How to open a billiard room. Billiard business: how to open a billiard club

Project: organizing a billiards club with additional services: a bar and a disco.

The range of products and services includes the provision of billiards services, the sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, simple dishes, and the organization of discos.

As a rule, it is not random people who are interested in opening a billiard club, but entrepreneurs who are passionate about this game. This means that your goal is to make the billiard room, first of all, interesting for yourself as a person and a player, and then as a businessman. But to make the business go smoother and with fewer surprises, we recommend drawing up your own billiard room business plan, for which you can use the club business plan that we offer you to download as an example.

First, an entrepreneur needs to decide on the concept of a billiard club. There are three types of billiard rooms:

  • mass club - the establishment is positioned as a club for the broad masses of visitors of various levels, where billiards acts as a means of leisure;
  • sports club - billiard room is positioned as an establishment for professional players;
  • elite club - the billiard room is positioned as an establishment for wealthy gentlemen and its feature is the provision of exclusive services, often unparalleled in other clubs in the city.

Investments, of course, increase depending on the concept, although a mass one may turn out to be more expensive than a sports one due to the greater need for space. Space, by the way, is one of the biggest problems when organizing a billiards club. The needs are quite large - from 400 sq. m. and at the same time the hall should have the correct rectangular shape (for the most effective use). Keep in mind that each table requires from 30 sq. m. - so that there is enough not only for the table, but also for the span of the cue and for the presence of spectators. Compare - 30 “squares” is enough to accommodate a hairdresser (see). Don't forget the cafe-bar area. Consider these needs in your billiard room business plan.

Proper attention should be paid to the layout of the hall. For commercial and sports clubs, a more common layout is in which the various areas of the billiard club (bar, tables for visitors, the place where the billiard tables are installed, etc.) should be combined in one room, in some single space. This will be the most convenient place for players and spectators to leave money. For elite billiard clubs, on the contrary, it is worth making sure that each company can retire in a separate room with its own billiard table. It is better to arrange the billiard tables directly using special software, which equipment suppliers can do for you.

When choosing equipment and a supplier, it is better to associate your work with a well-known company that will not only supply exactly what is required, but will also undertake further maintenance. Unfortunately, decent billiard tables are expensive, and in addition to them you will also need balls, cues, stands, lamps, control electronics, etc. Don’t forget to billiard room business plan about a lot of small things that will also cost you a pretty penny.

A billiard club cannot survive not only without visitors, but also without intelligent staff. First, you should look for a decent manager (if you don’t plan to spend time at the club yourself) and professional markers. The latter must thoroughly know the rules of all billiard games and be good players, since they often have to play with clients, some of whom are quite professional, be good psychologists - feel when to win and when to lose, listen to clients, give advice, take care of expensive billiard equipment , ensure that clients do not damage this equipment. It is better to look for such people among your friends (if you are an avid player).

Despite the importance of the game for a billiard club, often the income from the bar and kitchen exceeds the income from renting tables and equipment. This is facilitated by both the consumption of drinks by the players themselves and by spectators who have never even held a cue in their hands. In particular, a lot of beer will be consumed, therefore you will have to have a sufficient assortment of it, but do not forget to constantly and strictly control the bartenders so that they do not “slip” their drinks. Please pay attention when adjusting billiard club business plan attention to employee control issues (video surveillance is very useful).

The price level for drinks and food must be kept below restaurant prices, otherwise they won’t eat at your place - billiard rooms, first of all, are associated with games, therefore people will not understand the high prices for a seemingly secondary element.

The payback period for a billiard club usually ranges from six months to 2 years. The main factor, as elsewhere, will be attendance, and it will depend on the attractiveness of the billiard room and your managerial work. On average, no more than three months pass from the opening of a club to its estimated attendance. If, after three months from the date of opening, the attendance at the club has not reached the expected value, then the club owners need to reconsider their approach to business.

As a conclusion, we point out that everything described in billiard room business plan, you can improve and raise it to a new level (add uniqueness to the establishment), so you will have plenty of reasons to think.

In general, the billiards market is already quite highly competitive. Only a niche of billiard rooms in entertainment areas shopping centers remains not yet fully saturated, but this is just a matter of time.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to enter this business. True, you will have to invest quite a lot of money in the purchase of high-quality equipment, because there are already many establishments with cheap tables with worn cloth in the cities.

Moscow is the largest city in Europe, in which, at this stage of the country’s economic development, there are the greatest financial and economic opportunities for making a profit for beginning and already successfully operating businessmen, companies and firms.

The number of people who are becoming financially secure and are able to spend a certain amount of money on spending their leisure time outside the home is constantly growing.

During the daytime, an increasing number of successfully working people began to devote their attention to sports, maintaining good physical shape, while visiting tennis courts, swimming pools, and gyms. We can say that leading a healthy lifestyle becomes habitual.

Against the backdrop of the ever-growing number of people who are able to pay for their entertainment and the congestion of existing recreational facilities, it is extremely attractive to create a place that would combine both sports and entertainment services that can satisfy customers.

Business plan goals

- development and description of ways to create an organization providing sports and entertainment services, determination of its organizational and legal form,

- determination of the expected position of the created organization in the market (market niche),

- a description of the services that the organization will provide to consumers,

- analysis of the feasibility of creating such an organization from the point of view of profitability and profitability,

- selection of optimal ways to solve the problems set in the business plan,

- development of specific activities related to the implementation of the business plan.

Real the business plan provides for the creation of a company, capable of working effectively in a field of activity that is open to everyone, including competitors. The creation of such a company requires a competent choice of a market niche where the company could build its long-term strategy. Having established a promising scheme for establishing business connections, pursuing an optimal pricing policy, taking care of encouraging and supporting their regular customers, expanding the range of its activities and, thereby, reducing risks in its activities.

Such a company could become billiard club offering its customers various sports games and pleasant music. The total cost of the project proposed by this Business Plan is $6,200. The payback period of the project is 7.2 months.

Description of the company and services

A place that combines the attributes of sports recreation can be a club, located in a convenient location, offering the following types of services:

1. Billiards or American pool.
2. Darts.
3. Bar.

To practice all these sports games, the client does not need special sportswear at all, and the amount of pleasure received is comparable to real sports.

Clients will be able to use the services of a bar that will serve a large number of soft drinks and cocktails, and a variety of wines and beers will be offered from alcoholic beverages. Stronger alcohol in the bar will be sold at high prices, which will create demand among customers for light drinks.

A necessary attribute of a club should be “good” music. When a client comes to this club, he receives a whole range of services, which are currently offered partially by a few vacation spots.

The club must be designed at a high level and offer excellent quality services, i.e. deliver a competitive service to the market.

Because the demand for sports entertainment is constant and depends little on seasonality, then the question of a club occupying part of the entertainment market segment in Moscow is only a matter of creating advantages over other competitors already in this market.

The creation of this kind of club involves the establishment of a limited liability company "Billiards Club", with a minimum authorized capital of $6,200. The founders of this company are:

The entire population of Moscow aged 18 to 45 years, who have an income of over $300 per month, can be considered as potential consumers of the services provided by the club. Since the proposed range of services is a new type of service in the existing market, it can be assumed that it will be of interest to almost all groups of the population.

Speaking about competition, it should be noted that it is advisable to include among the club’s competitors companies that provide services similar to those of the club. In our case, a detailed analysis of competitors is carried out according to the following positions: location, opening hours, quality and style of the interior, quality of music, availability, cost of sports games, prices in the bar, availability of advertising.

Business plan - production plan

The billiards club starts operating in July 2000. It is planned to serve 600 clients monthly. From September 2000, the number of clients served should increase by 50%, from November - by 70% compared to July 2000.

Business plan - marketing plan

The goals and objectives of the society are:

Creation of a new “niche” in the existing segment of the entertainment market in Moscow.

Return on capital investment in 1 year,

Receiving a return on investment of at least 80% per year.

Creation of new jobs.

The purpose of marketing is to create conditions for the company to operate under which it can successfully complete its tasks.

The set of marketing activities usually includes the following activities:

Study of the consumer of the company's services,

Analysis of the company's market opportunities,

Assessment of the proposed service and development prospects, analysis of the form of sales of the service,

Assessment of pricing methods used by the company, research of activities to promote services on the market, study of competitors,

Choosing a “niche” (the most favorable market segment).

Many of the questions posed have already been answered previously. A firm's market opportunity is determined by the maximum number of customers whose needs the firm can satisfy in a given period of time. The market opportunity directly depends on the area of ​​the premises in which the club will be located, since it is necessary to limit the attendance of the club to the maximum number of people, which will maintain a comfortable environment. The exact number will be determined in the architectural plan. When calculating, an average figure of 5 people per hour is taken.

When analyzing pricing, you need to consider:

Cost of services,

Competitors' prices for similar or substitute services,

The uniqueness of this service

The price determined by the demand for this service.

When creating the image of a prestigious (fashionable) club, it is necessary to maintain prices at a relatively high level, and should not be higher. than competitors. Price policy companies should be built on the principle high quality- high price. To make maximum use of the company's capabilities, it is necessary to consider the possibility of introducing discounts, grace periods, etc.

The company’s pricing policy, therefore, should take into account the following points:

1. Average gross costs for production (services) per hour. (Fixed costs + variable costs)

2. Prices:
- billiards - $9 per hour;
- darts - from $4.

Pricing policy should be based on the principles of maximizing production capacity utilization.

To successfully promote these services on the market, it is necessary to use sales promotion methods that create additional advantages for our company over competitors. One of them can be considered:

Discounts for regular customers (or Additional services offered free of charge);

Organizing specialized parties.

An important factor in stimulating sales of services is stimulating the work of the company's personnel.

Speaking about the image of the club, it should be noted that advertising is very closely related to the process of establishing the image of the club. When creating advertising and image, it is necessary to focus on the sports and entertainment capabilities of the club. An interesting light board should be installed on the building, informing about the club, which would be clearly visible from the adjacent roads. The task of the advertising company is to ensure attendance from the first days of the club’s operation.

Business plan - investment plan

As a place for organizing a club, you can consider the first floor of a building in one of the developing areas of Moscow, Mr. Maryino. The premises were rented from the housing and communal services department of the Maryino microdistrict until 2004. Rent is $500 per month.

The location of the club is very convenient from the following points:

Convenient access to the club;

Proximity to major highways;

A large number of offices, companies, residential buildings located nearby;

Proximity to bar food sources. To provide services, we will need to make repairs and purchase equipment.

Basic funds required to organize work:

1. Buildings and structures:
The proposed premises need to be renovated in accordance with the architectural plan. Repair cost up to $500.

2. Equipment:
A set of billiards equipment is rented from the Bayard company for a period of 3 years with subsequent purchase and offset of the amount paid. The cost of one set is $1000. rental cost $400 per year for one set;

Lightning equipment; cost - $300 for 3 pieces:

darts equipment: cost - $200 for 2 pieces;

bar equipment: set cost - $1000:

audio, video equipment: cost - $500;

security equipment: cost $200.

Business plan - organizational plan

The General Director manages the work of the club, resolves all financial issues related to the ongoing work of the club, and financial and organizational issues relating to the use of part of the profit and the directions of development of the club are resolved jointly with the founders of the company.

The accountant-cashier maintains the company's accounting records, removes the cash register, prepares financial reports together with the general manager, and pays salaries.

The general manager acts as a director during his absence. Organizes the work of all company employees. Makes purchases at specified prices at previously determined supply locations.

An employee in the hall is responsible for issuing the necessary equipment for playing games and monitoring the time of use of gaming equipment.

Bartenders prepare non-alcoholic cocktails and sell all drinks and products in the bar's range. They accept cash from employees in the halls. Submits applications Ch. manager to purchase a certain number of goods from the bar’s assortment that are running out.

The cleaning staff cleans all club rooms, removes dirty dishes and changes ashtrays in the gaming rooms. Carry out constant cleaning of toilet facilities, submit applications for the necessary supplies for the premises. to the manager.

The wardrobe attendant receives and issues outerwear to clients.

Security allows clients into the club. Resolve issues that arise in case of incorrect behavior of clients and prevent them from entering the club in the future.

The club's opening hours are from 12.00 to 24.00 i.e. is 12 hours a day.

All employees working directly with customers must be neat and tidy. Management staff and accountants come to work every day. High qualification requirements are imposed on Ch. manager, accountant, security. When hired, an employee undergoes a probationary period.

Business plan - financial plan

This section of the business plan examines the issues of financial support for the company’s activities and the most effective use of available funds based on an assessment of current financial information and forecasts for the sale of services in subsequent periods and provides answers to the following questions:

How much funds are needed to implement the proposed project?

Where can I get the necessary funds and in what form?

When can you expect a return on your investment and income?

For successful work In a company, it is advisable to present the results of financial and economic activities in the form of a system of planned reporting documents.

Planned reports are prepared jointly by the accountant and the chief. manager. The final form of the report will be a balance sheet prepared by an accountant, the form of which is approved by law. We will determine the number of personnel and wages. All employees are paid the established amount wages. depending on the position held and the percentage of profit (10%).

Salary accruals consist of contributions to the pension fund (28%), social fund. insurance (5.4%), medical insurance fund (3.6%). employment fund (1.5%) and make up 38.5% of salary costs.

1) print in a weekly local newspaper 4 times a month. Cost - 290 rub. ($10) per month. Advertising expenses (July-September) -290 rubles * 3 months = 870 rubles. ($30);

2) Signboard cost - 5800 rub. ($200)

Business plan - calculation of sales volume

On average, one client leaves $4.5 in the club.

The number of clients from July to August was 1200 people. (600 people x 2 months = 1200 people);

from September to October - 1800 people (900 people x 2 = 1800 people);

from November to June - 8160 people. (1020 x 8 months = 8160 people).

Total: the total number of clients for the year is 1200+1800+8160=11160 people.
That. sales volume will be -11160 x 4.5 = $50220 (RUB 1,456,380) per year.
The amount of depreciation charges is calculated based on the average rate of depreciation charges for the complete restoration of fixed assets in the amount of 20% of book value.

Payback period for investment 6200: (10375:12) = 6200:864.58=7.17 ? 7.2 months.

Payback period for billiard equipment (3 sets) = (1000x3): (400x3) =3000:1200=2.5 ​​years

Business plan - risk analysis

1. Risk of lack of sales. Its probability is low and sales volumes depend on the correct marketing policy companies.

2. The risk of losing the premises; in the event of non-renewal of the lease agreement for the premises, which is valid for 4 years, the founders may consider the possibility of purchasing the premises at the expense of the profit received.


The presented business plan discusses the idea of ​​​​creating a vacation spot where Moscow residents could have a pleasant rest and spend their leisure time. This place is a club providing sports and entertainment services.

The business plan presented ways to create an organization providing sports and entertainment services. Its organizational and legal form is determined, the expected position of the created organization in the market (market niche) is determined, a description of the services that the organization will provide to consumers is presented, and the feasibility of creating such an organization from the point of view of profitability and profitability is analyzed.

Having your own billiard club is a very profitable and interesting business. After evaluating a number of similar projects, experts concluded that in many cases they have high profitability. In this article we will look at how to open a billiards club from scratch.

If you are interested in this area of ​​entrepreneurship, then first you will need to draw up a business plan for a billiard club. Such work will require certain knowledge that a novice businessman is unlikely to have. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with rough plan proposed in this article. It will serve as a kind of basis to which it is easy to make adjustments and additions specifically to the needs of your future business.

It is important to understand that visitors to billiard rooms are mostly successful and accomplished people in life who are willing to pay a lot of money for well-organized leisure time. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to open a billiards club.

Description of the business plan

A billiards club is an establishment that provides billiards services. Therefore, it contains all the equipment necessary for this game:

  • tables;
  • balls of different diameters;
  • crayons and more.

The optimal organizational and legal form for such a business is individual entrepreneurship. This is beneficial due to the fact that most of your potential customers are... individuals. The maintenance of accounting and tax reporting is also simplified, and tax rates become lower.

According to many experts, a billiard club is a very profitable business, characterized by high profitability. But in this area you always need to be aware of current trends. After all, competitors will probably try to get ahead of you by introducing interesting innovations and depriving you of possible profits.

Types of services provided

A billiard room is a place where a person rents a billiard table and everything he needs to play (balls, cues, gloves, etc.). In addition, organization in the field of catering, as well as bottling of non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, would not hurt. But remember that this will require obtaining special permits, which entails collecting an extended package of documents.

Features of the billiard room services market

This section of the business plan contains the necessary information about the market situation for such services and characteristics of competitors, which are billiard rooms located in your area or city.

Please note that your potential visitors are very wealthy and successful people who value comfort and good service. Therefore, they will prefer the establishment that provides them with the best service. In this case, the location of the club will play a secondary role.

As a result, after studying all your competitors, you will understand what shortcomings they have in their work and what factors in their service will repel customers. Thanks to this, when organizing own business you will already take into account all these disadvantages, which will increase your chances of success.


Opening any business begins with choosing the form of the enterprise. If it is opened by one person, then novice businessmen are registered as individual entrepreneurs. But for several owners, the best option would be to open an LLC.

Think in advance about setting up a bar in the billiard room - for this you will need a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages and the inclusion of the corresponding NACE codes in the types of activities. In addition, the choice of tax options will be reduced. Pay attention to fire safety - it is necessary that the room has at least two exits.

When opening an establishment in a residential building, you will be required to obtain additional consent from its residents. This will cause some difficulties that cannot be ignored.

Preparation of production plan

One of the important points is the correct choice of premises. It should have every opportunity to become popular after organizing all the necessary amenities in it. Pay due attention to the choice of rented space. Premises can be of different types: a separate building or an object in a shopping or entertainment center.

Take the time to select equipment, because people use it to evaluate the billiard room as a whole. The main attribute of the club is the billiard table. Typically, the setting of a billiard room involves placing 3-4 such tables, 1 small table and several tables for playing American pool. The final number of tables is influenced by the establishment's attendance and the degree of popularity of different types of billiards games.

Consider an automated system that can count the time spent in the game. It will allow you to avoid money costs in the future.

Take a responsible approach to the selection of personnel, because the convenience of the game itself and the popularity of the establishment depend on them. When opening a small billiard room, you only need 2 people per shift.

Before opening, do not forget to carry out advertising campaign. Future success largely depends on it.

Additional features

A pleasant addition to any modern business would be the use of modern technologies, such as a regular terminal for bank cards or automated systems for counting points and collecting balls.

Another mandatory element of billiards will be a time counting system. For this purpose, special software is offered on the market. Customers will certainly appreciate the additional display next to the table, showing the time remaining or spent on the game.

Estimation of expenses and profits

When opening a billiard room, expenses will include:

  • rent - about 100,000 rubles. monthly;
  • renovation of the premises RUB 800,000. at one time;
  • time tracking system – 30,000 rubles;
  • equipment – ​​500,000 rub. (10 tables);
  • employee salary – 150,000 rubles. monthly.

As a result, one-time expenses will amount to 1.33 million rubles, and monthly expenses will amount to 250,000 rubles. The profit from the club’s work will be about 250,000 rubles. per month. The costs of opening a club with 10 tables will pay off within 4-5 months.

Today, billiards has become a fairly popular sports game in our country.

Both adults and even teenagers play it. Gradually it has grown into a specific sport, in which competitions and other sporting events are held annually.

First steps in this business

An entrepreneur who decides to open a billiards club can earn a lot with the right approach. more money than what was originally put into it.

To achieve success in this matter, you need to choose a suitable location and draw up a competent business plan for a billiard club. Such an entertainment establishment must adhere to a certain concept.

Required documents for opening

To register a billiards business, no special documents are required. Need to:

Register an individual entrepreneur;

Obtain the necessary licenses and permits;

Carefully ensure that the club premises meet all the requirements of firefighters and the SES.

Obtaining such documents is a completely standard procedure.

Types of billiard clubs

All billiard clubs that are currently open in our country can be divided into several groups, based on the size of the room and the number of billiard tables.

The first type includes billiard rooms, which are located in holiday homes, boarding houses or hotels. In such a room there are no more than 5 tables intended for fans of this type of sports game.

The second type is billiard rooms located in entertainment centers and large shopping centers. These clubs have at least 15 tables, which are designed for different types of billiards. Billiard clubs of this format often hold professional competitions at the regional level.

The third type of billiard rooms occupies a separate room and has 20 or even more tables in its arsenal. To create this type of establishment you will have to spend money, but an elite billiards club as a business will bring in several times more profit than others.

Subtypes of clubs

In addition to this conditional division into types, billiard clubs are also divided into subtypes: entertainment, elite and sports.

Billiard rooms of an entertaining nature can be combined in one room with other entertainment for visitors.

Professional clubs are equipped with the highest quality equipment and focus on high-quality play, with the entertainment side being the last thing they care about. Many of the professional players come to the game with their own (custom made) cues and always use pool gloves.

The main concept of the establishment

Before you start drawing up a business plan for a billiard club with calculations, you need to decide on its character and think through the concept of the establishment. On paper, it is worth detailing all the costs point by point, and if the business plan is done correctly, then soon you will receive your first income from your business.

Naturally, expect that in the first months of the club’s operation, before you receive your first income, you will have to constantly and heavily invest in it. An establishment of such a high rank requires equipment corresponding to its status. It should not only be of high quality, but also expensive.

Please keep in mind in advance that it will not be possible to recoup all the financial costs that will be spent on holding tournaments, so owners often combine the billiards business with entertainment and entertainment components.

High competition

If you have already decided to found an elite establishment, but do not know how to open a billiard club and what is needed for this, then first of all, in addition to the financial viability of the owner, an initial client base must be compiled!

If at the initial stage of business development the founder of a billiard room misses these two points, then there is a high probability that the business will simply burn out and bring losses. Business analysts claim that the market for billiard clubs is highly competitive.

There are entrepreneurs who may doubt this statement of analysts and believe that there is enough free space for the development of this type of business, the main thing is to draw up a clear business plan for a billiard club.

But experts stand their ground and assure that this type of business is growing rapidly, and over time the number of billiard rooms, designed for any social strata of the population, will grow exponentially.

Only one has a chance

You can enter any market if you wish, but note that opening an elite billiards club is directly related to big money. In a small town, where there are not many billiards fans, and there are already clubs, albeit of an average rank, they will not give the opportunity to open another such establishment. Therefore, know that your project will fail.

Important points when opening a billiard room

The following conclusion can be drawn: the Billiard Room business will be profitable only if its founder is not so much chasing income as he is obsessed with the idea of ​​an ideal and high-quality establishment.

In such an environment, entrepreneurs survive who strive to raise the club to a certain level and then receive money from it. If the idea of ​​​​creating a billiard club is based only on generating income, then it is better not to start working in this area!


When an entrepreneur decides that there are enough funds and opportunities to compete with other clubs, the business plan of a billiard club is planned and ideally developed, you can still “stumble” and stop halfway due to the inability to recruit professional, competent staff for your elite establishment .

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