Bank business plan: opening and development plan with calculations. Sales in a bank

This article is devoted to various aspects of interaction between the head bank and additional offices. It touches on issues of the additional office business plan, limits, management reporting, etc. For a bank with an extensive network of additional branches, it is very important to build the correct algorithm for managing them and analyze the dynamics of sales of banking products in them.

Business plan for an additional office

The business plan for an additional office is not directly provided for in the regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, but is drawn up quite often in various banks. At a minimum, the bank's budget expenses for creating and opening an additional office are considered; a business plan is a more detailed version of these expenses.

Here is a sample text of a small business plan for a typical additional office:

"An additional office will be opened at: __________________.

The additional office carries out the following banking operations:

Lending to individuals and legal entities;

Settlement and cash services for individuals and legal entities;

Transactions on deposits of individuals and legal entities;

Currency exchange transactions;

Currency control of payments;

Transactions with securities.

The staffing schedule of the additional office was approved "____" 20___, the number of employees is ____ people.

Staffing structure by departments of the additional office (see Table 1).

Table 1

Dopofis has the right to carry out banking operations within the limits established by the board of the bank in accordance with Appendix 1.

The additional office is set the following key indicative performance indicators by decision of the board of directors in accordance with Appendix 2.


If a conflict of interest arises between the riskiness and profitability of an operation, regardless of the cost of funds, profitability and urgency of the operation, the priority task is to reduce the risk of the operation, the achievement of which is carried out by the joint actions of the bank’s responsible departments within the framework of internal documents.

Carrying out basic operations of the additional office without setting a limit is not allowed. Risk limits are set in rubles and foreign currencies. Limits on basic banking transactions are set for the quarter. Limits may be revised at any time.

The body that makes decisions on changing limits in the additional office is the asset and liability management committee or a similar body. Limits are valid until they are cancelled.

Management reporting

Maintaining management accounting and drawing up management reporting is mandatory for the relevant structural divisions of the additional office.

The purpose of management accounting is to ensure management efficiency. Management accounting is a means of ensuring planning and control in the bank by the bank's management bodies. Changes may be made to the management accounting system regarding reporting forms, deadlines and recipients of management reporting.

Concepts used:

Management Accounting- an independent accounting system that, within the bank, provides its management with information used for planning, managing and monitoring its activities;

information users- general meeting of shareholders of the bank, board of directors of the bank, chairman of the board of the bank, board of the bank;

management reporting forms- output forms (in electronic form or on paper), allowing information users to obtain objective data on the financial and economic condition of the bank branch and the level of risks of the bank as a whole.

Objectives of management accounting:

Collection, processing and analysis of data from past and future financial transactions;

Monitoring the implementation of established indicators. At the end of the reporting period, deviations of actual indicators from the established ones are identified and the reasons for their occurrence are determined;

Formation of the necessary types of management reporting to regularly provide bank management with factual data and analytical information.

Management reporting is divided into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual (see Table 2).

table 2

Management reporting

Management body - recipient of information

Name of management information

Division responsible for the development and transmission of information

Frequency of information submission

General Meeting of Shareholders

Report of the additional office manager on his activities

Additional office manager


Report of the bank auditor to the general meeting of shareholders

Bank auditor


Report of the internal control service to the general meeting of shareholders

Internal Control Service


Board of Directors

Report on the progress of implementation of plans for the implementation of the bank's development strategy

Additional office manager

At least once a year

Key performance indicators of the additional office for the quarter (analysis of indicator dynamics)

Additional office risk assessment department


Additional office risk reports

Additional office risk assessment department


Chairman of the Board of the Bank

Assets and liabilities (including OVP)

Credit department


Mandatory economic standards

Chief accountant of the additional office


Liquidity information

Credit department of additional office


Chief accountant of the additional office


Dynamics of the number of reports to the Federal Financial Markets Service on mandatory control and unusual transactions (suspicious transactions)

Department for combating legalization of proceeds from crime, additional office


Risk reports

Additional office risk assessment department

Monthly and quarterly

Bank Board

Report on additional office operations

Chief accountant of the additional office


Certificate on the status of the loan portfolio

Credit department of additional office


Department reports on work performed (in free form)

Heads of additional office departments

At least once a year

Report on open accounts of new clients

Additional office customer attraction department


Analysis of the bank’s financial activities (table “Analysis of financial position indicators”)

Additional office risk assessment department


Document flow in the management accounting system is organized vertically:

The responsible departments process primary data;

Responsible departments prepare output forms of management reporting and information;

Management reporting forms are submitted to the bank’s management bodies at the frequency established in Appendix 3.

Order of interaction

When issuing loans

Upon receipt of an application for lending, the credit department of the additional office makes an initial assessment of the possibility of issuing a loan, collects the necessary documents for the loan case and submits the issue of issuing a loan for consideration by the small credit committee if there is a positive conclusion from the security department of the additional office.

The Small Credit Committee makes a decision on issuing a loan or refusing to issue it, subject to the possibility of making a decision within the bank’s limit. If the bank's limit is exceeded, the small credit committee forwards the loan documents to the credit committee for subsequent approval. In this case, issuing a loan without the approval of the credit committee is not allowed.

When issuing bank guarantees

Upon receipt of an application for issuing a bank guarantee, the credit department of the additional office makes an initial assessment of the possibility of issuing a guarantee, collects the necessary documents for the formation of a dossier and submits the issue of issuing a guarantee to the small credit committee for consideration if there is a positive conclusion from the security department of the additional office.

The Small Credit Committee makes a decision on issuing a guarantee or refusing, subject to the possibility of making a decision within the bank's limit. If the bank's limit is exceeded, the small credit committee sends documents on issuing a guarantee to the credit committee for subsequent approval. The issuance of a guarantee in this case without the approval of the credit committee is not permitted.

If there are signs of a violation of the established procedure, the security department must immediately report to the security service of the parent bank for subsequent consideration and action by the bank’s management bodies. The internal control department of the additional office is obliged to immediately report a violation of the established procedure to the internal control service of the parent bank for subsequent consideration and action by the bank’s management bodies.

The additional office is obliged to provide information about all issued obligations upon the first request of the bank’s management bodies without motivating the request.

Internal control

The internal control department of the additional office is part of the internal control service of the parent bank and is structurally subordinate only to the head of the internal control service, being completely independent of any decisions and orders of the head of the additional office.

Every six months, the internal control department submits to the internal control service for subsequent approval a report on the implementation of the inspection plan and a report on the inspections performed (see Appendices 3, 4).

If a violation of the established operating procedure is detected, the internal control service does not notify the internal control department about the plan for inspections of the additional office by the internal control service.

The internal control service checks the additional office based on the instructions of the chairman of the bank’s board.

Forms for additional office inspections by internal control units

Conducting surprise audits of cash registers and valuables storage facilities

Audits of valuables storage facilities (safe room) of branch divisions and operating cash desks are carried out without prior notification to division employees.

Audits are carried out with verification of all valuables on the same date and in such a sequence that would exclude the possibility of concealing thefts and shortages of cash and valuables.

Conducting audits and thematic inspections of branch divisions

The inspection report is agreed upon orally with the heads of structural divisions and presented for review to the head of the bank division being inspected.

During this working day, the specified manager is obliged to familiarize himself with it, approve it and put his signature under the mark “I have read the act.”

Annex 1

Limitation of additional office operations

Issuance of a loan for one borrower - legal entity

Total loan portfolio of borrowers - legal entities

Issue per insider (individual and legal entity)

Total loans to insiders

Issuance to one related person (individual and legal entity)

Total loans to group of related parties

Total attracted deposits of legal entities

Purchase of shares of one issuer ORTSB

Purchasing shares of one issuer other than the securities market

Total share portfolio

Purchase of bills of one issuer

Total bill portfolio

Total own bills issued

Issuance of interbank loans to one bank

Total interbank loans

Issuance of a loan for one borrower - an individual

Total loan portfolio of individuals

Open currency position

Appendix 2

Indicative performance indicators of the additional office

Total loans to legal entities as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total loans to individuals as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total bills of exchange issued as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total portfolio of purchased bills as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total portfolio of acquired shares as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total attracted deposits of legal entities as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total attracted deposits from individuals as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total foreign exchange transactions (million rubles)

Total turnover on individual accounts as of the reporting date (RUB million)

Total turnover on accounts of legal entities as of the reporting date (million rubles)

Appendix 3

Approved Agreed

OJSC "Bank"

(minutes from "__" 20__)

OJSC "Bank"


Report on the implementation of the plan for conducting inspections by the internal control department of the additional office of OJSC "Bank" in 20__.

Name of operations and transactions subject to verification

Verified period

Inspection period

Actually verified (act, certificate)

Appendix 4

Approved Agreed

By decision of the board of directors, Chairman of the Board of OJSC "Bank"

OJSC "Bank"

Chairman of the Board of Directors "____" ______________ 20___

OJSC "Bank"


"____" ______________ 20___

Plan of inspections by the internal control department of the additional office of OJSC "Bank" in 20__.

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Business plan


The bank’s business plan will help you objectively assess your strengths and capabilities at the beginning of organizing this business; will show you the specifics of the organization’s work from the inside so that you can navigate the nuances of this business.

It is not for nothing that the image of a banker is the personification of success and confidence in the future. A business associated with all kinds of cash flow brings enormous profits to its owner. However, such activities should be managed very carefully, calculating each step with maximum accuracy. Banking mistakes can be very costly.

In the business plan posted on the hiring website, you will find a model of the marketing and financial strategy of the enterprise. Taking into account these categories, the amount of starting capital, the payback period of investments and the amount of expected profit were calculated. In addition, attention is paid to the legal side of the issue, since when opening a bank this aspect is the most significant for obtaining a license for this type of activity.



Questions about the bank's business plan

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Hello, Arkady. Any business is quite possible, it all depends on your capabilities. We invite you to consider the bank’s business plan and conclude how realistic this business is for you. We wish you good luck in business.

Hello, Boris. Indeed, founding a bank is an expensive and very risky undertaking. There are many nuances, if not observed, you can easily end up bankrupting the bank. You can view an example of a bank business plan on our website. We think that our business plan will help you make the right decision. Good luck.

Hello, Ekaterina. You can immediately feel that you are approaching business organization with knowledge of the matter. This means that half of the success in organizing a bank branch is already guaranteed to you. For the second half, we suggest using a business plan for organizing a bank branch. He takes into account all the intricacies of this business. We wish you good luck in establishing a bank.

Hello, Kuzma. Opening a bank is one of the most serious areas in business and requires careful preparation. If you feel strong and confident, then we will be happy to help you organize this business. On our website there is a standard business plan for opening a bank, developed by experts in their field. We wish you good luck and patience in mastering banking.

Hello, Konstantin. Thank you for your flattering review, it’s very nice. Everything related to banking requires special attention and global investments. But the profit promises to be fabulous. We are pleased to offer you a business plan for the development of a bank branch. We hope you find the information you need. We wish you good luck and prosperity to your business.

Posted on the website 08/17/2007

The article is devoted to the problems of development of the bank's retail business, issues of operational management of retail sales, interaction between the bank's head office and branches. Of unconditional interest among readers will be the specific methodological recommendations of the author of the article on the formation of a reporting system for branches to the bank's head office, on a system for planning and monitoring the implementation of the sales plan for products and objects of the bank's network.

The growth rate of loans to individuals, according to the Bank of Russia, continues to demonstrate high dynamics - the monthly increase from April to June 2007 is more than 4%, outpacing the growth rate of the corporate loan portfolio. In general, the volume of loans to the population, taking into account overdue debt in the total loan portfolio, reached 22.5% and amounted to 2,434.3 billion rubles at the beginning of June 2007.

When developing retail business, many banks today are faced with the task of building an effective management system for the promotion of retail products. Quite often, banks are faced with a situation where the system of interaction between the bank’s head office and branches for sales of retail products is not built, employees do not have sufficient experience in retail development, branch management takes a passive position on the development of retail business, the functions of retail block employees in branches are not divided into As a result, the use of employees in branches and additional offices for retail business is carried out only at 30–50%.

The system for operational management of retail sales from the head office includes, first of all, an approved reporting system and a system for planning and monitoring the implementation of the sales plan for products and facilities of the bank’s network. It is also necessary to monitor the market locally. Building effective interaction between the central office and bank branches allows you to achieve a competitive advantage, which consists in the ability to quickly respond to market changes and the actions of competitors.

For the bank, the goal of creating an operational management system is, first of all, to increase sales in the main areas of retail lending - non-targeted needs, car loans, credit cards, targeted retail lending programs. An equally important task is to increase the loyalty of personnel responsible for selling retail products, optimizing their numbers due to the synergy effect, reducing costs when working with partners and increasing profitability, increasing business volumes through cross-selling and affiliate sales.

Necessary conditions for achieving the above goals are a balanced organizational structure of the retail sales department and the branch and an accessible (fair) scheme of incentives and penalties for employees.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to build a system, the main principle of which is the distribution of areas of responsibility in the context of sales channels: corporate channel (partner enterprises, payroll enterprises, partner club) and open market (direct sales, remote sales points, etc. .)

The list of practical activities for the development of retail sales may include:

1) optimization of the retail unit at the head office and creation of retail infrastructure in the bank’s branches (including staff rationing);

2) identifying the driver products for sales and dividing these products into direct sales products and affiliate sales products;

3) changes in decision-making procedures for retail loans;

4) the procedure for establishing self-lending limits for retail loans in branches;

5) effective work with overdue and problem debt on retail loans (affects sales).

When forming a bank’s product offering, it is necessary to determine the structure of the product line. It may include such retail lending products as lending for non-targeted needs, car loans, credit cards, mortgage lending, and targeted consumer lending programs (tourism, education, medicine). It is possible to include products for sale through the corporate channel, for example, “Corporate” and “Corporate+” loan products.

The product offer may include deposits and commission income products: transfers, salary projects, payments from individuals to legal entities.

Depending on the nature and specifics of the product, each bank independently determines the appropriate distribution channels. When retail products are distributed through direct sales channels, the bank needs to focus on quality of service across all locations. Through direct sales it is possible to promote such retail products as deposits, loans for non-targeted needs, car loans as part of special bank promotions, credit cards, mortgage loans, payments from individuals to legal entities.

Affiliate sales products, when sales are carried out through partner offices or at bank offices through a pre-sale program partner, include the following products: standard car loans (sales through car dealerships that are program partners), loans under the program for corporate clients, loans for non-targeted needs (pre-sale through corporate clients who are not bank clients, or through a partner club), express cards and cards with a credit limit, salary projects (pre-sale through the corporate channel), targeted consumer lending programs (pre-sale through partners or sales through the offices of program partners: tourism, education, medicine).

Effective promotion of retail products must be supported by an appropriate organizational and management structure within both the bank's head office and its branches. It is important to note that the bank must independently determine the criteria by which any deviation from the standard structure will depend not on the human factor, but on the achievement of certain retail business indicators, incl. and standardization of staffing levels.

The management and interaction diagram of the branch's subdivisions is shown in Fig. 1.

Let us give as an example the typical structure of a retail block in a branch structure:

  • Deputy Manager for Retail Business Development, to whom the following reports:

      Sales manager for salary projects and credit cards, ATM network;


  • Head of Retail Sales Department.

The structure of the retail sales department depends on the structure of the bank’s product offering and generally consists of three people, including a manager for promoting car loan programs, a manager for promoting non-targeted loans and a manager for promoting targeted programs.

Functionality and tasks of retail sales management

The main tasks of the retail sales department are setting up sales in regional branches of the bank and additional offices, participating in the formation of a consolidated business plan for network facilities, monitoring the implementation of business plans in terms of retail business, developing sales plans for network facilities, interaction with divisions of the head office ( GO) on the formation of business requirements for developing products and improving technologies for organizing sales by network objects, monitoring and improving performance indicators. Management functions include organizing sales in regional branches and additional offices, organizing feedback with points of sale, monitoring the implementation of the business plan and sales plan by network objects in the context of retail business, initiating tasks for the head office subdivisions to develop a product range and carrying out automation of procedures for processing retail transactions (Table 1).

Tables 2 and 3 provide an approximate list of reporting indicators for branches on sales of retail products.

Effective sales of retail bank products require the introduction of a standardized approach. The objects of standardization in this case are both banking products and sales technologies. Unified standards for sales of products consist of the creation of internal and external passports and an electronic catalog of unified standards for sales of all products. Sales standardization involves the creation of a unified sales structure throughout the network (replication), as well as the definition of a single format for each type of remote sales points and the creation of clear functionality for sales personnel.

The standardized approach extends to sales management. Centralized sales management should include the development of a unified sales strategy and tactics, replication of a standard organizational structure across a network, planning, reporting, and monitoring.

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to standardize products, carry out sales diagnostics, and identify problem areas. Serious attention needs to be paid to the optimization of retail product sales processes in terms of interaction with customers and the development of a pilot standard that includes a product passport and a sales scenario.

The next object of standardization is sales. Their standardization involves the development and implementation of sales and customer service standards. These may include the development of communication standards (customer service), workplace standards, point-of-sale standards, and employee appearance and behavior standards.

Interaction between the head office and bank branches to promote retail products

It is also worth paying attention to the possibility of introducing new products in branches, taking into account market conditions. In this case, the basic condition is the creation of a list of mandatory parameters of the loan product (rates, terms, commissions, requirements for borrowers and guarantors, minimum and maximum loan amount under the program, minimum level of effective profitability for the product), approved by the Products and Sales Committee.

Implementation conditions include a list of individual variable parameters of the loan product (rate, commissions), which can be modified by the Deputy Chairman of the Board for Retail Business within the approved effective profitability of the product (by the branch managers independently upward with notification of the retail sales department of the head office .)

One of the main tools for interaction between the head office and bank branches is rightly considered to be the self-lending limit (LSL). The size of self-lending limits for each loan product of each branch is determined depending on the level of the self-lending group to which the corresponding branch is assigned based on the following factors:

  • volume, structure and quality of the loan portfolio;
  • the level of growth of overdue debt on the loan portfolio;
  • experience and quality of the branch's work;
  • analysis of the credit work of branches for the three months preceding the consideration of the issue;
  • the level of trust in the professional level of training of the personnel of the client, credit, collateral departments, as well as the risk management department of the branch.

The branch is not given the right to independently make decisions on lending to individuals in the following cases:

  • overdue by more than 1% for a period of more than 60 days;
  • The branch's operating period is less than three months.

For all credit products of all branches, four groups are distinguished by applying a scoring methodology. Points are assigned as follows:

  • if the implementation of the plan for the type of credit products under consideration exceeds 75%, the branch is awarded 1 point;
  • if the implementation of the plan to attract funds from individuals exceeds 60%, then it is awarded 1 point;
  • if the increase in arrears in a branch over a quarter is no more than 10%, then it is awarded 1 point.

The procedure for establishing and distributing LSC for bank branches as follows.

Division into groups according to points:

    Group I - high level of quality of credit work - 3 points;

    Group II - average level of quality of credit work - 2 points;

    Group III - stable level of quality of credit work - 1 point;

    Group IV - unstable level of quality of credit work - 0 points.

  • “Limit on non-target consumer loans” - x thousand rubles;
  • “Limit on targeted consumer loans” - 0.5x thousand rubles;
  • “Limit on car loans” - 2x thousand rubles;
  • “Overdraft limit for bank cards” - 0.3x thousand rubles;
  • “Mortgage loan limit” is determined individually for each branch.

The maximum LSC of the branch credit committee is (as a percentage of the maximum credit limit for decision-making by the branch credit committee for group I):

  • 75% - for group II;
  • 50% - for group III;
  • 0% - for group IV.

The maximum credit limit for decision-making by the branch manager (provided only for groups I and II) is 60% of the maximum credit limit for the branch credit committee.

Thus, building an effective sales system is based on the need to face the mass consumer and organize sales points where it is convenient for the client, and not the bank. It is necessary to fight for the client in a highly competitive environment by placing bank employees (credit consultants) in the consumer's places of purchase. Availability of points of sale must be combined with high quality service, which includes not only attracting customers and providing technical services to individuals, but also creating the image of a retail bank that is a caring consulting partner that satisfies all client needs in the field of finance.

V.V. Kardashov
Rus-Bank, Deputy Chairman of the Board

How to make bank branches sell products more effectively.

Marketing services and research for financial market companies

Commentary from Growth Consulting experts:

Our company has created a separate direction to provide marketing, consulting services, and conduct research for:

  • banks,
  • investment, management companies,
  • insurance companies,
  • non-state pension funds,
  • microfinance organizations (MFOs).

A.V. Tyutyunnik. Analytical journal “Management in a credit organization” No. 5/2008

Russian banks are opening more and more branches, branches, points of sale. But the pursuit of quantity does not always lead to the desired result - an increase in the quality and volume indicators of the banking business, or a financial result adequate to the costs incurred. How to force points of sale to sell, that is, to carry out the only important function for which they were created? This issue is relevant to one degree or another for all banks. Without claiming to be a comprehensive study, the author shares some practical tips on this topic.

Branch format

Let's start with a topic that doesn't seem to be directly related to sales. Based on our research and observations, it appears that the format of many bank branches will need to undergo some change in order to sell effectively. And above all, in terms of space occupied. The area should not increase, despite the increase in the number of banking products sold and the volume of transactions. Suboptimal use of current space occurs in many banks. Analysis of Eastern European experience makes it obvious that there are significant reserves for optimization. The most significant effect can be achieved by moving specialists not involved in customer service to more remote locations and densifying them, by reducing the area of ​​the department and the number of cash registers, or replacing the usual dedicated cash desks with an “electronic cashier” system (Teller Cash Dispenser), with which the operator's workplaces are equipped.

The banks we analyzed in Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic), as a rule, have branches with an area of ​​150, 200 or 300 square meters. m, serving both legal entities and individuals. We believe that the time of large branches is passing, and they are being replaced by networks of “lightweight” points of sale, which have a lot of advantages. Let us highlight the most significant advantages from our point of view.

Firstly, lightweight points make it possible to increase sales efficiency due to quick payback. For example, a large bank branch with an area of ​​500 sq.m. can reach self-sufficiency. m or more in the center of Moscow or St. Petersburg within a reasonable time is extremely difficult. And this, in turn, affects the bank’s ability to directly stimulate sales, motivate staff, advertise and promote.

Secondly, from the point of view of bank capitalization, the number of offices is of greater value compared to their area due to a wider potential client base.

In addition to the efficient use of space in branches, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the internal layout of points of sale. Everything - from the location of functional customer service areas to information and advertising materials - should stimulate sales: be convenient and understandable for customers and sales employees, informative and attractive for new customers.

Organizational and technological aspects of the development of a sales system (in a commercial bank)

Moving directly to methods of sales promotion, I would like to note that almost all of them are applicable both to branches in the classical sense and to lightweight formats of points of sale.

The main tasks of the sales and marketing block in the bank are:

1) increasing the customer base;

2) expanding the range of services used;

3) development of secondary/cross-selling to existing customers.

Sales organization and customer service technologies;

- methods of stimulating sales and promoting the project to the market;

Increasing the number of client personnel

Let's consider the organizational and technological aspects of the development of a sales system in bank branches. We believe that many banks would benefit from increasing the number of customer service personnel at the point of sale.

Based on the results of the research, the recommended staffing of a point of sale should be 50-70% of specialists involved in selling products to customers. Thus, for 20 employees of a typical outlet, it is recommended to have 10-14 specialists (including the manager and his deputies) in client work.

Increasing staff interest

Another important point is to increase the interest of point of sale personnel in the results of operations. Client personnel should have clear sales plans for the entire product line and an effective incentive system - bonuses should form a significant part of the salary. For employees involved in selling services to clients, the bonus component should reach 50%, and in some cases 100% of the base salary, for other personnel - up to 20-30%.

Many banks use a system of fixed payments - fixed amounts of deductions for each employee for the volume of loans, deposits, other products sold or for their quantity. For example, 100 rubles. for each consumer loan, 30 rubles. — for each attracted deposit of an individual.

Non-monetary methods of incentives, which, for example, include various competitions, prizes, and gifts for particularly distinguished employees, are also of great importance in increasing the interest of staff.

Strengthening the top management of branches

In accordance with the goal of increasing sales efficiency, we believe it is necessary to strengthen the top management of the branches in the form of an increase in the number of top managers and requirements for them. It is recommended to introduce additional deputy managers for client work (for example, cash management and lending). Together with the manager, they must have personal sales plans and be an essential element stimulating the growth of business activity.

The role of the manager is very important for the effective operation of the branch. Despite the fact that his main task is to achieve the set goals for the point of sale as a whole, the most important components of his work should be coordinating actions and maintaining effective communications both within the branch and with the head bank.

The manager, being an experienced “client”, must first of all be a team player with perfect skills in delegating authority. The breadth of his knowledge and skills is more important than his detailed knowledge of individual operations. Nevertheless, the manager must be involved in direct client work, taking on some of the personal responsibilities for developing the business and attracting clients.

We believe that the assessment of the manager’s role in achieving the business goals of the department should be built in two main perspectives: client and managerial. In this case, priority should be on the first component. When assessing the manager's contribution to client work, both the achievement of the general goals of the department and the achievement of the manager's personal business goals should be equally taken into account.

Delegation of authority from the head bank to points

With the growth of the network of bank branches, more active delegation of authority from the head bank to the points becomes necessary. Limits on a number of active transactions, primarily lending, must be transferred to branches. Limits should be provided not only for the manager, but also for his deputies and key customer service specialists (senior specialists).

Despite the need to delegate a significant part of authority, the effectiveness of work largely depends on the organization of interaction between the head office and the network. In many banks this needs improvement. For example, calls and requests may be lost or take a very long time to process.

One of the elements of developing an effective communications system should be the introduction of a unified procedure, including a description of the flow of requests, responsible curators and deadlines for reviewing and responding to a request.

We believe that the task of effectively organizing internal communications can be facilitated by using a modern information system for office document flow.

Technological aspects

Call center systems used by banks, with proper organization of the process of collecting and processing incoming information, can become an effective tool for marketing research and a means of promoting new products, contribute to the collection and analysis of customer opinions, ratings of products and services, information and statistics on the needs of potential customers, their relationship history with the bank.

An automated customer relationship management (CRM) system can increase sales, primarily by increasing the level of loyalty of current customers and increasing cross-/secondary sales.

The quality of the services offered must be subject to constant monitoring by the bank. In an expanded interpretation, quality is understood as the ability of a product or service to satisfy the needs and expectations of each specific consumer, to serve as a guarantee not only of his current preferences, but also of his future conscious choice.

One of the tasks of the quality management service may be to conduct regular surveys of customers and employees in order to determine their satisfaction with the level of service and the product line offered, as well as organizing “mystery shopping” events.

The first will help assess customer loyalty and the real quality of services. This work may become the task of a centralized quality management service.

Events of the second type make it possible to assess staff loyalty, identify problems and failures in the bank’s management system and help manage human resources more effectively.

Methods of stimulating sales in a bank

Field service technology

Currently, many Western European banks are actively using field service technology. The client just needs to leave a request electronically or call the bank’s call center, and a sales specialist will come to the client at a pre-agreed time.

Among the types of applications using field service technology, applications for opening an account, obtaining a loan and other banking operations can be processed.

Not only introduction and provision of primary information, but also basic negotiations on products and terms of provision can take place at the client’s office. We believe that this model will also be in demand by Russian customers.

Providing clients with up-to-date information

Another area of ​​sales stimulation is providing existing and potential clients with up-to-date information about the bank’s services and technologies and conducting special programs to increase the loyalty of current clients and attract new ones.

One of the channels for informing clients about products and services is the bank’s presentation materials, the main purpose of which is to familiarize the client with the possibilities of obtaining a particular banking service and the procedure for its provision. It is important that these materials are convenient and understandable to the client. To do this, they must be drawn up from the client’s point of view and structured based on the client’s needs and understanding.

We believe that in order to develop cross-selling and demonstrate a high level of integration, it is advisable to prepare a single album of services for clients. The main purpose of the album of services is a concentrated and maximally complete disclosure of all existing services in one brochure. An album of services can also be presented as a guide to working with a bank, in which specific bank services are addressed to each client’s needs, the advantages of the product, terms of provision, and necessary documents from the client are described in simple language. The album can be compiled separately for retail and corporate clients.

Is this need close to me?

Is the cost of services commensurate with their quality?

Is this bank really capable of providing the service I need?

How much more profitable is it to contact this particular bank?

Increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction

Practice shows that retaining current customers is a much easier and less costly process than acquiring new ones, so banks should pay special attention to developing special programs to increase the loyalty and satisfaction of current customers.

The following program elements may be offered:

— regular gifts for New Year and birthday (the gift takes into account the client’s status);

— invitations to bank-sponsored events;

— joint lunches and dinners;

— targeted discounts on banking products;

— joint loyalty programs with shopping centers and companies.

Analyzing the experience of other banks, it can be noted that many of them experience difficulties with repeat sales and selling additional products and services to the client. Maximizing income from each client (increasing the share of the client’s “wallet”) should become a priority task for bank employees. The bank needs to develop a program to stimulate secondary (sale of products of one division) and cross-sales (sale of products of other divisions).

One of the conditions for the implementation of this system is to reflect in the sales plans of client personnel and branch management not only the sales plan for the main services supervised by specialists, but also the sales plan for the services of other departments. The motivation system must take into account the implementation of both plans.

Formation of a positive image of the bank

To create a positive image of a bank, different mechanisms are used, but all of them help in conditions of high competition between banks. Among them:

— publishing materials about the bank in the media, publishing articles by bank employees in various publications, monitoring independent ratings and reviews;

— organizing the participation of bank employees in seminars, conferences, exhibitions;

— monitoring activities that potentially contribute to the formation of a positive image of the bank and its popularity in the banking services market;

— participation in charity programs, etc.

Active marketing campaigns

The fight for a client requires active marketing campaigns from the bank. In accordance with the results of recent research, effective organizations in the financial sector are increasingly using approaches tested by large trading companies in the field of promotion. For corporate clients, not all such approaches can be used, but they must be taken into account. For example, the use of price promotions for new legal entity clients offering free opening and maintenance of accounts for three months. Advertising for such a program can be placed in one of the central business newspapers (for example, Vedomosti).

Advertising activities must be targeted; the direction of the advertising material must be taken into account. To do this, in accordance with the classification of potential clients, the most effective promotions for different groups of clients are determined.

Another aspect that is sometimes missed is evaluating the cost-effectiveness of an advertising campaign. To do this, it is necessary to develop an advertising campaign budget that will contain not only costs, but also potential income from advertising. If this income is not actually received, the budget can be automatically reduced, thereby helping to optimize the costs of an advertising campaign.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the sales promotion methods described above are partially used by many banks, but only an integrated approach to solving this problem can provide the bank with a truly tangible effect in the struggle to increase sales efficiency.

A.V. Tyutyunnik, KPMG, Partner, Business Consulting Department, Doctor of Economics.

- Let's start with what major global trends in the banking market would you highlight at the moment?

I would divide the question into two parts. There are already “classics of the genre”: reducing the margins of the classic banking business, cross-country factors and risks, and the like. Everything here is quite clear, although one can debate for a long time about these trends. But I would like to focus on something else. I think that in the near future there will be (and already are) dramatic changes in interaction with clients. Both in terms of interaction formats and in terms of the role of banks in this interaction. We are already seeing the growing influence of financial startups on the banking sector and the fierce competition for the client. These companies, whether we like it or not, will take away part of the market from us. Therefore, the basis of the banking business in the future is building interaction with both clients and new market participants.

IT companies and smart services have competed with banks in some niches. Can an IT company become a full-fledged bank?

Maybe if he learns to manage risks and is able to build relationships with clients. Successful banks do this quite well. It is also worth asking the question: why should a shareholder of an IT company become a bank if the market evaluates the efficiency of most IT companies higher than the efficiency of banks? It may be worth thinking about how to develop an existing high-tech business by entering into partnerships with the same banks.

How has the bank's role in providing financial services changed today as non-bank competitors emerge?

Unfortunately or fortunately, the role of banks has not changed much: attraction, placement, transactions. But companies are emerging that interact with the client and offer him not only financial services. Therefore, the work of banks with clients in the traditional format is short-sighted, that is, the client now probably does not need a financial solution in its pure form. He has needs, for example, to go on vacation, get medical care, education - this is not only about financial products, but about a whole range of services. Accordingly, the market will move towards meeting these complex needs.

Comprehensive satisfaction of all needs, at least financial ones, is the ecosystems or marketplaces that exist today. In your opinion, will future ecosystems be built on the basis of specific financial institutions/regulators, or will the future lie with one global marketplace?

I think it’s worth saying that marketplaces, or ecosystems (it’s better to use this term) will be built on a customer base. That is, customers themselves will determine what solutions they need, where and at what time. The winner will be the one who directly interacts with the client and manages the relationship.

In fact, existing banks (with offices) have three options: build a digital bank separately, try to develop a business based on an existing base, or combine the first two approaches

But an ecosystem cannot arise on its own. Someone must be the initiator. Either private business or the state.

Yes, but I believe that successfully building an ecosystem is possible on an existing and sufficiently large customer base. Accordingly, those players who have this client base receive preferences and benefit. These are major market players: mobile operators, large banks, large online retailers. But the state will definitely move in this direction. And we are already seeing this movement.

Let's return to the topic of banks and technology. How can effective cooperation between banks and fintech startups look like? What is easier for a bank today - to buy ready-made fintech solutions or to develop its own fintech divisions?

It’s worth making a reservation right away. We are at a point where it would be a mistake to look only at fintech startups. Focusing on fintech startups, in my opinion, is wrong, because the integration of companies from different industries at the intersection of technologies can become a tool for creating solutions for the client.

- Do you need to expand your area of ​​interest?

Exactly. Nowadays, many technologies are being implemented in other areas, especially in biotech, artificial intelligence, HR, etc. But if we return to the question of effectively building cooperation, then it is worth talking about the ambitions and opportunities that the participants in this partnership have. Efficiency does not simply mean choosing any one strategy, but a combination of them. One option is to interact with startups. The second is when we develop competencies within ourselves. The third format of interaction is when we buy a startup or partially enter its business. As practice shows, market players use all these options. AK BARS Bank currently gives preference to the first two: we ourselves develop competencies and build partnerships. We also consider the acquisition of startups as a promising direction. I will add that the startup market itself is not as large in Russia as in other countries, so we are looking at startups from all over the world.

The question of transformation was asked for a reason. Digitalization, remote service channels, mobile banking - this leads to the fact that clients need to visit bank offices less and less. Do you think a modern bank needs physical branches?

Banks don't need offices. Clients still need them. Some people confidently use digital solutions, while others are more comfortable interacting with the bank offline. It is more convenient for them to come to the office and solve their issues there in communication with a live person. But this ratio will certainly change towards remote channels. The growth rate of RBS is difficult to predict now, but at some point in time it may become explosive. And we must be ready to provide quality service and solutions in all remote channels that the client uses.

What will happen then to offline clients and offices? For what purposes will it be necessary to maintain a retail network of branches?

I think they will look less and less like traditional bank offices. There will be no barrier environment, banks will offer more and more non-banking solutions: a certain range of services for the client’s life. But we should not forget that you can develop a business without offices, you can even occupy a certain market share in a certain client segment. But if we are talking about interaction with a wide client segment, then without physical offices, or rather offline points, it will be extremely problematic to build such a bank.

This means that we are still talking about a broad segment. That is, offices are needed not only to serve premium clients in a comfortable environment for them?

VIP clients, including clients of AK BARS Bank, quite actively use digital channels. And this is not surprising when time is one of the valuable resources. The physical channel is convenient for clients who want to communicate with a Bank employee in person, in a live dialogue.

The growth rate of RBS is now difficult to predict, but at some point in time it may become explosive

In fact, existing banks (with offices) have three options: build a digital bank separately, try to develop a business based on an existing base, or combine the first two approaches. Both cases have their pros and cons. A new digital bank is a serious investment in technology, team, and promotion. Therefore, most banks choose the second path as less risky.

Oleg, you are in charge of the client department, and what we are talking about (the introduction of new technologies) is impossible without the work of the Bank’s IT department. How should communications between the IT departments and business departments of the Bank ideally be structured?

Ideally, there should be no division into these types of units. Colleagues must be one team. But if we are talking about the current realities of banking organizations, then communications should be built on the principles of partnerships. Partnerships can be an effective tool for solving problems. Partnership also assumes the responsibility of the parties to the partnership. And here it is worth talking about the principles of a corporate culture in which such values ​​as responsibility for results and team interaction are cultivated. From the point of view of the organizational structure, we can build an arbitrarily flat model, but if the corporate culture and the values ​​​​described above are only declared, effective work will not work. That is, corporate culture is one of the necessary elements of high-quality effective interaction between IT and business.

- How quickly can the Bank’s IT departments implement customer requests?

From a few minutes to several months. We understand that everything depends on the complexity of the problem being solved. If we talk in general about the speed of introducing new solutions to the client, I can give an example of our mobile application, when new releases come out every two weeks.

- Then tell us more about what technological solutions you are currently working on?

In terms of electronic business, AK BARS Bank is working in two main directions: development of the core banking business, which will give results in the near future, and solutions for “tomorrow”. The first category includes the development of a mobile platform, online sales platform, investment and payment solutions and chatbots, data collection and processing. The second includes remote identification, quick transfers, conversational banking, etc. But I would like to emphasize once again that the goal setting here is not the introduction of the latest technologies, but rather offering customers a new experience, new solutions based on these technologies.

- How to build an ideal technological bank? In general, what, in your understanding, is the ideal of a technological bank?

As I noted above, creating a technological bank is not an end in itself. There is a need to respond to customer needs. Accordingly, in order to meet and even exceed expectations, we need to provide high-quality services that are largely technology-based. Therefore, the ideal technological bank is one that quickly, simply and conveniently solves customer problems and offers new solutions. And the second component is increasing the efficiency of banking processes.

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