Know your business

How can an accountant make big money? Remote accounting

The times when an accountant had to constantly be in a dusty office, surrounded by a pile of papers, have long since sunk into oblivion. The technological process has penetrated into the sphere of finance even more than into some areas of production. It is now possible to keep accounts, generate and submit reports remotely, which means that a practicing accountant has a great opportunity to work without leaving home.

The demand for professional accounting services remains consistently high, and employers always demand competent specialists. According to aggregated job search portals, an accountant is one of the most popular vacancies. The number of proposals for applicants is one hundred thousand, among them there is the possibility of remote work.

Who can become an accountant

It is worth mentioning right away that accounting services are not the kind of income that is subject to everyone, regardless of the level of education. One day you won't be able to become an accountant. The accountant primarily sells his professional knowledge and skills to the client. Therefore, it is important to have a specialized higher education or at least complete an accounting course.

Often, courses take from 2-4 weeks to 2-4 months, depending on the schedule of classes and the amount of information. There is also an opportunity to remotely learn the basics of accounting in online courses. You can enter the correspondence or full-time department of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, and in your free time from study, work as an accountant at home. However, even the received professional education will not cancel the fact that an accountant must constantly upgrade his knowledge and practice, monitor changes in legislation and innovations in accounting automation.

Before starting work, an accounting specialist should know and be able to:

  • Know the rules for preparing primary documents.
  • Freely navigate in the plan of accounts, understand the essence of business transactions, correctly “spread” transactions into accounts.
  • Be able to prepare tax, statistical, financial, management reporting. Understand how report indicators are checked (compared) with each other.
  • Know the basic provisions of tax, labor, economic law. Be able to analyze laws, find interrelated explanations, letters and by-laws.
  • Be able to use accounting automation programs and make electronic payments through a remote banking system.

In addition to professional skills, such personal qualities of an accountant as: stress resistance, ability to work overtime, attentiveness, scrupulousness, perseverance are important.

An accountant who wishes to become a freelancer and work from home must be outgoing and able to communicate themselves and their professional skills.

It is rare that an employer will entrust their finances to a person without talking with him at least in an online conference mode. Therefore, it is not superfluous to mention that an accountant must have a presentable and neat appearance.

Who can work as a private accountant at home:

  • Experienced professionals who have reached professional heights at their previous place of work and are thinking about changing employers, but do not see worthy alternatives.
  • Professionals who want to change their routine office work for earnings with a more flexible schedule.
  • Young accountants who cannot find a suitable job due to lack of proper experience.

Workplace equipment

Let's say you have the above skills, knowledge and qualities, so you decided to go "on free bread" and provide services at home. The first thing to take care of is the organization of the workplace. Unlike the organization of production, the provision of accounting services does not require significant investment in equipment, however, to work at home, an accountant needs:

  • Modern personal computer. Powerful enough to store large amounts of information and work with remote servers; reliable enough.
  • Reliable internet connection. Remote work with servers where accounting databases are located, as well as sending payments through the Internet bank and providing electronic reports - all this requires a good high-speed Internet.
  • Printer, and preferably a multifunctional device (printer, scanner, copier). Automation of accounting does not deprive the accountant of the need to print primary documents, reports, summary statements and registers. Sometimes you may need to make copies of existing paper documents, for this you will need at least a scanner.
  • Phone (landline and mobile). Of course, in our time it is difficult to find a person who would not have a mobile phone. However, it is very common to call banks or tax authorities the old fashioned way, using a landline phone. In order to minimize your expenses, it is better to get both a landline and a mobile phone.
  • Comfortable table and chair. Accountant work is sedentary, so it is important to take care of your comfort and health. An uncomfortable workplace in the future can lead to problems with the back, legs, neck, so it’s better not to save on yourself.
  • Filing Cabinets. As mentioned above, some accounting documents will still have to be stored in paper form. Therefore, it is better to determine a place for them in advance. However, the cabinet is not a primary purchase, it will be possible to buy it when the volume of customers and, consequently, documentation increases.
  • Calculator and stationery. It would seem that in the modern world of gadgets, when there is a calculator in every phone and computer, you can forget about a stationary calculating machine. However, it is much more convenient to quickly summarize the numbers on a calculator. Stationery will be needed for processing and storing documents.

Also, you will need a webcam and a headset to communicate with customers, but they can be bought as the need arises.

Often, the work of an accountant does not involve frequent communication with visitors, especially if you immediately position yourself as a remote worker. However, it would not be superfluous to provide a place in the house where, if necessary, you can communicate with the employer or counterparty.

Do not rush to immediately invest large sums in the organization of the workspace. All you need to get started is a computer, phone and printer. Everything else can be purchased as the number of clients and volumes of work grows.

Finding Clients

The most difficult aspect in the work of a private accountant is the search for clients on whom earnings directly depend. It is most convenient to go into private practice if you already have at least one employer who agrees not to keep an accountant in the office, but to cooperate remotely. If there is no such employer, you will have to look for it in one of the following ways:

  • On regional classifieds sites. It is rare when it is possible to conduct accounting completely remotely, without meetings with the employer and visits to the office. Perhaps, by mutual agreement with the client, you will be able to do most of the work at home, and visit the employer 1-2 times a week to sign the necessary documents, resolve financial issues, and make cash payments. Therefore, it is a priority to look for clients in the city or region of your residence in order to minimize the costs of transport and business trips, as well as to ensure the promptness of solving the tasks.
  • On all-Russian and international job search sites. The search principle is the same as on regional sites - look for an employer closer to you. All-Russian sites offer more vacancies, and hence the possibility of higher earnings. Searching on international sites requires knowledge of foreign languages, most often English. But knowledge of a foreign language is an additional plus in the resume and the opportunity to get a higher paying job.
  • Freelance marketplaces. A freelancer is a freelancer who provides his services via the Internet. At the initial stage, the regulars of freelance exchanges were programmers, designers, photographers and copywriters. Now, many large exchanges have entire sections devoted to the topic “Accounting / Finance / Consulting”, where an accountant can publish a resume and find his client. Often, the scheme of work on the exchanges is as follows: the customer places the task, the contractor responds if he is able to complete this task. Some exchanges act as guarantors of the fulfillment of obligations by the parties to the transaction, others only help the customer and the contractor find each other. Almost all exchanges have a rating system - the better the task is performed, the higher the rating of the performer. Accordingly, performers with higher ratings earn more.

Below we consider the most popular exchanges where an accountant can find a client:

  • more than 500 applicants are registered on the stock exchange, who provide services in the field of accounting. The cost of accounting services is different, someone asks for their services $ 1-5 and someone $ 10-30 per hour. Specialists receive the earned money to the webmoney wallet.
  • the site has several hundred performers providing accounting services. The cost of their work is also different, someone "costs" 300-500 rubles per hour of consultations, someone 5000 per month of work. For more successful work on this exchange, you should purchase a PRO account.
  • a relatively small exchange, with attendance of up to 10 thousand people a day. It has registered several dozen performers who provide accounting services. Someone starts from the hourly cost of work, asking for services 50-300 rubles per hour, someone voices the cost immediately for a month: 5-15 thousand.
  • young and small, specialized stock exchange for accountants. On it you can find both a one-time job, and remote, or permanent work in the state with full employment. The cost of services is negotiated between the customer and the contractor.

Be prepared for the fact that in the early days of becoming a private practice, it will be difficult to find good clients. You may have to work hard, but for little money. There is also a lot of informational garbage on the Internet, when network marketing, non-obligatory customers, financial pyramids and fraud are hidden behind attractive income offers.

Carefully consider each offer before you start work. Read customer reviews whenever possible. This will save you from financial losses and wasted time.

To speed up the process of finding customers, it is better to use all of the above methods.

It is important to pay attention to your pages on social networks. Social networks can act as a means of promoting one's name, in particular. For a remote worker, a page on a social network is a kind of “face”. Try to make your official pages more businesslike. Clear them of provocative, defamatory, ambiguous information, stupid jokes and pictures. According to statistics, most employers study the profile of a potential employee in social networks in order to confirm his competence. Subscribe to professional communities, you can repost news about changes in legislation or professional articles. This will only "add weight" to your candidacy in the eyes of potential customers. By the way, social networks can also become a channel for finding customers, however, the risk of such transactions is very high, since there are practically no guarantees of payment.

In the future, to promote your name, you can create a business card site with a description of your professional experience, customer reviews, a detailed list and price of the services provided. True, without investment in promotion, a site or a group in social networks will occupy the last positions in search engine results, so creating a site at the very beginning of the formation of a private practice is not worth it, since it will only entail additional costs without profit.

How much can you earn

The amount of earnings depends on several factors:

  • Having professional experience;
  • Estimated volume of operations and responsibility;
  • The region in which the company is located.

It is no secret that the salary of an accountant in Moscow and St. Petersburg is much higher than in other regions. In Moscow, you can find a job as a part-time accountant with the possibility of remote interaction with a salary of 15 to 45 thousand per month. In the regions, the minimum salary offer may be 5 thousand rubles for a part-time specialist. In general, if the time and volume of transactions allow you to manage 2-3 clients at the same time, you can reach a good level of income with a flexible schedule.

The advantage of exchanges, compared with traditional work, is that you can find a well-paid project and earn an impressive amount in a short time: 15-20 thousand rubles, or even more. But solid, highly paid projects for accountants on stock exchanges do not appear every day.

How to formalize a relationship

An important stage of remote work is the formalization of relations with the client. Accountant - a person who is responsible for documenting transactions and displaying them in accounting. Therefore, to perform your work without documented obligations and guarantees is, first of all, unprofessional.

You can arrange a relationship with a private accountant using:

  • employment contract
  • Contracts of a civil law nature
  • Business agreement, if the accountant is an individual entrepreneur or director of a company that provides accounting services.

It makes sense to draw up an employment contract if the accountant gets a permanent job, even part-time. The employment contract establishes a list of job responsibilities that are assigned to a private accountant. The GPC agreement is drawn up, as a rule, for one-time work with a specific result: restore accounting, enter documents into the database, submit a report or conduct an inventory.

If you plan to register an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC to provide accounting services, include the amount of tax costs in the cost of your services.

Additional ways to earn money

The main activity of a private accountant is the provision of accounting services (accounting, financial, management). However, finding customers for ongoing service is a lengthy process. While this process is going on, the accountant can earn extra money as follows:

  • Write term papers, theses, tests in the discipline "accounting" and related economic disciplines;
  • Write articles on accounting, economic, financial topics. In the future, you can even write a book on topical accounting issues;
  • Provide consultations on a paid basis, answer accounting questions of Internet users;
  • Sell ​​accounting software products, including through the Internet and placement of affiliate links;
  • Become a teacher of accounting courses: lead seminars or even webinars for accountants.

Development prospects

Long hard work for the benefit of achieving your goal does not pass without a trace. Over time, as the number of clients increases and the volume of work increases, it may become necessary to attract additional staff. Thus, you will not only provide yourself with work at home, but also provide it to other people. In the future, you can start your own accounting services firm or become an auditor. After all, even the founders of such well-known international audit firms as Ernst & Young and KPMG started by going into private accounting practice.

“How can an accountant make money on his knowledge (Basic course)? A book that will help you start your business Andrey Tarakanov Project "Accounting as a business" ...»

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How to earn


on your knowledge

(Basic course)

Book - to help you start your business

Andrey Tarakanov

Project "Accounting as a business"

PROFITVEKTOR.RU [email protected]

What and for whom is this book about……………………. ………………………………………

Is it so scary to be an entrepreneur.……………………..…………...

How to get started as an accountant

Will they buy your idea.………………………………………………………...

The main secret of a successful business ……………………………………….…….... 19 Why services are more difficult to sell……………………..…………….……… ……. 25 11 golden ways to attract customers to your services .......... 28 Building a sales system that sells

How to take control of your business

How to start your own business without being an expert…………..…………………….

Mastering the accounting program in 1 day ..............................

Skills to beat the competition…………..………… Final word………………………………………………………........... ....

PROFITVEKTOR.RU [email protected] What and who this book is for The book you just downloaded is one of the first attempts to describe the ways and methods of promoting accounting and consulting services.

This is not a collection of theoretical discussions from marketing textbooks or university programs, but a set of specific practical recommendations for those who are already doing business in this area or are thinking about how to start one.

Professionals will find here ideas for more successful development of their business, as well as new ways to increase their sales and profits.

Beginners will receive much-needed instructions for action, with the help of which they will finally be able to decide and start their own business here and now.

Even those who have absolutely no work experience will find some useful practical tips here.

The purpose of the book is to help the reader get a concrete positive result. Moreover, the result is guaranteed. True, subject to the actual implementation of all or part of the methods described in life.

PROFITVEKTOR.RU [email protected]

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My name is Andrey Tarakanov. Almost from the very beginning of my career, like most employees, I often thought about how to become a freelance entrepreneur. I dreamed of gaining financial independence and doing what I like.

In fact, various life circumstances and my own indecision all the time delayed this process.

Dreams about my business remained dreams until life forced me to act.

Excessively risky game in the stock market brought me to the edge of the financial abyss, where I no longer had a chance to retreat and moved from theory to practice.

At first, everything was far from smooth. Some projects succeeded, but more often they failed.

The problem was that I didn't have a system. Everything was more like a one-time part-time job than a serious business.

However, it has allowed me to gain hands-on experience and make my mark in a variety of activities, including providing accounting and tax services.

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I want to thank in advance everyone who will leave their review of this book on my website and recommend it to their colleagues, acquaintances or friends.

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It so happened that you and I live in a capitalist society, according to the laws of which people are divided into two types: entrepreneurs (they are also capitalists, in the words of Karl Marx) and wage workers (working class), whether you like it or not.

Accordingly, the question arises: for what reason do some people become entrepreneurs, while others sell their time for money (salary)?

The question, frankly, is not simple and lies, by and large, in the field of human psychology.

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If you conduct a survey among representatives of both types, then in most cases you will get answers in defense of the life position that the interviewed subject represents. Of course, in both groups there will be those who are not satisfied with their current situation, but in the general mass the answers will be as follows.

Entrepreneurs will tell you that they sincerely do not understand how you can work for a salary for someone else's uncle, and even your entire conscious life.

The hired worker will prove that doing business is very risky and therefore it is better to get not very much, but steadily.

It is interesting that in their own way each of the representatives will be right. Therefore, it will be practically impossible to get an unambiguous answer that will suit all parties.

However, let's go in a simple logical way.

According to statistics, 80% of the business ceases to exist in the first year, and the remaining half is eliminated in the next 5 years. Thus, the riskiness of entrepreneurship is obvious and is confirmed not by bare arguments, but by concrete figures. On the other hand, there are the remaining 20%, who at least at first are more or less doing well.

The question is, what are the chances of being among these 20%, or even better - 5% of truly successful people?

Let's consider two opposite points of view.

A typical working-class person will give you the following reasons for not doing business:

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It is risky, at any moment there will be a default and a financial crisis;

I have no entrepreneurial streak, no inborn ability or talent to do business;

Need initial capital;

The market has long been divided, there are no places left, it only gets worse further;

No time;

Need an experienced partner;

It is impossible to earn honestly, all entrepreneurs are swindlers;

Need connections;

It is in our city, village, village that it is impossible to do business;

Add your item(s);





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Now consider what an experienced businessman will say to this:

Any person can do business, regardless of gender, age, religious views, social status, etc.;

A successful business is a set of correct, consistent actions, independent of genetics and so-called innate talents;

To start a business, initial capital is not necessary, there are too many successful examples to call it an accident;

In any market, at any time and with any level of competition, you can start and build a successful business;

Studying at the university is optional and sometimes even harmful, knowledge without practice is useless;

You don’t need a partner to start, you can and should start on your own;

Connections and "roof" is not needed;

In any, even the most provincial town, you can start your own business thanks to the Internet. Today, even in a village with 2 houses, you can start a business;

If you do not start doing here and now, "later" may not come;

There are hundreds of thousands of examples of honest yet successful businesses;

A crisis is a great time for new projects and overtaking competitors.

As you can see, the views are diametrically opposed. And they differ in essence only in how much one or another person is convinced of what he is talking about.

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Now, let's move on to a specific case. An accountant who works for a salary in a company and the owner of a company who provides accounting services. What is the difference?

If you do not take into account the level of income and functional responsibilities, then the difference between these people is only in the worldview.

The entrepreneur, with a high probability, was once also a simple staff accountant and had the same chances of becoming an executive or a businessman as his colleagues.

So how much did he become one even then, but his office colleague did not?

Here we return to the above list of questions about how to start a business.

Thus, until the worldview is changed from worker to entrepreneurial, starting a business is really dangerous and risky!

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The only thing that both sides seem to agree on is the advantage of doing business over working for a salary.

1. You are your own boss, you do what you think is necessary and right.

2. Manage your own time. No need to be afraid every day not to have time to check in with a card at the entrance. You plan your vacation the way you want.

3. The level of income is practically unlimited. There is always an opportunity to expand or invest in other projects.

4. If your business is a hobby or passion, then you do what you love and get paid for it.

5. You have more opportunities to support loved ones and help people.

6. Benefit society, create jobs, develop government programs, etc.

Even this list is enough to understand which option is better.

Although, there will immediately be skeptics who will say that this does not happen, where can we go, etc.

(see p. 8 table with the answers of the hired worker).

Unfortunately or fortunately, it has always been and always will be. Some are trying to change and make the world around them better and more interesting, while others resist this with all their might, discuss, gossip and even worse - they put spokes in the wheels.

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This does not mean that those who honestly work every day from 9 to 6 are the brakes on progress. The only problem is that this type of people simply do not believe that anyone can become an entrepreneur, regardless of the availability of initial capital, time, education, etc.

Now answer just two questions. What type of people are you now and what is better and more interesting for you?

Mechanically perform work or bring your own ideas to life, making the world around you and your loved ones more varied and happier.

Obviously, the second option is preferable and all that needs to be done is to get rid of fear and take action. How exactly, I will tell you in this book.

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I must say right away that we are talking not only about the provision of classic accounting services, such as maintaining and submitting reports. Under the entrepreneurial activity of an accountant, I understand the totality of services that are somehow connected with this area.

It could be:

Writing books on accounting and taxation;

Conducting courses and seminars, including via the Internet;

Consulting services in its purest form on a variety of issues (tax deductions, registration of enterprises, reporting to social funds, accounting for fixed assets and a great many other sections);

Creation of clubs, associations, circles;

Organization of conferences and exhibitions;

Publishing newspapers and magazines, both online and in traditional format;

Development and sale of software;

- ___________________________ (write your own version);

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And this is not a complete list. It is enough to show imagination and find what is close and interesting to you. It is possible that over time you will be engaged in several areas at once. And it is right.

Now let's assume that your decision has matured. The question immediately arises, where to start?

Go to register a company or an individual entrepreneur?

Go to advanced training courses, because how can you offer services if you don’t understand them yourself? Or maybe another month or two to better master this or that accounting program, otherwise how will I cope with the additional amount of work?

The answer is no!

You don't have to do all this. Otherwise, you will simply get stuck in trifles and dreams of a free future will remain dreams. Such an approach can only add new doubts and questions, than actually move things off the ground.

The best way is to start acting without delay.

How is it shown? This does not mean that you need to urgently quit your job and, after submitting a banal ad in the newspaper “I provide accounting services”, sit and wait for the clientele. Everything must go in stages. Although there are certainly extreme people who are ready to take and burn bridges, however, such an approach will still be too risky.

The ideal option is to start combining the main place of work with the so-called hack work. Many of you probably do this. That some

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acquaintances have opened a company and do not know what to do after registration, then a friend of a classmate asks for advice from the series, which is better than an individual entrepreneur or LLC. An old neighbor, knowing that you are an accountant, constantly pesters with questions about pension insurance, or you randomly volunteered through acquaintances to help file accounts for a certain LLC whose management does not know what they want.

But so that the work - hack is a well-functioning system for finding and servicing customers that are convenient for you, not everyone succeeds. I would say that there are just a few of them.

Therefore, the first step is to clearly define in which particular area you are comfortable working.

The main thing here is not to make another common mistake.

Surely, you were visited by various ideas. Conditionally, but it would be nice to publish a brochure on VAT refunds or create a website discussing the problems of the work of the FSS offices in Penza. This is all great, with one caveat. Do other people need it?

You can have 1000 and 1 idea, and if it is not in demand on the market, then you should not meddle there, at least at the initial stage.

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Will buy your idea.

To answer this question, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study, and not a very complicated one. I will not torment and tell you 5 working chips.

1. Go to a special website of the Yandex search engine and in the keyword search field (those words that people type when they want to find something on the Internet) type the topic you are interested in. For example "VAT refund". If on this topic the total number of requests is several thousand, and preferably tens of thousands, then this is a sure sign that this topic excites many people.

This means that these people have a problem that you can help them solve, and they, in turn, will be willing to pay for its solution. You just have to offer them your services in the right way. How? We will talk about this throughout the book.

“From a business point of view, the most interesting thing is what brings more value to my clients. My business is driven by my clients. They ask me something and I do it to them.

Andrey Fedorov (founder and head of the Beznalogov company, Moscow)

Saint Petersburg)

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2. Analyze, again with the help of the Internet, the availability of books on your topic. For this, sites of large bookstores such as ozon and bolero are suitable.

See if there are such books.

3. Find and make a list of the largest sites, forums, mailing lists, groups in social networks, blogs, LiveJournal where, as they say, your target audience hangs out or people who may be interested in this topic in one way or another.

4. On the websites of training centers, forums with announcements of educational events, find seminars, courses, trainings and other forms of education on your topic. This will give you an idea of ​​the approximate cost of services.

If people confirm their desires with hard cash by signing up for such courses, then this is the best indicator of effective demand.

Even better, enroll in one or more of these courses to learn the methodology for selling them and at the same time improve your skills.

Here you may have a question. But how can I sell my topic if I myself (a) do not really understand it. There is no contradiction. Everything is correct. We will definitely talk about this, but a little later.

5. Study the subscription list of mail and Internet catalogs for the presence of periodicals on your topic or where such a topic can be covered.

Newspapers, magazines, digests, etc. Roughly estimate the total circulation of all publications.

If, in addition, it turns out that specialized exhibitions and conferences are held for your set of services, then in combination with the five research methods listed above, this will give you additional

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confidence to take action in this direction. This is very important, especially for those who do not dare or do not fully believe in the need for a new path.

I promise that at first it will be very uncomfortable, but at the same time, completely new sensations will appear that cannot be put into words.

This can be compared to extreme sports.

It is impossible to explain in words what sensations a person experiences when jumping with a parachute or cutting through three-meter waves on a surfboard.

The main enemy is laziness and the desire to stay in the usual comfort zone. It will be very difficult to change the traditional way of life and start living in a new system of values.

Old habits and attachments will pull strength from you and try to drag you back to the past, where you come to work at 9 in the morning, receive another incomprehensible task from your superiors and wait for 6 o'clock to catch a minibus or train.

Only after you understand which direction to go and at the same time it is clear that there is a demand in this direction and people are already buying similar products, we proceed to the next stage.

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One of the most common mistakes is to start a business with technical issues, when the most important task is to find customers and sales. If the latter is not there, then no matter how well you understand your subject or possess any technical skills, have the most prestigious certificates and crusts, there will simply be no sense in this.

Technical issues include the following:

Registration of a company or individual entrepreneur;

Purchase of computers and various programs;

Office rent and furniture purchase;

Creation of a complex site with expensive promotion support (SEO);

Another advanced training or even worse than the second - third - fourth higher education.

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All this is certainly interesting and important, but it has nothing to do with a successful start in business.

Your first and most important asset is your customer base.

Without a client base, it is at least illogical to bear the costs of renting and official registration.

If you incur any expenses at the very start, then let them be directed to the search and formation of a client base. In fact, these are not even expenses, but your investment. They can be compared to a deposit in a bank, which will bring a stable income in the future.

At this point, I always hear the following statement from listeners. In order to start your own business, you need initial capital. Moreover, rarely anyone can name specific numbers. Usually they say: "a lot." Although no, in one of the interviews they gave me the exact figure: "200 thousand rubles."

And now let's estimate how much you really need and need in general.

It all depends on the approach. If you live in standard categories, then most likely you need the initial capital. If you are ready to change and act in a new way, even if it contradicts your previous beliefs, then you can do without a starting amount. Moreover, history is replete with examples when people started not only from scratch, but generally from a minus.

Your obedient servant, for example, started just like that.

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In most cases, it is even harmful for a psychologically unprepared person to have initial capital. Most likely it will be wasted.

Why think if you have money? Problems will begin when there is no more money and the old song will play again: it is dangerous to do business, the market is divided and everyone around is to blame.

It's just great if there is no initial capital. Great if you're also in debt. This incredibly mobilizes forces and makes you think about solving the problem in a non-standard way. Just what we need.

Are you outraged? Understand!

Let's do a little test.

Please write right now at least 5 points on the topic - what will you do first if you have 100 thousand rubles of initial capital? At the same time, you need to start your business right now. For example, provide accounting services.






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Let me guess what's on this list.

To study thoroughly the subject of the provision of services - how and what to do.

Register a company. Rent an office. Buy software from the 1C series and legal systems. Submit an advertisement.

Of course, I can’t guarantee that everyone will answer in this way, but I am sure that there will be many such people, and most of them will not even complete this simple task, even though I asked for it.

In this list, we see nothing less than a very common supply-to-demand approach. In other words, at first we study for a long time and put our efforts into creating a product and only then we sell it.

The main secret is that you do not need to create anything - first you need to sell.

If there is a demand, then it will not be difficult to adjust the supply to it. This principle works especially well in the service sector and in particular in our favorite profession of an accountant-consultant.

If you found clients for your services while still an employee in the office, what might be the initial costs? There can only be a fear that you will not be able to provide these services with high quality or on time. And this is another problem, which, if you think carefully, is quite solvable.

Now the situation is different. You completely immerse yourself in a certain topic or issue and begin to study it intensively. You think there is a demand for this service.

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A month or two pass. You have thoroughly studied your topic and enter the market with it. You offer here, then there, you advertise, but as a result, no one buys.

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This is just the case when they try to pull the offer on the demand, and then they are surprised - How is it ?! It seems that everything was done correctly and the initial capital was there, but there was no result.

Of course, I will not dissemble that without any initial capital, it will be possible to quickly start from a zero position. I will say this, costs within $ 300 will be considered zero.

Almost everyone is able to accumulate or set aside such an amount for a start, and if they are lost, they will not be very upset.

For radical skeptics, I will add that there are hundreds of thousands of examples when a business started without any start-up capital at all. In this case, the launch process will simply be somewhat stretched in time.

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The main difficulty in selling any services, including accounting services, is that the client needs to make sure that the consultant is highly qualified. He wants proof that you are an expert in your field. Moreover, it is important that he believe in it, but is it really the tenth question.

After all, who, in principle, can be called an expert?

Someone who holds a professional accountancy certificate? Someone who has completed accounting courses or is fluent in 1C? Or maybe just an intelligent person who is able to study the tax code or its separate chapter in a week?

As you can see, regarding the understanding of the client, essentially any person who knows at least a little more than himself in matters of accounting and taxation can be called an expert.

Accordingly, the entire sale of services is reduced to the following. Prove to a potential client that you are that expert. After negotiations or an advertisement, the client must be sure that by entrusting the conduct of business to your company or to you personally, he will not have problems.

Thus, it is not worth delving fanatically into self-education in your specialization, thinking that without this knowledge it is inconvenient or impossible to sell.

If you sell a service to a client, say, to restore the accounts of a specific type of activity that you have not encountered before, then I give you a hand and a leg to cut off that you will find a way to perform it.

–  –  –

In the end, this is a question within your competence, and not about growing carnations in the conditions of the polar night.

Therefore, your main task at the initial stage is to form a convincing image of an expert in the eyes of a potential client.

How to do it?

The answer is simple and complex at the same time. I'll explain what's the matter.

Simple, because the set of ways to attract customers is itself simple. But it is difficult, because these methods must be applied or, more simply, done, moreover, constantly and regardless of the mood and external factors. And doing it is just what everyone does not like. That's the way man is. Even if he needs it and he understands that it will give him a result, he will postpone until the last moment.

Everyone needs a magic phrase or some super-way thanks to which in an instant everything will start working by itself and you will only need to occasionally come to the bank for money, and ideally not to go at all and do everything while sitting at the computer.

Therefore, if this book is not just another reading instead of a series for you, but a reason to finally take it and change something in your life or business, then you will need to stupidly take it and do it without asking why and why.

When there is a result, and it will definitely be, you will understand.

And one more important note. For those who think that now I will tell you 1 magical way, thanks to which you will get rich in a short time, I hasten to disappoint - there is no such way!

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The way to increase sales and build a sustainable business is through the use of dozens and even hundreds of ways that you need to methodically implement in your business.

Let not immediately, but gradually, according to the plan, you must do it. For example, the largest American retailer Wall Mart (for those who are not familiar, a kind of analogue of our Pyaterochka) uses over 300 ways to attract customers to its store.

And most aspiring entrepreneurs want to be given just one super - a way that will make them happy and customers will line up.

As I said earlier, selling services is quite different from selling goods, so the ways to attract customers here will also be more specific.

Once again, your first priority is to materialize the service by positioning yourself as an expert in your subject.

–  –  –

1. One of the best and proven ways today is to create your own mailing list. How have you not heard of this?

Then immediately start creating it. In addition, this method is absolutely free.

Newsletter gives you the opportunity to create a constantly updated database of people who are somehow interested in your topic. This does not mean that each person will have to sit down and write a personal letter. Modern Internet services allow you to do mass mailing to subscribers with one click. Thus, you can constantly be in the field of view of your target audience, give them periodically interesting materials, articles, audio, video and many other thematic and, most importantly, useful content for them.

Please note that this is not spam. Here, each subscriber voluntarily agrees to receive letters from you on the subject indicated in the mailing title. If for some reason he does not want to receive it, he will only need to click a special link and immediately unsubscribe from the mailing list.

So, sit down right now and come up with a title for your first mailing list, such as "7 Ways to Minimize Tax Audits"

or "How to successfully run a seminar on taxation in your city" titles are conditional and can be on a variety of topics.

–  –  –

“Most of my students come from mailing lists and contextual advertising.”

Tatyana Zubenko, Founder of the Accounting School project I talk about how to choose the right names and make attractive descriptions of mailing lists at my seminars or at consultations.

It does not matter, even if you do not have these skills yet, the main thing is to take it and do it, and the sooner the better.

To date, there are several proven services, by registering on which you can absolutely free to start recruiting potential customers to your database. These are the,, projects. In my opinion, the first service is the most convenient, but ideally you need to cover several. This increases your chances of expanding your subscriber audience.

2. Make your own website or blog

A blog, unlike a website, is your personal page, where you post as much information about yourself as possible. You hang out your certificates, diplomas, certificates of advanced training, passing all kinds of courses, etc. In general, everything that makes you an expert in the eyes of the client.

–  –  –

If your future or existing business is based on a person, for example, a consultant or a private accountant at home, then it is enough to have a blog without a website.

I immediately foresee a logical question: is it so difficult, am I not friends with a computer?

First, making your own blog is a lot easier than you might think. The Internet is full of video tutorials, again free, where they will clearly and step by step tell you how to make your virtual representation on the network in just 1 day, even if you are a complete zero in technology. With experience, this can be done in a few hours.

Secondly, the simplest blog can be made by third-party specialists for very little money. 1000-2000 rubles. However, if you are just starting out and you do not have that initial capital, it is better to go this way yourself. This will allow you to quickly make changes to the site and subsequently correctly issue technical tasks to your programmers.

I personally know one woman who has successfully figured out this issue and now teaches others how to make their own website or blog without special computer knowledge.

If you are interested, you can download her free course and start building your website today at this link

–  –  –

Remember! Having a website or blog does not guarantee instant customers. Therefore, you do not need to order expensive author's design and complex animation. The main task of your website is to sell your service.

To do this, leaf through the book back and see what needs to be done. It is right to create an opinion with a site visitor - a potential client that you are the very expert that he needs and can trust.

Here are the main sections that must be on your website or blog:

Rubric about me (people are always interested in knowing the details about the personality of a consultant or company leader). Write your achievements there and post those very certificates and crusts. I don’t even see the point in talking about the presence of a photo, without it there’s nothing at all. Ideally, if you post your video message on the site. The effect will be multiple;

Reviews of your successful clients (only in no case should you invent these reviews, it will be immediately visible). As a last resort, just post a list of "our clients";

Answers to frequently asked questions section (your target audience probably has questions that they ask most often. For example, what to choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC, do you need an individual entrepreneur current account, and so on);

Special offers and promotions (always post your unique offers in the most prominent places on the site, for example, the first two months of work at half price, free consultations, etc.);

–  –  –

Fill the site with useful materials that will be really useful for your customers (electronic calculators, reporting calendars, video tutorials, interviews with experts and famous people. There are actually a lot of ways);

Be sure to place a subscription form to your mailing list on the site.

Do your best to get the visitor's back contacts.

Sell ​​on the site not your services, but your presentation. It can be a book, a video course, a presentation, consultations where you already tell the client what services you have.

This method is called the two-step selling system. We will talk about it in more detail a little later, but for now, without further ado, just remember that you cannot sell services directly.

Due to the fact that you can set specific phrases and sets of words that people drive into search engines, the level of the target audience is disproportionately higher than in ordinary advertising on the street or in the newspaper.

With a very high degree of probability, if a person typed in a search engine:

“how to submit the RSV 1 report for 2011?”, he is at least interested in this

–  –  –

topic. So, he can and should present services on this topic. With a competent website and sales skills, such a client has little chance of leaving without a purchase. The minimum program is to get the contact details of such a user in exchange for your free products or access to content of interest to him.

Here I want to add that the effectiveness of contextual advertising largely depends on the ability to compose advertising headlines. This topic is generally very large, and therefore in this book I will limit myself to only basic recommendations.

The days of “high quality at a low price” headlines are long gone. Experiment or hire experienced copywriters (people who professionally write sales texts).

I'm giving you an assignment right now. Right now go to and create your first advertisement.

By the way, in the free video course “how to create your own website”, which I wrote about earlier, there is also a section that clearly and in detail shows how to submit your first contextual advertising.

–  –  –

4. Collect Your Customer Testimonials In addition to posting testimonials online, print them out on separate sheets and hang them up in your office or meeting room with your clients. Returning to the question of the transformation of the client's consciousness of you as an expert.

Testimonials from satisfied customers are one of the most powerful and effective ways to make you an expert in the eyes of a customer.

5. Useful materials Be sure to write books, manuals, articles and other material that you will distribute at each meeting with potential clients.

Even if you print a small brochure or, in extreme cases, a leaflet that contains useful information for your client, this will be a great tool to attract customers for your services.

For example, such a case. The future entrepreneur plans to register an IP. I contacted you for tax advice. You explained everything to him in an accessible form and, in addition, took his contacts for a call or letter in the future, solemnly handed him a brochure with specific tips on how to register an individual entrepreneur and basic information about taxes, funds, opening a current account, etc. Be sure to indicate in the book their return coordinates and a set of basic services, and even better, a special offer. The client is guaranteed to remember you as an expert and, if a problem arises, will come to you for a paid consultation or accounting services.

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6. Catalog of services In addition to the book, brochure, leaflets with advice, give your customers your catalog with a description of services. The description should be made according to the principle of maximum benefit and results for the client. There you can also put reviews of satisfied customers, preferably with their photos.

7. Business cards It would seem that everyone has business cards. Also advised me. There is something it is, but what business cards? What is usually written on business cards? Address, phone, position and company name in large letters.

Tell me, what does the name of an unknown company say to the client?

Yes, he doesn't say anything. The client wants to see his benefit and that you are ready to help solve his problem.

your name and contact details, and on the other - your brief commercial offer.

For example, on my reverse side it says: “Consultation as a gift to the owner of this business card!” And this is not her only option.

–  –  –

Also, don't forget to list a couple or three of your main services that sell best and are in demand. At the same time, you need to write, again, like everyone else. Instead of advice on taxation, write, for example, "I'll tell you about taxes in human terms." Show your imagination, just don’t overdo it, you shouldn’t overload your business card with too much information either.

8. Placement of banners on thematic sites where your target audience gathers

You need to hang up a banner not on accounting forums, as many do, but on those forums and portals where your potential customers communicate.

For example, if you provide services to a small business, then it makes sense to hang such a banner on sites about how to start a business and the like. There are quite a few of these on the web right now.

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9. Placing ads in newspapers, magazines, media One of the simplest and most common ways. Works well in the regions. Here it is important to pay attention to the correct composition of the advertising text. No need to write in advertising I provide accounting services.

call for free by phone ... ". Again, the time for flashy headlines like “best services at low prices” is long gone.

10. Conducting seminars and presentations Now various seminars, trainings, presentations have become very popular ways of bringing information to potential customers.

Especially popular are the so-called webinars. These are the same seminars, only conducted via the Internet. Your listeners don't have to travel anywhere, just have internet access and headphones.

On your part, there are no costs for renting a room and special equipment. Webinars can be held on special sites, and for free.

–  –  –

Of those that I personally and thousands of other Internet entrepreneurs use, I can name the sites and

All you need is to gather the audience for your seminar at a certain time. Even if someone doesn't show up, you'll have the participant's contact information provided during registration and you can send them the recording. And then offer your services.

–  –  –

Because it's a very effective way to show your audience that you're an expert. Telling useful information to your customers live and answering their questions, you significantly increase their confidence in your person. It is an order of magnitude easier to sell a service to such customers than to a person from the street.

It is noteworthy that you conduct webinars for free and, accordingly, advertise them in newspapers, the Internet, catalogs, business cards, etc.

Many of the readers will now be outraged. Well, here's another, will I tell my secrets and knowledge to someone for free? That's it. This is how 99% of your competitors think. The best of them understand the advantage of such a scheme and therefore successfully use it.

–  –  –

So that this information does not just remain in your head and is forgotten over time, it is important to take and announce a call for your first free webinar right now on a topic that excites your customers. If you recruit at least 15-20 people and give them quality material, at least 2 of them will become your clients.

–  –  –

According to the same scheme, live seminars, presentations, distribution of samples, etc. are welcome.

With all this, it is extremely important that your services are really of high quality and meet the stated and even slightly exceed the expectations of your customers.

11. Posting Resumes on Job Sites This method has shown surprisingly good results among my students. Initially, I spied it in the correspondence of accountants on the forums. Since there were a lot of positive reviews in favor of this method, I decided to add it to the list as well.

I will quote one of them:

“Over the course of three weeks, I posted (and updated) my resume on about 10 sites like this one. Also on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I don’t know why, but these days were the most productive) I looked through the offers of employers. I sent my resumes to those I liked. By the way, for some reason I received decent enough offers (about 6-8 per week). So go over your resume again and have a little patience."

Indeed, in recent years, many sites have appeared

Knows how much accountants earn depending on the length of service and professional skills. Check the salaries on your resume and make a new career plan. We will tell you what you need to know and be able to earn more.

What does an employer require from an accountant? Typical functionality
Maintaining one or more areas of accounting.
Work with primary documentation.
Carrying out reconciliations.
Preparation of accounting and tax reporting.
Submission of reports to tax authorities and funds.
Issuance of various certificates to employees (to the employment fund, to pay child benefits, to receive subsidies, on income, at the request of various organizations, etc.).
Preparation of accounting documents for archiving.
Preparing reports for company management.

How much is an accountant paid in 2018, depending on the length of service

City without experience from 1 year from 2 years from 3 years average salary
Moscow 35 000-40 000 40 000-50 000 50 000-60 000 60 000-120 000 55 000
Saint Petersburg 25 000-30 000 30 000-40 000 40 000-50 000 50 000-100 000 45 000
Volgograd 18 000-21 000 21 000-26 000 26 000-30 000 30 000-62 000 28 000
Voronezh 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-68 000 32 000
Ekaterinburg 23 000-27 000 27 000-34 000 34 000-40 000 40 000-80 000 36 000
Kazan 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 30 000
Krasnoyarsk 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-35 000 35 000-70 000 32 000
Nizhny Novgorod 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 30 000
Novosibirsk 21 000-24 000 24 000-30 000 30 000-36 000 36 000-72 000 33 000
Omsk 15 000-21 000 21 000-27 000 27 000-32 000 32 000-64 000 29 000
Permian 17 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-33 000 33 000-66 000 30 000
Rostov-on-Don 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 31 000
Samara 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 31 000
Ufa 18 000-21 000 21 000-27 000 27 000-32 000 32 000-65 000 30 000
Chelyabinsk 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-35 000 35 000-70 000 32 000

What will help you earn more? Top 10 recommendations: watch and plan your career!
1. Higher education (finance, economics).
2. Confident knowledge of 1C, Excel, legal reference systems.
3. The presence of a certificate of a professional accountant.
4. Knowledge of English.
5. Knowledge of IFRS.
6. Experience in accounting in full.
7. Experience in tax optimization.
8. Experience in protecting the interests of the company in tax disputes.
9. Experience in successfully passing audits, tax audits.
10. Work experience in companies according to the profile of the employer (sales, construction, production, etc.).

Where to find the best job? Latest vacancies for accountants

From whom to take an example? The best resumes for accountants

How often do we run into a shortage of money! It seems that there is a permanent job, and they pay well, but anyway, there was no money, and no! Sometimes the task of getting from paycheck to paycheck seems like something fantastic. For some, such a situation in life is permanent, for others it is temporary, but both the first and the second are united by the desire to change this situation as soon as possible. This is where the opportunity to earn extra money comes in. And when the question “How to do it?” arises, it is easiest to do what you already earn your living. If you work as an accountant, then it is easiest to look for a part-time job of this type.

Where do you need an accountant?

It is almost impossible to find an ad in a newspaper or on the Internet with an offer to earn money as an accountant at home. Even if it gets there, the excitement around it is crazy. But you should not despair, since there are few such offers only from large firms. But small businesses or those that have just opened often really need such specialists. Indeed, many young firms cannot afford to create and maintain a full-fledged workplace, but it is necessary to submit reports, even if they are zero. This is where you can come to the rescue for a certain amount of money.

How to start making money as an accountant from home

It should be understood that one firm can give you a relatively small income per month. Therefore, start by building yourself a base of several firms. Then Your monthly additional income can reach 20,000 - 30,000 rubles . And this is already very, very good.

You can search for companies through the Internet, acquaintances or friends, posting resumes on different sites. You can (and even need to!) call or come to small firms and offer your services on your own. Of course, you should not count on the fact that all of them will accept you with open arms, but it is quite possible that some of them will need your services (especially often they may be needed in small shops and private entrepreneurs). Be prepared to be rejected. It `s naturally! The main thing is not to give up and look further.

Here you need to understand that the more actively you search, the more you will get as a result. So don't sit back. It is unlikely that the work itself will come to you, here you will have to try and spend some time searching. Then your activity will generate income, so we drive away laziness and embarrassment!

What features of working at home as an accountant should be considered

Do not forget that you are an informal worker. Since it is expensive for an employer to officially arrange you for a job, you will most likely have an oral contract. There are both pluses and minuses.
The pluses include the fact that you do not bear any financial and legal responsibility. After all, all documents are signed not by you, but by the head of the company. And no taxes will be deducted from your income.
But informal employment can be attributed to the minuses. After all, you will not have any guarantees! Therefore, do not rush to send reports (especially if these are the first reports for any company) by e-mail. It is better to spend a little time and pass the report "from hand to hand". Of course, it’s better to take the money right away too! And it is better to start using e-mail when you are confident in the company and see that they are interested in your services.

Who is suitable for the home form of work as an accountant

Of course, we can say that there would be a desire - and there will be opportunities, but still you need to take into account that you will need a sufficient amount of free time. If you already lack it all the time, then you should not take on additional obligations. As a last resort, do not recruit a lot of companies for yourself so that your earnings are not at the expense of your main job and personal life.
If the lack of free time does not torment you, then feel free to take on this business. By gradually gathering your own “client base”, you will get involved in this business, it will not be so tedious and difficult to make additional reports in your free time, and a good amount of money that you can earn with the help of such a simple business will be a good help for the family budget and will more than cover all the shortcomings of this side job. So keep it up! You will definitely succeed!

8 proven ways to make an accountant income

working online 3 hours a day

You are an accountant and you are afraid that you can be out of work And you can't pay off your debts?

You are not satisfied current income and work in the office?

stay in maternity leave and in urgent need of money?

Retired , on which it is impossible to live, but there is more than enough strength and experience in accounting?

There is no time to wait for the situation to correct itself. This may never happen. But do not despair, you can solve these problems in the near future. Everything depends on you. Discover the recordings of the online marathon "Earnings on the Internet for an accountant"!

Get Recordings

Internet marathon "Earnings on the Internet for an accountant"

which took place in autumn 2013

What is the marathon about?

In total, 10 webinars were held in the marathon

lasting 1 to 2 hours each

(in each block - 2 webinars).

Block 1: How to make money selling custom articles, even if you don't know how to write them yet

What should be the structure and language of an accounting article so that readers can watch them to the end, and customers tear them off with their hands

How and where to sell your literary masterpieces for decent money

Block 2: Promotion of groups on accounting topics in social networks

Why should accounting projects (and not only) be friends with social network users: promotion through Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

How much can a social media administrator earn by working only 3 hours a day, even if he has three children at home

How to fill the group, how to make it useful and interesting, so that you want to return to it

Block 3: How expensive it is to pack and sell your knowledge - the secrets of the infobusiness

How to write a book, even if you have never done it, 4 chips, where to apply written books

How to host your first webinar and get the hottest audience

Why video training is better, how to make video courses if you don't have any technical knowledge yet

How and to whom to sell created books and video courses, if you do not have any subscribers, on the site

Block 4: Simplicity, practice and a little imagination - we create, fill the site and make useful contacts

How to fill the site so that visitors do not run away in horror from the very first page

Who will come to your "light" - where to get visitors for the site, if you still don't know what SEO is

Do you need your own website, how to make money consistently by attracting people to other people's sites

The method of earning if you have neither a website nor a mailing list - on affiliate recommendations

Block 5: We provide accounting services and advice

How to take customers by storm and get quality customers, not miser

How can you get clients from Moscow, living in the provinces, everyday life of today - accounting services remotely using cloud technologies.

By purchasing marathon recordings, you will learn how you can earn on knowledge of accounting not only in the office, but also on the Internet. You will be able to increase your income and learn how to always be afloat in any crisis.

Feedback from marathon participants

Multiply your opportunities

choosing extended sets with additional bonuses!

What are you getting? Base Standard Premium
marathon records + + +
Special video "Trends of earnings on the Internet 2014" + +
+ +
Personal support and answers to questions within 1 month +
Common price 1970 3270 5870
Price from 16 to 18 December at the "New Year's Bazaar" 970 1670 2870

What is additionally included in the Standard package?

Video "Trends of earnings on the Internet 2014"

All earning tools discussed during the marathon are valid and applicable in practice. However, the Internet changes every year. In the video you will find working chips, what to look for in 2014 to increase your chances of a high income.

Video "How to plug a hole in your budget"

There is no extra income. However, in practice, in 95% of cases, your expenses immediately catch up with new income. As a result, you threw on another labor yoke, but there was no extra money, and no! How to get out of this vicious circle and feel that money has really increased? You will be able to plug a hole in your family budget and put extra income on the goals that are really important to you.

What is included in the Premium package?

Video "How to pay taxes on Internet earnings"

If you have landed on this page, then you are clearly not new to accounting. However, starting to earn income on the Internet, you may find that your knowledge of offline accounting of income and expenses is not enough. Too many nuances here. Getting good earnings on the Internet, you will sooner or later decide to make them legal. How to do this and not make mistakes that you have to pay for - the answer is in the video.

Personal support and answers to questions

When viewing the records, you may have additional questions about a particular way of earning. Perhaps you will like one of the methods more than others and want to learn more about it, as well as get personal recommendations. You can search for answers yourself, but it's much faster to ask course authors.

Within 1 month from the date of purchase, you can send your questions on the topics of Internet earnings for an accountant, which are mentioned in the marathon records. There are many subtleties that could not be fully covered during the webinars. You can learn about them in person.

The course and all bonuses, except for consultations, you receive in digital form (files). Immediately after the receipt of payment from you (through Robokassa, the payment usually arrives within an hour, through the bank - within 1-2 business days), youlearn links to download records. Download links will be sent to you in a separate email.

The volume of the archive with records is 1 Gigabyte. Consider the possibilities of your Internet connection!

Payment is available with bank cards, in any electronic currency, using mobile commerce services (MTS and Beeline), payments through Internet banks of leading Russian banks, payments through ATMs, through instant payment terminals, through the Contact money transfer system, and also using the application for iPhone and others. Over 40 ways in total!

Answers to questions for the Premium package are carried out through a closed Vkontakte group.

If you have any difficulties with the payment procedure or choosing the appropriate method, be sure to write to technical support and we will help you!

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