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Steve Jobs did not recognize his daughter. Lisa Brennan-Jobs is the illegitimate daughter of a computer genius! Would you forgive your father if you were Lisa

The book with new details will be released in September.
In early September 2018, the memoirs of Lisa Brennan-Jobs, the 40-year-old daughter of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who died of pancreatic cancer seven years ago, will be released, writes Business Insider.

According to her, Steve Jobs was a scary person and behaved like an asshole.

And perhaps this was exacerbated by the fact that his behavior was tolerated by his wife, colleagues and business partners.

Some of Jobs' co-workers recount instances where Steve lashed out at employees over minor issues and subsequently fired them.

Among the most famous examples are the following: Steve fired an employee who dared to enter the elevator with him at Apple headquarters; Steve fired an assistant who brought him the wrong brand of mineral water; at one of the interviews, Jobs did not hire a potential employee, calling him a virgin.

Father reluctantly.

Articles and books about Steve Jobs have already noted that Jobs initially denied that he was the father of Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Her mother, Chrisanne Brennan, had to live on welfare and work as a cleaner until a DNA test proved his paternity and the court forced him to pay child support.

An amount of $385 per month was determined, which was increased to $500. Payments were to be accrued until the age of 18. The court considered the case and on December 8, 1980, the process was closed (the father's lawyers insisted on this, in every possible way urging the trial).
And four days later, Apple entered the stock market, and my father's fortune was estimated at $ 200 million.
He also denied for many years that the Apple Lisa computer, which was introduced before the Macintosh, was named after his daughter.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs' book adds new details about how badly her father behaved.

In her early childhood, they rarely saw each other, even after the recognition of his paternity.

“In high school, she moved in with her father and stepmother because her mother had financial problems and had violent outbursts. Jobs did not know how to behave with his daughter: he completely ignored her, then he tried to establish complete control over her life. In addition, he forbade her to see her mother, although she had previously been the main figure in her life.

"We are cold people."

The girl was lonely in her father's house, and she once asked her father and stepmother to wish her good night before going to bed. Rather than comply with such a simple request, Lisa's stepmother Lauren Powell-Jobs replied, "We are cold people."

According to Lisa, several times her father behaved indecently. For example, Jobs forced her to be present at the sex scene: he caressed his wife's breasts and thighs and moaned theatrically.

Lisa wanted to leave, but her father said that she should see this "family moment". She didn't see it as a sexual threat, but she felt uncomfortable. He repeatedly told her that she would "get nothing" from his wealth, that she smelled bad (in the end, Lisa still received the inheritance).

Jobs often changed cars, and only because he found a scratch on them.

One day the girl decided to ask:

"Can I take it when you don't need it anymore," I asked as we drove up the winding road to his house after another drive. Take what?” asked the father. This car. Your Porsche, I was sure that during the trip we definitely scratched it. Definitely not,” my father said with such a sour expression that I immediately knew that I had made a mistake.”
When the girl began to spend a lot of time at school, as she studied in the opera club and ran for the role of class president, Jobs was very upset. "You're a fucking family member. You are never around. This will not work, and if you want to be part of the family, you must be on time, ”said the head of Apple.

At one point, family friends even took Lisa in and helped her pay for college."

These are just excerpts from the book, which goes on sale September 4th, so the full picture isn't there yet. And, of course, these are the memories of one person with all his emotional baggage and prejudices. Jobs' widow Lauren Powell-Jobs said in a statement that the book is "very different from our memories of those times." But it was she who allowed Jobs to be cruel to his own daughter.

Stern leader or effective asshole?

But in his book, Brennan-Jobs recalls these incidents, not to condemn Jobs, but to forgive him and move on.

This book debunks the image of a leader who was sometimes harsh to achieve his goals and reveals to the world a cruel man who succeeded because the people around him endured and agreed to this horror.

Yes, Jobs created thousands of jobs and helped create thousands more. He also made many people inside and outside the company very rich. Undoubtedly his role in the creation of some of the most remarkable products of the last 50 years - the iPhone, Mac, iPad, iPod and the original Apple computers.

Genius is the pinnacle of practical intuition. Jean Cocteau
Perhaps similar products could and would have been created without him. But there's no denying that he has played a leading role in shaping how billions of people interact with technology.

Of course, even these accomplishments are interspersed with less commendable ones, such as his tight control over Apple's outsourcing and tax avoidance efforts.

YouTube / AllThingsD
And that's not to mention his antics during his first time at Apple, such as how he tried to hook up then-CEO John Scully and refused to grant stock options to an early Apple employee.

Did his success in business outweigh the cruelty with which he treated others? It's hard to judge. But genius rarely goes hand in hand with kindness.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs is the daughter of a famous Apple employee and a journalist from America. She is probably very proud of her legendary father, whose name is inextricably linked with the history of one of the most successful companies of our time. But Steve Jobs led a hidden lifestyle and not everyone, even his close associates, initially knew about the existence of Lisa. Moreover, Jobs did not immediately recognize his daughter ...

Lisa Brennan-Jobs is the daughter of the legendary founder of Apple

Relationship of Lisa's parents

Lisa was born in 1978 in Oregon, USA. Then Steve Jobs stood at the origins of his offspring - Apple Computer, which was founded by him at the age of 21 and began to develop rapidly. His girlfriend Chrisanne Brennan worked as an artist and they had been dating since their student days.

Their rocky relationship was described by Krisanne in a book that saw the world after Jobs' death in 2013 and was titled The Bitten Apple: A Memoir of My Life with Steve Jobs. It mentioned the juicy features of their life together, as well as how the relationship between young people gradually began to crumble. According to Chrisann, then Steve was fully involved in the work, and also tried to dominate both outside the home and in the everyday home environment.

When Chrisann became pregnant, Steve did not acknowledge his paternity. As Brennan herself states in a book she wrote, Jobs was not interested in getting married. Also, as a weighty argument, he pointed out that he could not have children due to physiological inability due to sterilization. With such statements, he spoke in court, trying to confirm his words with some documents. At that time, Chrisann worked at Apple, but due to these events, she was forced to leave it.

It is noteworthy that in the same year that Lisa was born, Jobs' company released a computer called Apple Lisa, and therefore, it can be assumed that it was named after the newborn girl. But Steve himself denied this connection and argued that LISA is simply an acronym for Local Integrated Software Architecture.

Paternity acknowledgment by Jobs

But 2 years later, thanks to medical and legal evidence, he nevertheless admitted that Lisa was his daughter. Interestingly, this story was even filmed in the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley. But, despite the recognition of the fact of paternity, Jobs for some time shied away from paying child support to Lisa's mother. Then they had to survive on unemployment benefits. Meanwhile, Steve Jobs had a family, and three more children were born:

  • two daughters - Eva and Erin;
  • son Reed.

But when Lisa was 7 years old, Jobs began to pay attention to his first daughter. For some time in her teens, she lived at his place, and when she entered Harvard, her father paid for the cost of her education. It was there that she felt the "writing vein" in herself, and this allowed her to win several competitions at the university level.

After graduating from a prestigious university, Brennan-Jobs moved from America to Europe, where she began to build her journalistic career. Her work can be found in many high-profile publications such as Vogue and O: The Oprah Magazine. Lisa also maintains her own blog, which is very popular among Internet users.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs: photo

If you are interested in Lisa Brennan-Jobs, Instagram will not help you learn anything about the life of a girl, since she is not registered in this social network. However, the profile of Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs (Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs) can be found on Twitter and Facebook, although there is very little information about her.

Steve Jobs is an American businessman who became world famous for his innovative abilities in the field of IT technologies. He is one of the founders of Appel. As you know, Steve Jobs grew up in a foster family. His biological parents were German Joan Schible and Syrian Abdulfattah Jandali. The girl's relatives were categorically against this marriage, and her father said that he would deprive her of her inheritance. Being on demolition, Joan went to give birth in San Francisco, in a private clinic. Immediately after the birth, the boy was given up for adoption.

Adoptive parents were Paul and Clara Jobs. They raised Steve and gave him a decent education. These are the people Steve Jobs considered his real parents. It is likely that for this reason, throughout his life, he treated his wife and children in a special way. Yes, in his life there were intrigues outside the family, but over the years he realized how valuable and dear to him close people are. Steve spent the rest of his life surrounded by his family.

In total, Steve Jobs has four children: three daughters and one son. The firstborn - a daughter named Lisa Brennan-Jobs - was born in 1978. The girl's mother was the artist Chrisanne Brennan, with whom Jobs had a romantic relationship. Note that for 2 years the young dad did not confirm his paternity (he assured that he was infertile), but over time he nevertheless accepted his daughter as his own.

In 1991, the entrepreneur legalized his relationship with It was she who became "the woman of his life," as he himself said. In the same year, the couple first had a son named Reed, and then two daughters: Erin (in 1995) and Eva (1998). They say that each of them has paternal traits. Photos of the children of Steve Jobs are posted in this article.

The Jobs couple lived in a private house located in Palo Alto. Interestingly, the son was named after the educational institution where Steve himself briefly studied - Reed College.

father of many children

The children of Steve Jobs got as much time from their father as an addicted businessman could give. They say that the son got much more attention than the daughters. However, Steve still devoted his time to raising and educating children. He came to school parent-teacher meetings, did not allow his offspring to sit in front of the TV screen for a long time, and personally monitored what and how his children ate.

Steve tried to balance between the crazy rhythm of work and the functions of an exemplary dad. It is known that the businessman diligently protected his personal life and family from the annoying attention of the press. As soon as Jobs found out about his terrible diagnosis and realized that life is too fleeting, he tried to spend as much time as possible with his family and friends - his wife and children. Even in he left the walls of his firm and rushed home to spend this short time with them.

What are the children of Steve Jobs doing now, and how has their life turned out? This question interests many.

Eldest daughter Lisa

The eldest daughter of the entrepreneur is now 39 years old. In 2000, she graduated from Harvard and moved to live in Europe. Lisa has connected her life with journalism - she is the author of columns for a variety of publications. The girl maintains her blog, which managed to gain considerable popularity and a large number of readers. Perhaps her most striking journalistic brainchild can be called the article "Tuscan Vacation", published in Vogue magazine in February 2008. In her work, Liza tells about childhood, about life with her mother.

Reid is the only son of Steve Jobs

The only boy among all the children of Steve Jobs has his own success. As a high school student, Reed looked very much like his 18-year-old father. From his mother, he inherited a kind heart and empathy for others, which Jobs Sr. did not have. During his summer vacation, Reid worked part-time at a cancer center. There, he researched the possibilities of DNA sequencing in curing bowel cancer. In the process of research, he was able to determine the hereditary relationship. According to the data that were obtained during the experiments, Reed wrote a report that was presented at his school. Steve Jobs, who died of cancer, managed to catch this moment and was very proud of his son.

Younger daughters Erin and Eve

Erin Sienna had a calm disposition since childhood. She, more than other children of Steve Jobs, suffered from a lack of paternal attention and care. The girl learned to distance herself from people and from her father in particular, in order to reduce the suffering due to his aloofness. By inheritance from a famous dad, she inherited an interest in design and architecture. Probably, it is in this area that the girl will continue to develop.

The youngest daughter, 18-year-old Eva, is a wealthy heiress who is passionate about equestrianism. Moreover, the girl was very successful in this matter and was already able to participate in many competitions. Representatives of noble families competed with her: Jennifer Gates, Destri Allen Spielberg and others. Sports training for the youngest daughter of Steve Jobs takes place in Wellington (Florida) - it was here that her mother bought a ranch for $ 15 million.

Steve Jobs is a strict father

It is known that Steve Jobs forbade his children a lot. For example, prolonged use of iPhones. This is rather strange, because it seemed to many that the offspring of a famous entrepreneur literally bathe in an abundance of expensive gadgets. However, Jobs believed that it was harmful to the child's body. In addition, there are so many other interesting things to do, such as sitting around the dinner table with the whole family and discussing the book they read. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when Steve Jobs forbade iPhones to his children, he was guided by good intentions.

Steve Jobs and Chrisana Brennan were 23 when they had a daughter. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Lisa Brennan-Jobs decided to talk about her difficult childhood, the years spent with a single mother and the founder of Apple.

Lisa will tell a story about a father who did not admit for a long time that she was his daughter. About Steve Jobs as we never knew him.

Pictured is Lisa Bernnan-Jobs on her father's lap in Palo Alto. The photo was taken in 1987.

A few months before my death, I started taking money out of my father's house. Actually steal. I wandered barefoot around the house and secretly lined my pockets. I took rouge, toothpaste, a jar of nail polish, a pair of worn brass ballet slippers, four faded white pillowcases that had yellowed a lot with age.

Every time I took something out of the house, I felt satisfied. And every time I told myself that this would be the last time. But conquering thirst is not easy.

I tiptoed into my father's room, carefully stepping over the creaky board on the floor near the entrance. This was his office. Then he was still able to climb the stairs, but at that moment he was asleep.

He lay in bed in shorts. His legs were very thin, his arms were bent, like those of a grasshopper.

Hey Liz, he called out to me.

Segui Rinpoche stood next to his father (approx. Buddhist monk) who came from Brazil. He spent a lot of time with his father. Next to Seguy stood a linen bag and a small pump, the tube from which went under his father's sheets.

It will be good if you touch his feet,” the monk concluded.

Not understanding if this had any meaning for me and for my father, I took his leg.

I am pleased, - said the father and closed his eyes.

I looked around the shelves in the room, standing next to the bed chest. I understood that I would not dare to touch those things that I would like to take in the presence of my father and the monk.

While my father slept, I wandered around the house looking for I don't know what. The house was very quiet. The scorching rays of the sun fell in places on the cold floor. Every minute I could feel my father's thoughts.

It hurt him to feel like a burden to others, to be helpless surrounded by the housekeeper, my brother, sisters, stepmother.

The last photo of Steve Jobs during his lifetime.

With these thoughts, I went to the bathroom. Attention was drawn to the freshener with a pronounced aroma of roses. I pressed the sprayer. After a few minutes, there was no trace of the former pleasant aroma. It smelled of a fetid swamp, but not of flowers. This is the specificity of all organic flavors and fresheners, which rot in a couple of minutes.

When I returned to my father's room, I found him getting out of bed. With both hands, he held his legs, while turning his body 90 degrees. Putting his feet on the floor, he called me. I hugged him. With her fingers she felt the ribs, the vertebrae, the ribs of her emaciated father, who smelled of medicine.

I'll be right back, - I said and followed to the door.

Liz, - my father called me.

You smell like a toilet.

In the spring of 1978, when my parents were 23, they had me. It was on my mom's friend Robert's farm in Oregon. Births were attended by two midwives. I was born after three hours of contractions.

A few days later my father arrived. He kept telling everyone on the farm that I was not his child. Nevertheless, he came to see me.

Liza with her father on the third day after birth. 1978

I had black hair and a big nose. Then Robert came up to my father and said, “She looks like you. Looks like it."

Then my parents carried me out to the meadow, put me on a blanket. Flipping through the pages of a book of baby names, my father insisted on the name Claire. After reviewing several options, mother and father could not find a consensus. They wanted to call me by my full independent name, and not by its abbreviated form or part.

Lisa with her mother in Saragota (California). 1981

And what about Lisa? my mother finally asked.

Yes. Fits, - happily agreed father.

The next day he left.

Then I asked my mother: “Isn’t Lisa an abbreviated name for Elizabeth?” "No. We checked. This is a separate name, ”my mother assured me. "But why did you let him choose a name if he didn't acknowledge that he was my father," I protested. "Because he was your father," Mom replied.

During the period when my mother was pregnant, my father started working on the computer. Later this model will be called Lisa. It was the forerunner of the Macintosh, the first mass-market computer with an external mouse—a mouse that was about the size of a good piece of cheese.

But it was too expensive and, as a result, failed. At first my father started working on the team, but then he switched to the Mac and started working against it.

The Lisa computer was discontinued, and 3,000 unsold machines remained gathering dust at the test site in Logan, Utah.

Lisa computer

Until I was two years old, my mother worked as a waitress and cleaned houses. One social payment was not enough. The father did not help. Later, the mother got a job as an educator in a church department to look after the children. A few months later, on the bulletin board, the mother found a note about renting rooms for women awaiting adoption papers. We moved there.

In 1980, the District Attorney of San Mateo County (California) sued my father for non-payment of child support. The father declared that I was not his daughter, and that he was generally barren, pointing to a completely different person, supposedly he was the real father.

I had to take a DNA test. At the time, this was an innovation in medicine, but nevertheless, the test found that Steve Jobs with a probability of 94.4% is my father.

The court then ordered my father to pay Social Security benefits: $385 per month, which was increased to $500. Payments were to be accrued until the age of 18. The court considered the case and on December 8, 1980, the process was closed (the father's lawyers insisted on this, in every possible way urging the trial).

And four days later, Apple entered the stock market, and my father's fortune was estimated at $ 200 million.

A couple of days after the child support case was closed, my father came to visit me in Menlo Park. We rented a separate studio room in the house there. It was the first time I saw my father after he was born. (approx. Lisa was two and a half years old).

You know who I am, he asked, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

I didn't answer.

I'm your father, Steve said.

Later, his mother said that he said this phrase with such intonation as Darth Vader in Star Wars.

When I was seven, my mother and I moved again. It was the 13th move. We rented a room informally. We had at our disposal the bedroom of my mother's friend and a temporary basement.

About once a month my father came and the three of us went skating.

Once he arrived in a black Porsche with a roaring and shuddering engine all around. When he turned off the car, the surroundings became as quiet as before, the singing of birds began to be heard.

That day I was waiting for his arrival. We were together for about an hour - an hour and a half, but all the time there was some strange emptiness in my soul. It was like the calm after my father had turned the key in the ignition of his Porsche. Papa was a man of few words.

We went for a drive around the nearby streets. It seemed that the father was happy at that moment. A couple of times I felt that he was looking at me, but as soon as I raised my head, he turned his head away.

When he left, my mother and I started talking about my father.

Why are his jeans always full of holes?, I asked my mother. - Can't he sew them up? I know he has millions of dollars. He is not a millionaire, he is a multimillionaire. And it was true.

This is a question from the category of why he lisps, - said my mother. Once he hit his jaw, chipping his teeth. Now they resemble a zigzag. And those strange flat palms...

Then for me, “teeth like lightning”, torn jeans and flat palms seemed something mystical. Something that made my father different and made him a better person. And although he appeared in my life only once a month, I was really looking forward to it.

I heard that he buys a new one every time he gets a scratch - I once overheard a conversation between my mother and my boyfriend Ron.

What new is he buying, I asked.

But can't he just paint over the scratch, I persisted.

Car paint doesn't work that way,” Ron explained to me. - You can't just paint in black on black. On the body of the car it will be noticeable.

The next time my father came to visit us, I looked at his Porsche and thought: I wonder if this is the same car as it was, or is it a new one?

The same Porsche 928 that Steve Jobs drove.

One day at school, I decided to brag.

I have a secret, I whispered, emphasizing that it really was a secret. - My father is Steve Jobs.

Who is this?” one of my classmates asked.

He is very famous. He invented the personal computer. He lives in a mansion and drives a Porsche convertible. He buys a new car every time he puts a scratch on it,” I said proudly.

My story sounded really implausible. I was almost never seen with my father, except maybe once a month while skating. I didn’t have clothes or a bike, I simply didn’t have what children whose fathers weren’t named Steve Jobs had.

He even named his computer after me,” I continued, trying to get my classmates interested.

What computer, - the classmate has taken an interest.

What is the name of the computer? Never heard of such a thing.

He was ahead of his time, - I proudly rapped out, using the phrase of my mother, although I did not really understand why he was ahead of this very time.

I never felt wrong around friends who had fathers. But from time to time everything boiled inside, an inexplicable anxiety permeated the body, there was pressure from the fact that I knew who my father was. Finally, I found a way to say it.

One afternoon my father brought home a Macintosh. He pulled the box out of the back seat, carried it into my room, and laid it on the floor.

Let's see how to open it.

It felt like he really didn't know how to do it. In those moments, I had a doubt that it was my father who invented the computer.

He pulled the computer out of the box using the handle at the top. I put the Macintosh on the floor near the outlet.

I think it needs to be connected.

He held the cord like that, as if he didn't understand what it was for.

He sat at the computer, cross-legged. I sat on my knees next to him. Father was looking for the power button. Found her. Pressed. The car came to life. A picture appeared on the screen and my father showed it to me, smiling from ear to ear. Then he told me how you can draw, save drawings on your desktop.

And then he left.

The father never mentioned that there was a Lisa computer. I worried that the computer was not really named after me and that my assumptions were wrong.

For a very long time, I believed that if I was an obedient daughter, my dad would also be an obedient father. Then I was simply afraid to admit to myself that this would not happen, and the idea itself was monstrous.

I once stayed overnight with my father while my mother was in college in San Francisco. We watched a lot of old films, but my father hardly spoke.

Can I take it when you no longer need it,” I asked as we drove up the winding road to his house.

Take what?” asked the father.

This car. Your Porsche, - I was sure that during the trip we definitely scratched it.

Definitely not,” my father said with such a sour expression that I immediately knew that I had made a mistake.

The scratch myth must have been a really beautiful legend. I already got used to the fact that my father was not very generous and did not like to scatter money or flattering words. The Porsche legend seemed to me the only exception.

When we pulled up to the house, he turned off the engine and said:

You won't get anything, you understand? Nothing! You will receive NOTHING.

Did he mean a car or something more? I didn't know. Then his words just pierced me. I made a terrible mistake and it seemed that my father would never be the same with me again.

At that moment, I was tormented by the thought that he called my name, even if it was a failed computer, in order to once again express his love. At that time I was not interested in computers: they were made of metal parts, represented by chips, plastic cases - it was not clear to me how it was connected with me, but I liked the idea itself.

It only meant to me that even when he was not around, he showed his care.

Now I understand that we had different views on life. For him, I remained a stain on the reputation. The story with me did not correspond to his greatness and the status of virtue, which he did his best to emphasize.

My very existence was a black streak for my father. But for me it's the other way around. In the end, thanks to him, I was born.

And I always wondered if he named a computer after me. I just had to find out.

One day, many years later, when I was already in high school and constantly living with my mother and father, I asked him:

Listen, you know Lisa's computer. Did you name him after me? - I tried to speak as for me it was just an ordinary question, curiosity - nothing more. And I, of course, hoped to hear "yes."

No, my father replied dismissively. - I'm sorry, baby.

Today, Lisa Brennan-Jobs maintains her own blog and is a real celebrity. However, the girl's life was not always so good. The story goes that until the age of 7, her father refused to recognize kinship and did nothing to help her mother. The reunion took place already at a fairly conscious age, but the girl does not hold a grudge against Steve and communicated with him until her death. Today we will learn the difficult story of Lizi, which says a lot about the character of one of the most significant people of the era.

Life of Lisa Brennan-Jobs

The daughter of the creator of a large computer corporation has come a difficult way from childhood to this day. She had to spend her childhood years without a father and endure a lot before the famous entrepreneur recognized her child.

The girl was born in 1978. By coincidence, the father in the same year produces a high-tech computer Lisa. In an interview, Steve strongly denies both his paternity and the connection between the name of the car and the name of his daughter. He explains that it's an acronym for "software architecture with local integration." It was at this time that the heyday of Apple falls. In one of the popular publications, the entrepreneur is called "the smartest leader" and one of the richest people on the planet.

The creator of Apple refuses to recognize the ability to leave offspring. He submits to the court documents that confirm his absolute futility. It is not known for certain whether these papers were an outright fake or a fatal medical error. Years later, Steve still recognizes himself as a father and begins to take an active interest in the life of his first child. Despite the fact that he lives in a marriage with another woman, her father takes Lisa to him for several years until the end of adolescence. After graduation, the girl enters Harvard University, where her father fully pays for her studies. There, the student develops a craving for journalism, and she fully reveals her talent.

In 2000, after graduating from university, the girl leaves for Europe with the goal of becoming a journalist. Since then, Lisa Brennan-Jobs has published in several popular publications:

  1. "O: The Oprah Magazine"
  2. The Harvard Advocate
  3. Vogue
  4. The Harvard Crimson
  5. The Massachusetts Review
  6. Spiked
  7. The Southwest Review.

Despite a difficult childhood, Lisa recalls him with sensuality. She told the media that in early childhood she and her mother were in dire financial need. At the same time, the woman fully cared for her daughter. As the girl recalls, at that time it made her completely happy. She regularly moved and changed the area of ​​​​residence. The girl had to settle in a new school every time and get used to the next housing. After 7 years, her father took her more and more often, and Lisa felt a huge gap between the world of rich and poor. Living in her parent's luxurious mansion, the girl felt completely different. After many years, Lisey compares these periods with two halves of her life, which did not stick together in any way. Being in one world, she invariably missed the second.

Celebrity kids often have a hard time. They need to match the level of their parent and prove to the whole world that they also have talent. Lisa Brennan-Jobs, whose Instagram is filled with fans, was able to become famous not at the expense of her father and achieve good success in her own profession. She writes compelling essays and runs a website. Her extraordinary story captivates readers around the world and teaches them from the mistakes of past generations.

This video is about the life of Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Photos and data are collected in a convenient format for quick and easy reference:

Family life and children of Steve Jobs

The computer developer carefully concealed his personal history from the media mass media. He rarely gave interviews on the topic of the family, and when asked about his wife or children, he often showed monosyllabic answers. Close acquaintances and friends admit that they themselves knew little about what was happening in the celebrity's house.

With the release of the biographical book, much has become clear. Steve revealed his deepest secrets to the editor and spoke about his beloved wife and children. It is known that the developer was very kind to the family hearth and spent almost all his free time at home. He loved to play with children and appreciated his wife until the last moment of his life.

Steve got married in 1991. Lauren Powell became his chosen one and main companion. The wedding took place without too much glamor and was not grandiose. The wedding was led by the groom's mentor and Zen Buddhist Kobun Chino.

In total, Steve had 4 children: three girls and one boy. His first child was Lisa, an illegitimate daughter from a university friend. Despite the fact that the father denied his involvement in the first years of his child’s life in every possible way, later he became seriously interested in the girl’s life and even took her to his house for several years. The photo shows Lisa with her stepmother and father.

Reed was the second child. He was born almost immediately after the wedding of his parents - in 1991. The boy was named after the college where his ancestor once studied (Reed College). After 3 years, the couple decided on another child, and in 1995 Siena was born. The youngest of the children was Eva, who was born in 1998. The family lived for a long time in a large house in Palo Alto. According to friends and relatives, they were very friendly and enjoyed spending time together.

This is almost everything that we managed to find out about the personal life of the legendary entrepreneur. His reclusive lifestyle led journalists to think about intrigues, but it was not possible to find out about the features of his family life. If the reader wants to get more information, he should buy a biographical book and read it.

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