Know your business

Proper completion of resume. Do not include several different positions in one resume

Recently, I often have to help with resume writing. Some kind of general desire to change everything that is possible: life, work, place of residence. The most affordable is to change jobs for a better one. The first step, so to speak.

As a rule, to declare yourself as a specialist, you need a convincing and well-written resume. And who said that writing a resume is not copywriting? What more!

Perhaps the most important selling text for the benefit of oneself. A unique text that will help you sell your skill, your professional qualities for the highest possible price.

Your resume should be a well-written document that shows your integrity and professionalism in every line and every paragraph. A lengthy biography has no place in it. No one is interested in how many times you have been married or married and what kind of trials you had to go through.

  • It should contain a concise presentation of information that in a favorable light will distinguish you among the crowd of applicants, as a class specialist, professional.
  • Moments of professional growth and achievements that will make the attention of personnel officers and the employer personally pay attention to you: such a valuable and necessary specialist for the company.

Professional resume example

How to write a good resume

  • Title or header.
  • Purpose of a resume.
  • Education.
  • Work experience and the position you are applying for.
  • Desired payment.
  • Additional information.

Now more on each item.

IN "Headline" enter your details:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic - this is mandatory
  2. Indicate the year of birth if you think that this information will add points to you. The price includes people 30-35 years old. The chances of 45-year-olds and 19-year-olds are significantly less. But you can’t hide the sewing in the bag. You will also indicate the years of study. So it's up to you to decide whether to advertise your age from the very first lines or not.
  3. Marital status is also optional, but desirable.
  4. Address, phone, email, skype. All those contacts that you deem necessary. This is a mandatory item.


If there is more than one phone number, be the first to indicate the phone number on which you are available at any time.
A potential employer has a lot of you, job seekers. Do not get through the first time - consider the train left and the desired vacancy too.

In chapter "Target" Please clearly state the position you are applying for.


As a rule, a resume is written based on the vacancy that is currently required by the employer. It is not necessary to indicate several positions at once in one document.

  1. Compose a separate summary for each ad.
  2. One job offer - one resume.

In the graph "Education" start with the profession and diploma that give you reason to apply for this position.

Indicate the educational institution, qualification, average score.
If you attended advanced training courses by profession or had an internship at a prestigious enterprise, be sure to write about it.

Honors degree? Be sure to point this out. Academic degree? Generally gorgeous.

On a note

Feel free to talk about all the achievements in the field of activity for which you are applying.

If the education does not correspond to either the position or the profession, the name of the educational institution, years of study, diploma or certificate of education are indicated in without fail.

In addition, write about your level of computer proficiency, the Internet.
List the programs you work with and are fluent in.

Be sure to indicate the level of language proficiency. Unless, of course, such knowledge has a place to be, and consider that the extra points are in your pocket.

You can specify both the presence of the rights to drive a car and the presence of the car itself.
For some reason, this question of the employer in an oral conversation when applying for a job sounds very often, even if the applicant came to be hired as a janitor or seller.

Count "Work experience and desired position" is the most important part of your resume.

  • Start from your last job. In what organization, how long, in what terms did you work. Are you currently working there?
  • Indicate your achievements, successes, refresher courses, everything that can confirm your competence and serve to your benefit.
  • Do not list the data of the work book, write about real work experience, use terms, indicate those character traits that will help you achieve success in the position you are applying for.

The employer must see in you a person who has all the necessary complex of knowledge, skills and character traits.

However, trainings and courses that are not relevant should not be indicated. It is unlikely that the future boss will be useful knowing that you went to origami courses if he is considering your candidacy as an economist or personnel manager.

Question desired payment- the most ticklish in the resume.

On a note

If you know your own worth as a specialist, and are not ready to work for an amount less than you value yourself, feel free to write it.

If you are applying for the same position that you previously worked in another place, and you know how much such a vacancy is paid, write the amount of the estimated salary. However, be aware that your pay plans and those of your employer may not match.

If you know your lower earnings limit, then write that you expect to pay at least a certain amount.
You can not specify this item at all and respond to ads where the wage for a vacancy.
Another example:

How to avoid embarrassing mistakes

  1. First of all, the resume should be written correctly, without errors and clumsy phrases. Proofread what you have written and make sure that all terms, program names, abbreviations of educational institutions are written by you correctly and do not contain annoying typos, errors and inaccuracies.
  2. An illiterately written resume makes an unfavorable impression. It "cuts" the eye immediately, upon reading, and the matter may not reach the interview at all. Even if the data you specified would suit the potential bosses as well as possible.
  3. Resumes are best placed on one sheet. It is worse if it is on two and a pack of several pages is completely useless.
    Imagine an HR manager or an employer who is forced to read the multi-page opus of every applicant-writer. Usually only the beginning is carefully looked through.
  4. This single page should be readable. Both too small and large font are unacceptable. Ideally 12 size.
  5. The text should not be located "solid". Break it into paragraphs of 2-3 sentences.

Put your soul into your resume, do not “dry” the text with clerical work. But don't overdo it either. Choose the sweet spot between factual presentation and listing of skills, and add a touch of uniqueness.

The employer must see in you both a specialist and a person aimed at career growth. A specialist, from cooperation with which the enterprise will benefit and a person with whom it will be comfortable to work.

Very important

Drawing up a competent, persuasive summary is not a five-minute matter. Spend time on this once, make a template, a basis and adjust it as needed.

It will be nice if the document includes your photo: small, but of good quality. This will add pluses to a positive decision and your resume will not get lost in a pile of faceless and dry-official representations of competitors.

Now you know how to write a good resume yourself. Don't rely on online resume writing services. Unique texts always stand out against the background of template ones, you will have a chance to attract the attention of the employer.

A resume is the first step in finding a prestigious and well-paid job that should lead you to an interview. Make it smart and persuasive.

Before you write your own resume, you will probably need a ready-made example of a resume for a job. To help you in this simple but important matter, we have devoted today's article to sample resumes for jobs that are relevant in 2019.

To interest the employer in your candidacy, you first need to write a good resume. In general, now, probably, no one goes to interviews without a resume. But it's one thing when a resume is compiled in haste and looks absolutely unpresentable, and quite another thing is a resume of high quality and thoughtful. The employer, looking through such a resume, will immediately understand that this candidate approached the preparation of this document with all responsibility, which means that he can potentially be a good employee. At the very least, he will significantly “win” in the eyes of the employer from the applicant who made his resume on a “blunder”.

Requirements and recommendations for writing a resume change from year to year, as the labor market does not stand still. If you want to create an up-to-date resume, then it is better to focus on examples and samples from 2019. There are a lot of ready-made resume examples on the Internet. In this article, I tried to collect 2019 resume samples for a variety of professions - from a sales assistant to a lawyer.

Job Resume: 2019 Samples

I want to note right away that a resume can be written in different ways. Therefore, do not panic if you see a lot of different resume templates and do not know which one to use. Recommendations are just recommendations, not laws. Be guided by common sense.

Here are some well-designed resumes for different professions. Sample resume for an accountant:

Client Relationship Manager Resume Sample:

Sample lawyer resume:

Here is an example of a resume in English:

When compiling a resume, do not forget one of its main rules: the resume should emphasize your advantages and subtly hide your shortcomings. Therefore, if you are proud of your rich professional experience, describe it unobtrusively in your resume. If you have certificates and awards related to the desired position - write about them. And about those areas in which you have nothing to brag about, it is better not to write at all than to write at least something.

So, today we will be presented with examples the best resumes. Without this document, it is now very difficult to imagine employment. And, accordingly, when a person does not have it, then the chances of taking a vacancy are rapidly approaching zero. Thus, you have to think a lot about how to write a resume. Sometimes it is made inconsistent with reality. To some extent, this is correct. Especially if you are a fast learner. Then you can always quickly master those skills and programs that are indicated in the document. But if this is not so, then only the truth will have to be written. Examples of the best resumes are those that demonstrate not only your skills and abilities, but also your honesty. So let's get started on today's topic as soon as possible.


Let's start by trying to understand more clearly what will be discussed today. To know how to write a good resume (we will look at an example of it by components), you will have to figure out what we are dealing with. Maybe this will already help you understand what you need to write in this document.

So what is a resume? This is a document that reflects your skills and characteristics, as well as places of previous work. A kind of questionnaire for employment. You can't get a job without her now. Is that a loader, and that's not a fact. In the resume, as a rule, they also indicate personal characteristics of the character. And, of course, there is a small list of must-have items. After all, the wrong thing can just ruin your career.

To be honest, it takes a lot of honesty to write such a document. You can lie only about your character. After all, the majority of the population is now nervous. And this is a very bad trait. It's better not to mention it. So let's try to look at an example of creating a good resume for different vacancies. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the universal option, which is suitable for absolutely any profession.

About Me

It starts with one simple point - about yourself. You can also see the wording of contact information. To be honest, this "place" is the easiest to fill. To fill it with information, you may need a passport.

The first thing you should pay attention to is your contact details. Or rather, personal. First name, last name and patronymic. This is the most important point. Without it, the resume is not valid. Examples of the best resumes cannot be imagined without a "name". Write the full name, surname and patronymic. Next, you will have to fill in the city of residence, as well as provide your home address. Sometimes it can be omitted at the very beginning. But then you still have to.

If you do not live at the place of registration or temporary registration, then indicate two addresses - actual and registration. This will help you avoid problems in the future. summary? We will see examples a little later. In the meantime, let's take a look at what is worth writing in this document. After the address and personal data, you need to publish your phone number, as well as your email. This will help in the future to contact you more quickly if necessary.

Among other things, you will also have to indicate your gender, age, desired income level, as well as marital status and date of birth. To be honest, without these points, not a single example of a good resume can consist. So try to be as honest as possible here. And in general, there is nothing special here. As already mentioned, this moment is the easiest area to fill. Now it's time to move on to more difficult things.


The best resumes, examples (concrete) of which we will study a little later, cannot be imagined without such an important item as education. To be honest, in the absence of it, you may have problems with employment. After all, now every employer wants to get himself a truly good and educated subordinate. But there are exceptions.

As a rule, the examples of the best resumes in the column "Education" reflect all the information about your lifelong learning, starting with the school itself. But usually only the fact of graduating from high school (with the year of graduation), as well as the presence of higher education, is indicated here. If you are just learning, this is also worth pointing out.

So, if you need to see an example of a good engineer's resume, then this paragraph should have a complete secondary school education, as well as training at a technical university. Which one depends on your specialty. Indicate not only the faculty, but also the direction. For example: MSGU, "Automation and Control", specialty "Robots and Robotic Systems", study period from 2005 to 2010. By the way, the more prestigious your university, the better. Often you can not have any knowledge, but graduate from a good institution of higher education. And this will allow you to get a lot of attention from employers. After all, first you will be "meeted" by diplomas and a questionnaire, and only then - by professional skills and opportunities. So already in adolescence it is worth thinking about the future of the university.

True, sometimes examples of the best resumes have small exceptions. In rare cases, in the column "Education" it is enough to write simply "secondary full" and the place where you studied. In this case, you should have an additional baggage of necessary knowledge and skills that are confirmed by something. For example, diplomas from olympiads or additional diplomas from courses. In addition, some employers make a “discount” on education if the employee is the most suitable for all other parameters. But all this happens very rarely. Do not count on such a gift of fate.

Additional education

The next extremely important point is nothing more than a university and a school - this is all, of course, good. But now many employers want to get real professionals who are comprehensively developed as their subordinates. And so now the best resumes you can find examples include a rather extensive paragraph additional education. In principle, you can do without it. But it's better not to. You always need to demonstrate your skills and abilities to the maximum in order to be among the first candidates for a particular vacancy.

Of course, you often have to take into account the place where you want to find a job. So, by the way, if you need an example of a good manager's resume, then you should not write in it about the completion of, say, "magician" courses or some kind of entertainment areas. It will be redundant. But the fact that you have completed courses in accounting or human resource management must be indicated. So this is a very important point.

In principle, any example of a good resume includes additional education in the field of computers. If you have it, then it will be a huge plus. Especially if you decide to work in an office. In this case, you can sometimes count on an increase in salary. But not much. After all, often additional duties are not paid in Russia. Every employer wants to get a universal worker who will do all the work for him and earn a penny. However, if it is more important for you to make a correct and worthy resume, then take care of the availability of additional education in advance. Remember, this is very important when taking on a particular job.

Places of former work

Also an important point is also an indication of the former place of work. More precisely, your entire career ladder. Examples of a good resume for applying for a job, as a rule, have a very long list. And without it, difficulties can arise. Especially if you have just graduated from the university, but did not work officially before. And they didn't even try.

The fact is that without work experience you will be reluctantly hired. Nobody needs a smart worker who doesn't know how to apply his skills. Sometimes the employer can make a "discount" for this item, but only if you can prove during the trial period that you are worthy of attention. An example of a good resume without is not an easy task. And it can be allowed only in adolescence. Well, or not count on a good salary.

In addition to indicating places and job vacancies, it is also worth paying attention to the reason for dismissal. Either you write it yourself, or you will be asked during the interview. It's usually customary to ask. In addition, do not forget to indicate the duration of your stay in the same places. And, if you decide to just change jobs for normal reasons (downsizing, salary levels, schedule, and so on), then you can also leave the phone numbers of your former bosses. This will help you give assurance that someone can vouch for you. That is, tell what kind of employee you really are. In principle, an example of a good sales manager resume, for example, may not contain any experience and jobs in an official manner. In this case, state that you worked unofficially for certain reasons, and also give the contacts of the former employer. Ask him to contact him for advice. You can do without it, but it's better not to.

Remember, the more experience you have and the smaller your list of jobs, the better. It is important to show that you are a diligent and responsible employee who can work and perform the same tasks for a long time. And jobs will help you with this. Let's try to figure out what else can be in a good resume, which will be your "calling card" when applying for a job.


Quite often, a resume turns out to be not only the "face" of a person, but also his profile. True, it is not universal. After all, at every workplace you will have to change such an item as expectations from work. In principle, you can do without it. But it's better not to. Verbally explaining what and why you want will be quite difficult. After all, employers will start asking you leading questions. And you can simply get worried and confused. So let's try to figure out which example of a good resume will be extremely effective in this regard.

The thing is, the point here is not to exaggerate. Of course, everyone wants a high salary. But you don't have to start right away. After all, this technique can simply scare away the employer. People will think that you are too arrogant. And this is of no use to us. So the list of expectations must be in the first place:

    career growth;

    development of the company;

    friendly team;


Only then it is worth specifying the salary. And it would be better to write "decent pay". In this case, it will be clear that you, like everyone else, want to get a lot. But you are ready to really work for this, and not just sit your pants in the office doing nothing. So in this case, the main thing is to know when to stop. True, often during the interview you will fill out a detailed questionnaire, which includes the item "Expectations", as well as everything that is only available in the resume. So it is quite possible that this document, which is prepared in advance for "labor and defense", will save you time and effort. Try to fill it in as accurately as possible.

Professional skills

An example of creating a good resume is not only an indication of your education or expectations from a new job. First of all, this document is nothing more than a demonstration of yours. They, by the way, may not depend on education. Often this phenomenon gives a huge advantage over other applicants. So, try to tell the employer about your professional skills as much as possible.

As you might have guessed, they generally depend on each profession and position. And there is no one-size-fits-all option. For example, if you need an example of a good manager resume, then in this paragraph you should indicate:

    the ability to find an approach to people;


    the ability to prove that a person needs exactly your product;

In general, it is very difficult to find the right answer here. Ask yourself the question: "What does it take to perform your job duties normally and effectively?". This will help you figure out what to write in professional skills. However, in the case of economists and lawyers, things are a little simpler. It is enough for them to indicate knowledge of the law, the ability to carry out calculations of varying complexity, and everything like that. So, this is probably the moment that will cause you the most difficulty. Try to think in advance about what to write here. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to explain to the employer about your skills and abilities.

Personal qualities

Examples of the best resumes, to be honest, constantly include such an item as You can’t do without them. It is good when the employer has an idea about your education and skills, as well as work experience. But understanding what kind of person you are is also very important. For this reason, every resume should have a clause about personal qualities. Or your personality traits. Here you can answer some additional standard questionnaire questions. Just what many employers need.

Of course, it is worth specifying only the qualities that are important for the work. And here it all depends to a greater extent on what position you are applying for. Only here is a small standard list of qualities that every employee should have. And in this sense, some potential employees choose the path of lies. They indicate the qualities that they do not possess. Sometimes this behavior is acceptable. How to make a good resume? The example must necessarily contain a specific list of character traits. So, the universal personal qualities include:




    the ability to perform monotonous work for a long time;

    stress resistance;





  • punctuality;

    fast learner;



This list can still be expanded. But these items are mandatory for each employee. Sometimes when filling out the questionnaire, you may be asked leading questions. It is also better to indicate them in the resume. What can be written? For example:

    "What will you do if you see that your colleague is cheating or breaking the rules?" - I'll tell the authorities.

    "How do you get rid of stress?" - I drink a cup of tea / coffee / juice, take a bath at home and so on.

    "Are you willing to cheat for your own benefit?" - No.

    "You have a personal conflict with a colleague. What will you do?" - Avoid unnecessary communication, ignore unnecessarily.

In principle, this is enough. Thus, you can emphasize your advantage over others, and also show that you are not some kind of "six", but a diligent employee. This is now highly valued.


Of course, the most popular job now (especially without work experience) is a manager. Therefore, now we will try to give an example of a decent resume for this employee. Let's take a look at sales managers. After all, now it is customary to call "managers" almost any person who is engaged in or manages something. So let's get started.

Last name, first name and patronymics write your own. This is where you should write all your personal data. For example:

    Full name: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

    City of residence: Moscow.

    Address: Moscow, st. Ivan Susanin 32b apt. 64.

    Date of birth: 10/12/1992.

    Gender: male.

    Marital status: Not maried.


    So, today we saw examples of the best resumes imaginable. True, occasionally. And only the resume of the sales manager was analyzed using a good example. To be honest, according to this scheme, it is worth compiling this document for any vacancies. Only personal data changes, as well as work experience and education. Otherwise, it is better to leave everything in the "template" version.

    Remember that your resume plays an important role when applying for a job. And so it should be given special attention. Try to set aside a few hours to complete it. Don't forget to attach your photo to the "Personal Information" section as well. Appearance plays a big part too. That's all. Now all you have to do is select a job and then edit a good example of a resume. You can get a job. So you know how to make a good resume for work, an example of which can only please.

    When applying for a job, the employer asks applicants for a resume to fully understand your professional skills. Many people have a question about how to correctly write a resume (do not confuse a resume and a questionnaire, these are completely different documents).

    In the article, we will consider the detailed structure of the design and learn how to write a resume correctly. At the end of the article I will attach several samples of the template template relevant for 2019 year which you can download for free.

    A resume is a document with a brief self-presentation in writing. Containing work experience, professional skills and abilities, achievements and personal qualities.

    When writing a resume, you can include information about your hobbies (hobbies) sports, reading books, programming, but keep in mind that you should not include information that has nothing to do with the position of interest.

    Ready-made resume examples for work sample 2019

    How to write a resume for a job - sample 2019

    70% of success depends on the competent creation of a document, you should not be treated negligently, adhering to a clear structure and following certain rules will increase the chance of getting a position of interest.

    Rule #1 Brevity

    Do not make a long footcloth, the resume should fit on one maximum of two pages. Indicate only information that is of interest to the employer and is directly related to the position for which you are applying.

    Rule #2 Literacy

    Be sure to carefully check it for spelling errors after compiling your resume. Resumes with a lot of errors often end up in the trash.

    Rule #3 Honesty

    Write only true information. Focus on your achievements and merits in which you are 100% sure, in case you are not sure enough, it is better to remove this information. Deception can bring a lot of negative emotions.

    Structure and design

    The resume structure is divided into several blocks:

    • Personal data and contacts
    • Purpose of the resume
    • Education
    • Work experience and responsibilities
    • Additional skills and knowledge
    • additional information

    Personal data and contacts

    In personal information, we write height, weight, hair color, just kidding, we write down the full name (full name), year of birth, address and contacts for communication, photo. We get the result:

    Purpose of the resume

    We indicate the position for which you are applying, with the correct wording, the result will be:


    If you received several educations, then we write in order, disclosing the information as much as possible, there should not be abbreviations.

    Work experience and responsibilities

    In this paragraph, he prescribes his entire working biography in chronological order, starting from the most recent place of work. This is a very important section of the resume, it will help the employer to form an idea of ​​professional skills.

    Be sure to remember and indicate the significant achievements that you have achieved in previous places of work, this will positively affect you. When writing achievements, use the following form:

    • Raised the percentage of sales
    • Completed the annual plan
    • Reduced costs

    Never write in the past tense

    • Raised
    • Performed
    • Reduced

    Additional skills and knowledge

    All completed courses, seminars, trainings, knowledge of computer programs, knowledge of foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license.

    additional information

    In this section, you can specify the information that was not provided above.

    • Willingness to travel
    • Desired salary level (in some cases it is better not to specify)
    • When are you ready to start working?
    • Contacts of previous employers (for reference)

    As a result, we get a ready-made well-written resume for a job, which can be sent not only by e-mail to the employer, but placed on free online boards such as Avito, in some cases, the resume is supplemented with a cover letter.

    In no case do not leave personal information that contains the series and passport number!

    CV mistakes

    There are several basic mistakes due to which the applicant does not receive a response.

    Error #1 Wrong document format

    In my opinion, it is best to use the .doc format for a resume, in the role of the file name, write the last name and position. For a more attractive appearance, the summary can be saved in PDF format, but not all programs support this format.

    Error #2 Too much/too little information.

    Once again, the resume should fit on one maximum of two pages. The main purpose of the resume is so that the employer can determine in a couple of minutes whether the open vacancy is suitable.

    Error #3 Lack of a specific goal

    If you do not specify what position you are applying for, then the resume in most cases will not receive any response.

    Error #4 Wrong contact information

    A typo or carelessness can be a fatal mistake, even if the decision is positive, the employer will not be able to contact you.

    Error #5 Fake information

    Large organizations have their own security service, which will not be difficult to collect the information they are interested in and verify the information provided.

    A resume is one of the most powerful tools in the hands of a job seeker. There is a version that a well-written resume can replace an interview, and therefore can become a kind of guarantor of successful employment.

    There are no uniform standards that determine how to write a resume, either in Russia or in the world. But there are recommendations backed by the experience of HR professionals and experts. We will pay special attention to them.

    Types of resumes in the modern classification

    Some HR experts believe that a resume is a type of document that can be classified into several varieties. In particular, there are researchers who subdivide these types of resumes into documents adapted to a specific vacancy or of a general nature, as well as subdivided according to their purpose into chronological and functional ones.

    Choosing any one (or a combination of several) will affect how a particular candidate prefers to write a resume.

    Resume - only for vacancies

    Many HR experts advise sending only targeted resumes to the employer - those that indicate the candidate's desire to apply for any specific job. Companies, experts believe, do not particularly like to deal with people who decide to simply declare themselves without a specific goal and do not know how to write a resume, applying for a position that suits them.

    Resume for any job

    The opposite point of view is that it is possible and necessary to send resumes in which a person reflects a willingness to work in principle. The company must itself "appoint" a candidate for the vacancy for which it considers it necessary.

    Chronological view of resume

    In such documents, the career path of the candidate is set out in relation to the sequence in time (direct or reverse). Now this is the most common type of resume. Its main advantage is that the employer sees a fairly detailed picture of the candidate's work biography. The main drawback is that it is not easy to single out the stage that is especially important for the HR manager checking the resume, and it is not at all a fact that he will be able to see it himself.

    Functional view of the resume

    This type of document reflects the qualifications of the candidate, his professionalism, experience, results achieved. The sequence of facts reflecting the working biography, as a rule, fades into the background. Some HR specialists treat this type of resume with expressed distrust, believing that a person could state the facts not quite correctly (somewhere ascribe to himself other people's achievements, somewhere wishful thinking).

    There is, of course, a combined type of resume that combines the features of a functional and chronological one. You just need to be able to present the facts in the right structure. Our small instruction can help you decide how it should look (and after reading it, we can see an example of how to write a resume, a sample of how to write it).

    Optimal resume structure

    HR specialists believe that the following resume structure can be typical:

    1. Title (name of the candidate).
    2. Purpose of submission of the document.
    3. Basic information about the candidate.
    4. Education.
    5. Work experience and other activities.
    6. Additional data.
    7. Conclusion.

    This is a relatively universal scheme, it will suit people who want to understand how to write a resume for an educator, engineer, manager, one might say, for any profession.

    What do we write in the title?

    It is recommended to write only the full name, as well as the name of the document "resume" (so as not to get lost on the desktops of the personnel service). The title should be distributed across the entire width of the sheet, and the word "summary" should be in the middle.

    What is the target

    It all depends on one of the two strategies described above - the desire to work in a specific position or the intention to find a job in principle. If the first option, we write in the goal “application for such and such a vacancy” (for example, “designer”, “programmer”, “engineer”). If the second one, we write in the goal “employment according to the profile of such and such” (for example, “sales”, “research”, “marketing”).

    In the same section, many HR specialists recommend writing down the desired conditions for salary (if possible, we write down the average figures for the market), the form of employment (which can be full, partial or temporary). It can be noted that there is a readiness for remote work, for business trips, a flexible schedule.

    Basic information about the candidate

    These include:

    • Full name, date of birth.
    • Address of registration (actual residence).
    • Marital status, whether there are children.
    • Contacts - phones, e-mail, VOIP, profiles in social networks.
    • General work experience (in years).


    How to write education on a resume? We indicate the name of the university (or secondary vocational educational institution), its full form (that is, for example, not FG, but “federal state”. We write the year of admission, graduation and specialty (qualification). We indicate the number of the diploma. And so - for each institution where they studied.

    If there are professional certificates obtained outside the university (for example, courses on advanced knowledge of programming languages) - indicate below (name of the course, place and terms of study).


    Experts advise to write what is stated in work book over the past ten years. If the work was in several segments, then you can somehow highlight them.

    Here is an example.

    In 2005-2007 - activities in the field of sales:

    • Position: manager (company such and such), 2005
    • Position: sales representative (company such and such), 2006-2007

    In 2008-2014 - activities in the field of entertainment:

    • Position: TV presenter (channel such and such), 2008-2010
    • Position: CEO (TV channel such and such), 2010-2014

    How to write a resume if there is no work experience? In this case, you can include in this document information about activities that will give the employer a more or less tangible idea of ​​​​the qualifications of the candidate.

    Examples can be as follows (in particular, they will help you understand how to write a resume for a student):

    In 2011 - activities in the field of logistics:

    • position: assistant to the general director (of such and such a company) as part of labor practice.

    In 2012 - activities in the field of public service:

    • position: chairman of the election commission (number such and such) in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation

    Additional Information

    Here it makes sense to indicate the skills that can help in the work: knowledge of computer programs, foreign languages, personal qualities (but do not praise yourself too much, but indicate only those that may be relevant to the vacancy or the field in which the company operates).

    In the same section, contacts of persons who can give a recommendation will be useful. This, according to HR experts, is very appealing to employers. The presence of recommendations will especially help those who do not have work experience with a work book.

    Additional information also includes professional and other achievements. For example, if there were diplomas or awards at the previous job, you need to indicate this (and explain why).

    Final part

    Here, HR specialists recommend setting out the rationale for their application to the company with a resume. It is necessary to indicate why a person chooses a particular employer, and not some other (but without laudatory phrases like “I only dreamed of getting to you”). It is possible, as an option, to indicate that this company has all the conditions in which you can reveal your professional potential.

    The above structure of how to write a resume correctly is a completely theoretical model. A little later we will come to the practical component. But for now, there are other important details.

    How to write a resume

    We looked at how to write a resume for a job in terms of content. The next step is the design. It is best to create a document on A4 sheet. Formatting settings (mostly for field sizes) can be left as default in the Word editor or its equivalent. If there are some unusual ones, set the field width to 3 cm on the left, 1.5 cm on the right. The optimal font size is 12, line spacing is single. It is better to align the text in width, set hyphens.

    HR specialists strongly discourage the use of exclamation marks, capital letters without abbreviations, bold type (as well as italics or underlining) in a resume.

    Inserting tables into a resume is not always appropriate - they can only take up space and not carry the necessary information.

    As for the photo (to post or not to post), the opinion of HR experts diverges. Opponents of the placement say that a resume with a photo is almost a sign of bad taste, supporters say that this is a global trend, and Russians should join it.

    The resume should not be too long. Ideally, if it is one page.

    The main mistakes in working with a resume

    Experts identify three types of major mistakes that candidates make when writing a resume.

    1. Too much summary facts.

      The thing is that, as a rule, people who were able to provide so much information about themselves that the HR manager had only additional questions are called for an interview. The main facts have already been stated.

    2. Too wordy.

      A resume, experts emphasize, should not be an autobiography. Employers are not interested in facts that are not directly related to work: hobbies or, for example, philosophical and political views. And those who have, it is quite possible to state on one page. The HR manager will ask about hobbies and the like, if he sees fit, at the interview.

    3. When one resume is sent to several different vacancies.

      Above, we noted that there are two optimal strategies: "work for a vacancy" and "work in principle." If a person has chosen several vacancies, then, it seems, what prevents the use of a certain combined version of resume writing? But HR experts say that the intention to apply for several vacancies at once may indicate that the candidate himself does not know what he wants from the job. If there are several vacancies, then you need to draw up several resumes (each of which is adapted according to experience, education) for a specific position. It is a completely different matter if a person makes it clear to the manager that he is really applying for several vacancies through separate resumes, in which the legitimacy of such an intention is clearly and reasonably stated. In which it is written that there is both experience and qualifications for each position.

    Is a cover letter needed?

    HR managers advise compiling it and attaching it to the resume. The main purpose of this document is to show how the candidate differs from others with a similar resume at the level of presentation of thoughts, internal beliefs and attitudes that are well read in cover letters. Many HR professionals evaluate resumes only in conjunction with a cover letter.

    There are few requirements for this document - it's just another A4 sheet placed before the one that sets out the contents of the resume (that is, you need the employer to read the cover letter first). On this sheet are a few sentences about why the person decided to apply for the job. How is this different from the "goal" section? Statement of motive. In a cover letter, a person reveals what motivates them to look for a job. In "goal" - what he expects from the search.

    What not to do when writing a resume

    HR professionals warn against taking a number of actions that will almost certainly ensure that you fail an interview or refuse to further consider the identity of the resume writer as a job applicant.

    The first is to write fictitious full names that do not correspond to the real date of birth. An absolute bad manners is to impersonate another person (who may have the necessary experience and qualifications) in order to be called for an interview. Candidate identification must be unambiguous.

    The second is to give incorrect information on work experience (it is especially important to write the truthful terms for the implementation of activities) and education. As a rule, employers check this by calling up their contact details (or their channels).

    The third is to neglect the key facts that indicate that a person is suitable for a vacancy. These may include, for example, official duties. The ability to avoid this is especially important for people who want to learn how to write a resume for a bank and other financial institutions. It is in these segments that not so much experience is important as the content of previous work. For example, an accountant who worked in a sports club and calculated the salaries of foreigners, and an accountant who worked in the civil service and calculated the salaries of officials - in the eyes of an HR manager are different specialists, despite the fact that the position sounds the same (and, quite possibly, both accountants studied at the next desk at the university).

    Sample of a good resume

    Let's move from theory to practice. Let's see how to write a resume that can be highly regarded by today's HR professionals. Let's take such a vacancy as "Marketing Director". This, of course, is just an approximate resume form - how to write this document in fact is determined by the candidate himself.


    Everything is extremely simple here. "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. Summary". Placed in the center of the page. Do not forget to highlight the title in a larger font (14-16 is possible).


    In this case, we are talking about applying for a specific vacancy - we have already outlined above how to write a resume for a job within the framework of the desired positions. Citizen Ivanov will state the following goal: “Employment for the position of marketing director” (we also indicate in which company).

    Here are the conditions for wages. “The desired level of income is 90 thousand rubles a month.” HR specialists do not recommend writing “by agreement” - especially when it comes to a managerial position.

    Basic information

    Full name - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

    City of residence - Samara. It is useful to indicate - "ready for business trips."

    Education: higher engineering.

    Marital status: married, three children.

    Experience: since 2000 (14 years).


    National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow): 2001-2006

    Specialty: enterprise management.

    Diploma number: such and such.

    Additional education

    • course "Technique of Persuasion" (Moscow, Academy of National Economy, May-June 2003);
    • American Sales Course (Vladivostok, Russian-American Business Center, January-February 2005).


    2000-2002 - activities in the field of high technologies:

    • position: IT consultant (2000) in a company such and such;
    • Position: Microsoft Software Sales Director (2001-2002).

    2003-2014 - sales activities:

    • position: Deputy General Director (2003-2007) in the company such and such;
    • position: CEO (2008-2014).

    additional information

    • Knowledge of foreign languages: English (level upper-indermediate).
    • Knowledge of Office programs Word, Excel, Access, Front Page.
    • Knowledge of graphics programs Corel Draw, Photoshop.
    • Ownership of 1C packages.


    You can write like this. “Having gained the necessary experience in Russian companies, I consider it necessary to move towards international business. In this regard, I see myself as a sales director in the company. This is about how to write a resume correctly, an example of a more or less attractive sample document for a modern employer.

    The recruitment industry in Russia is actively developing. There are some more useful tips on how to write a resume correctly. Russian HR specialists advise that you do not need to state absolutely all the facts about yourself in your resume. It is necessary to limit yourself to work experience and training that are directly related to the future vacancy and, importantly, relevant to the profile of the employing company.

    The section on work experience should contain information that does not only reflect the essence of the activity and its duration in a particular position. It is important to remember before writing a resume, an example of some achievements. It will be great if their essence is such that no one else has been able to achieve similar results. HR-managers value the desire of candidates to reach new heights.

    Similarly, in the section on education, it is desirable to reflect something that can impress the employer. For example, writing some scientific work on a major problem, or inventing something in a university laboratory. It can be indicated that there were victories in olympiads, competitions, nominal scholarships were assigned.

    If the candidate has absolutely no experience and understanding of how to write a resume, you can always download a sample of one from specialized sites. But it is desirable, of course, to master the methods of compiling such documents on your own.

    The most important recommendation of HR professionals is to reread the resume several times. And ideally, ask someone else to do it. It would be great if this person turns out to be an HR manager with experience. It is very important how to write a resume correctly, not only in terms of texture, but also in terms of spelling, style and grammar. This factor is of great importance for employers.

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