Earn money on VKontakte without investment. Earning money on VKontakte groups

Social networks have grown from a tool for quick communication with friends into something much more. This is a part of our life, a separate area to which each of us devotes a certain amount of time every day. Thanks to this, any of the popular social networking sites has become a real platform not only for entertainment, but also for work.

Many people use, for example, the popular social network VK in Russia in order to earn income. This can be achieved in different ways: there are thousands of techniques with which on this site you can offer your services, sell goods or find a business partner. One of the most interesting methods of earning money is creating and maintaining communities (groups).

In this article we will tell you in more detail about how to make money from groups on VK. In addition, the requirements for the community with which you can work will be indicated, and the paths that can lead you to the desired result.

What is a community?

So let's start with the very basics. If you use the social network that we mentioned above, you should know that groups and so-called publics are very popular among visitors here. These are varieties of the same instrument, which have some differences. In particular, a group is a community of equal participants who “unite,” while a public is a page that people subscribe to in order to find out the latest news and some interesting information. In this article we are talking about how to make money from groups in VK, so we will postpone public posts for the future.

In groups, people have a certain common interest, why they visited the page of this community and what they can learn on it. This could be, in particular, a common hobby (for example, the work of one musical group), or some kind of joint purchases on the same online store. Groups are created for a million reasons - interesting quotes are posted here, biographies of great people, films of the same genre are mentioned, and so on. Simply put, with the help of communities you can attract social network members to your page and at the same time convey some information.

Who is included in the communities?

As you understand, for a group to function, it needs to have some participants. For example, these could be fans of a particular musician or film; people interested in motivation, training, proper nutrition - whatever. All of them are the audience of each specific community. Knowing this, you can choose a methodology for how to make money from groups on VK. After all, as you know, the main thing in any marketing campaign is to reach your target audience, attract them and interest them in your service. Having, say, a community of 10 thousand people with a common interest, you can easily choose a product that will be useful to them, and, accordingly, find your customers.

Main plus

This is one of the advantages of groups and what makes the answer positive to the question of whether it is possible to make money on groups in VK. Of course, you can earn income from groups! Considering the experience of many community owners, it is safe to say that this is an excellent source of income. Moreover, this income can apply both to those who are the administration of groups and to any person who has some idea about marketing on social networks.

Your community

Let's start, perhaps, with how to make money from your group in VK. After all, every administrator who leads a community on a social network probably asks himself this question. This question may come to mind for various reasons. Someone, for example, has a more or less promoted group that has already formed a permanent audience. It may include those who are regular visitors to your community, who are interested in it, and who will be potential buyers of the goods and services that you advertise.

Another option is when the community you created (based on your interests and preferences) suddenly began to gain popularity. This also happens, because, as you know, if something is created by a person who is sincerely interested in it, the quality of the product will be high. For example, your group will grow from a small passion and hobby into a real profitable business if it has subscribers.

Why your own is better

The advantage of your group is that it is your permanent product that can be easily monetized at any time. By working on it, developing it in all respects (both in qualitative and quantitative dimensions), you can really learn how to make money in “VK” in a group, using your own example. And a practical approach, as we know, produces the most useful results.

So, let's not move away from the topic. Having a group, you can make a profit. The easiest way to do this is by selling advertising to every interested party. The more popular your community is, the more people can become your potential advertisers. Selling advertising not to everyone, but only to individuals selected based on a number of criteria, may become more effective. For example, if you have a community about repairs, it is best to advertise the services and products of companies involved in this field. Otherwise, you may alienate your users.

Another option (in the context of how to make money in VK on a group) is advertising your own projects. Of course, it is the most effective. We'll talk about each in more detail below.

Advertising of goods and services

Paid posting of advertisements in groups is a primitive but effective way to make yourself known to your customers. Many services resort to this method, so there is nothing new here. Again, simply placing the company name and contact information will achieve little, so even such “simple” advertising must be done wisely.

Hello everyone, Vasily Blinov is with you. And today I want to talk about how to make money on your VKontakte page. Since January 2015, I began to monetize my social networks and in February some results already appeared.

A month ago I already wrote about, but there is not even a hint there that you can make money on your personal profile. If you haven't read, then I'm sure you're not making a penny from your social media.

Summing up the results for February, I can say with confidence that there are 2 real ways that can bring good income and in the last one, which I will talk about, I will reveal to you my first result.

Let's start with the fact that you open your VKontakte profile and soberly evaluate to yourself how you manage it: your avatar, your photos, your interesting and useful thoughts on the wall, your profile, the communities in which you are a member, and so on. ONLY don't get stuck there and don't forget that you read some useful article!

Rated? And how do you like it? Did you like your profile? Do you think a stranger will trust you if he lands on your page? If you do not create trust, then you will not make any money.

Method one. We make money from our profession or hobby

I’ve been working remotely for the 5th month now and taking one-time orders on freelance exchanges for my profession. If you go to , you will immediately see what I do. I occasionally write about this on my wall, publish various completed projects and talk about something useful to those who are interested. Thus, creating confidence in your work and professionalism.

And thanks to this, customers who need help with something with a blog or website on the WordPress platform find me themselves and offer me work. There is no need to often write about what you do and offer something from your page. A striking example is people who are involved in network marketing, how they annoyed me with their products, it’s the same thing every day.

Or another example, a friend does manicure, you go to her page, and there are only FINGERS with nails, on your avatar, in photo albums, on the wall, in short, everywhere you can. And no information about yourself or who you are at all... People trust people more, stop SPAMING!

Conclusion: if you manage your social networks correctly. network, you can create a queue of orders for your services.

The second way to make money on your VKontakte page. Partnership programs

What's the point of having your own page? Some people live without meaning, while others look for them in every step they take. For example, I’m sitting on social media. networks, learning to express my thoughts and my point of view, write competently, give useful information to people, take beautiful photographs, etc., each action brings its own experience.

Many bloggers write that this is a way for lazy people who want to sit on the couch and get money out of thin air, thereby luring people to their affiliate program. In fact, in order to make a profit by recommending this or that product to someone, you must first buy it yourself, try it, study it, and if it really has some benefit, offer it on your market. And don’t just get an affiliate program and shove it wherever there is room.

As I already said, in January I started monetizing my social media. networks. During this month, several people signed up through my affiliate links, but no one bought anything. I received only a salary of 3,000 rubles by participating in a unique affiliate program.

In February, I made the first sale in my life using this source of income. My income was 4,881 rubles in commission plus a salary of 2,800 rubles (I missed 2 days of participation, 200 rubles were deducted from my salary), as a result I received 7,681 rubles into my account.

Conclusion: if you start learning how to monetize your VKontakte page, you will someday be able to earn good additional income. I’ll write about how to promote affiliate programs on my resources a little later.

In the meantime, you can add me as a friend on VKontakte, ask your questions in private. Also leave your thoughts under this article.

Modern social networks play a huge role in a person’s life, but few people realize that they can make good money using them. The most popular social network in Russia, VKontakte, is an excellent, and most importantly, reliable and long-term source of income. The most important thing here is to be able to make money via the Internet and know the basic secrets of generating income.

So, how to make money in VKontakte? What are the main ways to make money at the moment?

Earning money from groups and pages

The most popular option for making money on a social network is creation of groups and special pages for commercial activities. People who are far from making money online don’t even imagine how exactly they can make a profit from the VKontakte group.

Everything is very simple, the main thing that is required from the owner of the group is its promotion. As soon as the community is promoted and the number of visitors exceeds several hundred or thousand per day, you can start making a profit. How can you get real money from the virtual community VKontakte?


One of the most common options for making money on a social network. Nowadays, very often in groups you can find advertisements for some goods or services from other groups. By following a link in the community, a person can make a purchase.

Of course, a well-promoted group does not just post information about another resource on its page. Appropriate dividends will be received for this information. Promoted communities or VKontakte pages receive several thousand a day just for advertising. By the way, you can find an advertiser on special resources, such as vktarget.ru, forumok.com, sarafanka.com. With the help of these sites you can promote your own VKontakte group.

Online store

The benefit of creating an online store in VKontakte is that the owner of the group will not have to pay for hosting or a domain. If he had decided to simply create his own website on the Internet, it would have been impossible to do without these costs.

The principle of operation is very simple: the owner of the group places images of various products in his online store and their prices with an existing personal markup. A good online store with a large number of subscribers earns several thousand rubles daily. It is better to create a group dedicated to certain product categories, for example, clothing or sports nutrition. In this case, it will be much easier to find buyers.

affiliate program

If a person does not want to independently deal with selling things, delivering them and replenishing collections, he can always join the affiliate program.

In this case, the community owner only needs to place a link to the product in his group, and when he purchases it, he will receive a percentage of the income. Of course, such a business is profitable only if the group has several thousand subscribers.

Selling a page or community

It is also an interesting and profitable way of earning money, which is popular. In this case, it is necessary to promote the VKontakte group as much as possible, and then put it up for sale. It is important that the group not only has subscribers, but that there are also active discussions, people comment on the news and share them on their pages.

Many businessmen on the Internet are engaged in promoting groups and pages for their subsequent sale. If you understand the algorithm of work, this business can bring considerable profit.

You can also make money through your VKontakte communities using file sharing services. This option is ideal for film groups. All that is required of the community owner is to post the material on a file hosting service and expect that subscribers will follow the link and download it. In this case, with multiple downloads, a person can get a good income.

Most often, the owners of their VKontakte groups use several options for earning money at once to obtain maximum profit.

The most important advantage of such earnings is the lack of investments. Although, in order to promote your group in the shortest possible time, advertising is required. And if the income itself in contact on groups does not require investments, then considerable funds are sometimes needed to promote the community.

Earning money from applications

Many people think that earnings in contact are limited to advertising in groups or promoting communities. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to make money on this social network, and Application Development– almost the most profitable of them.

If the owner of his VKontakte group can hope to make a profit of only a few thousand a day, the creator of the application has the opportunity to receive 500 thousand in a couple of months! At first glance, this is impossible and fabulous money, but many successful VKontakte application developers earn it.

The most important thing is to create an interesting and structured application that people will like. The more people who take part in the games, the better.

Many applications provide several free levels, and further completion of the game is possible only for money. Thus, fabulous incomes are added up, which the owner can count on.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to develop the application itself. In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge in programming, you also need to promote your game. Now the competition for various applications in VKontakte is very high, and therefore it is quite difficult to earn income here.

However, a huge advantage of this earning option is that one application can generate income for many years. Of course, some changes and new items will have to be made to it to make it more interesting for people to play, but still this is a very profitable and really working option for making a profit!

Is it possible to make money from likes?

Social networks are becoming more and more popular every year, and therefore making money from likes is not uncommon. It’s worth mentioning right away that this option for part-time work won't bring in much income, but it will take a lot of effort. So, what is the essence of the work?

There are services on the Internet, such as Likeberi.com, forumok.com, Twite.ru, where it is quite possible to make money on likes. All that is required of a person is to register on this resource and start completing all the tasks presented. The cost of one like varies depending on the number of online friends a person has.

Of course, this is not a lot of money, but for many people it is an excellent option for part-time work. This kind of income has a number of disadvantages that are worth talking about:

  • The work itself is very monotonous and quickly gets boring even for the most assiduous Internet users.
  • Income from likes will be small, even if a person registers on several resources at once.
  • The VKontakte news feed will turn into a whole set of incomprehensible groups and messages, which will obviously not be to the liking of a person’s friends on the social network.
  • Many resources for making money from likes have restrictions on withdrawals of a few dollars. That is why it will not be possible to get the money right away.

And yet, this earning option helps many people earn at least some money on the Internet in a couple of hours at the computer. By the way, on the listed resources it is quite possible to promote your group if you register not as a surfer, but as an advertiser.

Other earning options In contact

If promoting your group and creating applications seems too complicated, and making money from likes is frivolous, you shouldn’t despair, because there are several other options for working on a social network:

  1. Firstly, there is the opportunity to simply get a job as an employee in a social network. On the main page of the site there is always a vacancies section where you can find a suitable profession and try yourself in cooperation with one of the most successful companies in Russia. Most often, the VKontakte service requires programmers and Internet developers. People with really good knowledge of Internet programming are now worth their weight in gold, and VKontakte is one of the best platforms for them to make money.
  2. Secondly, you can try yourself as an administrator of a VKontakte group. This is an excellent option for making money remotely, which also brings pleasure. Typically, being a group administrator does not require any special knowledge. All you need to do is find a community of interests and ask if they have an administrator vacancy. Places on promoted resources are always occupied, because work there brings in income and is considered prestigious. That is why it is better to look for an administrator position in a less popular community that has prospects.
    If a person is really interested in the topic, then he will be happy to promote the group. Usually the earnings here are not exorbitant and range from 8-15 thousand rubles per month. However, after the group manages to be brought to the Top, having achieved several thousand subscribers, the salary will increase noticeably. All that is required of the administrator is to add photos, videos, and articles to the group. You can also come up with competitions and discussion pavilions to stir up interest in the group.
  3. Thirdly, on Vkontakte you can always make money from your creativity. In particular, many artists, writers, and musicians create groups and pages where they offer their creativity or their services for sale. Groups offering hand-made goods, that is, made with their own hands, are very popular. This is an income for those people who not only want to earn income, but also dream of promoting their creativity.

How to withdraw money from the system?

It was already mentioned above that there are special sites on the Internet that help customers and performers find each other. If a person wants to make money from advertising or likes, he only needs to register on such resources. As soon as income appears, it can be withdrawn to Webmoney and Yandex.Money. People who are far from making money online have no idea how exactly virtual money can turn into real money. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

All that is required from a person is create your wallet on Webmoney and withdraw your earned money to this system. As soon as the money is transferred to the electronic wallet, it can be transferred to a card or by money transfer through Zolotaya Korona and Unistream. You can also use virtual money to make purchases, top up your phone balance, or pay for the Internet. Very often, people who make money, for example, from likes, are in no hurry to withdraw money from the Internet, preferring to top up their phone balance or pay for utilities.

Also, if the owner of the VKontakte community finds an advertiser from his city, he may well agree on a cash payment. And yet, electronic money is a much more practical option for paying for services. If a person has developed the VKontakte application, then he cooperates directly with the administration of the social network, also receiving payments to an electronic account.

It is not difficult to earn income online using social networks. The choice of how to earn money will depend on the abilities and desires of the person himself. Just like in real work, to earn income on the Internet, you need to put in a lot of effort. And yet, a lot of money earned on the social network VKontakte is not a myth, but a reality of modern life.

Video about making money in VKontakte

The video discusses in detail several sites with which you can make money through Contact:

The VKontakte social network in Russia is so popular and multifunctional that, in addition to being a means of communication, it can serve as a source of income. In order for the community created on the site to start making a profit, you need to understand how you can make money from a group in VK by creating it from scratch.


Detailed instructions on how to start earning VK

To achieve success in this segment, you need to step by step study the algorithm for creating and further managing the community:

  1. Choosing a niche.
  2. Creation of a public.
  3. Promotion of the group.

Choosing a Niche

Before creating a group and trying to actively develop it, you need to think about a topic that will interest users. When choosing a topic, you must be guided by personal preferences, demand from the audience and advertisers.

There are several popular areas in which to develop:

  • women's groups;
  • entertainment groups;
  • business groups.

Women's groups

Main themes typical for these communities:

  • cooking;
  • family;
  • beauty;
  • health;
  • motherhood.

The last two points are most in demand, including mainly the audience of women of solvent age. This makes public pages more attractive for advertisers and affiliate programs of online stores, but increases competition and makes it difficult to express yourself. Successful promotion of a public page on women's issues allows you to make good money.

Entertainment groups

Includes the following main topics:

  • jokes;
  • funny videos;
  • funny stories;
  • gifs;
  • quotes.

It is quite easy to attract an audience to such public sites, despite the high competition. Groups are popular and find their users. The main problem is the low demand among advertisers due to the high percentage of non-paying audiences. Entertainment publics often use other ways to increase their income.

Business groups

Some topics in this direction:

  • investment;
  • business from scratch;
  • sources of income.

Choosing a Profitable Theme

The more expensive and commercial the community theme, the higher the likelihood of getting a good income.

The top profitable areas include:

  • business;
  • investments;
  • Chinese products;
  • Construction Materials;
  • medical supplies;
  • real estate;
  • beauty, health;
  • fashion and handmade;
  • trainings, consultations, seminars;
  • cars, spare parts, auto tuning.

Creation of a public

Having chosen the direction in which to move, you need to create a community.

Working with the Groups section on the website

Anyone who has a work account on the site can become the owner of the group. You need to go to the “Groups” section and click “Create a community” at the top right. Select the type of community: group or public, depending on the topic and further development plans.

The difference between a group and a public

On the page (in the public) the main attention is paid to the wall and the inscriptions on it. Suitable for entertainment themes. In the group, subscribers share their experiences, actively discuss issues of interest, and listen to music. An option for business topics and communities related to motherhood, beauty, and health.

The differences between a public and a group are noticeable only on the community page; they are not displayed in the news feed.

Promotion of the group

The community has been created, it is necessary to start organizing it and attracting subscribers.

It is important to pay attention to the “Interests” field and fill it out in accordance with the main topic of the group.

Page design

To successfully promote a public site, you need to focus on design. The more colorful, interesting, and functional the community, the easier it is to attract an audience and increase the chances of getting a good income from managing it. It is important to fill the group with interesting information, facts, questionnaires, and other interactive options.


Posts are posted according to a specific schedule, taking into account the traffic of the target audience. Auto-filling is used through VKontakte timing or auto-posting services. One of the most famous free ones is associate. You need to create a schedule, upload posts, they will automatically appear at the specified time.

Attracting subscribers

When the community is sufficiently full (at least 10 posts) and interesting, the next step is to attract an audience. There are various ways to engage users and promote a group.

They are divided into free and paid.

Free ones include:

  1. Invitation to a group of friends. It starts with attracting friends from your page, with further search for people with similar interests.
  2. Mutually beneficial cooperation. An outreach to similar communities is organized with a proposal to the group administrator for mutual synchronous reposts.
  3. Cheating with free services. An account is created, a program is downloaded to automatically join other groups and attract subscribers to the community. Examples of services: VTope, Botovod.

Paid methods:

  1. Paid entries. Users are offered a certain amount for joining the community and remaining in it. This method allows you to significantly save time, but the activity of the attracted audience is likely to be small.
  2. Order advertising. Involves posting a post on the page of other communities. When choosing a group to publish paid advertising, you must be guided by the topic, adequate cost and subscriber coverage.

The choice of how to promote the community depends on financial capabilities, the desired result and the topic of the group. A combination of paid and free options is acceptable. This will reduce costs and achieve good results.

The video shows 10 ways to promote a group. Filmed by the Internet business online channel.

The main ways to make money on a group on VKontakte

The most common ways to generate income from your group in VK include:

  • advertising on the wall;
  • affiliate links;
  • advertising exchange services;
  • promotion of goods and services;
  • video posting;
  • community sale.

Advertising on the wall

With a sufficient number of subscribers and good promotion of the page, you can easily attract advertisers to post their information on the public wall. You can earn money without intermediaries by placing an advertisement on the page that advertising posts are accepted and indicating the cost of their placement.

  • reposting advertising posts;
  • direct placement of posts provided by the client;
  • publishing links in the appropriate section of the group;
  • holding promotions and prize draws organized for commercial purposes at the request of the advertiser;
  • special marketing events.

Affiliate links

Partner programs should be selected based on the preferences of subscribers. At the same time, you should pay attention to popular sites that will not cause mistrust and will be able to provide delivery throughout Russia.

Community organizers can take part in various projects with payment for the following actions:

  • order;
  • registration in the service;
  • registration in an online game;
  • filling out an application for the purchase and sale of goods;
  • every visitor attracted to the site by a partner partner.

All that remains is to attach the program to the group and receive profit from it automatically. With this method of generating income, earnings depend on a correct assessment of the interests of group users and their activity.

Advertising exchange services

There are a sufficient number of exchanges for buying and selling advertising in VKontakte communities. You need to add a page to the resource you are interested in, specify the cost of services for placement and wait for applications from advertisers.

The most relevant services:

  1. Sociate is a well-promoted serious resource that enjoys the greatest popularity. Attractive with its user-friendly interface and automatic operation.
  2. Plibber - allows you to earn money from advertising posts in a public page or community. Entries must be posted manually; the functionality is not very convenient.
  3. Vktarget is a universal resource for Internet surfing and generating income in groups.
  4. Blogun is a project for page and community owners. Makes quite strict demands on participants.
  5. Socialtools - allows you to make money on various social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter. Suitable for page and group owners.

All of these resources charge a percentage for advertising placement; they should be used when obtaining the desired result.

Promotion of goods and services

One of the options for earning money is reselling goods from online hypermarket sites. A photo of the product is posted in the group and the price is indicated. Profit depends on the quantity of goods sold and the markup.

Video posting

The method is quite simple and allows you to receive passive income. A certain video is posted on the page and for each view the owner receives a fixed amount depending on the topic. The method depends on the audience reach and subscriber activity, and is suitable for large groups.

Selling a community

After filling the group and promoting it, a sale occurs to an interested user. A controversial way to make money. When selling, the account goes to the buyer, there is a risk of encountering an unscrupulous partner and losing the group without receiving money.

Photo gallery “Methods of generating income from the community in VK”

Earnings from advertising in VK groups

There is no fixed amount of earnings from groups on VKontakte.

What does income depend on?

Key indicators affecting profit:

  • filling the community;
  • subject;
  • audience reach;
  • user activity;
  • competition;
  • advertising cost.

Approximate figures

You should start making money from your VK group with a minimum of 10 thousand subscribers, since many sites have an entry barrier.

You can roughly estimate how much money you can actually earn through advertising in the community on specialized exchanges. The number of advertising posts placed in the public should not exceed 5 per day, otherwise penalties from the VKontakte administration will follow. Exchanges display information about the number of subscribers in a group, the audience reached and the cost of advertising. Using simple calculations you can get approximate figures.

Income can vary from 100 rubles to several thousand, and in the largest communities, millions of rubles per month.

4 ways to make money on the VKontakte group. Remember and act!

Users were given the opportunity to realize their ideas, create joint projects, and promote their brands mainly through groups or public pages.

The article will discuss in detail earnings on the VKontakte group, because with the current functionality and convenience of the resource interface, this is one of the most interesting ways to generate income.

A beginner can start earning money this way, but some time will need to be spent on creating and promoting a group.

After all, in order for a community to start generating any profit, it must have at least 5-6 thousand users.

If you are just taking your first steps in this direction, in addition to ways to make money from a group, in the text you will find tips on promoting your public.

So let's get started!

Ways to make money on the VKontakte group

The higher the competition in the field of making money on groups becomes, the more new options are invented.

At the same time, sometimes the policy of the administration of the social network becomes stricter, which leads to the need for serious adjustments in the methods used.

The most popular ways to make a profit now are:

  1. Most group owners sell posts on the community wall.
    The terms of the transaction may vary, but usually the entry is posted, after which nothing else is published for an hour or two.
    Thus, the post “hangs” in the most visible place.
    Gradually, as regular content is published, the entry “slides”, and after 24 hours it is completely deleted.
  2. A less common option is branding.
    This means a process where an outside brand pays for “tags” in a group in the form of, for example, an avatar with a logo or a watermark on all posts in the community.
    This way, the brand receives promotion during the paid time by a promoted public, and the community owners receive a good reward.
  3. One type of advertising is placing a link to the promoted group in the “links” block.
    Statistically, the effectiveness of this method gradually decreases because users pay less and less attention to additional windows.
    But at the same time, the audience following these links turns out to be the most active.
    Accommodation is paid for for a long period (usually at least a week).
  4. Another unusual way to earn money is by inviting community members.
    For example, you own a group that brings together all rock lovers in the city of Barnaul.
    And now the organizer of a rock concert comes to you, who has created a meeting and wants to invite all participants of your public to it.
    But this cannot be done without your consent.
    Therefore, the client pays you for the fact that your community will be listed among the organizers.

How much can you earn from a VKontakte group?

Only those who already receive it can name the exact amount of earnings.

Moreover, of course, there is no fixed monthly profit amount.

The figure is influenced by too many factors, including:

  • how many participants are in the group,
  • the topic of the community, as well as what kind of subscribers it has (the narrower the focus, the more expensive the advertising post is),
  • activity indicators: how much they put, how actively they repost and comment on posts.

Another important point is the desired amount of earnings. After all, there is no fixed rate for advertising posts.

The community owner names his price, and the advertiser can either agree or not.

If activity in the group or the number of subscribers grows, you can actively increase prices.

Approximate figures can be considered using the example of a public page dedicated to online promotion.

The audience of such a community is usually quite active and has a narrow specialization.

With an audience of more than 15 thousand subscribers, an advertising post can be sold for 2,000 rubles. But the demand for this topic is not the highest, so offers from advertisers are received infrequently.

In one such group, earnings will be no more than 8-10,000 rubles.

How to look for advertisers to make money on VKontakte?

If you already have a well-promoted public page, all that remains is to find customers.

How to make money on a VKontakte group and where to look for them?

    There are several ways by which they can reach your community: advice from friends, through the search bar in a search engine or itself, a link to a public page on third-party sites or forums.

    To do this, the group must be promoted, and information about it must be actively disseminated.

    If you are not yet so popular and have just started making money from the community, you can send offers to potential customers yourself.

    This is especially easy to do if you go to similar public pages with a large audience and see who is accessing them.

  1. There are special exchanges for advertising on social platforms.
    Vktarget and Sociate.ru have proven themselves best.
  2. To start working there, you must have a group reach of at least 20,000 people.

    The disadvantage of the VKontakte exchange is a fairly large commission. But there you can find potential customers and write to them, bypassing the system.

How to promote a VKontakte group to make money?

So, all these methods are suitable for already promoted groups.

But what if you are at the very beginning of your journey and have just created a public page?

There are a number of ways that will help you win a wide audience and earn a normal income:

    Friends and acquaintances.

    At the very beginning, the immediate environment is usually used for promotion.

    They are asked to join for mass participation, give a few likes, and repost.

    That is, imitate activity in every possible way.

    Strangers will not want to join a completely empty group.


    As mentioned above, the group can be found in the VKontakte search using the correctly selected name.

    If a person got into the group by chance, but did not see anything interesting for himself, he will leave it.

    Therefore, you need to post regularly, check them for semantic and spelling errors, write unique texts and use keywords that correspond to the topic of the group.


    Holding a competition based on the like&share principle helps to quickly recruit an audience into a group.

    Then a winner is randomly selected from among those who reposted.

    The disadvantage of this method is that it often attracts freebie lovers rather than the target audience.

    After the competition, activity drops.

  1. If public promotion is in full swing and you are already receiving good income from it, don’t waste your time - start another group.
    It will be easier to promote the second one and you can use the first one for this.
    You can also not stop there and also create a website for monetization.
  2. A very creative but effective way to promote a group is through “viral” posts.
    Study the intricacies of their compilation using the example of large publics and use them in practice.
  3. At first, you can resort to using systems for increasing likes and subscribers.
    But you shouldn't abuse it.
    Firstly, because they are not your target audience and will not show activity other than what was paid for.
    And secondly, such pages are very often banned.
    As a result, if you look at your list of subscribers after a while, these will be solid blocked “dogs”.
    The VKontakte administration is monitoring this and may block your community in response.
  4. How to make more money from a contact group in a short time?
    To get started, choose one of the profitable topics.
    Business communities lead the way in this category.
    It’s more difficult to promote them and the competition is higher, but the cost of the post is also higher.
  5. We invite you to watch a video with one of the methods

    to make money on the VKontakte group:

  6. Don't be afraid to invest personal funds in promotion.
    This can be done for free, but the process can take months.
    Decide for yourself - to take a risk and quickly test the effectiveness of the group to make money.
    Or promote it for months, only to later discover the low profitability of the chosen topic.

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