How to write a simple resume for a job sample. "Expressive" resume form with photo

Let's be honest: a resume is not the most important thing when applying for a job. A person with unique experience and competencies will be invited for an interview, even if his resume is written on a napkin. It’s another matter if he doesn’t yet belong to the category of rare super-professionals. Then the chance to meet competitors in the fight for your dream job increases, and the quality of your resume comes to the fore.

In this article, we have collected the top tips for writing the perfect resume.

Photos and contacts - business

A photo on your resume will always be a plus, even if the position does not involve communicating with people. A photo will make your resume personalized: it’s easier to notice, and a response with a photo is harder to miss or delete. But you need to choose a portrait for your resume critically: a bad photo can ruin everything. A professional portrait photo, business-like and neutral, is best.

In the contacts section, pay attention to the mailbox - it must correspond to your professional status. Address [email protected] will emphasize a non-business approach to work. And here [email protected]- already better.

Some applicants indicate their home address in their resume, down to a specific apartment. It is enough to indicate the city or the nearest metro station, for example, “Mytishchi” or “the village of Mansurovo in the Kursk region.”

Check your salary against the market

It is not necessary to indicate your desired salary on your resume, but if you do, employers will not come to you with inappropriate offers. Universal advice: write an amount 15–20% greater than what you earn now. This will give you the opportunity to bargain without compromising your own interests. We talked in more detail about how to determine the desired income in.

Check your expectations with the average salary in the market: look at vacancies, at statistics by region and professional field. A salary that is inflated by 40% or more will definitely scare off a recruiter. You can find out the average salary in the market for your city and your professional area using "".

This is what “Salary Recipient” looks like. HeadHunter is a simple service that helps you compare your salary with the market one.

The exception is the resume of top managers. Executive salaries are calculated differently from company to company, so specific expectations can be daunting for employers.


If you are not a beginner, then experience is the main part of your resume. Please approach this section with particular care.

  1. The experience should appear seamless, that is, without long career breaks. If there were breaks, then they should have an explanation: maternity leave, doing business, freelancing, and so on. We talked more about how to write about gaps in experience in.
  2. If you change jobs more than once a year, the employer will be wary of this. You have been promoted - write about it in one block.
  3. Pay attention to the last three years of work, this is of primary interest to employers. We can talk very briefly about the initial stages of my career and what happened more than 10 years ago.
  4. If the company is unknown on the market, indicate its type of activity. Not just LLC “Horns and Hooves”, but “Black Sea branch of the Arbatov office for the procurement of horns and hooves.” The company's activities can be briefly described in the responsibilities block.
  5. In the headings, write generally accepted market job titles: for example, “commercial director” instead of “head of the purchasing and sales coordination department.” The same goes for the resume title. Often, applicants copy the last position into it, which is incorrect: the title should reflect the essence of the job, and not the entry in the employment record. For example, “project manager” seems more universal than “managing director of a business unit.” Employers will find such a resume faster through search.
  6. Never copy a list of responsibilities from job descriptions. Highlight the most important ones and write them down in clear language, without red tape. For example, “optimization of business processes” instead of “implementation of project activities to optimize business processes.” Five to ten tasks will be enough.
  7. In addition to your job responsibilities, be sure to include your specific accomplishments and performance results (for example, “developed corporate business process control standards with the IT department”).

Avoid general phrases like “was the hardest working employee in the department” - this is an opinion that cannot be verified, so it is not of interest to the employer. But “became the best employee of the department at the end of the year” is a useful line.

Sometimes applicants describe working in a particular company as if they were writing a chapter from their own biography: “Here I started my career from lower positions, diligently seeking promotion” or “At a quick glance, you might think that the work was easy for me, but in fact it was smooth vice versa". These examples are the standard for how not to describe an experience. A resume works if the employer takes a few seconds to understand the experience and understand that this candidate is worth a closer look. You can demonstrate your enthusiasm in your cover letter.


All educational courses indicated in the resume must be related to professional activities. It is better to miss something than to add dubious certificates - for example, about massage courses - if this knowledge is not needed in your work.

It’s always better to talk about the thorny path to the top at an interview. Therefore, you can skip studying at a technical school or vocational school if you have a higher education diploma in the same field.

key skills

Many applicants completely ignore this section, but in vain: often this is where the recruiter looks after getting to know the candidate’s experience and education. Key skills are specific knowledge and skills related directly to work processes. For lawyers this could be “Arbitration Courts” and “Corporate Law”, for a logistics manager “Working with customs authorities” and “Incoterms”, for a financier - “Statistical Analysis” and “Budgeting”, and so on.

The site system itself suggests the name of a particular skill, offering the shortest and most unified option - if possible, choose that one.

Avoid the obvious: don't say that you know Windows, Internet Explorer, or use email.

About me

Job seekers often confuse skills with personal qualities. This is how “Responsibility” or “Punctuality” end up in the skills. We advise you to write about these qualities in the “About Me” section and avoid platitudes. Instead of “Responsibility” and “Punctuality,” write “I am conscientious in completing tasks” and “I always meet promised deadlines.” The essence will not change, but the wording will be remembered.

In some cases, you can indicate personal qualities that are not directly related to the profession - this could be good physical shape or sporting achievements (“CCM in cross-country skiing”). The same applies to achievements in the intellectual sphere. If you are a city chess champion or won a programming Olympiad, this is interesting. If you're just into reading, then no. Add only what will help you get the job.

But in most cases it is better not to indicate it at all. The recruiter is not interested in it, and exotic activities (like esotericism and even yoga) can completely scare away.

How to write

The final text of the summary should be a summary from which everything that, in principle, can be removed without loss of meaning has been removed: introductory words, epithets, participial and adverbial phrases, unnecessary verbal adjectives and nouns.

Badly: Was involved in organizing inventories in the company's divisions. Carried out activities on organizing tenders, in particular, preparing an extensive package of documents on this issue.
Better: Conducting inventories in company departments. Preparation of a package of documents for tenders.

The shorter and simpler the sentences, the better.


Insert marker words into your resume so that a recruiter can find it through a search. For example, if you are an auditor and work with offshore companies, then the word “offshore” must appear in your resume.

Think about what keywords are relevant to your profession by imagining what terms a recruiter would use when searching for a resume. Use information from vacancies that interest you.

Covering letter

In the website system, the recruiter’s introduction to you always begins with a cover letter. It usually begins with a greeting phrase: “Hello! My name is Kondraty Stepanov and I am interested in your vacancy for a city mayor.”

In a new paragraph, briefly describe your achievements and main skills (“managed a department,” “participated in projects,” and so on). This paragraph should not be longer than three to four sentences.

The third paragraph is the key to the recruiter's heart. Write in it why you want to work for the company and why you think you are suitable. Try to avoid banal phrases like “I consider working in your company an opportunity for further development” - such phrases will make the recruiter suspect that you are copying the same cover letter for different vacancies.

Try to find information about the company on the Internet and indicate the fact of acquaintance with it in the cover letter. A good example: “I was especially interested in your projects in telecom: I have been working in b2b sales for 4 years and constantly interact with such clients.”

It is customary to end your resume with a phrase confirming your readiness to come for an interview: “Thank you for your attention and I will be glad to meet you to answer your questions!”

Checking your resume

If you want to show your resume to someone else, choose someone with experience as a recruiter - otherwise you are guaranteed to receive a bunch of unnecessary advice. If you are considering several various positions- for example, “sales manager” and “head of sales department” - create two different resumes.

Remember: every profession has its own characteristics. If lawyers are expected to have a perfect resume without a single mistake, then, for example, it is more important for accountants to indicate specific accounts and versions of 1C with which they worked. The differences between the “subcultures” of different professions do not allow us to make the only correct instructions for everyone. We have collected only general advice that applies to all applicants.

Good luck in your job search!

Want a professional resume?

Service experts " Ready resume» will prepare it for you. An experienced recruiter will conduct an interview and draw up a document that will competently talk about your strengths.

I've written a resume twenty times over the last three years. Once - for myself, when I got a job as head of the copywriting department at advertising agency, and the rest are for friends and acquaintances. Sometimes the goals were really complex and interesting: to place a friend with no work experience, but with great potential, in a large company (from which he left 2 years later and opened his own successful business) or win a “resume competition”, where about 30 applicants applied for one place.

Do you know why in 95% of cases the problem was solved successfully? Because a resume is the same selling text that sells a person to an employer. With all the consequences. And, as practice shows, 99% of people don’t know how to write a resume. I was convinced of this when I worked as a department head and recruited employees. Every day, human resources managers (HRs) sent dozens of resumes of applicants, and I didn’t even read most of these resumes: they were either written boringly, like a carbon copy, or written on the board in a creative way, but completely uninteresting to me as an employer.

Why do people write unnecessary things on their resumes?

Most people make several serious mistakes when writing a resume. Firstly, they completely do not understand the task of their target audience (HR manager, department head or business owner). Secondly, they all rewrite resumes 1 to 1 according to a template, of which there is a ton on the Internet, “safely” merging with the gray mass of other similar applicants.

Finally, thirdly, the vast majority of people create one resume for a wide range of vacancies: from a personnel manager to a CNC machine operator, they say, they will take it somewhere. As a result, such a resume contains a bunch of information that no one needs and, at best, is sent to the “Consider if we don’t find anyone at all after six months of searching.”

What does an employer need?

When it comes to selling goods and services, you can go in two ways: from the product (describe what a cool and unique product is) and from the client (find the client’s problem, his pain and present the product as a solution to this problem). The second approach works much better in practice.

You will also notice that the employer has a very specific task: to get the maximum result for the money invested. Those. fill the vacancy with a suitable person at minimal (if possible) costs. The higher the result and the less money you have to spend it - so much the better. It's called a good deal.

The opposite is also true: the more valuable a person is within the vacancy, the more more money it costs. No matter how cynical it sounds, when we talk about a resume, a person is a product on the labor market window. No more, no less.

The biggest mistakes when writing a resume

When I worked as head of the copywriting department at a large advertising agency, I had about 40 people subordinate to me. At that time, we were actively filling vacancies for web writers and copywriters, and HR managers sent me dozens of applicants’ resumes.

I threw 9 out of 10 of these resumes into the trash after a quick glance, because they were boring and completely incompetently compiled. Typical mistake: a lot of information, but not a hint as to why the person is suitable for this particular vacancy. In other words, I was offered a product that I did not need at all, and if I did need it, no one explained to me why.

Another problem with about half of all resumes sent is the incorrect structure. I have many friends who are excellent specialists in their field. But the problem is that you can't tell by looking at their resume. It is important to understand that a potential employer has no other information other than a resume, and if the resume does not make the right impression, there is a high probability that no one will call.

The Basics of Writing a Winning Resume

Drafting Rule No. 1: good resume always tailored to a specific vacancy. There must be certainty here. Option: I’ll become a programmer or tester, or maybe a sales manager; as a rule, it works very poorly.

Want to know why? I'll explain. Different vacancies will differ in salary, sometimes even several times. HR managers know the salary scale very well.

Now put yourself in their shoes. You are seeing a resume of a person who is ready to work both as a programmer (whose salary can reach up to 150 thousand rubles ($5000) in Moscow, and as a sales manager, whose average salary is 60-80 thousand rubles ($2-2.5 thousand). T i.e. the same person is ready to earn 2 times less money at another job, and he doesn’t care. This raises serious doubts about him.

A sign of good form in a resume is to indicate the purpose. For example: “Obtaining the position of commercial director.” Clear, understandable and specific.

Cheat code

To tailor your resume as closely as possible to the vacancy, look at the requirements of existing vacancies and adapt your resume so that it matches them as closely as possible (is as relevant as possible). Then the likelihood of a response increases significantly.

Resume structure

When talking about resume structure, it is important to remember and understand one thing. In most cases, your resume competes with dozens of others, so you need to immediately draw the employer’s attention to key points.

Another very common mistake is the use of direct chronology, when a person describes his professional experience sequentially almost from school to his last place of work (from top to bottom).

The employer is not interested in your studies. At least not in the first place. He needs to fill the vacancy with the most suitable candidate, so he must first focus on key points. And only then, as additional information, you can indicate training, certificates, etc.

Important: the resume structure is built from priority information for the employer to secondary information, and not vice versa. I will provide a sample at the end of this article.


Now, for the sake of experiment, I pulled up my archive and pulled out ten resumes selectively. And in none of them did I find key information. But each one contains the same error. Look.

The vast majority of people, when describing their professional experience, use the connective “place of work-responsibilities.” But the employer is of little interest in the responsibilities. Now I will explain why.

Imagine that you came to grocery store. You take a cake from the shelf and pay attention to the label. But instead of the usual “Composition”, you see another inscription on it: “This product must contain...”. You widen your eyes and put the cake in its place with an unpleasant aftertaste. In the end, you are not interested in what should be in the product. You are interested in what actually is in it.

Therefore, the following link works much better in a resume: “Place of work, responsibilities, achievements.” It is much more informative and sells you many times more expensive on the labor market.



  • Cold calls
  • Producing a presentation
  • Conclusion of contracts

Too abstract, right? And now a more complete bunch.


  • Concluded 8 contracts with large companies for $1.5 million each
  • Brought the company a total profit of over $10 million over three years
  • Brought 119 clients to the company, 38 of whom became regulars
  • Exceeded the sales plan for the last 19 months in a row
  • Created my own client base of 1,100 people (decision makers)


  • Cold calls
  • Producing a presentation
  • Conclusion of contracts

Which example sells a person better and more expensive? This is a rhetorical question. Another thing is curious: the value in the second case is an order of magnitude higher than in the first, and the salary can differ several times. Although it would seem that the responsibilities are the same, the position is the same. Specifics decide.

Skills and technologies

Be sure to indicate the skills and technologies that the employer needs and that you possess.

For example, when I got a job as head of the copywriting department at an advertising agency, my skills in public speaking, teaching, and a large database of web writers became a big plus.

Please note: when you indicate a particular technology, it is not at all necessary to indicate how well you know it. You can, of course, write that you are an experienced MS Office user, if this is really the case. But otherwise it is better to list packages that you have worked with or know about. For human resources (HR) managers, who tend to be non-specialists, specific technologies are the key anchors they look for in a resume.

For example, you can write: I speak the PHP programming language, and HR will look for Zend Framework (which, in fact, is written in PHP). Moral: Pay attention to job requirements.

Background information

Many, much to my disappointment, use hackneyed clichés to describe additional benefits: “communicative, stress-resistant, responsible, etc.” The problem is that these clichés are present in almost every resume.

But meanwhile, the templates can be broken very simply: include your beliefs, principles or objects of pride in your resume. Include your favorite books or blogs and interests. At first glance, this may seem unimportant, but it is this information that characterizes you as a person, and not as a robot who compiled a resume according to given parameters. Moreover, if suddenly your hobbies and those of your employer coincide, an emotional connection will arise between you, which will significantly increase your chances of success. And even if other candidates, your competitors, are stronger in one way or another, they will still choose you, thanks to the fact that a strong psychological trigger will work - goodwill.

Finally, if you are planning to use general phrases, expand on them in more detail and explain how exactly this or that quality manifests itself in you.

For example

Stress resistance

I can withstand high emotional stress and remain calm in critical situations.


I am able to quickly analyze a situation and quickly make decisions, taking full responsibility for them.

Communication skills

I quickly find a common language with people to effectively resolve related work issues.

Learning ability

I am able to independently and quickly search for the necessary information and apply it in practice.

How to write a resume if you have no experience or achievements

When you have neither experience nor achievements, you need to understand that you will not be hired for certain vacancies for one simple reason: the employer needs a person. capable and able to solve the problems assigned to him, and not create new ones.

However, if you are targeting a specific vacancy, you have two options:

  1. Acquire the necessary skills and experience yourself and still sell yourself, providing guarantees of fulfillment of assigned obligations.
  2. Get a job somewhere else where you can get the necessary skills.

Even if you have no experience, you still have positive qualities that are useful to the employer. They need to be indicated. For example, if you are willing to stay overtime or work until you get results, this will attract attention and set you apart from your competitors.

Again, if there are no achievements, but you have minimal experience, you can write: “Participated in the launch of a large-scale email campaign based on 100,000 addresses via Mailchimp.”

This will already let the person know that you are in the know, know the terminology and you have some kind of knowledge base (even if you just watched how your friends or colleagues launched an Email campaign).

Covering letter

Often the resume is sent not in its pure form, but with a cover letter by mail. And this letter plays a key role in forming the first impression.

The composition of a cover letter for a resume depends on three factors:

  • your skill level
  • the position you are applying for
  • the person you are writing to and who makes the decision

In practice, sincere interest in the project, goodwill and willingness to solve assigned problems works much better than talking about money or setting one’s own conditions. It is better to discuss all this during the interview.

Sample structure for writing a resume

A resume, like a sales text, is easiest to compose in blocks. Here is an approximate structure of such blocks.

Important: The word “resume” is never written on a resume.

1. A cap(full name, age, contacts).

2. Target(what position do you want to get - you need to choose one; different resumes are needed for different positions).

3. Professional experience and achievements(in reverse chronology).

  • Last place of work
    • Achievements
    • Responsibilities
  • Penultimate place of work
    • Achievements
    • Responsibilities
  • Previous places of work
    • Achievements
    • Responsibilities

One thing is worth paying attention to here. For example, I am essentially a “multi-class character,” in computer game parlance. This means that I have two (and now three directions): engineer (radio-electronic profile and programming), copywriter and marketer, entrepreneur.

All three areas can be indicated in a resume, but first come those that are important to the employer. The rest either follow or are transferred to extra. information.

4. key skills(important for the employer).

5. Technologies(primarily necessary for future work).

6. Education(if there is no work experience (yesterday’s student), then education is indicated instead of block No. 3).

7. Additional Information and evidence of competence (certificates, awards, achievements outside of work, etc.).

8. Block with personal information(interests, hobbies, books, resources; for example, if you read the same resources as your employer, and they are related to your future job, then this will be a big plus).

Important: When writing a resume, God forbid that you stand out due to non-standard graphic design (bright fonts, creative phrases, or something like that). In practice, no one reads such resumes, and they go straight to the trash bin.


A funny play on words turns out: “resume on resume.” But, joking aside, I want to once again draw your attention to three important points.

  1. The task of a resume is to sell the applicant to the employer as expensive as possible. Sales laws are in full effect here. Therefore, there is no need to be modest. All the benefits of your proposal should be immediately apparent.
  2. The resume must correspond to the vacancy for which you are applying and be as “tailored” as possible for it.
  3. Don't overload your resume with unnecessary information. Use only the information that the employer needs to invite you for an interview. No more, no less.

Let your resume sell you dearly!

P.S. Did you know that copywriters can make good money writing resumes? So, the average price for such a service starts from $100 and above, especially when you help a person get a high-paying position.

P.P.S. For dessert today, a 4-minute practical and useful video on the topic.

One of important stages One of the ways to achieve success in finding work and employment is to write a resume (or self-promotion) in the labor market.

If previously a resume was required only from applicants applying for positions that require a high level of specialized knowledge, serious practical experience, leadership skills, etc., now this word is increasingly found in job advertisements for unqualified specialties.

With its form and content, the resume is designed to facilitate work with applicants for a personnel manager (recruitment agency or employer, it is not so important).

In this regard, any applicant must understand that the structure and content of the resume must clearly and concisely characterize his candidacy for this vacancy, without omitting the most significant points and without causing irritation or yawning in the employer’s representative.

How to write a resume correctly

HR employees of organizations, when selecting applicants for a particular position, primarily highlight the following criteria for evaluating resumes:
  • Date of Birth.
  • Brevity (1 – 2 pages).
  • The vacancy for which the applicant is applying.
  • Telephone, address, email address of the applicant.
  • Education.
  • Work experience (in which organizations, by whom and for how long).
  • Page format (A - 4)
  • Clear and understandable document structure.
  • Verified, competent, balanced style of presentation.
Of course, representatives of the personnel service of a particular enterprise (firm) or personnel managers of recruitment agencies may impose additional requirements on applicants’ resumes. For example, the applicant’s hobbies and interests.

This information may be of interest to the employer in cases where it is very important that the new employee be sociable and compatible with the team in which he will work.

Personnel authorities also have different views on such a question as recommendations from the applicant’s previous places of work. Some believe that this is a mandatory component (criterion) in any resume. Others reasonably believe that if the need arises, this information can be requested at a later date. There is only one conclusion: in any case, it will be nice if such recommendations are always at your fingertips.

Thus, for successful employment correct resume must:

  • contain all the information about the applicant necessary for the employer (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, work experience, main and additional education, home address, telephone, etc.);
  • be concise and free from unnecessary information;
  • satisfy certain requirements for form and content (i.e. be compiled according to a certain template);
  • correspond to the vacancy for which the applicant is applying;
  • fully correspond to reality;
  • be free from long sentences and contain no grammatical or lexical errors.

Preparation and posting of resumes

Before sending your resume to a potential employer, you need to carefully check its text.

Modern experience of HR managers working with various resumes suggests that the following errors are most common in them:

  1. There are no telephone numbers listed for contacting you.
  2. The date of birth is incorrect.
  3. There is no information about education.
  4. There are a lot of incomprehensible abbreviations: for example, in the names of educational institutions that you graduated from and organizations where you worked.
  5. There are a lot of grammatical and stylistic errors.
  6. The style of presentation of the material is very reminiscent of a work book.
After a strict check, you will notice and correct many errors. If you are not sure of your literacy, you can use the following verification methods:
  • Seek help from family and friends.
  • Use the capabilities of a special spell checker available in the MS Word text editor.
Very often the question arises: should I attach a photo to my resume or not? It’s impossible to say for sure. If your intended future job is not related, for example, to the modeling business, then it’s a good idea to have a few photographs in stock in case you need them when applying for a job. But not before.

Today, the most common way to send a resume is by email. But don't underestimate traditional mail either. The finished resume can be printed in several copies:

  • One or two copies for later postal items to a specific company or organization where there are vacancies.
  • A couple of copies for home use (for example, during a telephone conversation with an HR manager) or during an interview.
  • One copy can be used as the basis for composing an advertisement that you are looking for a job (for example, in a newspaper for free advertisements).
In the first case, it will be nice if you also add a cover letter to the envelope, which can help attract additional attention to you from a recruitment agency or employer.

Before you create your own resume, you will probably need a ready-made example of a resume for a job. To help you with this simple but important matter, we have devoted today’s article to job resume samples that are relevant in 2019.

To interest an employer in your candidacy, you first need to create a good resume. In general, probably no one goes to interviews without a resume now. But it’s one thing when a resume is compiled in a hurry and looks absolutely unpresentable, and it’s a completely different thing when the resume is high-quality and thoughtful. An employer, looking at such a resume, will immediately understand that this candidate approached the preparation of this document with all responsibility, which means that he could potentially be a good employee. At the very least, he will significantly “win” in the eyes of the employer over the applicant who made his resume a “bungler.”

Requirements and recommendations for writing a resume change from year to year, as the labor market does not stand still. If you want to create an up-to-date resume, it is better to focus on examples and samples from 2019. You can find a lot of ready-made resume examples on the Internet. In this article, I tried to collect 2019 resume samples for a variety of professions - from sales consultant to lawyer.

Resume for work: samples of 2019

I would like to note right away that a resume can be written in different ways. So don’t panic if you see a lot of different resume templates and don’t know which one to use. Guidelines are just that, guidelines, not laws. Use common sense.

Here are some well-designed resumes for different professions. Accountant resume sample:

Customer service manager resume sample:

Example of a lawyer's resume:

Here is an example of a resume in English:

When writing a resume, do not forget one of its main rules: the resume should highlight your advantages and subtly hide your shortcomings. Therefore, if you are proud of your rich professional experience, unobtrusively describe it in your resume. If you have certificates and awards related to your desired position, write about them. And about those areas in which you have nothing to boast about, it is better not to write at all than to write at least something.

Dear friends! Denis Povaga writes. I decided to prepare a post for offline job seekers. Although I advise you to build a career on this too. But there are readers who choose a profession based on their specialty and are looking for a resume to get a job.

I often moved in and out of jobs. And I was always puzzled by how to competently present myself so that they would choose me. I think your situation is similar...

Gradually, I began to understand that I could not earn much money in any job. And one fine day, I completely devoted myself to the Internet business. I work from home for myself, publishing articles on this blog.

First, let's get acquainted. My name is Denis Povaga. And you are on my blog site

Below is a complete list and examples of resumes. And you can download any one, and all you have to do is enter your First Name, Last Name, fill out the required fields, and send it to the employer. But first, I recommend watching a comic video on how to behave correctly during an interview:

12 ways to get a job right?

Of course, this is a joke video from YouTube.

And below you can download real job resume.

For convenience, I will analyze each profession. And I will give a recommendation on how to do this. And you already take the information that is most needed)) And if you have questions, ask in the comments below. I hope the review helps you!

So. We begin.

Why do you need a resume when applying for a job?

Not everywhere, the employer provides such an opportunity to select based on a resume. But self-respecting companies choose this method. And first, a preliminary interview takes place among those who filled out the forms. This can be a direct contact to the company, or you can send a questionnaire by email. In some cases, the resume follows a company template. That is, there are questions that interest the employer, and the more competently you fill out the questionnaire, the more likely it is that you will work with them. In theory, 70% of success may depend on a well-filled resume.

Imagine that a company is looking for an accountant, but the competition for the position is too high. There are so many people interested that more than 100 people apply per day. But the employer does not need everyone, but only the accountant who can best cope with the assigned tasks. They choose the best. And your resume serves to help you make your choice.

How to compose and write the right resume?

But here it is more interesting. If you are given the opportunity to fill it out by email, do not be afraid that it will not go unread. Another thing is that when you send it, you can additionally call the company and clarify or inform that I have sent you my profile for the chosen profession.

That is, on the one hand a call can lift you above others this time. And secondly, they sent you via email and additionally confirmed that you exist))

It turns out that you can stand out among other candidates.

Don’t be afraid to say more in the form if there are additional fields. But about the salary, where they ask for the desired one, you don’t have to write a big one. Select medium. Even though this amount may not seem so big to you, the chances that they will choose you increase. After all, the first thing you do is get a job, and as you go along, you are provided with a salary and social benefits. plastic bag. Of course, if there is one))

Regarding education. Write those that actually exist. But again, you can lie about the fact that there is an unfinished second higher education on such and such a topic. And plus additional courses - indicate those that can distinguish you in the eyes of the manager.

Write honestly, but where there is an opportunity to embellish, don’t be afraid to write more. Since the main selection will be based on a questionnaire. That is, the examiner may not see you as beautiful in person, but how beautifully you write your resume will determine your success.

Therefore, fill out the fields in detail, point by point. Below are examples, as well as ready-made templates for different professions.

note that before the main resume, you can send a supporting one. Especially if you do it via email. There is an option to create a physical resume. That is, print it out. And when applying for a job, don’t be shy to tell more about yourself, providing everything in a couple of sheets. In a personal meeting, if you approach the question competently, you may not only like you, but after the interview you will also leave a personal resume with contact information on the manager’s desk. 90% - that they will choose you!

The main thing is to take the drafting seriously.

Cover letter for resume - what is it and why is it needed?

And this thing will help provide a basic summary. It wouldn’t be right to immediately send your profile by email. It is much more effective to write a cover letter, in which you write in a couple of lines who you are and how you responded to the vacancy (where you came from, where you learned from).

Just information, like - I’m such and such, and I found out about your vacancy from an advertisement in the Rabota newspaper or from the Avito website. After all, a company can provide several sources of advertising, and by telling them where you learned about the profession, you help them determine their working channels.

This is one of the advantages of an accompanying resume. And most importantly, the role of the letter is to introduce the reader on the other side to your main summary.

In general, it is mandatory to compile it if you send a sample by email, and not necessarily if you give your resume in person. Just in a personal meeting or over the phone - you can explain in words who you are, what vacancy you are interested in and where you learned about it from...

Example of an accompanying resume:


My name is Ivanova Anna. Allow me to attach your resume for the vacancy - “Accountant”. I learned about the profession from an advertisement on the website “ Avito". I am ready to provide any additional information necessary for consideration of my candidacy.

Best wishes,
Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-977-777-77-77

Thank you in advance!

p.s. I am attaching my resume as a separate file.

Universal resume sample (for any profession) + example

If you require a standard form, download it for free. It consists of 2 pages. The first sheet contains the necessary information about you, and the second sheet contains additional skills. Convenient and simple template. Nothing extra. And it can be applied to any profession. But still, if you choose a specific specialty, then look at the templates below. Perhaps choose the best option.

As for downloading. This is a pdf format in electronic form. This is the format I write all of my . Opens on all devices. But you won't be able to edit the text in it. Therefore, you can only print it out, and then carefully fill it out with a pen. Suitable if you need to quickly print and fill out on the spot.

And the second option, an already completed example. It can be edited in the word text editor. Use this option for quick editing. And by the way, you can then save the correct version in pdf format and then send this version by mail to the employer.

Blank - (in pdf format)

Completed - (in doc format)

Samples for work by profession in .doc (word) format

Here we come to the section where all resumes are divided by profession. I will also give you some recommendations for each specialty. How can you use your knowledge and skills on the Internet to work not for an employer, but for yourself.

First things first!

Accountant resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— Let me start with the fact that if you want this kind of work, then you are an expert in it. It is much more effective, and more profitable in the long term, to start a blog on accounting. And after people start visiting the blog, place advertising banners - either your services or the services of partners. For example, on filling out declarations.

Very much to build on this profitable business through the Internet. And if you don't know, ask me and download my book for free!

Sample resume for a lawyer or economist

(doc format | 2 pages)

— Choose those keywords in search engines that relate to your topic. And during your main work or in the evening, dedicating 1-2 hours, write 1 useful article a day. In 3-6 months, your blog will earn more than your day job! It is better to sell yourself and your knowledge to other people online than to do it offline. Believe me, if you understand the topic of legal services and economics, you will quickly achieve success!

Sample resume of director, manager

(doc format | 2 pages)

— Teach other people personal growth and how to succeed in their careers. How to manage personnel, lead, etc. Write about your knowledge on your blog, 1-2 articles every one or three days. Time will pass, and the blog will bring in more than what you earn as a director working for someone else!

Package knowledge and sell it.

Sample resume for boss

(doc format | 2 pages)

— The same as in a leadership position, read the recommendations above. Start your journey by blogging on the free WordPress platform. This blog management system is where my blog is run. Firstly, it’s simple, and secondly, it’s profitable! Moreover, you can choose the topic you like. Be it your hobby. What is it like?

Sample resume for sales manager

(doc format | 2 pages)

— My God, if you have sales skills)). It's time to use them in online trading. Start a blog and create your own products and sell them. What to do if you don’t have your own? Everything is simpler than it seems - recommend affiliates. If you are a really great manager, then everything will work out for you.

Take the first step today!

Secretary resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

- Oh, if you like to work with papers and tinker with documents... It's time to reveal all your knowledge and skills on the blog. That is, in fact, you will also work on the computer, only for yourself. Start a personal blog and simply publish articles using keywords from search engines. Just make articles for people, not robots! And everything will work out. And if not, ask me... After all, I blog myself))

Sample resume for bank employee

(doc format | 2 pages)

— On the one hand, it’s a cool profession to be a bank employee. But in reality, everything only seems wonderful. One way or another, you will have a boss, and you will have to get up early and go to work. What are you saying, I’m not trying to dissuade you - good vacancy. Especially when people are being scammed into loans, and Additional services. It must be great to deceive similar people and get paid for it?

Isn’t it easier to start a blog on the topic of banks and give people advice on how not to be deceived, how to get rid of loans, how to pay off a mortgage. That is, to really help people in banking matters, only through a blog. You can combine both text and video formats. Believe me, this is a profitable and promising direction.

Administrator resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— The administrator, in my opinion, has time to devote himself to more creative pursuits. Yes, again about the site)). Believe me, it’s more interesting and profitable. You can choose any topic. And according to publications, literally 3-5 articles per week. In 3 months, you will be able to forget about being an administrator and become your own director!

Cashier resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— Do you know how to manage cash registers and count money? Then you can become a blogger on a financial topic, and simply write articles based on search queries. Don't like this topic? Choose any one that suits your heart. Read this blog, I write a lot about how to get a job from home...

Sample resume for sales consultant

(doc format | 2 pages)

— Depending on what you sell, you can do reviews of products via the Internet. For example, most recently in 2016 and will gain momentum in 2017 - product reviews and reviews. You can do them in video or text format. And besides this comparison of one and another product. And the profit will come from advertising. Start blogging today!

Designer resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

- Designer? And do you also know graphics programs? Yes, there is no price for you. There are not enough specialists on the Internet who can competently teach all the secrets of design. The use of a program such as Photoshop, and the ability to process images... as well as drawing - all this is cool, believe me! Not only can you become a leader in this topic, but you can also recommend courses to others and earn money. All this is done through your personal blog.

PC operator resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— I remember holding a newspaper and choosing vacancies for a PC operator. I called different numbers, looking for better conditions. But you know, I admit, this is not a serious profession. It’s better to publish your knowledge on a blog about how to quickly type texts, or how to work in Word, Excel, etc. I’ll tell you a secret that courses in Word and Excel are very popular. Can you guess that you can take money for them and make money from it?))

Waiter resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

- Waiter, good job for students. Now is the time when you want to devote yourself to the profession and build a career. But it doesn't have promising directions, and even more so, greater profits. And if after work or on weekends you have a couple of hours of free time, then start doing more serious things. You will need a computer and internet. Publish your diary online. And you won't go unnoticed. Use texts and photos. Video if desired. Talk about what you know and simply match your search queries to your thoughts. To not just name articles whatever you want, but exactly what people are looking for. You can do it!

Nanny resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— And it’s simply a “sin” for nannies to be without a website)) Well, it’s possible to find a few hours a day. This is not about having to constantly work hard on the blog. No! The main thing is to start. And at the first stage, yes, you will need to pay more attention to your brainchild. But before you know it, you will create additional income via the Internet. For example, a topic about children, or cooking... or what is your hobby?

Programmer resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— It’s hard to say about the programmer, since usually these people are heady, and are either already working on their project online, or working with a team, or, in extreme cases, for a lot of money in a good company. I mean a salary of 500,000 thousand rubles or more. But in any case, it is better to become your own boss and develop your own project on the topic of information marketing. Just don’t need to teach programming, since the market segment in this topic is narrow. But take a more general topic that you understand better than others... Why not?!

Driver resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

-What, he says... I work as a taxi driver and I like it)) But I heard about a taxi driver for whom I created a website in 3 months with an income of 80,000 thousand rubles. And this, with the average salary of a driver in his city being 12,000. Do you think he still works as a driver? You, too, think about it at your leisure. Or ask below...

Engineer resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

- read below...

Construction worker resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— Construction is a separate issue. There are so many specialists there that they are a dime a dozen. Some are tilers, others are electricians, others are welders, finishers. And everyone understands their field better than others. Well, look, in his book he described how he created a blog for his dad, and he just published articles on electrics?)) Today the traffic of his project is 2400 visitors per day. Do you still doubt that your knowledge can be useful to someone? Then look at the Yandex Wordstat keyword statistics... What people are searching for on your topic. And how many people, for example, per day are looking for this or that request. To qualify, use quotation marks and an exclamation mark before the keyword. Like this: «! here is the key word » . Next, divide the resulting number of impressions per month (top) by 30 days and find out the average amount of demand per day.

Sample resume for teacher, teacher

(doc format | 2 pages)

“And for teachers, I would like to say that a new era of teaching has arrived. That is, if in a class you teach 20 people at the same time, then on the Internet you can gather 1000 people at the same time and teach them. As a teacher at a university or school, you are on a salary, for example, but in the Internet sphere you are paid for each student. This can be either 1 thousand rubles for a training course or 30,000 rubles. for the training. How many can it take to fill a class out of 100 applicants?)) Start with a blog, right today!

Kindergarten teacher resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— You can run a project about children, I publish several posts a week. Using search tips, you will start working on attracting visitors. After a while, a resume will no longer be needed))

Doctor resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— I can’t say anything about doctors. After all, it all depends on the person himself and the doctor’s specialty. It’s one thing when you know from A to Z about the spine, and you can start a project on the topic of treating the spine or how to get rid of back pain... And it’s a completely different thing when you are a surgeon. Here, before downloading your resume, you can ask in the comments below, and I will give a recommendation based on your situation

Chef resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

— It’s difficult for those who don’t like to cook to run a culinary website. But chefs, with desire and passion for the profession, simply need to start publishing their recipes. There are already many video bloggers on YouTube, and there are many sites on this topic. But everyone can stand out among their competitors. Depends on desire and love for this business. Good cooks... you can count them on your fingers). And to make the project more profitable, try to choose a niche in cooking. That is, write not about all dishes, but those that are for healthy eating and weight loss. Or look for yourself, at blogs and about all the dishes, you can collect a lot of traffic and run ads quite well...

(doc format | 2 pages)

— To be honest, I don’t know how this matter can be transferred to the Internet. If only more general, write about trade, the layout of goods. Or take a more general topic. You need to look at the statistics and build on them. After all, you may like another direction, and choose a topic based on it... Ask below, I’ll tell you!

Supervisor resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

-It’s the same here as above...

Translator resume sample

(doc format | 2 pages)

- And modern translators do this - they keep a blog and publish posts like - how to learn English in 3 months, how to understand English, etc. That is, they cover keywords from their niche, and then write a blog. The blog attracts visitors who are included in subscription lists and information products are sold. They are building an information business through their own project. I recommend!

Download all resume forms for free. Updated 2018

Well, in conclusion, I decided to pack all the forms into one archive in zip format, so that you can select the appropriate template and change it for the vacancy you are looking for.

I wish you to get a good job in life, and most importantly, have a high salary.

(zip archive | 419 kb.)

Denis Povaga

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