All-Russian Association of Freelancers. Free freelance exchange, freelancing for everyone

Freelancing exchanges for beginners are a great way to earn your first money from remote work. We talk about the best sites for making money.

The ideal process of freelancing looks like this: choose an exchange, apply for several interesting projects, complete the task and get paid. In reality, everything is much more complicated, because you still need to find a good order, and then make sure that the client chooses yours out of dozens of applications. But first you need to find that freelance exchange for beginners where you can get a well-paid and exciting job. We talk about the best platforms, making money from freelancing, common mistakes and give tips that will help you get your first orders.

The best freelance exchanges for beginners

Freelance exchanges are not considered the main source of income for experienced professionals, but large platforms are an excellent option for beginners who still need to understand how the market works, how to communicate with customers, and what kind of work they can find in different areas.


An excellent Russian-language freelance exchange for beginners and experienced professionals, where you can find work in various fields: web design, photo processing, printing, website promotion, and so on. To start working on the Weblancer exchange, you will need to register, after which you will be credited with 30 universal applications; if you need more, you will have to pay for a tariff plan. Moreover, the more specializations you select, the more you will have to pay for using the exchange.


General knowledge about the work of freelance exchanges will be enough to get used to the new field, but in order to get more profit, you will have to create a selling portfolio, learn a lot about finding and attracting clients, and engage in commercial offer and development of a personal brand. You can learn about all the features of freelancing and how to earn a lot of money in the course.

My new section on making money on the Internet opens up one of the best types of work. Freelancing- a free worker who carries out one or more orders without contracts, purely on a trust basis. For this type of activity, special websites have been invented, where some people place orders (employers), and others carry them out (executors). There are many job exchanges on the Internet, where some pay pennies, while others have a lot of good orders. So I made up top 10 freelance exchanges for beginners. Where any beginner can quickly get used to it and start earning real money on the Internet.

It is important to know: working on such sites, one of the key secrets of high earnings is gaining ratings. Therefore, try to complete tasks efficiently and then you can receive more than 100,000 rubles per month.

The best freelance exchanges for beginners

It is very important to decide which direction attracts you most. Perhaps you have a talent for translating text from English or are great at drawing in PhotoShop. There are separate task sites for this, but if you do not have any special preferences, then this article will help you discover yourself.

Destinations that bring in the most money:

  • Designer;
  • Programmer;
  • SEO specialist;
  • Video editor;
  • Marketer;
  • Copywriter;
  • Photographer;
  • Teacher.

I will look at the 10 best freelance exchanges that have the largest base of employers where you can earn money in any direction. The most important thing is to have the desire, but there are always enough tasks! Let's move on to our list:

1. Kwork - all for 500 rubles

is a fairly young project that is only gaining momentum. There, anyone can post a task that they can complete for 500 rubles. If you do a great job and everyone is happy, then your block is promoted to the top and you get a sea of ​​new clients!

The main advantage is that you don’t need to sit there for a long time and accumulate a rating, but you can earn money right away. The main thing is to create an attractive task that everyone wants to order. By the way, the exchange commission is 100 rubles, so in reality the freelancer receives 400 rubles.

If the employer does not find the required work, then he can make a request for the service. Beginners can look for just such advertisers, but just remember the fact that you will be paid 400 rubles for the action. .

Features of Kwork:

  • Professions: designer, programmer, marketer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2.5-3.5%;
  • Withdrawal fee: 1.5-4.5%;

2. FL is the most popular freelance exchange in Russia

is the most active resource with more than 600,000 accounts. Very active employers and many professional performers. They use all types of services on the Internet. This is probably why it is so popular online.

FL has its own currency called “Free-Money” for transfers within the site. Thus, they have no commission for freelancers and have a guarantor service for safe transactions.

The big disadvantage is that there are 2 types of accounts on the project: free and PRO account. The free one allows you to choose only one specialization to earn money. And you can’t create a portfolio and post content for sale. Therefore, employers try to ignore such people on the resource.
But a PRO account opens 5 specializations, a portfolio and makes it possible to sell prepared content. And most importantly, it gives authority in the eyes of customers. But the prices for beginners are very high, so think 10 times before buying PRO.

FL Features:

  • Attendance: 40,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 10% for 3 years;
  • Withdrawal fee: 13%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

3. Work-Zilla - convenient for customers and performers

— positions itself as a universal service for completing tasks. However, most of the tasks there are related to programming, design and promotion in social networks. I have a convenient catalog of tasks from customers.

That is, you register on the site, fill out a profile and simply respond to the posted tasks, where the price is already written. It is worth understanding that there are about 100,000 performers on the project who also respond to applications, so work hard on your portfolio.

Features of Work-Zilla:

  • Professions: designer, SEO, programmer, marketer, other help;
  • Attendance: 25,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 7% and no more than 1000 rubles per partner;
  • Withdrawal fee: 5%;

4. Freelance - cool, but greedy

- very similar to FL, but there are a few key differences. Firstly, you need to link your phone number for registration, which eliminates scammers. And secondly, the site provides services in the form of creating projects.

That is, the customer creates a project, and potential performers write comments on this project. Who is ready to begin the task and under what conditions. Freelance is great for beginners!

There is a similar system here as in FL: free and business account. Freeloaders only have access to 20% of all tasks on the exchange and are shown lower in the rankings than business account holders.

Now a little about the cons. There is no affiliate program, and all activities are carried out through secure “FairPlay” transactions, that is, for a completed project, 5% is deducted from the freelancer, and nothing from the customer. But when replenishing funds, the advertiser gives a commission of 6%, which is very sad.

Freelance Features:

  • Professions: everything you can imagine;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 5%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withdrawal fee: 2.5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

5. QComment - Best for Beginners

is an ideal resource for beginners who are just trying their hand at making money online. There you will find only small tasks to increase views, comments, subscribers, likes and the like.

For successful transactions they pay from 1 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work. Sometimes you can get 500 rubles in an hour, provided that you have an author rating. But you still need to try to fill it.

Features of QComment:

  • Professions: promotion on websites and social networks;
  • Attendance: 20,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 10-20%;
  • Withholding for withdrawal: 0.5-0.8%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney.

6. MoguZa - father of Kwork

is a fixed-price online services store that was created even before Kwork, but they are very similar. Only here freelancers indicate how much they are willing to perform this or that service, and the price is fixed.

Therefore, use this service as an auxiliary one. Where there is a chance that the customer will find you himself. Create 5-10 jobs and check your profile every day, then you will definitely be able to earn money there.

Features of MoguZa:

  • Professions: training, marketer, designer, programmer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2-8%;
  • Deduction for withdrawal: 2-4%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

7. Advego - content exchange

— my favorite service for buying/selling content and promoting on social networks! That is, you can become the author of articles on some topic and publish them at a certain price. Another way is to write articles to order, but here you need to get a rating.

Therefore, on boring evenings, I go to Advego and complete small tasks that help to improve my rating. For example, you can subscribe to groups on social networks, as well as comment on blogs and forums. A regular comment costs 18 rubles, and a simple vote costs 6 rubles.

If you don't get distracted, you can earn 200-300 wooden coins in one hour of work. Now imagine how much you can earn for a full-time job. And if you need them, then be sure to go there.

Features of Advego:

  • Professions: copywriter, social media promotion;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 25%;
  • Withdrawal fee: 5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

8. Kadrof - like Robin Hood

is an open service where you can create your own freelance profile and apply for tasks for free. The most important thing is that there is no wallet here. That is, we found an order, contact the customer and carry out the work, bypassing the site itself.

The interesting thing is that there are a lot of customers here with the most interesting tasks that I have not met before. Sometimes they come across very well simple work for which they are willing to pay 2,000 rubles. So be sure to check out this project.

Features of Kadrof:

  • Professions: copywriter, programmer, SEO, marketer, designer;
  • Attendance: 10,000 per day;
  • Service commission: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withholding for withdrawal: 0%;
  • Withdrawal: none.

9. Author24 - training/problem solving

- the largest exchange for solving homework for schoolchildren and students. Where there are more than 700,000 students who want to order a solution. This area is developing rapidly and there are already authors who have managed to earn more than half a million in 6 months!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I have prepared for your attention a very interesting article on the topic of making money online. Many have more than once encountered the problem of finding profitable vacancies for freelancers and, but have not always found exactly what they have been looking for for so long.

From the article you can find out:

  • What are the most profitable freelance jobs?
  • Which exchanges are best to use to make money from home? + directory of freelance sites;
  • Where should a beginner start his work on the Internet?

Let's look at the basic concepts and give an analysis of payments on various exchanges, as well as which vacancies pay more than others. Ready? Then let's get started.

What is freelancing and who is a freelancer?

Freelance, from English. " freelance", literally translated means "freelance", in the modern sense, means a format in which the employee does not need to regularly be in the office, that is, he can perform his functions on a remote basis. Accordingly, a freelance exchange is a platform on which a freelancer can look for customers.

Working as a freelancer from home allows you to choose vacancies, because there are many different projects online that bring together performers and those who give tasks.

Working as a freelancer at home (vacancies): TOP-15 professions for making money on the Internet

Now let's take a closer look at vacancies that can serve as an analogue to your main job or additional income online. Let's consider how much you can earn in a particular profession while sitting at home.

Vacancy No. 1: Internet marketer

The task of a marketer is to increase sales in a certain group. To achieve this, you have to make some efforts and carefully study the competitive market and consumer behavior. In most cases, marketers know how to attract the attention of consumers, how to “force” the consumer to buy more, and also how to convince him to choose a product or service on this particular resource or in a specific social group.

The specificity of a marketer’s activity is such that he can sit at home, the main thing is that coordination between other employees is established. The main professional skills of a good marketer are the ability to develop advertising campaigns, organize and launch various promotions and discounts.

The salary of an experienced marketer can also be substantial: in some companies, remote marketers receive up to 80-90 thousand.

Vacancy No. 2: Rewriter or copywriter

If you look at it in detail, a rewriter is a person who, having the source text at hand, rewrites it in his own words ( rewriting), which allows you to achieve uniqueness. very similar to a rewriter, with the only difference being that a copywriter does not have source materials, he works independently. The main goal for a copywriter is to create completely unique content that is used to fill various websites, blogs and thematic sections.

Copywriting is a great activity that is ideal for those who want to earn money remotely. But, in addition to a computer and access to the network, a copywriter will also need high literacy, good writing and the ability to create texts.

If you have all these skills, you can easily earn money from 35 thousand per month.

The essence of the copywriter profession can be seen in this video:

Vacancy No. 3: Contextual advertising specialist

What does contextual advertising mean? This is advertising of those goods and services that are offered to the user based on his latest queries on the network. Most often they work with tools such as Google AdWords and Yandex Direct.

But this is another example of a vacancy that allows you to work well and at the same time be at home.

An example of salaries for specialists, so as not to be verbose:

Vacancy No. 4: Designer

Working from home as a freelance designer is, to some extent, prestigious. But at the same time, the work of a designer can be very difficult. The thing is that there is very high competition in the design environment, which means that in order to get noticed, you need to do something really worthwhile. Most designers work for very modest pay at first, but, on the other hand, this is what allows them to gain useful knowledge and experience that will be very useful in the future.

There are a huge number of types of design, but remote work on the Internet implies a high demand for the field of web design, that is, the design of websites, pages, blogs, etc. Experienced designers earn remotely from 50 thousand per month and above - it all depends on the ability to navigate multitasking mode.

Watch a video review of a web designer about this profession:

Vacancy No. 5: Content Manager

The content manager is responsible for filling the resource, in other words, for its content. The word “content” means news, feature articles, pictures and photos, descriptions of sections and various product items, and much more. The number of regular visitors directly depends on how high-quality the content is.

For a content manager, the main requirements are literacy, hard work, discipline, confident PC skills, as well as CMS skills (at least basic).

The average salary of a content manager is 25-35 thousand.

Vacancy No. 6: SMM specialist

It can be located both in the office and at home and its main task is to attract a large amount of traffic. He is mainly involved in promoting or promoting a product, product or service, optimizing groups on social networks, etc.

The requirements of an SMM specialist include such qualities as literacy, fluency, the ability to “feel” interesting things, knowledge of the audience and the peculiarities of perception of a particular product.

Important: professionalism SMM specialist is determined by how successful and promoted the group or resource is and how loyal the clients are. The higher these indicators, the more experienced the employee and, accordingly, the higher his salary will be.

The salary of some SMM specialists can be up to 70,000 per month.

An example of a real advertisement for an open vacancy for an SMM manager ( Pictures are clickable):

Job #7: Video blogger

Video blogging is an activity that many guys and girls strive for, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Before start your own blog, you need to know in advance what it will be dedicated to. Will it be a beauty blog, like Masha Wei or Katya Klap, or will it be a review format, like Druzhe Oblomov’s? There are many examples you can give - the main thing is to find your niche. Well, naturally, for a blog to start generating income, it needs to have a high conversion rate and a large number of views.

If all these conditions are met, the earnings of popular bloggers will be very decent. For example, some representatives of the blogosphere can earn 100,000-500,000 per month. Look, .

Vacancy No. 8: Software Tester

A software tester is involved in testing software before the official release of the product. Tester responsibilities include:

  • Program testing;
  • Application testing;
  • Studying and testing the usability of resources;
  • Knowledge of programming languages;
  • Successful business communication;
  • Ability to delve into other people's codes and identify errors.

This is a great example of how you can combine a hobby and a way to make good money. For example, some programmers have , and the average monthly salary of a tester is 70-90 thousand per month.

Vacancy No. 9: Foreign language teacher

If you know a foreign language and speak it well, you can easily find students. Today, everyone needs a language: schoolchildren, students and adults. Thus, in adult life, knowledge of a foreign language often helps in communicating with foreign partners, and many examples can be given.

So, it will be enough to organize classes via Skype or any other video messenger. The online teacher conducts the lesson, talks and explains the topic, assigns homework, and the student completes and can ask various questions that interest him.

One online consultation can cost about 500 – 1500 rubles, and languages ​​other than English are often valued higher, and therefore are paid more. If we consider the option that a teacher conducts 2 classes a day, costing 700 rubles, and does this 5 days a week, then in a month you can get 30,000 rubles. And this example shows the minimum amount and only 2 lessons a day, while experienced teachers can conduct 5-6 lessons a day.

Vacancy No. 10: Call center operator

Almost anyone can become a call center operator, the main thing is that the employee enjoys communicating with people and knows how to do it. The operator’s tasks, as a rule, include calling clients (real and potential), answering various questions, as well as consulting on a product or service (depending on what the call center does).

Most often, operators have 2 main areas of activity: telephone sales and processing of incoming calls and correspondence. And one of the most common tasks is advising clients through online chat, which implies that the operator is constantly online.

Important: over 86% of companies that sell goods and services resort to the help of online consultants who would help the client get answers to their questions.

Basically, call center operators have the following scheme: there is a guaranteed rate + bonuses, where bonuses are usually awarded depending on the number of customers who made a purchase. On average, call center operators can receive from 20 to 50 thousand per month.

Recruitment announcement for Call Operator vacancy:

Vacancy No. 11: Group administrator on social networks

The administrator of groups on social networks usually uploads entertaining and advertising posts to the group, adding music, pictures, links. Also, the administrator’s tasks include removing negative comments, as well as maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the community.

Depending on the focus of the group, the administrator can sometimes create and post surveys, announce various events and activities, and even conduct market research.

On average, in one month, administrators can earn from 35 to 65 thousand per month, it all depends on the level of employment and specifics, of course.

Vacancy No. 12: Internet Project Manager

The manager's responsibilities include creating a structure and development strategy. The site can be news, entertainment, in the format of an online store or highly specialized - the main thing is to understand your field of activity. Also, managers will have to deal with optimization issues, coordinate the work of SMM specialists and deal with many other related matters.

Experienced managers can earn from 50 thousand per month. The main thing in the work of a manager is the ability to correctly distribute his time resources.

Vacancy No. 13: Consultant

With the development of information technology, the possibilities of business communication have become much simpler, and you will no longer surprise anyone with meetings or tutoring on Skype. By analogy with the above-mentioned professions, you can also engage in the field of online consultations, the main thing is to choose the most suitable area for yourself. In fact, you can consult on completely different issues: from business training to fortune telling and clairvoyance.

For example, trainings are very popular, dedicated to increasing sales levels, business activity, as well as personal growth training. If a person has some useful knowledge and professional skills, no one prevents him from passing on his knowledge to other people and earning money at the same time.

The cost of one consultation can be about 1000-2000 rubles, but if the client wants to subscribe to the entire course, it is reasonable to make discounts. On average, the salary of experienced consultants can be about 50-70 thousand.

Vacancy No. 14: Assistant manager

It may seem like being an assistant doesn't require anything special, but this is a common misconception. As before, the tasks of the assistant manager include coordinating the activities of the manager, as well as rational distribution of the manager’s time. In order to do this, you need to have the following qualities:

  • Drawing up technical specifications;
  • Flexible thinking;
  • Sharp mind;
  • Intelligence;
  • Business communication skills and business etiquette;
  • Successful communication skills;
  • Computer skills and other applied skills.

By the way, knowledge of a foreign language (in addition to your native one) will be a huge additional advantage for the applicant.

There is no specific rate for employees in the position of assistant manager. wages, since everything depends on the generosity of the leader. And if you’re lucky with your manager, a remote assistant can earn 60-80 thousand. per month.

Vacancy No. 15: Programmer

At all, information Technology is one of the most attractive and dynamically developing industries in the modern world, and competent and savvy programmers have always been, are and will be worth their weight in gold. The work of a programmer is, first of all, result-oriented, which means that the customer is ready to pay money if he sees the final product. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether the programmer sits all day in the office or at home.

Another advantage of programming is the fact that it is not necessary to have a higher education: among experienced and famous programmers there is a fairly large number of self-taught ones. In any case, if a person knows a programming language, codes skillfully and can develop useful applications, his earnings will easily exceed 90,000 - 100,000 per month.

Freelance Exchange - catalog of freelance sites for making money at home (TOP 7)

An ancient wisdom says that if a person has a desire, then there are a thousand opportunities, and this rule, by the way, is very true. Take freelancing for example; if a person has some talents and wants to use them for the benefit of society and get money at the same time, then freelance exchanges will help him with this.

According to user surveys, best freelance exchanges include the following:

Site No. 1.

Initially, was planned in a forum format, but over time it became one of the largest freelance platforms. Immediately after registration, the user can begin receiving the first orders. Most of the tasks relate to programming and web design.

In the process of completing tasks, performers can increase their rating and gain access to more expensive tasks. On average, monthly earnings for an experienced performer are 50,000.

Site No. 2. was founded back in 2003 and in order to get started, you only need to go through a simple registration procedure. The difference is that there are special tariff plans, allowing you to pay for the services of the resource administration.

Although there is a convenient option for beginners - free access to the first 30 applications .

Site No. 3.

A very well-known and popular platform among freelancers, which unites more than 12 million people. It positions itself as a serious platform for interaction, and moderation here is very thorough; sometimes moderators may refuse to register an account. Depending on what information is specified in the profile, the user gets access to certain orders that the system selects.

The pay here is high, but the competition is also high: to get an order you have to show remarkable persistence. You also need knowledge of the English language, but the result is definitely worth it.

Site No. 4.

It is designed for professional performers and in order to begin completing tasks, you will need a portfolio. But there is a huge number of orders on a variety of topics, including design, copywriting, programming, layout, optimization, etc. There are three options to choose from: submit applications in a free account, purchase a VIP account, or highlight your profile and place it on the main page.

There are a large number of tasks of varying difficulty levels: from the simplest (for beginners) to the most complex (for professionals). Just to take a look: a beginner can earn from 5 to 10 thousand per month, while professionals earn about 50-60 thousand.

Site No. 5.

There are over 1 million registered users here. The main feature is the ability to communicate and complete tasks only if you purchase a PRO account; you won’t be able to register for free. On the one hand, this is good, as it shows the seriousness of the artist’s intentions, but on the other hand, high prices can scare away beginners.

Site No. 6.

One of the youngest resources on the RuNet, which was created in 2015. The format of work on the Kwork exchange here is slightly different from other resources: the contractor himself creates an offer in which he indicates at what price he is ready to complete the task.

If the customer is satisfied with this, he buys this offer, which means he will automatically be obliged to pay exactly the amount indicated by the contractor.

Site No. 7.

This platform offers performers many different tasks, ranging from transcribing audio recordings to creating logos. There is a review system, and the performer can also leave reviews. On average, a beginner can receive 8-12 thousand rubles per month, which is very good for a start, because over time, prices can be increased.

I advise you to watch a video on the topic of long-term work on stock exchanges:

If the article was useful to you, and vacancies for remote work as a freelancer helped, then do not forget to subscribe to the blog’s mailing list and repost the article. All the best.

There is a lot of competition in freelancing, so it is difficult for beginners to break through from scratch. But this is quite real and there is no need to give up, afraid of the first failures. You just need to choose the places to look for work wisely, and there will be enough orders for everyone.

To hone your skills, you should pay attention to exchanges for beginning freelancers, where you can understand the principle of work, express yourself and get your first work in your portfolio. And only then it will be possible to move on.

I won't go into detail about who a freelancer is and what he does. Most likely you already know about this, but if not, follow the link and read a separate detailed article on this topic.

Before you go looking for the exchange of your dreams, it is worth deciding on the direction of your activity - jacks of all trades are valued, but their work is usually not as good as highly specialized freelancers. After all, if you do one thing for many years, you perform it at an excellent level. So I recommend, at least for the first time, choosing a specific field: writer, designer, programmer, etc.

Before starting work, you should definitely gain knowledge in your chosen field. It’s great if you have a programmer’s education and have worked offline for a long time. Then you will not have problems with adaptation.

It is enough to write 2-3 sentences to stand out among the gray mass and attract the attention of the customer. Say hello, say goodbye, add a signature “with regards”, add a phrase that shows your competence. Questions addressed to the customer work very well, but only relevant ones that show your knowledge. There is no point in clarifying banal details and trying to make yourself look smarter than the customer - it only pushes you away.

I will not give the specific text of the answers, because situations are different, but in any case, you should not skimp on the signs in the response.

Many exchanges prohibit the exchange of contact information - do not violate it! Even in personal messages, do not drop your email, phone, or Skype, otherwise there is a risk of losing your account.

Wait for the answer. Basically, on exchanges, the customer selects a contractor within 2-3 days. You may be asked additional questions, asked to send examples in a certain style, clarify details about payment, etc. If there have been no attempts to contact you in 2 days, most likely the project has been given or will be given to another person.

When following these in a simple way within a week you will have at least one order. In the future, everything depends on your skill. But remember that another important point depends on the quality of the work performed - reviews. The more positive reviews on your account, the higher your chance of getting a job! So work efficiently from the first order!

The best exchange for beginner freelancers

And now we have reached the list of the best exchanges for freelancers. Yes, I cannot single out one single exchange that I could recommend to everyone. Everywhere there are pros and cons that are worth considering. I'll try to mention them all when I consider my options.

Most popular exchanges:

There are many other advanced exchanges where professionals live, but for now it’s worth limiting yourself to this set. I recommend registering on 2-3 sites at once to increase your chances of success. And even better - all free. You still don’t lose anything, but you can look for orders in several places.

Text exchanges

I myself specialize in texts, so I cannot recommend proven exchanges for designers or programmers. But I can tell you which freelance exchange is the best for aspiring writers - Of course, this is just my opinion.

The main advantage of this exchange is that some orders are given to the first person to respond to the order. Also, many tasks have fairly good prices, and there are no 5-10 ruble orders. There is a convenient article store where you can sell your work freely.

In addition, the following text exchanges can be noted:


When you get tired of fighting for every order, I recommend paying attention to my selection of sites that require authors.

There are a lot of exchanges on the Internet for beginning freelancers, but almost everywhere there is huge competition, there are scammers and cheap orders. It is very important to learn to see the positives, avoid pitfalls and not give up. Over time, you will reach a new level and begin

Hello, dear readers and guests.

For those who have not yet worked with exchanges and do not know where to start, I advise you to read my previous article, in which I talk in more detail about.

Exchanges and freelance sites by category

The best freelance exchanges

Here are the most popular sites among freelancers and clients, where you can find tasks in all possible ways:

  • is the No. 1 freelance exchange in Russia and the CIS. More suitable for professionals with a good portfolio and experience; it’s difficult for beginners to get into it. To fully operate, you need to pay your account monthly.
  • is, in my opinion, the second most popular site for freelancers and offering their services. Currently there are more than 3 thousand open orders.
  • is an exchange for beginners, you can find thousands of different simple tasks and try your hand at freelancing. Read.
  • – remote work for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - the site allows you to offer and sell your services at a single price of 500 rubles.

Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

If you can write and know how to type on a keyboard, then on these exchanges you can easily find tasks for writing texts, selling articles, translations, etc.

  • – popular exchange remote work for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Order and sell articles on any topic. Check out the details.
  • is a large service for copywriters and rewriters. There is also an article store and various scripts for checking texts. Read.
  • is a website for selling texts, there is a rating of popular topics on which you can write articles and sell them at competitive prices.
  • is the No. 1 content exchange. Many different tasks for text authors, there is a store for buying and selling articles.
  • is a rewriting and copywriting exchange with low prices for articles.
  • is a relatively young project, orders for copywriting, rewriting, naming and other micro-tasks. See.
  • is a service with microtasks, you can earn money by writing comments.
  • is a bureau of professional copywriters, here you can sell texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • is a very popular exchange, there are a lot of orders. To become a performer, you need to pass a test in the Russian language. Also on the site you can study several courses on copywriting for free. See.
  • – on this exchange there are 16 types of specialization, orders for articles, poetry, naming, resumes, etc.
  • is a simple and very convenient copywriting exchange. The main types of orders are copywriting, text rewriting, articles in a foreign language.
  • is a site that brings together webmasters and copywriters.
  • is a service for posting tasks and searching for remote work in the field of writing texts.
  • is a content exchange and article store.

Websites for 1C specialists and programmers

I didn’t find many specialized sites for IT specialists and programmers. Later, when we look at these professions in more detail, I will give many more examples of various forums and portals where you can find a good remote work programmers.

  •— an exchange for programmers and 1C specialists from all CIS countries.
  •— a service for IT specialists, programmers, startupers and other specialists that allows you to quickly create a team for your project.
  •— another site for 1C professionals.

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