Promote VK page. How to promote a group on VK from scratch and without investments

02-07-2018, Kaverin Ilya

For millions of ordinary users, the social network VKontakte serves as a platform for communication, and for entrepreneurs it serves as a virtual space for advertising and business promotion. If you are also attracted by the idea of ​​opening a representative office for your company on a social network, then we advise you to take into account several important points. First of all, our advice will be useful to those who plan to independently organize the promotion of their VKontakte page.

Features of the VK audience

Before you start promoting your VKontakte page, it is important to understand which contingent spends time here and how to find potential clients among users. According to official data, the monthly audience of this social network is 97 million people. According to SimilarWeb, the VKontakte service is one of the most visited in the world.

Some time ago it was widely believed that the main audience of VK were schoolchildren and students. However, more than 10 years have passed since the launch of the social network in 2006, so recent studies confirm the “maturation” of VKontakte users. Today, this social network is most in demand among audiences aged 18-24 and 25-34 years old, that is, the majority are educated, solvent young people. There are approximately equal numbers of men and women here (43.7% and 56.3%, respectively). There is also an increase in the number of users over the age of 35, who were previously considered the main core of Odnoklassniki.

Geographic statistics show that the VKontakte service is most popular among residents of large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod. In many provincial settlements, the championship belongs to Odnoklassniki.

It is important to note that VKontakte is a leader in reaching mobile audiences. Every day, about 15 million people access the social network from smartphones. The average time that users spend reading a news feed is 40 minutes.

Thus, the popular VK community opens up new opportunities for almost any business.

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Promotion of the VKontakte page

The popularity of the VK community directly depends on the number of subscribers. The modern audience of any social network is very selective, so it will not be possible to interest users with content alone. Moreover, the more subscribers you have, the more willing new people will be to join the group. At first glance, this is a vicious circle, but there are a few simple steps that will help you organize the promotion of your VK page.

Preparatory stage

  1. Study your target audience, create a portrait of your client. Just answer the question: who most often buys your products or orders your services? The VK audience is vast, but it is important for you to highlight exactly those users who will potentially be interested in your offer.
  2. Develop a media plan and content plan. It is important to plan ahead for seasonal and holiday events so that preparations are made well in advance. In addition, you can make a list of news items for publications.
  3. Pay attention to page design. Describe your activities in as much detail as possible, indicate the company name, contacts, and place your logo. Be sure to prepare photo collections of your products.

“Promotion of VKontakte page”

Free methods:

  1. Independent invitation of subscribers. You can invite no more than 40 people to your group per day, and not everyone will want to accept your offer. The first thing you can do is call your friends and relatives who will want to support you.
  2. Crops in the comments. It is necessary to monitor conversations in popular communities and appropriately join them to post information about your activities. It could even be city publics.
  3. Exchange of posts. To do this, you need to create an advertising banner and find a group on a related topic with which you can exchange advertising. For example, if you sell fitness clothing, then your group may be interested in companies that offer sports nutrition.

Paid methods:

  1. Targeted advertising. This is the most effective tool for promoting the VKontakte group. Using the display settings for your advertising message, you can very accurately specify the parameters of the target audience: gender, age, city, neighborhood, marital status, hobbies, etc. The results of such a campaign can be predicted.
  2. Promotions and prize draws. The simplest thing you can do to interest your audience is your product or service. It is worth remembering that all social networks have professional “players” - fake accounts who join communities solely for the sake of prize draws, so they need to be cut off immediately. This method is less effective than targeted advertising.
  3. Working with opinion leaders and posting in thematic communities. We are talking about popular bloggers and celebrities from whom you can order hidden or regular advertising. The budget for such a campaign can amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles, so to begin with, it is possible to find narrow experts in your field who will agree to test your product and write about it in their community.


Any event to attract subscribers requires an assessment of its effectiveness. This way you can cut off weak channels and direct your budget to those actions that will bring profit. For example, in the case of targeted advertising, you will be able to estimate the cost of one transition to your page, the ratio of the number of views and the number of transitions, the number of impressions and some other parameters.

  1. Work constantly and do not stick to one schedule. Vary the timing and frequency of posting, as well as the style of advertising, to track the reaction of potential buyers and highlight effective solutions. If you don't feel comfortable doing this manually, use the delayed posting feature.
  2. Install social network widgets on your website (if you have one) and don’t forget to link to the main web resource in the group from time to time, so you will receive additional stable traffic.
  3. If only advertising is placed on your page, few people will be interested. Your publications for subscribers should be unobtrusive, interesting, and informative. For example, if you post a photo of an electric stove, share an interesting recipe. In addition, you can play with a fresh meme, wish a pleasant end to the work week, arrange a survey, etc.
  4. Participate in dialogues. The most valuable thing you can get on the VK social network is reviews or opinions of real people. Thank you for your feedback, discuss, share your experience, but don’t remain silent. Clients should see your reaction and interest in the dialogue.

VKontakte is a unique platform for promoting business, but instant success rarely comes to new communities. As a rule, behind any successful and sought-after group there are many years of painstaking work. You can entrust the promotion of the VK community from scratch to us - the specialists of the SMM studio “Tovarishch”. Cooperation with us will allow you to pay attention to the development of your business and be confident in the full functioning of your representation on the social network.

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How to promote an account in VK to earn money? What are the features of free promotion of a VK public page? What programs and services exist for automating VKontakte promotion?

Almost everyone has an account on VKontakte, some even have several. But not everyone uses this social network to promote their business, increase sales or promote their brand. Meanwhile, VK is a platform with unlimited commercial prospects.

Denis Kuderin, financial expert of HeatherBober magazine, is with you. I will tell you why VKontakte promotion is needed, how to properly promote an account or community on this social network, and why online stores need an additional page on VK.

A bonus for those who read to the end - useful tips on page promotion plus an overview of the most effective services for professional business promotion on social networks.

1. Who needs VK promotion and why?

More than 97 million people use the social network VKontakte every month. The resource ranks 5th in terms of traffic in the world. Any commercial project would envy such an audience, and this despite the fact that the bulk of users are young, energetic and solvent people.

VKontakte promotion is needed by everyone who uses or intends to use the Internet as a source of income.

The more popular your page, group or public, the more potential clients you have. Or offers from advertisers. Both ways of making money – from sales and from advertising – have unlimited prospects.

I know people whose income amounts to hundreds of thousands per month just from pages on social networks. Additionally, they earn money through online stores and offline commerce.

Who needs promotion first:

  • owners of online businesses - websites selling services and goods;
  • distributors of information products;
  • freelancers: translators, designers, authors, editors - all those who work remotely and need to find customers and clients;
  • bloggers, columnists, public figures - anyone who needs to increase their popularity;
  • everyone who wants to earn money on the Internet.

Page promotion is an invariable condition for resource monetization. Popular accounts are visited daily by thousands of users: each of them is a potential consumer of goods, services or advertising. If you want to make money from a group, first promote it.

What is promotion? This is the targeted popularization of an account or profile using various methods. It comes in two types - natural and artificial.

Natural- this is when the popularity of a page increases due to original and interesting content, activity of the owner and participants, non-trivial design and other features that attract the attention of the audience. This is a long journey that requires a lot of time, effort and creativity.

Artificial– promotion using specialized programs, services and applications. They are paid and free. Their task is to distribute the page among the user audience in all ways.

Promotion is carried out not only by robots, but also by professional specialists. There are entire agencies that, for a fee, promote communities, brands and entire companies on the Internet and social networks.

Why does the average user need promotion? A public page (public) or community with many subscribers is real capital, an asset that you can easily turn into a platform for making money.

As the popularity of the page grows, so does your income. Advertising in the community is becoming more and more expensive, and more and more affiliate programs are offering you third-party resources. And if you sell goods, services, digital products, the number of buyers increases.

But remember a few important rules:

  • You won’t be able to quickly promote your profile;
  • prohibited methods of making friends and dubious content may result in account blocking;
  • the resource was originally created for communication and entertainment - do not forget about this when promoting commercial projects;
  • The theme of the society must correspond to the content.

A well-promoted group is not only a potential source of profit, but also an expensive asset. Communities are officially traded on special exchanges.

The promoted VK group is an excellent financial asset

All groups that cost hundreds of thousands and millions of rubles started from scratch. Nowadays they bring colossal income to the owners - all that remains is to keep the communities active and keep an eye on competitors.

2. 4 ways to make money on a VK page

Let's look at the simplest and most accessible options for making money on your page.

In fact, there are many more than four such methods. Moreover, new options appear periodically. Who knows, maybe you will find your own source of income on social networks - as I already said, the prospects of the site are limitless.

Method 1. Selling your goods or services

Social networks are a full-fledged sales channel for products and services of any profile. VK is visited by millions of people a day - this is a solvent audience, ready not only to “like”, comment and have fun, but also to buy.

Right now, with the help of social communities, they are selling fashionable clothes and shoes, household appliances, computers, cars, tours to the Czech Republic, bicycles and mountaineering equipment. Translators, animators, florists, fitness and taekwondo trainers, copywriters, lawyers and webmasters promote their services through Contact.

To open an online store on VK, you don’t need to create a website, hire programmers, or pay for a domain. No one will take money from you for creating a group. But you need to take care of the original design, colorful photographs of products, and advertising.

An online store will need marketing. Organize promotions, sales, attract new customers with prize draws, discounts and other marketing tricks. Each VK subscriber is also his friends, as well as friends of friends.

Method 2. Participation in affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are links to other resources that you place on your pages for a fee from the advertiser. The beauty of affiliate programs is that everyone has the right to use them, regardless of the level of profile popularity.

Another question: how much income will third-party links bring you if one and a half people visit your public page a day?

Hence the conclusion: it is advisable to use affiliate programs only if your resource has achieved a certain popularity. Then there will be more clicks on the links, and each click means rubles in your account. A typical example of passive income - you ride a bicycle (sit with a fishing rod on the shore, relax in Bali), and the money flows.

Experts advise beginners to use affiliate programs of well-known companies and sites.


Tanya created a public page on VKontakte dedicated to “women’s” topics - cosmetics, anti-aging procedures, fitness, weight loss, fashionable clothes, etc. As it was promoted, it acquired partnership extensions from well-known brands, including Lamoda and Now Tanya receives 10-20% profit from each sale through the link.

Method 3. Earning money from advertising

The more popular the community, the more offers from advertisers. Owners of promoted accounts charge tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles for one advertising post.

Beginners should use special services to search for advertisers, since no one will contact directly the owners of unknown groups.

An example of the cost of advertising in promoted public pages

Method 4. Selling an account

I have already spoken about this: popularization for the purpose of subsequent sale is a profitable business. If, of course, you know how to promote and know what topics will be popular.

3. Options for promoting a page in VK

Creating a page or group takes five minutes. Then comes the fun part - attracting an audience.

Promotion methods are universal for groups of any format and any topic.


The easiest way to increase your audience on your own is to add friends manually. VK rules provide for a limit on the number of applications to add friends during the day. The current limit is 50 people per day.

In order for users to add themselves to subscribers, they need to be attracted by unique content, competitions, surveys, and prizes. A good way to increase the number of participants is to open an interesting discussion on a topic.

Regular posts with high-quality photos and current news will constantly raise your profile in the current events feed.

Promotion using special services

This is a more efficient way cheating VKontakte subscribers, especially for those involved in professional monetization of public pages and communities.

We will talk about specific services later, but for now suffice it to say that there are hundreds of such resources on the Internet, and you need to choose them wisely.

Paid promotion

There are several ways of paid promotion - targeted advertising, advertising your group in more popular communities, promotion through a professional agency.

The third option is more reliable - if, of course, you have found a truly responsible and experienced performer. Agencies use almost all promotion methods mentioned in the article, but they do it systematically, that is, more effectively.

Such services are not cheap, so beginners choose more budget-friendly methods - paid services and exchanges that automatically find channels for promoting your account, for example, thematic groups on VK and other social networks.

Paid popularization involves attracting the target audience, which in itself is the most important criterion for commerce.

More details about promotion of VKontakte groups you will learn from a special article in our magazine.

4. How to promote a page on VK yourself - a step-by-step guide for beginners

We have reached a step-by-step guide to self-promotion of VK groups.

But first, let’s clarify one important point – the difference between a public and a community.

Group– a community that is opened on behalf of a specific organization or brand. This is an ideal choice for those who want to create a full-fledged online store on a social network. The settings menu for groups is wider and more varied.

Public– public page of the VK user. As a rule, public pages are dedicated to a specific topic - entertainment, information, games. A public page is not as functional as a group - there are fewer sections and options.

Both types of communities are suitable for monetization - the only difference is the purpose of use and the format of your business.

Step 1. Choose a direction and create a group

It couldn't be easier to create. The only condition is to have an account in VK.

We look at the menu on the left page, select the “Groups” section and click on the “Create a community” button.

A drop-down menu prompts you to select a direction:

  1. Business – store, cafe, fitness club, etc.
  2. Thematic community - news, entertainment, posters.
  3. Brand or company.
  4. Interest group.
  5. Public page.
  6. One-time event.

Before choosing a format, decide on the topic of the community. Think over the concept, promotion strategy and ways to attract visitors.

A good name is half the success. But don’t be too original, especially if your goal is pure commerce. The name should reflect the theme of the business.

Design plays an important role: appearance forms the user’s first impression. Looking at the title screen, he decides whether to continue reading or walk away.

Step 2. Create a content plan

The ideal topic is one in which you are a pro. For example, if you understand football and can make analytical forecasts for matches, create a society of bookmaker bet lovers. In the future, you will sell your forecasts for decent money to everyone.

But don't think about monetization at the initial stage. First, develop a competent content plan: what, when and in what order you will post.

It would be a good idea to involve SEO specialists at this stage. They will select a list of keywords and phrases that will raise your brainchild in the search results. But no amount of SEO will save a group that doesn’t have original and useful content. Bare keys without “human” content are like a book with a beautiful cover but empty pages.

Step 3. Invite friends to the group

Handle invitations yourself, connect automatic services, or hire special people for these purposes. It’s better to combine all three methods.

Step 4. We hold competitions and publish original posts

Activity in the group is the key to its stable advancement. Having developed a content plan and marketing policy, follow them without despondency and laziness, otherwise your competitors will get ahead of you.

The format of the events depends on the direction of your community: competitions for the best tin foil hat, for the shortest brand slogan in the world - it all depends on your creativity and desire.

If you don’t want or don’t have time to promote yourself, hire an administrator. Choose the young and hungry: these are the people who, in fact, created Contact.

Step 5. Collaborate with similar groups

This refers to partnerships with public sites on related topics, and not with competitors. For example, if you sell shoes, agree with a clothing store about mutual advertising. This way you will double the number of potential buyers.

5. TOP 3 services for promoting a VKontakte account

These services have been working for many years and have earned a reputation as the most reliable and effective.

Compare conditions, functionality, ease of use and choose the most suitable resource for your purposes.


is a popular site not only among online businessmen, but also among ordinary users. Students and schoolchildren earn here from likes and comments, and community owners use the service of comprehensive promotion in social networks.

Simple interface, safe promotion of users, adding friends, posts and other methods of promotion.

– a universal platform for promoting accounts on all popular social networks on the Runet. There is a free way to get likes, subscribers, and friends on VK. Guaranteed increase in community activity, only permitted and effective promotion methods.


A free resource for comprehensive promotion of accounts in 6 social networks of Runet at once. The service operates seven days a week and is fully automated.

A unique algorithm called LiveUser imitates the actions of a live user, which increases the level of security for cheating.

Comparison table of services:

Free promotion services are certainly great, moderately safe and effective. But real popularity is achieved in a different way - by publishing useful and high-quality content on your page.

Content on the Internet is everything. No super-effective promotion techniques will work if the content of the site is not interesting to anyone. There are no useful and unique posts, photos, videos, competitions, topics or memes - no new subscribers.

This is an ideal way to gain the trust of users. There are probably areas in which you are an expert, or topics that really excite you.

Leverage your expertise and passion to produce quality posts on a regular basis.

Catchy headlines, enticing announcements and attention to users – these are the components of success. If updates are regular, users will constantly monitor your public page, waiting for interesting news.

People like it when people ask for their opinion. Surveys will not only attract new clients, but will also help you improve your performance.

Questionnaires and surveys must be relevant to the topic.

Tip 5. Use memes and provocative posts

But be correct. Offending the feelings of community members, sowing discord, panic, racial or social hostility is illegal and dangerous to health.

Publication date: 05/27/2018 526

We will try to reveal for you ways to promote your VK page for free and quickly.

In order to promote your VK page for free it is necessary to strictly follow a clear plan. Nowadays, you probably won’t meet a person who doesn’t have his own page on popular social networks. Among all the users, there are quite a few who have realized that you can make good money here too. If you need promotion and have already thought about it how to promote a page on VK read this short article to the end.

Almost 100 million people regularly use VK, and according to some data, more. Naturally, the more enterprising of them have long realized that with the help of simple pages, communities and interest groups you can make sales and attract subscribers; for this, the site has a wide range of functions.

Promotion is used here:

  • for online commerce, for example, services that are already widely known, for stable business;
  • for disseminating news, these are a kind of blogs;
  • to offer various services, for the same promotion or provision of other types of services;
  • to make a profit.

Let's figure out how to promote a VK page for sales and other activities. First of all, don’t get your hopes up for quickly gaining popularity. This process, like many others, requires time and a lot of energy. Do not try to use dubious methods to recruit users; this may result in your page being blocked. The VK service exists for communication, and when promoting commercial projects, do not forget about this feature. Make sure the group content is relevant to the theme of the group or community. You can quickly promote your VK page as a long-term asset. A developed community with a large number of subscribers can be sold on one of the special exchanges.

How to promote a page on VK yourself for free

There are quite a few ways to promote a group, but we will look at four main ones.

1. Trade. Promotion of various services and goods. Considering VK as a way to sell products or a course, or perhaps attract partners to an existing business, it can be noted that this platform has an incredible number of users, including solvent ones.

Being interested, they are ready not only to comment on a post, add a comment or start an argument, but also to buy. Disputes in the comments, by the way, really spark interest. You can buy everything here, from a pacifier for a child to a tour to Egypt. Whatever your business is, with effort you will definitely achieve high results, you just have to want it. And this despite the fact that you don’t have to pay money to specialists for promotion and complex technical operations like with websites, for example.

2. Partnership cooperation. Links to other resources make promotion mutually beneficial, since by posting an announcement about another community on your VK channel, you can agree with them to make a post about your group on their wall. But this works only if the number of users on both resources reaches several tens or hundreds of thousands. Most often, already promoted communities accept payment for posting less advanced ones. Beginners can adopt this method of promotion.

3. Distribution of advertising. The more popular a community or group is, the more likely it is to receive orders from large sellers to place advertisements on them. It’s hard to imagine, but some of them receive tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles for advertising. If you want to find an advertiser, use special services. By the way, do not try to overload your wall with advertisements from the very beginning, this may alienate subscribers and you will get the opposite effect and lose the trust of users.

4. Sale. We're talking about accounts here. You can sell your account on the stock exchange very profitably. We have already mentioned this. Most often, such communities are very popular and most users subscribe to them.

To make a page popular, you can use the following methods:

  • Promote your VK page yourself. You can invite only 50 people per day. In order for customers to attract themselves, you need to monitor the uniqueness of the posts you post. We've already mentioned controversy—discussive maneuvers can be used to spark interest in your profile. For example, groups with political themes use this very actively.
  • Special services for page promotion. It is especially effective for those who sell public pages on exchanges. For many, this is a way to earn a stable income.
  • Promote paid. Group advertising will help with this if you use targeting, advertising in other more well-known publics, or ordering advertising from agencies. The last method is more reliable.

We hope we were able to inspire you to take active action and knowing how to promote your group on VK you can make great money, both by remaining the owner of your group and by selling it profitably on the stock exchange.

With the development of progress, social networks entered our lives and quickly gained popularity among Internet users. As the demand for such services grew, so did the desire of registered participants to gain the interest of as large an audience as possible.

Today, many people are concerned about the question of how to promote a page in
"VC". There are many ways to do this, each of which leads to the desired result, but requires a certain amount of time, and in some cases, money.

Why do you need page promotion?

Everyone wants to be popular, this not only helps promote their product, if, of course, the user has their own business. If you are not a TV show star or a famous blogger, then you probably don’t have as many subscribers and likes as you would like.

Promoting your VKontakte profile will help you find new friends, distribute photos to a large audience and provide a lot of other opportunities. However, it is not enough to become popular; you need to maintain this popularity. After all, if nothing exciting happens on your page, why users came there, they will quickly lose interest and leave your profile.

A particularly strong desire to increase popularity arises among those who have a new page on VK. You can promote it in several ways.

Ways to promote a page

Here are three ways to help you win new friends:

  1. Self-promotion. Suitable for those who do not want to spend money, but want to become popular.
  2. Promotion through special services. Suitable for those who want to get a lot of subscriptions in a short period of time.
  3. Paid promotion. For those who value their time, have the necessary amount of money and want to have a high-quality audience.

Which method to choose is everyone’s business, in any case there will be results, and which ones depend only on you and on the chosen method.

How to promote a page on VK yourself

This process will take much longer than you expect, because gaining popularity is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

First of all, you need to create a profile. If it is not there, you will be assigned a new page number in VK. Next, you should fill out all the fields with personal information (last and first name, date of birth, city of residence, etc.). Now you can start promotion.

  1. Creating an interesting page. Fill your profile with information that is relevant to your target audience today. Upload bright and beautiful photos and pictures to make your page stand out and stand out.
  2. Cheating likes. To get more likes, you can post photos in third-party groups, and ask friends to like and recommend to friends.
  3. Increasing the number of friends. You can join as many “Mutual Friend” groups as possible, where the participants will become your friends, just as you become theirs, this will help increase the number of users on the page.

In this way you can slightly increase your popularity. With enough time, you can achieve impressive results.

Users, as a rule, are attracted to viewing VK pages with a large number of participants; this works on a subconscious level. If a user or group has thousands of subscribers, then this automatically generates interest among the audience.

Page promotion using services

If the methods described above do not quite suit you, then you will be interested in how to promote a page on VK using services. Today there are all kinds of online projects that allow you to achieve popularity in a short time and with minimal effort.

Using promotion services:

  • free - no need to spend any money;
  • fast - cheating starts instantly and lasts without your help;
  • safe - no need to enter a password for your VKontakte page.

This method is quite popular among VK users, whose new page is in dire need of outside support.

The procedure for promoting a page in this way is as follows: you like other users, for each like you receive hearts in your account, which you can then spend on increasing “Like”, friends or comments.

Promotion of a VK page on a paid basis

This method is suitable for those who do not want to spend a minute of free time learning how to promote a page on VK, and, moreover, do it themselves.

There are special places where you can order a service for promoting pages and groups on a social network. Naturally, you will have to pay a certain amount of money for this, which can hardly be called insignificant. However, the audience you acquire will be targeted and truly interested in the information you present, and, therefore, will be active. From a quality point of view, this method is the most acceptable, because the audience will not be scammed, users will appear on your page of their own free will.

How to find out page statistics

It doesn’t matter which promotion method you use, you need to track how many users like, leave comments, how many people and who just visit the page.

If everything is simple with likes, comments and friends, any changes will be automatically shown in the menu on the left “Responses”. By going there, you can see who and when performed any action on your profile.

But many people are most concerned about the question: “VK”?” And this is no longer so easy to find out, since “VK” does not have such a function. But there is a way out - applications. With the help of them you can easily find out this information.

The popularity of the social network "VKontakte" is due to many of its users. Everyone achieves their goal in different ways - independently or with the help of services. But the fact remains that the popularity of these networks is growing, and with them the desire to stand out.

For ordinary users, the social network VKontakte serves as a way of communication and entertainment, and for more enterprising people - a platform for business. Social networks provide an opportunity for an entrepreneur to present his products or services to an audience of millions. Provided that he manages to promote his VKontakte page. Otherwise, a business on social networks may end in failure before it even begins.

What does a popular VKontakte page look like?

When a person thinks about how to promote a VK page for free, he is driven by a certain ultimate goal. For some it is making a profit, for others it is a thirst for popularity. In both cases, motivation alone will not be enough. To do this, you need to master information on professional profile promotion.

Celebrities and famous people are always in the first places in the general search.

A popular page is considered to be one that has more than ten thousand subscribers, and under each post on the profile wall there are hundreds of reposts. Such parameters are typical for profiles of stars or public figures.

However, they did not have to make any efforts to promote them due to the fact that they are popular outside the social network. To promote a page from scratch, the average user will have to put in a lot of time.

If you choose a narrower filtering, then the pages of ordinary users will appear in the first places

Promoted profiles on VKontakte are in the first positions in the general search, as well as in the lists of group or public members. This suggests that the more popular the page is, the faster users will be able to find it and in the future they will not have to make any effort to promote it.

A significant increase in the page in search results begins after gaining 10–20 thousand subscribers. These numbers should be taken as the minimum bar for profile promotion.

How to promote a page on VK?

It’s worth noting right away that if we are talking about promoting a page in order to promote a large-scale project on social networks, then for this it is better to create a group or a public page.

A VKontakte group or public page is a place on a social network where users can communicate with each other on common topics. The fact is that promoting a page on VK is different from promoting a community. Therefore, before you engage in promotion, you should decide on its ultimate goal.

To bring your VKontakte profile to the TOP of the search, you need to format it correctly. To do this you need:

  • Set the correct profile name.
  • Fill in personal information (place of residence, marital status, status, etc.).
  • Put a photo on your avatar.
  • Fill several albums with thematic photos (vacation, family, etc.).

The profile name is the first thing a user sees when viewing incoming applications. Names such as “Alena Massage”, “Manicure Moscow” immediately repel potential clients. Therefore, for a page on VKontakte it is better to use a real name or a plausible pseudonym.

  • Personal information does not play a decisive role in the promotion of the page. But in order to completely eliminate the possibility that the user will consider the page to be fake, it is better to fill it out. For example, in order for a young man to make his page attractive to girls, it is better to post high-quality photos and fill out the status with a serious quote or appeal.
  • To reach a large part of the potential audience, your personal information should indicate a city with a population of about a million inhabitants. It is strictly not recommended to indicate St. Petersburg or Moscow. Otherwise, the profile will not reach the top search positions due to the dense population of these cities with stars and famous personalities.
  • People are more interested in profile photos. Some people enjoy looking at pictures of even strangers, so the more photos there are on the page, the better. In addition to personal photos, you also need to add samples of goods or works that the owner of this profile can offer.

Free page promotion on VK

You don’t have to pay for popularity on social networks. Can . Provided that the user devotes all his free time only to this activity. You can promote your profile using several techniques:

Special services and online programs allow you to increase not only subscribers, but also likes. The essence of their work is that after registration the user enters the ID number of the page that needs to be promoted. Next, he needs to earn points in order to subsequently exchange them for subscribers. In such programs you can get subscribers for a fee, but it is not advisable to do this. After all, to earn currency to buy followers, you just need to like and add users as friends.

  • You can also promote your page using mutual subscriptions through the social network itself. Offers for mutual subscription can be found in the comments under popular community posts, on user pages or by thematic hashtags. A hashtag is a link for navigating through social network posts. The use of hashtags for self-promotion is more typical for the social network Instagram. However, attracting subscribers in this way on VKontakte also cannot be ruled out.
  • You can also trust thematic communities to promote your profile. They are designed to post posts with a call to like, subscribe, or repost a post. All actions occur on the principle of reciprocity, so this method can be combined with the previous one.
  • Advertising a page through personal messages is not as effective as promoting a profile through a special application. However, for an integrated approach to achieving the goal, it is better to advertise the page in all available ways. The content of the advertising message should “catch” the user and unobtrusively force him to take a certain action (visit an online store, go to a page, view a post, etc.).

No need to openly spam. The administration of the social network Vkontakte is really actively fighting spam, so the profile from which the messages were sent can simply be “frozen” or blocked.
The maximum number of personal messages should not exceed 30–40 per day.

The monthly audience of the Vkontakte social network in April 2017 reached 95 million users. For business promotion and development, this is a colossal audience size, which allows you to quickly improve work efficiency and increase sales volumes. Therefore, promoting a page on VKontakte is a skill that can bring benefits incomparable to the time and effort spent.

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