Desired work schedule examples in resume. Do not indicate several different positions in one resume

Which section of a resume do you consider the most important?

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Your resume will be of interest to the employer if it is written correctly. Filling out each column is accompanied by special requirements and subtleties.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

For an applicant for a vacant position, information about yourself is an additional opportunity to attract the attention of the manager to your candidacy and make your resume stand out from the rest.

The section about yourself in the resume is relatively small in relation to the blocks about “” or “responsibilities.” However, despite this, it is no less important than other points. This fact especially applies to those applicants who have not yet gained professional experience and have poor knowledge.

How to write about yourself on a resume

It is important to maintain brevity and content in this block. The text volume should be about 5 sentences. Do a little self-analysis

According to this plan, we will write “information about ourselves” in the resume:

  • which skills and personal qualities are your strengths (something in which you are superior to other candidates, or some special advantages),
  • in which areas of activity you achieved the best results;
  • think about your professional achievements;
  • for what merits were you nominated for an award;
  • use diplomas, certificates and other documentation that demonstrates your competence.

What is better to write about yourself in a resume?

We use the presence of this column for our own purposes. We will fill it with valuable information that will allow you to stand out among other candidates and convince you that you are the best applicant for this vacancy.

Before filling out this section, re-read the job requirements again. Who does the recruiter prefer? Some advertisements indicate that you need your own car and 5 years of driving experience. Or required with an open visa. If you meet the criteria put forward by the employer, then indicate this in your information in your resume.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

The column should reflect the requirements of the vacancy, arouse the manager’s interest in your candidacy and incline his choice to your side.

  • I can find a common language with people regardless of their age and profession;
  • possession of a driver's license and personal vehicle;
  • readiness for long business trips;
  • I study English, completed an internship for 3 months in England;
  • I work with MS Office programs, skillful handling of office equipment.
  • Knowledge of MS Office programs and working with office equipment.
  • Ability to organize document flow, develop regulations and instructions.
  • Office management, business communication skills.
  • Ability to build relationships and resolve disputes.
  • Control over the work of structural divisions and organization of their activities.

The position of commercial director requires:

  • Sales organization and after-sales service management.
  • Skills in personal transactions for the sale of goods.
  • Working with the client base.
  • Conducting diverse negotiations.
  • Preparation of pricing policy.
  • Conclusion of expenditure and income contracts.
  • Probing the competitive environment.
  • Economy. Expansion of the market field of the product.

Information about yourself in a resume for the position of senior electrician for setting up electrical equipment may sound like this:

  • Married, I have two children.
  • I have skills in working with all power tools.
  • 5th group on electrical safety, drawing up work orders.
  • I do welding work.
  • PC user, Excel, Internet, Outlook, AutoCad.
  • Reading and developing diagrams.
  • Alexander Yurievich

    Director of a recruitment agency

    In this article you will learn how to correctly write a resume for a job; the sample is quite clear and anyone can use it to compose correct resume

    So, a resume is a self-description, briefly stated in writing, compiled by a person hiring for a job. In it you list your professional skills, personal qualities, contacts and achievements. A well-written resume allows you to get more interested employers and speeds up your employment.

    The main rules for a successful resume:

    1. Your vacancy;

    In order for an employer to like your resume, you need to understand what kind of candidate he is looking for. To do this, collect a list of vacancies that interest you and study all the characteristics and requirements for candidates. Assemble the characteristics of “their dream employee” like a mosaic. Based on the data you have studied, create a resume for yourself, but do not attribute to yourself qualities that you do not have.

    It doesn’t matter whether you responded to a published vacancy or write to the HR manager, in any case, you need to clearly understand what exactly you will have to do in this company, based on this, and compose a resume. In order not to confuse employers and not provoke unnecessary questions, do not indicate unnecessary information about yourself.

    When writing your resume, be sure to include information about your knowledge and skills correctly!

    Your additional skills must be relevant to the position being applied for. You should not talk about completed handicraft courses if the company is looking for an accountant.

    If you have any experience or skills that you are hesitant to indicate on your resume, then it is better to indicate them. At the very least, you will be able to discuss the issues that have arisen during the interview, which will not interest the employer at all.

    1. Spelling and punctuation;

    Literacy on your resume is just as important as your professional skills.

    The presence of grammatical errors, imprint and slang reduces your chances of being hired by an order of magnitude. You will be mistaken for an illiterate and unserious worker.

    1. Brevity is the soul of wit;

    You shouldn’t be verbose, as the employer will already have to read a lot of resumes. And a full-page description of your previous place of work is unlikely to be interesting. Attention from reading for a long time is scattered, and you need help focusing on your document. To do this, reduce the text of your resume to a minimum.

    Optimal option: 1 page, maximum 2. Of course, it won’t be possible to painlessly fit it into one page. You will have to leave some achievements and successes in the shadows.

    But you shouldn’t get by with two dry phrases when describing your professionalism. Write briefly and succinctly, but under no circumstances remain silent about your achievements in the profession, because... This is exactly the information on the basis of which an idea about you is built.

    Do not use generic expressions such as “sales manager” or “sales manager.” Write how much, thanks to you, the level of sales has increased, what methods you used for this. Share the tangible benefits of your actions.

    Some tips for writing your resumeWord'e

    Let me warn you right away, these tips can turn a two-page resume into a one-page one.

    • Save space by using tables;
    • Write in a smaller font size;
    • Optimize document headers and footers.
    1. Simplification of the structure;

    A properly structured resume in itself speaks of you as a neat and attentive person. It also allows you to quickly understand the information presented, find your work experience and your personal qualities.

    There is no need to come up with new forms for writing a resume; it is better to use the most common ones.

    A couple of popular resume structures:

    After the resume header, work experience follows:

    1. Full name, contacts, personal information;
    2. Purpose (if you wish, you can indicate your desired salary);
    3. Professional skills;
    4. Experience;
    5. Education;
    6. Professional skills;
    7. Additional Information.

    For a deeper understanding, let's look at each element separately.

    Full name, contacts, personal information:

    It is necessary to indicate:

    • Last name;
    • City of residence;
    • Telephones;
    • Email.

    Specifying other information is optional.

    To the extent possible, limit your personal data:

    • Indicate the number of complete years - instead of the date of birth;
    • City name - instead of a detailed address;
    • One phone number is enough instead of two;
    • Marital status – you don’t have to mention it at all.

    Expected salary:

    Please provide this information if you wish. You can discuss this topic in more detail at a personal meeting, at which time your responsibilities will be clarified, on which the size of your salary actually depends.


    Indicate the last 10 years of employment.

    If you changed jobs, list them starting from the last place. Tell us more about your previous place of work.


    Those who are applying for a job for the first time, please provide complete information about your education, including diploma, internship, coursework, etc.

    You can also report on completing trainings, seminars, and courses that improve your professionalism.

    If you have extensive work experience, talk about your education very briefly.

    Working Skills:

    The use of the following characteristics is not recommended: trainable, responsible, result-oriented. They are very banal and lose their true meaning. By removing such words from your resume, you will likely appear more original than other candidates.

    Additional Information

    Here you indicate information that cannot be specified in other sections. Tell us about your personal qualities, your hobbies, plans for the future, everything that may interest employers.

    1. Focus on success;

    Two real successes at work will be enough to raise your authority.

    1. Simple phrases and words;

    Do not use unclear words and terms. The complex construction of sentences and text will only confuse the employer, and he will not be able to adequately evaluate your candidacy.

    If you remove professional terms (the employer does not always understand your profession), reduce sentences to 1-2 lines, divide the text itself into small paragraphs, you will already make your resume much clearer.

    The absence of invitations to an interview does not indicate disinterest in your profession. Your resume may be written incorrectly. Follow the recommendations described above and the work will not keep you waiting.

    Now you know how to write a sample resume for a job.

    Before inviting a candidate for an interview, the employer reviews his resume. There is a high probability that by the time of the personal meeting, not only the HR specialist, but also the head of the department or the company as a whole will have become familiar with this file. Therefore, it is important to present yourself in a favorable light in advance.

    There are several types of resumes

    • Professional (functional): focuses on the experience and specialization, skills and abilities of the candidate, and not on the companies where the work was carried out.
    • Chronological: All previous places of work and study are listed in reverse chronological order.
    • Combined: combines the two previous types, at the beginning the skills, abilities and responsibilities at the previous place are indicated, then the names of previous employers are listed, indicating the periods of work with them.
    How to write the right resume for a job, sample, template

    It is important to adhere to the generally accepted structure, which includes the following points:

    • title of the document (“Summary” or “Curriculum Vitae”);
    • personal and contact information;
    • photograph (it is better to attach a separate file);
    • goal (desired position/salary);
    • experience;
    • education;
    • professional achievements and skills;
    • personal qualities;
    • weak sides;
    • Additional Information.

    It must be remembered that when sending this document, a covering letter must be drawn up, after reading which the employer draws conclusions about the advisability of further studying the received document.

    Covering letter

    The covering note is what the employer sees first when receiving a resume electronically. The further favor of the employer depends on the seconds spent reading the applicant’s text.

    Here you should focus on details in a free form, unlike the concise and formal style of a resume. You can indicate your motivation and leave comments regarding the “blind spots” in the attached file. It is important to win over the employer by expressing admiration for the company’s activities using emotions.

    You should definitely write a cover letter, devoting no less attention and time to its composition than a resume. A template found on the Internet is not the best the best option, since from their content the employer must understand what personal interest the applicant is pursuing and what motivates him, what experience, special skills and abilities he has.

    Some tips for writing a cover letter that will make a positive impression:

    • Do not turn the note into an autobiography and excessively use the words “I”, “my”, “me”. The company does not yet know anything about the candidate for the position and is not interested, so you should not tell your own life story.
    • A pleading tone will make it clear that the applicant is spineless, weak and unprofessional. You should not start the text: “I apologize for asking...”, “permit me to address...”. You can write: “Please consider my candidacy for your vacancy...”. Best: “You are looking for an experienced economist, and this is a great opportunity for me to use my five years of experience and achieve financial success for the company...”.
    • The cover letter should convince the HR department to invite its author for an interview; the main goal of writing such a text is to “sell” and advertise the specialist. Therefore, you should not use template words: initiative, efficiency, stress resistance, and so on. Individuality and brevity are important. For example, if the vacancy requires the ability to analyze data, you can write: “analytical abilities”; the best option: “five years of experience in preparing analytical reports on receivables and payables.” The volume of text should not exceed half an A4 page. If you get more, you need to re-read it a few more times and delete what is superfluous (that which is less important).
    • It is necessary to indicate the specific position for which the applicant is applying, because the addressee may be inundated with a huge number of the same letters from people wishing to respond to other vacancies. A short text about the education received, specialization, experience - this is enough for the recipient to understand that it is worth looking at the resume and finding out more detailed information.
    • Since most often the applicant sends out a questionnaire to several companies, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the names of companies, names and positions of recipients are mixed up in the letters. No self-respecting company representative would be happy to receive a note from an inattentive and disrespectful candidate.
    • There is no need to demand feedback from the addressee; you should take the initiative and call the organization yourself in a few days, indicating this in the text with a presentation of the purpose of the call in approximately the following wording: “... to receive answers to previously raised questions.”
    • At the end of the letter, you must indicate your full name or first and last name (depending on the desired position), contact information where the addressee can contact the candidate.
    • You shouldn’t immediately rejoice and send the letter when the text is completed. It is necessary to read it several times, slowly and carefully, correcting all errors and typos - usually during such a check there are at least two.

    If you adhere to these tips, then the cover letter should focus on professionalism, motivation to obtain the desired position and awareness of the company - these conditions will contribute to a careful study of the resume and an invitation to an interview.

    Personal and contact details

    First of all, the full last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, residential address (city and street are enough) and the nearest metro station (if available) are indicated.

    Then information about marital status is given. There is no need to hide your marital status - it will still be known. At the same time, you should not write about family and children at the very beginning before indicating your own data - the recruiter will draw conclusions about the priorities of the applicant, because the main thing in the office is work, despite the fact that family is the most important value for the majority.

    It is no coincidence that information about marital status is part of the resume. However, it is impossible to say for sure what is the priority for the employer: diametrically opposite situations are welcomed in different positions. Depending on how the candidate’s personal life is shaping up, the HR employee can draw the following conclusions:

    • Married (married). If the company has irregular working hours or frequent business trips, then the employer will give preference to a bachelor, because family people rush home in the evenings, and on weekends they want to be with their relatives, not wanting to plunge headlong into work.
    • Children . An employee with a small child will go on sick leave and often take time off. It is psychologically difficult for such an employee to be disciplined, fired, or have their wages reduced. At the same time, family people are less willing to take risks and turn out to be diligent workaholics.
    • Civil marriage. You should not indicate that the candidate is in a civil marriage. This can influence the employer's opinion of the employee's reliability and stability on a subconscious level.

    Single (not married). The statuses of an unmarried woman and a bachelor influence the employer's decision in different ways. Bachelors are not burdened with household chores and can stay in the office if necessary; they love corporate events and can attend training at company expense. An unmarried woman is perceived as an employee who, sooner or later, will begin to engage in her personal life, go on maternity leave, and take sick leave to care for children. If a woman has reached the age of 35 and does not have a family, then an opinion may be formed about her complex character and difficulties in communicating with colleagues.

    The following is the information for contacting the HR department employee with the applicant: telephone, email. It is not prohibited to make a comment regarding a convenient time for feedback. Sometimes candidates receive an immediate refusal immediately after the employer reads their resume; there are cases when it doesn’t even come to reading the letter. The fact is that a lot of letters come to the company’s address, and an e-mail with a “non-working” name, as a rule, will definitely go to the trash. To search for a job, it is advisable to create a separate email address.

    Example of a resume with an invalid address: Head of Sales Department kalinka-malinka@...; assistant secretary dark_angel@...; legal consultant pusya666@... - the list can be continued endlessly. Correctly: Head of Sales Department ivanova_iptelecom@...; secretary-referent business_21vek@..., legal adviser law_mts@...


    There is no absolute guarantee that, after seeing a successful photo, the company’s management will decide to invite a candidate. But a bad photo can reduce the chances of being invited to an interview and further employment.

    Employers often believe that photography in a non-business style (with the exception of people in creative professions) is an indicator of a corresponding frivolous attitude towards work. The ideal option is to order a photo from a professional; you can ask for help from a friend who can take into account all the existing nuances of the image when hiring. A classic photograph for the application form must meet the following requirements:

    • the candidate can be in business attire or simply look neat while sitting at his desk (an informal setting is not suitable);
    • the best option is a shoulder-length portrait photo, maximum waist-length (in no case full-length or together with other persons);
    • the face should not be blurry, but should be clearly centered and in focus;
    • facial expression should be natural, but not necessarily strict and serious; smiling (just not going to extremes) is not prohibited;
    • You should not use a photo taken many years ago - the recruiter will lose confidence if he sees many differences between the image on the resume and reality;
    • the photo should not be further processed using special programs or made in black and white;

    You should not send the image by fax - this will degrade its quality; it is better to send it by e-mail, first reducing its size to 100 kilobytes and attaching it as a separate document.

    Goal - desired position/salary

    In this section you should indicate the position for which there is a vacancy. It is not advisable to list several related positions; it is better to find time and correctly compose a resume additionally for other companies.

    Also in this paragraph, disclosure of personal motivation (non-material) for obtaining a place in the company, career plans, and employment prospects is encouraged.

    Most employers, when choosing an employee from candidates who are not inferior to each other in experience and professional qualities, will take a person with lower salary requirements.

    You need to analyze in advance the company’s activities, its capabilities, study the salary limits for the selected vacancy from different employers, and personally choose for yourself the minimum and maximum possible salary limit. If these indicators do not match, then you should think about finding a place in another related field or getting additional education.

    When discussing salary issues, you need to ask the company representative what you can get in addition to the salary, except for bonuses, the “thirteenth salary” or interest on transactions. For example, financial motivation in the form of free food, payment for transport, mobile communications. There are well-known and prestigious companies, work in which can give good start in your future career - in this case, you can slightly revise the minimum amount of acceptable wages.


    The most important information in a resume is work experience. It is this indicator that directly influences the employer’s decision whether to invite the candidate for an interview.

    If you have experience:
    • indicate exclusively those responsibilities at the previous place of work that intersect with the desired position;
    • when listing responsibilities, describe specific results, preferably in percentages and numbers;
    • if there are a large number of previous jobs, you should describe in detail the work activity at the last three, pay less attention to the rest, simply listing their names, industries and periods of work;
    • if the duties at the previous place of employment do not correspond to the position recorded in work book, in the resume it is allowed to indicate the position corresponding to the functions performed, but it is important later, during a personal conversation with the employer, to adequately and clearly explain such a discrepancy;
    • if the positions and responsibilities in previous companies were identical, you should not write the same text; it is important to show the employer how professional growth took place in each of the organizations and what new things the employee learned there;
    • if career growth was observed during the period of work in the same company, this should be displayed in the document, duplicating the name of the organization, but indicating various positions and functions performed.
    If you have no experience:
    • indicate information about the specialization and education received;
    • participation in international programs (for example, Work&Travel);
    • activity in an educational institution (for example, participation in KVN);
    • internship, educational and industrial practice, indicating the periods of their completion;
    • computer knowledge;
    • knowledge of foreign languages;
    • part-time work (experience of informal employment);
    • scientific activity, participation in seminars and conferences.


    In this section, you must provide information about the exact name of the educational institution, period of study and specialty indicated in the diploma. Data on academic degrees and second higher education are also reflected. You should not hide the presence of an education that does not correspond to the vacancy - this will show the versatility of the individual. If the university has not yet been completed, then you should write “unfinished higher education” indicating the course, specialty and name of the institution.

    You should not indicate information about completed courses and seminars if they are not relevant to the vacancy. But if they are directly related to the position you are looking for, then their display is mandatory.

    Professional achievements and skills

    Traditionally, this section includes the level of proficiency in a personal computer (in particular, popular office programs) and knowledge of foreign languages ​​(if the work involves their regular use). It is necessary to compactly list all available skills and abilities that play an important role in the performance of labor functions. You should start with a description of the field of activity in which the employee is a professional and his work experience in it. There is no need to list all the responsibilities in the previous company; it is important to highlight the main thing: choose the leading features, present them beautifully and show the HR specialist that this is a person who knows his job.

    The section should end with an indication of the current main achievement in the professional field (what benefits were brought to the organization and what labor resources were spent on it). The employer needs specific percentages, facts and figures to understand the possible financial benefits after inviting a new employee.

    Personal qualities

    Often employers do not pay special attention to this information, since in most cases it is presented in “clichéd” phrases, and its veracity is not always possible to verify. The best thing an applicant can do is to write the truth about himself and show exactly those qualities that will be useful for the position he is looking for. If the work is related to the client base, then friendliness and communication skills are key points. For a clerk, perseverance, punctuality and accuracy are important. A leader must be conflict-free, organized, be able to persuade, think analytically, find non-standard solutions. There is no need to “inflate” your resume by listing personal qualities; it is enough to indicate no more than 5-10 items.

    Weak sides

    There are no ideal applicants, and writing a resume for a job without specifying weaknesses will be incorrect and suspicious, which the employer will definitely pay attention to. A person who wants to develop and admits his shortcomings will be liked by the employer because he will reveal his ability to develop as a person and strive for new horizons.

    You shouldn’t overload your resume with such information, but you can point out some weaknesses that are unlikely to negatively affect the employer’s opinion, for example:

    • straightforwardness;
    • reliability;
    • excessive self-confidence;
    • workaholism;
    • fear of airplanes;
    • love to sleep until noon on weekends;
    • overweight;
    • habit of chewing pens and pencils;
    • scrupulousness;
    • the ability to defend one’s point of view;
    • meticulousness in detail.

    However, in different professional fields, the same quality can be viewed from a negative or positive side. It is important that the identified weaknesses do not relate to future job responsibilities and do not affect their performance. For example, pointing out his reliability, an applicant for the position of head of department may not count on a positive result and getting a job in the company.

    Also, you should not write a complete list of weaknesses. The employer must independently draw conclusions during a personal meeting, looking at the candidate and talking with him.

    Additional Information

    Here you can list all the additional advantages that the candidate has, for example: readiness to move and travel; absence of bad habits; hobby; availability of a driver's license and personal car, foreign passport and visas; recommendations.

    Important points

    The resume must meet 5 main criteria and be:

    • Competent: grammatical, spelling and other errors will instantly ruin the first impression.
    • Truthful: if deception is revealed later in the interview, the path to obtaining a position in the company will be forever closed.
    • Compact: occupy no more than 2 pages and contain the most important points without long, difficult to understand sentences.
    • Energetic: you should avoid template phrases and passive constructions.
    • Substantive: everything written in the document must be relevant to the vacancy being sought.

    The right approach to searching new job consists of several stages:

    • Determining the goal. This could be looking for a job in a previously occupied field or mastering a completely new niche.
    • Preparing a self-presentation. This aspect includes writing resumes, cover letters, and preparing for potential interviews.
    • Using all possible search sources. It should begin with specialized sites and end with calls to friends and acquaintances.

    Competently writing a resume is one of the key stages, which requires time and knowledge of certain document preparation standards. In order to compose successful resume, can be used ready-made samples. Such documents should be modern, devoid of unnecessary clichés and irrelevant information.

    Sample of a well-written resume

    An example of how to correctly and competently write a resume for a job is presented using the following table.

    Full Name

    Job title

    Desired salary level

    Date of Birth

    Family status


    (We describe work experience in various companies, the total number is not more than 4. It is better to choose the last or most significant stages of your career path)

    Company name (Enter the name of the company you worked for)
    Work period (It is advisable to indicate not only the years, but also the months in which you started and finished work)
    Job title (Exact job title)
    Professional Responsibilities (List of all responsibilities you perform)
    Professional achievements (It is very important to describe in detail the benefits that the employer received from carrying out professional activities within his enterprise)
    the name of the institution (Indicate the official name of the educational institution)
    Period of study (Only years can be specified)
    Faculty and specialty (If the educational institution is narrowly specialized, it is enough to indicate the specialty)
    Insignia, scientific achievements (In this column you can indicate the presence of a diploma with honors, write the average score, the presence of scientific works (without titles) or academic degrees)
    (Only information that is directly related to the vacancy should be included)
    Professional skills (List of your professional skills. Must meet the employer’s requirements)
    Additional Information (This column indicates knowledge of languages, availability of a driver’s license, foreign passport, the possibility of business trips or relocation, as well as hobbies that will show you from the best side)
    Recommendations (Do not indicate the contact details of the recommender; it is better to write “I will provide upon request”).

    Sections that characterize work experience and education can be expanded or, conversely, narrowed. It all depends on the career path you have taken and the time you have studied. For a person looking for a job for the first time, the emphasis should be on education and the skills that he can offer an employer. For people who have some professional experience behind them, the highest priority is career achievements. It is important for the recruiter to know exactly what benefits you brought in your previous job and what can be expected from you in the future.

    How to write a competent resume. Sample

    A practical example of how to properly write a resume for a job can be considered using the example of the position of a restaurant administrator and marketer.

    Solovyova Anna Vladimirovna

    Restaurant manager

    Wage: from 30,000 rubles

    Phone: +70976547711

    Email: [email protected]

    Relationship status: Single

    1. Company name Junior Jack Pub
    Work period 08.2013-11.2014
    Job title Administrator
    Professional Responsibilities

    — control of the work of waiters;

    — control of the work of bartenders;

    - household inventory goods.

    Professional achievements — getting rid of constant shortages at the bar through weekly inventory and introducing a system of fines.
    2. Company name Restaurant "Malta"
    Work period 01.2015-02.2017
    Job title Administrator
    Professional Responsibilities — meeting and accommodating visitors;

    — accepting orders;

    — work when ordering banquets and making table reservations;

    — calculating visitors;

    — control of personnel work;

    - training.

    Professional achievements — improving service by training staff to standards;

    — increase in the total number of clients;

    - increasing the number regular customers through the introduction of a flexible system of discounts.

    the name of the institution Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
    Period of study 2008-2013
    Faculty and specialty Hotel and restaurant business
    Marks of Excellence Diploma with honors
    Certificates of advanced training, courses or trainings Online course about the restaurant business from the International Academy of Business.
    Professional skills — knowledge of service standards;

    — knowledge of the specifics of European cuisine;

    — 1C program (confident user level);

    - ability to carry out inventory of goods;

    — team management skills (more than 10 people);

    Additional Information Foreign languages: English – intermediate level; German - beginner.

    Work schedule: ready for irregular working hours day.

    Recommendations I will provide it upon request.
    Andreev Mikhail


    Salary: from 50,000 rubles

    Phone: +70897765121

    Email: [email protected]

    Marital status: married, has a child

    1. Company name Clever LLC (building materials)
    Work period 06.2012-03.2017
    Job title Marketer
    Professional Responsibilities — overview of the building materials market;

    — analysis of the competitive environment;

    — formation of competitive pricing policy;

    - maintaining monthly reports.

    Professional achievements — transition to an unoccupied niche of building materials thanks to qualitative market analysis (transition period - 1 year);

    — increase in sales level by 50%;

    — attracting new customers thanks to an effective advertising policy.

    the name of the institution Moscow Polytechnic University
    Period of study 2005-2010
    Faculty and specialty Economy
    Certificates of advanced training, courses or trainings Training by Andrey Livanov “Promotion of goods and services on the Internet”
    Professional skills — analysis of supplier markets and sales markets;

    — promotion of goods and services via the Internet: website optimization, targeted advertising, social networks;

    Listen to someone who has reviewed over 100,000 resumes throughout his career and really knows how to make a resume more compelling. Here, by the way, is my LinkedIn profile, see for yourself: mpritula.

    But let's agree right away: no deception on your resume. Only honest information. How to make your resume really cool without cheating - about this in my life hacks.

    Why almost perfect? Here are 10 tips I would give on this resume:

    • Take a photo on a plain background (white or gray).
    • Remove one phone. Why does a recruiter need to think about where to call?
    • Change your email to a personal one, not a company one.
    • Remove marital status.
    • Combine competencies and key experience. Reduce sentences to 7-10 words and format them as a list.
    • Remove recommendations.
    • Correct the misspelling of the word “company” in your last place of employment.
    • Reduce responsibilities to 10 lines.
    • Make the link short (,
    • Reduce the total length of your resume to two pages.

    Making your resume more expensive

    Now let's talk about what makes a resume more expensive. I advise people on how to improve their resume. Representatives of a variety of positions send me their resumes: from ordinary salespeople to company directors. Everyone makes the same mistakes. There wasn't a single resume for which I couldn't write 10 tips on how to improve it. Below I have collected the most frequent advice that I gave on the resumes sent.

    10. Combine many jobs into one

    It is considered normal if a person works for a company for 2–3 years. If he changes jobs more often, he may be called a job hopper. Recruiters don’t like such people, since about 70% of customers refuse to consider such candidates. And this is quite natural.

    After a year of work, a person only begins to benefit the company.

    Of course, everyone has the right to make mistakes, and good resume there may be a couple of places where the candidate worked for 1–1.5 years. But if the entire resume looks like this, then its value is very low.

    However, it often happens that a person has changed several job positions in one company or moved from company to company within a holding structure. Or he was engaged in project work, during which he changed several employers.

    In such cases (and wherever possible), I recommend registering this as one place of work, with one name and common dates of work. And inside this block, you can unobtrusively show a change of positions, but in such a way that visually, upon a quick inspection of the resume, there is no feeling of a frequent change of jobs.

    11. Keep your resume to the ideal length

    I believe that the ideal length of a resume is strictly two pages. One is too little, it is only permissible for students, and three is too much.

    If everything is clear with one page - such a resume looks like a resume for a novice specialist - then with three, four, and so on pages, everything is not so obvious. And the answer is simple: the recruiter will look at only two pages 80% of the time. And it will only read what you indicated on these two pages. Therefore, no matter what you write on the third and subsequent pages, it will remain unnoticed. And if you write valuable information about yourself there, the recruiter will not know about it.

    12. Share your achievements

    If you remember only one sentence from my article, let it be about achievements. This immediately adds 50% value to your resume. The recruiter is simply not able to interview everyone who sent a resume. Therefore, the one who indicated his achievements and was able to thereby interest the recruiter will always win.

    Achievements are your measurable ones, which are expressed in numbers, deadlines or significant qualitative changes in the company. They must be specific, measurable, impressive and relevant to the position.

    Example of achievements:

    • In three months, I increased TV sales by 30% (store director).
    • Introduced a new product to the market in four months, which helped earn $800 thousand in six months (marketing director).
    • Negotiated with suppliers and increased the deferment on payments by 30 days, saving the company on loans - $100 thousand monthly (purchaser).
    • Reduced staff turnover from 25 to 18% through employee engagement (HR).

    13. Tell us about your personal qualities

    Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to the personal qualities of an employee when selecting candidates. If you analyze what exactly you will be assessed at the interview, then most likely it will be like this:

    • 40% - professional knowledge;
    • 40% - personal qualities;
    • 20% - motivation (the desire to do this particular job in this particular company).

    What are personal qualities? These are personal qualities of a person that contribute to the effective performance of their duties.

    This includes: energy, openness, ability to work in a team, initiative, proactivity, and so on. Moreover, these are no longer empty words; at interviews, more and more often you will hear the following question: “Tell me about a situation in which you had to take responsibility and how you dealt with it.” This is called competency-based assessment.

    Therefore, your personal qualities, especially if they correspond to those required by the vacancy, are extremely important. And if previously it was enough to simply list them, now this is no longer enough. Now we need to confirm their presence, so I recommend writing them like this (of course, you give your own examples, a mandatory rule: they all must be real and from the past):

    • Initiative: developed and implemented a strategy for the department to overcome the crisis when the head left.
    • Energy: My sales volume for 2014 was 30% above the department average.
    • Stress resistance: successfully negotiated with a client who refused seven managers, and concluded an agreement with him.
    • Leadership: conducted five management trainings and developed 10 managers from line employees.

    Here it is important to write not many qualities, but qualities with examples. That is, examples here are more important than quantity.

    14. Throw functional responsibilities from the job description into the trash!

    Functional responsibilities that are indicated on a resume are usually the most banal and tedious thing. In 30% of cases they are copied from their own job description, in 50% of cases - from other people’s resumes or job descriptions, and only 20% really write them well on their own.

    I always recommend writing down responsibilities, not areas of responsibility, and describing them in the form of actions that you performed. This is similar to achievements, but numbers are not required here, responsibilities may not be so impressive, and, naturally, these are not one-time actions.

    Before writing them, I recommend reading a few job openings to get an idea of ​​what is worth writing about. Next, write down the responsibilities in order of their importance: the most significant ones come first (strategy development, introducing new products to the market), and the least significant ones come last (preparation of reports).

    15. Sell your job title and company

    Job titles and a list of companies are, in fact, exactly what a recruiter looks for in a resume in the first place. It’s like a buyer sliding his eyes along a store shelf in search of brands familiar to him (Nescafe, Procter & Gamble, Gallina Blanca, Mars, Snickers, Tide). It is on these lines that the recruiter forms the initial cost of the resume in his head and only then begins to look for details.

    • We write only the generally accepted name. If you work for Nails and Nuts LLC, which is an official dealer of Coca-Cola, then simply write Coca-Cola. Believe me, no one is interested in the legal name of the company.
    • We write the number of employees in brackets, for example: IBM (3,000 employees).
    • Under the name of the company, we write briefly in 7-10 words what it does. For example: one of the top 5 in the field of consumer lending.
    • If the company is little-known, but works with well-known brands, be sure to indicate this. For example: “Autosupersuperleasing” (leasing partner of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Honda). The name of well-known brands next to an unknown company will significantly enhance the perception of the company.

    16. Remove template phrases from the “Goal” section

    Immediately after your contact information in your resume there is a section called “Goal”. Usually in this section they write template phrases like “Maximize your potential...”. Here you need to list a list of positions that interest you.

    17. Always check your spelling

    Typically, about 5% of all resumes I review contain errors:

    • basic grammatical errors (there was no spell check);
    • errors in the spelling of foreign words (only Russian spelling is checked);
    • errors in punctuation: a space before a comma, a comma between words without spaces;
    • in lists there are different punctuation marks at the end of the sentence (ideally there should be none; a period is placed after the last item in the list).

    18. Save your resume in DOCX format and nothing else.

    • Not PDF - many recruiters make their edits or notes (salary expectations, their impressions of the candidate, information that was obtained during the interview) in the resume before sending it to the customer; they will not be able to add them to PDF.
    • Not ODT - may not open correctly on some computers.
    • No DOC is a sign that the resume is from the past (pre-Office 2007).
    • Not RTF - usually weighs more than alternatives.

    19. Use a resume file name that is convenient for the recruiter

    The title of the resume file must contain at least your last name and preferably your position. This will make it more convenient for the recruiter to search for a resume on his disk, forward it, and so on. A little concern for the recruiter will definitely be noted. Again, this makes the resume a little more expensive in the eyes of the recruiter.

    20. Show your value in your cover letter.

    There are different opinions about cover letters. I always say this: a good cover letter can add value to a resume 20% of the time if it's written correctly. But it is not always necessary.

    If you decide to write it, then here is a simple structure:

    And if shown with an example, it could look like this:

    Mistakes in your resume

    Along with the secrets to increasing the value of a resume, there are things that make a resume significantly cheaper. Let's talk about some of them.

    Nowadays, many job search sites allow you to download a resume created there. At the same time, they always add their logo and various fields for entering information into such a resume, which is not at all necessary for the resume. For example, gender. These resumes look like they're really cheap, so I don't recommend ever doing that.

    21. Remove confusing abbreviations

    When you work in a company for a long time, some of the abbreviations adopted in it already seem so familiar that you write them on your resume. But they are unfamiliar to the recruiter, so very important information is lost. Try to avoid abbreviations wherever possible.

    22. Paraphrase cliched phrases

    Very often you want to give in to temptation and stuff into your resume template phrases that can easily be found in any resume or job description. Avoid them as they are a waste of space to the recruiter.

    Paraphrase, for example:

    • Result orientation = I always think about the result in my work.
    • Customer focus = the client always comes first for me = I put the client’s interests above my personal ones.
    • Communication skills = I can easily negotiate with any clients/colleagues = I can easily carry on conversations with clients.

    23. Create a normal box

    What distinguishes a professional from a child? A professional calls his mailbox by first and last name, and a child uses children’s words, nicknames from games and forums, and his date of birth.

    Well, it is absolutely unacceptable to indicate your work mailbox. The recruiter in this case will interpret this nuance as follows: “I’m being fired from my job, and therefore I don’t have to be afraid and send my resume from my work email.”

    24. Delete marital status, it is only of interest to visitors of dating sites

    There is only one case when indicating marital status can play a positive role: if a young girl is looking for a job and wants to show that she will not go on maternity leave immediately after employment. In this case, you can indicate the presence of children.

    The options “civil marriage” and “divorced” immediately reduce the cost of the resume, as additional questions arise.

    The option “I have children” is written by very narrow-minded people, since all normal people “”. :)

    25. Explain the work experience gap.

    You can’t just show a gap in work. You need to write why exactly it arose. The option “I’ll explain at the interview” is not suitable, since the recruiter, seeing the gap, will think the worst that could happen.

    If there was a maternity leave between two jobs, we write that. By the way, if the maternity leave was without leaving for another job, there is no point in writing it at all. I don’t even recommend highlighting this in any particular way during an interview.

    26. Remove the end date from the last place

    This is the only resume trick that can be forgiven. It is believed that a person draws up a resume before dismissal and after dismissal simply does not update this date. In any case, the specified dismissal date will work against you.

    27. Don’t write reasons for dismissals

    There is no reason why reasons for dismissal need to be specified. No matter what you write there, the recruiter will always have suspicions about your desire to explain the reason for your dismissal. Or maybe you're lying?

    28. Don't explain details of your resume.

    It is not allowed to write explanations, comments, footnotes, etc. in your resume. Only dates, facts, achievements.

    The worst thing that can happen is the “Recommendations” section and the phrase “I will provide it upon request.” What is the point of such a section? A list of recommenders is unnecessary. Nobody will call them before the interview with you. And after the interview, you will be able to provide this list if there is a request.

    30. Remove tables and large indents

    Tables in resumes were adopted in the early 2000s. Then the entire civilized world abandoned them. Don't act like a dinosaur.

    Also, don't take up most of the summary with very large spaces on the left side of the document.

    31. Leave the first jobs for your grandmother

    For simplicity, I'll just describe how it would be OK:

    • Last place of work: 7–10 lines of responsibilities and 5–7 lines of achievements.
    • Previous place of work: 5-7 lines of responsibilities and 3-5 lines of achievements.
    • Place of work before last: 3–5 lines of responsibilities and 3 lines of achievements.
    • Other places of work: 3 lines + 3 lines of achievements, if they fall within the range of the last 10 years of work.
    • Everything that was before 10 years ago: only the names of companies and positions.
    • If in your career there were places of work that were not relevant to your current position, feel free to delete them. For example, now you are a marketing director, but you started 15 years ago as an engineer at a factory or a salesperson at the market.

    32. Remove vocational school

    If you studied at a vocational school, college, technical school, and then graduated from a university, show only the university.

    33. Don’t show your resume to HR specialists you know if you’re not sure of their professionalism.

    We have many HR specialists who consider themselves gurus and give advice left and right. Find out how many vacancies they filled themselves, how many people are interviewed on average per day. What books have you read about recruiting? How many of them were foreign?

    If you receive answers like this:

    • more than 500 vacancies;
    • 5–10 per day;
    • more than five books (at least!);
    • Lou Adler, Bill Radin, Tony Byrne;

    ...then feel free to trust the advice!

    I'm doing a little research, so in the comments to this post, write which of all the tips described was the most valuable to you. This will help me understand your needs and write another cool article on how to sell yourself more during an interview.

    P.S. Friends, thank you all for your comments. My colleague and I wrote a book where we shared even more advice. It is available at the link.

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