The most successful phrases for attracting customers. Slogans for attracting customers - tools, strategies and examples Hook phrases

09:15 13.02.2015

In this article you will read

  • How to attract customers' attention. Ten magic phrases

Whether you are selling in a retail store or online, the art of communicating with potential buyers is very important. In sales, those proposals that sound sincere and natural, and not far-fetched and stereotyped, are effective. Our selection includes ten phrases that will help you attract customers' attention.

10 magnet phrases to attract customer attention

1. “Are you already taking part in our promotion?”

This question arouses curiosity and a desire to get something else for the same money. Usually the client begins to clarify what kind of promotion we are talking about and how to take part in it. The advantage of the phrase is that the seller changes places with the client: now the client himself asks questions, he is more involved in the communication process.

Example. In our chain of coffee shops, Coffee Like, this question is used to attract the attention of customers and talk about the promotion “The sixth glass of the same delicious cappuccino is free. No cards - just a phone number."

2. “For each recommendation, we will give you bonuses, which can be used on your next purchase. What do you think?"

The technique is suitable for promoting products of mass demand. The value of the question is that it performs two functions at once: it encourages the client to come again and offers him a way to provide a pleasant service to his friends.

Example. In the tourism sector, we have introduced the following system: the client receives bonuses from his purchase, then recommends us to friends. Both the client and the person recommended by him receive bonuses at the same time. If another one comes from the second client, then the first buyer, the second, and the third receive bonuses. Thanks to this, the number of repeat requests has almost doubled.

3. “If you need to consult with your wife to make sure that your choice is correct, we can contact her right now by phone. Please tell me the telephone number for contact"

The best response is in a situation when the client begins to refer to the need to consult with close people (I note that working with such an objection is always very difficult, negotiations often reach a dead end in this case). The trick to the proposed answer is that it helps to find out the true reason for the client’s doubts and continue the conversation.

Example. Our employees working in tourism use this phrase when one of the spouses communicates with them, who does not make decisions, but only collects information. In order not to let such a client go to other agencies, managers immediately contact the wife or husband and agree on the final option for booking.

If the seller demonstrates sincere interest in the answer, such an appeal will help to position the interlocutor for a more open dialogue.

Example. As a young entrepreneur from Izhevsk, I resorted to this question to establish contacts with influential people. Usually, upon hearing such a request, they listened much more attentively to the interlocutor.

5. “We are currently assessing the quality of service and, in gratitude for your feedback, we would like to give you a small gift”

Gifts always evoke a positive response. This technique will help not only strengthen loyalty, but also find out customer opinions about the product and correct possible shortcomings.

6. “The price with all possible surcharges and maximum discount is...”

This phrase eliminates all possible questions about discounts. It needs to be said when other points have already been clarified. In this way we bypass the objection to reducing the price.

Example. Our managers sell tours without discounts. When choosing a hotel, they take into account all the wishes of tourists and before naming the price, they say: “The price with all possible additional payments and the maximum discount is...” After about 50% of clients no longer remember the discount, assuming that it has been taken into account.

7. “Do I understand correctly: now the main thing for you is to get the maximum quality of services for the minimum price?”

In this way, the seller demonstrates interest in the client's needs. You can mention the specific features of the product or service being sold, and the technique will work even more effectively.

Example. When we opened the first hostel, few of the clients knew what it was. Therefore, we did not offer “a bed in a hostel,” but “a cozy overnight stay for a minimal price.” People wanted to get the best conditions while spending the least amount of money. Within a month the hostel was completely occupied.

8. “By the way, we are having an interesting event soon. Participation is free. Shall I reserve a seat for you?”

This scheme works great with expensive products. The customer gets the opportunity to get to know the brand without feeling obligated to buy anything.

Example. We used this technique when promoting an educational service for entrepreneurs. More than 1000 people gathered for a free event in Izhevsk; 200 of them subsequently purchased the training program.

9. “I have ideas on how you can get additional benefit from the service”

You can put all your cards on the table at once or gradually give the client pleasant opportunities during the dialogue.

Example. We use this technique in tourist destinations. Additional benefits can be anything from discounts to branded coins to throw into the sea. Recently, a large client hesitated for a long time, choosing between two travel agencies, and ultimately chose us after we offered him a private taxi transfer from the train station to the airport (included in the price of the product).

  • Sales department standards: step-by-step development and implementation algorithm

10. “Have you noticed that in today's market, fast companies eat up slow ones? Therefore, I propose to meet this week and discuss matters in detail. How about Tuesday?

Each client perceives what he hears differently, but no one wants to be eaten and therefore agrees to the meeting.

Example. We used this technique to attract investors and potential franchisees. Thus, in less than two years we were able to establish cooperation with 400 franchisees. The holding's total turnover for the first half of 2014 amounted to more than 300 million rubles.

The best phrases for selling are a help, a little highlight when communicating with a client.

Establishing contact with an alternative question

Our first phrase is to greet and establish contact with store visitors. It consists of two parts.

Should I give you a hint or would you like to take a look?

This is an alternative question that solves an important problem. Firstly, the phrase allows you to cut off those visitors who did not intend to purchase something. Perhaps the visitor came only because he has a lot of free time, which he decided to while away in your store. And we can avoid wasting time on such a person.

Secondly, this question does not put pressure on or irritate those visitors who were planning to purchase something. People don't like having something forced on them. The question described above does not put pressure on the visitor. We give the client enough options from which he can choose.

If the visitor decides to look, then we say the second part:

Okay, look. WHEN you have questions, PLEASE contact me. FINE

If a visitor needs help, he should contact the seller who initiated the contact. In the second part of the phrase we use the word WHEN. We are not saying IF, such a production will be more “programming”. We also add MANDATORY - which can be something of an obligation. And when questions arise, the client will contact him himself. And at the end we use GOOD - this will give the phrase the category of instructions, pushing the potential buyer to act.

What else

This is a simple phrase that is very often used in retail. It is short, native (natural), but at the same time very good. Having decided on the buyer’s main request, we ask:

What else?

We're not saying ANYTHING ELSE. This is already a closed question that can be answered yes or no. When we say WHAT ELSE, this is an open question and it will be more difficult to answer in monosyllables. At the same time, the buyer has an idea of ​​what else needs to be taken.

Rate it on a 10-point scale

This phrase is used to start luring a client away from a competitor. It is based on the fact that consumer expectations are usually higher than what they actually receive. There is always dissatisfaction with the current situation. Let's study this situation:

In this way, we study dissatisfaction with suppliers of goods or services. Sellers and sales managers in a variety of fields often act in a similar way.

Everybody knows…

The human subconscious is quite naive. When we say the phrase EVERYONE KNOWS, what happens in our head? Something like this dialogue: I treat everyone and if everyone knows, then I know too. Which means it's true.

Alternatively, EVERYONE IS TALKING. The meaning is the same, the subconscious tells us that we are all and we must believe in it.

There is an old saying...

Hearing such a phrase, a person is ready to believe what follows these words. Our subconscious tells us that these words are worth believing:

There is an old saying that good shoes make a good first impression.(if we sell shoes)

After the words THERE IS ONE OLD PROVERB, any words can come. These words will carry a lot of weight.

It would be nice…

This is a rhetorical question with a hidden hint - YES. We ask how a potential customer would feel about the benefits that come from our product or service.

Wouldn't it be nice to have shoes that lasted for a long time?(when selling shoes)

We're not saying it's beneficial or a good choice. We suggest suggesting how great it is to use the benefits of the product. We do not appeal to the client’s logical thinking, but to his subconscious. The subconscious is always more naive than logical thinking.

We formalize

It's not even a phrase, it's just a long word. But this important word is the point in the presentation. Without a clear conclusion, our presentation becomes a free consultation. If we understand that we have told all the arguments, then we put an end to it:

Are you satisfied with everything? Shall we formalize?

If you think a social media headline isn't that important, consider why some almost identical posts receive different responses. This may seem like an exaggeration, but in reality just one element - the headline - can make a difference, regardless of the network. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 people read headlines, and only 2 out of 10 read the rest of the text. There have been cases where replacing one word in a bad post title resulted in a 46% increase in response to it!

Do you need headlines on social networks?

Headings on social networks, like headings to regular texts, catch the reader’s attention and draw him into the content itself. It does not matter what kind of text is titled - selling, entertaining or educational. The title is an intrigue, an eye-stopper, an obligatory element of the text. This is what will “sell” your post.

On Facebook, posts 100-250 characters long receive 60% more engagement than posts longer than 250 characters. But long posts can also be popular and read to the end thanks to “tasty” headings. They should be meaningful, intriguing and short - optimally 7+/-2 words.

For posts of up to 100 characters, the first sentence in the text can play an engaging role, provided that it is formatted properly. A sentence heading can, for example, be separated by a blank line, emoticons or emoji, and each word in it written in capital letters.

Top 30 templates for selling phrases

Use these header templates for inspiration and to get you started if you haven't gotten the hang of it yet. In the future, you will be able to automatically write headlines on your own that will sell on social networks very effectively.

  1. Secret ________
  2. Top 10 ways ___________
  3. Why _________ will never work
  4. How ___________ will help you succeed
  5. What __________ doesn't want you to know
  6. Why __________ is not as bad as you think
  7. 5 tips for helping ____________
  8. How ___________
  9. If you _________, then you can ____________
  10. What everyone should know _____________
  11. Beginner's Guide _______________
  12. 4 keys to _____________
  13. 10 tools (formulas, products) used by experts _____(in what field)
  14. How many times have you tried ____________ and it didn’t work? (for example, they tried to change a tire and failed)
  15. 20 mistakes in _________ and ways to avoid them
  16. The truth about _________________
  17. Complete Guide to ________________
  18. ___________ make it simple
  19. 5 minutes until the best _____________
  20. This is what happens when ______________
  21. Before you __________, read this article.
  22. What happens when _____________
  23. You too can ______________
  24. How to ____________ in less than an hour a day
  25. 7 types ___________. This will help you __________
  26. Examples that prove ______________
  27. Do ___________ like a pro
  28. 20 genius hacks that will help you ____________
  29. 10 examples _____________
  30. 5 things I wish I knew about _____________

The most popular headlines on Facebook and Twitter

On Facebook and Instagram, users are very active in response to emotional headlines: “SHOCK,” “Very touching,” or “Crying with happiness.”

Headlines that catch inquisitive users are also very popular: “Then the incredible happened,” “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to...” and the like.

Twitter works great with headlines that tell you to download something (“Click here to download”). They are very effective and get 13% more clicks.

How to write good headlines for social media posts yourself

Writing headlines is always difficult at first, so feel free to use popular headlines from others as a basis. Google a specific topic, find the most relevant title you see frequently, and think about how you can use it. At the same time, be unique. Don't copy headlines just because they've worked for others - add your own ideas and personality by making them original.

  • Emphasize urgency. For example, “Ten things you should do right now” or “Fix these common mistakes or you risk losing everything.”
  • Use the negative form of the word instead of the positive one. For example, a post titled “5 Worst Blogging Practices” will likely outperform “5 Best Blogging Tips.”
  • Use more present tense verbs and adverbs, especially such as “earn”, “act now”, “launch”, “achieve”. These words get incomparably more clicks due to their relevance, ease of reading and perception.
  • Present information in list form. Using lists in text is still a popular and effective way to attract attention, and although they are often overused, lists still get a fair amount of clicks.
  • Keep nouns and adjectives to a minimum. Overusing adjectives in your headline can make your title sound sound but overly pompous, wordy and, frankly, boring.
  • Be specific. Using a more general title may seem like it will attract the widest audience, but this is often not the case. The title should clearly indicate the topic of your content.
  • Show the benefit. Your headline should communicate HOW your product or information will HELP people, not how good it is per se.
  • Use question words. Using question words like “how”, “what”, “when” and “why” in headlines is always effective in attracting attention and getting a good response.
  • Evoke emotions. A headline that evokes feelings of happiness, anger, or even fear may increase clicks, but be careful: there is a fine line between evoking feelings and manipulating them.
  • Use inside information. Messages that promise to reveal this or that secret are always popular.
  • Don't get carried away. A fancy headline with a lot of long, clever words may seem successful, but it's unlikely to get the interest you're looking for. Instead, give your readers a simple, clear idea of ​​what you're talking about and how it will help them.

The quality of your headlines - both on social media and on your blog - can have a huge impact on the success of all your content. So take your time and test different titles to see which ones work best.

Every sales manager in the process of communicating with a potential buyer should use phrases to attract customers that help sell. By skillfully using the examples of phrases given below, the seller will be able to appease the buyer, inspire his trust and persuade him to.

Examples of phrases to attract clients

The impression that the seller makes on others must be positive. In retail, the impression is primarily influenced by the specialist’s appearance, his posture, and his friendly facial expression, but when talking on the phone, it is important what and how he says, in what tone, timbre, and in what mood he pronounces the words.

Customers should be able to tell immediately which employees have provided good or bad service to them. In retail, it helps to sell a badge with the name of a specialist, and during telephone communication, the manager must introduce himself at the very beginning of the conversation.

Some sellers or managers are panicked by the visitor’s reaction: “I’m just looking,” or when making a cold call, “We don’t need anything.” Such responses are expected if the seller begins the dialogue with the phrase: “Good afternoon, you did the right thing by visiting our store. We have an excellent range of products, the best prices. Here you will definitely find everything you need. You will also be pleasantly surprised by our prices. Yes, what are you looking for? Let me help you…” - in this case, the buyer will run away from the seller or the store.

In the sales process, those phrases that are effective in attracting customers are those that are expressed naturally, with sincerity, and not in the form of a memorized template.

The first words that the visitor hears should be about him (the client), and not about the store, the success of the seller, the benefits of purchasing, promotions, etc. Phrases that help sell should mention the problem that the interlocutor came to solve. This is exactly how the sales increase technique works.

Before practicing and memorizing phrases for clients, the training manager needs to visit a retail outlet and listen to how salespeople communicate with visitors. If you are an employee of a retail outlet and are engaged in sales techniques yourself, ask your colleagues to record the conversation with the client on a voice recorder. Or record your colleagues yourself, and then listen to the recordings, trying to identify mistakes during transactions. After this, you can learn examples of phrases that will help you sell.

Trap phrases to attract customers should sound natural, be easy to remember and correspond to the usual colloquial speech of the staff, otherwise the buyer will notice the cramming in the expressions of the interlocutor and think about poor preparation.

Words and figures of speech that attract attention should be spoken in a natural, conversational manner. Business speech sounds dry and cold, so it is used during work contacts with mature people holding high positions.

In order for a dialogue with an interlocutor - in person or over the phone - to take place, it is important to understand that “attracting customer attention” does not mean successfully selling a product. This means gaining the right and opportunity to exchange information with him. Following this principle, you should not try to blurt out as much information about yourself, the company, product or service in the first 2-3 phrases. By respecting the time and attention of the person entering, you will make the dialogue more natural and will not scare away the potential visitor.

Experienced sellers immediately feel that the visitor needs a product, and see when his eyes are fixed on a suitable item (often the client touches and looks at the product), and only then establish contact. However, in some retail chains, according to company standards, the manager is required to approach the client at a set time, which is not always true.

Remember the important rule of successful selling - the buyer must first show interest in the product.

Clients also perceive negatively the phrase “What are you looking for?”, a characteristic phrase that, as a rule, the sales assistant says with a stern expression on his face. Negativity scares away the client of any retail outlet, but positivity and smiling, on the contrary, attract.

Additionally, you can watch the following videos on the topic:

Phrases for clients that interfere with successful sales

  • The client hears: “What are you interested in?” — He thinks: “What difference does it make to you?”, “Why should I report to you,” “What kind of service is this store?!”
  • "How can I help you?" - “With money, of course!
  • “What can I tell you?” - “Tell me, where do crayfish spend the winter?”

A competent sales manager effectively uses phrases to attract clients to help sell. He feels the buyer well, his problems and current needs, knows how to approach on time, establish contact, correctly identifies needs, sells and packages the purchase.

Phrases to attract clients

that help sell

Each manager should be able to use the following phrases to attract the attention of clients and help sell, depending on the type of their behavior:

  • With questioning behavior(at the " " stage): What colors do you prefer? How do you like this design? What can you say about this? A convenient thing (with an affirming intonation), what do you think?
  • During explanatory behavior(identifying needs, working with objections): I see that you are confused by what... Did I understand you correctly...?
  • Show support(helps to instill trust, remove the last doubts): If this thing sat on me like that, I would have no doubts...! I think you will be satisfied.. The right decision!
  • Understanding emotions, empathy(to attract the interlocutor’s attention, it is important to listen carefully to the client to the end): I understand you. Several customers have already come forward with this problem over the past week. It is being solved (this way and that way)... Now we all have one task - to save money. This model is more economical, look...

We draw your attention to the fact that the question “What can I tell you?” is obsolete and is not a phrase that helps sell.

Now watch this little training:

Whether you are selling in a retail store or online, the art of communicating with potential buyers is very important.

For Internet sales, this is primarily telephone sales.

It is important to ensure that the impression that the seller makes on others is good. And if in retail this impression is determined primarily by the appearance of the seller, then when talking on the phone it is very important what and how you say, in what tone and with what mood.

Customers should always be able to know who served them well or poorly. In retail, this is indicated by a badge with the name of the seller; during a telephone conversation, it is customary to introduce yourself at the very beginning of the conversation.
Often sellers and managers are simply panicky about the reaction like “No, I’m just looking” or when making a cold call “We don’t need anything.”

And it’s natural if the seller starts the conversation with the phrase: “Hello, you did the right thing by coming to our store. We have the best selection, great prices. With us you will definitely find everything you need and will be pleasantly surprised at our prices. By the way, what do you choose? Let me help you…” then the buyer will most likely run away from such a store.

In sales, those phrases are effective that, firstly, sound sincere and natural, and not far-fetched and stereotyped, and secondly, the first words of the seller should be about the client, and not about him, his store, product, service, etc. .d.

When developing algorithms for working with clients for Sales Departments, you always need to listen to how salespeople communicate with clients. All new phrases must be natural for employees, otherwise they simply will not pronounce them or refuse to use them.

The most valuable words and phrases for attracting attention are found in live speech and are found in direct communication with the buyer.

To establish contact with your interlocutor – both in person and over the phone – you need to understand that “attracting attention” does not mean selling. This means gaining the right and opportunity to exchange information with a potential buyer. If you follow this principle, then no one will try to “cram” as much information about everything into the first phrase as possible - about yourself, about the company, about the product or services; the dialogue becomes more natural and does not scare away the potential client.

Examples of phrases to attract clients

Typical statements depending on the function of the seller

Interrogative behavior (identify customer needs):

  • Which color do you like best?
  • What do you think about this thing?
  • Isn't it a convenient thing?

Explanatory behavior:

  • It seems to me that you doubt that...
  • Do I understand you correctly...?

Help and support (dispel doubts, overcome internal resistance; if necessary, reassure):

  • If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate...
  • I'm sure you won't regret it...
  • You have great taste...
  • It suits you very well...

Position of understanding (listen carefully in order to speak at the right moment):

  • I understand you perfectly. My niece (sister, brother, friend) has the same problems. They found such a solution (a suitable product is offered)…
  • Why should you spend extra money? Take this model here. And it fits better and you save...

Please note that the list of typical statements does not include the classic: “What interests you?”

The seller needs to clearly understand the basic rule - the buyer must first become interested in the product. That is, the seller must feel when the buyer needs help, understand when his eyes are fixed on a certain product (or when he picked up the product), and only then approach it. Without a clear certainty that the client has a question, you should not approach him and offer your help.

The obsessive phrase “What are you interested in?”, with demanding and impatient intonations in your voice, scares people away from your store. In the future, they are unlikely to want to come to such intrusive sellers again.

Nothing harms the image of a store more than “heavy” staff that puts pressure on the customer.

Unsuccessful and tactless remarks from the seller

Replies from the seller -> Psychological reaction of the buyer (hidden or explicit)

  • What are you interested in? -> What's your business? How do I know what will interest me?
  • Can I help you? -> Do I look like a wretched person? Can't handle it myself?
  • Should I show you something? -> Am I blind? I won’t see it myself?
  • What you need?
  • What do you want to watch?
  • What will you buy? -> Am I in a store or being interrogated by an investigator?
  • Have you already chosen the product you need?
  • Have you found it yet? -> And I’m in no hurry! If you don't have time, I can go to another store.

The professionalism of the seller lies in clearly feeling the client, his needs and requests, being able to present the product on time, and guiding the buyer through all stages of the sale.
Remember that the better you take care of the comfort of your customers and do not annoy them like annoying flies, the more profit they will bring!

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