According to the means of communication, types of communication are distinguished. Types of communication in psychology

Communication with each other plays a significant role in people's lives. Through communication, you can express your feelings, thoughts and emotions. In psychology, there are several main types of communication. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

A primitive form of communication

The interlocutor is regarded as a sought-after or, conversely, interfering object. For example, if a person is needed in a certain situation, then they willingly have a conversation with him, but if on the contrary, then they do not want to communicate with him or speak in a rude manner. An example of a primitive type of communication is a conversation with a person who is intoxicated. A limited vocabulary and accelerated speech rate are characteristics of this species. A citizen faced with a primitive type of communication should maintain a neutral environment and not enter into conflict with the interlocutor.

Manipulative type of communication

This type of communication is intentionally focused on obtaining benefits from the conversation. The interlocutor uses various methods: lies, intimidation, or, conversely, tries to demonstrate flattering kindness. This type of communication is widespread among managers and sellers who intend to sell a product that no one needs by any means and tricks. They can talk with a smile about how other customers were satisfied, although in reality everything looks different.

Type of business communication

This is communication during which the interlocutors take into account age, position in society, character traits and even mood. But despite all this, interest in a business or project is much more important the above. The level of business communication is needed mainly in a work environment or in situations where it is necessary to maintain a professional distance from the interlocutor. This type of communication is designed for mutual respect and serious conversations.

Formal-role type of communication

Such communication can be observed, for example, during a conversation between a doctor and a patient. In such a situation, the means and content of the conversation are regulated. Instead of knowing the identity of the interlocutor, both parties are limited to knowledge of his social role.

Game type of communication

One of the most popular types communication. It can be observed among a group of peers. The level of gaming communication assumes the informality of the conversation. All kinds of jokes and frivolous topics of conversation are appropriate here. During such a conversation, the interlocutors, for example, give advice to each other, tell life stories, declare their love, plan and discuss how to spend the weekend, etc. As a rule, only positive and positive emotions remain from this type of communication.

Secular type of communication

The principle of this type of communication is that a person says not what he actually wants to say, but what, according to aesthetic rules, must be said in a given situation. The main principles of secular communication are politeness, agreement and sympathy.

Spiritual type of communication

This type is also called interpersonal For example, you can take a conversation between friends. This implies communication on various topics, when one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions can be expressed not only through conversation, but also through gestures, intonation, facial expressions and other manipulations.

This communication is possible only if the interlocutor clearly imagines the image of the other participant in the conversation and is well acquainted with him personally, since during such a conversation it is necessary to know the interests of the interlocutor and anticipate his reaction in various situations. The spiritual type of communication also involves revealing your personality and your spiritual world to another participant in the conversation . Such conversations take place in a friendly atmosphere, and the relationship between the interlocutors is based on trust in each other.

A distinctive feature of this type of communication is the accompanying facts that are conducive to a confidential conversation. This is measured and unhurried speech. This type of spiritual communication can be observed when communicating with parents and close relatives, between husband and wife, etc.

Absolutely all people, without noticing it themselves, use this type of communication. Example: when meeting friends, they smile, even without meaning to. If a person does not want to reveal his essence to another participant in the conversation, express his real attitude towards him, or be frank, then almost always he, as it were, “puts on a mask” that hides his true attitude towards the interlocutor. After all, there are often situations when you have to behave civilly and politely with a person who is very unpleasant. Most likely, every person can remember some life situation when he had to “put on a mask.”

In various life situations, people use almost all types of communication. It is important to remember that in communication you need to be able not only to speak, but also to listen.

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The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that in modern social conditions, when new market relations are replacing the usual forms of life, interest in communication problems has become even more acute. Without communication, human society is unthinkable. Communication acts in it as a way of integrating people and, at the same time, as a way of their development. It is from here that the problems of communication arise as ways of interaction and self-knowledge. Among the various scientific disciplines capable of solving these problems, social psychology is given priority.

The works of many outstanding classical psychologists are devoted to issues of communication, however, there is no unambiguous approach to the problems of communication in psychological science, which allowed us to consider them in more detail and determined the direction of the research.

The communication process is quite complex social phenomenon, therefore it is necessary to consider its structure in more detail. There are different approaches to understanding the structure of communication.

Purpose of the study: to consider communication problems in social psychology.

The object of the study is communication as a social phenomenon.

The subject of the research is problems of communication in social psychology.

Research objectives:

To study the development of the problem in the psychological literature.

Analyze the description of communication problems in theoretical sources.

Identify the main structural components of communication and its main functions.

Determine the features of each of the functions of the communication process.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the study of communication problems, the structure of communication, the content of communication, as well as different aspects (functions) of the communication process, their description and interpretation.

1. Theoretical substantiation of communication problems in social psychology

1.1 Concept of communication

Problems of communication, its individual and age-related characteristics, mechanisms of occurrence and change have become the subject of study by philosophers and sociologists, psychologists, specialists in social psychology, children's and developmental psychology.

However, different researchers put far different meanings into the concept of communication. Some authors consider it legitimate to assert that communication is the language of man with nature and himself. However, it is very important to define for yourself the concept of communication.

Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result. Communication is not just an action, but precisely an interaction: it takes place between participants, each of whom is equally a carrier of activity and presupposes it in their partners.

In addition to the mutual direction of people's actions during communication, its most important characteristic for us is that each participant is active, i.e. acts as a subject.

Communication is also characterized by the fact that each participant acts in its course as a person, and not as a physical object. When communicating, people are determined that their partner will answer them and count on his feedback. Pay attention to this feature of communication.

Thus, the above features of communication are inextricably linked with each other. The absolutization of influence in isolation from other features of communication leads to an interactionist position, which sharply unifies the idea of ​​communication.

With an excessive emphasis on the exchange of information, as the essence of communication, the latter turns into communication - a phenomenon that is also much narrower than communication. Finally, equating communication with relationships, especially relationships, also distorts the term in question; its clear separation from the term “relationship” is of fundamental importance.

The category of communication is basic for socio-psychological science. Due to the complexity of this phenomenon, there are many approaches to its consideration. In addition to social psychology, communication is also considered by other sciences. Thus, the general philosophical concept represents communication as the actualization of really existing social relations: it is social relations that determine the form of communication. Communication is a way of realizing actual relationships in social interaction.

The sociological concept substantiates communication as a way of carrying out internal evolution or maintaining the status quo of the social structure of society, a social group to the extent that this evolution presupposes a dialectical interaction between the individual and society. The socio-pedagogical approach to analyzing the essence of communication is based on its understanding as a mechanism of influence of society on the individual. In this regard, in social pedagogy all forms of communication are considered as psychotechnical systems that ensure human interaction. In the psychological approach, communication is recognized as the most important social need and a means of developing higher mental functions.

Thus, we can conclude that the above theoretical approaches do not exhaust the relevance of studying the problem of communication in social psychology. At the same time, they show that communication should be studied as a multidimensional phenomenon, and this involves studying the phenomenon using methods of system analysis.

1.2 Structure, content and forms of the phenomenon of communication

Given the complexity of communication, it is necessary to somehow indicate its structure so that analysis of each element becomes possible. By the structure of communication, she generally understands a set of stable connections between many elements that ensure its integrity and identity with itself. Based on this definition, the structure of communication can be considered taking into account its aspects: dynamic (phases or stages of communication), functional, substantive and operational aspects.

Considering the dynamics of communication, we can distinguish the following components (phases) of this process:

1) the emergence of a need for communication (it is necessary to communicate or find out information, influence the interlocutor, etc.) and clarify goals (what exactly do I want to achieve as a result of communication);

2) the subject’s entry into a communicative situation;

3) orientation in the communication situation and the personality of the interlocutor;

4) planning the content and means of communication (a person imagines what exactly he will say, chooses specific means, phrases, decides how to behave, etc.);

5) attachment to the subject - interaction partner (taking a certain position in relation to the communication partner);

6) phase of mutual information, interaction, exchange of speech or contact actions;

7) perception and assessment of the interlocutor’s responses, monitoring the effectiveness of communication based on establishing feedback;

8) adjustment of direction, style, methods of communication;

9) phase of mutual disconnection and exit from contact.

The structure of communication can be considered taking into account the analysis of the elements that make up the communication situation.

Communication is always tied to a specific situation, and, in this sense, its obligatory components are subjects interacting with each other, prompted by specific needs and motives, realizing their goals in communication through the use of certain communicative means and techniques that represent this or that content to the interlocutor. In addition, the structure of a communication situation is made up of time, place, environment and context of communication, as well as the norms governing communication.

The subject of communication is the person who initiates the communication, as well as the one to whom this initiative is intended.

The main needs of communication are: the need to solve objective problems of activity, affiliation (desire for acceptance, fear of rejection), demonstration of “I”, prestige, desire for dominance or subordination to another, need for knowledge, etc.

The purpose of communication is a specific result, towards the achievement of which in a specific situation various actions performed by a person in the process of communication are aimed. The goals of communication include: transferring and obtaining knowledge, coordinating the actions of people in their joint activities, establishing and clarifying personal and business relationships, persuading and motivating the interlocutor, and much more.

Actions of communication are units of communicative activity, a holistic act addressed to another person (group of people). There are two main types of communicative actions - proactive and reactive.

Speech is the form and way of using language; a system of words, expressions and rules for combining them into meaningful statements used for communication.

Words and rules for their use must be the same for all speakers of a given language. However, the objective meaning of a word is always refracted for a person through the prism of his own activity and forms its own personal, “subjective” meaning. Therefore, we do not always understand each other correctly or accurately.

The specificity of motives, goals and the means and techniques chosen to achieve them determines the uniqueness of a person’s communication style.

Communication style is an individual, stable form of a person’s communicative behavior, manifested in any conditions of his interaction with others. The style of communication expresses the characteristics of a person’s communication capabilities, the existing nature of relationships with specific people or groups, and the characteristics of a communication partner.

The role and intensity of communication in modern society is constantly increasing. This is due to a number of reasons. First of all, the transition from an industrial society to an information society leads to an increase in the volume of information and, accordingly, an increase in the intensity of the processes of exchange of this information. The second reason is the increasing specialization of workers engaged in different areas of professional activity, which requires their cooperation and interaction in achieving goals. At the same time, the number of technical means for exchanging information is increasing very quickly. We have witnessed how faxes, e-mail, the Internet, etc. appeared and entered the everyday life of many people. There is another reason that prompts us to think about the growing role of communication in modern society and make this problem the subject of special consideration - this is the increase in the number of people engaged in professional activities related to communication. For professionals of the socionomic group (professions of the “person-to-person” type), one of the components of their professional competence is competence in communication.

All of the above allows us to conclude that the principle of connection and organic unity of communication with activity, developed in domestic social psychology, opens up truly new perspectives in the study of this phenomenon. At the same time, communication should be understood as a form of social interaction between people, in which thoughts and feelings, motives and actions are exchanged through sign (linguistic) means for the purpose of mutual understanding and coordination of joint activities.


2.1 Types and types of communication

An analysis of psychological literature has shown that communication is extremely diverse in its forms and types. Communication can be direct and indirect, direct and indirect.

Direct communication is carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being by nature: arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.

Indirect communication is associated with the use special means and tools for organizing communication and exchanging information. These are either natural objects (a stick, a thrown stone, a footprint on the ground, etc.), or cultural (sign systems, recordings of symbols on various media, print, radio, television, etc.)

Direct communication involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the very act of communication, for example, bodily contacts, conversations of people with each other, their communication in cases where they see and directly react to each other’s actions.

Indirect communication is carried out through intermediaries, who can be other people (for example, negotiations between conflicting parties at the interstate, interethnic, group, family levels).

In terms of duration, communication can be short-term or long-term. According to the degree of completion - completed and interrupted (unfinished).

Based on the number of participants and the number of two-way communication channels, they also distinguish between interpersonal communication, personal-group (for example, leader - group, teacher - class, etc.), intergroup (group - group), as well as mass (socially oriented) and intrapersonal (intrapersonal) communication.

Mass communication is a multitude of direct contacts between strangers, as well as communication mediated by various types of means mass media. Mass communication (or mass communication) is carried out based on modern communication technologies and means. It covers a wide range of types of psychological influence: from awareness (informing) and training people to persuasion and suggestion.

Interpersonal communication is associated with direct contacts of people in groups or pairs with a constant composition of participants. In social psychology, there are three types of interpersonal communication: imperative, manipulative and dialogic.

Imperative communication is an authoritarian, directive interaction with a communication partner in order to achieve control over his behavior, attitudes and thoughts, forcing him to certain actions or decisions. In this case, the communication partner is considered as an object of influence; he acts as a passive, “passive” party. The ultimate goal of such communication - coercion of a partner - is not veiled. Orders, regulations and demands are used as means of exerting influence.

Manipulative communication is a type of interpersonal communication in which influence on a communication partner in order to achieve one’s intentions is carried out covertly. Like the imperative, manipulation presupposes an objective perception of the communication partner, the desire to achieve control over the behavior and thoughts of another person.

Dialogical communication is an equal subject-subject interaction aimed at mutual knowledge and self-knowledge of communication partners.

Dialogical communication allows you to achieve deeper mutual understanding, self-disclosure of partners’ personalities, and creates conditions for mutual personal growth.

Formal-role communication, when both the content and means of communication are regulated and, instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

Business conversation- situations when the goal of interaction is to achieve any clear agreement or agreement. In business communication, the personality characteristics and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, first of all, to achieve the main goal in the interests of the business. Business communication is usually included as a private moment in any joint productive activity of people and serves as a means of improving the quality of this activity. Its content is what people are doing, and not the problems that affect their inner world.

Intimate and personal communication is possible when you can touch on any topic and do not necessarily resort to words; the interlocutor will understand you by facial expression, movements, and intonation. In such communication, each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personality, and can anticipate his reactions, interests, beliefs, and attitudes.

Social communication. The essence of secular communication is its pointlessness, that is, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because people’s points of view on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communications.

Characteristics of the main functions of the communication process

The most general classifications highlight the following aspects (or functions) of communication: communicative, interactive and perceptual. social communication communicative perceptual

The communicative function of communication, or communication, in the narrow sense of the word, consists of the exchange of information between communicating individuals. The interactive function consists in organizing interaction between communicating individuals, i.e. in the exchange of not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions. The perceptual side of communication means the process of perception and knowledge of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.

Communication is multifunctional. This means that in relation to a specific person, group, their activities or society as a whole, it performs various functions. Being the most important form of human life, communication acts as a necessary condition and means of reproduction of consciously acting individuals.

From this point of view, the following functions of communication can be distinguished:

1) Social function. The social meaning of communication is that it acts as a means of transmitting forms of culture and assimilating social experience. Thanks to and through communication, all types of social relations are formed and implemented, social communities are created.

2) The instrumental function is to serve various types of joint subject-oriented activities.

3) The general psychological function of communication is that it is for a person a means of developing his higher mental functions, a means of self-expression, allowing him to reveal his inner world to other people.

Thus, the most general classifications highlight the following aspects (or functions) of communication: communicative, interactive and perceptual. There are also: information and communication, covering the processes of receiving and transmitting information; regulatory-communicative, associated with mutual adjustment of actions when carrying out joint activities; affective-communicative, related to the emotional sphere of a person and responsible for the needs to change one’s emotional state.

Being the most important form of human life, communication acts as a necessary condition and means of reproduction of consciously acting individuals.


The problem of communication is fundamental to social psychology. Due to the complexity of this phenomenon, there are many approaches to its consideration.

The study of communication shows a variety of manifestations and recordings of this phenomenon. Analysis of communication as a complex, multilateral process shows that its specific forms can be very different. The significance of such studies is undeniable, but so are their limitations. They reveal only the mechanism, i.e. the form in which this process is organized. All traditional social psychology has paid primary attention to this aspect. Its methodological techniques and technical means of analysis were subordinated to this task. Meanwhile, the substantive aspects of communication remained essentially beyond the interest of researchers. The mechanism works very differently, depending on what “material” it is dealing with.

The principle of the unity of communication and activity requires a logical transition from the general characteristics of the communication process to the study of it in the context of specific groups. Communication, being a complex psychological phenomenon, has its own structure:

1. The communicative side of communication is associated with the exchange of information, enriching each other through the accumulation of knowledge by each.

The interactive side of communication serves the practical interaction of people with each other in the process of joint activities. Here their ability to cooperate, help each other, coordinate their actions, and coordinate them is manifested. The lack of communication skills and abilities or their insufficient development negatively affects the development of the individual.

3. The perceptual side of communication characterizes the process of people’s perception of other people, the process of learning their individual properties and qualities.

The main mechanisms of perception and knowledge of each other in communication processes are identification, reflection and stereotyping.

The communicative, interactive and perceptual aspects of communication in their unity determine its content, forms and role in people’s lives.

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, consisting of the exchange of information, as well as the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level the process of communication becomes conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person transmitting information is called a communicator, and the person receiving it is called a recipient.

Through communication, activities are organized and enriched. Building a plan for joint activities requires each participant to have an optimal understanding of its goals, objectives, understanding the specifics of its object, and even the capabilities of each of the participants. The inclusion of communication in this process allows for “coordination” or “mismatch” of the activities of individual participants.

At the same time, communication should be understood as a form of social interaction between people, in which thoughts and feelings, motives and actions are exchanged through sign (linguistic) means for the purpose of mutual understanding and coordination of joint activities.

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Communication is the main type of interaction between people. In absolutely any area of ​​life, a person comes into contact with other people through words. This is a multi-level and rather complex process that includes many components..

Absolutely all people communicate. They learn this from birth. If at first communication occurs at the level of emotions, gestures and facial expressions, then later a person remembers words and their meanings in order to use them to more clearly express their desires and thoughts.

Experts identify three main components of any communication:

  1. Contact of at least two people.
  2. General topic for communication.
  3. One language that interlocutors use to understand each other.

What is communication?

This is understood as the interaction of at least two people who exchange information, messages and who are equal to each other. Each interlocutor must not only convey information, but also correctly understand the broadcast of his opponent. In the process of communication, the one who speaks is called the communicator, and the one who listens is called the recipient.

  • The essence of communication is the transfer of information.
  • The purpose of communication is the purpose for which people enter into communication with each other.

Conventionally, all people can be divided into those who like to talk about business, and those who start communication just to talk. If you pay attention, people who talk about business quite often do not carry on a conversation for long. I discussed the issue, made a decision for myself, and went about my business. This greatly offends those people who are used to communicating even on completely meaningless and unnecessary topics. Who has which neighbor, what did who do this morning, what did someone dream about, etc. Any movement and event becomes a topic for discussion for people who like to talk just for the sake of communication. They don't like to be silent. We can say that their favorite pastime is talking.

Why successful people don't like to talk just to talk? If you pay attention, you will notice that the busier, working and successful a person is, the less he wants to talk just to “grind someone’s bones.” These people don't like to talk just for the sake of talking. Successful representatives prefer conversations where a specific and important issue is discussed, since they are accustomed to using their time rather than wasting it on trifles. This also happens because they don’t have a lot of free time, which they don’t know what to do with. Successful people are simply too busy to devote time to things that will not bring them useful information and benefit.

This, of course, makes them significantly different from those who like to talk just to talk. These people are not so busy as to run somewhere and keep in their heads all the issues that they need to solve. There is emptiness in their minds, “the wind is blowing.” And in order to somehow comprehend their life, they are looking for interlocutors with whom they will gladly discuss any topic, simply because they have a lot of time that they do not know how to use.

Successful people use their time, while chatterboxes waste it. That's why talkers get offended when successful people don't want to waste their time on empty talk.

The following types of communication are distinguished:

  • Intimate.
  • Massive.
  • Interpersonal.
  • Therapeutic.
  • Indirect.
  • Criminal.
  • Direct.
  • Intergroup.
  • Group.
  • Business.
  • Confidential.
  • Personal.
  • Non-violent.
  • Conflict.

Don't interrupt when others are talking. This is not about you communicating with someone and suddenly interrupting the interlocutor. Here we are talking about situations when other people are communicating with each other, and you decide to butt into their conversation, reconcile, judge, etc.

Avoid interfering with other people, even if one of them is your child, significant other, friend, or relative. This is not your conversation, but someone else's. If you interfere in someone else's conversation, then you rightfully begin to become guilty of why other people did not find a common language.

People think that it is simply necessary to butt into someone else's conversation. A husband and his mother are quarreling - we need to reconcile them. Two friends are arguing - we need to judge them. Two children are quarreling - it is necessary to show that there is no subject for a quarrel. People think that inserting themselves into someone else's conversation will have a positive outcome. But do not forget that you are not a judge who can reconcile all the nations of the world. You are the same person as those whose dialogue you are interfering with. This means that other people can switch to you, already quarreling with you.

There is no need to reconcile anyone. You don't need to support anyone. There is no need to interfere with other people solving their personal issues. It's their problem, not yours. But if you interfere in their conversation, then your problems will begin. Don't interrupt when others are talking. Understand that you can become an object of judgment and misunderstanding at any time. If the interlocutors were quarreling, then they will start quarreling with you. If you take someone else's side, the other person will look at you as a sworn enemy. Understand what kind of trouble you will bring upon yourself by butting into someone else’s conversation, in which you should not participate at all.

The concept of communication ethics

In order to interact correctly between people, to be considered an interesting interlocutor and to achieve certain successes after communication, you need to adhere to the ethics of communication. What it is? This is a set of rules and techniques of moral content that help a person in calling and maintaining the desired attitude towards himself. This is done through the use of certain verbal and non-verbal techniques that are accepted in society.

Ethics of communication requires a person to have a good knowledge of the language, an understanding of the culture of the people and their traditions, and a desire to appear polite and friendly. Ethics is always aimed at bringing people together and effective interaction between them, creating a good impression.

Screams, scandals, quarrels. Do you think that this way you can convince your partner of something? Think for yourself: do you want to listen to someone when they are shouting at you, criticizing you or insulting you? No. Then what makes you think that someone would want to hear you when you yell at them or give ultimatums?

Frank conversation is better than shouting. It’s better to tell your man (woman) in a calm tone what you expect from him (her). Try not just to say what you want, but also to explain why you want exactly this, and not what you already have. A person perceives someone's request better when he understands the motives behind the statement. And if you just say what you want, but don’t even understand why you need it, then no one will hear you.

It’s better to speak calmly, good-naturedly, and respectfully to a person when you want to get from him something other than what he’s already giving you. Explain the reasons for your desire. It is possible that you will not be understood immediately. But be patient, give yourself and the other person time. After all, you are also not always ready to accept someone’s idea right away! Therefore, be patient, let your opponent calm down, think, judge for himself and accept your request. Believe me, if you don’t ask for anything bad, you will get what you want. If your request contradicts the principles or desires of your partner, then you need to think about whether you really want what you are asking for. After all, by doing this you infringe on a person’s desires and freedom.

Communication culture

The culture of communication also implies a set of rules and norms that are aimed at creating friendly, effective and very informative communication. Communication culture is an indicator of education, information content, and a high level of use of speech. In simple words, a cultured person uses literary vocabulary, while an uncultured person resorts to swearing and obscene words.

What does a direct look into the eyes of your interlocutor mean? When does a person look directly at his opponent, friend or interlocutor who is looking at him with the same look? A variety of situations can occur, from the cooing of people in love to the clash of enemies. However, a direct look into the eyes of the interlocutor always demonstrates some qualities of character, as well as the person’s intentions.

1 – Confidence in your words and goals.

When a person clearly understands what he wants from himself and other people, and is confident that this goal or his words are exactly what he is striving for, then he looks directly into the eyes of his interlocutor to demonstrate. It is a direct and “non-running” look that tells people that a person understands what he is talking about and wants exactly what he expresses.

2 – Determination.

Looking directly into the eyes of the interlocutor also demonstrates the person’s determination. Not only is he confident in what he says and what he wants, but he is also willing to prove his intentions or take action to achieve what he says. Determination is the athlete in the starting position. All he needs is a signal (permission) to start acting.

3 – Fearlessness.

A direct gaze indicates that the person has no fear at the moment, and everything expressed in words or actions is based on conscious decisions, not fear. When a person is guided by fear, he not only does not look his interlocutor in the eyes, but sometimes he cannot understand what he should start doing: he grabs onto everything or says unrelated sentences, because he is scared and needs to get out of the situation. But when a person understands what he is saying and what he is doing, and this is his conscious decision, then he directly looks into the eyes of the interlocutor to once again demonstrate his intentions.

People must believe that you are not joking - only then will they listen to you and do what you want. It is a direct gaze that is one such factor that tells other people that you are confident, decisive and fearless in what you express. You can notice how weak and pliable people become who fall under this gaze. Many begin to freeze, others begin to wonder what they are doing wrong, some catch themselves in lies, and the rest simply run away from such a look, because they understand their insignificance compared to others. Thus, a direct gaze saves you from many problems, leaving only strong and honest friends and partners. Just don’t pierce all people with a direct gaze, since sometimes it is perceived as a hostile attitude towards the interlocutor. Limit yourself to such methods only in cases where they are truly necessary.

Communication structure

How to talk to people so that you are understood? Try to address this question to yourself: how should a person talk to you in order for you to be interested, understandable and pleasant?

People often forget about what they would like for themselves. But many people want the same attitude towards themselves. And while a person does not ask the questions: “How should they communicate with me so that I am pleased?”, “How should they treat me so that I respect my interlocutor?”, “What attitude should they show towards me so that I am friendly?” etc. - he cannot answer the question “How to communicate with other people, how to treat them, how to behave with them in order to get the reaction you are counting on?”

How to talk to people so that you are understood? Have you already answered this question yourself? People answer it as follows: “You need to speak clearly, clearly, openly, with a little humor, without abstruse words.” In other words, if a scientist speaks using scientific vocabulary and a self-taught speaker discusses the same topic in simple language, then the audience will be interested in listening to the second speaker. All people are annoyed when the interlocutor begins to replete with clever words (scientific concepts), without explaining their meaning, but even wonders: “How come you don’t know such words? Ay-yay-yay!”

How to talk to people so that you are understood? Just communicate with them. Communicate with people as if they were your friends, easily, naturally, in simple language, with humor (not with sarcasm, but with jokes). Just communicate with people, whether you're chatting with friends or giving a presentation to business partners. All people understand simple human language. And how tired you get from constantly discussing topics in scientific language, where you need to think, and not just listen and enjoy communication!

Bottom line

As you can already understand, communication sometimes plays the most important role in the development of interpersonal relationships, achieving success, getting what you want, and creating an impression of yourself. Here it is very important to use speech correctly and skillfully in order to achieve the desired effect.

Types of communication. Communication is extremely diverse in its forms and types. Several classifications of communication can be noted.

    Material (exchange of objects and products of activity);

    Cognitive (knowledge sharing);

    Conditioning (exchange of physiological and mental states);

    Motivational (exchange of motivations, goals, interests, motives, needs);

    Activity (exchange of actions, operations, abilities, skills).

By purpose:

  • Biological communication – necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the organism;

    Social communication – pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts.


  • Direct (carried out using natural organs);

    Indirect (use of special means and tools to organize communication and exchange of information);

    Direct (personal contacts and direct perception of communicating people by each other in the very act of communication);

    Indirect communication (communication through intermediaries).


  • Business conversation - the content is what people are doing, and not the problems that affect their inner world.

    Personal communication.

    Instrumental. This is communication that serves some purpose other than obtaining satisfaction from the act of communication itself.

    Verbal communication.

    Non-verbal communication.

    If we take as a basis level of interaction between individuals in the process of communication, the following will stand out:

    Person-oriented (interpersonal);

    Socially-oriented (the subject of this communication is, as it were, doubled: on the one hand, such communication is carried out by one person as an individual, and on the other, the subject of such communication is this or that group or society as a whole);

    Subject-oriented communication (the subject is interaction).

    Highlight direct and indirect communication. Direct communication is historically the first form, on the basis of which other types of communication arise in later periods of the development of civilization. This is a natural psychological contact between individuals in the presence of clear feedback (for example, conversation, game, etc.). Indirect communication is incomplete mental contact using any devices (for example, talking on the phone, correspondence, etc.).

    There are also interpersonal, group and mass communication. Interpersonal communication – This is direct, more or less constant regular communication in small groups. The main condition for interpersonal communication is a certain knowledge of each other’s individual characteristics by the participants in communication, which is possible only on the basis of shared experience, empathy, and mutual understanding. Mass communication– these are multiple, usually fleeting direct contacts of people unfamiliar with each other (in a crowd, at work, etc.). Many authors identify mass communication with the concept of mass communication. Mass communication– a process close to indirect communication, when messages are addressed not to individuals, but to large social groups using the media.

E.I. Rogov identifies three main types of communication: imperative, manipulative And dialogical(Rogov E.I., 2002) . Imperative communication also called authoritarian or directive. It differs in that one of the partners seeks to subjugate the other, wants to control his behavior and thoughts, and forces him to take certain actions. At the same time, the communication partner is viewed as a machine that needs to be controlled, as a soulless object of action. The peculiarity of authoritarian influence is that the ultimate goal of communication - forcing a partner to do something - is not hidden.

Manipulative communication- similar to imperative. Its goal is to influence the communication partner, but here the achievement of one’s intentions is carried out hidden. The partner is perceived as a bearer of certain “needed” properties and qualities. Often, a person who has chosen this type of relationship with others as his main one ends up becoming its victim himself. Communicating with himself, he begins to evaluate himself as one of the chess pieces on the board, guided by false motives and goals, losing the core of his own life. As research shows, a manipulator is characterized by deceit and primitiveness of feelings, apathy towards life, a state of boredom, excessive self-control, cynicism, distrust of oneself and others. Highlight 4 main types of manipulative systems.

    Active manipulator attempts to control others through active methods. As a rule, he uses his social position or rank: parent, teacher or boss. The philosophy of life is to dominate and dominate, at all costs.

    Passive manipulator– the opposite of active. He pretends to be helpless and stupid, allowing those around him to think and work for him. Life philosophy is to never cause irritation.

    Competitive manipulator perceives life as a constant tournament, an endless chain of wins and losses. He assigns himself the role of a vigilant fighter. For him, life is a constant battle, and people are rivals and even enemies, real or potential. Life philosophy is to win at any cost.

    Indifferent manipulator plays at indifference, indifference. He tries to leave, to distance himself from contacts. His methods are either active or passive. Life philosophy is to reject caring.

The imperative and manipulative form of communication can be characterized as monologue communication. A person who views another as an object of his influence essentially communicates with himself, with his goals and objectives, without seeing the true interlocutor, ignoring him.

Dialogical communication opposes authoritarian and manipulative, as it is based on the equality of partners. Dialogical, or so-called humanistic, communication allows us to achieve deeper mutual understanding and self-disclosure of interlocutors. Dialogical communication occurs only if a number of rules of relationships are observed:

    Psychological attitude towards the emotional state of the interlocutor and one’s own psychological state (following the “here and now” principle);

    Complete trust in the partner’s intentions without assessing his personality (principle of trust);

    Perception of the interlocutor as an equal, having the right to his own opinions and decisions (the principle of parity);

    The focus of communication on common problems and unresolved issues (the principle of “problematization”);

    Addressing your interlocutor on your own behalf (without reference to someone else’s opinion), expressing your true feelings and desires (the principle of personifying communication).

Types of communication

Depending on the content, goals and means, communication can be divided into several types.

1.1 Material (exchange of objects and products of activity)

1.2 Cognitive (knowledge sharing)

1.3 Conditional (exchange of mental or physiological states)

1.4 Motivational (exchange of motivations, goals, interests, motives, needs)

1.5 Activity (exchange of actions, operations, abilities, skills)

2. According to goals, communication is divided into:

2.1 Biological (necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the organism)

2.2 Social (pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth of the individual)

3. By means of communication can be:

3.1 Direct (Carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being - arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.)

3.2 Indirect (related to the use of special means and tools)

3.3 Direct (involves personal contacts and direct perception of communicating people by each other in the very act of communication)

3.4 Indirect (carried out through intermediaries, who may be other people).

Communication as interaction presupposes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities and cooperation. For communication as interaction to occur smoothly, it must consist of the following stages:

Types of communication

· Mask contact is formal communication when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor. The usual masks are used (politeness, courtesy, indifference, modesty, compassion, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow one to hide true emotions and attitude towards the interlocutor.

· Secular communication - its essence is non-objective, i.e. people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because people’s points of view on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communication. For example: formal politeness, ritual communication.

· Formal-role communication - when both the content and means of communication are regulated and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

· Business communication is a process of interaction in communication in which information is exchanged to achieve a certain result. Those. This communication is purposeful. It arises on the basis of and regarding a certain type of activity. During business communication, the personality, character, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the business are more significant than possible personal differences.

· Spiritual interpersonal communication (intimate-personal) - the deep structures of the personality are revealed.

· TYPES OF COMMUNICATION -- typological components that allow one to correctly assess its essence, content and completeness of manifestation. Communication is extremely multifaceted and can be of various types.

· Distinguish between interpersonal and mass communication. Interpersonal communication associated with direct contacts of people in groups or pairs with a constant composition of participants. Mass communication-- this is a lot of direct contacts of strangers, as well as communication mediated by various types of media.

· Also distinguished interpersonal And role-playing communication. In the first case, the participants in communication are specific individuals who have specific individual qualities that are revealed in the course of communication and the organization of joint actions. In the case of role-based communication, its participants act as bearers of certain roles (buyer-seller, teacher-student, boss-subordinate). In role-based communication, a person is deprived of a certain spontaneity of his behavior, since certain of his steps and actions are dictated by the role he plays. Communication can be confidential And conflictual . The first is different in that during its course, particularly significant information is transmitted. Conflict communication is characterized by mutual confrontation between people, expressions of displeasure and mistrust.

· Communication can be personal and business. Personal communication is an exchange of unofficial information. A business communication-- the process of interaction between people performing joint responsibilities or involved in the same activity.

· Communication can be direct and indirect . Direct (direct) communication is historically the first form of communication between people. On its basis, in later periods of the development of civilization, various types of indirect communication arise . Indirect communication is interaction using additional means (writing, audio and video equipment).

· In social psychology, the variety of communication can be characterized by type. Imperative communication is an authoritarian, directive form of interaction with a communication partner in order to achieve control over his behavior, attitudes and thoughts, and force him to certain actions or decisions. The partner in this case acts as a passive party. The ultimate unveiled goal of imperative communication is coercion of a partner. Orders, regulations and demands are used as means of exerting influence. Areas where imperative communication is used quite effectively: superior-subordinate relationships, military regulations, work in extreme conditions, in emergency circumstances. We can also highlight those interpersonal relationships where the use of the imperative is inappropriate. This intimate personal and marital relationships, child-parent contacts, as well as the entire system of pedagogical relations.

· Manipulative communication is a form of interpersonal interaction in which influence on a communication partner in order to achieve one’s intentions is carried out covertly. At the same time, manipulation presupposes an objective perception of the communication partner, while the hidden desire is to achieve control over the behavior and thoughts of another person. In manipulative communication, the partner is perceived not as an integral unique personality, but as a bearer of certain properties and qualities “needed” by the manipulator. However, a person who chooses this type of relationship with others as his main one often ends up becoming a victim of his own manipulations. He also begins to perceive himself in fragments, switching to stereotypical forms of behavior, guided by false motives and goals, losing the core of his own life. Manipulation is used by dishonest people in business and other business relationships, as well as in the media when the concept of “black” and “gray” propaganda is implemented. At the same time, the possession and use of means of manipulative influence on other people in the business sphere, as a rule, ends for a person with the transfer of such skills to other areas of relationships. Relationships built on the principles of decency, love, friendship and mutual affection are the most damaged by manipulation.

· United together on the basis of common features, imperative and manipulative forms of communication constitute different kinds monologue communication, since a person who considers another as an object of his influence essentially communicates with himself, without seeing the true interlocutor, ignoring him as a person. In its turn , dialogical communication is an equal subject-subject interaction aimed at mutual knowledge, self-knowledge of communication partners. It allows you to achieve deep mutual understanding, self-disclosure of partners, and creates conditions for mutual development.

There is practically no period in a person’s life when he is out of communication. Communication is classified according to content, goals, means, functions, types and forms.

Experts identify the following forms of communication.

Direct communication is historically the first form of communication between people. It is carried out with the help of organs given to man by nature (head, hands, vocal cords, etc.). On the basis of direct communication, in the later stages of the development of civilization, various forms and types of communication arose. For example, indirect communication associated with the use of special means and tools (a stick, a footprint on the ground, etc.), writing, television, radio, telephone and more modern means for organizing communication and exchanging information.

Direct communication is a natural contact “face to face”, in which information is transmitted personally by one interlocutor to another according to the principle: “you - to me, I - to you”. Indirect communication presupposes the participation in the communication process of an “intermediary” through whom information is transmitted.

Interpersonal communication is associated with direct contacts of people in groups or pairs. It implies knowledge of the individual characteristics of the partner and the presence of joint experience in activities, empathy and understanding.

Mass communication is multiple connections and contacts of strangers in society, as well as communication through the media (television, radio, magazines, newspapers, etc.).

Trade and service professionals face interpersonal communication problems in their daily activities.

In psychology, there are three main types of interpersonal communication: imperative, manipulative and dialogical.

1. Imperative communication is an authoritarian (directive) form of influence on a communication partner. Its main goal is to subordinate one of the partners to the other, to achieve control over his behavior, thoughts, as well as coercion to certain actions and decisions. In this case, the communication partner is viewed as a soulless object of influence, as a mechanism that must be controlled; he acts as a passive, “passive” side. The peculiarity of imperative communication is that forcing a partner to do something is not hidden. Orders, instructions, demands, threats, regulations, etc. are used as means of influence.

2. Manipulative communication is similar to imperative. The main goal of manipulative communication is to influence the communication partner, but at the same time achieving one’s intentions is carried out secretly. Manipulation and imperative are united by the desire to achieve control in that with the manipulative type, the communication partner does not inform about his true goals, the goals are hidden or replaced by others.

With the manipulative type of communication, the partner is not perceived as a holistic, unique personality; he is the bearer of certain properties and qualities “needed” by the manipulator. For example, no matter how kind a person is, his kindness can be used for one's own purposes. However, often a person who has chosen this type of relationship with others as his main one ultimately becomes a victim of his own manipulations. He also perceives himself as a fragment, is guided by false goals and switches to stereotypical forms of behavior. A manipulative attitude towards another leads to a violation of trusting ties built on friendship, love, and mutual affection.

Imperative and manipulative forms of interpersonal communication refer to monologue communication. A person, considering another as an object of his influence, essentially communicates with himself, with his tasks and goals. He does not see the true interlocutor, he ignores him, that is, a person sees around him not people, but his “doubles”.

3. Dialogical communication is an alternative to imperative and manipulative types of interpersonal communication. It is based on the equality of partners and allows you to move from a focus on yourself to a focus on your interlocutor, a real communication partner.

Dialogue is possible only if a number of rules of relationship are observed:

Psychological attitude towards the emotional state of the interlocutor and one’s own psychological state (communication according to the “here and now” principle, i.e., taking into account the feelings, desires, physical state that the partners are experiencing at this particular moment);

Trust in the intentions of a partner without assessing his personality (principle of trust);

Perception of a partner as an equal, having the right to his own opinion and his own decision (the principle of parity);

Communication should be aimed at common problems and unresolved issues (principle of problematization);

The conversation must be conducted on one’s own behalf, without reference to other people’s opinions and authorities; you should express your true feelings and desires (the principle of personification of communication).

Dialogical communication presupposes an attentive attitude to the interlocutor and his questions.

According to its purpose, communication is multifunctional.

In psychology there are five main functions.

1. The pragmatic function of communication is realized through the interaction of people in the process of joint activity.

2. The formative function manifests itself in the process of human development and his formation as an individual.

3. Confirmation function is that only in the process of communicating with others can we understand, know and affirm ourselves in our own eyes. Signs of confirmation include introductions, greetings, and attention.

4. The function of organizing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. During communication, we evaluate people, establish emotional relationships, and the same person in different situations can cause different attitudes. Emotional interpersonal relationships occur in business communication and leave a special imprint on business relationships.

5. The intrapersonal function of communication is dialogue with oneself. Thanks to this function, a person makes decisions and performs significant actions.

In addition, several types of communication are distinguished, among which the following can be noted.

1. "Mask contact." In the process of communication, there is no desire to understand a person, his individual characteristics are not taken into account, therefore this type of communication is usually called formal. During communication, a standard set of masks is used that have already become familiar (severity, politeness, indifference, etc.), as well as a corresponding set of facial expressions and gestures. During a conversation, “common” phrases are often used to hide emotions and attitudes towards the interlocutor.

2. Primitive communication. This type of communication is characterized by “neediness,” that is, a person evaluates another as a necessary or unnecessary (interfering) object. If a person is needed, they actively come into contact with him, interfere with him and “push him away” with harsh remarks. After receiving what they want from a communication partner, they lose further interest in him and, moreover, do not hide it.

3. Formal-role communication. In such communication, instead of understanding the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role. In life, each of us plays many roles. A role is a way of behavior that is set by society, therefore it is not typical for a salesman or a savings bank cashier to behave like a military leader. It happens that during one day a person has to “play” several roles: a competent specialist, colleague, manager, subordinate, passenger, loving daughter, granddaughter, mother, wife, etc.

4. Business communication. In this type of communication, the personality characteristics, age, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the case are more important.

5. Social communication. Communication is pointless, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases. Politeness, tact, approval, expression of sympathy are the basis of this type of communication.

Communication is carried out using verbal(verbal) and non-verbal means.

The study of the communication process showed how complex and diverse this phenomenon is and made it possible to highlight communication structure consisting of three interconnected parties :

1. communicative, which manifests itself in the mutual exchange of information between partners in communication, transfer and reception of knowledge, opinions, feelings;

2. interactive, which consists in organizing interpersonal interaction, i.e. when participants in communication exchange not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions;

3. perceptual, which manifests itself through people’s perception, understanding and assessment of each other.

During communication, a person strives not just to perceive the interlocutor, but to get to know him, to understand the logic of his actions and behavior. People's cognition and understanding of others and themselves occurs in accordance with psychological mechanisms of perception.

Identification- this is likening oneself to another. To understand a communication partner, you need to put yourself in his place, since you cannot truly understand a person until you have been in his “skin.” This mechanism allows you to understand the values, habits, behavior and norms of another person.

Empathy(empathy) is not a rational understanding of another person’s problems, but an emotional response, empathy, empathy. Empathy is based on the ability to correctly imagine what is happening inside a person, what he is experiencing, and how he evaluates events. It has been established that the ability to show empathy increases with the acquisition of life experience. Elderly people, who have seen and experienced a lot, understand a person who finds themselves in certain circumstances better than young people.

The highest form of empathy is effective, characterizing the moral essence of a person. For example, you can simply sympathize with a fellow student who “failed” an exam, or you can help prepare for a retake.

Attraction(attract, attract) is a form of knowing another person, based on the emergence of positive feelings towards him: from sympathy to love. The reason for the emergence of a positive emotional attitude between communication partners is often their internal similarity. For example, young people (boys, girls) understand each other much better than the adults who surround them (parents, teachers, etc.).

To correctly understand a communication partner, it is important to know his attitude towards us, how he perceives and understands us. In this case, the mechanism “works”, which in psychology is called reflection.

Reflection(reversal) is a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner. This is no longer just knowledge of the other, but also knowledge of how the other understands us: our mental abilities, individual personality traits and emotional reactions. At the same time, our attention is transferred from the communication partner to ourselves and a kind of doubling of mirror images of each other occurs.

Understanding another person is very important for successful communication with him. We are often interested in what makes the interlocutor act this way and not otherwise, that is, what are the reasons for his actions. After all, knowing them, you can predict the further behavior of your communication partner. If a person always had complete information about the people around him with whom he enters into communication, then he could accurately build tactics for interacting with them. But in everyday life, we, as a rule, find ourselves in conditions of information deficiency, not knowing the true reasons for another person’s behavior. This ignorance forces us to attribute to others a wide variety of reasons for their behavior and actions. They are based on the similarity of the interlocutor’s behavior with some known image or an analysis of our own reasons that are found in a similar situation. Attributing reasons for behavior to another person is called causal attribution (that is, I give and give a reason, I endow). Research shows that every person has habitual explanations for other people's behavior. Some people always find the culprit of what happened and attribute the cause of what happened to a specific person, but not to themselves. For example, if you received a “failure” on an exam, it’s the teacher’s fault because he’s nagging. In this case we talk about personal attribution. Others tend to see everything in the circumstances rather than look for the culprit, i.e. they are accustomed to circumstantial attribution. For example, I was late for class because the transport is bad. Still others see everything through stimulus attribution, i.e. the reason lies in the object. For example, a bag of groceries fell because it didn’t stand well. Or they see the reason in the “victim” himself. For example, if you were expelled from an educational institution, it’s your own fault. In addition, we are faced with internal and external attribution. For example, we can attribute success in a classmate’s exam to his high mental abilities, diligence, perseverance, perseverance, etc. (internal attribution), or we can attribute it to the fact that the ticket was easy or that during the exam we managed to use a cheat sheet (external attribution) .

When studying causal attribution, psychologists have discovered interesting patterns. Thus, people usually attribute the reason for success to themselves, and failure - to circumstances. The assessment of the event will be different in cases where the person was a participant or an observer. Research has confirmed that attribution errors lead to biases in explaining the behavior of group members. Members of their group always make excuses: “He refused because circumstances forced him.” When explaining the same actions to members of other groups, people say: “He refused because he only thinks about himself.” The positive behavior of members of the “chukha” (not their own) group is most often not noticed or is considered as a rare, unique case.

It is noteworthy that knowledge of the patterns and errors of causal attribution helps make it effective for establishing interaction.

Stereotyping translated from Greek - solid and imprint. A stereotype is a stable image of a phenomenon or person that develops in conditions of a lack of information, in other words, a cliche to which we turn. Stereotyping can result from generalization personal experience, to which information obtained from books and films is added. Many stereotypes are transmitted and developed in accordance with the images embedded in our minds by our parents.

Ethnic stereotypes are the most tenacious, but not always true. For example, stereotypical ideas about the politeness and stiffness of the British, the pedantry of the Germans, the eccentricity of the Italians, and the “mysteriousness of the Slavic soul.” Ethnic stereotypes are most clearly manifested in folklore, in particular in jokes. Professional stereotypes are popular and persistent. Without working in specific areas, we do not hesitate to talk about the accuracy of a mathematician, the discipline of a military man, and the fact that all businessmen are speculators, and officials are bureaucrats. In other words, every profession has its own stamp.

Stereotypical perception is strengthened by good or bad mood and well-being. So, when you feel unwell, people and events are perceived in a more negative light.

Communication becomes possible if people interacting can assess the level of mutual understanding and understand what the communication partner is like. This, in turn, improves the culture of business relations.

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