Population of the village of Uva. Uva, center of Udmurtia

Uval... Russian word stress

Uva- Uva, an urban-type settlement in Udmurtia, the center of the Uvinsky district, 96 km west of Izhevsk. Located on the river. Uva (Vyatka basin). Uva I railway station. Population 19.8 thousand people. Founded in 1922 in connection with logging. Since 1938... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

wow- noun, number of synonyms: 2 village (105) river (2073) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

UVA- conditionally reflex taste aversion Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 pp.... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Uva- an urban-type settlement, the center of the Uvinsky district of the Udmurd Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, on the river. Uva (Kama basin). Railway station on the Izhevsk Kilmez branch, 96 km west of Izhevsk. 15 thousand inhabitants (1975). Woodworking enterprises, production... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Uva- village mountains type, r y c. rep. Udm. Located on the Uva River, 96 km from Izhevsk. Founded on June 10, 1924 as one of the timber processing centers. Udm. Beginning in 1930. peat development. A sawmill was built in 1935, and a house building was built in 1944. comb t. V... ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

Uva- Sp Uvà õs Ap Uva/Uva L u. ir g tė RF (Udmurtijoje) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

val- a, m. An elongated hill with gentle slopes. [The road] climbed steeply onto the wooded Krayukhin ridge, from which a magnificent view opened up. Mom's Sibiryak, Gold... Small academic dictionary

uvar- a, m. special. Action by value verb boil boil and condition according to value. verb boil down... Small academic dictionary

wow- @font face (font family: ChurchArial ; src: url(/fonts/ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size:17px;font weight:normal !important; font family: ChurchArial ,Arial,Serif;)   intl. (οὐαί) alas, grief... Dictionary of Church Slavonic language


  • Artist's Notes, Semyon Chuikov. “These notes do not pretend to be either the discovery of new truths, or the theoretical justification or explanation of old and known ones. These are the artist’s reflections “out loud”, reflections on our complex and...

Uval... Russian word stress

Uva- Uva, an urban-type settlement in Udmurtia, the center of the Uvinsky district, 96 km west of Izhevsk. Located on the river. Uva (Vyatka basin). Uva I railway station. Population 19.8 thousand people. Founded in 1922 in connection with logging. Since 1938... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 village (105) river (2073) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

UVA- conditionally reflex taste aversion Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 pp.... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

An urban-type settlement, the center of the Uvinsky district of the Udmurd Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, on the river. Uva (Kama basin). Railway station on the Izhevsk Kilmez branch, 96 km west of Izhevsk. 15 thousand inhabitants (1975). Woodworking enterprises, production... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Uva- village mountains type, r y c. rep. Udm. Located on the Uva River, 96 km from Izhevsk. Founded on June 10, 1924 as one of the timber processing centers. Udm. Beginning in 1930. peat development. A sawmill was built in 1935, and a house building was built in 1944. comb t. V... ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

Uva- Sp Uvà õs Ap Uva/Uva L u. ir g tė RF (Udmurtijoje) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

A, m. An elongated hill with gentle slopes. [The road] climbed steeply onto the wooded Krayukhin ridge, from which a magnificent view opened up. Mom's Sibiryak, Gold... Small academic dictionary

A, m. special. Action by value verb boil boil and condition according to value. verb boil down... Small academic dictionary

- @font face (font family: ChurchArial ; src: url(/fonts/ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size:17px;font weight:normal !important; font family: ChurchArial ,Arial,Serif;)   intl. (οὐαί) alas, grief... Dictionary of Church Slavonic language


  • Artist's Notes, Semyon Chuikov. “These notes do not pretend to be either the discovery of new truths, or the theoretical justification or explanation of old and known ones. These are the artist’s reflections “out loud”, reflections on our complex and...

Uva is a village, administrative center and the largest settlement in the Uva region of Udmurtia.

Population - 19,862 inhabitants (2009).

Located on the Uva River (Vyatka basin), 96 km west of Izhevsk.

Uvinsky district is one of the most promising areas in the western zone of Udmurtia. Formed in 1935. Located in the central-western part of Udmurtia, the total area is 2448.8 square meters. km. It ranks second in area among rural areas of Udmurtia. The total length of the district borders is 293 km. The regional center is the village of Uva. The region is home to 41.9 thousand people, including the urban population - 19.7 thousand, the rural population - 22.2 thousand. Russians and Udmurts dominate, Tatars, Germans, Chuvashs live, in total there are more than 20 nationalities.


In 1923, the first logging workers came to the banks of the Va River - seasonal workers from the nearby villages of Uva-Tuklya, Ryabovo, Kiltsem, Pekshur.

A year later, the first wooden building appeared on this site, which housed the logging office.

It was with him that the history of the future village of Uva began. According to folk etymology, the name Uva appeared as follows: when the workers’ village did not yet have a name, it was simply called “the village near the (river) Va.”

In 1927, the village became the terminus of the Uvinsko-Uzginskaya narrow-gauge railway (Uva - Izhevsk). Converted to wide gauge in the 1940s.

The status of an urban-type settlement has been since July 10, 1938. In 2003, the first church of the apostles Peter and Paul was built, which is located in the center of the village by entrepreneur Raufa Mirkhafizovna Kustarnikova at her own expense. In 2004 it was donated to the Izhevsk diocese.


Timber processing industry - OJSC "Uvadrev-Holding", LLC TPK Vostok-Resurs, balneological sanatorium "Uva".



Mineral resources include oil, peat, construction sands, clays and loams. The search and development of peat deposits began back in the 30s.

During wartime, the Vishur and Uvinskoye peat enterprises were created (later it was transferred to the village of Ryabovo). Currently, there is no industrial peat extraction in the region. The most famous were the Arkhangelsk and Oblastnovskoye oil fields.

Industrial oil production has been going on for many years. The territory of the Uva district is a low hilly plain with a general slope to the southwest.

The highest point of the area is 299 meters above sea level. The largest rivers in the region are Nylga, Uva, Arlet.

The total length of the Uva River is 112 km, including 70 within the district boundaries. During the war, timber was rafted along the river. Now it has become shallow; in many places it can be forded.

The total length of the Nylga River is 83 km. There are many ponds, swamps, and lakes in the area. Almost 35 percent of the total area is occupied by farmland, about 60 percent by forests.

The fauna is rich. Inhabits 60 species of mammals, 150 species of birds, reptiles, fish, etc.

Among the game species there are moose, martens, wild boars, bears, beavers, foxes, hares, etc.

Udmurtia, Uva


The village of Uva, formed in 1924, became the center of the region due to the fact that a railway was extended to it from Izhevsk.

During the war, 8,540 residents went to the front. 5,200 of them were awarded orders and medals for heroism and courage shown in defending the Fatherland. Natives of the region V.K. Pislegin and S.S. Fionin became heroes of the Soviet Union.

In the 40s, the bulk of production was provided by raw material extraction enterprises. Timber industry enterprises in Uva, N. Multan, Podmoy, Karkalay, Oblastnaya, thanks to a dense network of narrow-gauge railways, exported timber from the most remote plots all year round.

In the 50s, a motor transport enterprise, a construction department, a brick factory, a road section, and public utilities were created.

The 70s can safely be called the heyday of the Uva region. New buildings have appeared in the regional center, which are still in successful use. Uva acquired the appearance of a city. In 1976, GPTU-27 was built, and later a pedagogical school was created on its basis; almost 10 years later, SPTU-37 opened.

In the central estates of collective farms, schools, clubs, kindergartens, shopping centers, industrial buildings were built, and asphalt roads were laid. Construction of gas pipelines began. Their length is 389 km, almost 15 thousand apartments are gasified in 27 settlements.

In the 90s, the area went through difficult times. Industrial and agricultural enterprises began to feverishly, and problems arose in maintaining the public sector. It took a lot of effort to make the Uva district one of the strongest socio-economic complexes in the republic.

Today, 34 kindergartens are successfully operating. If the birth rate continues to increase at the same rate, the issue of expanding the existing kindergartens in Uva and Nylga will have to be decided. In 1938, a secondary school opened in Uva; now there are 20 of them in the area. Teachers have always been our intellectual potential. Until now, based on the books of the famous Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who worked as a secondary school director during the war, is studying future teachers.

Many teachers are invited to the republic’s universities to take part in entrance exams for applicants.

The material and technical base of healthcare is gradually being strengthened. In 1969, a two-story clinic for 250 visits per day was opened in the regional center; in the early 80s, the first patients were admitted to a new hospital, and then another clinic building.

folklore, Udmurt songs, Uva

In 1987, the first vacationers arrived at the Uva sanatorium. Over the years, about 100 thousand people have rested and improved their health here.

The amateur artistic groups of the Uzey-Tuklinsky House of Culture “Azves”, the recreation center “Yunost” “Ma-Na”, “Kupancha”, “Luchinushka” are well known in Udmurtia. Amateur composer P. N. Kuznetsov dedicated his life to the development of the song culture of the Udmurt people. The songs he wrote are performed by the famous ensemble “Italmas”.

The district has achieved a margin of safety and high potential for further successful development.


Despite the fact that Uva is a village, its appearance looks more like a small town. Compact center, many industries, developed infrastructure, dynamic history of development. It would seem that only in 1923. The first loggers came to the bank of the Va River, a year later they set up a logging office, and today there is an urban-type settlement with a population of 20,000 people.

Uva brands of water, meat, milk and forest are now known far beyond the borders of the republic. Every second resident of Uva claims that his village is the best in Udmurtia. The abundance of jobs, developed cultural life and good geopolitical conditions inspire patriotism. The tourism potential of the area is also quite large, let's get acquainted)

To delve even deeper into the success story of Alas, one cannot ignore the Museum of Local History. Once here, you will learn about the leading industries of the village, its history, nature and way of life.

Udmurtia, Uva

Tourists, as a rule, are also brought to an art gallery for one thing. There are changing exhibitions of Uva masters there.

Right next door there is a park of wooden sculptures. Last year a woodcarving competition was held here. For several days, the chainsaws of craftsmen from all over the country did not stop in the park; later, the result of their labors was put on public display.

In the future, they want to improve the park: plant flower beds, pave the paths, install children's attractions. In the meantime, newlyweds are taken here to dance around the figures, hold them by the heels and make wishes.

Not far away (I told you that the center is very compact) is the Walk of Fame in memory of those killed in the Second World War.

Sanatorium "Uva"

It also resembles a small town. In addition to residential and medical buildings, there is a real infrastructure with cafes, sports and dance grounds, spas, hairdressers, saunas, a pond, a beach, boats, catamarans and a bunch of other things.

Access to the territory of the sanatorium is free, so if you wish, you can come for a walk along the health path and drink real, which means very salty and tasteless mineral water.

Oh yes, it goes without saying - a health resort of the highest category, where people even come from abroad for treatment.

We leave for the area. Here tourist sites are located in two directions:

Chabishur - Uzey-Tuklya - Multan - Uduguchin

Near the village of Chabishur grows the Sacred Pine, previously used for ritual purposes. Under it, pagan Udmurts, praying to Inmar, sacrificed a foal to him. This tree has heard many prayers and songs, which is why it is believed that the place around it has a special, positive energy. The pine tree is more than 350 years old, and it will take at least 5 people to grasp it.

Chabishur, sacred pine

The village of Uzey-Tuklya.

Two objects of interest:

House of Crafts, which has sooooo many beautiful and original souvenirs

The assortment differs significantly from the standard selection of art salons in the republic. If you feel sorry for spending money on a purchase, you can make a craft with your own hands. Free master classes are held for everyone.

The second object is intended for believers -

spring consecrated in honor Icons of the Mother of God with seven arrows

In addition, the Dorvyzhi folklore festival is held annually in Uzey-Tukla. In 2011, it will take place exactly this Saturday, July 2. In essence, this is something like Gerber, but they say that it is many times more soulful than the republican holiday, which has recently turned into an ordinary review of districts.


In the center of the village there is a monument giving a brief description of it.

Udmurtia, Multan

Opposite it is the Church of the Intercession, cut by the Soviet regime into 2 thrones. Now it is being restored.

Church of the Intercession

Famous artist Anatoly Tikhonovich Russkikh, whose landscapes are popular even in the USA, are created exclusively here. I understand him perfectly, look how beautiful Multan is.

Uduguchin village

Again, targeting believers:

Alexander Nevsky Church and consecrated spring with silver ions

Now, attention hikers and extreme sports enthusiasts, we are on our way to Erestem, to the very center of Udmurtia!

On your way for a blessing you can stop by the village of Mushkovai,

where is the wooden Temple of Dmitry Solunsky. It’s under construction, even the domes are lying nearby.

Then we move to the village of Chekan, and from there to the village of Erestem. Just next to it there is a mountain that goes by several names. Erestemsky Cape (named after the village that used to be nearby), Kabangurez(mountain of wild boars found in the surrounding area), “Roof of Udmurtia” (the highest part of the region and the second highest point in the republic, 229 m above sea level). Local residents say that the mountain is so high that from it you can see Izhevsk, located 40 km from here.

Going down and moving exclusively accompanied by a navigator or guide (otherwise you will get lost), we head towards the geographical center of Udmurtia. The path to it lies first through hills and fields, and then through dense forest thicket. And if you are persistent and persistent, then neither strawberry meadows nor nettle thickets will be able to turn you away from your intended goal.

And here we are! To celebrate, we waved the flag, looked at the types of tourism built into the stele, looked into the hollow and left a note in it for our descendants. Center of Udmurtia

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