Know your business

The role of self-presentation in business communication. Theme of the lesson "Business communication

When conducting business negotiations, self-presentation occupies one of the key places, since today in an oversaturated competitive market, the rivalry is not so much between goods and manufacturers, but between the images and faces of representatives.

A positive self-image of both parties formed during personal communication between partners gives a ninety percent guarantee of fruitful cooperation. And only ten percent of the information that affects success will be about a product or service.

But this does not mean that self-presentation in negotiations is an endless story about yourself. The process of creating a positive opinion includes a number of verbal and, helping to create a quality first impression.

Such a psychological phenomenon as self-presentation includes the entire process of business communication, appearance, timbre and volume of voice, look and much more.

Factors affecting the first impression

Conventionally, all the factors that affect the first impression can be divided into the following categories:

– Visual
– Communicative
– Quality
- Emotionally sensitive

Visual factors work to create a first impression even before people start talking. From the point of view of the iceberg effect psychology, people create an impression of each other, even just walking by on the street, making up a complete picture of the other person within ten seconds based on visual impressions.

Thoughtful appearance is the basis of a successful self-presentation

There are several fairly simple but effective recommendations regarding the appearance of a participant in business negotiations.

1. Wardrobe.

Clothing should be perfectly matched in size and style, and, among other things, appropriate to the situation. Business style involves a simple two-piece suit with a blouse. For women, a knee-length skirt is ideal, it will emphasize femininity, and at the same time allow you to remain within the acceptable limits of decency. Do not get carried away with tight things and deep necklines. The interlocutor's attention should be focused on the partner's face, and not on open areas of the body.

2. Color range.

The generally accepted opinion that black tones in a business suit should prevail is a myth. It is not necessary to wear all the colors of the rainbow, but a gray-black robe will give the impression of a boring and ordinary person. A small bright detail, a blouse or a tie of a light shade will allow you not to change the style, but to express yourself creatively.

3. Attention to detail.

A well-groomed appearance, posture, clean hair and manicure should be impeccable not so much in order to attract attention, but in order not to focus on this. In addition, from the awareness of the ideal image comes self-confidence.

4. Perfume.

And not quite a visual item that creates a first impression - a good expensive perfume. The smell is remembered along with the person, and bad too. It is worth spending money on this part of the image, but, in addition to the high cost, the smell should fit and reflect the internal state.

How to win over people in a self-presentation

Self-presentation in negotiations is quite strongly reflected in the communication skills of partners. Although business communication is a global branch of etiquette and psychology, there are some fairly simple tips on how to win over people and how to become more interesting in the eyes of the interlocutor.

  • It is always necessary to introduce yourself to the interlocutor, even if the name is written on the badge, and, no less important, to find out the name of the interlocutor. The name of a person is a kind of verbal unit that automatically disposes the interlocutor. In a conversation, calling the interlocutor by name means showing him respect and personal affection.
  • People, among other things, are auditory, and the pleasant tone and volume of the interlocutor's voice is likely to encourage further dialogue. When doing voice acting, it is worth remembering that low frequencies are more perceptible to the human ear. But you should not switch to languid wheezing, a moderately low confident voice speaks of inner harmony.
  • Purity of speech is achieved by reading a large number of books and maintaining a large number of dialogues with people whose speech can be taken as a standard.
  • It is important to monitor non-verbal communication - facial expressions and gestures. Sometimes one wrong move can radically change the attitude of the interlocutor.

Prepare a presentation plan

To build a competent self-presentation, it is recommended to draw up a plan, it will help determine how to become more interesting and more useful to the interlocutor. Creating such a plan involves describing and analyzing your qualities on all of the above points and finding out your strengths and weaknesses and further work on them. Then a conversation strategy is drawn up and unfinished points are corrected. The self-presentation plan will allow you to approach the matter in more detail and express yourself in the best possible way.

Confidence in yourself and your knowledge

The qualitative characteristics of self-presentation in business communication are manifested in the qualification of a specialist and his awareness of the topic of discussion. Knowledge of the professional vocabulary is welcomed. But this item is in third place solely because professionalism without the first two factors does not make sense.

It is worth carefully preparing for a dialogue, providing answers to possible questions, and working out all options for developing a dialogue. and his knowledge makes it easy to maneuver in a dialogue and create the impression of a first-class specialist.

Since even the most serious business partner is also a person, the emotional-sensory criteria of self-presentation sometimes play a greater role than all of the above.

To understand how to win over people, you should think about what pleases you personally. A smile, polite treatment and pleasant words, praise, but not praise, will help the interlocutor to perceive information from you more easily, and you will be able to conduct your self-presentation as efficiently as possible.

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Image is a complex, collective concept. We said earlier that the image is designed to create a favorable first impression. Formed within 20-40 seconds, it has a huge psychological impact on the subsequent perception of a person by a person. And much here depends on the appearance of a person.

But the first impression is still far from the most important. The basis of the image is spiritual fullness, the spiritual essence of the personality, its education, decency and professionalism.

Thus, the image is the appearance of a person, that form of his life manifestation, thanks to which the best personal and business qualities are exposed “to people”.

K.S. Stanislavsky in his work “The work of an actor on himself” wrote: “Do you know such actors who have only to appear on the stage, and the audience already loves them? For what? For beauty? But very often it is not. For a voice? And he is often absent. For talent? He does not always deserve admiration. For what? For that elusive property that we call charm.

Experts offer three answers to this question, what is charm.

  • 1. Personal attraction that a person experiences for a person. In other words, a subconscious attraction to a person, a kind of attraction to him.
  • 2. Sustained sympathy for a specific person. We are talking about a stable emotionally colored attitude towards a particular person.
  • 3. The ability to "shine to people", i.e. radiate heat. This is a unique natural gift or God's gift.

The charm of women determines the nature of the behavior of men. Pushkinist P. Shchegolev said about Natalya Pushkina (Goncharova) that she was so beautiful that she could afford the luxury of not having other virtues. And such charm encourages men to noble deeds.

But men also have charm and give them a special charm. Noble men, as a rule, stimulate women to exalted deeds.

Being charming is a kind of courage, because you need continuous work on yourself. But in order to work on oneself, one needs knowledge and skills in image-making. Its essence is self-presentation, which requires special training.

In order to engage in self-presentation, it is important first of all to be able to navigate the main components of this process. Below are the positions of self-presentation of imaging technology:

"I-concept" - moral and psychological preparation;

facebuilding - creating a face, taking into account all related factors;

kinesics - bodily information;

fashion design - selection and wearing of clothes, use of accessories;

possession of the word - rhetorical equipment;

fluid radiation - the creation of a personal "bioenergetic field";

communicative mechanics - the skill of communication.

Etiquette of a business person is an important part of the image successful entrepreneur. The etiquette of behavior in human society has been formed for thousands of years, and today a person who even unconsciously does not observe the behaviors accepted in society is perceived as an asocial element with whom it is better not to have any relationship.

Today, the concept of "business man" in our minds has become more and more European, it has evolved from the concepts of "business man" that existed in Soviet society and in Russian society in the 90s. .

Today, a business person is, first of all, a successful, active and self-confident person who has a stable income, has certain connections in society and, of course, looks and behaves according to his status. The etiquette and image of a business person allows him to build successful and fruitful relationships with his partners, employees, customers and suppliers.

Unfortunately, in modern society, the concept of etiquette has become very blurred. However, it remained in the public consciousness. We can clearly define - this is a highly cultured and intelligent person, with whom it is pleasant to communicate and do business, but this is a clear asocial element, from which it is better to stay away.

The etiquette of a business person is not just an abstract discipline, designed only to emphasize and limit the successful status of an entrepreneur. This is an everyday practice, everyday work to discipline your mind and body, it is to gain a practical skill in formulating and achieving your goals.

Self-presentation is the ability to present oneself, win over oneself, attract attention, actualizing people's interest in one's own external qualities. Self-presentation is in great demand in the theater, show business and politics. In these areas it is well known that it is not enough to have talent, you must be able to please the public. In the public sphere, self-presentation largely determines the success of politicians.

Of course, every businessman and manager is professionally interested in the ability to create such success. His achievements or failures in mastering self-presentation will have a direct impact on personal authority in his field of business, on business communication with clients. Before engaging in self-presentation, it is necessary to be imbued with an understanding of the relationship between the value and technological functions of the image. Indeed, even their spontaneous implementation is a personal self-presentation, the effectiveness of which will increase as the conscious mastery of these functions and the transfer of knowledge about them into practical skills. The achievement of the latter, in the most decisive way, can be achieved if one practically masters the technological functions of the image.

Technological functions of the image:

  • 1. Social adaptation. Thanks to a properly chosen image, it is possible to quickly enter a specific social environment, to make people feel welcome, to achieve the most productive and friendly contacts with them.
  • 2. Highlighting the best personal and business characteristics. This means emphasizing your most attractive qualities, causing people's trust, sympathy and drawing their attention to their professional merits.
  • 3. Smoothing or hiding negative personal data. That is, by means of clothes, hairstyles, make-up, magnificent demeanor, to divert people's eyes from their own shortcomings.
  • 4. Concentration of people's attention on themselves. In other words, the ability to “shine” to people always draws their attention to someone who radiates originality and goodwill, which means they will be interested in communicating and working with just such a person.
  • 5. Expansion of the age range of communication. This means not locking the personality in its age image, a visual evidence of modern manners of communication and compliance with the latest fashion trends, which will expand the circle of contacts and successfully engage in professional activities in societies of different ages. .

The listed two functions of the image - value and technology are the priority components of self-presentation. Knowing these functions and methodically exercising in their implementation both independently and with the help of an image maker, a businessman builds his individual, personal and professional image. The more noticeable the manifestation in the typical image of a businessman of his original characteristics that contribute to the achievement of sustainable business success, the brighter he appears to people as a person who deserves special attention.

Self-presentation is an art, having mastered it, a businessman can visually express the personal greatness given to him by nature and hide that ordinary or primitive that inevitably takes place in every person. Let his appearance encourage people to talk about him as a modern, businesslike, friendly professional. The charming image of a businessman or manager is a manifestation of his mind and educated manners. In general, a businessman's attitude to imageology can be judged on his moral responsibility as a professional manager, whose business success is directly related to the support and respect of those with whom he works.

The technology of self-presentation is a classic example of the organic synthesis of spiritual and material technologies.

Before you start mastering the technology of self-presentation, you must first carry out a number of actions:

Development of "I - the concept" as a subjective basis for self-tuning to create a personal image;

Creating an initial sketch of your own image;

Consulting with an image maker and preparing a draft of your own image;

Preparation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of technologies for the reproduction of the image;

Implementation and "running" of the created image in real conditions;

Gathering information to evaluate the effectiveness of your image.

Many judge themselves only by observing the reactions of others. Often a businessman faces the problem of getting himself out of the psychological state of the "ugly duckling", changing his "I - concept". .

The objectives of the study of the topic:

- development of self-presentation skills.

The tasks of studying the topic:

Disclosure of the psychological mechanisms of self-presentation;

Consideration of the main forms and means of self-presentation of a business person;

Mastering the skills of self-presentation.

Having successfully studied the topic, you will:


The essence and forms of self-presentation of a business person;

The role of the visual image, manners and speech in self-presentation;

Basic rules of business etiquette.

be able to:

Use a business card in business communication;

Compile a resume;

Build a portfolio;

Apply techniques to attract the attention of the audience in the process of public speaking.


self-imaging skills;

Self-presentation skills.

Topic questions:

1. Self-presentation as impression management.

2. Verbal and non-verbal means of impression formation.

3. Business card, resume and portfolio as a form of self-presentation.

4. Basic rules of business etiquette.

Question 1. Self-presentation as impression management.

In modern society, the success of a business person depends not only on competence and personal qualities, but also on the ability to establish effective communications with people, the ability to present oneself and an organization, product or service, in other words, presentation skills.

Presentation (from lat.praesentatio- "introduce") - official presentation to the public of something new, recently appeared, created.

Depending on the subject of the presentation, one can single out self-presentation and presentation of a product, service or organization.

concept self-presentation comes from the English word "self-presentation", that is, the presentation of oneself to other people. IN.M.Shepel defines self-presentation as "the ability to present oneself, attracting attention to oneself, actualizing people's interest in some of their video and audio qualities."

Most researchers working in this direction adhere to the definition of self-presentation given by J. Tedeschi and M. Ries. According to these authors, self-presentation - intentional and conscious behavior of a person, aimed at forming a certain impression about himself.

From the point of view of psychologists, the formation of an impression about oneself in the process of self-presentation is based on the mechanisms of attraction and fascination.

attraction (from English. attraction - "attraction, attraction") - the effect of showing sympathy for the appearance of a person and the desire to communicate with him.

Fascination (from English. fascination- “charm, charm”) - the effect of awakening the attention and interest of a partner when transmitting verbal (verbal) information.

Self-presentation of a business person can take place in various forms:

1. Direct (face to face with interlocutors):

As part of a business conversation;

At the interview;

in public speaking;

At a press conference.

2. Indirect (with the help of certain means):



Business card;


Question 2. Verbal and non-verbal means of forming an impression.

Self-presentation in a business conversation.

To create a favorable atmosphere of communication and location of the interlocutor during business conversation psychologists recommend using the following techniques:

Smile and friendly look;

Greeting, including a handshake and etiquette formulas: “It is a pleasure to meet you”, “It is a great honor for our company to negotiate with you”, etc.

Exchange of business cards upon acquaintance;

Address by name and patronymic;

The manifestation of a friendly disposition in the form of a compliment, a joke;

Emphasizing commonality with a business partner, searching for mutual interests, common topics for discussion;

Providing an opportunity for a partner to feel in some way their superiority, their significance.

How to prepare for an interview.

Interview - one of the most exciting moments in the life of any person, therefore, in order to be confident in one's own abilities, preliminary preparation for this event is required. You should pay attention to at least three aspects: the strategy of behavior, appearance, kinetic image.

To get started, prepare all the necessary copies of the documents confirming your qualifications, indicated earlier in the resume. You may be asked to leave them. In order to be prepared for any surprises, you also need to have information with the name of the contact person, address and phone number, spare copies of the resume, a notepad (for writing down key points of the interview), two pens (in case one runs out of ink).

First, try to find all available information about the company's activities, the features of its corporate culture and the requirements for personnel. This will help you to behave properly during the interview. When you receive an invitation for an interview, find out who will conduct the interview, what position he holds.

Think ahead about how you will talk about yourself. The words "Describe yourself, please ..." should not confuse you. Try to report only information directly related to the work and illustrating your competence in this area. Please provide information about your education and previous work experience. If you do not have it, then you can talk about what attracts you to your chosen field of activity, describe in detail your professional qualities.

Also prepare questions for the interviewer. These questions may relate to the activities of the company as a whole (if the company is small and it is difficult to find information about it), the organization of the work of the department in which the position is offered. You can clarify the main job responsibilities.

The interviewer may ask you about your expected earnings, so think about the answer to this question in advance. Do not lower the bar: this will demonstrate self-doubt and low self-esteem. Even if the employer cannot pay you the amount that you name, this does not always become the reason for refusing to work, he may offer you a lower level of payment.

Think carefully about your outfit. It is customary to come to the interview in business style, even if the corporate culture of the company suggests a free style of dress. It is preferable for women to wear a jacket with a skirt or a strict dress with a jacket, as trousers can give the impression of an overly relaxed person.

You do not need to wear a new suit or shoes for an interview, clothes that make you feel uncomfortable. This can increase your stiffness in an already stressful situation for you.

When choosing clothes, you should not adhere to the principle of "all the best - at once." You do not have to look sharply fashionable, so as not to get the impression that you will devote most of your time not to work, but to demonstrating outfits. Also, do not unnecessarily demonstrate (for example, expensive accessories) your financial well-being. The employer may have doubts about whether you need a job. First of all, you must be dressed for the occasion. As fashion historian and decorator Alexander Vasiliev noted in one of his interviews, “To get a job, you have to dress in work clothes. You don't come for an evening or a cocktail."

Excessive excitement can make you look insecure. Nervousness can make it difficult for the interviewer to focus on what you are saying, so you need to control the non-verbal cues you send to the interviewer.

When you are asked to sit down, choose the most comfortable place and try to take a position so that there are no obstacles between you and the interlocutor. Do not cross your arms over your chest and legs under a chair, as this will signal closeness. Keep in mind that cross-legging sometimes causes a negative reaction from the interviewer. Don't sit on the edge of a chair. Your posture should be neither too constrained nor too loose. When answering questions, it is better to look into the eyes and avoid excessive gestures.

Try to stay relaxed and at ease, smile. If your hands are reaching out to scratch the back of your head, twist a button, then take a pen or hide your hands under the table.

When you say goodbye, remember to smile and inquire about how you will find out about the results of the interview.

Self-presentation in a public speech and at a press conference.

When you successfully pass the interview and get a job, you may again have a small “exam” waiting for you. The management will want to introduce you to colleagues, ask you to tell about yourself and your vision of professional development prospects in the company.

In order to attract and keep the attention of the audience in public speaking, you can use the following techniques.

Empathy. Describe events with enthusiasm and confidence, forcing the audience to respond emotionally, touch personal experience of people. “Each of you felt from your own experience...”, “Any professional in this field will understand me.”

Humor. Include funny examples, jokes in your speech, but remember the appropriateness and extent of using humor in business communication.


Why were you late for work?

Left the house late...

Couldn't you have left before?

It was already too late to leave...

Appeal. If necessary, use references to the authoritative opinion of interlocutors and people known to the audience: “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin described the entrepreneurial initiative of our company as...”

Surprise. Offer facts unknown to the listeners.

Provocation. For a short time, provoke a reaction in the audience to disagree with the information.

Rhetorical questions. More often formulate questions addressed to the interlocutors: “Why did I decide to do this business?”, “How can I explain this fact in my biography?”.

Speech orders. Periodically use the phrases "Pay attention to ...", "Imagine that ...".

expressiveness. Choose vivid comparisons, well-aimed expressions: “I work according to the principle: if the mountain does not go to Magomed, then Magomed goes to the mountain.”

Change in tempo and tone of speech. Highlight the most important information with a louder voice and a slower pace of speech.

Pause use. Pauses increase tension, involve the interlocutors in understanding the information provided, and also allow you to establish longer eye contact with the audience.

Self-presentation can also take place within the framework of press conferences . As a rule, when the management of a large company changes, the new head is presented to the public at a press conference.

A press conference is an event at which officials of an organization brief media representatives on issues that are relevant to the public. It is devoted to a detailed discussion of 1 - 2 problems and, as a rule, is held for 1.5 hours.

At the conference, journalists can ask you provocative questions. Psychologists recommend using the following techniques to "neutralize" them.

Ignoring. Pause briefly and ask for the next question.

Forwarding to a more competent person : "You can ask this question to my management."

Answering a question with a question: "Have you ever been divorced?"

Humor, irony, sarcasm. "You ask such 'smart' questions that baffle me."

Negative evaluation of the question : "I think your question is incorrect."

Question 3. Business card, resume and portfolio as a form of self-presentation.

Business card is the simplest and most elegant form of self-presentation. With regard to the design and use of business cards in business communication, certain traditions have developed.

A business business card must include:

Full legal name of the company;

Full Name;

Position and field of activity;

Company address;

Work phone number;

Email address, organization website.

Cardboard for business cards should not be too thin, but not very dense. The size is usually 5 * 9 cm. As a rule, all card holders are made under these parameters.

Business cards are issued in the same corporate style for all employees.

The card must contain not only the name and surname, but also the patronymic. In Russia, the rejection of the latter looks incorrect. Neutral background, restrained colors are preferred.

It is impolite to print "backward" (Russian-English, Russian-French, etc.) business cards. The reverse side is intended for notes and notes (for example, to indicate your home phone number). If you are doing business internationally, then order separate sets of business cards in different languages.

Consider some rules of etiquette regarding their use.

The first to give a business card is the subordinate - the boss, the man - the woman, the youngest - the eldest, the owner - the guest. It is customary to serve it to a partner so that he can read the text. When handing, you need to clearly pronounce the first and last name so that your interlocutor can remember their pronunciation. A business card can be presented not only in person, but also delivered by courier.

During negotiations, it is advisable to put the card in front of you, so that if necessary, look into it if you forget your name. You can’t crush it in front of the owner of the business card, make notes. This may be perceived by them as disrespectful.

Different countries have their own rules when presenting a business card. In Southeast Asia, this is done with two hands. You should also take a business card with both hands. In Russia, it is served and accepted with the right hand.

Crossing out the old one on the business card and writing the new phone number on top is not prohibited by the rules of etiquette, but it is not recommended to rewrite the position. When you change your official position, immediately order a new set of business cards.

Before any business meeting, do not forget to stock up on a sufficient number of business cards, they should not “suddenly” run out.

Summary as an indirect form of self-presentation requires careful preparation. In direct communication, you can influence the interlocutor, paraphrase something, if necessary, clarify something. The perception of a resume cannot be corrected - what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.

In our opinion, the main criteria successful resume are:

Orientation of information to the vacancy;

Reliability of information;

Brevity of presentation;

The specificity of the wording;


Design, convenient for visual perception.

When writing a resume, follow the principle selectivity . Your CV should contain only information that reveals your suitability for the specified vacancy and demonstrates competence in a particular professional field. .

The summary is drawn up in any form, but must necessarily contain the following data:

1. Last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth/age, contact phone number, e-mail address.

2. Purpose (the position you are applying for).

3. Education (in reverse chronological order, starting with the last place of study) according to the scheme:

· date of commencement of studies - date of graduation;

· name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty;

· assigned qualification.

4. Work experience (starting from the last place of work) according to the scheme:

· date of commencement of work - date of completion of work;

· name of the company, its field of activity;

· the title of your position;

· a description of your job responsibilities;

· examples of achievements.

5. Additional education: advanced training courses, seminars, trainings, internships (according to the scheme given in paragraph 3).

6. Professional qualities and skills (degree of PC proficiency, foreign languages, driver's license, car, etc.).

7. Your strengths (list a few of your personality traits that distinguish you from others and help you achieve success in your work).

According to etiquette, resumes usually do not indicate:

· All working history. Provide information for the last 10 years.

· Reasons why you left your job. This question is usually asked in an interview.

· Salary requirements and working conditions. You can indicate this in the questionnaire, which they offer to fill out before the interview.

When compiling a resume, focus on your achievements, avoiding words containing a negative assessment and lengthy wording.

Shouldn't write


gone from office

advanced for the position

helped to avoid mistakes

saved for a company 500,000 rubles

easy to learn

mastered new sales mechanisms in two weeks

passed on experience

trained two new employees

The summary should be written in literary language. Colloquialism, jargon and professionalism are not acceptable (“personnel officer”, “IT specialist”, “PR”, “account manager”). If you are unsure of your own literacy, ask a more competent person to check the resume. Mistakes can call into question your education, professionalism.

Recruiters review hundreds of resumes every day, so this document needs to be easy to read and understand. Choose an easy-to-read and discreet font, large margins, sufficient line spacing, highlight headings. It is important to fit information on one, maximum two pages. Also, do not forget about aesthetics - make sure that the resume is designed in the same style.

Resume example.



Alekseev Sergey Petrovich

Year of birth - ****

E - mail : Alexeev@ yandex. en

Tel. ***

Professional experience.

11.2007 - 12.2008 financial manager, AV-TO OJSC, federal wholesale and retail network of shopping and service centers, Moscow

· Ensuring the interaction of the company with banks and other credit institutions.

· Liaising with insurance companies on property insurance matters.

· Participation in budgeting.

· Control of the company's expenses, according to the approved BDDS.

· On a weekly basis, he carried out consolidation, registration of information on sales and cash receipts of a group of companies in accordance with the established form.

· Formation of daily reports on sales with a forecast of the implementation of the plan in the context of the TSC and types of cash receipts. funds (cash, non-cash) in Moscow retail.

· Maintaining a database of invoices for payment, the formation of daily registers of non-cash payments and their coordination.

· Formation of weekly DDS reports.

· Maintaining management accounting of assets and liabilities of a group of companies under credit, loan, leasing, guarantee and pledge agreements.

01.2006 - 10.2007, economist at Altaivtormet LLC , ferrous scrap, Barnaul

· Management accounting (movement of goods, cash flow).

· Payroll preparation.

· Control of receivables/accounts payable by suppliers/buyers. Reconciliations with contractors.

· Generation of daily operational reports.

· Issue of invoices, invoices.

· Formation of consolidated monthly reports on branches.

12.2005 - 01.2005 economist, LLC "Altai Regional Leasing Company", movable property leasing, Barnaul

· Preparation of budget forecasts (BDR, BDDS), payment calendar.

· Calculation of interest on leasing transactions, credits, loans.

· Accounting for the repayment of leasing payments from customers and company loans.

· Registration and support of leasing transactions.



· 2004 - Altai State Technical University. I. I. Polzunova, economist. Diploma with honors.


· 2006 - Financial manager, MFPA, professional retraining diploma.

· 2008 - Top manager, MFPA, professional retraining diploma.

Professional skills and personal qualities.

Excellent knowledge of financial management

Current and strategic planning skills

Management Skills
- knowledge of accounting and legal programs ("1C", "Garant", "Consultant +")

Business negotiation skills
- Confident PC userWord, excel, PowerPoint, Internetexplorer, Outlook)

Kirillov Andrey Petrovich, head of the treasury of JSC "AV-TO", tel. *** .

Belova Evgenia Mikhailovna, Deputy Director of LLC "Altaivtormet", tel. *** .

Another effective form of self-presentation of a business person is a portfolio. This is a kind of "folder of achievements" of a person. The purpose of a portfolio is to show a potential employer what a professional is capable of in practice.

Portfolio (from English.portfolio- “portfolio”, “folder for important cases or documents”) - a collection of documents, samples of work, photographs that give an idea of ​​the expected opportunities, services of a company or specialist (usually an artist, architect, photographer, fashion model, etc.).

Unlike a resume, a portfolio is more vivid and tangible and allows you to present your real achievements and discover opportunities. This document may take the form of a printed brochure, graphic files, an album in electronic format (for example, "PowerPoint"). The modern portfolio is an attempt to convey ideas through the full range of multimedia features (sound, animation, etc.).

Portfolio can contain not only your best work, samples. Sometimes an employee knows exactly what kind of work he wants to do, but there are no interesting offers. Then he can offer his employer to improve the business and present new ideas or areas of activity in the portfolio: a business plan, a project, an analysis of consumer needs or competitor services, a list of current problems and options for solving them, etc.

According to the main purpose for which the presented material is designed, it is conditionally possible to distinguish the following portfolio types.

"Portrait" - contains various information about the author. A kind of detailed resume with reviews, letters of recommendation.

"Achievements" - demonstrates success, the best results. May include works (project, article, painting, etc.), diplomas, diplomas, certificates, photographs and videos from contests or competitions.

"Working materials" - contains works, usually systematized by topic, problem, or in chronological order.

"My Ideas" - may include projects, business plan, scenario outlines, etc. Presented to the management of his company.

Before going for an interview, find out about the specifics of the company's activities, requests, and requirements for employees. Based on this information, prepare a portfolio. A well-written portfolio will convince the employer that he is a professional.

Question 4. Basic rules of business etiquette.

In order to feel comfortable in any situation and make a favorable impression on others, you need to know the rules of etiquette.

Etiquette (from the Frenchetiquette- "card") - this is the established order of behavior somewhere. Etiquette regulates what is permissible and acceptable in a given society or in a given group of people, and what is not.

Etiquette originated as a court ceremonial during the time of the French king Louis XIV (1638-1715). At palace receptions, cards with written rules of conduct were distributed. From the name "card" (label) the word "etiquette" came from.

It so happened that civil and business etiquette developed in parallel. Civil etiquette originated in the days of chivalry and is based on the rules of behavior of one sex in relation to the other. Business etiquette, being formed on the traditions of military life and incorporating elements of the corporate culture of successful global companies, has developed its own standards that ensure the effectiveness of business communications. The main difference between business etiquette is that behavior is guided by a ranking that does not depend on gender (the principle of "genderless community").

Consider the basic rules of business etiquette.

Handling rules.

Acquaintance, conversation begins with an appeal. The choice of the form of address from the standpoint of modern etiquette depends on several conditions.

"You" - they say to strangers, unfamiliar and respected people in an official and informal setting.

In the conditions of official communication, the appeal to “You” is accepted, even among close, well-known people.

A young person cannot be the first to name an older one with “You”, if the latter does not offer to be the first to call him with “You”.

The boss should not call subordinates “You”, as this is perceived as a patronizing “poking”. Subordinates should address the boss as "you", regardless of the degree of closeness and kinship.

An address without a name is a formal appeal: whether it is a subordinate or a boss, a neighbor or a fellow traveler in public transport. Appeal by name patronymic is an appeal to a person. Pronouncing the name, patronymic emphasize respect for the person.

Greeting rules.

The salutation ritual is as follows:

The man greets the woman first;

Younger in age - older;

Came alone- a group of people who have already gathered;

Junior in office- senior officer ( this rule takes precedence over the rest ).

The handshake follows the opposite rules. The first to give a hand is the one who is higher in status:

Senior - junior;

Chief to subordinate

Woman to man.

In the group, the order of greetings by the hand is as follows:

Lady with a lady;

A man with a lady;

Man with a man.

There are situations when strangers greet us. For any

greeting must be answered so as not to offend a person.

If a boss or a senior in age and status enters the office, subordinates should stand up. The secretary, receiving the visitor, must also get up from the table.

The client or customer is also greeted standing up. It is also necessary to stand up if a new employee enters the office to introduce himself.

Dating rules.

If you act as an intermediary when meeting, then you can use the phrase: "Let me (let me) introduce you to ...". If you are introducing someone (especially a young person) to a highly respected person, then this is always done in an interrogative form, not in an affirmative form. They also introduce a man to a woman, asking her permission. Further, the name (or first name and patronymic) of the person is clearly and distinctly pronounced. There is one more rule: people who are closer to you (sister, brother, bride, groom, etc.) are introduced to acquaintances.

If this is an official meeting, then you need to name the position, title, first name, patronymic and last name of the person. To this, if necessary, add the name of the organization he represents.

It is most convenient to start an acquaintance if people are introduced to each other. It used to be considered indecent to speak to a person without being introduced to him. Now this rule remains fair only in relation to persons of high rank.

In our time, circumstances often develop in such a way that we need to get to know someone, but there is no one to introduce us to. In this case, they say: "Allow me to introduce myself ...". or “My name is ...”, after which they add a phrase dictated by the circumstances: “I am a friend of Alexander ...”, or “I am an employee of the department ...”.

Farewell rules.

At the end of the meeting, it is customary to say polite words expressing gratitude for the attention paid by the interlocutor: “It was nice (was glad) to meet (meet). Goodbye”, “Thank you for a pleasant evening. Goodbye!”, “Thank you for the pleasant conversation. All the best!”, “I was glad to see you. Goodbye!”, “Unfortunately, it’s time for me to leave, I was glad to meet you. All the best (goodbye)”, “I beg your pardon, but I have to go…”, etc.

In addition to the standard "goodbye", "all the best (good)", you can (in the appropriate situation) also use "pleasant evening", "pleasant rest" (if the evening is not over yet) or "good night" if the time is already late.

If the conversation took place in a more formal setting or was short-lived, you can say goodbye like this: “Thank you (thank you), goodbye!”

or: “Thank you for the conversation (advice; help; for paying attention to me).

All the best!".

When leaving, the first to get up are those who came (to the office, to the office), and then the owners. If the owner got up, then this is a sign that it is time for visitors to leave. Farewell remarks must be answered: "Thank you for visiting ...", in an informal setting: "Thank you for coming ...".

In business relations, the employee observes subordination (official subordination of the junior to the senior). He does not forget about subordination and does not give orders without special need to bypass the subordinate leader, so as not to undermine the authority of the latter.


In modern society, the success of a business person depends not only on competence and personal qualities, but also on the ability to present oneself and the organization, on the skills self-presentation. The formation of an impression about oneself in the process of self-presentation is based on the mechanisms attractions And fasciations.

Self-presentation of a business person, firstly, can be carried out directly: within the framework of a business conversation, at an interview, during a public speech, at a press conference. Secondly, in an indirect form: with the help of an autobiography, business card, resume and portfolio.

In order to attract and hold the attention of the audience in a public speech, you can use the following techniques: describe events with enthusiasm and confidence, forcing the audience to respond emotionally; include funny examples, jokes in your speech, use, if necessary, references to the authoritative opinion of people known to the audience, choose vivid comparisons, rhetorical appeals, change the pace and tone of speech.

The main form of self-presentation of a business person is summary. A resume is considered successful if the information contained in it is reliable, the information is focused on the vacancy; there are brevity of presentation, specificity of wording, literacy, design, convenient for visual perception.

Unlike a resume, portfolio allows you to present your professional skills more vividly and tangibly. This document can take the form of a printed brochure, graphic files, an album in electronic format (for example, "PowerPoint"), etc. According to the main purpose for which the presented material is designed, the following can be conditionally distinguished portfolio types: "Portrait", "Achievements", "Working materials", "My ideas".

In addition to an attractive appearance and culture of speech, knowledge plays an important role in the process of self-presentation and in business communication in general. business etiquette. By observing business etiquette, you demonstrate good manners and show the importance of others to you, create a comfortable atmosphere for communication. The main difference between business etiquette and civil etiquette is the principle of "asexual community": there are no men and women at work, there are status differences.

Methodical instructions.

To prepare for the lesson, read:

Basic Tutorial:

1. Shepel V. M. Imagelogy. How to please people. - M.: National education, 2002. - S. 88 - 95, 226 - 249, 294 - 344.

Additional literature:

2. ArkhangelskM. D. Business etiquette, or playing by the rules. - M.: Eksmo, 2002. - 160 p.

3. Brown L. Image - the path to success. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 192c.

4. Venediktova V. I. Business reputation: (personality, culture, ethics, 7. image of a business person). - M.: Institute of New Economics, 1996. - 208 p.

5. Kobzeva VV Etiquette in questions and answers. - M.: Fair-press, 2003. - 288 p.

6. Kovalchuk A. S. Fundamentals of imageology and business communication. - M.: Phoenix, 2006. - 251 p.

7. Kuzin F. A. Modern image of a business person, businessman, politician. - M.: Os-89, 2002. - 512 p.

8. Panfilova A. P. The image of a business person. - St. Petersburg: IVESEP, Knowledge, 2007. - 490 p.

9. Solovyov E. Ya. Modern etiquette. business protocol. - M.: Os-89, 2009. - 208 p.

10. Sutormina L. I. Fundamentals of self-presentation. Fundamentals of imageology [Electronic resource]. - Electron. text data. - M.: MFPA, 2008. - Access mode:

11. PR: theory and practice / Ed. M. A. Lukashenko. - M.: Market DS, 2008. - 328c.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the self-presentation of a business person? What forms can it take?

2. How can you win over an interlocutor during a business conversation?

3. What aspects should be paid attention to when preparing for an interview?

4. What methods of keeping the attention of the audience in public speaking do you know?

5. What are the basic principles for writing a resume?

6. In what form can you present your achievements and professional skills in a portfolio?

Pass the final test in the discipline atwww .

Write etiquette formulas (including greetings) that you will use to:

ü apologizing for a late call to a work colleague;

ü thanks to a friend for the help;

ü politely refusing a request to answer a question in which you are incompetent.

Workshop "Summary".

You want to find a temporary job that can be combined with your studies. You need to compose and send a resume by e-mail.


1. Carefully consider the ads below .

2. Based on your goals, knowledge, abilities and personal qualities, select one from vacancies.

3. Determine main characteristics of the required image for this vacancy.

4. Considering the required image for this vacancy, recommendations (see Question 3), write a resume. Be sincere when providing information about yourself.

Job evaluation:

Criteria for evaluation


A culture of speech

Compliance of speech with all norms of the Russian literary language.

Compliance of the text design with the requirements for a resume.


The information contained in the resume is focused on the vacancy

Job advertisements.


Company: MTS-Promo.

Requirements: male, 14-55 years old, high communication skills (mandatory requirement!!!), desire to work and earn.

Responsibilities: advising potential customers on MTS tariff plans and services, distribution of MTS promotional contracts, teamwork, daily reporting on the work done to the manager.

Conditions: piecework wages, free work schedule, registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for students - internship, promotional form, corporate training, career growth.

Promoter consultant.

Company: AXIOM.

Job description: a large project with a leader in cellular communications.

Requirements: citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 17 to 30 years, activity, communication skills, focus on results, responsibility. Experience as a promoter or sales assistant is preferred.

Responsibilities: Attract customers, familiarize with new tariff plans‚ consultations, distribution of contracts, conclusion of contracts.

Conditions: work in different districts of Moscow. Schedule: from 16:00 to 20:00.

Phone operator.

Company: Direct Communications Agency.

Job Description: In connection with the launch of a new project, a limited set of operators on the phone is announced.

Responsibilities: Receiving incoming telephone calls, providing information.

Requirements: citizenship of the Russian Federation, residence Moscow (or region). LITERAL SPEECH, CLEAR DICTION, PC-user, sociability, stress resistance, responsibility, ability to arouse the interlocutor's interest in the topic of conversation.

Work schedule: day / night shifts, free schedule (discussed separately with each applicant).

Advertising manager.

Company: NSP TOURS.

Requirements: knowledge of a PC at the user level, determination, sociability, it is desirable to have your own client base, knowledge of the online advertising market.

Responsibilities: work on active search for clients (calls, mailing commercial offers), preparation of advertising material, development and implementation of promotional activities, sale of company services.

Conditions: free schedule, students are possible, registration in Moscow and Moscow Region, without work experience.


Company: ARIS.

Responsibilities: receiving and distributing calls, fulfilling the instructions of the head, ensuring the life of the office.

Requirements: a confident PC user (Word‚ Excel‚ Internet) and office equipment. Knowledge of office work organization and document flow rules, good printing speed, writing literacy. Knowledge of business ethics. Personal qualities: discipline, ingenuity, attentiveness.

Conditions: registration in the state according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Working hours: from 9.00 to 18.00. Five days.

Research task

Requirements for the content and design of a scientific article

The author of the article must ensure the reliability of the results of the study, the correctness of references to literary sources.

The presentation should be logical, concise, with wording that excludes double interpretation or misunderstanding of the information. Speech must comply with the norms of the literary language. The style of speech is scientific.

Article structure:

- Name;

- surname and initials of the author;

- annotation;

- introduction;

- the main part, including diagrams, graphs or other illustrative material (if any);

- conclusion;

- list of cited sources.

Article formatting requirements

Volume - from 7 to 10 pages. A4 format, one-and-a-half interval, Times New Roman font, size 14.

Sample topics:

1. Formation and development of imageology in Russia (historical review).

2. Image as a means of business communication.

3. Spectacular kinetic techniques to attract the attention of the audience.

4. Aromatic effect as an element of the image of a business person.

5. Emotional perception of color combinations in the image.

6. Color perception in different cultures: a comparative aspect.

7. Social order and its influence on the formation of a professional image (on the example of one specialty).

8. The role of myths in the formation of the image.

9. Internet as a means of promoting a personal business image.

10. Using the possibilities of social networks to promote a personal business image (on the example of several networks).

11. Comparative analysis of political and business personal image. 12. Elegance and charisma as a result of the harmony of the image.

13. Speech etiquette: rules of greeting, introduction, acquaintance and treatment in the modern business environment (analysis of changes).

14. Features of the etiquette of business correspondence by e-mail.

15. Gifts in business etiquette.

16. National features of business etiquette (on the example of several countries).

Yekaterinburg College of Physical Culture

Development of an open lesson on the Discipline "Psychology of communication"

Lesson topic "Business conversation. Self-presentation in business communication»

Date 20.03.2014

Goals and objectives:

    Introduce students to the concept of "business communication" and its types

    Form the ability of studentsparticipate in discussions and disputes

    To form the ability of students to build the structure of self-presentation

    Develop the skill of effective participation in resolving contentious issues

    Develop the ability to work in a group.

    To educate students in tolerance, responsibility, goodwill, communication skills.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson Methods : conversation, explanation, showing a presentation, watching a video plot, group work of students, independent work of students, solving situational problems

Equipment: lesson plan, multimedia, handout for students

Lesson plan:

    Business communication and its types.

    Verbal and non-verbal means of business communication.

    Communicative culture in business communication.

    Self-presentation in business communication

During the classes :

Organizational stage (5 – 7 minutes)

Hello dear students! Please have a seat. Good morning, dear colleagues.

The topic of the lesson is “Business communication and its types. Self-presentation in business communication. Our joint goal today is to summarize our theoretical knowledge in the field of business communication, consider business communication as a communication process and practically present business communication skills in our self-presentation.

But first, attendance.

Motivation of educational activity.

In life, each person spends most of his time in a business environment: at school, at work, in institutions, public places, etc.

People constantly communicate with each other - with bosses and subordinates, with teachers and relatives, with sellers, neighbors, etc. We are constantly trying to convince or dissuade someone of something, to persuade or dissuade.

For example, it is estimated that a secondary school student during his studies enters into business contacts with 25-30 teachers, is present at 10 thousand lessons, each of which is business communication.

And how many gatherings, meetings, all kinds of meetings, business meetings in the life of each of us!

I hope that today's lesson will give answers to these and other questions you are interested in on the topic "Business Communication".

Knowledge control:

The next stage of our lesson is knowledge control. Now we will test your knowledge in the field of communication, which you received in the lessons earlier.

II. Survey of students on the material covered (10 min.)

Answer questions in writing:

    What is communication?

    Verbal communication is...

    Non-verbal communication is...


Business conversation - a type of communication in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience.Business communication differs from communication in a broad sense in that in its process goals and specific tasks are set, that require a decision.

Functions business communication:

organization of joint activities;

formation and development of interpersonal relationships;

people getting to know each other;

informative, communicative, educational, moral and psychological, etc.

First impression: not always true, but always stable

How long do you think it takes one person to form his first impression of another? During the first 60 - 90 seconds, an image of a person is created in our subconscious. The reliability of the visual evaluation method is about 80%.

The axiom of public speaking is that a speaker never gets a second chance to make a first impression. The first impression contains emotional and evaluative components. Studies confirm that in 75% of cases the first impression is correct.

What is fixed when forming the first impression:


Appearance styling.

Expression, external expressiveness.

Actions to take.

Assumed personality traits.

The first impression is formed on the basis of verbal (what we say), vocal (how we say) and visual (how we look) components of communication.

About contact techniques:

smile, friendly look;

greeting, including a handshake and words;

addressing a partner by name and patronymic, for this purpose - introduction, acquaintance, exchange of business cards;

manifestation of friendly disposition, use for this jokes, humor, compliments, visible participation;

emphasizing the importance of the partner, the company he represents, a show of respect for him, demonstrated words, facial expressions, gestures, posture, spatial organization environment;

open recognition of the merits of your partner.

Verbal Components - this is the meaning of the first 10 words, which include greetings, introducing yourself, conveying your attitude to the meeting. Be sure to pronounce the name of the person you want to make a good first impression on.

Vocal components - the way we say these words: speed, intonation, timbre, loudness, stress, rhythm. For each word, there is only one way to write it, and more than a hundred distinguishable by ear and meaning variants of its pronunciation. Vocal flexibility gives semantic diversity to the same words.

For example Notice how the meaning changes.

" I gotta get this job ". (I should get this job, not you.)

" I MUST get this job ". (I should get this job, not do something else.)

" I must GET this job ". (I should get this job, not reject the offer or criticize it).

" I must receive THIS work ". (This one, and not some other.)

" I have to get this WORK ". (Even though I don't like her.)

Exercise 1

Say the phrase with different intonations.

1. Good girl! Well done! (with gratitude, with delight, ironically, sadly,


2. I will never forget this (with gratitude, with resentment, with admiration,

with anger).

3. Thank you, how did you guess! (sincerely, with admiration, with


4. I can’t help you (sincerely, with sympathy, making it clear

tactless request).

5. Do you understand me? (benevolently, politely, dryly, officially, with a threat).

6. See you soon! (warm, gentle, cold, dry, decisively, sharply,


7. It's me! (joyfully, solemnly, guiltyly, menacingly, thoughtfully, carelessly,


8. I can't stay here (regretfully, significantly, offendedly,

uncertainly, resolutely).

9. Hello! (dryly, officially, joyfully, menacingly, reproachfully,

benevolent, indifferent, angry, delighted).

To visual components (the way we look in the process of communication), which should be paid attention to, include: facial expressions, gaze, gestures, posture, clothing. Much of what you want to say, you can express with your gestures, clothing and demeanor.

Appearance of a person

The clothes you wear tell the people around you a lot.

People form their opinion about youwithin the first seconds by just a glance - even before you open your mouth.

Whether you're giving a business presentation, giving a speech, answering questions in a TV interview, speaking to co-workers, it's important what youfirst impression you produce.

If your appearance is attractive, then you can win over the audience to your side even before you utter the first word. In the same way, you can push people away from you if your appearance, to put it mildly, is not entirely appropriate.

Task 2

It is important that self-presentation always occurs, regardless of how the speaker imagines it and how he relates to it.

For example, two speakers are going to speak at a conference. Write down what qualities the speakers demonstrate.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Puts on the best expensive business

suit, white shirt, trendy



Puts on jeans and an old sweater




Task 3

Work in a micro group of 4-6 participants. The group helps everyone find

answers to the following questions:

1. What are the features of your image? How acceptable is it in the business world?

2. Think about what you need to do to make your image conducive to success in

business world:

a) how to improve the external impression;

b) what business qualities need to be acquired, which ones to improve, from

what character flaws need to be eliminated.

Types of business communication.

Types of communication in business communication can be divided into the following groups.

    Verbal. As such communications, human speech is used, with the help of which the main part of the information is transmitted.

    Non-verbal communications is the exchange of information through gestures and facial expressions. They allow you to maintain psychological contact between the interlocutors. By using non-verbal means communication, the exchange of information acquires an emotional coloring. This type of communication in most cases is beyond the control of the speaker and is realized at a subconscious level.


According to the method of information exchange, oral and written business communication are distinguished.

Oral types of business communication, in turn, are divided into monologic and dialogic.

TO monologue types include:

Greeting speech ;

Trade speech (advertising);

informational speech ;

Report (at a meeting, meeting).

Dialogic kinds:

business conversation - short-term contact, mainly on one topic.

business conversation - continuous exchange of information, points of view, often accompanied by decision-making.

Negotiation - discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement on any issue.

Interview - a conversation with a journalist, intended for print, radio, television.

Discussion ;

meeting (meeting);

Press conference .

Contact business conversation - direct, "live" dialogue.

Phone conversation (distant), excluding non-verbal communication.

Written types of business communication are numerous official documents: business letter, protocol, report, certificate, memorandum and explanatory note, act, statement, contract, charter, regulation, instruction, decision, order, instruction, order, power of attorney, etc.

According to the content, business communication can be divided into:

    Material - exchange of objects and products of activity;

    cognitive - knowledge Exchange;

    Motivational - exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs;

    activity - exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills.

By means of communication, it is possible to divide into the following four types:

    Immediate - carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.;

    Indirect - associated with the use special means and guns;

    Direct - involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other communicating people in the very act of communication;

    Indirect - carried out through intermediaries, which may be other people.


Gestures and their meaning (summary of past topics)

Let's see how a person's emotional state is reflected in his postures and gestures. I remind you that they should be analyzed in totality, in context and in the light of cultural traditions.

Open gestures

Open gestures are evidence of psychological openness, desire for communication and productive contacts. They appear in uncrossed and open positions of arms and legs.


1. Open palms - honesty, frankness;

2. The palm turned up is a asking gesture, with such a position it is easiest to achieve the request, since it does not show pressure from the one who asks;

3. Palm turned down (looks at the floor) - authoritativeness. From the side of the one who uses such a position, psychological pressure is felt;

4. Hands clenched into fists - an aggressive state.

Thumb hidden inside - fear or fear of doing something that will cause critical evaluation.


1. Palm turned up - willingness to obey, an unconscious signal to the one whose dominance is recognized;

2. Palm turned down - the desire for dominance, an attempt to take control of the situation;

3. Palm edge down - the position of equality.


1. The toe of the foot - an indicator of interest - with its direction indicates who the person is interested in or finds attractive;

2. Widely spaced legs in a standing position - aggression, including sexual;

3. Legs wide apart in a sitting position - confidence, inner relaxation, demonstration of sexuality.

Close gestures

Closed gestures speak of psychological closeness, the desire to isolate, to get away from the situation. They appear as crossed arms and legs.


1. Arms crossed on the chest - an attempt to hide, isolate oneself from the situation, a negative reaction;

2. Arms crossed on the chest with palms clenched into fists - an enhanced gesture of crossed arms. Hostile attitude. Possibility of psychic attack. Crossed arms with fingers tightly squeezing the forearms - a negatively suppressed attitude to the situation;

3. Crossed arms with the position of the thumbs vertically pointing up - a sense of protection (crossed arms), confidence (demonstration of thumbs);

4. One hand intercepts the other hand, running vertically along the body in the area of ​​​​the forearm, elbow or shoulder: a lighter form of crossed arms - indicates controlled tension;

5. Hands are freely lowered, but one, as it were, shakes the other - an attempt to maintain emotional calm;

6. With one hand, a person makes a gesture, as if he is adjusting a button on the sleeve of the other hand, a watch bracelet, cuffs or hairstyle - hidden nervousness;

7. A person holds an object in his hands with both hands:

a handbag, a pencil, a notebook, a bouquet of flowers, a cup of tea or coffee - an attempt to hide internal tension, nervousness;

8. Intertwined fingers, clasped hands - a negative attitude;

9. Pyramid (palms pointing towards each other, fingertips close) - confidence, confident attitude towards something.

Hands behind the back:

1. One wraps around the other in the palm area - self-confidence, authority, a sense of superiority;

2. One hand grabs the wrist of the other - an attempt at self-control;

3. One hand intercepts the upper zone of the forearm of the other hand - an attempt at self-control, but more pronounced than in the previous case;

4. The thumb is put out - a demonstration of aggressiveness, strength, pressure, a sense of superiority;

5. Hands in pockets, thumbs outside - confidence, conceit, attacking gesture. In women - aggression, dominant character;

6. Thumbs sticking out of the back pockets - a dominant character.


1. Crossing legs (leg by leg) - protection, a tendency to isolation. In general, the gesture is interpreted depending on the specific situation. For example, when reading a long and tedious lecture, students get tired, and some of them cross their legs;

2. Crossed arms and crossed legs - disapproval, rejection, enhanced protection;

3. Crossed legs and interlaced fingers on the knees - concentration, isolation;

4. Crossed ankles - protection, tension, negative attitude, nervousness, fear.

3. :

Communicative culture - these are knowledge, abilities, skills in the field of organizing interaction between people in the business sphere, which allow establishing psychological contact with business partners, achieving accurate perception and understanding in the process of communication, predicting the behavior of business partners, directing the behavior of business partners to the desired result.

Highlevel of communicative culture determined by the presence of the subject of communication of the following suchpersonality traits like empathy, concreteness, initiative, openness, etc.

Moral requirements for communication associated with the recognition of the value of each individual and include:

Politeness - this is an expression of respect for other people, their dignity, manifested in greetings and wishes, in the intonation of the voice, facial expressions and gestures. The antipode of politeness is rudeness, as a result of which employees lose an average of about 17% in labor productivity.

Correctness - the ability to keep oneself within the bounds of decency in any situations, first of all, conflict ones.

Tact - a sense of proportion, boundaries in communication, the excess of which can offend a person, put him in an awkward position.

Modesty in communication means restraint in assessments, respect for the tastes of other people. The antipodes of modesty are arrogance, swagger, posturing.

Accuracy keeping promises and commitments made. Inaccuracy often borders on immoral behavior - deceit, lies.

courtesy - this is the desire to be the first to show courtesy, to save another person from inconvenience and trouble.

Personality features allow us to talk about the uniqueness of individual communicative culture and the ability to develop it in the process of socio-psychological education.

Task 4:

Compile a socio-psychological and moral-ethical portrait contemporary ideal physical education teacher

(what qualities should he have in order to succeed in business communication with students, colleagues, parents) :

(FOR EXAMPLE: socio-psychological and moral-ethical portrait entrepreneur )

1. Initiative and ability to search.

2. . Tenacity and perseverance.

3. Willingness to take risks.

4. Focus on efficiency and quality.

5. Involvement in working contacts.

6. Purposefulness.

7. The desire to be informed.

8. Ability to systematically plan and observe

9. Ability to make connections and persuade.

10. Self-confidence and independence.



View the plot "Self-presentation in business communication" and analyze it (if there is Internet in the office)

The name of the video is “Natalia Shved. Business conversation"


Self-presentation is the management of the impression that the speaker makes on the audience in order to influence it.

Self-presentation is a verbal and non-verbal demonstration of one's own personality in the system of external communications.

Types of self-presentation

1. "Natural self-presentation" inherent in all people, acquired by a person from birth. Already from infancy, a person begins to form his image. All this happens naturally, without thinking and forecasting. This is a natural distribution, a natural process of defining a person in the structure of social consciousness.Flaw: a person cannot control and correct the process within the framework of this particular presentation, i.e. the individual does not choose whether his natural self-presentation will be positive or whether it will be negative (thoughtless presentation of himself uncontrolled by the person).

2. "Artificial Presentation" the main goal of which is to win the loyalty of a group of people significant for the “presented”. In other words, in order to win the favor of people who are important to us (and it doesn’t matter whether they are important in this particular situation, or whether they always matter to us), we build an algorithm for the communication process with a “potential audience”.

Appearance of the speaker

1. Clothing is a kind of visiting card of the speaker.

The psychology of clothing considers the design of appearanceas multidimensional information about a person. When forming a first impression of a speaker, clothing is always fixed by the audience as a sign of attractiveness or unattractiveness. From the standpoint of the psychology of perception, dressing correctly means competently managing self-presentation.

3. When communicating with people, clothing performs three functions: presentation, regulatory, information.

    In clothes the most informative:

Price. The perception of the price consists of three factors - the quality of clothing, scarcity, fashion.

Silhouette. The more the silhouette of the speaker's clothes is closer in shape to an elongated rectangle, the higher his status in the eyes of those who perceive. Business style clothes correspond to this silhouette.

Color. In the Russian tradition, achromatic colors (black, white, gray) elevate status. The “colors of ecology” are also suitable - the color of the earth, sand, clay, water, soft flowers of plants, etc.

business etiquette speaker

Business etiquette is a tool for self-presentation, building relationships with the audience. Good business manners of the speaker are manifested in the following:

Handling Time: Start and end your presentation on time.

A clear definition of the topic, plan and regulations of the speech at the beginning, as well as strict adherence to the regulations

Dedicated time for answering questions.

The ability to answer questions, respond to comments, disagreements of the audience is an indicator of the skill and general culture of the speaker.

Complimenting the audience is part of the etiquette culture. For example, at the beginning of the speech, you can say: “I am glad that I had the opportunity to speak to experts like you”, “It is a great honor for me to speak to you”, etc.

The speaker's speech: the style of speech, the choice of expressions, the choice of examples and other things depend on the characteristics of the audience. It is necessary to speak “in different languages” with different target groups (each of them requires the adaptation of speech to its specifics, for example, an audience consisting of top managers, students, pensioners). However, in any audience, the correct literary language is approved. Competent speech testifies to the level of education and general culture of the speaker and literally betrays the origin of the speaker and the history of his life.

The specifics of the speaker's speech

Try to remove negative words and statements from your speech. Your image should contain only positive.

Self-presentation algorithm

1. Analysis of the potential audience to which the process of self-presentation is directed.

2. Building, based on the first stage, the strategy of verbal and non-verbal manifestation of one's own personality in accordance with the place of self-presentation and the time period of its implementation.

3. Control and adjustment of their actions in accordance with the situation.

4. Implementation of "natural self-presentation" outside the context of "artificial". Remember that you are your face, "brand", "image", "corporate style" and all the concepts associated with it. And in your hands is the opportunity to correct, change yourself, if, of course, you see the point in "artificial self-presentation".

Self-presentation at the interview

An interview is the best way to demonstrate your best qualities to an employer. An interview is a more flexible form of checking an employee than, for example, questionnaires or testing. You need to use this flexibility to your advantage.

One of better ways reduce anxiety - prepare well for the interview. Find out about the company you are applying for. Do a couple of workout sessions with friends. Let them play the role of vicious and predatory employers.

Too many candidates forget the old adage that the best impromptu is a prepared impromptu. The list of questions most frequently asked in an interview is not that long. It is not at all difficult to prepare the answers to them in advance in order to feel calm and confident during the interview.

Language of the body

When preparing for an interview, psychologist Eleri Sampson advises to analyze the features of your behavior:

How do you use your smile?

Are you standing (or sitting) upright?

Do you have eye contact with the interlocutor?

Do you look nervous?

How do you use your hands?

How do you enter the room?

Is your handshake strong and businesslike?

Do you stand too close or too far to people when talking to them?

Do you touch the person when you talk to him?

Positive Signals

Sit (stand) straight, slightly leaning forward, with an expression of real interest.

While talking, look calmly and confidently at the speaker.

Fix on paper key points conversations.

When you listen, you have an "open posture": hands on the table, palms outstretched forward.

Use "open gestures": hands are open or raised up, as if you are explaining some idea to your colleagues.

Smile and joke to relieve stress.

Negative Signals

You fidget in your chair.

Look not at the speaker, but look at the ceiling or signs outside the window.

Draw meaningless lines.

Turn away from the interlocutor and avoid meeting his gaze.

Cross your arms over your chest and cross your legs (protective pose).

Use closed, threatening gestures, such as waving your index finger, to defend your opinion.

Sit with a blank look, grumble or smirk skeptically.


Purpose: to learn to overcome the fear of speaking, express yourself, interest in your unique personality.

Exercise Make up and say the "I" SPEECH.

Its theme is you.


Your presentation is your calling card. Its purpose is to introduce yourself, introduce yourself, intrigue yourself, and, if possible, charm the audience. Find for such a well-known subject of conversation as information about yourself, your character, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses, an unexpected reception, an association in order not only to communicate your personal data, but also to present your inner world most sincerely and fully. So, “speak so that I know you”, understand and become interested in you. (Russian proverb: a horse is recognized by riding, and a person by conversation).

Spend no more than 10 minutes preparing a two- or three-minute speech. This is the first time you've been given the task of writing your own speech. And here and in the future, when making training speeches, be guided by the following advice: keep the written text in front of you, only occasionally looking into it. Avoid mechanical reading. Attention and concentration will help you remember and reproduce what you wrote close to the text. It is especially important not to lose touch with the listeners, to think publicly and actively carry out their effective task.

Questions for self-control

1. What is self-presentation?

2. What are the types of self-presentation?

3. What information can be learned from the speaker's appearance?

4. What does the speaker's business etiquette imply?

5. What is non-verbal communication in business communication?

6. What are the rules for self-presentation in an interview?

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