My success story. Success stories of businessmen, millionaires, and successful entrepreneurs

If you could write to your 16-year-old self, what would you say? This question was asked to 75 celebrities: writers, actors, musicians and athletes. From their responses, the book Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self was born - a collection of letters to the past. On its pages, famous people appear as ordinary sixteen-year-old boys and girls, often with complexes and lacking self-confidence. Older selves try to give their younger selves witty, intimate, wise advice about how to behave in life, what to expect, and what to avoid. The result is a book not about celebrities, but about youth, growing up, and waiting for a miracle.

This idea turned out to be so exciting that people from all over the world began to write letters to themselves. On the official website of the book, their number is already measured in the thousands. Probably, each of us has something to say to our sixteen-year-old selves.

Here are some inspiring letters from celebrities. Of course, they can no longer change the past, but they can easily change the future of many people.

Many people want to achieve success in some kind of activity, but are absolutely sure that they will not succeed. In fact, anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work on your knowledge and skills. Motivational stories successful people- this is one way to raise morale and set yourself up for victory. Each of them started small, gradually striving more and more for victory, for their goal. To make sure that you have the opportunity to achieve the desired result in any business, read the life stories of successful people who, like you, did not know whether they would be able to achieve their goal.

Incredible people live all over the world. There are a huge number of them in Russia, much more than anywhere else. Therefore, you should not make excuses by saying that you do not live in a promising country. So, read the stories of successful people in Russia who at first had nothing. But let's not forget about other countries.

Andrey Krylkov

Andrei Krylkov is a man whose story begins with the fact that he is given a terrible diagnosis. The boy lived with cerebral palsy since childhood. When it was time to go to school, he was sent to a special orphanage where children with disabilities studied. Among these children, Andrei stood out for his intelligence, intelligence and resourcefulness. Despite his situation, the boy never lost hope of recovery.

One day Andrei heard from another attending physician that if he wanted and wanted to, he could cure himself on his own. So, the guy starts reading medical literature and actively playing sports. Andrei’s family began to seriously worry about his state of mind, the boy wanted to get back on his feet.

The guy's first exercise machine was a homemade barbell. While studying sports literature, the young man trained at home. Over time, his arms and legs began to obey him. He greatly impressed the medical commission when he came for an examination on his own.

Today Andrei Krylkov is a successful bodybuilder, although he cannot yet do more delicate work, such as screwing in nuts or repairing small objects. But the guy does not lose hope. He has a great desire to act and an unshakable belief in himself, so no one doubts that Andrei will soon overcome his diagnosis completely. And therefore, all the stories of successful people in Russia are often revealed by this incredible biography.

David Smith

Today, many people, especially the fair sex, dream of getting rid of the hated folds of fat, but cannot find the motivation for this. David Smith is a man who, without special methods, was able to lose weight by as much as 186 kilograms.

This guy's story begins with the fact that he could not move without assistance. His weight was 268 kilograms, and he decided it was time to change his life.

Surely you will wonder how a young man of 26 years old brought himself to such a state. The fact is that the guy suffered from a tendency to be overweight since childhood. When his mother, to whom he was strongly attached, died, he tried to fight despair with food. Less than a year had passed, and the guy no longer knew how to get rid of fat.

Through exercise and proper nutrition, David got into shape, but he had to turn to professional surgeons because his skin was so sagging.

Now the young man, satisfied with his result, lives a full life and is not going to stop there.

Ingeborg Mootz

Surely you are interested in stories of financially successful people. If so, then you will like the biography of Ingeborg Mootz, who is already 83 years old. She, like any old woman of her age, lives in a small private house, which is filled with old-fashioned furniture inside. Ingeborg keeps photographs of friends and relatives and leads a normal life. It would seem that there is nothing surprising in this phenomenon. But Ingeborg stands out because she is a successful stock speculator in Germany.

One day, when her husband died, the old woman realized that she simply had nothing to live on. The woman’s starting capital was the shares purchased earlier by her husband. Not missing her chance, Ingeborg began to play on the stock exchange. In a short time, the woman was able to earn 500 thousand euros. Moreover, her relatives trust her with their capital so that she increases it.

Today, the pensioner is not going to stop there, she wants to earn a million and is actively moving towards her goal. Moreover, Ingeborga gives practical advice to everyone, helps poor people and conducts courses for people who want to play on the stock exchange.

Mark Goffeny

No story of successful people begins with pleasant circumstances. Likewise, the biography of Mark Goffeny is interesting because the guy dreamed of learning to play the guitar, but one difficult circumstance prevented him. The young man is disabled; he is missing both arms.

Any story of successful people in the world fades when it becomes known that the guy has become a skilled guitarist, and he plays his favorite instrument with his feet. His music is filled with a special charm, which is why Mark already has thousands of fans all over the world. The guy gives guitar lessons, enjoys life and is not going to stop there, improving his skills and continuing to work on himself.

Zhang Yin

History necessarily has its oddities. Thus, Zhang Yin, the owner of a small company that only a few people knew about, was able to earn a fortune by studying US garbage dumps. Having bought most of them, she supplied waste paper to China, where the raw materials were recycled and delivered to America in the form of packaging boxes.

Zhang Yin is the first lady of China. Every incredible story of successful people begins with the fact that a person does not imagine that he is capable of achieving great results. But in Zhang Yin's case, things are much more serious. In China, women are assigned the role of housewife and secondary person. It is unthinkable that a woman, without education, starting capital and family ties, takes leadership positions and becomes the country's first businesswoman.

This biography motivates and inspires a large number of people around the world. The main lesson that Zhang Yin gives is that profit can be made from everything, even from garbage, and everything can be achieved if there is a desire. Today, the queen of landfills is very popular, she is not going to stop, she plans to develop her business to reach an even larger level.

Serikbol Kuldeybaev

All stories of successful people in business begin with the fact that they dream of earning a certain amount of money. Thus, Serikbol Kuldeybaev, who has been disabled in the first group since childhood, dreamed of becoming a millionaire. It would seem that his desire is impossible. But the guy proved to the whole world that nothing is impossible.

After graduating from school in an orphanage for the disabled, the guy learned to sew. He worked in this field for seven years, saving small amounts of money. Later, he decided that repairing shoes was not for him, and with the saved-up finances he opened six shoe stores. But this was only Serikbol's first step as a businessman.

The guy set up points all over the city where he could buy soda, and later he decided to open his own kebab shop. Since he did not want to buy expensive meat from private entrepreneurs, he bought his own farm. This is how Serikbol earned a million for the first time.

But there were also difficulties in the life of a successful entrepreneur associated with moving the capital in which he lived to another city. A man and his family decided to try themselves in a new place. Serikbola had to experience a lot of difficulties to open a business in a new city, read a lot of books and meet a lot of people. But the result quickly made itself felt.

Today the man lives in abundance, but the desire for new achievements has not left him. He assures that nothing would have worked out if he had not met kind and sympathetic people on his way who helped him in his endeavors.

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Stories of rich successful people are always interesting. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a person who has not heard such a name as Jean-Claude Van Damme. Indeed, he is a world-famous actor, but few people know that his path to success was extremely difficult.

Jean begins his development by entering a ballet school. Thanks to his talent, efficiency, self-confidence and strong desire to succeed, the guy quickly conquers the world of sports and becomes its star. But the dream of becoming an actor haunts him.

At the age of 20, having given up everything, Jean goes to Hollywood. The first few years were very difficult, because the guy had to work in the worst positions in order to somehow earn a living.

Fate decreed Jean's life in such a way that one day he met Chuck Norris, who helped the guy get a small role in his first film. The young man’s talent was noticed immediately, so they began to invite him to castings and give him the main roles. Soon Jean became a Hollywood star, which he always dreamed of. Such a biography once again proves that it is absolutely impossible to give up when there is at least a small chance of winning.

Susan Boyle

The stories of the world's most successful people are not only related to business. Susan Boyle was recently an ordinary 47-year-old woman who did not stand out from the crowd. She does not have a bright appearance and does not strive to win the love and attention of all the people of the world. She just has a dream, which is to become a singer. With this thought, the woman decided to go to the British Got Talent show.

When Susan appeared on stage, the audience in the hall and the jury members were somewhat skeptical about her appearance. Everyone was amazed, looking at the woman's appearance, that she really wanted to become a singer. But after Susan's grandiose performance, amazed spectators and jury members gave her a standing ovation.

Literally an hour after the broadcast aired, the video of the woman’s performance was watched by millions of Internet users. Today, the number of Susan’s fans is growing exponentially, and the woman is happy that she was able to muster up the courage and fulfill her life’s dream.

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch is a man who teaches that the life stories of successful people do not have to end on a positive note. A man is not known for his incredible wealth, successful career in cinema or a phenomenal talent in the field of music. All people know him as the author of the so-called “last lecture”.

At the age of 45, Randy learned of a fatal diagnosis. A man who was well versed in philosophy and computer science, who sought to gain knowledge and apply it to improve the world, had no more than 2 months to live.

Usually in such a situation people despair, withdraw into themselves and stop hoping for the best. But this is not about Randy. Before his death, he gave a lecture about life, about how important it is to appreciate every moment, how to live in such a way as not to regret the things not done. This story has touched and motivated millions of people around the world. The guy left behind a mark in history that will never be erased.

The biography of Randy Pausch proves that you don’t have to be full of strength and energy, you don’t have to look far into the future in order to achieve success and do good to the people around you.

Tatiana Bakalchuk

The stories of successful people in business continue. This time we will talk about This woman is the owner of one of the largest online stores.

Tatyana's story begins with the fact that she was on maternity leave. At this time, the woman decided to open a virtual clothing store. The warehouse was located right in her apartment. Since 2004, Tatyana has managed to promote her business, increasing her capital several times. Today, Tatyana's net worth is 380 million US dollars.

The example of this woman shows that even while on maternity leave you should not sit idly by. Perhaps fate will meet you halfway, and you will become one of them. After all, Tatyana did not have connections and large start-up capital, she only had a desire to work, ingenuity and the ability to feel the needs of clients.

Eduard Tiktinsky

Eduard Tiktinsky is an exemplary businessman. From a young age, he was sure that he wanted to become an entrepreneur. His dream came true, but Edward had to work hard to achieve it. His biography continues the stories of successful people in Russia.

Since the guy was born into a poor family, his career began as an assistant to one of the managers of a real estate company. Soon Eduard's talent was noticed and he became a marketing manager for one of the leading companies, and after that he founded his own holding company.

The man assures that there is simply no one way. To achieve the desired result in your work, you need to enjoy it. Therefore, go towards your dream, make what you want into reality, without thinking that something may not work out.

Vadim Kulubekov

Vadim Kulubekov is a guy who, at the age of 21, managed to create his own company, while having 100,000 rubles in his pocket, which became his starting capital.

The story of this man, like most biographies of successful people, began with a tragic event. When Vadim was 19 years old, his father died, who always supported the guy in everything. Then he realized that there was no one else to hope for in this life.

Having a strong character, Vadim did not want to work for a stranger, while receiving pennies. After thinking about his future fate, the guy decided to become an entrepreneur. He found a small room where the employees of his company both lived and the office of this company was located. Thanks to his abilities and love for his business, Vadim managed to expand production and become one of the most promising entrepreneurs of his time.

Albert Einstein

Who doesn't know Einstein today? This is the most outstanding scientist of the last century, it would seem that his life should have been filled with successful discoveries. But this is far from true.

When little Albert was born, no one had any idea that phenomenal success awaited him. The boy began to speak only at the age of 4, and when his peers already knew how to write, he could barely read. Parents and other adults considered Albert a mentally retarded child, and his teachers had long given up on him.

But in fact, the growing young man simply thought differently from other people. He stood out from the crowd. And soon Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics. Then he made discovery after discovery, gradually becoming the greatest scientist of the century. No one dared to say that Albert was an inferior person, since he left a visible mark on the history of science.

Walt Disney

What story of successful people would be complete without the creator of Disneyland and the childhood cartoons we all love? Walt Disney suffered failure after failure when starting his career. Because he lacked creative ideas, he was fired from the newspaper and his animation studio went bankrupt.

Walt had to work hard to get funding to create Disneyland. He was rejected 302 times, after which he was finally given this chance.

The most famous cartoonist of his time suffered more failures than any person striving for success would dare to endure. Perhaps that is why he achieved his goal. This story proves once again that you cannot give up in order to gain recognition.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg was expelled from two schools, which did not particularly upset the young man. He tried to enroll in film school three times, but all these attempts failed miserably. Members of the selection committee told the guy that he was mediocre and would not be able to achieve anything.

However, Stephen was able to get into one of the popular universities. He studied hard, trying to be as close to his dream as possible. His efforts were not in vain, as Spielberg went on to direct some of the most significant films in film history. Without much difficulty he managed to get 3 Oscars. By the way, the film school, which he never managed to enroll in in his youth, awarded the already adult and successful Spielberg an honorary academic degree.

There are many more awards in the man’s collection, and he also managed to earn more than one billion US dollars, but for him this is not a priority. His main goal was to achieve his dream of mastering his favorite profession and becoming successful, which he achieved by overcoming all obstacles.

Marilyn Monroe

It's hard to believe, but Marilyn Monroe, the most famous blonde of all time, a sex symbol for many generations and simply a successful actress, suffered many failures on the way to her goal. So, the girl decided to try her luck in Hollywood, but one of the companies refused her, citing the fact that she was not attractive and could not act decently in films.

The young woman did not give up, continuing the fight for her happiness. She faced many challenges both in her career and in her personal life. There are rumors that Marilyn was not a happy person, as she tried to commit suicide several times.

Nevertheless, the girl is the most popular blonde of our time, the ideal of beauty and the standard of femininity. So think a few times. If you were rejected, perhaps fate is giving you a chance to try your hand at another, more successful place for you.

So, these motivational stories make you think that you don't have to be the ideal beauty or the smartest person around to achieve phenomenal success. It is enough to love what you do and do it with soul, skillfully avoiding all obstacles. Believe in your strength, then success will knock on your door. Don't stop there, but don't become a slave to what you do. Most likely, you will be haunted by failures, perhaps in large quantities. But this means only one thing: fate tests your strength in order to give you the success that you have dreamed of and strived for for so long.

These stories are a real hack to old limiting beliefs! This is an expansion of the horizons of perception of the world. These are inspiring examples from the lives of amazing men and women, businessmen and unemployed people, rich and poor, stories famous people and those who quietly accomplish something extraordinary, and... they make you grow. Do you doubt your abilities? In vain! Find out how others have achieved success, believe me, if someone can do it, you can do it too! See for yourself...

Andrei Krylkov defeated cerebral palsy with the help of bodybuilding

A 24-year-old resident of the village of Koltogan, South Kazakhstan region, is a group I disabled person; doctors diagnosed him with cerebral palsy when he was 3 years old. Doctors warned the parents that the baby would live for a year or two... Andrei survived, but began to walk only at the age of 5, and then thanks to his mother, who taught him according to the method of Valentin Dikul. At the age of 18, his life turned upside down, the guy decided to change and took up sports seriously. At the 20th Kazakhstan Championship in bodybuilding, fitness and body fitness, Andrei Krylkov won gold.
Success story of Andrey Krylkov: …

Using traditional methods, David Smith lost 186 kilograms!

At the age of 26, David Smith found it difficult to walk 200 meters without assistance. His weight was 268 kilograms. His life was full of restrictions. One day he decided to change everything! He is proud that he lost weight without the help of operations or pills... He set himself a task and achieved success! You may ask, how could a person with such an iron will bring himself to such a state? It is not that simple! David Smith weight loss story:

The pensioner earned 500 thousand euros on the stock exchange. The goal is a million!

Richard Herriot's dream of flying into space has come true!

It has become possible to fly into space on a tourist package. In order for the dream of flying into space to become a reality, you need to know English and Russian, be in good physical shape and VERY, MUCH, MUCH money. Richard Herriot had it all; on October 12, 2008, he flew into space, becoming the sixth space tourist in history...

“If fate gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it.”

They can be safely set as an example to all those who are desperate and have lost hope. “If you have serious health problems, it doesn’t mean it’s all over,” say Gennady Markov and Olga Yusova, a young family from Kondopoga. Olga has no hand, Gennady has both. But this does not interfere with life at all, they say: “We can do everything.” It’s hard to believe, but when you see how the head of the family easily screws in screws using an electric drill, and Olga easily changes clothes for her eight-month-old daughter, you begin to think: the impossible still becomes possible. The main thing is to want it, they say in this family, and everything will work out.

47-year-old unemployed Susan Boyle conquers the world

Fantastic success! Within an hour of the broadcast of Britain's Got Talent, Susan Boyle became famous. During the first 24 hours, the video with her performance was watched by 5 million Internet users. Four days later, the number of views on YouTube increased to 30 million, and continues to grow steadily. How did the 47-year-old village housewife with a strange appearance win the hearts of millions of viewers?
This is a must see:...

Randy Pausch "The Last Lecture": How to realize your childhood dreams...

Doctors said he only had a few months to live. Nothing can be done about it - cancer. This is the last lecture of his life. What can we talk about in such a situation? In his latest talk, Professor Randy Pausch doesn't talk about death, he talks about life and childhood dreams. This will is a real hymn to the love of life that everyone should hear... Randy Pausch "The Last Lecture" ...


Today LifeGlobe will introduce you to the most interesting examples of how the future popularity of a nascent company can depend on a lucky coincidence, luck, or even a spelling error. We present to your attention the history of the emergence of 20 leading world brands of our time

It has always been known that a company’s future success depends on a catchy, memorable name. Recently, when creating any large company or for the purpose of rebranding an existing but unpopular one, the practice of “brainstorming” is most often used - when all employees gather in one room and “throw” their name ideas onto a common table. This is an interesting and correct approach, but sometimes no “brainstorming” can compare with the will of chance, which brings up completely unexpected ideas or forces you to make a mistake that in the future will cause the mega-popularity of the brand...

Of course, the last words contained a reference to the most famous case of this kind - a typo when registering the domain of Google, the most extensive and popular search engine today. Initially, Page and Brin's search system was called BackRab, but at some point they decided that something needed to be changed - in 1997, a brainstorming session was held among students in the Stanford University dormitory, the goal of which was to find a name that suited would be a search engine capable of processing colossal amounts of information. After several fruitless hours, the idea came to Page himself - the word googol, meaning one followed by a hundred zeros, but the student who was entrusted with registering the domain name made a typo, as a result of which the domain was born.

In order not to go far, let's remember how Facebook was created - the largest social network in the world at the moment. As you know, Mark Zuckerberg’s first trick was to steal photographs and data of Harvard students and post them on his Facemash website with the ability to vote for this or that photo. But the university management did not appreciate the student’s resourcefulness and Mark was expelled. After some time, the idea of ​​another project, much larger and this time completely legal, came into Zuckerberg’s bright head. One day, Mark was going through old things and accidentally came across his school photo album, “The Photo Address Book.” He remembered that no one ever liked this name, because... was long and took a long time to pronounce, so everyone called the album simply “Facebook” - that’s what the future social network a name has appeared that is not known today except in the most backward countries of the world or some native tribes of South America =)

Another social resource that is popular here - VKontakte - got its name due to the fact that Pavel Durov, who created it, listened to the radio station "Echo of Moscow", where the phrase "In full contact with information" was often repeated on air. Without hesitation, Pavel removed unnecessary words and registered a domain name, which was recently shortened to just two letters VK. Well, I didn’t bother with the logo at all - I used the example of Facebook =)

The name of the Russian search resource Yandex is actually an abbreviation, and it is different in Russian and English - “Language Index” in Russian and “Yet Another iNDEX” in English. Nothing is known for sure about who came up with this idea, but according to the official version it was one of the search engine developers

Domain name for the foreign search engine Yahoo! was invented, without knowing it, by the Irish writer Jonathan Swift, who used this word to describe an annoying tribe of natives in Gulliver's Adventures. In addition, it is also a joyful cry common in America, which is why the founders of Yahoo! Jerry Yang and David Filo chose exactly this name for the domain of the future search resource - in their understanding, “Yahoo!” means the user’s joy that he found the necessary information

The creator of the Hotmail trademark, which today is part of Microsoft, is Sabir Bhatia, who at one time went through a bunch of names ending in “mail” and, in the end, settled on the name Hotmail - due to the fact that it also encrypts abbreviation HTML. The very idea of ​​​​creating mailboxes that can be accessed from any corner of the planet where there is Internet belongs to Jack Smith. Today Hotmail is on the verge of closing due to the emergence of more convenient In 2013, Hotmail will cease to exist forever, and its users will be automatically transferred to the new email service

In order not to stray too far from the Internet and IT technologies, let’s remember one of the leading manufacturers of prestigious new consumer electronics - Apple, whose brand was recognized as the most expensive brand in the world in May 2011. The history of the name is quite comical - one fine day, after three months of fruitless attempts to come up with a name for the company, Steve Jobs threatened his partners that if they did not offer him a normal option by 5 pm, he would name the company after his favorite fruit - an apple! They didn't offer...

The name of another major electronics manufacturer was decided by a coin - William Hewlett and David Packard tossed it when they decided whose last name would appear first in the name of their joint venture, the first office of which was Hewlett's garage. It is logical to assume that since the company is called Hewlett/Packard, the coin turned out to be lucky for the garage owner =)

The Japanese company Sony also went through a long search - the creators of Tokyo Tsushin Koge Kabushiki Kaisa (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company) Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuki wanted to find a shorter and more concise name, but could not come up with anything. And then the Latin language came to their aid, and specifically the word sonus, which translates as “sound.” It was the 50s and in Japan the American word sonny, consonant with it, was widespread in Japan, but written in Japanese hieroglyphs it meant “unprofitable.” The problem was solved with the inherent simplicity of the Japanese - they crossed out the extra N from the name and registered the SONY brand

Another Japanese giant company specializing in the production of digital equipment for home and office - Canon - initially, when created in the 30s of the last century, bore the intricate name Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory in Japan. But with the creation of the first camera, named for some reason in honor of the Buddhist goddess of mercy Kwanon, the brothers Goro and Saburo Yoshida decided to rename the company and at the same time take several consonant names, including Canon, “just in case.” Such foresight helped them in the future to avoid problems with religious structures, which did not like the fact that the name of the great goddess was “some kind of incomprehensible thing” - in the end, the Yoshida brothers settled on the name Canon, because It turned out that, in addition to its sweetness, it is also translated from English as “canon”, and in French it means “gun” - and since that time more and more “photo guns” have been produced =)

The name of the South Korean industrial concern Samsung means “Three Stars”. The reason for the company’s name is not known for certain, but many associate it with the three sons of its founder

The name of the American company Kodak was born thanks to the love of its founder, George Eastman, for the letter “K” - he was looking for short words that would begin and end with this letter. He was also attracted to it by the fact that in all any popular alphabets in the world, the letter “K” is written the same way. As a result, the word “Kodak” was born in Eastman’s head - this is the sound, in his opinion, made by a camera with 100-frame film that he invented in 1888

The creator of the Xerox machine, Chester Carlson, wanted to highlight the fact that before his invention, the dry-powder copier, only wet copying technologies existed. Therefore, Chester sat down with dictionaries and found the word “xer” in Greek, which literally translates as “dry”, and based on it he came up with the name for his machine - “xerox”

In order not to go far, let us remember that in another American state a company was born whose products we consumed by the liter in the 90s - we are talking about Pepsi-Cola, which pharmacist Caleb Bradham invented at the end of the century before last. There are several versions of where this name came from. According to the more common one, Caleb named the drink after pepsin, a digestive enzyme that helps our stomach break down protein. According to another version, Bradham simply took the name of the company of one of his local competitors - Pep Cola - and “edited” it a little. The last opinion that you can pay attention to is based on the assumption that people liked that the black drink gave them vigor and strength (from English pep - energy, vigor) - hence the name

Already in this, the 21st century, Pepsi-Cola has been thoroughly replaced by another no less dark and no less harmful drink - Coca-Cola. Pharmacist John Stith Pemberton didn’t think much about the name - he named it after the main ingredients of his recipe, created on May 8, 1886 - three parts coca leaves (which are so popular in Colombia...) to one part tropical cola nuts. You can learn about other ingredients from the article What is in everyone's favorite Coca-Cola. According to another version, the name for the drink was invented by a local farmer who sold it to a pharmacist for $250. The Coca-Cola logo was written in calligraphy by Pemberton's accountant Frank Robinson - a gifted accountant, judging by the fact that the logo has not changed since then)

There is also an interesting story connected with the name of the German industrial concerns Adidas and Puma. Once upon a time, in the 20s of the 20th century, two brothers, Adolf and Rudolf Dassler, founded a common shoe making company. They called it simply - Dassler (full name - "Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory"). In 1948, after the death of their father, the brothers had a big quarrel and decided to go their separate ways. As a result, they agreed that no one would use the name Dassler anymore. Adolf named his newly formed company Addas, which was later replaced by the more benign Adidas (from Adolf's shortened name - Adi Dassler), and brother Rudolf founded the Ruda factory, later renamed to the similar word Puma. This is where the joint story of the Dassler brothers finally ended.

The Tokyo engineering company Mitsubishi was founded in the early 1870s, the logo was a three-leaf clover - the coat of arms of the family of the company's founder, Yataro Iwasaki. As a consequence of the coat of arms, the name “Three Diamonds” was coined (“mitsu” - “three”, “hishi” - “diamond”, according to another version of the translation - “water chestnut”). Why then doesn't it sound like Mitsuhisi? The answer lies in the phenomenon of Japanese morphonology, or Rendaku, as a result of which often the voiceless initial consonants of a root become voiced when read if the root of the word is preceded by a prefix or other root. This is why the "h" in the middle of Mitsuhishi is pronounced like a "b"

The history of the name of the South Korean financial and industrial group Daewoo is not as interesting as the translation of the name itself is unusual, which few people know about. The founder of the company, Kim Woo Chong, called it simply and modestly - “Big Universe”. Indeed, much more modest)

No less interesting is the name of the German auto giant Audi. The word itself is borrowed from Latin and translates as “Listen!”, but the main interesting feature is that Audi is the Latin version of the surname of the company’s founder, August Horch. The fact is that they didn’t think much about the name for the first car produced at the newly formed plant - they simply called it Horch, but when they began to come up with a name for the next model, the son of one of his partners came to the aid of August, who suggested a Latin version of the manager’s surname . From then on, the history of one of the most successful automobile companies in the world begins, which today is part of the Volkswagen Group.

As you can see, some companies were named on a whim, others needed weeks and months to find a suitable name, but all of them, nevertheless, became successful in their economic niches - mainly thanks to the right name, an interesting idea and the well-coordinated work of their teams

7 of the youngest successful people in business history. Real examples from the business history of the successes of young millionaires who achieved everything through their own efforts. All of these successful young businessmen earned their first million at the age of 20. Each business was invested with an idea whose success no one had previously suspected. Most of these ideas can be repeated and improved. 7 stories of successful young businessmen who became millionaires at the age of 20.

5 examples of successful businesses in the history of people who did not succeed right away great success. Life examples show that it is never too late to do business for self-realization. For some businessmen, success comes only at retirement age, but this does not upset them. After all, they managed to realize themselves in their lives and find their purpose in order to bring great benefit to the world. To pass on as an inheritance to your children and grandchildren invaluable experience, knowledge that is more valuable than any material assets. 5 short stories about how businessmen became millionaires only at retirement age and have no regrets.

Lego is not the very first toy construction set. Moreover, its creator had never been involved in the production of toys before. The first Lego bricks were made of wood, but a major failure forced manufacturers to switch to a more successful material. The peculiarities of the approach to the perception of buyers of Lego constructors allow us to maintain our position in the TOP among competitors. The story of how Kirk and Gottfried Christiansen, the creators of the most popular construction set, came to a successful idea.

Barbie doll is distinguished by its style, which positions it as a game of being a happy girl. While other dolls were previously positioned as a game of being a happy mother and housewife. A new creative approach to creating a Barbie doll with the whole world quickly gained popularity among children and parents. The secrets of the great popularity and successful sales of the Barbie doll. What inspired Ruth Handler to create the best-selling doll?

Robert Kiosaki became a millionaire at the age of 48. Until this time, he suffered many entrepreneurial failures and fiascos. But paradoxically, it was business training that made Robert a successful person. He became a millionaire by teaching others how to become millionaires. His books are published all over the world in different languages. Most of them are bestlers. The story of how Robert Kiyosaki's entrepreneurial failures led him to successfully study business with an unconventional program. Robert's experiences are recounted in the books that made him and many others successful.

Sabon produces natural soap from three components: patchouli-lavender-vanilla. This mixture is medicinal and has an amazing aroma. This successful recipe and well-planned marketing made it possible to successfully sell natural soap throughout the world. An excellent example of business development with minimal investment. The company that has conquered the whole world with its soap. Three medicinal and aromatic soap making ingredients and effective marketing brought success to Sabon.

Even a 3-year-old child can create a successful business. And to become a millionaire is 8 years old. This fact was proven by Ryan Ross, who has been making money in the business field since the age of three. And at the age of 8 he earned his first million on his own. As a child, the small businessman went from owning a backyard chicken farm to investing in real estate. A unique business prodigy who has been successfully running his first business since he was 3 years old, and at the age of 8 he earned his first million.

McDonald's has a unique history with many lessons to learn about how to manage and grow your business. Ray Kroc, the founder of the company, invested all his many years of experience drawn from various fields of activity, which allowed him to quickly develop the company to a global scale. Ray Kroc realized himself only after 50, but he managed to do so much thanks to his ideas and experience. The story of the creation of the global fast-food restaurant chain McDonald's contains many valuable business lessons.

The success story of ZARA brand stores is woven from the work, efforts, knowledge and experience of its creator Amancio. His work experience gave him the ideal idea for producing affordable clothing from expensive materials. But the business idea was realized only after many years of work. As a result, a world-famous company, ZARA, was created, with the main emphasis on the efficient use of resources and Supplies. Knowledge, work and experience gave birth to a successful idea for the production of affordable clothing from the most expensive materials for sale in ZARA stores.

The author of the best-selling Harry Potter series, JK Rowling, achieved success thanks to her creative hobby. After worldwide recognition, the hobby became the main activity of the writer. Her life completely changed and took on new meaning when she began to do what she loved and develop in her own direction. Love for work is the key to success. The unusual story of the author of the Harry Potter book series, who achieved worldwide recognition for her work.

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