How to make money traveling. Where and how you can earn money for travel

Traveling around the world is a dream for many people. And while there are ways to travel for less, the cost of the average holiday abroad is still higher than most people can afford.

But what if you could travel without spending a cent? What if you also got paid for it?

Learn a language

If you want to travel to a distant country, one of the most affordable and interesting ways to do it is to get a job as a language teacher. There are more than enough jobs like this in the Middle East and Latin America, and you don't even have to speak the local language. Schools are looking for native speakers with higher education who can teach children using the “direct method”.

Do research for a guidebook

There are very few professions that are as romanticized and misunderstood as being a researcher and writing travel guides for various magazines and portals. And while the job is exhilarating as you travel to dozens of different places to sample local cuisine, learn about local culture and check out local hotels, the reality is that it is quite challenging and monotonous work.

Become an Instagram star

Instagram is full of people trying to gain popularity on this platform, but if you are one of the lucky ones who manages to do it, you can turn it into a good income. The prime example is young travelers Jack Morris and Lauren Bullen, who are turning their three million Instagram followers into trips around the world and hundreds of thousands of dollars in earnings.

Become a flight attendant

If you don't mind getting your share of travel with a side dish of a nine-to-five schedule, then you can try becoming a flight attendant or flight attendant. They earn from 45 to 100 thousand dollars a year, and also receive discounts on travel not only for themselves, but also for their family members. The salary is not particularly high, but you should remember that you will work on average about 80 hours per month.

Apply for "52 Places" in the New York Times

Traveling around the world and the opportunity to write for one of the most prestigious publications in the world sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? But no. Last October, The New York Times announced the creation of a new position for its annual "52 Places to Visit" column. A correspondent must spend every week in a new place and at the same time write about his life on the road.

Sell ​​overseas products

Do you want to travel and have your own capital? You should consider getting involved in the import-export trade and travel to exotic countries to find local specialty products that will appeal to people back home. Choose items that are not particularly well-known (for example, Italian leather, Mexican hammocks, Turkish ceramics, etc.), as well as unique items that cannot be purchased in bulk.

Work remotely

If you have a laptop, internet and some skills, there are a large number of projects you can take on to make money while you travel. There are a large number of sites on the Internet designed to allow freelancers to take on work anytime, anywhere. Naturally, it will be much easier for you if you have your own resume and in-demand skills, such as programming, graphic design, writing or translation.

Work for a cruise line

Working on a cruise ship will allow you to travel to exotic locations while earning a salary, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. You will have to work long hours for very little money, but all travel expenses will already be paid for and you will be able to travel for free. You will have access to a crew mess, as well as shops, internet cafes, gyms and so on.

Become a tourist guide

Taking tours to some of the world's most iconic and historic sites is a dream come true. This can offer you quite a bit of variety, depending on how you approach the issue. Do you want to become a tourist guide in your dream destination (for example, Paris)? Or do you want to take tourists to several different places? Both are great ways to earn money and travel.

Sign up for the Worldwide Opportunities for Organic Farms program

The global opportunity for organic farms is far from the most traditional business. Volunteers are sent to work on a farm with like-minded people for a certain period of time in exchange for a place to stay and homemade food. Conditions are flexible and those wishing to stay can stay as long as they wish, and there are more than enough opportunities for them.

Start a travel blog

Being a professional blogger is not an easy task. While traveling to every place imaginable is an enjoyable part of the job, you will have to work hard to make it happen. Most bloggers spend the first year setting up their website, writing multiple posts a day, and gaining followers both on the blog and on social media before they can see any income.

Work as an au pair

An au pair, an extra pair of hands in the house, is an overseas nanny who lives with a family for a set period of time and cares for the children in the family in exchange for travel, room, food and pocket money. This can be a great way to see a new culture from the locals' perspective and also make some money. Most au pairs are students, so be quick.

Become a photographer, particularly a wedding photographer

This item requires some good skills, but if you are a creative person, then a wedding photography business can offer you the opportunity to travel for free, as well as the opportunity to realize your creative potential. It goes without saying that you must be a talented and experienced photographer. IN wedding business difficult to enter because you will have to spend a lot, but as a result you can recoup your expenses quite quickly.

Join the Peace Corps

Enrolling in the Peace Corps is a decision that should not be taken rashly. You will need to spend 27 months in a developing country where you will not have access to modern amenities and will not be able to see friends and family. If this doesn't scare you and you still want to make a difference in the lives of others, the Peace Corps will be a rewarding experience that will change your life.

Write literary reports about your travels

If none of these methods help you, and at the same time you are perfect with words, then you can try writing your own book about your travels. If the book sells well, then you can receive money on an ongoing basis. Naturally, you need to understand that most authors don't see a penny for their travels and artistic work. But if you have the courage to try and the luck to succeed, your life will become a real paradise.

Traveling is always an exciting process in which you get a lot of new experiences and learn something interesting. In general, you acquire the kind of knowledge that is unlikely to be obtained by watching TV or video blogs on YouTube from majors flying on private jets, or from hipster boys hitchhiking without money. There are two extremes, but there are practically no middle options that would describe the experience of ordinary people who travel not for likes or some kind of challenge, but simply to explore the world.

In this article we will talk about a service that collects stories from ordinary travelers for every taste, IQPlanner. The service allows you not only to plan a trip based on the experiences of other people, but also to earn money from your stories. We talked with Konstantin Parfenenko, head of the community of Russian authors of the IQPlanner website, who spoke about the service.

What is IQPlanner and when did the project start working?

IQPlanner is a media and content platform where anyone can create an account for free and start making money simply by describing their personal experiences from traveling to different countries or places with which they are familiar.

Published recommendations, which we call “Itineraries,” take on a ready-to-purchase form on the website, a well-thought-out structure with flight and accommodation options. Each route has a “I want to go there!” button, by clicking on which you will receive the full cost of the trip, the necessary information and will be able to repeat the trip without wasting time and energy thinking about the plan.

The project was launched in March of this year and is now gaining momentum.

What is your service for, for what purpose was it created?

The main questions before any trip always remain “where to go?” and for what?". Our site just helps users learn about various interesting places for recreation and based on personal experience other travelers make their choice. We help our clients compare prices for air tickets, hotel rooms and transfers.

What does “good material” mean?

How much can you earn on your site?

Depends on how you work, but in general, from one US dollar to a thousand per month or more. The scheme of work is very simple: novice authors receive one dollar for each route. Having received a “silver status” - $5, and with a “gold” status - $10. In addition, all authors receive additional compensation for views and targeted transitions to booking sites.

Yes, sure! We have already made the first payments. One of our authors, for example, an experienced traveler and author of the blog “,” earned $340 with us in just a few weeks.

Anyone who loves to travel and share their stories can become an author. It so happened that travel bloggers were the first to notice the value of the service, and this is not surprising, because they often travel and write reports about their trips. With our site, they not only talk about travel, but also make money from it all.

Who are your users?

Our audience is mainly young boys and girls from 18 to 35 years old, anyone who leads an active lifestyle and travels. We give you the opportunity to learn about new interesting routes.

How much does your company earn and what are your plans?

It’s better to ask our authors about earnings and numbers. I'm sure they will be happy to share their achievements with you. And IQPlanner has big plans - to develop in different countries and grow a community of authors. Starting next year, we are introducing five new languages, expanding our staff and launching a mobile application, so stay tuned for news from us. It will be interesting!

Summer is already over. Very soon the sun will disappear, rains, slush, cold will begin... You want to go to some warm country, don’t you? What if you could travel as much as you like and still get paid for it?

Sounds like fantasy? And here Evgeny Shkuratov on the sales page of his course he says that this is reality. And it promises to teach you how to make money while traveling and traveling.

Is Evgeniy Shkuratov lying or telling the truth? Is it possible to travel and earn 10,000 rubles a day? Read the review from the Detective: he conducted his own independent investigation to bring the author to clean water!

Travel and earn money: foreword from Detective

In general, of course, traveling and earning money is probably the dream of every (or almost every) inhabitant of planet Earth. After all, the world is so diverse and you want to look into all, all corners of the globe! But, alas, all this costs a lot of money. And there is a crisis in the country: the ruble is falling, the dollar is rising. And every year, travel (especially abroad) begins to seem like something distant, from another life.

Nevertheless, even though there is a crisis in the country and the ruble has fallen, people continue to travel (where do they get so much money???). And travel is a gigantic and in-demand layer of the industry. Those who know how to make money from traveling have very good money. And yes, they can afford to go even to the ends of the earth.

Opening your own travel agency is very labor-intensive and associated with great risks. As we said, there is a crisis in the country, and you need to be able to run a business so as not to become bankrupt and not drown in debt. But there is another way to make money in this area - working with travel agency affiliate programs. And there are no risks here: even if you don’t succeed at all, you will lose at least a minimum. You don’t even need to open an IP! And if it works out, you will get very decent money (as the author states, 50% of the agency’s profit).

This is exactly the scheme that the author of the course proposes. Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles per day b Evgeny Shkuratov. On his sales page you can find out more about the author's promises.

We will formulate them in two words:

  • You don't need any special skills or abilities;
  • Investments are minimal and will be used to pay for services to automate work;
  • The author promises that he will return the money if you, after following all the instructions, still do not get the result;
  • You can earn from 10,000 rubles per day at work with the affiliate program of the service with hot tours.

Also on the course seller Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles per day You can see reviews from students. How true are the reviews and how honest was the author with us? We'll find out after the purchase.

Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles per day. Reviews. What is inside?

After the Detective has paid for the course Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles per day, he received a link to the Glopart buyer’s account by email. From his office, he was able to get to a page where he was offered to either download the course or watch it online:

Overall a very convenient find. Because A detective, for example, does not like to download courses to his computer and prefers to study them online. However, other users, on the contrary, would prefer to download the course to their device rather than watch it on the website. In the author’s scenario, both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. Everyone is comfortable.

The course is downloaded from the Cloud. The archive weighs more than 900 MB. So, downloaders, stock up on good speed. We will go to the page for studying the material.

Course structure: Well Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles per day consists of 7 video lessons, as well as a demonstration of a live example of an advertising account and additional links that you will need to work.

Total video length: Just over 1 hour.

Quality of video lessons: All lessons are filmed in decent quality with good and clear sound.

  1. What's the point? In this lesson, Evgeny Shkuratov introduces you to the online tour booking service that you will work with, and also briefly tells you about all the steps that you have to take.
  2. Step 2. Create a personal account. Registration on the affiliate website, setting up an affiliate account .
  3. Step 3. Create and set up an Instagram account. Where is the best place to get an Instagram account so that you don’t get banned for mass following? How to properly set up an Instagram profile? What to write about?
  4. Step 4. Create a store on Instagram. Instructions for creating a mini-store that will help you optimize your work on Instagram and solve the problem of inactive links in posts.
  5. Finding a target live audience. ABOUT This is one of the most important lessons where you will learn where to get people who are really interested in buying hot tours.
  6. Fast promotion. Instructions for working with the list of target buyers that you collected in the previous lesson and instructions on how to do mass following.
  7. Conclusion. Parting words from the author, recommendations for further work and promoting the idea on YouTube. How to really travel and make money from it.
  8. Instagram account example.

The essence of the technique:

If you read the course content, then it became clear to you that you have to work with social network Instagram for promoting travel agency services.

You create an account, formalize it correctly, and with the help of additional services (a service for creating a mini-site for Instagram, a service for selecting a target audience, and a mass following service) correctly promote your account.

Accordingly, people come to your account, subscribe to your posts, follow a link from your profile, book a tour on the travel agency’s website - you make a profit from this. Moreover, the person brought to you is assigned to you for 180 days. Next, the call center operators process this client without your participation and select the desired travel option for him.

Even if your buyer ends up booking a completely different tour (for example, not to Turkey, but to Goa), you will still receive affiliate rewards.

Your profit will be 50% of the travel agency's revenue. This, of course, does not mean that if a person paid 100,000 rubles, then you will receive 50,000 rubles. The price of the tour includes flights, accommodation, transfer, meals. And the agency’s revenue is from 10,000 rubles and above. Thus, for one such client it is possible to get 5, 10, 15 and even 20 thousand rubles. Not bad, right? Especially considering that you didn’t do anything: you just brought a client.

When will I start traveling?

Firstly, because you are a partner of travel agencies, you can travel with discounts. Next, you also receive all sorts of bonuses from your sales.

Secondly, the author of the course encourages: travel as much as possible! Take bright photos while traveling, shoot video material, and then post it all on your Instagram account and YouTube. Because, of course, photos from the Internet are cool, but nothing attracts people more than live author’s photos and original material.

Therefore, it turns out this way: first you will earn your first money, then you will start spending it on travel. While traveling, you will shoot new material - accordingly, you will get more subscribers and more profit.

Comment from Detective:

In fact, Travel bloggers on Instagram are a very popular trend. And many of them, thanks to their travel posts, have a huge number of interested subscribers. Accordingly, for such bloggers, selling some kind of tour and trip to their readers is a piece of cake. Therefore, the author is right: the more interesting your blog is and the more lively the photos and videos are in it, the more chances you have to earn a lot.

However, not everyone will be able to achieve such brilliant results. You really need to be original, approach managing your Instagram account creatively, post interesting posts every day and communicate with readers. Well Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles a day- just a tool that will tell you how to do it all correctly. The result depends entirely on you and your efforts.

Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles per day. Detective review: summing up

By tradition, we will put together all the pros and cons of the new product from Evgeny Shkuratov Travel and earn money.

Benefits of the course Travel and earn from 10,000 rubles per day:

  • An interesting idea related to travel, distant countries... one continuous stream of inspiration!
  • Ideal for creative people and travel lovers.
  • The course can be downloaded or watched online.
  • Good quality of material presentation.
  • A truly profitable affiliate program if you work competently in this direction.

If you take a closer look and abandon stereotypes and restrictions, you will notice that in fact there are a lot of ideas and options on how to make money wherever you are and finance your trip.

Some of them really provide an opportunity to get money, and some involve significant savings and allow you to reduce expenses (on food and housing, for example), but they all accurately answer the question: “How to make money while traveling?”

Participation in WWOOF/Workaway projects

If you're not afraid to get your hands dirty, then these projects are for you. They involve working on farms, in hostels, and restaurants in exchange for food and shelter. This option is very popular in Australia and New Zealand. Considering the price level in these countries, savings on food and housing will be significant. Yes and absolutely new experience will greatly enrich you.

Street artists

If you can dance, play a musical instrument, perform magic tricks, make giant soap bubbles or other spectacular things, you can stage your own street performance. This is certainly not for the timid, but it can be a very fun and interesting undertaking. The main thing is not to forget about the laws of the country you are in, because such activities may be prohibited. If you are shy and don’t see yourself as a street performer, you can use your skills in another way: for example, give private dancing lessons, vocal lessons, and guitar playing.

(Almost)professional photographer

With the advent of Instagram and Photoshop, we all suddenly became photographers. This, of course, is far from the truth. But you can always try to sell your rough work or show it on the beach to surf and school schools, offering them your services as a sports photographer. Or take photos at weddings and other special occasions. And the coolest travel photos can be printed and sold in tourist places (the main thing is not to get caught by the police!).

Buying and selling

In Asia you can buy clothes, jewelry, books and many other beautiful things at very low prices. For example, in Thailand you can find good clothes 5 euros each, while in Europe the same thing will cost 20 euros. You can sell these “finds” online, such as on eBay.


Connect the creative streak that you certainly have in you: bracelets, earrings, necklaces, cards, paintings, T-shirts, souvenirs and anything else that you know how to make. Do it and try to sell.

Ship crew

If you do not suffer from seasickness, then this is what you need. If it's touristic, then you can search there quite simple work: waiter, maid, cook, guide. If it's a cargo ship, the job will be more difficult and will likely require specialized knowledge and training. But this way you can see corners of the planet far from tourist trails and feel like a real pirate!


This is "taking care" of someone else's house while its owner is away. Main responsibilities: take care of pets and look after the house, keep it clean and tidy. In exchange, you will receive housing and sometimes a small payment for your services. You can search for property owners who need help here:

On this topic:

Fruit picking

This option is the simplest and most accessible to everyone, although sometimes it can be tiring and physically difficult.

Work in a hostel

This is a common practice in South America and Oceania. You work in a hostel at the reception desk or as a maid, cleaner, or a combination of both, and in return you receive food and housing. To earn money, in your free time you can give tourists tours of the city (for a nominal fee, of course) or organize joint dinners. What is this? Just imagine: there are 10 people who chip in $10 each. It turns out to be 50 dollars. Buying food for everyone (pizza, pasta, lasagna, noodles, drinks) costs much less than $50. And the rest is yours. True, you will need to think over the program of the evening, entertainment, introduce the guests to each other... And so you managed to earn a little today, a little tomorrow, and now you are continuing your journey.

Distant work

If you have certain computer skills, writing articles, or know foreign languages, you can work anywhere in the world, at any time, and be your own boss. True, you will always need a laptop and a good Internet connection. Examples of professions: copywriter, web marketer, web designer, translator.

Do you speak English?

It's good if your English level is high enough and you also have a TEFL certificate. Then your financial troubles may be over: finding a job as an English teacher is very easy, especially, and it usually pays well. Of course, not only English is valued, but also other languages. If you know Italian, for example, you can expect that some crazy person will want to learn a less useful language (although perhaps the most beautiful in the world). And other languages ​​are gaining popularity. Go to language schools, post notices in restaurants and hotels, post online and offer private lessons.

Sell ​​food

Many travelers prepare home-cooked food and sell it at the beach or market. There are even groups of such “entrepreneurs” on Facebook.


If you are not afraid of sharks, you can get and find a job as a diving instructor in one of the hundreds of diving centers in Asia, and around the world.


In the countries of Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and other regions where there are many resort areas, you can look for work on the beach. You can become a promoter, distributing leaflets or luring visitors to a restaurant, store or travel agency, an animator or an excursion sales agent. Where there are a lot of vacationers, there will always be work.

Beauty industry

If you know how to use scissors and still look more like a barber than Jack the Ripper, then this is the job for you. It is quite easy and can be quite successful. Post notices on the boards in the hostel where you are staying and in the neighborhood and wait for someone to call you. This idea is also relevant, for example, for massage therapists. Who wouldn't want a good massage after a long route?

Of course, there are many other ideas and options: to study, be a guide, a waiter, a bartender, work remotely or on holidays and festivals, write a book, work or walk dogs and hundreds of others.

Hello friends! Yesterday I was called a verbiage, therefore, in order to justify this status, I decided to allow myself to talk about what it really is distant work on the Internet, free travel, finding yourself in India, blogging and everything connected with it.

Part 1. Freebie

It just so happens that people love freebies and believe in them with all their hearts. Why? Don't know. Perhaps this is facilitated by fairy tales where goldfish fulfill all wishes, heroes who have been lying on the stove for 33 years rise up vigorous, cheerful and cut off the heads of dragons without any training, and Ivan the fool and slacker gets the most beautiful of Helens.

So it turns out that girls are sincerely convinced that men, by definition, owe them something, guys expect to be loved, cared for and cherished just because they exist, workers scold their bosses and complain about low wages, while working half-heartedly and surfing the Internet for half a day. People are waiting for a miracle, but at the same time they do not want to do anything to match this very miracle themselves.

Fortunately, in our world there are enough responsible, conscientious individuals who are constantly improving, growing, developing and do not expect that money, success, fame, harmonious relationships in the family will fall on them from the sky just like that without preliminary work on their part.

Since my blog is dedicated to travel and remote work, let's look at freebies in this area. I no longer know in what words to convey to people the fact that there is no such thing as a freebie. Nothing is given to a person for nothing. Even the beloved “Transurfing” says the following:

“We can distinguish three forms of desire. The first form is when a strong desire turns into a firm intention to have and act. Then the wish comes true. The potential of desire dissipates in this case, because it energy goes into action.

In the second form, it is an inactive languid desire, which represents excess potential in its pure form. It hangs in the energy field, and at best, it wastes the energy of the sufferer, and at worst, it attracts various troubles...”

No matter how strong your desire to travel or have money, you need to act to achieve something. It doesn’t happen that people will just pay you money for beautiful eyes. If this happens, then the eyes will most likely have to be given to the person who paid for them.

Part 2. Myths about travel

  • Traveling for free is very easy

You can often read stories of people who set off on a journey with 0 rubles in their pocket. This is really real, I tried this format myself when my friend and I were hitchhiking from St. Petersburg to Kazakhstan 5000 km in 4 days. The only difference is that for us it was an experiment, and on the card I had money for a ticket home, for hotels, food and everything else.

People actually hitchhike, live for free in hammocks or couchsurfing, and eat fruit from trees in hot countries. You can travel without money, but you won’t be able to afford to eat a famous dish in an expensive restaurant, go to a paid museum, go diving and much more.

You will most often have to carry a heavy backpack on your back because you will not be able to buy the necessary things locally. You will need to stand on the highway for a long time, think about where to spend the night, what to eat, how to save money.

The journey turns into a constant struggle for survival. Yes, you will be fed along the way, given a treat, a ride, and offered overnight accommodation. This is an adventure, but not everyone will like it. I don’t know a single person who, having money, would deliberately travel without it. No, I know. Siddhartha Gautama traveled without money, but even the Buddha, eating one bean a day, eventually realized that fasting does not bring results and does not provide enlightenment.

It’s another matter when there is no money, but you really want to go. Would such a trip without money be interesting? For sure! Will the journey be easy? Hardly!

To travel on a yacht you need money
Vulcanoboarding in Nicaragua also requires financial expenses
But you can hitchhike around Kazakhstan for free

  • Everything is cheap in Asia, you can live there with almost no money

Yes, in some Asian countries you can rent inexpensive housing and eat for pennies, but if you want to achieve a certain level of comfort, eat normal foods, travel, and not sit in one place, then be prepared to pay money for it.

8 myths about travel and remote work. Notes of verbiage

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