How to start making money on VKontakte. Learning to make money on VKontakte public pages

To earn money in social network You can use not only well-promoted communities and publics, but also . The essence of this type of activity is to complete tasks from advertisers. This could be posting a post on your wall, commenting with a link to a promoted resource, reposting, liking. In this article, we will look in detail at how to make money in Contact on your page using one popular service.

The Socialtools website brings together advertisers and performers on its pages, acting as a connecting link. You can register in it, both in order to promote own product and for the purpose of generating additional income. Working on this site will not cause difficulties even for non-advanced users of the social network, and to ensure that no questions arise, we will present the details below. It will indicate the entire path from registration to withdrawal of earned funds.


The registration process on the site is as follows:

Now all that remains is to go to the main page of the service and log in, indicating the data used during registration. After that, fill out your profile: indicate your gender, date of birth, country and city of residence.

Attention! You should indicate real page data, since service employees regularly check the entered information. If a discrepancy is found, you may receive a ban.

Adding a VK page

The next stage of working with the service is to add your VKontakte page. To do this you will need:

The question of how to make money from a group on VK worries many enterprising people today. Any social network, and especially one as popular as VKontakte, provides the opportunity to easily interact with a large number of people. This, in turn, is a direct path to earning money; you just need to decide on the direction of your activity, develop an offer of a product or service and present it to a potential target audience. How you can make money on VK and what kind of money it will be are the main questions that concern most enthusiasts.

Without going into details, we can say that you can make money on VKontakte and many people do this. Depending on the level of effort and skill in action, you can earn from several thousand to millions of rubles monthly! Of course, achieving such a result will not be easy. If you don’t understand your chosen field of activity well enough and act incorrectly and ineffectively, then you can simply waste time and get nothing at all.

Many may have a question - where does money come from on social networks, where can I get it here? The answer is simple - where there are people, money will always circulate. Monetization of your efforts on VK can occur in many ways, each of which will be discussed in detail below.

Interesting fact! All large public social networks bring their owners, without exaggeration, millions.

How to make money on VK: main ways

You can make money from a group on VK in a variety of ways. The most commonly used options are:

  • Promotion of the group, increasing its popularity and attendance, and then selling advertising here. Advertising sources can be anyone: other groups that want to get additional subscribers, manufacturers of goods and services, individual users, search engines, etc.;
  • Maintaining a personal blog. The methods for monetizing a blog (for example) are the same as in the previous version and are based primarily on advertising, but here you will have to create qualitatively different content. A blog is the author’s personal creative workshop, in which he shares his knowledge, assumptions, and comments on any events with an interested public;
  • Selling goods or services. Since there are a huge number of people on VK, numbering in the tens of millions, here you can select a target audience for almost all occasions. You can sell anything on social networks: food, clothes, handicrafts, gadgets, etc. The social network page can be used as a full-fledged one;
  • There are other equally attractive options: earning money from likes, creating beautiful page designs, broadcasting, creating original sticker packs, etc. Each option is good in its own way and, if taken seriously, can bring in good money.

You can make money from a group on VK using any of the following methods. But there will be a noticeable result only when a person really invests in his business, and does not expect miracles.

If you are not particularly attracted to it, then you can try to get money from your page.

There are a large number of ways. And now I will show you a service that combines many of them. So, learning to make money on your VKontakte page, using the Socialtools service.

The service has two types of users - performers and customers. Since we do not plan to order advertising companies, but are interested in the opportunity to earn money, we need to register as a performer.

Let's go to the service:

Fill in all required fields and complete registration. Once you're logged in, hover your mouse over the gear icon. Then select from the drop-down menu "Accounts and sites".

Now we need to add our page to the system. To do this, press the button "Add account". And in the form that opens, click on the “VKontakte” button.

The system will determine your page. If everything is correct, click the "Save" button.

When the changes are saved, you can start earning money.

How to make money on Socialtools using your VKontakte page

Once we have our page added to the system, we can start completing paid tasks. To do this, go to the “My orders” tab. Our VK page should be on the list here. Click on it to open the list of available orders.

Let's try to complete the order. Click on the appropriate one in the list. A form with a detailed description will open. If we are satisfied with everything, enter the captcha (see), and press the button "Participate".

Do not close this window. Start fulfilling the terms of the order. When everything is done, click the “Yes” button at the bottom of the form.

An additional form will open in which you need to insert a link to the completed task. In our case, this is a link to a post that is posted on the wall (see), and its screenshot.

In contact with- This is one of the most popular social networks. networks in Russia, which allows you to make money on it 30,000 - 50,000 rubles, practically anyone who makes a little effort.

But where does this profit come from? Let's take a closer look at how to make money on VKontakte and what ways to make money exist.

It’s worth starting with the fact that there are conditionally only 5 types of earnings on VKontakte:

Of course, there are more types of earnings, for example: hacking or wholesale resale of accounts, but this is already black business.

The easiest way to complete VKontakte tasks for money is because it only requires an account and a few hours of free time to complete hundreds of tasks.

True, earnings from this method will be 200-400 rubles per day, provided that the tasks are completed from one account. And if you have a dozen accounts and a lot of free time, then it’s 2,000 - 4,000 rubles.

VKontakte task exchanges

ExchangesEarnings per day
1 500 rub.
2 450 rub.
3 350 rub.
4 300 rub.
5 150 rub.

Hint: the VKontakte page should be open to everyone, you also need to put your hometown in Moscow and preferably have more than 200 friends - this will double your earnings!

Few people know that on the VKontakte group they earn 40,000 - 80,000 rubles, however, to achieve such results you need to work hard.

Some are engaged in the resale of groups, others do paid promotion, and the most popular way is to run ads in a promoted group.

Buying/selling groups

There is such a segment as resale of groups on social networks. Groups of 100,000 people buy for 15,000 - 20,000 thousand rubles and resell for 40,000 rubles.

You can buy a group on the stock exchange, where there is quite a lot advantageous offers. But it is recommended to sell on various forums about social networks.

Earning money from advertising in a group

If you have a group of 500 thousand people, then you can easily earn 500-900 rubles for 1 advertising post, depending on the activity of your subscribers.

However, the problem is that ready-made groups of this type cost from 150 thousand rubles, and if you promote it yourself, you will have to invest the entire 200,000 rubles.

Advertising exchanges VKontakte

There are only a few good exchanges, which are used by 90% of all VKontakte group owners. This is because the majority of customers are located there.

A good online store with 100,000 thousand subscribers has from 2 to 10 orders per day, which brings a net profit of 450,000 rubles per month, perhaps better way There is no VKontakte to make money.

Of course, you can start creating games for a social network, but this is a long and labor-intensive process that requires large investments. We are interested in simpler earnings.

One of the games that allows you to earn votes is “Prison”. The player needs to enter the image of a prisoner and achieve the appropriate rating.

This is necessary so that others would want to become your prisoner friends. And for adding them as friends, you can ask for 5-7 votes (35-49 rubles).

Another way to make money on VKontakte games is based purely on votes and competitions. For example, a casino, betting or a development game, for example “Hunting”.

Only lazy people today are not trying to turn social networks into a source of income, which is why the query “how to make money on a VKontakte group” is breaking popularity records. Indeed, why not turn a source of entertainment into a source of profit. But can everyone do it? Practice shows that even teenagers can master the simple science of public development.

How to create a group?

Creating a group in contact begins with registration on a social network. Of course, you most likely have your own personal account. But for business purposes it is better to create a new one. You need to give it a name that matches the theme of your group and choose an interesting avatar. It wouldn't hurt to fill out your personal information. The last thing you want is to be mistaken for a bot.

After creating a profile, go to “My Groups”, scroll the wheel down and click on the “Create Group” button. A window will appear where you need to choose what exactly to create: an event, public or group. Choose the latter

Tip: If you do not have a group section, then you need to go to your profile settings and in additional services, check the “My Groups” menu item.

How to properly form a group?

Now let's start designing the public page. First of all, come up with a bright name, but do not forget that it should accurately describe the theme of your group, fill out the description. There is no need to create a closed community. Many users ignore them. If you are going to focus on promotion in only one region, then indicate the city.

Go to group settings. It is better to disable the ability for ordinary users to publish photos, audio, videos and create discussions so that the wall does not turn into a gathering place for spam. Leave such opportunities only to administrators and moderators. Now you can click the save button. But don’t rush to close the window. Return to the group. If you need to appoint moderators and administrators, you should edit the composition. You can remove or add users as you wish.

Pay attention to the visual design of the group. Create an avatar, a convenient menu. The design of the group should correspond to the name and theme, then it will be easy for future participants to find and remember you.

How to attract subscribers?

Now we have to take care of attracting subscribers. Of course, you should immediately invite all your friends to the group. To do this, use your personal account, since you simply don’t have any friends on your new account yet. Feel free to advertise the group, but do it unobtrusively. Otherwise, friends may be offended. Place advertisement on your wall, so more of your friends will know about the existence of the group.

But let's return to the work account. From this account you can add 40 people as friends every day. You also have the right to send 40 invitations to the group. It is impossible to invite more people. This rule was introduced by the administration of the social network. If you want things to move faster with subscribers, create more working accounts. By sending invitations and friend requests from each of them, you guarantee that the number of subscribers will grow faster. But such work will require about 1-2 hours a day. The amount of time depends on how many profiles you have at your disposal. However, invitations are not the only way. Advertising in other similar groups will also help increase your group. But no one will advertise you for free. Therefore, if you don’t have free money, you won’t be able to use this method for now.

How and with what to fill the group?

Follow the simplest rules and you will succeed:

  • Content should be regular

People subscribe to the group to follow an area of ​​interest to them. Therefore, first of all, your goal is to publish original and unhackneyed facts, master classes, jokes, and articles. When choosing a topic for publication, you should focus on the topic of your group, so the target audience will be satisfied. This means the number of subscribers will increase. Naturally, it is better to create content on your own. You should not take posts from other groups, even if the information they publish turns out to be successful for you. It is possible and even necessary to borrow content from other resources, but do not forget to rework it so that it fits into the style you set. Try to create as many posts yourself as possible.

  • Don't forget about fun.

So many groups have earned their following through entertaining content. But this method is acceptable if your group is dedicated to entertainment topics. If you are hoping to raise serious issues, then you should not rely on entertainment. But we shouldn’t forget about them. Your group should include entertaining posts in moderation and at appropriate times. Choose interesting and intelligent humor that relates directly to your topic or product. This way, you will both have fun with your target audience, show that you have a good sense of humor, and not set your bar lower.

  • Competitions for the masses.

Competitions are a universal marketing tool that gives almost one hundred percent results. Conducting competitions on VKontakte is very easy. Your products should be the prize. You don't have to give them away for free; you can make discounts. Feel free to ask contest participants to fill out questionnaires, this will help you create your contact base, which will not interfere with your promotion.

  • Choose the right time to post.

At first glance, it seems that there is absolutely no difference when to publish posts. But that's not true. By choosing the right time, you will significantly increase the number of views of the group and the percentage of new participants. Statistics show that most users view news on the social network during the morning commute to work and the evening commute from work. Also, many people read the news before going to bed.

  • Talk to participants.

Even if a minimum number of people have signed up for your group, you still have someone to talk to. Contact your readers, ask their opinions, involve them in discussions, arrange surveys. Then they will have a good impression of you, because you care what they think about your group.

How much do group administrators earn?

The amount of your earnings on VKontakte directly depends on the main characteristics of your group:

  1. How many participants does it have?
  2. What is the target audience?
  3. What are the indicators of likes, comments, reposts and overall coverage?

It is impossible to say that there are clear rules for setting the cost of advertising in the VK group, because there are no such rules. It all depends on the parties to the transaction. The only thing is that posts in highly specialized groups are more expensive than in entertainment ones.

For example, in a group with 3,000 subscribers, an advertising post can cost 50 rubles or more. In a group with 10,000 subscribers, advertising will cost approximately 300-500 rubles. But in pursuit of income, you shouldn’t forget about your subscribers. If there are too many advertisements, their number will begin to decrease quickly.

How to make money on a VK group?

There are not so many main ways to earn money:

  • Selling wall posts. You publish information about someone’s products or services with a link to the creator.
  • Group branding. You can place an advertising picture instead of your avatar and thus earn money.
  • Selling links in the side block. The most unobtrusive way of advertising.
  • Inviting community members to events. This is not the most popular, but one of the most interesting types of income. For example, some company wants to give a presentation, and your subscribers are its target audience. In order to invite them to the event, the company makes you the organizer. This way, you can send invitations to all members of your group and get paid for it.

How to attract advertisers?

  1. Search on your own. You can search the Internet for companies that would be interested in advertising in your group and send them offers by e-mail. By the way, many companies are looking for advertising platforms for themselves. Therefore, you will receive a certain number of applications per month without making any effort at all, if there are more than 10,000 people in your group.
  2. Submit an application to the VKontakte Exchange. But for this, the average daily reach of the group per month must exceed 20,000 people.
  3. Register on third-party exchanges. There are quite a few such exchanges and the registration conditions for them are much lower. The most popular today is

In addition, do not miss the opportunity to offer your services on forums, post advertisements on boards and in every possible way contribute to the promotion of your brainchild. Today it is not difficult to make money from a live band, it is much more difficult to create one.

Video: plan and benefits of making money on the VK group

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