Earn money from recaptchas, checks and entering captchas. Ways to earn money by entering captcha Entering captcha for money

Making money by entering captcha is considered one of the most accessible ways to start making money on the Internet. But what is captcha?

Captcha is a security code on a website in the form of an image that can only be entered by a person.

Today, any website has a captcha, which appears during registration or during any other action that requires human presence.

This was invented for security, so that all sorts of programs with robots would not clutter up the site, and would not create additional load that could overload the site.

There are sites that make money by solving captchas. Where webmasters, using code, automatically redirect it to the server.

And on the site it is determined which of the performers will solve the security code. As a rule, 10-30 seconds are given to solve, after which the correct answer to the captcha is sent.

Thus, the webmaster quickly receives a solved captcha. And the performer who solved it receives a reward. But how much do performers earn from entering captcha?

We tried best exchanges in this direction, the average earnings were 40 rubles per hour of work. And professionals earn 2 times more - 80 rubles / hour.

Sites for making money on captcha

2 60 +
3 45 -
4 40 -
5 30 +

Attention, to register with MegaTypers you need to enter Invite Code: BS3K. Without it, it is impossible to register on the site.

Example of earnings on ruCaptcha (2Captcha):

How to increase your earnings on captcha

As mentioned above, our average earnings turned out to be 2 times lower than those of professionals, but how do they increase profits?

First secret: Choosing the right time to work. IN different time, they pay different amounts of money, the fewer performers in the service, the higher the prices for entering 1 captcha.

The most profitable time on different sites:

  • MegaTypers - from 9:00 to 15:00;
  • 2Captcha - from 1:00 to 6:00;
  • ruCaptcha - from 1:00 to 6:00;
  • SociaLink - from 23:00 to 7:00.

If you encounter a very complex captcha, then it is best to skip it in order to avoid mistakes and waste time, this will help not reduce your personal rating.

Third secret: participation in an affiliate program, where for advertising each site you receive 10% of the profit from each new artist who follows your link.

It turns out that if you attract 10 performers, they will completely replace your work on the site and will bring in the same amount of income as you could make in a whole day.


Earning money by entering captcha- this is really not a bad way to spend time usefully. However, we do not recommend sitting all day typing one code after another.

If you spend 8 hours a day and work 22 days a month, then your earnings will be: 6,000 - 10,000 rubles, which is very little by the standards of the modern Internet.

There are many other cool ways to make money online. At the same time, you can spend less time and earn several times more.

With the advent of the Internet, people have many new opportunities to earn money without leaving home. This direction is very important for teenagers who want to earn their own pocket money.

Also, working online attracts people with disabilities, pensioners, mothers on maternity leave and ordinary people average-aged people looking for ways to make money on the Internet in their free time to generate additional income.

There are many areas, everyone can choose the type of activity, focusing on personal skills and experience (). It is especially popular. This is a fairly simple direction that does not require specific knowledge and skills.

Every user of the World Wide Web has at least once encountered the need to enter a captcha when entering some sites. There are two types of captchas - a set of Latin letters and numbers or a picture with several images.

To enter, the user needs to type a given combination of characters or select from the proposed options those pictures that depict a given object.

For example, images with a bicycle.

As we can see, entering captcha is easy and simple.

Features of the Rukapcha site

To start making money online by entering captcha, you need to find the rucaptcha service and register. After entering your personal data (email, password), a letter will be sent to your email address.

To get started, you need to select the “start earning” tab, after which a window with the inscription “start” will appear on the monitor. Click, wait for the image to activate and begin doing simple work. For 1 captcha, newbies receive 1 kopeck. More experienced users can easily earn large sums (we will tell you how to do this later), on average up to 300 rubles per day.

The peculiarity of the rucaptcha service (excellent) is the following: the program has a rating system. For 1000 solved captchas, the registered account receives 1 rating point. The more points collected, the higher your daily earnings on the Internet without investment.

In addition to higher income, the user receives additional opportunities. If there are from 3 to 10 rating points, the account can filter the uploaded pictures for introduction. There will also be an excellent opportunity to disable captcha in English, which will greatly simplify the input process.

Accounts with a reputation of 30 points and above can benefit from additional income on this project - receipt recognition. If you have 50 rating units, you will unlock even more promising opportunities:

  • earnings with foreign checks;
  • The error moderator interface will become available.

How to earn 100 rubles a day or more on Rukapcha?

We will give you some useful tips, thanks to which you will be able to significantly increase earnings online on the rucaptcha project.

Earnings on Rukapcha

Beginners earn at the minimum rate, the average hourly income is 10-30 rubles. More experienced users with a rating receive tasks at a price of 6.05 kopecks per 1 captcha. If you work simultaneously from three accounts, your hourly earnings will triple.

How much can you earn in a day? It all depends on your experience, the speed of entering the captcha and the time spent on this activity.

Withdrawal of money earned from the project is possible to any electronic wallet, as well as to the account mobile phone. You can make a request if you have 15 rubles in your account. The money transfer is carried out quite quickly, within a few minutes ().

Based on reviews from users who choose to make money on the Internet by entering captcha, this program is the most convenient and honest. The money comes on time, there is no deception on the part of the developers, and they also attract additional opportunities for generating income on the rucaptcha project, available to users with a high rating.

On this page I will tell you about another type of earning money on the Internet - entering captcha for money. I have prepared a list of the most popular sites for making money by entering captcha. These services can also be useful for working with various programs for using anti-captcha.

I think there is no point in telling what a captcha is :) we see this thing everywhere. But probably not many people know what they earn from this.

Earning money by entering captcha

Well, if you used any software (program) for some kind of automatic actions on the Internet, then usually there is a menu item everywhere for entering the anti-captcha key.

This key is issued by captcha recognition services during payment. The key usually looks like a series of letters and numbers. You insert this key into the program and the service will recognize you for the amount you deposited.

So, who do you think recognizes these crackpots in these services 🙂, a couple of admins?.. And how many would they be able to recognize?.. Of course not. They recruit workers who sit and solve puzzles and get paid.

If you are interested in this type of earnings, then choose a service for yourself, you can do all of them, of course, and get started.

To go to the service, click on the picture .

List of captcha recognition services

  1. The most advanced and multifunctional.

  • Ability to solve on the phone.
  • The cost for the customer is from 14 rubles. for 1000 captchas.
  • Payment - cards, payment systems.
  • For an employee - from 10 - 30 rubles. for 1000 solved captchas, depending on the amount the customer bets.
  • Withdrawal to WebMoney from 30 rubles.

2. An analogue of the first one only in English and in dollars.

  • The price of anti-captcha is from $0.5-1.2 per 1000 captchas.
  • The fee for solving captcha is approximately $0.4.
  • Withdrawal to WebMoney from $0.5.

3. Another bourgeois service for making money on captcha.

  • When registering, you will need to enter the code “0808”.
  • Pays from $0.8-1.5 per solution.
  • Withdrawal from $3 to WebMoney.


This browser extension will automatically solve captcha on any website.

  • For Chrome.
  • Firefox.
  • Safari.


  • The price for the customer is from 14 rubles. for 1000 captchas.
  • Many ways.
  • For an employee - from 1 - 10 kopecks.
  • Withdrawal to WebMoney from 10 rubles.


  • From $1 per 1000 captchas.
  • No income.


  • From 0.7$ /1000.
  • For an employee - from 1 - 10 kopecks. The work is carried out on the domain - kolotibablo.com.


  • From $1.29 for 1000 captchas.
  • There are no workers.


This service offers payment for solving captchas by third parties.

For example, you install a captcha on your website or links on the Internet.

Watch the video telling about all the possibilities.

If you more or less actively use the Internet in your daily work, then you probably know about such an unpleasant thing as captcha. Sometimes it interferes so much with their work that people often simply stop visiting those sites whose owners pay too much attention to it.

What it is?

By the way, what is captcha? Imagine that you have visited some popular file hosting service. To download a file in free mode, you will have to enter a certain set of characters (often meaningless) into a special field, which should be taken from the picture opposite.

The task is complicated by the fact that these symbols are sometimes completely impossible to make out, since they are deliberately made unreadable.

What is it for?

Having understood what a captcha is, it would be nice to talk about its specific purpose. Why is it necessary to fence such a garden, making it difficult to send comments or download files?

Yes, there were times when no one knew about captcha at all. It appeared relatively recently. This happened during the same period when a mass of bots proliferated in the vastness of the Runet, with the help of which enterprising citizens left advertisements in the comments, downloaded files for free and did other outrages.

Of course, on many resources administrators kept order, but in most blogging services the load on them turned out to be such that they simply stopped coping. That's when users learned about captcha! The acquaintance turned out to be quite unpleasant.

To be absolutely precise, the technology itself was originally created in 2000. Initially, it was intended only to determine the “humanity” of your interlocutor on the Internet: then not a single program for captcha (to recognize it, more precisely) was simply created.

What is its disadvantage?

If you carefully read the first part of the article, then you can guess most of the negative factors of using captcha on your own. Firstly, most users act in a state of some kind of impulse. Simply put, when you see some interesting post on LiveJournal, you want to immediately comment on it.

But you are faced with an indigestible captcha, and most of the characters are so illegible that it can take more than one day to solve them. Do you think the user will engage in such a thankless task?

Of course not! He will simply go to another site. Thus, if you are trying to protect your resource from those who like to leave spam in comments, we advise you not to try too hard.

If you get too carried away with captcha, you will quickly lose many active users. No users - no money from advertising. In addition, most normal resources automatically recognize spam in comments, so there is often no point in additional protection.

Almost the same can be said about file sharing sites. Of course, one can understand their creators: by offering everyone to download information of interest for free, they will simply miss out on profits.

But this same situation can be looked at from the exact opposite side: if a site offers you the opportunity to receive a file for free, it will easily gain a huge audience that will quickly recoup all costs by attracting advertisers. By the way, this is exactly how the domestic iFolder works, the creators of which certainly cannot complain about poverty.

So, even from the point of view of making a profit, the idea of ​​captcha itself does not look so attractive.

What to do?

How to remove the captcha, is it really possible to do this? The situation here is quite ambiguous. The fact is that on many sites that use this type of anti-spam protection, not every user can read the captcha the first time, not to mention some applications.

Simple options can be recognized using the small Screenshot Reader utility, which is part of the ABBYY FineReader software package. But it only reads the simplest captcha forms, which any normal user can easily recognize. In addition, the process itself cannot be automated, since for recognition you need to manually select the range of interest to you.

Entering captcha

If you don’t have much choice, you’ll have to do this thankless task manually. What advice can you give? First, try to do it quickly: many sites have a counter that resets the value if you cannot enter it within a couple of minutes.

Additionally, typing errors often occur when JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Don’t forget also about the need for Cookies, as they will help the site “recognize” you, eliminating the need to constantly go through annoying protection.

Finally, pay attention to what is written on the main page of the site. As a rule, a captcha for a website is described in detail in an explanatory note or a separate article. An excellent example is the file-sharing service Rapidshare, which at one time introduced a unique captcha.

Its characters were easily distinguishable, and no blurring or polarization technologies were used to make it difficult for programs to recognize it. What was the secret?

And it consisted in the fact that cats were sitting on those letters and numbers that had to be entered into the appropriate field. How many unpleasant words were said at one time about the creators of such a system! In the end, it was abandoned under pressure from the user community.

We buy the “antidote”

Another option is to contact a normal programmer (or a group, which is even better), so that he can create a utility for recognizing captcha on a specific site. Alas, there are no universal solutions, if only because each resource has unique protection. Some standard solutions are very rare.

Of particular interest in this regard are the developments of the CMS Bitrix company, which distributes truly effective programs that cope with captcha on most popular sites. The developers claim that the effectiveness of their creation is within 95%. Depending on the type of protection, its complexity and the specific site, developing methods for protecting it can cost you a couple of thousand dollars, or even more.

In addition, some resources have such sophisticated protection that it is not easy for a person to decipher it!

Is it possible to make money by entering it?

Beginners often wonder if it is possible to somehow make money by entering security symbols. And this is not surprising, because the Internet is full of advertisements for recruiting groups of people who will receive some money by performing captcha recognition. Is it worth getting involved with this?

In our opinion (perhaps quite subjective), this matter is not worth pursuing. You will waste a huge amount of nerves, effort and traffic. And the payment for such “easy money” is simply amazing: after sitting at the computer all day, hammering in captcha with manic persistence, you will earn a maximum of a couple of dollars. Do you need it? Surely not.

Universal output

If we talk about file hosting services, then if you regularly upload files, the only reliable way out of the situation is to buy a paid account. As a rule, its cost is quite adequate. By purchasing such a subscription, you will be able to download any amount of information quickly and without inconvenience.

How to remove captcha from your blog?

We hope that you have made the right conclusions after reading most of our article. Therefore, let’s look at how to remove captcha entry on the popular Blogger service from the notorious one. It’s not difficult to do this at all, and you will bring a lot of joy to the visitors of your site.

First, go to the “Editor” of your page. In the left column, select “Settings”. It has a “Messages and Comments” section. In the “Use word verification” field, set the value “no”, after which the captcha will not be required when entering messages.

What to do if you can’t enter it correctly?

It happens that the program for entering captcha or the site itself (if you enter the values ​​manually) constantly gives an error. What could be the reason?

First of all, you need to calm down. Typically, there is a curved arrow on the right side of any captcha. By clicking on it, you will update the character set that you need to enter to access the site. Using it, you can change a completely unreadable set. Unfortunately, unreadable letters are very common. So, sometimes the difference between the letters “Q” and “G” is completely indistinguishable.

Finally, on many sites you can avoid entering security characters if you simply register on it. Try this method too.

That's what captcha is!

If you've ever thought about making money on the Internet , and you were 100% thinking, otherwise you wouldn’t have started reading this article now, then you will probably find it useful and informative! After all, pIn addition to hundreds of scam sites and sites, there are very real sites where you can, yes, of course, it won’t be millions, but you will always have enough to pay for your mobile phone or for an extra cup of espresso.

The simplest and easiest, despite the fact that you do not need any special skills, superpowers, or even investing your own funds: entering captcha for money. If anyone doesn’t know what a captcha is, so, a little reference: Captcha (from CAPTCHA - English Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), and in Russian, a kind of computer test used to determine who is the user of the system: a person or a computer, i.e. be sure that the site is not viewed by a bot or robot, but by a specific person. Earn money by entering captcha Absolutely every Internet user can.

Entering captcha for money video:

Where to start entering captcha for money?

Firstly, you need to find these very sites on the Internet for entering captcha, Google and Yandex or any other search engine can help you. There are sites in both Russian and English, and payments on these are in dollars. For example, I use it for earning money by entering captcha only Russian language site , which in my opinion is the best in this earnings segment.

By the way, make sure to create an account for yourself. Webmoney , Yandex money or Kiwi.

Thirdly, after confirming your account via email, follow the link, agree to the site rules and that’s it, you can start entering captcha for money.

What is the essence of entering captcha for money?

appear on the screen different combinations numbers and letters, both Russian and English, your task is to correctly recognize (solve) them and type them manually - that’s the whole point of entering a captcha for money. Be careful: the letters/numbers are deliberately distorted or are on a pockmarked background. There are also picture captchas (reCapcha): here you need to select photos that suit the requirement, for example, click on images of houses, lakes or store windows.

Who needs to enter captcha for money or what do I get money for?

There are situations when you need to bypass captcha (site protection from bots), usually this is necessary for webmasters who use a variety of SEO software. This is how similar sites appeared, webmasters are ready to pay money to other people to solve the captcha.

The rate for a correctly recognized captcha depends on its complexity, plus your making money on captcha depends on you, on how well you know the keyboard layout and your perseverance. No matter how you look at it, after a couple of hours spent in front of the monitor, your eyes get tired, your hands don’t obey, and you can make mistakes. For errors, some sites are blocked for a while.

As in any project, it also exists here, that is, by inviting people through your link, you can also receive a % of the funds they earn. A kind of passive income or earnings from referrals .

How to attract referrals video

Each site for entering captcha for money has its own minimum threshold for withdrawal of funds, upon reaching which you can withdraw your hard-earned money to a convenient one for you online wallet or a map. As a rule, money is withdrawn very quickly, within a few minutes, sometimes hours. If something goes wrong, you can always contact support on the website.


Let's summarize. The undoubted advantages of entering captcha for money:

  • Simplicity, even a pensioner can handle it;
  • It's your additional income on the Internet ;
  • Income depends only on you;
  • Know your keyboard layout well - faster;
  • You decide for yourself how many hours a day;
  • Easily and quickly withdraw money.

Disadvantages of entering captcha for money:

  • For errors on the site, temporary account blocking;
  • Tired, red eyes even after several hours of this;
  • Low paying job, but you have to start somewhere;
  • Entering a captcha cannot replace your main job.

As an option for making money on the Internet, captcha is worthy of living, since everything here is fair, without investments and without deception, but it will most likely not be able to solve your financial problems. Although if you are a very stubborn and purposeful person, then you can try to save some round sum in this way for more serious earnings, making money from games , For example.

If you have nothing to do on winter evenings, then entering a captcha for money can be considered as a kind of entertainment or game, for the successful completion of which you are also paid real money.

As a competitor to other types of earnings, captcha is, of course, weak. Now the Internet is full of sites where they are willing to pay you for

By clicking the button, you agree to privacy policy and site rules set out in the user agreement