The best file exchanger. How to start making money on file sharing services and how profitable is it now? What income should you expect?

We have several file hosting services in our collection that allow you to upload files and share them using short links. When you need to send a large file, try using one of them. This is very convenient because you won't need to re-download the file if you want to show it to several friends - just send them a short link that one of these services will automatically create.

Please note that Pixeldrain only stores data on its servers for a certain period of time! Starting from the download date, you will have 100 days. But every time someone clicks on your link, the hundred-day countdown starts anew. So the data may never be deleted at all if the link to it is used once every three months.

Pixeldrain is one of the few services that can be fully used even without an account. However, it is more convenient to use if you still register. Registered users can more easily access and track files. Finally, Pixeldrain has a text sharing tool similar to Pastebin. Simply copy and paste the text you want into the appropriate field and share it using the generated link.

Firefox Send

Firefox Send is a free service from Mozilla that is very popular among Mozilla Firefox users, but can be used from any browser. Sharing files is very simple: just drag and drop them (Drag-and-drop technology is supported) to upload to the cloud server.

The file size cannot exceed 1 GB for anonymous users and 2.5 GB for authorized users. To increase the security of transferred files, end-to-end encryption is used, password protection is used and the link is automatically deleted after a specified time.

It is considered one of the best file hosting services. After registration, the user receives 10 GB of free space on the cloud server. Log in through social networks Facebook and Twitter, install the mobile application or invite friends to get an additional 40 GB. Other users will be able to download the downloaded information from the MediaFire website using a unique link that will be issued after the download is complete.

It has a fairly simple interface: in just a few clicks you can get the necessary files. Moreover, they will still be available for downloading within a week or will be deleted after a day - it depends on the settings you specify. It is not necessary to register.

2 GB of space is provided for free. Using a paid plan for $12 per month will increase your storage size to 100 GB. In addition, you can set a download password and make your own background. Files will be available for downloading for more than 7 days and the size limit will be removed.

By the way, WeTransfer is available for Android and iOS phones.

Send Anywhere

This service works on almost all known platforms, allowing you to transfer files up to 4 GB for free. By visiting the site at , you can immediately begin exchanging information with other users. To do this, select Direct - you will be given a 6-digit PIN code, which you will need to provide to the recipient. After he enters it into the Input key field, the download will begin. In this case, it is not at all necessary to register, but you will have to be on the service website at this time.

The service has its own extension for the Google Chrome browser and applications for iOS and Android. SendAnywhere is also available for MacOS and Windows, with versions for Linux and Amazon Kindle, as well as plugins for WordPress and Outlook. If you use a browser extension, you can exchange files up to 4 GB. The $6/month paid version comes with 1TB of storage.

When downloading important files online, there is always a fear that the data will fall into third hands. For example, the link will mistakenly go to the wrong person or the data will be published by attackers as a result of a hacker attack.

With the site, the likelihood of such events approaches zero. The service works very quickly, and files are stored for no more than a day. You can choose how long the data will be stored on the server: 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours or a day. After the specified time, all data will be deleted.

The maximum file size is 100 MB, and their number is unlimited. This service has another significant advantage over its competitors. Unlike other file hosting services, creates links consisting of only two characters. This URL is much easier to remember than a ten-character address. Moreover, you can come up with an address yourself, but it must consist of at least four characters.

Dropbox Transfer

Dropbox makes it possible to share large files and folders, however, you have to think about having enough free space in the cloud storage. However, in the free plan, immediately after registration you can easily download 2 GB and create a download link.

Now developers are beta testing a new service Dropbox Transfer, which is a cross between cloud storage and email. In the basic version, Dropbox Transfer will allow you to share files up to 100 MB in size. With the Plus package, users will be able to upload up to 2 GB, while the Pro version allows uploading up to 100 GB.

To protect your privacy, all downloads are automatically deleted after seven days. You can share files from your Dropbox storage or downloaded from your computer. Dropbox Transfer also includes automatic tracking, so you'll be notified every time you try to download.

Currently, Dropbox Transfer is still in beta testing, so it is not available on all accounts. But you can register for the service now and use the old version for your own purposes.

Allows you to share files with people who are physically near you, within 30 meters. Just go to the service page from your computer or phone, add the necessary files, and people near you can easily download them. Of course, you'll need to allow the program to track your location.

Currently, you can share photos, music, videos and links. Sharing is done from local storage or shared cloud storage like Dropbox, Google Drive and Evernote. Once the upload is complete, click the “Drop” button to reserve a space for your data and give this space a unique name.

Anyone within 30 meters will have access to this storage within the next minute. After this, the data will be deleted. You can manually enable storage access again if needed.

Combines the functionality of cloud storage and a p2p client using the BitTorrent protocol for fast transfer of large files. This program has no restrictions on the size of transferred files.

Since the program works using the p2p protocol, uploading and downloading starts instantly. Essentially, your friends will simultaneously download pieces of the file from each computer in the peer-to-peer network (their owners will not be able to view it because it will be encrypted), due to which the download speed will significantly increase. Of course, your computer must be turned on before this download is completed. Files up to 10GB in size are uploaded directly to TeraShare servers, so recipients can download them even if your computer is no longer online.

At good approach can be obtained on files by 2-3 thousand rubles per day , but few people know how to make a lot of money on file hosting services.

The main thing is to find a good niche where files are downloaded the most. Well, also choose a good file hosting service that offers the best conditions and rewards!

For example, Deposit pays 15 kopecks per download, and Ska4ay gives 1.5 rubles. There are the same number of actions, but the price is different!

The best file hosting services for making money

There are many scams that offer high prices, but they don’t pay, or they block for nothing. Therefore, I will tell you about the 3 best file hosting services for making real money!

1. Ska4ay

Ska4ay - offers earnings for downloading files up to 5 rubles, provided that the person downloads along with the Amigo application. If without it, then the amount is 1.5-2 rubles.

The site has a career ladder, as well as promotions that help increase profits. Well, the main advantage is that they rarely ban their members.

Information about Ska4ay:

  • Fee: 1.5 rubles per person (+3 for Amigo)
  • Affiliate program: 10%;
  • Minimum to receive: 15 rubles;

2. File-Seven

File-Seven is a legendary paid file hosting service that offers 4 rubles per download. Only there are many more templates that lead to the file.

Information about File-Seven:

  • Fee: 1.5-2 rubles (+4 for Amigo advertising)
  • Affiliate program: 10%;
  • Minimum to receive: 50 rubles;
  • Withdrawal methods: WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Bank.


DepositFiles is the most popular in Russia and many are willing to put up with its advertising. At the same time, some people sign up for VIP accounts, for which they pay $5.

The price for 1,000 downloads is about $3-5. At the same time, the file hosting service does not bombard users with viruses, but simply loads them with familiar advertising.

Information about DepositFiles:

  • Fee: 0.15 rubles per person;
  • Affiliate program: 5%;
  • Minimum to receive: 600 rubles;
  • Withdrawal methods: WebMoney, Bank.

I also want to note that DepositFiles has the least number of complaints, so it is best suited for making money through a personal website.

How to attract people to download a file

Before we move on to finding an audience, we must decide on the direction in which files are most often downloaded.

Popular topics:

  1. Torrent for games;
  2. Programs without a computer license;
  3. Movie torrent;
  4. Various cheats and mods for games;
  5. Downloading songs.

To find out the popularity of queries on the Internet, I recommend using WordStat(shows how often phrases are typed into Yandex searches).

How to attract people? Successful money makers have come up with a million schemes, but I will tell you about the simplest tricks that can attract traffic in passive mode.

  • Varezniki- these can be news sites, torrents and forums where you can post hacked programs with cracks. You can search for such sites through search engines, or look at the rating in Rambler or Liveinternet.
  • Social media— on YouTube you can record training videos “how to download photoshop for free” and the like. The videos get a million views, and provide a link in the description.
  • Personal site— you can create a blog on a popular topic and write separate pages for each software, song or video for downloading. Then you attach a link and collect search traffic.

Some are engaged in mutual downloading on VKontakte, others post download tasks on, that is, they pay a ruble, receive one and a half per person, which means the net profit will be 50 kopecks. But you can be blocked for this.

Remember that file hosting services only pay for the downloaded file, and to download it you need to watch 1-2 minutes of advertising. To do this, you need to lay out very important objects that are worth waiting for.

Evgeniy Malyar


# Online business

Where and how much can you earn?

For example, Turbobit pays $30 for 1000 downloads of your file. Find out the tariffs and conditions of other services presented in the article right now.

Article navigation

  • How to make money on file sharing services
  • Where does the money come from?
  • What you can download
  • Content and copyright
  • Beginning of work
  • Promotion
  • Earnings
  • The best file hosting services for making money in 2020
  • Domestic and foreign file hosting services, TOP-5

It is difficult to find a person who has never downloaded anything on the Internet. Movies and other videos, books, photographs, games, some programs and other products are usually available for free. But few have thought about why anyone would upload files for public use.

By uploading interesting content to file hosting services, users provide themselves with the opportunity to receive passive income. How to implement this method of earning money will be discussed further.

How to make money on file sharing services

There are a lot of ways to earn income on the Internet, and file sharing is one of them.

At its core, a file hosting service is a site that provides storage of large amounts of information and two-way access to them. This means that files can be downloaded and uploaded.

By posting this or that information on such a site, the user seeks to earn money. Schemes for making a profit are not always clear to a beginner, and, frankly speaking, not everyone is interested in them. At the same time, people tend to strive to understand the processes in which they participate, and therefore this issue requires clarification.

Where does the money come from?

File hosting services have only three sources of income: download fees, sales of “premium packages” and earnings from advertising, which is traditional for all popular Internet resources.

Paid downloads

The scheme works very simply: the user must pay a certain amount for the file. From the point of view of the owner of the material, this order seems to be the most logical.

In an ordinary store selling books, CDs or software, it is difficult to imagine a situation where a buyer demands to give him the goods for free. Free files are available on torrents.

Premium packages

A method that is obvious to anyone who has ever tried to download a movie or music album to their own computer. It consists of a proposal to do it very quickly. The visitor is given a choice between increased speed, at which information will come from the resource in just a few seconds (or minutes, depending on the size) and a regular channel, through which the same thing will sometimes take hours.

For the time saved you will have to pay some rather modest amount. The preferential “premium” regime is purchased not forever, but for a certain period or in relation to a specific file, and does not attract everyone. The reason is simple: why pay for something you can get for free? Cases of extreme and urgent need for information are quite rare, and the downloading process does not interfere with other activities at all. But objectively, there are premium users and they bring their share of income to file hosting services.


This income needs no explanation. Any platform that attracts a large number of visitors can serve as a means of promoting commercial products. It contains affiliate links, advertisements, and banners. There is also a mandatory wait for the download to begin, accompanied by an advertising video.

So, it’s clear how a typical file-sharing site makes money. Now it’s time to move on to ways to fill it with content, without which the existence of the resource will lose all meaning. Visitors come here to download something. They are looking for different information, and the wider the choice, the higher the likelihood of success.

What you can download

Earning money from files presupposes their availability. There is a valid question about the sources of information that serve as or can act as content, and different advisors answer it differently.

Exploitation of someone else's material

The simplest, and therefore most common, method of searching for “hot” materials is to determine their popularity. The service will help with this, which will show how many search engine requests have been made for a particular product. All that remains is to take possession of the desired file and move it to a file hosting service, but on your own behalf. The method is good and effective, at least due to its low labor intensity, but it has a number of disadvantages, especially in terms of copyright compliance (more on this later).

Own content

In fact, we are not talking about writing a literary work that is stunning in its artistic merits (although, of course, such an approach can only be welcomed), but most often about the use of materials that are unique for some reason.

For example, a user owns a collection of acetate discs that he inherited from his great-grandfather. These vintage records can be digitized and made available to fans of history and similar music. Another case is that there is a file of the magazine “Niva” from 1904 or “Workers” from half a century ago, which can only be scanned. There are many options, but when implementing them, you should objectively assess the degree of likely popularity of such specific content.

Content and copyright

Any materials for which the copyright term has already expired can be used as files.

In practice, this rule is often violated due to the difficulty of control and the widespread nature of the phenomenon. However, everyone who has searched for some kind of music or films on the Internet is familiar with the inscription on the screen notifying that the file has been deleted at the request of the copyright holder. It should be taken into account that file-sharing sites are not required to check information for compliance with intellectual property rights - all responsibility rests with the releaser. But these consequences do not frighten many people at all - the worst thing that can happen is that the file will have to be deleted.

Beginning of work

Now that the main theoretical points have been clarified, it’s time to move on to practical aspects. Making money from downloading, like anything else, requires compliance with technological stages.

The sequence of actions when collaborating with file-sharing sites looks something like this:

  1. Choose a thematic focus. An “omnivorous” releaser, focusing only on the popularity of individual materials, is practically doomed to failure in the same way as a copywriter who willingly takes on any task, regardless of knowledge in a particular field. Those who understand the material being laid out have an advantage.
  2. Register on a file-sharing website;
  3. Create an electronic wallet (WebMoney is recommended as the most popular payment system);
  4. Upload content;
  5. Provide information support;
  6. Get income.

This scheme, of course, is described in general terms and needs clarification, especially in the penultimate paragraph. Any materials, even the highest quality and in demand, will not be downloaded in quantities sufficient for normal earnings if potential consumers do not know about their existence and location.


The advantage of making money from downloading is that the releaser does not sell anything, and therefore the rules that apply to almost all resources regarding advertising do not apply to his actions. You can use any channels to post links, including social networks, forums and other available resources. If you have your own website and it is quite popular, then you can’t think of anything better.

The most important channel for notifying the audience about the appearance of new content available for downloading is rightfully considered to be warez sites, whose task is to advertise information, in particular news. They are something like a virtual bulletin board where everyone can find something interesting for themselves.

The rules used by the releaser in the process of promoting the material he has posted are generally consistent with the marketing methods of any other products, including in relation to:

  • selecting the target audience;
  • the brevity and scope of the information provided in the accompanying text;
  • expressiveness of design means;
  • promises of a positive effect.


Any commercial initiative begins with finding out how much you can earn from a particular activity, and cooperation with file hosting services is no exception. As in all such cases, no one ever names a specific amount, and the possible range of income is so wide that there is no point in specifying it.

The process of calculating earnings is based on one thousand downloads and on different resources ranges from three to 45 dollars, depending on the size of the uploaded file. The main criterion for the amount of income is the number of downloads of your file.

You should not discount the possibility of earning money using referral links, attracting new users and receiving a percentage of their income.

The best file hosting services for making money in 2020

All sites for earning money for uploading files can be divided into Russian and foreign. They also differ in the volume available free of charge for filling by each of the releasers.

Some of the listed file-sharing sites pay for the installation of advertising software, which at the same time relieves the user of annoying banners and advertisements. These and other additional conditions can be found on the registration page.

Domestic and foreign file hosting services, TOP-5

By various criteria The top best file hosting services that pay for downloading have been compiled. In 2020 it looks like this.

Before discussing making money on file hosting services, let’s first consider what a file sharing service is? From the article you will also learn some tips for this type of earnings, there will be a small list of popular file hosting services and the answer to the exciting question of how much you can earn from this.

What is a file hosting service?

Nevertheless, file hosting services are still very popular. Firstly, they still make it easier to transfer small documents. Secondly, unlike torrents, you don’t need to be on stream with your computer turned on 24/7, because the servers operate 24/7. And most importantly, such services allow their users to earn good money.

How to make money on file sharing services?

A little about how file hosting services make money from you. Before each download of a file in free mode, the user is shown an advertisement; whether you click on it or simply view it, the file hosting service is a plus. Do you want to download without ads and at increased speed? Then buy Premium access, which is even more profitable for a file hosting service.

The more visitors to the site downloading and downloading files, the higher the potential profit. But visitors need to be attracted somehow. For this purpose, there are filesharing sites that pay users for downloads.

Scheme for making money on file hosting services

As you can see, everything is quite simple - upload interesting materials to a file hosting service, copy the download link and distribute it on the Internet (on websites, forums, in chats, in social networks). The more downloads, the more earnings the author of the downloaded file will receive. The greatest “exhaust” can be obtained if you have a visited thematic resource.

It can be anything from a new film or a funny video to various programs with keys to them. If you decide to upload a new song, film or program, then you need to do this as quickly as possible.

Where can you find such content if there is nothing interesting on your computer? It's very simple - download the file from the Internet and upload it again to the site.

The best file hosting services for making money– a very profitable file hosting service, pays 3.20 rubles. for 1 unique download. This is an analogue of the previous file hosting service. Only the download fee is lower.– one of the most famous file hosting services. Pays the author 2 – 10 $/1 thousand downloads for the content provided (depending on the file size – min. 1 Mb).– one of the tempting file hosting services. You can earn up to $20 per 1 thousand downloads and 70% from the purchase of a premium account. Incomplete downloads are also taken into account.– also paid file hosting. Promises up to 50% of sales or $7 per 1 thousand downloads. The minimum file size is 1 Mb. The minimum withdrawal amount is $5.

Where to distribute download links?

The most important stage, on which your earnings depend is the distribution of a link to the file you uploaded. if you have own website, information can be placed on it, but if the site does not correspond to the topic, the likelihood of downloads will be low. In this case, other people's news sites and forms bring more activity.

News sites allow you to post a file announcement immediately after registration. But you should not forget that if you do this not according to the site’s rules, you will receive a BAN and all your efforts will be in vain. In order to get the required download activity, you will only need to leave an announcement on 20 - 30 sites.

Forums allow you to distribute your links to those who enter the question “Where can I get it?” or “How can I download it?” into a search engine. By entering such a request, you will immediately see many forums with such a question, and the faster you answer by inserting your links in the answer, the greater the likelihood that your content will be downloaded, which means that you will receive money for it.

How much can you earn on file sharing services?

Most beginners download 1-2 files, throw a couple of links to several unpopular sites and sit waiting for fabulous earnings. As a result, when they see a couple of tens of cents in their account a week later, they quickly become disappointed and give up trying to earn money forever. It's pretty stupid.

The advantages of file hosting services are that files downloaded once do not disappear over time (as long as at least someone occasionally downloads them). The more files, the more passive income. When the files you upload number in the hundreds, then it will be possible to judge the level of earnings.

Your income also depends proportionally on the popularity of the material you offer. For this reason, you should find the material that as many people as possible will want to download.

If you believe the ratings, the best employees of popular file-sharing services earn between $300 and $1,000 a month. This is a very good amount. Most of the active users are around a hundred dollars a month, which is also not bad, because you don’t need to put in a lot of effort to work on file hosting services. If you, for example, have your own website, you can combine this source of income with contextual advertising, banners or anything else.

  1. After uploading one or two files, you should not expect to accumulate the necessary amount to receive the first payment. Take the next one and continue working, because not every file can achieve the desired level of popularity. By trying different materials you will understand what is more in demand. If you focus on work, and not on how money is trickling in, the minimum amount for withdrawal will accumulate faster.
  2. Use automatic software to post news with links to files. For example, the Addnews program will help you place a post in a matter of seconds on all sites added to its database using the DLE engine. There are similar solutions for other CMSs.
  3. Attract referrals. Many file hosting sites have referral programs that allow users to earn money by attracting new participants to the project. If the participant is active, uploads files and earns money from them, then you will receive affiliate payments.
  4. File hosting services only pay for one download from one unique IP address once a day. If you want to earn more per user, you can divide the contents of large archives into several parts by uploading them to different exchangers. For example, when uploading an album, you can send the first part of the tracks to Depositfiles, and the second to Vip-File. This will only make it more convenient for users, since the free download speed is limited. It downloads 2 times faster from two sites.

Let's summarize. Despite the fact that file hosting services are far from at the peak of their popularity, they can still become a good additional source of income (a couple of hundred dollars). You just need to approach the process correctly. Owners of visited thematic sites or groups on social networks can earn serious amounts of money on file hosting services.

Today we bring to your attention a useful compilation cheat sheet that will always and everywhere help you find the best way to transfer a large file to a person.


Email is convenient, but many popular email services impose serious restrictions on the size of attachments. For example, in Gmail and Outlook, each individual file cannot exceed 25 MB in size.

You can refuse mail in favor of a more flexible solution, but if for one reason or another this cannot be done, then a simple freeware multi-platform utility will help you HJ-Split. With its help, the source file is divided into pieces of the required size and inserted/transferred in parts, after which it is just as easily glued together on the recipient’s side.

Classic web storage

If the file is generally large, then cloud storage may be the best solution: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and their analogues. Preference for one or another service here, as a rule, is given depending on habit, but in extreme cases it is necessary to look at the maximum capabilities of each storage facility.

OneDrive allows you to upload a file with a maximum size of up to 2 GB.

"Yandex.Disk" has a limit of 10 GB, but if you need to download something heavier than 2 GB, you will need a desktop client.

Google Drive in this regard, it is much more powerful and eats up a file up to 5 TB (5,000 GB). Naturally, large files here also need to be downloaded through the client.

It is difficult to imagine a situation in which a user would not have enough Google Drive capabilities, but, just in case, Dropbox There is no designated limit on the size of one file at all. Do you have a desktop client? Go ahead, upload all the Internets of the world to it! In the last two cases, the limitation is not the file size, but the size of the personal storage.

Paranoid's Corner

Fans of increased privacy should pay attention to the freemium service WeTransfer. It does not ask for registration and allows you to transfer a file up to 2 GB in size almost anonymously directly from the browser, knowing only the recipient’s email. The file uploaded here will be stored for seven days.

Superparanoid's Corner

All the methods described above have one drawback: in order to transfer something, you need to upload this “something” somewhere. Simply put, your data will be temporarily (or forever) stored on remote servers. If this prospect does not suit you, then there remains an option called JustBeamIt, based on the peer-to-peer principle. The transferred file will not be uploaded anywhere, but will go directly from you to the recipient. The service's web shell supports Drag&Drop and is very easy to use. We drag the file, get a link (link lifespan is 10 minutes), transfer it to the recipient in any acceptable way.

Another P2P transfer method is a service called Infinite. In addition to everything that the previous tool can do, Infinit supports stopping/resuming downloads, and in the case of transferring video files, it allows you to start watching immediately after the start of the transfer.

Skype and other instant messengers

Modern and not so modern messengers cope quite successfully with file transfer. In this case, the maximum file size depends on the specific service used. For example, the most popular Skype, although slow, works on the same P2P principle and, in fact, has no limit on the size of the transferred file.

This material only covers methods associated with the use of truly popular products and services. There are many other cloud storages, FTP and dozens more more or less convenient ways to transfer a large file. If you have your own elegant and simple option for transferring large amounts of data, share it in the comments.

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