These are not project management functions. Project Management Features

Project Management Features

When considering and evaluating project management activities, a number of aspects (approaches) can be distinguished. The most common of them are: functional, dynamic, subject.

Functional aspect reflects a general approach to the problem of management and involves consideration of the main functions of management (types of management activities):

1. analysis;

2. planning;

3. organization;

4. control;

5. regulation.

Management functions are considered a central concept: they are performed at all levels of management activity, in each phase of project implementation, for all its processes and managed objects (elements).

The sequence of control functions forms a kind of cycle, shown in Fig. 1.3:

Fig.1.3. Management functions.

Regulation represents the next level of control and begins a new cycle:

1. Analysis of deviations of the actual state of affairs from the plan;

2. Planning of work to eliminate deviations;

3. Organization of activities to eliminate deviations;

4. Monitoring the implementation of adjusted plans, etc.

An analysis of the state in which the project is located is required at every moment when it becomes necessary to intervene in the progress of work. All work on the project begins with analysis; all elements of the project are subject to analysis: timing of work, degree of risk, finances, personnel, progress of design, delivery and execution of construction and installation work, quality of results, etc.

Planning is a fundamental function in managing the project implementation process, which is confirmed by many years of practice in this area.

Planning is subject to the implementation of design work, the purchase of technology, materials and equipment, construction and installation work, commissioning of facilities, etc.

Project work plans can be structured in accordance with the division of the project into processes that reflect the logic of the project's development from its initial stages to the completion of the project.

Each of these stages (or work within this stage) represents an independent level in the structure of the project implementation process.

For each phase of the project, the cost is determined and work schedules are calculated. Work schedules regulate resource costs and work deadlines. The project implementation plan and associated schedules should be revised as necessary to reflect changing project conditions.

The most important area of ​​planning is estimating the cost of the project. To plan the cost of a project, four types of estimates are used, which sequentially clarify the cost of the project depending on

on the degree of completion of design work:

viability assessment;

factor assessment;

approximate estimate;

final score.

The implementation of the developed project implementation plans is ensured by organizational activities. The success of any project largely depends on the correct selection of personnel. Therefore, the main task of organizational activity is to create teams to work on the implementation of the project and ensure their effective work.

Dynamic approach to project management involves consideration over time of the processes associated with the main activities of the project. These processes are summarized as follows:

1. problem analysis;

2. development of the project concept;

3. basic and detailed design;

4. construction;

5. installation, adjustment, start-up, operation, dismantling.

Subject approach defines the project objects to which control is directed. There are at least two types of such objects in the project.

The first type is production facilities. Their composition is determined by the nature of the project.

The second type represents objects (elements) associated with activities to ensure the implementation of the project, including:

Personnel (personnel);


Material resources;



In general, the project management functions are presented in Fig. 1.4.

Pre-investment phase

Investment phase

Operational phase

Fig.1.4. Project management functions.

Project management as a form of entrepreneurship

Project management as a form of entrepreneurial activity means that managing the movement of financial and cash flows, as well as the relationship of project participants, cannot be a purely bureaucratic, administrative act. Project management as a form of entrepreneurship involves the use of scientific principles of planning, management and analysis.

The essence of project management as a form of entrepreneurship is expressed in the exchange:

Money --> Project management --> Money with growth.

The scope of application of project management is the investment activities of the company. By making investments, the company enters into economic, financial, legal and other relations with the Project Participants, forming its business activities.

The essence of project management as the implementation of entrepreneurial activity is expressed by the goals of the project.

The main goals of the project are determined based on the concept of the project and the corporate goals of its participants.

The process of defining project objectives can have a significant impact on project implementation.

The customer, contractor and third parties during the implementation of the project pursue many interrelated (including mutually exclusive) goals, the main of which are formulated explicitly in the project concept and contract documentation.

These main (main) goals of the project, included in the plan for its implementation, should most fully take into account the corporate goals of the project participants.

However, some goals may not be clear or may not be explicitly defined and arise at various stages of the project.

These implicit goals can have an indirect impact on the progress of the project, while, as a rule, the question of their influence on the achievement of the main goals of the project fixed in the concept remains unclear.

The most complete identification of the goals of all project participants and their clear formulation is one of the most important tasks of the project manager, since overall success may depend on this.

Objectives should be stated as clearly as possible, defining the relative importance of each and how these objectives will be taken into account in the adoption of alternatives. management decisions.

Thus, full implementation of entrepreneurial activity occurs only when the goals set for the project are achieved.

Business as a progressive activity until the end of the maturity phase is simultaneously in two states of aggregation. The first state is associated with the usual procedures for producing a product that is continuously or regularly released into the outside world. The second state is impulsive, unique, promoting and developing. This state is accompanied by a special form of development – ​​projects. Each organization accumulates experience and knowledge in implementing unique project tasks. Project management is based on rich global and personal experience in this difficult matter.

Essential points of project management

Projects have specific goals. At the same time, there are tasks whose goals and previously formulated results are clarified as implementation progresses. Uniqueness as a feature of a project action is often a relative phenomenon. There is not the slightest doubt about the temporary nature of such activity, which, as a genuine task, has a beginning and a precisely designated time point for its completion.

It is difficult to disagree with the position of V.I. Liberzon, President of the Moscow branch of the PMI Institute, that the essence of project management is associated with the phenomenon of a project as a temporary enterprise designed to create unique products and services. Management is carried out on the basis of the use of knowledge, skills, methods, tools and technologies in the project field. This toolkit has been accumulated in national and international standards for many decades. The PMI Institute in PMBOK defines the concept of “project management” as follows.

Projects are managed with the goal of achieving or exceeding the outcome expectations of the participants. It should be recognized that it is quite logical to apply process methodology to the management phenomenon, implying regulations as system batteries of past experience. Project management is in continuous development. The best practices that pioneer managers develop are tested, generalized, and translated into standards. Then the standards go through the stage of adaptation to various design solutions in a practical manner. And so it happens in a spiral cycle of development.

Project management development cycle

Essential management aspects are the content, limitations and risks of projects. The managerial environment is determined by a number of supporting phenomena that have classification characteristics. These include:

  • environment;
  • stakeholders as individualized environmental positions;
  • types of projects;
  • management principles;
  • project management processes;
  • project management functions;
  • project management models;
  • organizational structure;
  • organizational culture;
  • resource platform;
  • economic efficiency of investments;
  • comprehensive project management.

Integrated project management in companies with a large volume of work and a significant number of simultaneously implemented unique tasks becomes possible from the moment of implementation of a corporate project management system (CPMS). The introduction of KSUP makes it possible to systematize the accumulated experience in the field of design development. Decision-making in the field of project management is becoming significantly more streamlined. Risks and problems are identified much earlier, which means they are minimized in a timely manner and removed from the orbit of the regulatory cycle.

Basic principles of project management

As a result of generalized experience and a systemic phenomenon, project management is guided by certain principles. As basic rules, the principles of project management arise from the patterns that have led to numerous decisions in their time to success. Having specific features, they are also focused on general management principles. The following is a list of the basic principles.

  1. The principle of a differentiated approach. When coordinating and regulating, it is imperative to take into account and use the various aspects of the project infrastructure. These include the expectations and contributions of participants, specialized project management standards and features of project implementation by type, etc.
  2. Principle of economic feasibility. This principle presupposes an accelerated growth in returns from the implementation of the company’s entire portfolio of projects in comparison with the total budget for their implementation and the costs of maintaining the project office. All resources involved in implementation are under control thanks to the procedures described in the processes. Actions outside of future economic feasibility within the framework of project activities are not permissible.
  3. The principle of flexibility. The team is expected to respond quickly and flexibly to all challenges and changes in the internal and external situation in relation to the project. In some cases, management of a unique task reacts flexibly to changes in the company as a whole. At the same time, flexibility does not in any way exclude sufficient strict adherence to the procedural procedures of project activities.
  4. The principle of competitiveness. In conditions of limited labor and financial resources, areas for implementing tasks are subject to ranking and selection on a competitive basis in an internal competitive environment. The selection of projects is made based on the conditions of importance (compliance with the strategy), problematic nature and resource availability.
  5. The principle of separation of powers. The process management concept, which is used in project management, requires adherence to the principle that each process belongs to a single owner. The process owner is responsible for the stages of in-process work and achieving the final result.
  6. The principle of openness. Project management standards are not dogma. It is accepted that current design practice may not meet the requirements of the standards. In this case, it is suggested and recommended to double-check the basic provisions of the procedures. This is the openness of project management standards for their development.
  7. Best practices principle. The company's management is obliged to encourage its managers and teams to apply the best domestic and international experience in the field of project management. The main aspects of best practices should be borrowed from all available sources.

Process-functional model of project management

The project management system has a certain volume of elements, presenting a kind of isometric configuration. In getting acquainted with project management, we will present only its two-dimensional version, which includes the processes and functions of project management in their close interrelation. Project management processes are described in detail in the PMI. In the PMBOK guide, they are consolidated into five full-fledged groups, which represent stages that are implemented sequentially and in parallel. The process groups are presented below:

  • initiation;
  • planning;
  • execution;
  • monitoring and control;
  • closing

Graph diagram of interaction between process groups within a phase or project

The graph-diagram presented above visually depicts the event stages of the project deployment. They, like process groups, have a certain level of coordination, interaction and duration. From this perspective, a project is a set of interconnected processes. The main areas of project management are covered in the PMBOK guide. At the same time, it is recognized that key nuances regarding the variety of management methods remain in the minds of outstanding practitioners.

This is true and quite natural. But the base that the PMI Institute provides is already more than enough to rely on the proposed process model and begin to apply this management technology. Features of the monitoring and control process as a “background” group of organizational architecture are one of the valuable remarks of management.

Place of monitoring and control in project management process groups

It is emphasized that project management processes are not phases of the life cycle of a project task. Moreover, they can be repeated and enter the cycle at almost every phase. In this sense, the concepts of process groups, stages and phases are not identical to each other. Processes and stages can be considered as synonyms only conditionally. Project management functions are also separated from management processes. The matrix of the process-functional management model is presented below.

Matrix of the process-functional model of project management

Processes are sets of interrelated works with clearly defined results and established deadlines for implementation. At the same time, functional areas represent compositions of actions and competencies that do not have a specific time reference. Many process operations can easily be translated into task form, and the areas of functions are determined only by the managerial area of ​​competence.

The first four functional areas are basic because they work on the three main aspects of project management: content, constraints (cost and time) and risks. The last five areas are optional. Human resource management applies to the immediate environment and team, while supply management applies to the external environment. Communications, quality and integration management are separate specific management loops.

The PM must understand that managing a project task is not only and not so much a situational impact on the team and other participants. This is a set of verified activities that the project manager and senior managers carry out, relying on the formalized experience of generations of specialists in the project field not only of the company, but also of the entire global business community. Project management implies management's possession of special tools, methods, skills and are procedural in nature. This approach ensures reliable results.

Course work

on the topic: “Basic functions of project management”


Chapter 1. General characteristics of project management in social work

1 Essence and requirements for projects in social work

2 Project management system

3 Phases of the project life cycle

Chapter 2. Analysis of the creation and management of the main functions of the project using the example of the Ramenki TsVR project

1 General description of the Ramenki TsVR project

2 Study of the external environment of the GBOU TsVR "Ramenki"

3 Management of the main functions of project activities of GBOU TsVR "Ramenki"

Chapter 3. Main ways of effective implementation of a social project




The relevance of the topic, the implementation of a new project is a complex differentiated process, which is accompanied by the solution of production problems.

Today there is an urgent need for scientific research on the problem of introducing new projects, searching for new approaches, developing methods, and justifying algorithms that allow the implementation of this project into production.

The lack of scientific developments on the noted aspects of the problem or their low quality leads to the fact that the functional-organizational structure is carried out by trial and error, which reduces the effectiveness of their economic activities.

Social significance of the topic: The project is being implemented under favorable conditions from the authorities. The need for the construction of a nursing home is confirmed by data on the growth in the number of people of retirement age, the high level of workload of state gerontological centers, nursing homes and nursing homes for the elderly, as well as the practically non-existent supply from private companies.

The object of the study is the Ramenki Central Educational Institution.

The subject of the study is a project in the social sphere.

The purpose of the study is to study the main theoretical aspects of the functional features of project management in the social sphere using the example of the Ramenki Central Educational Institution.

The implementation of this goal determined the need to solve the following tasks:

Provide a general description of project management;

Describe the project management system;

Give the main phases of the project life cycle;

Conduct an analysis of project creation and management;

Develop the main ways to implement the project.

The theoretical basis for the study was Russian and foreign publications related to research in the field of project management in enterprises. The topic is most fully covered in the works of such foreign scientists as P. Drucker, A. Gardner, M. Weber, A. Chandler, D. Gibson, T. Kono, A. Mintberg, R. Hall, A. Hoskins and others. This topic was also fully presented in the works of domestic scientists, such as A. Alaverdov, A. Bandurin, V. Vesnin, G. Kleiner, I. Gerchikov, M. Lapusta, O. Lebedev, O. Vikhansky, A. Shevchenko and others.

Research methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the fundamental provisions of management, legislative and regulatory acts of Russia, monographs, scientific articles of domestic and foreign scientists. The work used both general scientific and special research methods.

Methods of collecting and processing information: the analysis was carried out as part of a desk study. During the study, the following methods of collecting information were used: reading specialized literature in the library (with note-taking); reading articles, monographs, and other primary sources; search for articles on this topic in abstract journals, in the list of primary sources, etc.; collecting information on the Internet

Structure and scope of course work. The course work consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion and a list of sources used. The main text of the course project is presented on 45 pages.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of project management in social work

1.1 Essence and requirements for projects in social work

management project social

Currently, in the specialized literature one can find various approaches to understanding social design.

Social design is defined: as the science of general principles, methods, techniques and rules for constructing conceptual objects such as manuals, methods, plans, projects, programs designed to solve complex social problems; as a specific planned activity.

Social design can be defined as a reasonable design of an organization of social connections in various spheres at different levels of joint life activity that meets given requirements and is planned for construction in the near or distant future.

Social design is aimed at determining the basic parameters of new and radically reorganized objects.

Social design deals with the design not of social development, but of the initial, initial state of new objects, from which their social development will then begin. Social design can be considered as a systematic description of a social experiment, one of the forms of anticipating social reality. Social design involves the presence of proposals regarding the implementation of the proposed development in practice.

Thus, social design can be understood as a special type of professional and social activity associated with changing the living environment. This activity is aimed at reconstructing existing and creating new facilities that perform social functions. This approach to social design can be called object-oriented.

Social design can be applied at different levels. Therefore, it is important to classify it. The classification of social design according to the problems to be solved, taking into account the area of ​​social life in which it is applied, is fundamental. At the same time, it can be classified on other grounds. One of them is the time period considered by the social project.

It is advisable to distinguish between operational social design, focused on the development of projects planned for implementation at the present time, immediately after their approval, and design taking into account the implementation of projects in a few years or in the distant future.

Social design can be classified depending on the depth of development of projects. The depth of development of social projects is the degree of detail of the designed social objects outlined in them.

Classification is also possible depending on the nature, content, methods and rigor of justification of projects. The nature of the justification is associated with the use of design assessments - quantitative or qualitative; the content of justification consists of those factors of social life on the basis of which it is carried out; justification methods are ways of developing projects; the rigor of justification for a social project is an assessment of the possibility of its implementation, the degree or interval of deviations of a possible or realized reality from the project.

Not a single social project can be implemented completely down to the details, which is due to the nature of social reality. The further the anticipation of the future, the more the rigor of justification for a social project decreases. This dependence can be viewed in the same way as a pattern of social design.

The validity of a social project is comparable to reliability as a forecast parameter. If the feasibility of a forecast is assessed from the point of view of its reliability, which is “an assessment of the probability of the forecast being realized for a given confidence interval,” then the feasibility of the project is from the point of view of validity.

The feasibility of project development must be distinguished from project feasibility.

The feasibility of developing a social project is the availability of the opportunity to draw up a project. Feasibility, or realizability, of a social project is a characteristic indicating the possibility of constructing social objects in accordance with it. It is achieved through a strict scientific substantiation of the social characteristics defined in the project. Therefore, validity is an indicator of the feasibility of a social project.

The basis for classifying social design can be the degree of accuracy of the social projects being developed.

The accuracy of a social project is an assessment of the interval within which the implementation of the characteristics of the designed object is determined.

Since the project contains probabilistic connections, the social characteristics of the object can not be determined unambiguously, but through the assumption of a certain range of their variation during the implementation of the project. The accuracy of a social project is closely related to such a parameter as validity. It depends not only on the presence of probabilistic connections, but also on the depth of our knowledge of the future. The further the projected social future is from us, the lower the accuracy of social design, the more the characteristics of the projected future become variable. This dependence can be characterized in the same way as a pattern of social design.

Social design can also be classified depending on the scale of the social problems being solved. In this regard, it is advisable to distinguish between local, focused on private problems, and strategic design, aimed at solving basic social problems. Strategic design sets parameters for the future, the consequences of which are long-term in nature and affect the life of society as a whole.

1.2 Project management system

The need for project management, namely the need to coordinate the use of human and material resources throughout the project life cycle using modern methods, is associated with a massive increase in the scale and complexity of projects, increasing requirements for the timing of their implementation, and the quality of work performed.

Project management is the process of managing a team and project resources using special methods and techniques in order to successfully achieve the goal.

An important element of project management is the timely and accurate preparation of project materials.

Project materials are a set of documents containing a description and justification of the project.

There are also many other elements and characteristics that play an important role in project management, namely: initial conditions, limitations and requirements for the project, types of project support, methods and techniques of project management, etc.

Using project management methods, project goals are determined, justified and evaluated:

ü viability;

ü show the structure of the project (subgoals, tasks, work that needs to be completed) determine the necessary volumes and sources of financing;

ü select performers, in particular through tenders and competitions; prepare and conclude contracts;

ü determine the timing of the project;

ü draw up a work schedule;

ü calculate the necessary resources, estimates and budget of the project;

ü plan and take into account risks;

ü provide control over the implementation of the project.

In order to take into account time constraints, methods for constructing and analyzing network and work schedules are used. Limitations on funds are managed using methods for forming a financial plan (budget) for the project and monitoring it. To perform and provide resources for work, special methods of managing human and material resources are used, for example, a responsibility matrix and load charts.

Main system. The project manager is a representative of the customer, any participating company. The project manager is not financially responsible for decisions made. He is responsible for coordinating and managing the development and implementation of the project; he does not enter into contractual relations with other project participants (except the customer). The advantage of the main system is the objectivity of the manager, the disadvantage is that the customer is responsible for the project.

Advanced control system. The project manager is responsible for the project within a fixed (estimated) price. He ensures the management and coordination of project processes according to agreements between him and the participants within a fixed price. The project manager may be a contractor or consulting firm(in some cases - engineering). The manager manages the project, coordinates procurement processes and engineering work. The contractor is responsible for the project. A variation of the advanced management system is the turnkey system, where the project manager is a design and construction firm with which the customer enters into a turnkey contract with a stated cost of the project.

Thus, project management is the process of managing a team and project resources using special methods and techniques in order to successfully achieve the goal.

1.3 Project life cycle phases

No matter how wonderful a project idea is, it is worthless without implementation. The idea and the project that embodies it are valuable in implementation. We need implementation, the course of clearly defined stages of project development. The stages of the project cycle vary depending on the field of activity and the adopted work organization system, but every project, as well as a plan, regardless of the complexity and volume of resources required for its implementation, necessarily provides for two stages: when the project does not yet exist and when it no longer exists.

The beginning of a project is considered the moment the idea was born, especially if it required a scrupulous search. For business people, the beginning of a project is rather associated with the beginning of its implementation and investment of funds.

There are different opinions on the completion of the project. Until now, it was believed that the end of the existence of a project is the completion of work on its implementation, that is, the commissioning of the facility, the beginning of its operation and the use of the results of the project. However, in recent years, the view on this problem has changed due to the realization that the total costs of a project largely depend on the period of use of its results until the timing of its decommissioning.

For an organization that begins to work on a project, what is of interest is not the project as such, but the result of its implementation, the product that will be produced, the profit that the organization will receive from the implementation of the project. For other organizations participating in the project as performers of individual stages or work, the completion of the project most often is the completion of their work. The completion of a project can also be considered the completion of work on its implementation, that is, the implementation of the project; achievement of specified results, termination of project financing; the beginning of work to introduce significant changes to the project that were not provided for in the essential plan; withdrawal of project facilities from operation.

Summarizing the above, we can give the following definition of the concept “project life cycle (project cycle)”: this is the period between the moment the project appears and the moment it is closed.

The concept of a project life cycle is important for researching and analyzing the problems of financing related work and making appropriate management decisions during its implementation. The implementation of the project requires a certain set of activities related to assessing the feasibility of the project, its feasibility study (TES), development of technical and detailed design, contract activities, resource planning and direct work on the project, procurement of materials and equipment, materialization of the project and commissioning of facilities into operation. This list of project activities shows how diverse they are.

The project can be divided into two large blocks of work: the main activities of the project and its support.

Let's take a closer look at the individual stages of the pre-investment phase.

Development of the project concept. At this stage, the final goals of the project are determined and ways to achieve them are identified. At the same time, they provide for the possibility of alternative sets of goals, which, along with economic ones, also take into account political, social and technical factors. An important requirement for defining project goals is the ability to quantify them in terms of volumes, deadlines, income, and the like.

The project viability assessment includes a short (preliminary) feasibility study. Two or three alternatives developed at the previous stage are considered. Each of them is evaluated according to selected criteria. At this stage, limit conditions are established, specific goals and restrictions are formed, and the cost of the project is determined with an accuracy of 25-40%. The result of such an assessment of the viability of the project is to justify the superiority of one alternative over others. After a decision has been made to begin work related to the project, the issue of managing the work for its implementation is considered.

Preliminary planning of project implementation. After determining the viability of the project and making a decision to begin its implementation, a work plan is drawn up, that is, a structurally defined sequence of work stages that are carried out until a certain set of goals is achieved (who should do what and in what time frame). Based on the work plan, a detailed work schedule is drawn up, which allows you to more accurately estimate the cost of the project.

The investment phase contains four large blocks of work: development of project documentation and preparation of the project for materialization (construction); conducting tenders, concluding contracts, organizing purchases and deliveries; materialization of the project (construction and installation works); completion of the project.

The first block includes the development of a plan for design and survey work; preparation of assignments for the development of a feasibility study; development of feasibility study; coordination, examination and approval of the feasibility study and design assignment; making a final investment decision; land allocation for construction; preparation of assignments for the development of a work project; development of a project implementation plan.

The second block includes holding tenders and concluding contracts for design and research work; supply of equipment and contract work; development of plans (schedules) for equipment delivery.

The third block involves the development of operational plans for the materialization of the project (construction); drawing up various schedules for the use of labor, machinery and equipment; supply of resources and materials; materialization of the project (construction and installation work); monitoring and control.

The fourth block includes commissioning works; delivery of the object to the customer; demobilization of resources and analysis of the results of the implementation of the operation project; renovation and development; closure of the project (dismantling, liquidation).

The project implementation plan is developed jointly by specialists from all interested parties. The approved and finalized plan is sent to all project participants. In addition, at this stage, project managers are appointed; create a project team, select the operational characteristics of future project objects.

At the preliminary planning stage, geodetic, geotechnical, economic and environmental studies are carried out, technical specifications for engineering support of work are prepared, the necessary permits are obtained, and the volume of work and resources required to implement the project are assessed. The reliability of cost estimates depends to a greater extent on the accuracy of the preliminary project estimate than on the subsequent stages of its refinement.

In addition, at the preliminary planning stage, the scope of work for detailed design is approved, the feasibility study is adjusted and approved, which is the basis for the design, and costs are again estimated. If the cost of equipment, materials and labor is known, the accuracy of the estimate can be 100%. If the need to perform work related to the project is confirmed, so-called qualification requirements are formulated, which is the material for preparing a contract and carrying out detailed design. 3 For this purpose, design assignments are prepared.

Contract phase of the project. To attract contractors to the project, the customer must prepare a declaration of intent to design the facility, which sets out the main characteristics and limitations of the project.

Potential performers are selected according to the following criteria:

ü technical and functional qualities of the proposed pre-design developments;

ü cost indicators;

ü real technical and engineering capabilities of the company;

ü reliability of the company as a partner in previously implemented projects;

ü financial position companies.

Based on the results of the bidding, the customer enters into a contract with the selected design organization, which includes a schedule and design assignments. After this, the final version of the project is selected and approved, a feasibility study, technical design and detailed design tasks are developed in full. Selection and formalization of relations with contractors is the last stage of the contract phase of the project.

The project implementation phase is divided into two subphases: detailed (detailed) design and delivery; materialization of the project (construction). This is the phase of greatest risk, as it is associated with significant costs. The project materialization subphases include the purchase of materials and structures; hiring and training workers; purchase (rent) of technological equipment; execution of construction, installation and commissioning works; commissioning of finished facilities.

The significance of each phase of the project life cycle is assessed by labor costs:

ü concept development is 2-3%;

ü project planning - 4-5;

ü design - 10-20;

ü materialization of the project (construction) - 60-70;

ü project closure - 10-12%.

Thus, these five phases reflect the typical life cycle of a properly executed project. In the first three phases, preliminary developments are carried out, a project is created on paper, and in the fourth and fifth phases the project is physically implemented. A decision to continue the project is required at the end of each of the first three phases, and approval for production and completion is required before the start of each of the last two phases. All of these phases are unique mini-projects with corresponding goals, limitations and management approaches. The successful completion of each phase is a kind of project milestone, a control point for its implementation. Conclusions on Chapter I

In the process of project management, various project management systems are used, but the most common are the so-called basic and advanced management.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the creation and management of the main functions of the project using the example of the Ramenki TsVR project

2.1 General description of the Ramenki TsVR project

The center for extracurricular activities "Ramenki" was created as an element of society on February 23, 1991. Since its opening, the main task of the Center has been the development, launch and implementation of specialized pedagogical and social programs, the main goal of which is to create conditions for the development of creativity of children and adolescents, their abilities and talents.

Among the oldest groups of the Center one can name groups of tourism and local history, "Handicraft" (headed by Semenova L.V.), "Art Studio" (headed by Bazunova E.G.), computer club (headed by Kutskevich I.A.), chess club ( director Bobkin E.D.).2002 another site of the Ramenki Center began operating - the Center on Michurinsky Prospekt. There are educational classes for preschoolers, classes for schoolchildren, as well as psychological consultations.

Since 2003, the social and pedagogical direction of work with families of children with disabilities has begun at the Ramenki Center for Education. The work is carried out within the framework of the “Different but Equal” program, aimed at the socialization of children with disabilities. The author of the program is Sarkisyan A.O.

Today the Ramenki center:

.implements various educational programs additional education children;

.acts as an organizer of traditional mass holidays and events;

.coordinates the implementation of the district program "Development of tourism and local history activities with students of educational institutions of the closed joint-stock company of Moscow for 2012-2015";

.conducts excursions to historical places of Moscow and places of battles near Moscow as part of the program of civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren.

2.2 Study of the external environment of the GBOU TsVR "Ramenki"

The Ramenki district is a modern, constantly growing, fairly comfortable area with developed social infrastructure. 102 thousand people live in Ramenki, of which about 15 thousand are children, teenagers and young people. Active construction of new housing ensures a constant influx of population and children into the neighborhood.

In the Ramenki area there are several largest Academies and Universities of Russia: Moscow State University, MGIMO, Academy of Economics, Academy of Labor and Social Relations. The cultural, medical and sports complexes of the region play an important role. The district's infrastructure is focused primarily on meeting the social and everyday needs of the population.

15 secondary schools;

a) GBOU Center for Extracurricular Activities “Ramenki” (Methodological Center for Tourism and Local History Work with Students of the Western District - hereinafter referred to as MTC).

b) GBOU Children's Art School “Inspiration” (artistic and aesthetic orientation),

c) GBOU Center for Extracurricular Activities “Mart” (telecommunication technologies),

d) State Budgetary Educational Institution “Dar” (development of design and research activities and scientific and technical creativity of students).

Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support “Ramenki”, whose activities are aimed at working with children with disabilities;

two Social Service Centers;

a system of club work at the place of residence, created by the Municipality;

Factors influencing the functioning of the GBOU TsVR "Ramenki" can be divided into external and internal.

External factors also include insufficient funding and material support for the entire education system as a whole and each of its individual links in particular; insufficient development of the regulatory framework and theoretical and methodological foundations of additional education; lack of a system for training specialists in the field of additional education.

Since GBOU TsVR "Ramenki" belongs to territorial multidisciplinary institutions of additional education for children, the main development trends and problems of early childhood education in the Western Administrative District fully apply to it.

It should be noted that such an important aspect of the social order for additional education of children in the region is that the basic educational services of the Center are free for children and parents. The fundamental importance of this social function of the Center is determined by state guarantees for the implementation of the principle of equality of educational opportunities for young Muscovites. Thus, the Center performs the functions of social adaptation, social support, productive organization of free time, inherent in additional education for children. These functions of the Center, which are important for the population of the district and district, put its activities and development among the priorities of regional and municipal policy, which requires constant and constructive interaction with the leadership of the administrative district and district governments, the municipality and other cooperators in the framework of the development and implementation of various socially significant projects . GBOU TsVR "Ramenki" performs a given social role based on the goals, objectives and types of activities determined by the teaching staff, based on the legal requirements for the education system and guided by a system of social expectations on the part of the main consumers of the services offered to them.

The design of the educational space of the Center is carried out with the active participation of all subjects of the educational process and customers. The project is a reaction to a unique resultant of several factors: public and state order (expressed in fundamental documents: the concept of modernization of Russian education, regulations, educational standards, including draft standards of the new generation), the social order of students and their parents and the interests and opportunities of educational communities. To determine the social order, the following were studied:

.educational interests and needs of students and parents, including specialized training needs and professional preferences;

.range of educational, cultural and leisure services offered by district institutions.

.Sociological surveys of teachers, students and parents showed that participants in the educational process are unanimous in the following requirements for the educational process and its results:

.create conditions to ensure student success professionally and personally;

.ensure good functional competence in ICT;

.provide a safe and comfortable psychological and pedagogical environment for all participants in the educational process;

.preserve the health of children and teachers.

.The social order on the part of the parents of pupils of the Ramenki Central Educational Institution is expressed as follows:

.improve an individual approach to children by forming small groups;

.diversify the forms of family work of the Center (weekend trips, excursions of parents with children and other forms);

.attract more men as teachers.

The study of the orientations and attitudes of students at the Central Educational Center made it possible to determine the social order of students as follows:

.it is necessary to develop a special program to educate students in a complex of personal qualities necessary for the development of children’s creative abilities: will, organization, independence, communication skills - the ability to communicate with others, politeness, tact;

.A differentiated approach to teaching children in educational centers is needed, and it should be built taking into account the individual goals pursued by the students themselves. It is necessary to use different criteria to evaluate student achievements. Teachers should pay special attention to the formation of a child’s positive self-esteem, using praise as a factor in recording each significant achievement of the student - be it the development of specific skills or the improvement of moral qualities.

To the category of own, internal problems that influence educational process The center includes the following:

Poorly developed tools for diagnosing the level and nature of requests, interests of children, adolescents, parents, their readiness for creativity and cognition, mastering a profession, with subsequent tracking of the dynamics of personality changes. The most common means so far are life and practical experience, professional knowledge, and pedagogical intuition.

Insufficient attention and consistency in the work of the methodological service with teachers of additional education for children to create new generation programs that reflect the specifics of modern additional education in content, technologically and methodologically.

With a sufficient variety of areas of activity, there is a shortage of teachers in a number of areas that today and in the near future will be in demand from the population. These are specialists in the field of economics and its applied areas, specialists in information and scientific and technical technologies.

Insufficient knowledge of diagnostics and practice of solving children's, adolescent, youth problems of self-expression and self-affirmation (educational, social, career guidance);

Weak involvement of parents in the educational activities of children due to the loss of traditions of family upbringing and education by many Muscovites;

The presence of spontaneous and socially distorted forms of involving children in the life of society;

Insufficient level of software and methodological support for the activities of institutions of additional education for children (hereinafter referred to as ECEC);

The possibilities of multi-age cooperative activities have been little realized: interest clubs, creative laboratories, workshops, studios, where interpersonal communication, cooperation and individual initiative are the leading ones.

The solution to the above problems depends on the successful development of the Center’s activities, since additional education creates a zone of promising development for the individual and family, for each educational institution, and for the educational system as a whole.

2.3 Management of the main functions of project activities of GBOU TsVR "Ramenki"

The institution has developed a tradition of holding events together with institutions and organizations of the district and the district as a whole. Each such event is considered as a social project in which, on the one hand, pedagogical activities are implemented, on the other hand, close cooperation between institutions and organizations of our region and district, thereby realizing the social function of design.

As part of the Kolobki family club program, in addition to institutions and organizations, the population is widely involved in project events: parents, veterans, self-government councils, specialists and managers from various fields of activity. The range of possibilities for social and pedagogical design is quite wide: by age of participants, by type of activity (within the framework of the project), by geography, by type of organizations involved, by season. The most interesting events are within the framework of the district program “Youth Policy through Education”, city gatherings of tourist families (twice a year), the regional gathering “Dad, Mom, I am a tourist family” (twice a year). The program of these gatherings involves parents, high school students, high school students, elementary school students, and preschool children. The most vivid and memorable events for different age groups are related to tourism.

In addition to sports and recreational tourism activities, within the framework of social and pedagogical design, our institution organizes excursions, conducts intellectual games, themed evenings and meetings, club days on various topics.

In the western district of Moscow there are more than a dozen districts and in almost each of them, one way or another, there are families, organizations, schools that cooperate with the Ramenki educational center within the framework of social and pedagogical design. Among them: Municipality of the Ramenki district, Municipality and Administration of the Troparevo-Nikulino district, boarding school No. 44 (VI type), GOU secondary school No. 1238 - Peredelkino; GOU TsPMSS "Ramenki", GOU Secondary School No. 1119, GOU Central Educational Institution No. 1498, GOU Secondary School No. 875, GOU Secondary School No. 1741, GOU DDT "Kuntsevo", public organization“School of Courage” - Kuntsevo district; State Budgetary Institution “Territorial Club System “Optimist”, etc.

Among our friends, I would like to highlight the International Public Organization International Polar Expedition and Sports Center “Metelitsa”; Center for interaction with preschool educational institutions and student self-government organizations, the Association of Children and Youth, the Sinegoria Center for Educational Institutions, the regional pioneer organization "Ramenki" - western district; regional children's public organization "Young Traveler" and Children's and Youth Children's Association "Motherland" - eastern district; GOU TsTDM "Khoroshovo" - north-eastern district; House of children's public organizations. Every year we carry out joint events and projects with them: the historical-patriotic and tourist-local lore game “Guards of Russia”, the patriotic-local lore expedition “Boundaries of Glory”, the tourist-sports game “Winter Fun”, “Ski Track of Memory”, farewell to the Russian winter - “Maslenitsa”, thematic meetings dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Mother’s Day”, “Children’s Day”, etc.

The work system consists of personal contacts and an annual cycle of events that cover all four seasons. Almost all events have traditions and not only a local history meaning, but also allow urban children to adapt to the natural environmental conditions and climate of the Moscow metropolitan region. In the off-season, in spring and autumn, there are tourist rallies, in winter - tourist and local history camps, in summer - long-distance and sports hikes. All this is united by a system of regular excursions, holidays and thematic meetings outdoors and indoors.

As an example, we can cite the joint project “Ski Track of Memory”, in which the participation of: State Educational Institution TsVR “Ramenki”, International Public Organization International Polar Expedition and Sports Center “Metelitsa”, Administration and Municipality of the Troparevo-Nikulino District, State Budgetary Institution “Management of Protected Areas of the Closed Joint-Stock Company” and the Physical Training Center of the Academy of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which took place on February 19, 2011 on the territory of the Troparevsky Forest Park landscape reserve. The event was held with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle, introducing the younger generation to physical education and sports, reviving and maintaining glorious sports traditions, and attracting athletes of all age groups to regular sports. Everyone was allowed to participate in the competition, for the ecological biathlon - from 3 to 18 years of age, for cross-country skiing over a distance of 2.5 kilometers - from 18 and older.

Each institution took upon itself the preparation of a certain stage: the Physical Training Center of the Academy of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was responsible for the preparation of the ski track, partly for refereeing and the soldier’s kitchen. All participants were fed with soldier’s porridge and given hot tea, the State Budgetary Institution “Management of Protected Natural Areas of the Closed Joint-Stock Company” was responsible for preparing the ecological biathlon stage, the State Educational Establishment Central Educational Institution “Ramenki” was partially responsible for judging and for the rope course, which provided active recreation for all children who had not yet decided get on your skis. The Administration and Municipality of the Troparevo-Nikulino district - for the coverage of this event in the media, and the International public organization International Expeditionary Sports Polar Center "Metelitsa" carried out general preparation and control over the "Ski Track" and organization, including prizes... Conscientious and the professional performance of their duties by everyone allowed the event to be held at a high level. Despite the severe frost, the holiday turned out to be fun and memorable. Everyone was in a great mood, all the participants were satisfied and wanted to come again...

Another joint project “Family Records Day”, dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day,” is worthy of attention. It was prepared and conducted by the State educational institution Center for Extracurricular Activities "Ramenki", State budgetary institution culture of Moscow “Territorial club system “Optimist” and the Municipality of the Troparevo-Nikulino district. Again, at the preparation stage, responsibilities were distributed: TCS “Optimist” prepared the hall and script, the Municipality allocated funds for the purchase of prizes, TsVR “Ramenki” purchased prizes and ensured that the hall was filled. And so on February 22, 2011, cheerful music began to sound in the hall of the TKS “Optimist” “New Stage” at 17:00. The most active families took their places at the tables. The organizers of the evening proposed compiling a book of family records from fun competitions, during which participants will be able to set their own records of erudition, speed, appearance, transformation, and parental records.

During the acquaintance process, each family talked about their hobbies. It was very pleasant that in the Year of Sports almost all families are united by sports, excursions, travel, and tourism.

Since the meeting was dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day,” the evening began with the “Alley of Heroes” competition, in which children talked about the participation of their great-grandparents in the Great Patriotic War.

And then the competitions began. The spirit of competition, struggle, and humor reigned in the hall. All competitions were designed so that the whole family could take part in them. Everyone especially enjoyed the culinary competition for the best preparation of fruit salad. Even the jury members did not expect so much invention and imagination.

Beautiful music, a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in the hall, well-thought-out competitions left no one indifferent that evening. No one was left without kind words of support and participation. At the end of the evening, all families received well-deserved awards: prizes, memorable gifts.

The evening ended, but no one wanted to leave; in our daily affairs we rarely meet, get together and communicate with each other. The evening turned out to be very warm and family friendly. After all, nothing unites people like a common cause.

It is also impossible not to talk about another joint project of the State Educational Establishment Center for Temporary Religion “Ramenki”, the State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Territorial Club System “Optimist” and the State Educational Establishment TsPMSS “Ramenki”.

On March 2011, on the territory of the Ramenki Central Children's School, mass celebrations and "Maslenitsa games" were held, organized by the Ramenki Central Educational Institution and the Optimist TCS for children with disabilities.

Maslenitsa week in Rus' has always been famous for its wide celebrations. People rode horses and sleds, played all kinds of games and went to visit people for pancakes... So we had real celebrations of the “wide Maslenitsa”, in which more than a hundred people took part. We took part in various games: walking, winding, ring throwing, cricket, and the fun of throwing snowballs into a basket was a particular success. Then Maslenitsa came to visit us, we showered it with great pleasure with cereals so that the year would be fruitful, and then we had round dances... At the end of our holiday, we all enjoyed hot pancakes.

But this project occupies a special place in our activities. In 2006, the Ramenki Central Educational Institution took the initiative to collaborate with the State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 542 (children with disabilities). Our initiative was supported by the Municipality of the Troparevo-Nikulino district. Since then, our meetings have been regular. Actually, this project marked the beginning of our volunteer work with children with disabilities. Responsibilities are distributed as follows: the Ramenki Center for Extracurricular Activities organizes and conducts events of various formats, homeschool school No. 542 takes an active part in everything, and the Municipality provides awards and gifts. I would like to mention separately GOU Secondary School No. 14, this school always provides its territory for holding our events.

And so on March 3, 2011, at the stadium of school No. 14 for children with disabilities, school No. 542, employees of the Ramenki Center for Educational Institutions organized and held the holiday “Farewell to the Russian winter “Maslenitsa” in the format of the “Equal Among Equals” competition.

The children of this school have long been accustomed to such competitions, so the organizers had a specific task - to surprise... and we succeeded. At 11:20, eight classes, or rather teams, were lined up for a solemn greeting, where they received an assignment, and the competition-game began. The children had great fun running through the stages from the “labyrinth” to the “web”, from the “lasso” to the “yoke”, merrily jumped on huge balls, walked on “stilt walkers”, competed in dexterity, carrying tennis balls in spoons. At the creative stage, they cheerfully sang ditties and guessed riddles, and the judges were not ordinary people, but mummers. At the end, everyone received prizes and sweets prepared by the Troparevo-Nikulino District Municipality.

Experience has shown that this form of activity has a positive resonance not only in the region, but also in the surrounding area.

Conclusions on Chapter II

The population and infrastructure features of the Ramenki district determined the nature of the social order for educational activities. Today it is being implemented:

15 secondary schools;

18 preschool institutions;

4 institutions of additional education, each with its own specialization, formed historically and taking into account the pedagogical potential:

Management of the main functions of project activities of GBOU TsVR "Ramenki". The institution has developed a tradition of holding events together with institutions and organizations of the district and the district as a whole. Each such event is considered as a social project in which, on the one hand, pedagogical activities are implemented, on the other hand, close cooperation between institutions and organizations of our region and district, thereby realizing the social function of design.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that in order to operate effectively, an enterprise needs to: establish itself in the market. Develop a high-quality plan for the promotion and implementation of services.

Chapter 3. Main ways of effective implementation of a social project

No project exists in a vacuum. As a rule, it is implemented in the interests of a certain company, which initiates it. Such a company is called the parent, parent or mother company. Accordingly, the company has a certain organizational structure, and the project is somehow “built into” it.

The most common structure in Russia today is the functional structure, which is a hierarchy in which one superior manager is clearly defined for each employee. At the same time, employees are grouped by specialty: marketing, production, purchasing, etc. This structure is optimal for well-established cyclical production, but it causes a number of difficulties when implementing projects.

At a certain stage, projects arise in the organization and their coordinator is appointed. He is responsible for the implementation of the project, achieving goals, meeting deadlines and the allocated budget. In fact, such an employee does not have enough authority to solve the assigned tasks. Being responsible for “everything” and not having authority is the main problem for effective project management. Also, one of the main disadvantages when implementing projects is the sluggishness of the structure, since any employee can receive all orders only from his functional manager, which causes long delays in decision-making. Problems may also arise due to the fact that the interests of the project conflict with the interests of functional managers.

This structure is very static and effective only for the implementation of local projects within the department.

Despite the variety of existing projects, a number of more or less standard roles can be distinguished in the team.

First of all, the chairman of the board of directors (manager) of the project is an individual who bears personal responsibility for the success of the project and exercises operational management.

A project curator (Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors) is also appointed - a representative of senior management, who, although he does not delve into the intricacies of the current state of affairs in the project, controls its progress, ensures that the project corresponds to the strategic goals of the company, and if the project manager does not have enough powers - helps him with his authority.

The project committee is a body whose tasks are to select projects and monitor their implementation at the highest level, and make key decisions.

In addition to senior positions that will monitor the organization and implementation of the project, the following positions will be created:

ü Organization Manager advertising campaign(Chumychkina Yu.M.);

ü Recruitment Manager (Svyatovets Yu.A.);

ü Manager for organizing the presentation of the company's products (Protsenko A.A.);

ü Manager for financial support of the project (Moskovchenko E.V.).

ü Manager for the acquisition and configuration of equipment (Basyuk A.I.).

ü Manager for organizational issues of leasing and preparation of documents (Karpukhina Yu, L.)

All of the above roles form the project management team, which is part of the project team. Also, project team members include performers both from among the company’s full-time employees and those hired specifically for the implementation of a specific project. Sometimes contractors and subcontractors are included.

Project executors include the following positions:

ü Repair work team;

ü Specialists for working with special equipment;

ü Couriers;

ü Organizers of the presentation and advertising campaign.

The project office is worth highlighting separately. In the simplest case, this is a kind of secretariat in which all project documentation is stored. It may consist of one or several employees. In more advanced companies, the project office also plays the role of a methodological center serving all projects of the organization. Below is an example of a typical project team.

Schematically, this structure for project implementation can be depicted as follows:

It is necessary to consider the stages of implementation of this project into production:

Stage I - Preparatory:

Determining the budget for project implementation;

Distribution of powers between employees within the framework of project implementation;

Drawing up a plan for the implementation and implementation of the project.

Stage II - Implementation and implementation of the project to implement the project for opening a pension fund:

Organization of building construction;

Purchase necessary equipment and components;

Attracting personnel to carry out this activity;

Stage III - Summing up the project implementation:

Conducting a presentation of the company's products;

Thus, the main components of the functional-organizational structure in the context of the implementation and implementation of the project were considered.

Project Committee;

Project curator;

Recruitment Manager;

Manager for organizing the presentation of company products;

Project financial support manager;

Software and equipment manager;

Manager for organizational issues of lease and related documents.

Performers: builders, couriers, presentation organizers, equipment specialists and others.

For the further development of the Center, in light of the above, it is necessary to successfully solve the following tasks:

.organizational and managerial: development and implementation of new educational programs, development and implementation of a system of additional educational services and works;

.personnel: advanced training of teachers of the Center through advanced training courses, certification of teachers and financial incentives;

.scientific and methodological: study and implementation of new pedagogical and information technologies; determining the goals of educational activities, methods of educational and developmental activities of teachers, improving the organizational forms used in the Center;

.material and technical: continued equipment of classrooms that meet the requirements for equipping the educational process;

.financial: ensuring a significant influx of resources, so that the amount of extra-budgetary and budgetary funds solves the problem of the development of the Center and successful career teachers;

.motivational: the use of mechanisms of moral and material incentives; creation of an effective remuneration system, work on forming a management team focused on creating a more advanced product - the quality of education for students.

Conclusions on Chapter III

A project is a temporary phenomenon, and this determines the specifics of managing its participants. During the implementation of the project “For the production of designer curtains”, a project team is created, which has a certain organizational structure.

The main components of the functional-organizational structure in the context of the implementation and implementation of the project were considered.

In particular, the following functional responsibilities were highlighted:

.Project Committee;

.Project curator;

.Advertising campaign manager;

.Recruitment Manager;

.Manager for organizing the presentation of company products;

.Project financial support manager;

.Software and equipment manager;

.Manager for organizational issues of lease and related documents.

.Performers: builders, couriers, presentation organizers, equipment specialists and others.


Thus, during this course work the following aspects of the main functions of project management were considered:

A social work project is understood as a system of formulated project goals, created for these purposes of social institutions, physical facilities, social protection systems, developed and approved relevant program documents, plans, calculations, estimates, calculation of the necessary resources (material, financial, labor, time), a set of management decisions and measures to achieve set goals.

Social design is a type of activity that is directly related to the development of the social sphere, the organization of effective social work, and overcoming various social problems. The possibilities of such activities have been well demonstrated in the practice of many countries, and today it is difficult to imagine state social policy without the use of project technologies. But from the very beginning we will say with certainty: social design is not only a technology for achieving the expected result in the social sphere. Our time has brought to the fore a task that is more extensive in scope and more attractive to thinking people - the establishment of design thinking (or thinking by projects) in social practice.

Project management system. Project management is the process of managing a team and project resources using special methods and techniques in order to successfully achieve the goal.

In the process of project management, various project management systems are used, but the most common are the so-called basic and advanced management.

Project life cycle phases. In practice, there are five phases that reflect the typical life cycle of a well-executed project. In the first three phases, preliminary developments are carried out, a project is created on paper, and in the fourth and fifth phases the project is physically implemented. A decision to continue the project is required at the end of each of the first three phases, and approval for production and completion is required before the start of each of the last two phases. All of these phases are unique mini-projects with corresponding goals, limitations and management approaches. The successful completion of each phase is a kind of project milestone, a control point for its implementation.

General description of the creation of the Ramenki TsVR project. The main goal of the GBOU TsVR "Ramenki" is to create conditions for self-expression, self-development, self-determination of children, development of individual motivation for knowledge and creativity, implementation of additional educational programs and services in the interests of the individual, family, society, and state.

Educational objectives: providing a range of educational services to the institution, taking into account the individual approach, abilities and capabilities of the individual student; maintaining a comfortable socio-psychological environment conducive to the development of the child’s personality; adaptation of pupils to life in society.

Study of the external environment of the GBOU TsVR "Ramenki". In the Ramenki area there are several largest Academies and Universities of Russia: Moscow State University, MGIMO, Academy of Economics, Academy of Labor and Social Relations. The cultural, medical and sports complexes of the region play an important role. The district's infrastructure is focused primarily on meeting the social and everyday needs of the population.

The specifics of the project management methodology necessitate the identification of the main functions, that is, those tasks that are solved by project managers in the process of project implementation, namely:

Ø forecasting and planning of project activities;

Ø organization of work;

Ø coordination and regulation of project development and implementation processes;

Ø activation and stimulation of the work of performers;

Ø accounting, control and analysis of the progress of development and implementation of the project.

The main functions of project management, which are defined by the American Project Management Institute and are aimed at managing goals, are: managing the scope of work, quality, costs, time.

Since goals, tasks, work, their volume changes, the need arises managing the subject area of ​​the project or its scope. Sometimes this function is called “results management”, “work or volume management”.

The project must establish requirements and standards for the quality of results by which the success of the project is assessed. This provides a function such as quality control.

Function cost management financial control through the accumulation, analysis and reporting of project costs.

Each project has a set time period and deadlines for completing the project. Time management– involves planning, scheduling and monitoring to ensure timely completion of the project.

Each project also has a set budget, but in order for it to be carried out within the budget it is necessary cost management.

Additional features , which are aimed at managing certain objects are:

Ø personnel or human resource management . The project arises a range of responsibilities related to the selection of personnel, distribution of responsibilities, organizing the effective work of the team, planning and monitoring its work. Therefore, this function includes directing and coordinating the activities of people involved in the project;

Ø communications or information management involves the accumulation of information that is exchanged between project team members and management and which contributes to the successful completion of the project;

Ø contract and project support management – provides for selection, negotiations and signing of orders, control over the supply of material and technical resources;

Ø the implementation of a project is associated with uncertainty of various elements, that is, with risk. You can reduce it by executing the function - risk management, which includes a set of actions related to determining the degree of probability of risk occurrence in a project;

Ø project integration management – ensures coordination of all project functions.

It is the combination of these functions and the tools for their implementation that ensures the implementation of the project and allows you to achieve the desired result.

& conclusions

Project - this is a plan (task, problem) and the necessary means of its implementation in order to achieve the desired economic, technical, technological or organizational result. Under project understand the complex of research, design, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other activities related to resources, performers and deadlines, respectively designed and aimed at changing the control object, which ensures the effectiveness of solving main problems and achieving relevant goals for a certain period .

Project management this is the process of managing a team and project resources using special methods and techniques?in order to successfully achieve the set goal wsks.

Management participants projects are legal or individuals who are required to perform certain actions provided for by the project, and whose interests will be involved in the implementation of the project. Participants may include investors, banks, contractors, equipment suppliers, wholesale buyers of products, lessors and other individuals or legal entities.

Basic principles of project management are: whole - focus, consistency, complexity, provision, priority, economic security of the activities that are planned.

Project life cycle – this is the time from the moment of its conception to the moment of liquidation. The project life cycle is divided into phases and stages. The following phases of the project life cycle are distinguished: initiation phase, growth phase, maturity phase and completion phase.

Main functions project management, which are defined by the American Project Management Institute, which are aimed at managing goals are: scope management, quality management, cost management, time management.

Additional features , which are aimed at managing certain objects are: personnel or human resource management, communications or information management, contract and project support management, risk management, project integration management.

1.What is a project? What types of projects do you know?

2.What features distinguish projects from other plans and programs?

3.What is project management? What is the objective need for project management?

4.What are the elements of a project management system, their composition and relationship?

5.What are the basic conditions for project management?

6.What are the main goals of project management?

7.What management approaches are needed to achieve project goals? Give a brief description.

8.Name the functions of project management. Analyze their.

9.What projects have you carried out in your life? Did they always succeed?

10.Does the reconstruction of an enterprise and the launch of a new product on the market count as project activities? Justify your answer.

? Practical tasks

Problem 1 . Group the relevant terms and definitions according to the data in the table.



A. Project

1. List of works indicating deadlines, performers, results that lead to obtaining a set of indicators outlined by the project concept.

Would. Business plan

2. A detailed statement of the goals and ways to achieve the production that is being created to justify the investment.

B. Feasibility study of investments

3 .A specific organizational structure headed by a project manager. It is created for the duration of the project and its task is to carry out project management functions.

D. Project management

4 .An idea (task, problem) and the necessary means of its implementation in order to achieve the desired economic, technical, technological or organizational result.

D. Project goal

5 .Time from project conception to its liquidation

Same. Project life cycle

6 .Pre-project development of engineering, design, technological and construction solutions, comparison of alternative options and justification for the choice of a specific method for implementing the project.

From. The project team

7. The desired result of an activity that they are trying to achieve in a certain period of time under given conditions for the implementation of the project.

E. Project Plan

8. The process of managing a team and project resources using special methods and techniques in order to successfully achieve the goal.

Task 2. Classify such projects according to various characteristics:

Ø creation of a joint venture for the production of office furniture;

Ø scientific research into the chemical properties of fertilizers for the purpose of their production, release and use in agriculture;

Ø construction of a nuclear power plant;

Ø development of a gas field in the Poltava region and gas export;

Ø transition to a two-level education system in higher educational institutions of Ukraine;

Ø economic development of regions of Ukraine.

Situation 1. A city greening project is being considered. Based on your own limitations and possible predictions for this project, identify and describe:

Ø project goals;

Ø main features;

Ø project participants indicating their interests in the preparation and implementation of the project.

Ø management functions for this project;

Ø stages of the project life cycle.

Situation 2. A project for the construction of a hotel complex on the banks of the Dnieper River in Kyiv is being considered. Organize the following activities by project life cycle stage:

a) monitoring the implementation of the project;

b) identifying alternative ways to achieve the project goal and evaluating them;

c) discussing loan terms;

d) collection of information on government policy and administration programs for the socio-economic development of the capital;

e) project completion report;

f) concluding contracts for construction, installation and commissioning works;

f) determining the existing demand for hotel stays;

g) announcements of tenders;

c) assessment of the environmental feasibility of the project;

z) putting the facility into operation;

i) clarification of the time boundaries of the project;

j) scheduling of construction work;

j) assessment of the institutional admissibility of the investment proposal;

k) provision of hotel services;

m) selection of a possible level of service;

c) assessing the feasibility of the project from a technical, commercial, economic, financial and organizational point of view;

o) diagnostics of the object is invested;

d) defining specific project goals;

c) obtaining permission to purchase or lease land;

r) assessment of the feasibility of the project;

c) determining the scope of the project;

t) preparation of construction documentation;

recruitment and training of personnel;

v) assessment of the potential development opportunities of the hotel complex.

1. The project is:

a) long-term financial investment plan;

b) business plan;

c) action program for the use of financial resources;

d) a task with certain initial data and planned results (goals) that determine the method of its solution;

e) a plan (task, problem) and the necessary means of its implementation in order to achieve the desired economic, technical, technological or organizational result.

Answer: A); b); V); G); d).

2. The main features of the project do not include:

a) change of state to achieve the project goal;

b) limited time;

c) limited resources;

d) complexity;

d) uniqueness.

Answer: A); b); V); G); d).

3. Defining the project goal does not include:

a) determination of performance results for a certain period;

b) limitation of project resources;

c) quantitative assessment of the project;

d) evidence that results can be achieved;

e) determining the conditions under which the project results can be achieved.

Answer:A); b); V); G); d.

4. Individual specific projects of a clearly defined orientation and scale, which allow for certain simplifications in design and implementation, and the formation of a project team, are called:

a) monoprojects (or simple);

b) multiproject;

c) megaprojects;

Answer:A); b); V.

5. Project management is:

a) the art of coordinating human and material resources throughout the project life cycle;

b) a set of activities aimed at implementing the project in order to make a profit;

c) the process of managing a team and project resources using special methods and techniques in order to successfully achieve the goal.

Answer:A); b); V.

6. The stages of the project management life cycle do not include:

a) origin;

b) growth;

c) maturity;

d) project evaluation;

e) completion of the project.

Answer: A); b); V); G); d.

7. At the inception stage of the project, the following is carried out:

a) planning and control;

b) risk management;

c) management of the organizational structure;

d) design analysis by aspects;

e) assessment of the project status.

Answer: A); b); V); G); d.

8. A project management system in which the project manager does not bear any financial responsibility for decision making, is responsible for coordinating and managing the development and implementation of the project, and does not enter into contractual relations with other project participants, is called:

a) simple;

b) expanded.

Answer: A); b.

9. The main criteria for project acceptance are:

a) technical and technological feasibility of its implementation;

b) long-term viability;

c) economic efficiency;

d) organizational and administrative support;

d) all answers are correct.

Answer: A); b); V); G); d.

10. The function that provides financial control through the accumulation, analysis and assembling of a project cost report is called:

a) volume control;

b) quality management;

c) time management;

d) contract and project support management;

e) cost management.

Answer: A); b); V); V); G); d.

Any organizational system, a project is no exception, represents a complex system of responsibilities in the process of creative activity. Project management, in itself, is the main function of the project as a dynamic system. However, this main function can be represented by some of its components, in other words, subfunctions. It is possible to identify the most common project management subfunctions relevant to any project.

In the process of project implementation and management, certain system functions are performed in all subsystems and at all phases of the life cycle, such as:

1) Planning activities aimed at developing a plan. Planning as a management function includes determining strategies, policies, and procedures for project implementation. Planning in a project environment can be defined as the preliminary study and selection of forecast decisions for project implementation in the context of various alternatives based on knowledge of the subject area and possible uncertainties (risks) of project implementation. At the same time, in the context of project management, planning also includes the processes of organizing the implementation of plans, adjusting plans and monitoring their implementation. In project management, planning embodies the organizing principle of the entire project implementation process. Planning covers all phases of the project cycle and is a continuous process. It begins with the participation of the project manager in the process of developing the concept of the project, continues with the selection of strategic decisions for the implementation of the project and the development of its details, including drawing up specific proposals, concluding contracts, executing the work, and ends only with the completion of the project. The decisions made during the planning process must ensure the feasibility of the project within the given time frame and at a minimum cost and resource consumption and with high quality performance of work. One of the main goals of planning is the integration of project participants to perform a set of works that ensure the achievement of the final results of the project. Planning is the basis of control, accounting and operational management.

2) Organization. In a broad sense, organization is understood as the totality of the structure of a system and the way its elements operate. In relation to project management, organization is considered as one of the main functions and as an organizational form of activity. Organization as a function is a process of ordering, coordinating the interaction of more or less differentiated parts of the whole. In other words, it is a set of processes or actions leading to the formation and improvement of relationships between project elements.

3) Monitoring the life of the project - a project management function that includes processes for monitoring the progress of the project in order to verify the compliance of actual implementation with the planned indicators provided for in plans, contracts, agreements, etc. The project control function is performed at all phases and in all its subsystems and includes: cost control, time and duration control, quality control, risk control, project budget control, decision implementation control, project inventory control, etc.

4) Motivation. The process of inducing in an individual the desire to work to achieve the goals of the organization while simultaneously realizing his own goals. It is necessary to distinguish between motivation, as the study of the motivating reasons for human actions, and motivation, as a way of influencing human behavior. Previously, the study of this problem was the domain of specialists, however, due to the rapid development and complication of social and economic relations, the radical complication of communications, there was an urgent need to create motivation technologies that would be quite effective, and at the same time, applicable in everyday practice business relations. Over the past 40 years, motivation as an applied area of ​​knowledge has developed particularly actively and, as a consequence of this, a number of simplified theoretical models based on the results of psychological research have appeared.

5) Operational management. The process of practical implementation of programs and projects in each area of ​​activity, changes and evaluation of results, as well as comparison of achieved results with set goals. Operational management can be considered both as an independent management subsystem and as one of the main functions of project management. In this regard, it is advisable to designate the subsystem as “change management” and the function as “operational management”.

Thus, project management, using modern scientific, technical and economic knowledge, various management techniques, special organizational forms and project-oriented structures, allows you to make appropriate decisions throughout the entire life cycle of the project.

2.3. Project Management Processes

A project consists of processes. A process is a set of actions that produces results.

“Project management processes can be divided into six main groups that implement various management functions:

Initiation processes – making a decision to start the project;

Planning processes - defining goals and criteria for project success and developing working schemes for achieving them;

Execution processes - coordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan;

Analysis processes - determining the compliance of the project plan and execution with the set goals and success criteria and making decisions on the need to apply corrective actions;

Management processes – identification of necessary corrective actions, their coordination, approval and application;

Closing processes are formalizing the execution of a project and bringing it to an orderly conclusion.”

Project management processes overlap each other and occur at different intensities at all stages of the project. In addition, project management processes are connected by their results - the result of one becomes the source information for the other. And finally, there are relationships between process groups of different phases of the project. For example, the closure of one phase may be an input for the initiation of the next phase (example: completion of the design phase requires customer approval of the design documentation, which is necessary for the start of implementation). In a real project, phases can not only precede each other, but also overlap. Repeating the initiation at different phases of the project helps to monitor the relevance of the project. If the need for its implementation has disappeared, the next initiation allows you to establish this in time and avoid unnecessary costs.

Within each group, project management processes are connected to each other through their inputs and outputs. Focusing on these connections, we describe individual processes through:

Inputs are documents or documented indicators according to which a process is executed.

Outputs are documents or documented indicators that are the result of a process.

Methods and means are the mechanisms by which input is converted into output.

“Project management is an integrative endeavor that requires that each process related to the project and product be properly linked to other processes to facilitate coordination.”

Actions taken during one process typically affect that process and other related processes. For example, a scope change usually affects the cost of the project, but it may also affect the communications plan or the quality of the product. These interactions within the process often require trade-offs between requirements and project goals; In addition, certain performance trade-offs will vary from project to project and from organization to organization. Successful project management must include actively managing these interactions to satisfy the requirements of the project sponsor, customer, and other stakeholders. Under some conditions, a process or set of processes must be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

Projects exist within an organization and cannot function as a closed system.

They require input from within and outside the organization, and in return they provide new capabilities to the organization. Project processes can generate information that will improve the management of future projects.


The goal of our work was achieved by implementing the assigned tasks. As a result of the research conducted on the topic “Project Management”, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

The concept of “project” has many definitions and many classifications, all of which are rightfully true.

In turn, the project has its own life cycle, which includes:

- start of the project;

- organization and preparation;

- execution of project work;

- completion of the project.

As for the essence of project management, then: “The essence of project management is clearly formulated by the Project Management Institute (USA): project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources using modern management methods and techniques to achieve the results defined in the project in terms of composition and scope of work, cost, time, quality and satisfaction of project participants.” Also, the management structure in each specific project is determined individually, for the most part, as it depends on the scale and complexity of the project.

In the process of project implementation and management, certain functions are performed in all subsystems and at all phases of the life cycle, such as:





Operational management.

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