% every year.

Experts believe that Kutis' fortune is about $ 130 million, but the businessman himself does not cover or comment on his financial affairs. It is known that in 2012 OneTwoTrip was invested in 25 million dollars by companies such as Phenomen Ventures ($9 million) and Atomico ($9 million). By the way, Atomico belongs to Skype co-founder Niklas Zennstrom. information that funds from Goldman Sachs ($8 million) and Vostok New Ventures ($4 million) were invested in OneTwoTrip in 2015. However, successful businessman Petr Kutis refuses to comment and reveal all the secrets of transactions .

Alexander Agapitov: 31, founder of Xsolla and Slemma. Net Worth - $125 million

Not all successful businessmen in Russia were excellent students in educational institutions. A clear example is Alexander Agapitov, who was expelled from the institute for low attendance. Alexander at a certain point stopped going to pairs, because he was doing his own work - he wrote a unique algorithm for analytics of bookmakers' websites. His software product was so successful that it predicted the outcome of sporting events with an 80% probability. Soon Agapitov launched his own service for paying for games via the Internet. The first development of the future millionaire was not doomed to a major success, but new ideas and developments were born along with it. After a while, the improved product began to gain success, and soon the service developed into Xsolla, which is headquartered in California. More than 700 payment systems around the world operate on the basis of Xsolla software. The estimated value of the company varies from 1 to 1.5 billion dollars.


The stories of successful businessmen always surprise the masses. All these people differ from ordinary mortals in their strong-willed attitude and faith in their work. The new generation of businessmen is inversely different from the representatives of the old school. Successful modern businessmen are, first of all, people of the future. After all, all of them are somehow connected with the media space, the IT industry and the Internet, and all these areas are our future.

According to recent research by news agencies, in Russia the youngest and most successful entrepreneurs are mainly participants in the digital environment and the Internet. To determine the popularity, several criteria were taken:

  1. all participants are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  2. age limit not exceeding 33 years;
  3. the status of the owner of the business or participate in it, their shares;
  4. annual revenue of $10 million.

The list of promising establishment includes 10 young leaders. The beginning of their activities dates back to the first half of the 2000s and does not affect the manufacturing sector. An interesting observation concerns the fact that young businessmen do not look towards political activity or public administration as a way of further advancement and growth, but remain true to the course within the chosen market.

Top-10 is started by the youngest participant - Fear, Vsevolod. 28 years. Capitalization - $ 88 million. Moscow

The founder of the Russian retail chain Sotmarket earned his first ruble billion at the age of 24. The online store he created united only 15 employees, but in a couple of years the business retail climbed to 3rd place in terms of attendance, and revenue exceeded a billion.

At school, Fear developed his own website, where he sold telephone cables through a Chinese intermediary. Entering the Higher School of Economics, he rented an office in a residential building and hired the first workers. Studying literature on programming, he launched his own operating system for accounting for goods, and mobile accessories, gadgets, auto products and even garden tools were added to data cables. At the same time, the geography of distribution of goods increased, up to Kamchatka, and logistics was improved. Today Sotmarket LLC is 4 stars on Yandex. Market", more than 200 employees of call centers and 40% regular customers. The company is in liquidation, and a 51% stake has been sold to IQOne.

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Vishnevsky, Roman - 29 years old. Capitalization - $ 30 million. Moscow.

An ambitious trader made his first million dollars selling US securities while working for a Canadian company. With his own money, he founded the financial corporation UnitedTraders (UT), which trades in futures, stocks, and currencies. An innovative product of UT is considered to be algorithmic trading called Layering, which the company actively promotes as part of training programs for novice traders. Specializing in the American stock exchange, Vishnevsky and partners provide dealing rooms as a platform for the development of new strategies, taking into account market movements and professional assistance in Russia. Following the corporate mission, the KvadratBlack investment fund has been operating since 2013, providing money for management, risk control and sites with a high percentage return. Today, there are representative offices in Slovenia and Israel. UT plans to open an office in London and develop algorithmic robots.

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Sachkov, Ilya - 29 years old. Capitalization - $ 12 million. Moscow

Conceived at the University. N.E. Bauman, the idea of ​​combating cybercrime was realized 12 years later in the organization of the Group-IB detective agency. The enterprise that investigates computer crimes and ensures the security of influential corporations, large banks, oil companies, is by far the largest in Russia. Highly qualified civilians and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs form the core of the company, but also represent a huge risk for business. The company is dependent on its specialists, and even one expert is extremely difficult to replace if someone decides to leave Group-IB. Now the company is looking for investments, including foreign ones.

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Guzairov, Andrey - 30 years old. Capitalization - $ 20 million Kazan

The first Internet project CreditCardsOnline appeared as a result of the loss of a position in an American company in 2010, where Andrey spied on the idea of ​​credit card affiliate programs. The following year, he buys the FinamGlobal fund and launches the business. The product of this activity is an online identification service that PhilipMorris Corporation actively uses to monitor the age of site visitors. Holding FederalFinanceGroup appeared as a result of the previous business of electronic passports. All projects are interdependent on each other, are successfully implemented and feel great among competitors. The further work of the holding is connected with attracting a larger number of partner banks, launching online services unique for Russia and expanding the range of financial services.

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Salikhov, Dmitry - 30 years old. Capitalization - $ 18.6 million Novosibirsk

The business activity of the young entrepreneur resulted in the company Iway, which is engaged in transfer transportation. The main motive for the development of their own business turned out to be dismissal due to staff reduction and numerous contacts in the transport infrastructure. The company has its own corporate identity, and the service covers the scope of hospitable transportation from international airports to any locality and point in the city. Growing, Iway acquired offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Today, more than 65 branches are open in different countries of the world, and more than 95% of orders are provided by corporate clients. The entrepreneur plans to create his own fleet and move to increase capital.

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Pryakhin, Andrey - 30 years old. Capitalization - $ 19 million Volgograd

The creator of the design studio "Kefir" brought to the market the game project "Tyuryaga", which saved the businessman from bankruptcy. The game, which offers virtual reality according to the laws of the zone, turned out to be in demand by the public, and the criminal theme brought profit from the sale of game accessories and advertising. Operating under the motto: “We make games!”, The studio released the hit “In the trenches”, which attracted fans with the military theme of the 40s. The driver of modernity has become the new game format "OneLife" - not for life, but for death in the literal sense. The feature of the product is that the character does not have another chance. The death of a hero in game content ends up being deleted from the mobile device, where the second attempt no longer exists.

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Durov, Pavel - 31 years old. Capitalization $ 1 billion St. Petersburg

The dollar millionaire and former CEO of VKontakte owns the Telegram messenger product. As a student at St. Petersburg State University, he was thinking about more progressive ways of online communication. Against the backdrop of the success of Odnoklassniki and Facebook, the VKontakte project is being launched using money borrowed from relatives. In 2014, the free Telegram service appears, which has more than 100 million active audience per month.

Every time a global crisis occurs, it hits the main areas of human life. As a rule, companies collapse with a crash, production facilities are closed with a bang. But in the general chaos there are entrepreneurs who not only do not pay attention to such shocks, but also benefit from them. And for some, such conditions become prerequisites for the development of their own multi-million dollar business.

Of course, if we talk about successful people from other countries, especially distant ones, the example looks uninspiring. After all, these great successful people developed in different conditions than ours. Therefore, we will not shake the air in vain, but we will talk about several entrepreneurs in Russia who today have millions of dollars of capital.

Domestic entrepreneurs

The most famous example throughout the country is the Russian young entrepreneurs who created the social network VKontakte. Almost all the founders and ideologists today have sold their shares in the business. The reason for this, as one of the main founders Pavel Durov admitted, is the impossible conditions within Russia for the development of honest private business. He complained that the service is constantly trying to seize, divide, change, and then sell. After all, he has a huge impact on the public. But Durov did not fight the pressure, but simply emigrated abroad and travels around the world, not staying anywhere for a long time. And gradually develops a new project with his team.

But we are more interested in the very fact that, despite the difficult economic period, it was possible to create such a powerful commercial project. For example, one of Durov's partners, Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, invested $30,000 in his business at the start of his business, and six years later became Russia's dollar billionaire, and the youngest at that.

But these are not the only well-known domestic entrepreneurs today who have reached amazing heights in business in difficult economic times. Let's talk about a few more below.

Maxim Nogotkov

Even during the crisis period, Nogotkov stated that the Russian market is favorable for the development of his business: there are many unfilled niches and a low level of competition. He did not throw words into the wind, and four years after such a statement, he was included in the rating of the 200 richest entrepreneurs in Russia thanks to the creation and management of the Svyaznoy group of companies.

Ilya Shershnev

Not all well-known businessmen in Russia started their business in their student years, but Ilya is one of those. As a student, he worked for the real estate company Penny Lane Realty. Having gained the necessary experience there, he founded his own Swiss Realty Group. By the beginning of the crisis, the company's annual turnover was $ 10 billion. But Shershnev had no experience in keeping his offspring afloat in difficult conditions, so it had to be closed. But the entrepreneur did not retire, remaining to work in this area as an expert, evaluating and managing the real estate of three shareholders.

Dmitry Salikhov

Before starting his business, Dmitry changed three different jobs. With the latter, he was fired due to a reduction in staff in connection with the impending crisis. But this did not disappoint him. Like many other entrepreneurs, he used this opportunity to start his own business.

It consisted in the provision of transfer transportation. He began with cooperation with several drivers in their cars, who, by agreement, met passengers at airports and delivered them to the specified addresses. When enough funds were raised to open his own office, Salikhov began to cooperate with the best taxi services. This gave I'way the status of an organization and brought in corporate clients. Now the company had two offices - one in each of the capitals of Russia.

But Dmitry did not stop there. Today, the services of his company can be used in 65 countries in 200 cities. At the same time, Salikov himself admits that he did not expect such a scale of business. His only desire was to occupy a free niche.

Andrey Guzairov

Before becoming an entrepreneur, Andrei worked in the West, where he spied on an idea for own business in Russia. Having accumulated for three years a suitable start-up capital, he opened the company CreditCardsOnline. The purpose of the project was to form a database of offers from all Russian banks to open credit cards. Today, 25% of the company's shares belong to the Finam Global fund, and the entrepreneur himself has a couple more Internet projects related to finance.

Andrey Romanenko

Before implementing a successful idea, Andrey sold computer games, then made polyethylene
packages, and the start-up capital was earned on the production of plastic cards. It was quite a profitable business, but Romanenko felt that something more universal could be created. Thinking about options, he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating Qiwi payment terminals. Initially, he did not make big bets on the project, but it turned out to be surprisingly successful. Already in 2013, it had more than 65 million users every month and a billion dollars of capitalization.

Vsevolod Starkh

Perhaps we lied, saying that Shershnev is one of the few who started a business while studying at a university. Vsevolod Fear surpassed him by starting an entrepreneurial activity, being a student of the graduating class of the school. Even then, he was acutely aware of the need to earn his money, and the Internet provided the best opportunities for this. He started simply: he created his own website, bought a thousand USB cables in bulk and resold them online through his resource. When the enterprise began to develop successfully, he named the Sotmarket online store and began selling various accessories for mobile phones. Having accumulated enough funds, he further expanded his assortment with telephones themselves, then with small inexpensive equipment.

In 2012, he sold a controlling stake to the IQ One Holdings fund, and the online store grew in value to $ 100 million. The ideologue and founder himself continues to independently monitor the comments that customers leave on the resource. And there are up to 5 thousand buyers per day.

Dmitry Kibkalo

The formation of this entrepreneur is a confluence of various successful accidents. Although there is a whole category of people who believe that there are no accidents. And in a way they are right. And the case began with the fact that an employee of the production center Dmitry Kibkalo decided to give his father a board game "Jackal" for his birthday. The difficulty was that this pirated game was invented back in the 70s, and today it was not on sale.

Then Dmitry recreated it and turned to the manufacturers for a seal. It is strange why he did not turn to the popular online printing centers, where they make such things from one copy and more. In any case, this complexity played an important role in Dmitry's further solvency. He found a company that agreed to print the minimum batch of such a game - 100 copies. He gave one to his father, as planned. The remaining 99 were gradually sold out via the Internet, literally returning the invested money in just a month. Dmitry liked it and he created the Mosigra company, which began selling board games, but already in an offline format. Today, the chain of stores unites 17 own points of sale and 71 franchising projects. And they work not only in Russia. In total, Dmitry receives about 450 million rubles from the project.

Gevorg Sargsyan

It is difficult to describe Sargsyan's success. He did a fairly simple thing - he removed the adaptation of foreign games to Russian realities from the status of "pirated" products. True, such a step only looks simple from the outside. Before him was the need to sign a contract with foreign game manufacturers. To achieve this, I had to include all available communication skills and embellish my abilities and achievements a little. However, the contracts were received, the Innova company was created, and today a successful business brings Gevork one and a half billion rubles. The company is engaged in game projects in the amount of more than ten pieces, the most famous of which are Planet Side II, Lineage II, Aion and others. (11 votes, average: 3 out of 5)

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The driving force of the modern economy, as well as the reason for improving the welfare of society, are entrepreneurs who, playing with competition among themselves, trying to earn more money unwittingly have a positive impact on society. Successful Entrepreneurs are also a role model for many people, tk. thanks to their incredible efforts, daily work, some of them become owners of large sums of money. We have compiled a rating of 9 well-known entrepreneurs in the United States (because this country is the source of a market economy and competition), who can be called a model of success.

On first place is undoubtedly Bill Gates, one of the founders of the famous company Microsoft. From an early age, Bill tried to win in various competitions and promotions. At a young age, Bill Gates began writing his first programs for amateur computers. Through hard work and a lot of luck, Bill Gates created the Windows operating system that the whole world uses today. Thanks to the constant demand for his product, Bill Gates has become one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world (he has more wealth than many countries). Due to the fact that Bill Gates was able to become the richest entrepreneur from a simple Harvard student, he is at the top of the ranking.

Second the place is occupied by the well-known Steve Jobs , founder of Apple. He can be called a truly great US entrepreneur, because. thanks to his company, the first user computers appeared. Throughout his career, Steve Jobs was haunted by failures, difficulties before which he did not lose heart. Thanks to their determination, tablets and smartphones of Steve Jobs are the most popular and in demand today. Even after his death, devices created by Apple do not lose their popularity.

John Rockefeller ranks in our ranking third place. An American entrepreneur who lived in the 19th century built his business on oil. Using the time of the American Civil War, when both sides were happy to buy oil from John, he rose to a high level, having more than 3 percent of the entire US GDP during the oil rush.

On fourth location is Mark Zuckerberg, a well-established popular social network on the Internet - From early childhood, Mark was engaged in programming - he created the simplest games. As a student, Mark wrote a user taste recognition program for a music player (Microsoft offered $2 million for it). Also, at this time, Mark created a prototype of the social. networks - a site where students could upload their photos and vote for photos of friends. Today, the site is one of the leaders in terms of traffic.

Fifth the place is occupied by an entrepreneur from the USA Thomas Alva Edison, who improved telephones, telegraph, film equipment, under his leadership the first commercial incandescent lamp (sample) was developed. It was Thomas who first suggested using the word "Hello" when picking up the phone.

sixth takes place Solomon Price, the founder of the FED-MART and PRICE CLUB trading companies, was recognized as the father of wholesale trade. Price was a talented leader - he was impatient, did not like idleness and bad work, he always tried to move forward, which, of course, allowed him to get to the 6th line of our rating.

On seventh location is Ted Turner- a well-known billionaire who built his fortune on entertainment stations: TBS, CNN, etc. Due to his determination, as well as incredible hard work, Ted Turner can be attributed to the list of the greatest US entrepreneurs.

eighth the place is in the hands Oprah Winfrey, which earned its capital with the help of TV shows. She went down in history as the first female billionaire. Thanks to the fact that Oprah was not afraid of difficulties, and decided to take risks in order not to become a simple TV presenter, her life is now described in entrepreneurship schools around the world.

Fred Smith, the head of the well-known company "Fedex", takes 9 place. The company is the first of its kind to provide express delivery services. Fred has come a long way to his successful fortune, but in the end, we can call him one of the great entrepreneurs in the United States.

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