The best freelance exchanges for beginners. The best jobs for a beginner freelancer New freelance exchanges

Are you dreaming of remote work? Are you tired of sitting in the office and want to work from home or sit in a nice cafe? Or maybe you want to travel, but at the same time not lose your job in your specialty? I have good news for you! Working via the Internet is absolutely possible! Despite the frantic development of technology in the modern world, for some reason many still think that remote work is a scam for suckers, that there are no normal vacancies in remote work, that you can only build a career by working in an office, and the salaries of remote employees are several times higher less than office ones. All these are myths that have no logical basis.

Remote work is a reality of the modern world. Most large, reputable companies have remote vacancies, and some companies even keep their entire staff remote. Why? I answered this question in detail in the article. And today I want to answer another equally popular question that I get asked at every meeting, in personal messages and in blog comments. And this question sounds like this: “Where and how can I find remote work?” The answer is: on sites where vacancies in various fields are regularly updated. There are a lot of such sites, and today I am sharing with you links that I have been collecting for a long time for personal use.

I note that here are sites for searching for constant remote work, in other words, a business contract or employment contract, and not for freelancing or part-time work. Mostly English-language sites are presented here, because... Our remote work market is just developing.

Sites specializing in remote work

1. . About 10-20 new remote vacancies are published on the site every day. Job vacancies can be sorted by profession: web development, mobile software development, design, information security and non-IT vacancies. You can also filter out vacancies with the highest salaries and startups. On the site you can subscribe to the newsletter about new remote vacancies so as not to miss your dream job.

2. . Another specialized site. Main categories of vacancies: developers and system administrators, programmers, designers, marketers, customer support employees, copywriters, managers and business consultants, other vacancies.

3. It’s hard to believe, but about 100 thousand remote vacancies have been published on this site to date! As the portal itself assures, the most popular remote professions presented in the form of job advertisements are sales managers, administrative staff, customer service managers, health and medical employees. Job vacancies are posted on the website in 55 categories. In addition to vacancies, on the site you can read a lot of interesting articles, collections and tips for finding remote work.

4. A nice website with five categories for searching for remote vacancies: development, design, customer service, administration, management. Here you can also subscribe to daily or weekly newsletters with the latest selections of vacancies.

5. Another interesting resource for searching for remote work in various fields, but as on most sites, IT vacancies significantly predominate. You can filter vacancies by type of work (full-time, part-time, temporary work, internship, etc.), by professional areas, by position level (beginner, leading specialist, etc.), by type of company (startup, small business, medium business, big business, non-profit organization etc.), by country and by level wages.

6. Nothing extra, just vacancies. Lots of vacancies.

7. Jobspresso is a large online platform that aims to connect talented people who are looking for a remote career with innovative, forward-thinking companies that offer remote positions. Listings with vacancies are moderated and updated on a daily basis.

8. On this site, in addition to the notorious vacancies for sales managers and customer support, you can find remote positions in the field of education, HR, marketing and engineering.

9. One of the few sites where there really are a lot of vacancies in completely different areas from IT to copywriting.

10. The site is especially attractive due to the abundance of vacancies in the field of Internet marketing and promotion on social networks.

11. A very large database of remote vacancies. The site has a well-thought-out interface that allows you to store your documents, view interesting research, and use a special guide to finding a job. The site requires mandatory registration.

12. Angel List - a site for finding work in a startup. The resource contains more than 42 thousand remote vacancies. On the site you can also invest in a startup and create a team for your business. Registration is required.

13. Russian site for finding remote work in foreign companies. The site is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The main bonus of this service is the free sending of your resume to 300+ companies for remote work.

General job search sites, with a “Remote work” section

14. . Yes, yes, the same Headhunter that most of us have used at least once in our lives to find a job. To date, offers more than 15 thousand partially or completely remote vacancies. And this number is growing every month (I checked).

15. . The main job search site in Ukraine, an analogue of our Headhunter. My husband once posted his resume there on a whim, and within two weeks he signed a lucrative contract for remote work with a Ukrainian company.

16. A well-known site for professional contacts in Russia and around the world. Today it contains more than 100 interesting remote vacancies.

17. Cool and very unusual job search site. It has a cool, modern interface and an original approach to job descriptions. The Muse is the only online careers resource that offers insight into job opportunities at hundreds of companies while showing the inner workings of the organizations. There are not only vacancies here, but also advice on building a career from famous experts, relevant articles and reviews, individual career advice from the world's best trainers.

18. A simple and understandable American website with a convenient system for filtering vacancies by professional fields (40 areas), companies, cities and states. At the moment there are more than four thousand deleted positions on the site.

19. This site mainly presents vacancies from American companies. The range of professional fields is very wide, salaries average $20 per hour and above (in the USA they like to measure salary by salary per hour or per year, but not per month).

20. . About 700 remote vacancies in various professional fields.

21. Idealist contains more than 12 thousand vacancies around the world. A significant part of the vacancies are remote. There is a convenient filter for searching for remote positions, including internships, volunteer projects, event planning work, blog work and much more. The job description contains all the necessary information about the job and the company. The site requires mandatory registration.

Remote work in the IT field

22. Remote work for IT specialists: developers, designers, testers, support staff. Job vacancies are filtered by date - from the most recent to the oldest.

23. And IT again. The site is an aggregator of vacancies, i.e. it collects deleted vacancies from different sites, passes them through moderation and publishes them. On this site you can be sure that the vacancy is 100% remote and does not require visiting the office even once every few months (as is sometimes the case in some remote positions).

24. Notice board for remote vacancies with a focus on digital and IT.

25. A giant site for finding jobs in the IT field. More than 60 thousand vacancies all over the world. Of course, there are a lot of remote positions that need to be filtered.

26. Nothing special, just a bunch of remote IT vacancies.

27. Good aggregator of remote IT vacancies.

28. An incredibly famous site among developers, where IT specialists of all stripes communicate, solve common problems, and share tips and finds. The site has a section with remote vacancies, but only for IT specialists. Today there are about 80 remote positions on the site.

29. An interesting resource for designers, which, among other things, contains a section where vacancies for designers from all other job search sites are automatically added. You can filter only deleted positions.

30. A very original resource whose target audience is female developers. There are no vacancies for men here, only for the fair sex, who are not afraid of words like front-end, back-end, full stack and the like. Moreover, this is exactly what they do in life. Wow! The site contains success stories of beautiful ladies who found their remote dream job on powertofly.

Do you feel like you’re ready to quit your job, take control of your day, fight for your clients, and work only on interesting tasks? It's time to try your hand at freelancing. This is not easy at all, and more often than not it is more difficult than the office routine. In order not to be disappointed in the choice of work format, give yourself a test drive - on holidays or on weekends. We have collected sites where you will find tasks to your liking.

For those who have been in the subject for a long time // The largest and most visited a large remote work exchange. After registration, be sure to fill out your portfolio - it will help you get more orders. one of the largest freelance exchanges. Initially it was a forum. an exchange for freelancers of various specializations. For effective promotion To use your services, you need to buy a PRO account. labor exchange for programmers, designers, copywriters, and other specialists. is positioned as an exchange for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.

printf("hello, world"); // For developers remote work for 1C specialists. Lots of jobs with good budgets. service for developers, startupers and IT companies. You can quickly assemble a team of any specialists to complete any IT project. another exchange for 1C developers. an exchange for developers with a large number of interesting tasks and projects. We are sure that Khabrovsk residents are well acquainted with it.

FreelanceWebmarket- a foreign platform for developers.

Toptal- a closed platform, to start working you need to go through a selection process consisting of four stages: checking your English level, online coding test, technical interview with screen sharing and a test project. After this, the freelancer signs a contract and becomes one of the Toptal developers, who looks for projects for him and tries to load him with work. It is the exchange, and not the client, that pays developers for work on projects.

Play with fonts // For designers and illustrators work for illustrators, new projects almost every day.

99designs- for each order, a competition is held, where participants send their solutions to the problem (an example of a logo or a website layout). The winner is chosen by the customer. The winner receives a predetermined fee, transfers rights to the project to the client, and becomes a priority contractor for subsequent orders from that employer.

Crowd Spring– a huge platform for designers and illustrators. It works according to the service principle above.

Coroflot- here is a list of vacancies and projects for designers that you can apply for. Coroflot does not charge a commission from either party, but does not provide any guarantees.

Krop- many tasks for web designers.

DesignCrowd- freelancers offer prices to the client, after which the client selects a contractor and pays for the services. Then work on the project begins.

LogoMyWay- orders for logo creators. To receive an order, you need to win a competition. exchange of images, illustrations. exchange of images, illustrations. There are entrance exams on the photo stock site. You must provide three photographs and pass a theory test.

All sorts of miscellaneous // Platforms with different types of tasks and useful services

Programmer Meet Designer- the platform helps designers and programmers find each other to work together on projects.

Workzilla- orders are very different: from video editing to creating one-page websites. The customer creates a task, the performers respond and name their terms and price, after which the customer selects the contractor.

Good day to everyone who visited my blog about making money online. Surely you know that today Internet activities can bring not only additional, but also basic profit. Many users from all over the world earn good money online while doing what they love. In this article, I will tell you about the essence of such employment and provide a list of popular and reliable freelance exchanges, suitable for both beginners and professionals. You've probably heard about many of them, and you'll learn about some for the first time. But in any case, people both with and without higher education will be able to find a good part-time job and increase their income. I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations for choosing an exchange, thanks to which you can start earning money faster and avoid many difficulties.

The essence of making money from freelancing

Today, freelancing is a good alternative to office work, but it also has a lot of advantages. Often, freelancers work for themselves at home, set their own schedule and have the opportunity to choose tasks to complete.

So, if you are interested in photography and have several hundred, or even thousands of interesting high-quality shots in stock, this section of the article is for you! There are many specialized services where you can sell your photos or find another interesting part-time job, in particular:

  • retouching pictures, eliminating imperfections;
  • elimination of background on frames, watermarks, etc.;
  • photo processing, selection of suitable filters and much more.

I bring to your attention several reliable exchanges that can become a source of additional income for freelance photographers:

Shutterstock— a convenient service for posting and selling high-quality and unique photographs. When registering, you must go through a selection process - upload the 10 highest quality photos you have taken.

Adobe Stock- a photo bank from Adobe, which is popular and allows you to receive from 60 cents to 2 dollars for each photo. The more photos you upload, the higher your income will be from each of them.

Pressfoto is a Russian service that is suitable for both beginners and professional photographers. To pass the exam here you only need to upload 3 of your best photos.

Photobank Lori is one of the largest photo banks, which brings registered users from 45 rubles for photographic materials and from 180 rubles for high-quality videos.

Corbis is one of the most famous international photo banks, containing many photographs and advertising materials. Only professional photographers who can offer images of the highest quality are invited to cooperate.

Wedlife is an interesting platform on which both beginners and experienced wedding photographers from different cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries offer their services.

Weddywood is an interesting freelance exchange, with which professional photographers are invited to cooperate. Presented in the form of an online catalog where the works of the best performers are published.

Eventwork— a convenient service where customers and performers from the field of event organization are registered. Photographers will also be able to find suitable orders here by arranging their portfolio accordingly.

Photo and video application- a site where not only photographers, but also videographers, makeup artists, stylists and photo models can find one-time customers or permanent employers.

Job search services for designers and illustrators

Designers and illustrators are specialists who can develop unique logos, banners, make interesting designs for Internet resources, etc. It is their services that are often needed by web developers, as well as owners of large companies or developing startups.

This is why you can often find experienced graphic or web designers among freelancers. To make it easier for them to find a job they like, specialized websites have been developed. The most popular services are:

IIIustrators is a Russian Internet resource that began its activities in 2007. Here, experienced professionals, as well as novice illustrators, will be able to find a suitable project, complete it, taking into account all the requirements, and receive a well-deserved reward.

Topcreator— a convenient online exchange for freelancers working in the design field. Professionals here not only share their experience, but also find like-minded people and employers.

Render- an online platform on which interesting vacancies for artists, illustrators, designers, animators, visualizers, etc. are published.

Dizkon is a service that specializes in holding various competitions for designers. By participating in them and posting your best works, you can count on a very pleasant reward.

Freelance sites for lawyers, accountants and HR specialists

Many people are accustomed to thinking that lawyers and accountants are people who provide their services in office premises. However, today specialists of this profile can also be found among freelancers. Some of them work for companies or individuals remotely, while others look for cooperation offers on the Internet and then work temporarily or permanently in offices.

I bring to your attention several reliable services for accountants, lawyers and HR managers with appropriate education:

Legal— an online resource for providing and receiving legal services. Both free help is provided, providing basic advice, and paid help with a full analysis of the situation and providing answers to all additional questions.

9111 — an exchange where lawyers can register as freelancers and provide paid services to the public. Beginners can practice providing free assistance while gaining experience.

Superbuh24 is a young but rapidly developing online platform. Both one-time assignments for accountants and offers of permanent cooperation in the staffs of various companies are published here.

Junglejobs is an interesting platform that operates on the principle of an online auction and allows HR specialists to find work.

Hrtime— a resource through which customers can find professionals in any field using the services of HR specialists.

HRspace— a site where recruiters (HR) and employers from different cities are registered. Your task here will be to find suitable candidates for customers.

As you can see, there are many interesting resources on the Internet with which you can find a job. They all differ in terms of cooperation, requirements for performers and many other factors. However, if you have knowledge in any field, you can easily establish yourself as a professional and find a one-time customer or a permanent employer.

In order not to encounter a lot of difficulties when working, freelancers should take a responsible approach to choosing an exchange. To do this, you should pay attention to the recommendations that I have prepared especially for you:

  1. The first thing you need to do is choose an area of ​​activity in which you would like to achieve success. If you do not yet have knowledge in any area, but want to learn and improve, then it is advisable to pay attention to the employment that is most interesting to you.
  2. Decide what kind of orders you want to find - one-time or permanent. There are online services where it is advisable to look for part-time work, and there are those where vacancies are posted, often with the prospect of working in an office or even moving to another city.
  3. Having chosen your niche, check out the list of reliable projects. I provided you with a list of them above. To avoid losing this article, save it in your bookmarks. Go to the website of each resource to study the terms of cooperation in more detail and choose the most attractive option.
  4. Study reviews of one or more sites to form a more complete picture of it and understand how advisable it is to register there.
  5. If you are worried about whether you will be paid for your work, then find out whether the freelance exchange you have chosen has a secure transaction system, where funds are guaranteed to be withdrawn from the account of the customer who has chosen you as a performer for a particular task.
  6. Study the interface of the selected site, familiarize yourself in more detail with the working conditions, the need to sign up for a paid subscription, the number of orders available for execution, the number of your potential competitors, etc. Remember that the more popular the exchange is, the more interesting orders you can find on it.

Thus, you will need to collect as much data as possible about the service you plan to cooperate with. Having assessed all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular site, you can quickly make a choice and register in a project where there is the least risk of falling for scammers or unscrupulous employers.

I hope that this article was useful to you and that you were able to choose the right platform or even several. Remember that no one is limiting you. Each freelancer can register and look for part-time work on several exchanges. This will only increase his chances of finding the most profitable and interesting tasks. If you have any additional questions, ask them in the comments. And I wish you success in any of your endeavors!

If you just recently learned that it is quite possible to make money on the Internet, or you just now feel ready to start such work, then some of the most valuable advice from experts in this case concerns sites where you can get work. There are many freelancing platforms on the Internet where finding work is not difficult even for beginners.

What is freelancing?

Today Freelancing is most often called remote work in the Internet when you negotiate cooperation with customers and employers via the Internet. The convenience of freelancing is that you choose the exchanges to search for work, look for clients and manage your time yourself.

The motto of freelancing for both beginners and experienced ones is freedom of choice, which is included directly in the name of the job (free).

An ideal freelance job looks like this - you choose exchanges to search for work, find customers, complete tasks and receive payment via the Internet. Money is usually sent to the electronic wallets of the WebMoney and YandexMoney systems. For beginners, the question of receiving payment via the Internet usually becomes the most incomprehensible, but in fact, for freelancing, finding a permanent job or a source of regular orders is a much more difficult question.

How to set up permanent remote work?

For beginners, first of all, you should determine exactly what kind of work can you do via the Internet?. This could be writing texts, posting on forums, SMM, translating texts, moderating and administering websites. Even if you are a specialist in design, photography, programming or another narrow profile, it is recommended for beginners to make every effort to achieve a high reputation during the first time of work.

Unfortunately, few people on the Internet are willing to take your word for it that you are a highly qualified specialist, so examples of completed tasks collected in a portfolio and reviews of your work will tell you for you.

Kwork is a convenient freelance services store: Tens of thousands of services, speed of execution and a money-back guarantee - freelancing has never been so enjoyable!

When looking for a permanent job, you will need a good freelancing marketplace, patience and diligence. Many employers may offer to complete a test task before you start work - don't be reluctant to do test tasks, but be careful not to rush into large amounts of unpaid work. Please note that any freelance exchange is also home to scammers who simply lure out tasks from beginners and do not pay for them. Try to work with employers with a high reputation on the site and good reviews.

How much can you earn using a freelance exchange?

Making money via the Internet is a wonderful thing, because everything is in the hands of the performer, even the size of his salary. You can take the first job you come across and agree to low pay, or you can try find high paying jobs by devoting more time and effort to your job search. Earnings also depend on the time you are willing to devote to work, as well as on your productivity.

The advantage of freelancing is that you can work on weekends and start earlier on weekdays, or vice versa, work late.

If you want to earn more, just work more; if comfort and relaxation are more important to you, shorten your working hours.

List of the best platforms for remote work

The best exchanges for a beginner are large platforms that ensure the security of transactions and closely monitor compliance with operating rules. Good criteria for the reliability of the exchange are a guarantee of payment for the task and a system for protecting the rights of all users, even beginners.


A good project for beginners - you can always find a lot of tasks here. Unfortunately, this exchange is no longer free - in order to respond to projects, you need to select and pay tariff plan. The cost starts from 1 USD, and for a number of services offered, for example: naming and slogans, transcription, the tariff is free. The more specializations a freelancer chooses, the more he must pay for using the weblancer exchange.


One of the largest and most famous platforms for freelancers is the Fl exchange. Full work on this resource is possible only with a PRO account, the price of which starts at 1,500 rubles for one month of access to the resource. Without it, you will only be able to contact those customers who themselves leave their contacts in the text of the assignment, but cannot respond to projects. In the case of direct contact with customers, the site does not in any way guarantee payment for the task. To be guaranteed to receive payment, you need to have a PRO account and work through the “Safe Transaction” service. This resource is not recommended for performers with above-average cost of services.


The Freelancer exchange website has a user-friendly interface and provides the opportunity to work both through a secure transaction and without it. You can work on the exchange for free, but if you are interested in submitting more than three applications per day, you need to purchase a higher-level account that provides additional opportunities. The price for access to your personal account starts from 590 rubles.

The exchange is quite young, but with good prospects. More than one hundred thousand freelancers are already registered here. The site has a good design and user-friendly interface. Main tasks - for designers, copywriters, programmers. You can start working on the service for free, since there is no need to purchase additional PRO accounts. It is enough to offer services and customers can contact the freelancer themselves.


On freelance exchange workzilla a huge number of specializations. You can choose the task you want to complete from the list of tasks published on the site. The system protects freelancers from scammers: it takes a commission from each order, but guarantees the customer a refund if the work is not completed in accordance with the terms of the task, and the contractor - payment for quality work done, even if the customer does not want to pay for it. In order to work on the exchange, you need to buy a subscription - the cost of access to tasks for 3 months is 490 rubles + commission.

You can work on this exchange without even registering - the system allows you to view orders and see the customer's contact information, so you can contact him directly. There are different orders here: website creation, copywriting, crowd marketing, etc. This resource has a lot of useful information: articles, courses, both for beginners and for those who already have experience. provides information about other Internet resources (exchanges) for copywriting.


Freelance exchange Kwork positions itself as an online services store, and it is a one-price store - 500 rubles. You can offer your services for this price and wait for the customer to choose you. True, the system retains a commission of about 100 rubles. It’s interesting for a beginner because you can gain experience and ratings for practically nothing. This will allow us to take applications at an adequate cost in the future.

This exchange provides its services to freelancers in various fields. Currently characterized by fairly low activity. There are offers for one-time projects, but more often there are vacancies for remote work. You can always find a large number of advertisements on the site, but some of them may turn out to be fraudulent, since the exchange does not have a secure transaction service.

This exchange grew out of a freelance blog. Now you can find quite a lot of orders here - mainly for programmers and designers. The majority of customers are quite experienced and technically competent specialists. After registering on the exchange, you can respond to 5 orders daily for free. For more active work, it is possible to purchase subscriptions or responses. Payment for a subscription is based on the price per day - from 20 rubles, and depends on the purchased period of validity of the subscription: the longer, the cheaper.

Watch the video - TOP 10 sites for making money on the Internet without investment by freelancing

This is a kind of store where performers themselves offer services and set the price for them. The range of services is different: texts, websites, graphics, web design, etc. The cost starts from 100 rubles. Currently, the website contains more than 10,000 current offers from freelancers.

This site contains advertisements with customer contacts so that freelancers can contact them directly. There are many vacancies for copywriters, layout designers, programmers, and managers. It is more suitable for professionals. Getting into the freelancer directory is quite difficult - the requirements for the portfolio are quite high. A newly registered user may end up on the first pages of the catalog, as it opens in random order. At the same time, the registration procedure is quite simple, one might say ordinary.

There are not too many orders here - maybe 20-30 per day, but there is little competition. You can work both through a secure transaction and without it. Using the resource: registration, creating a portfolio, selecting and submitting applications to projects is completely free. For a small additional fee of 30 rubles, you can highlight your application when included in the project. The exchange contains vacancies from employers in various fields. Among the nuances: user accounts that have not logged into the system for 6 months are charged a service fee of up to 100 per month.

The team began its activities in 2015. Currently, more than 9.5 thousand performers are already registered on the Ujobs exchange. Freelancers can post their ads themselves or respond to requests from customers. It is possible to work through a secure transaction. There are tariffs that allow you to respond to a larger number of applications. The cost of tariffs is from 15 rubles per day.

This is perhaps the most popular exchange for copywriters, so if you consider yourself a text writing specialist, then be sure to try working on this exchange. There is a service for checking text for uniqueness; if a match is found, it provides complete information. The task portfolio is constantly being updated. A distinctive feature of the resource is very low prices. For a beginner, there is a chance to gain experience and rating. To do this, however, you will have to take on any work and perhaps just a review. The exchange has another available source of income - the sale of already written articles.

Positions itself as the number 1 content exchange. The site is suitable for copywriters, rewriters, and translators. On the Advego exchange you can put your articles up for sale or take orders from the site. The advantage of the resource is that there is no need to run after customers - you can select a job from the list of available ones and immediately start completing it. True, for a beginner the prices will not be too high, but here you can “get your teeth into.” The system takes a 10% commission, but guarantees payment for quality work done.

We recommend: copywriting exchange

This is a decent income for copywriters and the opportunity to order text from professional authors.

Here you can realize your creative potential or purchase unique articles for the needs of your site.

Most of the freelance exchanges listed above have a broad specialization. Even a beginner can try his hand there, although among those working on these resources there are many professionals with extensive experience.

If you know exactly what type of activity you want to earn a living, then you can also register on highly specialized exchanges - for copywriters, photographers, designers, programmers, etc.

Making money online is quite possible, and freelancing is just one of the possible ways. Want to know more? All relevant information is here 50 ways to make money online

In fact, there are many more sites on the Internet suitable for freelancing - these are,,,,,,,, , and others.

The main thing is to choose a niche for your own work, be patient and start looking for assignments. The most important thing in freelancing is, perhaps, experience, so if you become a good specialist, you will find work on any exchange.

Do you want to not only earn good money, but also get rich? At least, don’t think every day about whether you have enough money for everything you planned to buy: the latest equipment, a cool car, and even an apartment? Then you're on course on money management.

The number of people willing to work in comfortable conditions is not decreasing. This independence from the employer is attracting more and more newcomers who would like to work remotely in 2019. An overview of the best vacancies for a beginning freelancer are available on the Internet in large quantities; all that remains is to choose your direction in this area.

You also need to decide on freelance exchanges that will allow you to spend your time as efficiently and optimally as possible and at the same time receive a decent income.

Freelancer - is a remote worker who can do his work without leaving home. It is possible to engage in this type of activity without experience in this field. To help a beginner, the Internet offers the use of numerous exchanges.

Exchanges provide the opportunity to quickly and conveniently find customers, and for customers, the exchange offers a large number of employees gathered in one place to choose from.

The customer can see sample works of each of the exchange participants, as well as get acquainted with the artist’s rating. The rating of the contractor on the stock exchange shows his commitment and diligence in relation to the orders taken or applications submitted.

It will not be easy for a novice freelancer who registers on the exchange to find a job. As elsewhere, newcomers are not particularly welcome, or they are offered cheap work.

To actively search, you need to choose several exchanges, where you regularly submit several applications. The most optimal scenario for effective work is to find a regular client.

Working on freelance exchanges

Freelance exchanges There are a large number, but the performer needs to choose some of them. Exchanges differ from each other not only in their interface and year of formation, but also in the following criteria:

  • Withdrawal amount;
  • Methods of withdrawal of funds;
  • A system of punishment for negligent authors;
  • Registration conditions (passing special tests), etc.

There are exchanges where it's impossible to earn anything, without investing your penny. These include Decent tasks are offered only for PRO accounts, which are purchased for a month for a certain amount.

Contentmonster When registering, you are required to undergo mandatory testing. Successful completion of testing will help a beginning freelancer find a stable income, since there are many orders here on any topic.

There is an opportunity to take on urgent assignments. The price for them is slightly higher due to the short deadlines. Basically, the deadline for completing a non-urgent task can range from 2 to 3 days.

E It is proposed to carry out verification work for the portfolio and to determine the rating in the field of copywriting and rewriting. After which you will be allowed to complete tasks.

There are many tasks, the topics are different. A large number of tasks are updated daily. The choice of contractor occurs within 24 hours; there is no need to wait for the completion of the project for a month.

A has existed for a long time and allows authors to sell ready-made articles through the exchange store, as well as carry out tasks for translating or writing articles on various topics.

The cost of tasks here is slightly lower than on previous exchanges.

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