Know your business

How to open your second hand store competently. Top Tips for Opening a Secondhand Store

  • Market prospects
  • Description of goods and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Business risks
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a second-hand store in a rented premises on a retail space of 70 sq. m.

How much money do you need to open a store

According to preliminary calculations, the opening of a second-hand store in a rented premises will require an investment of about 1,190,000 rubles:

  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises - 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of commercial equipment and accounting programs (1C, KKM) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Creation of an assortment of goods - 600,000 rubles.
  • Business registration, approvals and permits (SES, fire supervision) - 40,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 150,000 rubles.

Store opening step by step

  1. Search for sources of project financing;
  2. Search for profitable suppliers of goods;
  3. Selection of premises in places with high traffic potential audience of buyers;
  4. Business registration;
  5. Conclusion of a lease agreement, obtaining permits;
  6. Cosmetic repairs of the premises, purchase of commercial equipment and its installation;
  7. Hiring;
  8. Creation of an assortment of goods;
  9. Store opening.

Market prospects

Why should secondhand shops be in demand? There are several categories of people who are interested in such a product:

  • Among the things come across quite a few branded goods from a variety of European and American manufacturers. At the same time, at prices several times lower than those that can be found in elite clothing boutiques. It is interesting first of all to fanatics of brands.
  • Here you can find trendy and trendy goods at the lowest prices. This is very beneficial for a poor audience of customers, such as students and youth.
  • Public sector employees, for whom a certain dress code is important, can dress impeccably without making a big waste of money.
  • In general, second-hand clothing is a product that is easy to decide on. This is a product that is comfortable to buy for the widest audience of customers.

Description of goods and services

The assortment of our store will include the sale of the following products:

  • Women's clothing (blouses, shirts, skirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, dresses, suits, jackets, raincoats, etc.);
  • Men's clothing (blazers, raincoats, jackets, T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts, etc.);
  • Children's goods (toys, shirts, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, jeans, hats, etc.);
  • Accessories (bags, belts, scarves, jewelry, gloves, mittens);
  • Shoes and socks;
  • Household items.

The margin on the goods will be on average 200%. For clothes of the first and second category (the best product), the markup can reach up to 500%, while the goods of the third category (poor quality clothes) will be sold at actual cost. The planned average check will be 500 rubles. It is planned to purchase goods from large wholesale suppliers who import goods from European countries (mainly England, Italy, Holland and Germany). In addition, the assortment will also include a completely new product supplied directly from domestic factories and neighboring countries.

Production plan

To accommodate a second-hand goods store, premises will be rented in an office center, in a fairly passable part of the city (not the center). The leased area will be 70 square meters, and the amount of rental payments will be 32,000 rubles per month. The selection of premises was based on the following principles:

  • The presence of high traffic;
  • Not high rental rates;
  • Good condition of the premises, not requiring major repairs;
  • Convenient access roads and good parking.

Which taxation system to choose

As an organizational and legal form, it is planned to register individual entrepreneurship with the local tax service. UTII will be used as a taxation system - a single tax on imputed income. We believe that this is the optimal tax regime for a second-hand store. The tax will be fixed and will amount to only 7,500 rubles per month. Installing a cash register with UTII is not necessary, but KKM will still be installed in the store, as it facilitates the accounting of goods and raises the status of the store in the eyes of customers.


From the personnel our store will need sales assistants (3 people), warehouse workers (2 people) and a cashier. Accountant and cleaning services will be outsourced. The sellers will be subject to such requirements as: experience in clothing retail, the ability to handle the 1C program, good communication skills, tact, energy and goodwill. The salary will be about 18 thousand rubles per month (as a percentage of revenue) + bonuses for overfulfillment of the sales plan. The total wage fund, according to preliminary calculations, will amount to 95 thousand rubles per month.

Marketing plan

To attract buyers to second-hand, it is planned to use the following advertising methods:

  • Outdoor advertising (placing banners near stop pavilions, markets and other places with high traffic);
  • Advertising in newspapers and magazines, on the radio;
  • Distribution of leaflets, flyers, booklets in mailboxes;
  • Sound notification a few days before the opening of the store (travel on city roads by car with a loudspeaker);
  • Placement of a bright sign above the entrance to the store.

In total, advertising, according to the business plan, will be spent from 20 to 50 thousand rubles a month. In order to retain regular customers in our store will operate a cumulative system of discounts. With a total amount of purchases from 5,000 rubles, a 3% discount will be provided for the following purchases, from 10,000 rubles - 5%, and from 20,000 rubles - 10% of the purchase amount. In addition, our store will offer customers to leave their phone number and e-mail in order to be aware of all promotions and raffles. Thus, it is planned to gain an extensive base of regular visitors.

Business risks

Conducting this business, in our opinion, is associated with the following risks:

  • Decreased demand for second-hand goods due to the growth in the welfare of the population;
  • Increasing competition in the clothing retail industry. Reduced prices for new products;
  • The introduction of economic sanctions and new laws that restrict the import of goods from abroad (or make it less profitable).

Financial plan

The recurring monthly expenses of a second hand store will include:

  • Rent - 32,000 rubles.
  • Salary - 95,000 rubles.
  • Insurance contributions to the PFR and the FSS - 28,500 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 15,000 rubles.
  • Advertising — 30,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 7500 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 25,000 rubles.
  • Other unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 233,000 rubles. Variable costs:

  • Purchase of goods for resale - 30% of turnover.

How much can you earn selling secondhand goods

Break-even point of sales at fixed costs of 233 thousand rubles. per month and a trade margin of 200% will amount to 349.5 thousand rubles. With a monthly revenue of 629 thousand rubles, the store's profit will be 279 thousand rubles.


  • The average check is 500 rubles.
  • Number of buyers per month - 900 people. (average 30 people per day)
  • Revenue per month - 450,000 rubles.

Net profit: 450,000 - 233,000 (fixed costs) - 135,000 (variable costs - goods) = 82,000 rubles per month. Return on sales is 18.2%. With such calculations, taking into account the period for promoting the business (4-6 months), the return on investment in the business will come in 18-20 months of the store's operation.

This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

In search of business ideas, many decide that it is most profitable not to establish a new production, but to start buying and selling various goods.

If you have a small capital and a great desire to start your own business, then consider starting an online second-hand clothing store. Of course, you should not limit yourself to just one online project, it is desirable to create a retail outlet in parallel, where buyers can try on, feel and inspect the items offered.

Where to begin?

Before you open a second-hand, you will have to find out many of the nuances of doing business in our country. So, if you do not want to face problems that employees of various government bodies can create for you in the first days of work, then do not forget to register your business.

If you open a store, then keep in mind that firefighters, SES specialists, tax officials and many other employees can come to you. Therefore, prepare all the necessary documents in advance and be prepared for visits. For example, if the SES comes, they will check whether you have drinking and industrial water available, look at the means intended for both cleaning and disinfecting the premises. The fire service will be interested in the evacuation plan from the building, the availability of special equipment for extinguishing fires and, of course, fire extinguishers.

If you cannot calculate whether it is profitable to open a second-hand store, then you should not look for specialists. First, try to ask the price, see at what price per kilogram wholesalers sell goods (this information can also be found on the websites of suppliers) and see what price is set for things in similar stores. By figuring out the cost of staff salaries, rent and lighting, you can roughly estimate how much income the store receives.

Setting up work

There are three fundamental keys to success - this is the right assortment of goods, the appropriate pricing policy and, of course, the location of the store. If you decide to open an online second-hand clothing store, then the last point is slightly modified. In this case, it is important to choose the right platform for its placement and hire good programmers who can create a user-friendly website with a clear interface and the ability to order goods through the basket.

But keep in mind that retailing through an online second-hand clothing store is unlikely to be successful. After all, this is a rather specific product that many people want to inspect, feel and, of course, try on before buying.

But to make a site as an advertising platform for a real store or a whole network is a great solution. You can show the available assortment, new clothes, explain the principles of placing goods in retail outlets, talk about discounts.

If you are opening a regular store, then take care to find sellers or assistants, especially if you plan to rent a large area and buy goods in large quantities. Also think about who will provide the financial part of the work: someone should count costs, income, interact with government agencies, pay rent and bills for water and electricity.

Wholesaler classification

Please note that suppliers can be divided into several groups. The first of them is large, their turnover of things exceeds 20 tons per month. You can work with them if you plan to purchase goods in large quantities. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time aimlessly sorting through hundreds of bags for the sake of buying 20 kilograms of relatively normal things.

The second group is the average suppliers. Their monthly commodity turnover is in the range of 10-20 tons. Like large suppliers, they are independently engaged in the import of goods. It is worth buying things from them immediately after the delivery of a batch of things, because in this case they will not be able to mix stale goods into bags.

The last group includes small wholesalers whose sales volume does not exceed 10 tons. An online second-hand clothing store is often organized by such companies. They offer both retail and wholesale merchandise.

But keep in mind that in most cases they are simply repurchasing things purchased from large wholesalers. That is why their cost will be higher than that of large or medium-sized suppliers. By the way, many small wholesalers are the owners of their respective stores, so they often cannot find original and good goods.

How are goods purchased from suppliers?

But the choice of suppliers must be approached very carefully. Remember: a good product cannot be sold at a bargain price. Quality second hand will not be cheap. If you see ads that talk about the best value for money, then you should not rush to them.

Buying a second hand is a rather laborious process, because you need to look through all the things, decide what you will buy. Please note that many wholesale suppliers work according to the following scheme: goods from warehouses are sold in bags, buyers can view the items in each of them and select the appropriate packaging. At the same time, you can’t sort clothes, you need to buy the whole pack at once with everything that is offered in it.

Good and bad second hand

Before you start buying used items, you need to understand that in this area they are divided into 2 categories: original and sorted. The first includes things that come from abroad in the form in which they were sent by the procurers.

So, in civilized countries, there are 2 models of second-hand blanks: assembly at home and from containers into which people throw things they do not need. As a result, you can find absolutely everything there, from exclusive model items with tags, gold jewelry, left money and ending with ordinary garbage, including scraps and used hygiene products.

Second hand - things that were in use and sold again. On the shelves of Russian stores, goods pre-treated with disinfectant chemicals come from Europe and the Baltic countries. Second-hand trade is profitable - buyers go to the store who do not want to overpay for clothes of famous brands, and those who are not able to buy new things. To open a business, a detailed business plan is required, including financial calculations and information about possible risks. All this, as well as step-by-step instructions for starting a business, you will find in our article.

Features of the business of selling second-hand: is it profitable?

Selling secondhand is a profitable business. In Russia, 70% of the population are middle-income people, for whom buying a thing in a boutique or a branded store means a gap in the budget. They go to secondhand stores to save money.

The remaining 30% of the upper-middle-income population are also happy to visit second-hand stores in search of exclusive goods from famous manufacturers.

Second hand is a great option for those who do not want to overpay and love quality

Features of business in Russia are determined by the psychology of consumers who are embarrassed to buy used items. They are accustomed to wearing out their clothes “to the last” and consider second-hand clothes to be worthless rags that are embarrassing to wear. Therefore, a secondary goods store should be located in a residential area, out of sight of passers-by. In this case, the place must be passable. The ideal option is a quiet lane adjacent to a busy avenue.

The store should not be large - up to 10 kg of clothes per 1 sq. m, so that things can be conveniently sorted out. Experienced owners of second-hand stores advise not to hang the goods on hangers, but to lay them out on tables and shelves. They argue that having found a decent thing in a pile of others, the buyer will surely take it away, regretting the time spent searching.

There is a chance to “burn out” in business, but it can be minimized if at the planning stage we foresee the specifics of demand and the level of competition in the region, calculate financial costs and assess the market potential.

Which store to open in Russia

The first second-hand shops disgusted Russians - basements, worn clothes thrown into baskets in a shapeless heap, and the nasty smell of disinfectants repelled customers. Today, second-hand clothing sales are perceived differently. Buyers understand that it is better to buy a used original branded item than a new low-quality Chinese copy.

A quality item from a second-hand store is better than a cheap fake

Types of second-hand shops that can be opened in Russia:

  • discount store with low prices;
  • a boutique selling vintage wardrobe items;
  • seasonal - for work during periods of peak demand;
  • male, female or children's;
  • wholesale warehouse selling clothes by weight;
  • commission shop.

Boutiques and wholesale stores will be successful in cities with a population of over a million people, discounts - in the provinces and rural areas. Seasonal shops are optimally opened in resort areas.

Getting Started: Store Registration

Second hand, acting in accordance with the law, must be registered with the tax office. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC by collecting the necessary documents and paying the state duty.

Table: required documents for registration of IP and LLC

After picking up the registration documents from the tax office, by the time the store opens, collect a set of papers:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • trade permit;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a certificate of ownership;
  • expert opinion of the sanitary and epidemiological service (SES);
  • goods accounting logs;
  • certificates confirming the chemical treatment of things.

Work permits are issued by fire authorities and SES based on the results of examinations of the premises. Find out in advance the requirements of both authorities and prepare for scheduled inspections.

Choice of location and premises

Both a metropolis and a small village are suitable for placing a second-hand store - success depends on the location of the store. Rent a spacious room in a passable or residential area of ​​the city and install advertising structures - signs, banners, racks.

Attractive signage provides recognizability of second-hand

Requirements for a second-hand store:

  • minimum area - 40 sq. m;
  • availability of space for fitting booths;
  • lack of grocery stores near (SanPin requirements);
  • lack of competitors in the area

Shop floor equipment

Indoors, make cosmetic repairs in bright colors, equip racks and fitting rooms, fix mirrors on the walls. Install a ventilation and air conditioning system.

After repairing the premises, purchase equipment:

Second-hand goods are located along the walls and in baskets in the center of the hall. For shoes, install separate shelves with sides, and for accessories - showcases. Equip the seller's workplace - buy a cash register and a computer with an accounting program, set up a table for packing goods.

Prepare the store for inspections of the sanitary and epidemiological station - ensure the volume of drinking water is more than two liters, technical - more than 20 liters. Equip a room for rest and eating, purchase disinfectants for cleaning.

During operation, ventilate the room and do a daily wet cleaning so that a repulsive chemical smell does not accumulate.

How to choose a product and guess with quality

Second-hand clothes are conditionally divided into five categories by quality:

  1. Eurostock - branded items with branded labels, not previously worn. They come from boutiques and fashion houses that did not manage to sell out their collections.
  2. Cream - new clothes without tags, with no obvious signs of wear. At least 20% of "cream" - new things, often exclusive models.
  3. Luxury or extra - a product with minimal wear, collected from the population.
  4. The first, second and third grades are things that are significantly worn out. The kit may include clothes with stains and holes, as well as rags that are unsuitable for sale.
  5. Original (mix) - unsorted bags with clothes and shoes from the previous categories.

Second hand mix class

For secondary sale, goods are collected in several ways:

  • in stores - leftovers after sales;
  • in families - by holding campaigns to collect clothes;
  • among the population - by installing containers for collection near gas stations and supermarkets;
  • in schools - organized among students.

Collection companies in Europe leave containers for families to collect clothes, then pick them up a week later

Collecting companies sort the items received:

  • by country of origin - England, Germany and Canada are popular;
  • by category and type of product - for example, women's items are cream or men's luxury trousers;
  • according to the season - winter and summer clothes;
  • specialized things - military, for sports and recreation.

An unsorted product is called a "mix", and it is possible to find the best quality items and accessories in it.

Shoes, bed linen and household items are only sorted by country of origin.

To buy a wholesale batch of second-hand to the store, think over the assortment and find "your" supplier. Companies specializing in the trade of branded products:

Verified suppliers offer customers bonuses and discounts that help strengthen trust and long-term cooperation. To conclude a supply agreement, you will need the following documents:

  • OGRN and TIN with copies;
  • copy of the passport;
  • power of attorney (if necessary).

Upon receipt of the goods, ask the supplier for an invoice, waybill, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and a certificate of disinfection of clothing, as well as a cash receipt.

Second hand is sold in bags that weigh about a hundred kilograms. Approximately 50% of the things in the bag are of good quality and only 10% are thrown away.

Rospotrebnadzor can, in a planned mode or upon a complaint from buyers, check second-hand goods for certificates and trade permits.


When disassembling the bags received from the supplier, carefully inspect each item for scuffs, small holes, spots. Set individual or group prices depending on the class of goods and the purchase price. Include the following costs in your prices:

  • for renting premises;
  • to pay taxes;
  • on the salaries of sellers;
  • transport.

For products of well-known brands, the markup can be up to 500%, for middle-class items - up to 200%. Economy is sold almost at cost.

A common variant of the second-hand pricing policy is trading by weight, when the price is formed based on the cost of a kilogram of clothing.

Organize weekly sales and promotions, make discounts on seasonal products. Set a price reduction system, for example, by day of the week. On Monday, the item is sold without a discount, on Tuesday 10% is deducted from the price, on Wednesday - 20%, on Thursday - 30%, and so on until Sunday. In the middle of the week, update the assortment. Post the price reduction chart in a prominent place to distribute customer traffic. At the beginning of the week, lovers will come to "snatch" an exclusive thing, regardless of the cost, in the middle - the middle class, at the end - those who want to buy the leftovers cheaper. Don't be intimidated by "Sunday" customers. They are the key carrier of advertising - those who will tell their friends about the opportunity to make a bargain in your store.


Choose secondhand employees. For successful trading in a room up to 50 sq.m. Enough to hire two salesmen. A large area should be served by three to four people. Responsibilities of sellers include: merchandising, selling clothes, sorting new arrivals.

Vendors sort clothes by quality, discarding rags, then by gender, and finally by type - underwear, outerwear, blouses, skirts, etc.

Criteria for selecting employees of the trading floor:

  • brand awareness;
  • Experience with a cash register
  • careful attitude to clothes, the ability to give things a marketable appearance.

In addition to the vendors, hire a security guard and a cleaning lady to maintain order in the premises. Order services from an accounting firm or engage a specialist on a contractual basis.

Establish a staffing and pay system.

Advertising strategy

Second hand is a specific business, but traditional marketing principles apply to it. During the advertising campaign, use the available resources:

  • social media;
  • outdoor structures;
  • local newspapers and television;
  • public bulletin boards.

Schedule promotional messages in such a way that you constantly remind potential customers about the store's work. Build a database of regular customers and find a way to get their contacts. For example, offer to fill out a questionnaire to receive a discount card. Send newsletters with great deals to your contact list.

Create a company information website with the possibility of online booking of goods. Post photos of products, add attractive descriptions, set prices. Update your stock regularly. Most likely, buyers will not dare to buy a thing online, but will come to the store to see it live. The site successfully solves the problem of attracting new customers via the Internet.

second hand financial plan

An example plan is shown in the tables below.

Starting investments (table)

Monthly costs (table)

Projected income and payback (table)

Possible risks

Aspiring entrepreneurs, when opening a second-hand store, make typical mistakes:

  1. Purchase of "cream" or "extra" class clothes in the first batch. Without preliminary promotion of the store, expensive goods cannot be sold.
  2. Incorrectly chosen location of the premises, renting a small trading floor in the basement.
  3. Rent of retail space at a high price.
  4. Illiterate work with the staff, as a result - theft. To avoid theft, it is enough to install a monitoring and video surveillance system.
  5. Passion for promotions and sales. Stocks attract customers, but don't kill business by abusing low price trading.
  6. No assortment updates.
  7. Hiring squeamish employees.

Try to foresee the risks at the stage of developing a business plan, so as not to alienate customers from the first days of trading.

Video: the nuances and secrets of second-hand trading

  • Introduction
  • Summary
  • Description of the object
  • Marketing plan and market analysis
  • Calculation of the cost of goods and approximate profit
  • conclusions

Second hand is a store that sells used items that have been disinfected beforehand. To open your own business, you need to clearly understand what you will face in the future. We previously told how to open second hand from scratch. Now let's look at an example of how to draw up a second-hand business plan with calculations for 2019.


A second-hand store can sell several types and classes of things:

  1. New clothes with tags. These clothes have not been worn, they were handed over because they did not fit.
  2. New clothes, branded, never worn.
  3. Clothes with a degree of wear of about 11%.
  4. Goods with manufacturing defects of varying degrees.
  5. Heavily worn clothes.

Each item in a second-hand store has its own class and degree of wear, which are determined upon receipt and sorting. The item must be accompanied by a document stating that it has undergone disinfection and special treatments. Such information is provided by the supplier or re-disinfection is carried out upon receipt at the store. To do this, you must have agreements with the relevant companies. The business plan should also consider this point.

The purpose of the organization:

  1. Satisfying consumer demand in high-quality and branded items at affordable low prices.
  2. Getting profit from the sale.

You can download secondhand business plan with our trusted partners. We guarantee quality!


Every business plan should have an appropriate executive summary. For second hand, it is approximately like this:

  • Creation of an organization to provide consumers with goods at affordable prices.
  • Starting capital: 500,000 rubles.
  • Payback of the project: from half a year to a year.
  • Supply: purchase of things from well-known suppliers, search for new contractors.

The business plan is drawn up to consider the profitability of the organization.

Description of the object

An important step in the business plan of a profitable second-hand store is the selection of a suitable premises. It will host:

  • shopping room;
  • cash register.

Premises for a shop can be rented in a residential building on the ground floor or in a shopping center. One of the conditions for using the premises is mandatory ventilation. The amount of items sold depends on the area of ​​​​the premises. The larger the area, the more goods can be placed on it. Let's conditionally take an area of ​​​​45 m 2. Rent 45 m 2 - 25,000 rubles per month. Per year - 300,000. In the room it will be necessary to equip a place for a seller with a cash register.

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