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How to make money as a housewife sitting at home - detailed instructions. Jobs for housewives: the best options for earning Remote work for housewives

Finding an ordinary housewife in modern Russia is difficult. Some women build a career, someone devotes themselves to the house partially. More and more people are wondering what to do as a housewife. For example, in a decree. The modern world is full of various ideas. While at home, a woman may not devote all her time to housework. Washing machines are washed, dishes are washed by "dishwashers", a variety of pressure cookers and multicookers are prepared. All this saves time and allows the housewife to earn money at home. The following are the best ideas for part-time work at home.

freedom of choice

What to do at home? Modern man has many different alternatives. Some occupations allow you to earn income from a particular activity.

Housewives and young mothers are two categories of the population who are often interested in part-time jobs at home. This approach allows you to have additional income and self-development.

What to do at home? It's hard to answer. It all depends on the real skills that the girl has. A person has the freedom of choice in deciding this issue. There are plenty of ideas for part-time work at home (even without investments). Let's dwell on the most attractive, profitable and interesting ideas.

Baking and dishes

A housewife, as a rule, takes care of the house and life. She cooks, does laundry, cleans, irons, cleans, washes and so on. Therefore, often such a girl is full of skills. Especially in the culinary field.

Your culinary skills can be directed in the right direction for earning. Now in the goods market, home-made food is valued - ordinary dishes, desserts, cakes and pastries. You can earn good money by making them.

All a housewife needs is to offer her services in different ways. For example, via the Internet. Further, it remains to cook certain dishes, sell them and get paid for it. Some start by selling leftover home cooked food. Especially if the woman initially cooked too much food.

Pastries and cakes are very popular today. They are ordered regularly and in large quantities. If you master the skill of making mastic cakes, you can significantly increase your income.


What is a housewife to do? Often this category of women has needlework skills. Someone sews, someone embroiders, and some weave from beads or knit. These hobbies can also generate income.

As in the previous case, you need to offer your services. The following areas are considered the most profitable now:

  • creation of jewelry from beads;
  • knitting;
  • pillow embroidery;
  • cutting and sewing clothes;
  • creating clothes and costumes for kids;
  • Clothing repair.

All of these activities usually take time. And some investments too. It should also be taken into account that not everyone knows how to sew, knit and do needlework in general. What are these girls to do? Can they make money from home somehow?

With small children

Yes. Especially when it comes to a woman on maternity leave who lives in a spacious apartment. What is a housewife to do?

Recently, private kindergartens have been in great demand in Russia. Women offer babysitting services. They recruit groups of children, organize a semblance of a garden in one of the rooms in their apartment and develop the kids. Parents willingly use such services. Especially due to the fact that in groups there are usually several children who are given attention without any problems.

Why do mothers with children organize private kindergartens at home? All this is due to the fact that finding customers in this case is quite easy. For example, you can offer your services to the parents of your child's friends!


What can a housewife do to earn money? The following idea will suit creative and resourceful people. We are talking about the development of such a direction as scrapbooking. This is the process of creating original notebooks and albums.

Scrapbooking is easy to master. This activity does not take much time. Profit from activities only pleases modern housewives. Minimum cost, maximum income. The only drawback of this direction is a huge competition.

soap making

A young woman can do anything at home. Most hobbies can generate some income.

Some prefer to create handmade soap. Soap making in Russia is also in demand. In shopping centers you can find many different shops where they sell such goods.

Now even a schoolboy can master soap making. If a housewife has creative thinking and a well-developed sense of smell, you can very quickly achieve success in this direction. Original and delicious soap will be sold out in the shortest possible time. This type of earnings does not require special time costs. You can easily combine it with some other work at home.


How can a woman make money at home? Some work as tutors. You can offer tutoring services in the area in which the girl is well versed. Having a higher education in the chosen field will increase the chances of success.

The housewife can:

  • conduct school preparation courses;
  • engage with children of elementary grades in various subjects;
  • teach foreign languages;
  • prepare high school students for exams.

It is easy to guess that for tutoring a woman must have certain knowledge. Without them, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life.

Mastering the Internet

The Internet can also help in the implementation of the task. In fact, many are interested in just this method of making money at home. Having mastered IT technologies, a woman will be able to earn money at any time without breaking away from household chores. An ideal alignment for any housewife or mother on maternity leave. And if you achieve some success, you can even open your own business and forget about working "for your uncle" forever.

Internet earnings provides a huge number of methods for extracting money. For example:

  • maintaining a paid blog;
  • making joint purchases;
  • creation of translations under the order;
  • assisting schoolchildren and students in writing essays, diplomas and term papers;
  • creation of websites under the order;
  • sales in social networks (for example, cosmetics);
  • earnings on file hosting (for downloading documents).

The basic ideas for part-time work at home do not end there. Next, we have to get acquainted with the most successful and common methods of making money on the Internet for housewives!

For beginners and not only

The Internet is a place where the possibilities of remote earnings are practically unlimited. Only here is the problem: the Web is full of scammers. Some job offers from home turn out to be a scam.

What can you do to earn 100% from home? In addition to the ideas listed above, it is recommended to pay attention to the following suggestions:

  1. Surfing earnings. You need to register on special sites (Wmmail, SeoSprint) and browse the Internet for money. Payment is received for each view - from 5 kopecks to several rubles.
  2. Earn money doing small jobs. For example, you need to read paid letters and mailing lists. To get started, you will need to register in a particular service. Usually we are talking about sites for paid surfing.
  3. Completing tasks on social media. Most often, the user is required to: like, repost, watch a video, leave a comment, add a person as a friend, join a group on a social network. Payment for such tasks varies from 30 kopecks to 15 rubles for 1 work performed. It is best to work in the VkSerfing and VKTarget programs. They allow you to work not only in VK, but also on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Odnoklassniki.
  4. Leave paid comments and reviews. Usually, different services are also created for this purpose. They are called recallers. 100% can be earned on iRecommend. It is enough to leave reviews that will be useful to the population. This method is often used as a passive income. In a month, you can earn no more than 2,000 rubles.
  5. Participation in paid surveys. Earnings are based on filling out paid questionnaires. It is best to register on the Paid Survey and Questionnaire resources. Here, polls cost from 15 rubles, but there are not very many of them.
  6. Earnings on captchas. The Handcaptcha service allows you to earn money by entering texts from pictures into special fields. For 1 task they pay a few kopecks. For housewives, it is suitable only as a part-time job for small expenses. Not in high demand.

Now it’s clear what a housewife should do. All of these methods can be mastered even by a schoolboy or a novice user.

Large sums

The last two directions, which will be presented to us below, enjoy great success. Especially if the housewife has enough time for part-time jobs.

Today, you can make money on the Internet by maintaining groups in social networks. The position of a public administrator implies adding new articles and posts, creating topics for communication and moderating communities. A great way to earn money, bringing a good income (from 15,000 rubles per month). You can work according to a free schedule without interrupting your work.

Freelancing is also popular. This is a job for hire. Today, work with texts is widespread: translations, editing, writing articles on order. Copywriting and rewriting allow you to get a lot of money. Some freelance copywriters earn 30-40 thousand rubles a month. For labor safety, it is better to look for clients on freelance exchanges - etxt,, Advego.

It is clear how a woman can make money at home. These ideas are not exhaustive, but they are the most common in practice.

Happy family, good job, career - how to combine all this? And what about making time for yourself? However, many succeed. Moreover, some women manage to build a career from home, and become not "desperate", but "successful housewives".

Among the most common and convenient professions for a housewife are those in which you can fully develop without harming your family and children. This is a rather impressive list: a journalist, copywriter, designer, layout designer, webmaster (development and / or content of sites), IT specialist, accountant, sales manager, etc. Managers value knowledge in these areas very much, therefore, they will most likely prefer to cooperate with a housewife with education and work experience than with a beginner.

“Indeed, the list of things that you can do without leaving your home is extensive. In addition to the opportunities for implementation, working from home is convenient: you don’t have to waste time on getting ready and going to the office. The main thing is the availability of Internet access and telephone. Remote employees can recruit both on a temporary basis (for a specific project) and for permanent work, - says Vitaly Lavrentiev, a leading specialist in recruitment of the personnel center "UNITI". this is much more profitable than paying a person who, with a small amount of work, will sit all day in the office.

These words are confirmed by Sergey Parkhomenko, General Director of the PR agency: “All the journalists with whom our company cooperates work remotely, there are many women among our authors. Many of them are housewives, but this does not prevent them from working successfully. e-mail, Skype or ICQ".

It turns out that it is beneficial for companies to hire a professional, and it is convenient for a woman, since there is an opportunity to work at home in parallel with work.

“The child seriously changed my personal life and career path,” says editor-in-chief Tatyana Zaitseva. “During my maternity leave, I decided to try myself as a journalist, especially since thanks to my main job, I had rich experience in communicating with business media. For six months I wrote an article a month for a PR agency, then I started taking on more volume, and a year later I was offered the position of editor, where I worked remotely in recent years, working on four projects at the same time - this allowed me to receive decent fees and look after the child. And six months ago I was offered the position of chief editor of this agency!

Start from scratch

If there is not enough work experience, but there is a desire to develop, you can try to master a new area for yourself. It can be anything - from design to management. Fortunately, there are now many courses, and in the vastness of the virtual network there are good tutorials that will help you learn the basics of skill.

"I like mom schoolchildren, a flexible work schedule is very important in order to control the progress of their son,” says Valentina Porshneva, training manager of the representative office of the brand in Yekaterinburg. — I train sales staff, help novice sales managers, set tasks. Much of this work can be done using the Internet. A convenient schedule is easy to make yourself. A huge advantage is the opportunity to work at home and family, but at the same time gain experience and additional income. And my son can be proud of me."

Whatever you choose - to continue working in your main profession or open up new horizons - remember: even your favorite job is hard work that can cause negative emotions and stress. "Combining professional activities, housekeeping and raising children" in one bottle "can be very difficult both physically and psychologically," says Evgenia Kaptil, an educational psychologist from Moscow. "The road to work is an opportunity to switch from thinking about everyday life to professional tasks , to make a plan for the coming day. The way home, on the contrary, allows you to relax, change your fighting mood to think about rest, think about some business. " And when a woman spends most of her time at home, a lack of communication with the outside world can lead to isolation and a decrease in vitality. To avoid this, the psychologist advises to meet with friends more often, to play sports. You can come up with some kind of morning ritual related to appearance - for example, do styling or makeup. Such little things will add positive to the life of a housewife.

From hobby to professional

And if your soul has always had a desire to work not "for your uncle, but for yourself," then the new life stage completely allows you to realize this. Being at home, you can independently provide yourself with a job, and even a favorite one. But where to start?


Think: what do you like to do in your free time? Knitting, sewing, weaving from beads, making souvenirs? Wonderful! With a strong desire, any of your talent can be converted into a source of income - today hand-made things, which, as a rule, are created in a single copy, are especially popular. A group on a social network, a free ad on the Internet, or your own simple website will be an excellent market. “I have always loved to embroider pictures, put them in a frame and give them to loved ones. After the birth of my third child, my husband and I decided that I should leave work, while financially it was easily replaced by a hobby for me,” says 35-year-old Antonina Shevchenko "By that time, many people knew that I could embroider any picture to order, and I often received such requests. And even when I began to name a specific price in response to a request, the flow of applicants did not decrease."

home firm

Another option is to provide services at home. Do you know how to do manicures, pedicures, massages or do you own hairdressing? You can safely receive clients at home. Do you love children and do you have a pedagogical education? Get into tutoring. Like taking pictures? Set up a photo studio at home. There are many options - it all depends on your resourcefulness. And affordable prices will help attract customers. “During the crisis, I got laid off and bought a camera with the money from the compensation - I had long wanted to be creative. At first, my friends acted as models - we came up with interesting ideas together. I posted my work on social networks, then clients began to appear,” says a private photographer, 30 Tatyana Guryeva, aged 18. “At first I photographed more for the soul, and then, when I got experience, I turned my hobby into a source of income.”

The opportunity to do what you love, and even get paid for it - what could be better? “If the husband copes with the role of a breadwinner, then it is important for the wife to find something to her liking in order to somehow dilute the monotonous everyday life. If a hobby starts to bring money, this is a nice bonus, a contribution to the family budget,” says psychologist Yevgenia Kaptil. “Or maybe What matters to a woman is simply the fact that she earns money."

Denis Skryabin, lawyer:
- If a woman wants to provide services at home, then it is better to formalize her activities - register an individual entrepreneur (that is, as an individual entrepreneur) and start paying taxes. The process is very simple. You just need to fill out a special application (form No. P21001) and certify it with a notary, pay a state duty of 800 rubles and submit an application with a receipt for payment to the tax office at the address of the future individual entrepreneur. Within a week, you can receive a certificate of registration on the approved official form.

Everything is thought out

Beginners are often intimidated by the unfamiliar realm. Experts say that you should not be afraid - you need to try your hand, look for yourself. Often they offer to distribute goods that people need every day: for example, cosmetics, dishes, and other household goods. Even if you do not have work experience, but have the desire and ability, it is definitely worth a try. But how many companies will decide to practically work remotely?

“In fact, sales managers have no reason to deny housewives the opportunity to earn money,” says Elena Borisova, head of the Zepter International Training Center. “Often, potential employees are immediately offered to choose a full or part-time employment mode. combine their work at home and a business career in a company.Often, the more success at work, the more success at home, as a woman is realized, doing what she loves, her self-esteem rises."

With such a busy work, it is very important to think over the organizational process. “A housewife can make a deal, find a client, negotiate, but then you need to work with the client, issue an invoice, sign documents, track the completion of the contract. There are two ways to solve this issue: equip an office at home or come to the company’s office once a week,” — Vitaly Lavrentiev says Communication with clients and, in general, going out "to people" is an integral part of a woman's psychological comfort, you just need to be able to filter emotions. “Housewives are often deprived of “live” communication,” says Evgenia Kaptil. “It’s good if you manage to work and be the keeper of the hearth, but be careful about yourself - any communication affects the emotional state, and don’t “absorb” negativity into yourself, to be able to maintain warmth and comfort in the family.

Hello! In this article we will talk about earnings for housewives.

  • How much can you earn: from 100 rubles per day to 100,000 rubles per month.
  • Minimum requirements: individual for each niche.

Can a housewife make money online while sitting at home

At the beginning of the article, I want to immediately close the question. Even now, in communication with acquaintances, I encounter skepticism about this. Objections fall into two categories:

  • “It’s impossible to make money there, only a penny.”
  • "There are only scammers."

These are all just guesses and conjectures of people who did not even try or did not succeed. I will say the following:

Even if you are a girl with a child and a house on her shoulders, and only a few hours of free time, you can easily start making money on the Internet. Even if you don't know anything right now.

Now let's figure out how to make money for a housewife, how to start and how much money each of the ways will bring.

How to make money as a housewife: 15 working ways

I have prepared for you 15 ways to earn money that you can get without leaving your home. Choose the ones that really interest you, otherwise they will get bored very quickly.

Clicks, likes, reposts, viewing ads for money

This is the easiest way to earn money for those who want to earn money while sitting at home. Its essence is as follows:

  • Register.
  • Watch, do tasks, read letters.
  • Receive payment and withdraw money.

Anyone can start earning. This method can be the start of your path to earn money on the Internet. Don't count on a good income. But you can understand that there is money on the Internet.

  • Your task: like, watch ads, read emails and complete simple tasks.
  • How to start: register in boxes, watch ads, take tasks.
  • Payment: a few cents per action.
  • Is it worth doing: no more than a week. You won’t earn much here, so after you hit the minimum wage, you can safely leave.

Comments and reviews

Who dreamed of expressing their opinion and making money on it? I think many.

On the Internet, you can really get money for your own opinion.

It is more of a hobby that can bring additional income. To get real money, you will have to come up with reviews, and doing this is highly undesirable.

  • Your task: tell the reader about a specific product. This must be done objectively!
  • How to start: register on any review site, select a category, product / product and write the most detailed description, make pictures. The text should be as useful as possible.
  • Payment A: Pay per post and number of views. The more people who read your review, the more money you get.
  • Is it worth doing: purely as a hobby. Don't expect big money.

Simple tasks

This is a serious way to make money online. Busy people often prefer to outsource smaller tasks to others. And that's what job services were created for.

Services for tasks are paid. charges for access to tasks, Youdo - for the submitted application.

These two services are a great way to make money for those who can't do anything. You will be able to do things like calling clients, searching for information, entering data into the database, transcribing, etc.

  • Your task: perform simple tasks.
  • How to start: register on one of the two services. Complete your profile as completely as possible. Apply for simple assignments. Sometimes you can offer a lower price, but don't get too carried away. This is for rating purposes only.
  • Payment: for simple tasks they pay up to 500 rubles. Another thing is that they can be completed in a few hours.
  • Is it worth doing: yes, as the main income is quite suitable.


Is it worth doing: Worth it if you want or love to write. Otherwise, this profession will very quickly turn into a routine.

Network marketing

— sale of the goods of the company which are bought on own money. As well as receiving a percentage of the income of everyone you bring into this business.

This is how well-known cosmetics companies develop: Oriflame, Avon, Faberlic, etc.

Network marketing is not only beneficial for companies. If you catch the moment when a new project comes out, the product of which will be in demand, you can reach a huge income.

  • Your task: sell goods and attract new workers.
  • How to start: choose a company that develops through network marketing, evaluate products, earning opportunities, customer and employee reviews, and then begin cooperation.
  • Payment: judging by the reviews of people working with cosmetics, you can’t make money solely on sales. In order to reach a stable income, in any case, you will have to attract employees.
  • Is it worth doing A: It's a great sales experience. But it’s worth taking it as a way to make money, if only you have found a young company whose product can “blow up” the market.

Maintaining your blog

Telling something on a topic that interests you, passing on your knowledge to others, chatting in the comments and making money on it is a fairly promising way to make money, but you need to devote a lot of time to it.

  • Building your own websites takes a lot of time. Consider this when choosing.
  • How to start: choose a topic, read tutorials on creating a blog, make one, make a plan and publish articles.
  • Payment: in the first 6 - 9 months, sites try not to monetize. After that, you will be able to receive money depending on the number of visitors. Rough figure: 1,000 visitors a day bring 2 rubles a month.
  • Is it worth doing: if you have a lot of free time.

Earnings in social networks

Social networks have long ceased to be just a place of communication. Advertisers and representatives of real businesses realized that they can sell here no worse than in stores, which means that for many, new opportunities for earning money have appeared.

Pay attention to Vkontakte, Instagram, Telegram.

  • Your task: pick up, study it and implement it.
  • How to start: choose a social network, read the full information about it and ways to earn money, study all the manuals for a specific way of earning money and then implement the knowledge.
  • Payment: people who really know how to make money on social networks receive from 50,000 rubles a month.
  • Is it worth doing: if you are ready to absorb information in huge quantities.

Joint Procurement

Joint purchases have been around for a long time, and many girls have made them their business.

Procurement — group order of retail goods at wholesale price.

Their organizers earn on wholesale purchases. And many advise not to do this, because there is no income. But this is far from true. It is enough to go to the forums of joint purchases to see how many girls are seriously involved in this business.

  • Your task: collect orders, make a purchase, transfer money, send goods.
  • How to start: create a working group on social networks (VK or OK), find suppliers, recruit people and place the first order.
  • Payment: the organizers receive a net profit of about 10 - 15% of the turnover.
  • Is it worth doing: if you are willing to spend energy and take risks. The method takes a lot of time, you constantly have to be in touch.

Distant work

Remote work means you can work from home. Positions can be very different:

  • call center salespeople
  • secretaries;
  • editors;
  • journalists;
  • developers;
  • designers.

How to start: To get started, look at job search sites. Vacancies must be marked "remote work". You can monitor social networks, for example, there is a group "Distance" Vkontakte.

Payment: In general, the salary is higher than in most regions. A remote worker can count on an income of 25,000 rubles.

Is it worth doing: if you want stability.

Home business

Girls are well adapted to. While men act according to the scheme “came up with an idea - analyzed - did - went bankrupt - mistakes - repetition - profit”, everything happens for girls as follows: “idea - magic - profit”.

Of course, this is a joke, but among the successful home-based entrepreneurs that I have met, the girls were much quicker to cope with problems. ranging from simple soap making to custom-made gifts.

Make sure that your hobby can be used to earn money. Find what you like and earn from it.

  • Your task: choose a suitable niche, create an interesting and useful product, and then start selling.
  • How to start: first you need to come up with an idea, and then implement it. After that, you need to take care of advertising. To attract the first customers, you can use your friends (word of mouth), and then create a group on social networks (Vkontakte - for ordinary goods and Instagram - if it is important to convey the impression).
  • Is it worth doing: if you want to open your own business and are confident. The cost of starting a home business is minimal - up to 10,000 rubles. And this is one of the real ways for a woman to earn a lot of money.


Tutoring is a pretty lucrative income for women who love working with children. If you can explain the subject to the student, prepare him for exams and improve his knowledge, this is definitely your way of earning.

It is unlikely that you will be able to earn money at home with children. They will interfere with customers.

  • Your task: teach children, prepare them for exams, pull up subjects.
  • How to start: Post ads on social media and free boards. You can also get your first clients from among your acquaintances.
  • Payment: the average salary of a tutor in my city is 500 rubles per hour. This is a province. In the capital - from 800 per hour.
  • Is it worth it: if you know how to work for the result.

Abstracts to order

This is a great way to earn money for excellent students who have become housewives. If you are good at writing term papers, abstracts and diplomas, you can make good money on this.

  • Your task: write work for students to order.
  • How to start: Finding first customers is the hardest thing. Use all available methods: social networks, bulletin boards, acquaintances. Then the word of mouth will turn on, and you will already be inundated with orders.
  • Payment: for a good coursework they pay at least 2,000 rubles, for a diploma - from 10,000 rubles.
  • Is it worth doing: worth it, but remember that this is a seasonal job.


A housewife who has raised her own children can easily deal with strangers.

Raising other people's children is easier than raising your own. Therefore, babysitting is not the same as raising and educating your own child.

This is quite an interesting profession that is in high demand in middle-class families.

  • Your task: follow the child and teach him, depending on the age.
  • How to start A: Experience working with children is desirable. It will give you some points in the eyes of potential customers. You can look for them on free classifieds boards.
  • Payment: on average, nannies receive 200 rubles per hour.
  • Is it worth doing A: If you enjoy working with children.


In my opinion, this is the most difficult way of earning money from all those given in the article.

That is, you teach people for money what you yourself know and can do. This is a fairly popular niche in which it is very high. That is why you need to know something perfectly and be able to explain it.

Infobiz examples:

  • earnings on the Internet for housewives;
  • language training;
  • advertising setting;
  • Accounting.

Almost any topic you know can become your info business.

These are all ideas for earning money for homebodies. Choose according to your taste!

How much can a housewife earn at home

Now let's go through briefly how much you can earn in each of the ways:

  1. Clicks - up to 100 rubles per day.
  • Making money online - stereotypes and myths
  • The Internet is the engine of progress
  • Interesting Home Business Ideas
  • Breeding pets
  • hand made
  • Preschool educational game
  • Shopping, resale of clothes
  • Broken earning options

The word business is associated with a busy work schedule that leaves no time for household chores and family, so there is an opinion that a housewife cannot master this type of activity. This has been a stereotype for a long time, today you can earn money without leaving your home, and farming with your family will not become a hindrance. In this article, we will consider all business options for housewives, so that readers of the site //site/ can choose the right option for themselves!

Making money online - stereotypes and myths

Modern generators of business ideas place all their hopes on the Internet. They believe that even a student and a housewife can make money online. Theoretically, this is indeed possible, but practice shows that earnings on the Internet is not so simple and requires certain conditions to be met:

  • Online business should be fun;
  • It is necessary to effectively organize your free time - turn it into work. Outside of official work, where it is necessary to follow the daily routine, this is quite difficult to do;
  • Striving for self-education. You won’t be able to earn even a little money right away; this is preceded by the process of obtaining specific skills and knowledge;
  • Understanding the need to improve skills and business development. This is necessary in order not to be trampled down by competitors.

Only this combination of qualities will allow earn money sitting at home with children.

The Internet is the engine of progress

The global network occupies a significant place in the life of a modern person, it is firmly entrenched in everyday life and business, but earnings may not be 100% connected with the World Wide Web. At the same time, the Internet remains a powerful means of promoting goods and services.

Social networks, bulletin boards, thematic portals and forums have become excellent tools with which a housewife is able to express herself and her abilities for free. The Internet also provides a convenient payment system - electronic payment systems, they make business mobile. Therefore, all options earning money at home in one way or another connected with the Internet.

In rural areas, you can grow decorative flowers for the holidays, such as violets. These beautiful flowers in small pots bring real income. The cost of such a presentation is on average 200 rubles apiece. You can sell them yourself or take them to resellers. But in this case, the cost of flowers will be lower. You can also grow seedlings.

May be of interest: Growing mushrooms is a profitable home business!

It is quite realistic to organize such a business for housewives at home. It is possible to grow flowers on a balcony or loggia, but because of the limited space, profits will also be limited.

Breeding pets

Business can be done on the breeding of rare breeds of domestic animals. The housewife in this case combines business with pleasure. But such an activity is fraught with certain difficulties:

  1. Start-up capital is needed - elite animals with a pedigree are quite expensive.
  2. Need careful and professional care of the animal.
  3. You should know the features of caring for offspring, you also need to be vaccinated.
  4. Animals in the house are a certain kind of problem: torn wallpaper, shabby shoes, wool on clothes. But at the same time, there is no better entertainment for children, because pets often become literally family members. Therefore, this business, in addition to problems, brings pleasure and positive emotions.

In addition, it is possible to exhibit animals at exhibitions in order to obtain titles, which will increase their status, and, accordingly, the cost of offspring.

More details about how to make money breeding purebred cats, we told in the corresponding article!

hand made

Hand Made - this phrase opens up access to an impressive income. Today, various crafts are in great demand. The reason is exclusive, handmade souvenirs cannot be found in stores. These are really unique things, not mass-produced stampings. This feature allows you to organize earnings, which is also suitable for housewives.

This business is great for new moms. In the process of playing with kids, you can develop, invent new crafts, souvenirs. For example, to sculpt a model from plasticine, and then embody it in other materials.

Preschool educational game

You can make money on tutoring, or rather the development of preschool children. The housewife works with children in her free time, solves logic puzzles with them, teaches numbers and letters, tongue twisters, poems, draws. Tutors involved in the development of children are in demand both in the capital and in the provinces. May be of interest: 5 earning ideas for girls over the age of 9

Shopping, resale of clothes

Today, the resale of things through the Internet is very popular. There are many specialized online platforms for this. Such earnings do not involve the creation of your own portal, and therefore saves time and money. A housewife in this case can turn shopping into an easy business. It is enough to take a picture and put the thing with a description on the portal.

In Second Hand stores, branded items are bought for a penny and resold more expensively via the Internet. This business requires only one thing - to understand things. Children's and women's clothing is in high demand, shoes and outerwear are in second place. Also you can try make money selling chinese stuff. Today, this is a fairly relevant business idea, although not a new one.

Hello, dear readers and especially readers of the First Moneymaker.

It’s not just that I singled out women in a greeting today - the article is dedicated to them and aims to shatter the bored stereotype that a housewife is only busy cooking borscht and watching boring TV shows.

Not all modern women, who for some reason lost their jobs, are ready to devote themselves to the kitchen and diapers - work for housewives involves not just serving the family as a cook and laundress. A woman, if desired, can find a little time for and assert herself as a breadwinner. Indeed, for many housewives - it is very important - to be confident in their own financial independence.

For the sake of fairness, I should note that you will not be able to immediately earn huge money on the Internet. To do this, firstly, you need time, which housewives are sorely lacking. Secondly, experience, the lack of which is also very noticeable.

Therefore, I propose to start small - performing the simplest tasks (they can be obtained from customers on the exchanges, I gave a simple instruction on how to do this), reselling clothes via the Internet or selling your own products if you are engaged in needlework, growing plants or cooking.

Any work for housewives at home can bring income, if you take it seriously and break away, finally, from the stereotype that a woman's duties include only washing, ironing, cooking and cleaning. Well, plus another five to ten points.

I, as a representative of the male, would advise women to focus more on earning money on the Internet - this, in my opinion, is much easier than pulling all these household processes.

You ask: who will do all this if I start an Internet business?

Answer: your personal housekeeper, who you can hire when you get rich.

2. Basic conditions for making money on the Internet

Before you know , how to make money as a housewife at home, pay attention to the important conditions necessary to ensure that the job purchased online does not become another obligation. After all, in the modern world, you can easily do your job based on your favorite hobby. But we should not forget that, doing any activity on the Internet, you take on additional responsibilities.

  1. The work should be easy and fun - so choose areas in which you have experience.
  2. Make the most of your free time - turn it into work. At the same time, keep in mind that it is very difficult to follow a strict routine on your own; strict self-discipline is necessary.
  3. Pay more attention to self-education and obtaining the specific skills necessary to work on the Internet - without this it is impossible to earn a lot.
  4. Constantly improve your skills, develop your own competitiveness.

3. Business mom, how to make money as a housewife with children

In the life of almost every woman there comes a moment when she is forced to spend some time at home, taking care of her little children. For many mothers, this period becomes a turning point - it cannot be said that women are bored on maternity leave, but they are always looking for an occupation for themselves that would save them from being isolated in the family, focusing on household duties.

And the first thing any woman escapes from standard housework is her hobby. If you have an occupation for the soul, then you can not even look for options , how to make money as a housewife - your hobby will help you fill the family budget.

  • Sewing will allow you to earn money by selling your own models of clothes, covers for upholstered furniture, window curtains.
  • Knitting a very expensive hobby (in the sense that knitted things have always been highly valued).
  • Culinary - a two-kilogram cake decorated with original mastic figurines costs 1400-2000 rubles, the consumer also appreciates homemade pies, buns, cookies. All products can be sold online or made to order.
  • Soap making is a great way to develop your creative design skills and a concrete answer to the question of what a housewife should do to earn money. Original handmade soap made from natural ingredients is number one in the list of gifts. The price of a bar is from 270 rubles. It can be more expensive - depending on the weight and packaging.
  • Felting from wool is an opportunity to create rustic shoes, familiar from time immemorial, and cute toys, and stylish bags, and wardrobe items (skirts). Such things are very popular among connoisseurs, especially if felt boots are made boring, printed, or given an unusual shape, and toys are “alive”. The estimated price of one product is from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • Making jewelry - earrings, pendants and brooches can be made from anything, the main thing is that they are unusual, do not repeat many existing models. Depending on the material, the complexity of the work and originality, you can ask from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles for one piece of jewelry.

Handmade is the key to an impressive income. Handmade products were highly valued at all times for their uniqueness. Even similar crafts (from the same series) cannot be called soulless stampings. Therefore, the trend towards increasing popularity of hand-made has been going on for years, and the main feature of hand-made products (uniqueness) allows you to organize earnings that are suitable for housewives.

4. Work on the Internet in the specialty

Each housewife at one time received an appropriate education and, perhaps, even worked in her specialty. And now - it's time to take advantage of the profession. There are a lot of offers on the Internet for journalists, photographers, designers, IT specialists. Both accountants and teachers can remotely engage in professional activities in modern conditions.

  1. Copywriting - writing texts for websites. You write articles and posts on order or for sale, work through the exchange or directly with the customer. Earnings depend on the level of complexity of tasks, the volume of orders and the time devoted to work. On average, a copywriter earns 5,000 - 30,000 rubles a month.
  2. Designer webmasters are ready to pay from 5,000 for the main page and from 1,000 rubles for each internal page for the development of a new design for websites.
  3. Photographer - by constantly posting your high-quality work in a photo bank, you can earn $ 20 per day (one photo is sold several times), to increase earnings to $ 100 per day, you need to post at least 1,000 images. Photographers with a portfolio of several thousand works a month earn about 20 thousand dollars. The figure is impressive, but a beginner still needs to grow professionally to it. Although this solution is not suitable for solving the problem of how to make money for a housewife while sitting at home, sitting in one place just won’t work. But it's such an exciting job that it's worth sacrificing cleaning and cooking for it.
  4. Tutoring if you have a pedagogical education and a talent for communicating with children, you can earn money remotely by organizing developing Skype lessons for preschoolers and first graders, and preparatory video courses for graduates.
  5. , organizing joint purchases - buying quality items in bulk on the stock, and then reselling them in the social. networks is a great option for how to make money on the Internet for a housewife. Items of women's and children's wardrobe, accessories are in great demand. The main thing in this business is to understand brands.
  6. Another similar way is to become the initiator of joint purchases, gather a group of buyers and take a reward of 20-25% of the cost of the goods. The main thing in this type of earnings is initiative and organizational skills, you can easily in any of the social networks. networks and gather more than a dozen, or even a hundred people who want to save on purchases. Starting capital is not needed. According to experts, this is one of the best types of work on the Internet for housewives without investment.

5. Where does one learn this? Where to begin?

Surely this article is read by a considerable number of beginners who are not at all “boom-boom” in the topic of making money online. I am sure that some of the readers heard about most of the methods for the first time and now you have an overabundance of information in your head. This is good, it should be so, at least when I first started, I had just such a situation.

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