Know your business

Scrapbooking: hobby or additional income? Scrapbooking - how to make money on your favorite hobby Make money on scrapbooking.


The needlework-based business is considered one of the most popular in recent years due to the minimal investment in the project and the high demand for homemade products.

To open a business in needlework, for example, knitting and get a high income, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of your own skills and abilities, study the relevant literature in detail and, as a result, put your creative ideas into practice. Handmade products at home in such areas as scrapbooking, sewing, knitting, beading are in great demand, especially among women 20-45 years old.

Initial stages

Scrapbooking has become popular in the world - a type of needlework for home business, based on the design of albums and postcards using a variety of materials. This hobby is able to entertain in your spare time, expand your creative vision and bring a considerable income, just like knitting.

Exhibitions with scrapbooking products are held. There are other types of needlework that you can do at home. Profitable and in high demand include the following handmade business ideas:

  • Sewing.
  • Weaving from beads, sequins, beads.
  • Knitting (clothes, plaid, pillow, toys).
  • Making painted dishes.
  • Creation of belts, phone cases, backpacks.
  • Embroidery.

Before you open your own handmade business, you need to properly build your customer search and sales system for knitting or other needlework. All ideas are based on calculations of the time for which you can make one product, on the costs of materials and tools. Regardless of what types of needlework for a business are taken as a basis - scrapbooking, beading, sewing or knitting - the final product must be of high quality and attractive appearance. The income of a businessman depends on this.

The positive thing is that needlework at home does not require official business registration. Therefore, manual work is easy to organize or turn from a hobby into a permanent income and develop it.

Positive aspects of business

Needlework as a business has many positive aspects. Particularly important for successful entrepreneur the following:

  • Small investment at the start. For knitting, for example, only knitting needles and threads are needed;
  • Quick payback due to the low cost of consumables;
  • Great demand for self-made products, work with regular customers.

When deciding to open a business for decorating photo albums at home, you can think about scrapbooking cards. It is difficult to purchase original congratulations, since monotonous options are available for purchase in stores. As your small scrapbooking business grows, you can start expanding. Find the option of renting a small room, hiring several employees.

Ideas for creating your own business at home are also positive in that there is no competition at all. Home-made products (knitting, sewing) are unique, so many prefer to purchase this particular product.

Selection of needlework

Opening a knitting business is a great needlework option for those who know how to create things that have an attractive appearance. It can be:

  • Scarf.
  • A cap.
  • Cardigan.
  • Poncho.
  • Bag.
  • Sock.
  • Doll.
  • Vest.

To increase the volume of products sold, you will need a special knitting machine. All kinds of accessories, yarn and tools can be purchased online from a reliable supplier. The advantage of a needlework knitting business is that at first the owner does not need a room. However, you will have to make a lot of efforts to promote your own business.

Starting a sewing business at home is suitable for motivated people who can guarantee the quality of the products they make. With a good reputation, you can fulfill orders for chic formal dresses, including evening dresses and strict tuxedos, sewing children's products, knitting capes. Sewing business at home involves the production of exclusive products to order, for example, a patchwork blanket or bumpers for babies, as well as light labor-intensive work:

  • Clothing repair.
  • Pants fit.
  • Insert "lightning".

Sewing is a rather extensive area in needlework and it is easy to succeed in it. IN regular customers There will be no shortage if you treat your work responsibly and conscientiously. A needlewoman for sewing and knitting can draw ideas from magazines.

Embroidery for business, like knitting, is a kind of needlework, on which you can also succeed well and earn money if you follow your plan. Embroidery tablecloths, napkins, paintings or icons at home are considered the most profitable for entrepreneurship.


One of the most modern types of needlework along with knitting is scrapbooking. Photo albums, books and postcards, decorated in the most unusual way, are relevant for the following events in life:

  • Weddings and graduations.
  • Admission to school or kindergarten.
  • Appearance of a child.
  • Birthday or anniversary.
  • Have a great trip and holidays.

In addition, many people order scrapbooking books for the purpose of exclusive registration of a pedigree.

Materials and equipment

All types of needlework, including scrapbooking, sewing, embroidery, knitting, beading, require all kinds of tools and materials to create unique products with your own hands at home. The sewing business implies the presence of working tools, a large amount of fabric of different types, threads and decorations.

Scrapbooking will require decals, rhinestones, sequins, lace, leather, ribbon, and more. etc. For needlework such as embroidery and knitting, you may need not only a hook / knitting needles and threads, but also an embroidery / knitting machine.

All handicraft materials must be different high quality Therefore, it is required to approach the choice of a supplier as responsibly as possible. Many owners purchase ready-made knitting or embroidery kits.

If there is a financial opportunity for needlework (knitting, sewing), you need to buy optional equipment which helps to significantly reduce the time and physical costs of manufacturing products. These can be special mosaic needles and hoops, spray glue, sewing will be easier with the use of starching products, etc.

Financial calculations

The ideas of a business based on needlework differ from all others in that a person is completely free to choose materials for work and topics. All tools do not have to be expensive, at least in the initial stages. But a business plan must be drawn up for knitting, scrapbooking and other types of needlework.

If you allocate about 10-12 hours a week, you can earn about 20,000 rubles on needlework. This is assuming that you have experience in this area. If several people work, respectively, and the profit will be greater. It is worth considering that the more time is given to planning and work, the more profitable and successful the business will become.

And soon your customers will advertise for you for free, which will allow you to expand production: rent premises and buy knitting or sewing equipment.

If you want to perform large amounts of work, you will need additional equipment for business. For example, for embroidery, you need to purchase a special semi-professional machine with a rigid hoop, equipped with several needles and with mechanical thread trimming. For any kind of crafts, knitting or sewing products that require professional equipment, you will need at least 150,000 rubles.

It is quite difficult to assess the profitability of a home-based business in needlework. It all depends on what materials will be used in the work.

In scrapbooking, you can save on substitute albums. It can be natural books or large notebooks. With a high pace of work, it is realistic to start offering your needlework services to marketing departments: corporate gifts are in high demand.

A prerequisite for the successful promotion of a business is the creation of a portfolio with images of your the best works. With proper organization and conduct of a small advertising campaign its creativity, a needlework business can pay off in less than one year - this also applies to knitting.

1. The level of work. Look at your work with a sober eye. Is it true that your skill level will pull good orders. There is a buyer for any product, but isn't it better to do one noteworthy job and get a good reward for it than to whip up dozens of the same type of twins. Practice and experience are your best friends. To get started, test your products on friends and relatives - give and do not forget to ask their opinion about your work.
Tip: Focus on quality and originality.

2. Design and description of products. Presenting your work is an important point in achieving good results. “Meet by clothes…” - few people may be interested in a dim photograph of a product taken in poor lighting, on an inappropriate background, in an unfortunate angle, and the most hopeless option is the absence of a photograph at all. Learn to take pictures, skills in processing photos in graphic editors such as Photoshop will be a great help. The job description has not been canceled either. But there is one “BUT”, you don’t need to overflow in epithets about your work, the buyer will appreciate it anyway. It is important to indicate the size, materials used, how many photos are intended for (if this is an album), etc.
Tip: learn to take pictures, and present your product beautifully.

3. The cost of your products. Handmade has always been expensive. But still, the issue of price must be approached seriously, and not rely on "by eye" and receive exorbitant amounts. First, calculate the cost of materials (round the amount in your favor). Secondly, you need to take into account the time and complexity of the work, and this is perhaps the most difficult calculation for a beginner. For example, you spent three hours at work. There are two options - either the work is easy to perform and does not require much effort and time, or you are an excellent craftsman and can bring complex projects to life in a short time. Conclusion - naturally, the scheme for calculating the cost of efforts will be different, although the time spent is the same. You need to find a "golden mean" - not to set a low price to the detriment of yourself, but also not to overestimate it so as not to scare off all buyers. Also take into account the fact that buyers living in the capital will be able to pay for the work an amount that may be prohibitive for buyers living in small towns, where incomes differ significantly from incomes in megacities.
Tip: be flexible in your calculations.

4. Where to sell. Let's be realistic. Few people have the opportunity to open a store for their products, so for starters, let's consider the most profitable and affordable option - selling via the Internet. Now there are a lot of sites that offer a place for your work for free or for a percentage of the sale. There you can see the approximate prices for the work, and evaluate your level in comparison with the work of other masters. It would be nice to create your own blog, website or gallery where you will post examples of work, descriptions, etc.
Tip: become an active user of the Internet, especially social networks, forums and communities on a topic that interests you.

5. We communicate with clients. If you are going to make work to order, discuss all the details of the design in advance, as well as the estimated cost, prepayment, delivery, terms of purchase and final payment. Perhaps the customer wants something like a friend, acquaintance, etc. Despite the fact that it will be a copy, there will still be some personal wishes. If the customer wants something to your taste, then you need to take into account that tastes are different, and they may simply not coincide with the tastes of the customer.
Tip: Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions and set your own terms.

Elena receives her orders either through a blog or through word of mouth, that is, the advertisements are the stories of those people who were satisfied with the quality and beauty of the work: “... I have a specific product - albums, you won’t sell it in large quantities in stores, although, as some girls write in their blogs, they sell cards in flower, wedding and other salons. As far as I know, many craftswomen create groups on social networks - does this work effectively? opinions are conflicting...

In general, the way the products are sold depends on the work itself. With a wedding theme, in my opinion, the easiest way is to be friends with wedding salons, postcards and frames - flower and interior salons, albums and sleeves for CDs with photos - photographers and photo studios. In general, if you are serious about scrapbooking or card making and earn a living from it, then you need to develop a whole program to promote your product, diversify your product line, highlight your consumer niche and contingent, etc.”

And finally, a few examples of Elena's work

Be inspired!

Business ideas for women

Scrapbooking is relatively new in the world of needlework, but it has become a lucrative hobby for many women around the world. If many women, including housewives and mothers on maternity leave, were able to make money on this, then why not try it for you too? The advantages of this business idea for women is that it can be implemented right at home, combining passion and earnings.
So what is scrapbooking? This is a handmade decoration and production of postcards, photo albums, notepads, notebooks, etc. Each piece is unique and uniquely beautiful. Postcards and notebooks made using the scrapbooking technique are always popular as gifts, and handmade and high-quality work makes it possible to sell goods at a high price.

This business idea is primarily suitable for those women who love to do needlework, have creative thinking and a rich imagination. In addition, personal qualities require patience and perseverance. Of the resources - a large amount of free time. At first, of course, you can work at night, but most likely the accumulated fatigue will very quickly extinguish your creative enthusiasm long before the first financial successes.

As with any business idea for beginners, a scrapbooking business will require a small amount of start-up capital. It is necessary for the purchase of paper, decor, paints, brushes and various stationery. A variety of ornaments, lace, shreds of fabric, small figurines, artificial flowers, buttons, clippings from magazines and newspapers, photographs, dried leaves and twigs can be used as decor. In principle, anything can be used to design notebooks and postcards using the scrapbooking technique. Thematic albums and diaries for personal records are selling very well.

Where can I get materials for scrapbooking? Unfortunately, there are not many stores in Russia where you can buy special paper, tools and decorative items for scrapbooking, so needlewomen are forced to order materials via the Internet. But in it the variety, beauty and quality of materials for scrapbooking can amaze even the richest imagination.

Where to sell your products? Try to distribute through friends and acquaintances, create your own website, make sales through personal pages on social networks, create accounts on sites where needlewomen can sell handmade goods. As soon as the first successes in sales appear. You might consider opening your own small shop.

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