I am looking for a business idea for investment. Investment projects

The article was written by an experienced entrepreneur who has experience in attracting investments in his own innovative projects and third-party startups, collaborating with companies such as IC Finam, SBAR, Private Capital, etc.

First, a small but very important introduction:

Finding an investor willing to invest money in a new business is both simple and difficult. I’ll tell you how to find it below, but first I want to ask you: “Why do you want to attract an investor to your own business?”

No, I do not reject such an important and useful institute for a start-up business as “Investor”. In most cases, without an investor and attracting third-party money, a business simply cannot be created and launched.

I'm asking about something else:

“Are all your resources exhausted?”
“Does your business need an investor at all?”

Are you sure your project needs it? Do you think that an investor is pure “chocolate” and manna from heaven? Are you wrong?

To better understand these difficult issues, I suggest that you first and without fail read these articles:

Article: “Does a startup always need an investor with money?”
Article: “Investing in a startup, what problems might there be?”
Article: “Finding an investor for a startup or why does the investor say “no”?

Where to start looking for an investor for a business?

Do you need an investor to start a business, but you don’t know where to find one? Let's start with this.

First of all, I want to say the most correct and most banal thing: “To create a business, an investor can be found anywhere.” Everywhere. At every step. Even by extending your hand, you can feel the “strong shoulder of a friend” who can become an investor in your new project.

Therefore, for those who are looking for an investor for a start-up business, it is more important to understand not where to look, but how to look and, most importantly, how to convince a person or group of people to invest in your business.

Finding an investor is not a problem, the problem is making him a partner.

Below we will look at most of the possible “places” where you can and should look for an investor, and now I will try to focus your attention on one of the most important points - preparing to search for a future investor.

For many years now, there has been a story circulating on the Internet about how someone walked into an elevator and literally in two minutes, talking about his project, received almost millions of dollars from an investor.

I can fully admit that this is a true story. You never know how many poor and rich people wander around the world.

Perhaps someone fell for this. But in life everything is much more complicated and you won’t be able to find an investor “out of the box” without preparation.

To understand why, I will ask you: “Are you ready to give your hard-earned 25,000 rubles to a stranger. simply because he promises mountains of gold”? I think no.

You will study the offer, promises, etc. Why then do many of those who are looking for money for a project think that this money can be found without careful preparation?

In order to find serious money for a serious project, the minimum that you should have on hand is a business plan for the future project and its presentation with provisions on the benefits received by a possible investor.

A business plan can be replaced with a feasibility study (feasibility study), but it is better to have a full-fledged business plan. All the same, then the right investor will demand such a business plan in order to protect their money as much as possible.

Having read on Wikipedia and understood what a business angel is, an investment applicant can prepare (by creating a business plan and presentation) and contact directly the most serious organization in Russia that helps attract money from private investors to business - “SBAR” (Community of Business Angels of Russia) . There are other similar communities, but I advise you to contact them first.

The fact is that several years ago I promoted one of my inventions through SBAR.

Looking ahead, I want to say that my project never received the investments it needed.

But communication with representatives of SBAR, its managers preparing projects for the investment session and with those investors who were found with their help, “forever” cleared my brain regarding my innovation.

And understanding of innovative business in general.

Yes, I did not receive investment in the project with the help of SBAR, but the knowledge and experience that I gained by promoting the project with their help helped me get investment for another project quickly and comfortably. “There is no such thing as too much knowledge, just like money.”

By the way, I proposed my project to the National Network of Business Angels “Private Capital” in Moscow. There my project was immediately rejected. But I was not upset and continued the search.

This is what I wish for you: do not lose heart when rejected and continue searching for an investor.) In general, if you are rejected again, this does not mean that your project is bad. It may not be groundbreaking and won't change the world, but the harder you push it, the more likely you are to succeed.

Where and how to get money for a startup

This video explains: The legendary Russian Internet entrepreneur Anton Nosik shares his thoughts and best practices on how and where to look for your investors and how not to make a mistake.

Where to find investors for an online business?

Nowadays on the Internet you can often see advertisements like this: “Looking for an investor in a small business.” On message boards, special resources for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators.

You can also take advantage of this opportunity and submit your ad. Perhaps this way you will find your investor, but the chances of success will be minimal. It is best to contact investors directly.

What do I mean when I say: targeted. This means that you need to prepare, collect a list of those Internet resources through which you can contact future and real investors.

Do you know why it is necessary to contact investors directly? I'll try to explain based on my own experience. Several years ago I decided to create my own extensive resource base where I could advertise for investment in a very interesting project.

I approached data collection with all responsibility and within a month I collected everything that could be found on the RuNet at that time. Including foreign investment funds. Rowing, as they say, everything that caught the eye and barely “moved.”

What was the result after I sent out my proposal to all these funds, communities, centers, technology parks, etc.?

Zero! Pure and virgin!

Russia and Ukraine is the first step to starting a successful business with an easy and simple start.

When making a decision to purchase a franchise, you need to consult the professional recommendations in this section:

You can read about the latest news and trends in franchise business

Do you know who I received “encouraging” replies and offers of investment from? From those who provided paid services for finding investments. Like: “You have a wonderful project, with our help you will change the world with your idea... but first we need to pay the Nth amount of money.” All clear?

Don't waste your time on such empty hassles. No, I do not deny that on such message boards, forums, etc. you can find your investor. This is possible, but the chances are slim.

Most of the “investors” on such resources are those who have no money, but want to foolishly scam you out of money. And they're getting scammed. And how they cheat!

Why am I talking all about sad things!

Look for money for a project on collective investment services. In my opinion, today the best crowdfunding platforms in Russia are the following resources:

  • boomstarter.ru
  • planeta.ru

If your business is created on an innovative idea, then I advise you to contact the Skolkovo Foundation https://community.sk.ru/news/ or Technopark "Strogino". These are state or near state structures, it is not easy to get into them, but it is possible.

An example of such a “hit” can be: Project Corteos and project "On Veliki".

Works productively in Russia Russian Startup Tour. This is the longest tour of the regions by leading experts from Russian development institutions with the participation of venture funds and major corporations. Perhaps your business or your innovation will be of interest to a large corporation, and it will provide it with investment?

I recently came across an offer from the creators of the City of Money service. City of Money is an online platform for loans for business and investment. I don’t want to give a link, I haven’t used it myself, find it and google it, but as stated on their website, this is a platform where investors and borrowers can contact each other directly, without intermediaries.

Well, the most likely thing is to take money from the bank. Either under a start-up business assistance program, for example from Sberbank, or in the form of a consumer loan. Many aspiring entrepreneurs started this way. They took money from the bank in the form of a consumer loan and started their own business. Many people succeeded.

The main thing is to find an investor

This video explains: An interview with the creator of the legendary Ozon online store, Alexander Egorov, in which he talks about the difficulties of finding investments and difficult relationships with investors that led to the sale of the business.

Investors for business in Moscow

Advertisements like: “Looking for investors to develop a business in Moscow” or: “Looking for an investor for a business in Ukraine”, in my opinion, are incorrect.

In the first case, it is not particularly important for the investor where the business created on a breakthrough technology or idea is located, and in the second, it makes no sense to look for an investor in Ukraine in our time (known political events). Which serious investor would invest money in a business operating in a country with a declining economy?

Let's focus on finding an investor in Moscow. I personally would not make any distinction in the geographic location of the investor, but if I did, I would turn to such resources as "Managers Club - E-executive." Do you know why? Yes, because 90% of the people shuffling there are managers from Moscow who have money.

Moreover, there are many managers with money who are already “ripe” for their own business. Do you understand? There is money, there is a desire to create a business, there is experience, but there is no time to fully devote oneself to a new business.

Not everyone is ready to leave the post of general manager of some oil company, even for the sake of their own business. Exit: find a head-first idea generator, invest money in him, his team and his idea, and everyone will be in chocolate.

This is educational: Strategy for startups

This video explains: A very interesting and original speech by Yuri Lifshits, which can be titled with humor: “A startup is not the whole life.” Yuri tells how to properly organize and build a startup strategy that will be key to your success.

An investor is looking for business projects and... does not find a suitable one

90% of new business creation projects do not receive investment because the business initiator is to blame. His main fault is that he either incorrectly emphasizes the business plan for the investor, or incorrectly creates the presentation of the project.

Here you need to understand the most important thing - how the investor considers applications.

In 95 cases out of 100, the investor sees only the main indicators provided by the project initiator:

  • whether he is satisfied with the financial performance of the project;
  • project payback period;
  • project risks;
  • and options for exiting the project.

The investor will read and consider the remaining indicators only when he is interested in the points that I listed above. Many people are still interested in having a project team, but this is not such an important point in my opinion. Or rather important, but later.

I will tell you how one of our projects was considered in IC "Finam". Looking ahead, I’ll say that my partner and I cheated a little when creating the presentation. Knowing in advance that we would be sending our presentation to Finam, we carefully prepared.

Having found out what projects this fund, respected in Russia, invests in, we found common “features” inherent in our project and those projects in which the fund has already invested. And these “traits” and features were especially emphasized in their presentation.

You can study the numerous experiences of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful franchise business in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case, according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under a franchising program is presented

“Focus” passed, and we were invited to a conversation. Did we deceive the fund or not? No, of course not, we just did our presentation correctly. Did this help us in the end? No. Finam did not finance our project.

But we found investments elsewhere and from other investors, saying that our project received very good reviews in Finam.

Now let’s talk about how to draw up a business plan, an example of which will satisfy everyone. Or rather, about the small features of such a composition. So to speak: “A business plan for an investor, an example from my own life.”

What you write like: “The project will earn up to $100 million a year in two years” is of no particular interest to anyone. In my practice, any applications of this type are checked very quickly.

The main thing that needs to be emphasized in a business plan is to carefully and responsibly approach the creation of points:

  • what problems do the project solve for people?
  • project risks;
  • options for investor exit from the project.

When describing the risks of the project, you must clearly understand what risks your proposal may encounter during its implementation and in the future. Including competitive risks and risks called force majeure.

When describing options for an investor to exit a project, you must clearly write what you agree to in building a relationship with the investor. Here you need to understand the main thing - an investor investing in a project wants to make money. Make a profit. Explosive profits are desired.

All other motives that are important to you personally, for example, to create a unique business, to be the first in the industry, to prove something to your wife... the investor does not care at all.

Therefore, he must clearly understand how and when he will be able to sell his share in the business being created.

Often successful companies are created through the collaboration of several parties: one has an idea, the other has the resources to implement it. Thanks to the Internet, it has become easier for these parties to find each other. However, it is important not just to find a person with money, it is necessary to attract a good partner, cooperation with whom will become the basis for a successful startup and further advancement of the business. When considering investor proposals, try to think about which of them will be interested in your business. To do this, formulate the stage of development of your business: will it be its origin, formation, growth, maturity, or decline. Every company that is at various stages needs its own investor.

Features of the stages of company activity
At the inception stage, as a rule, an entrepreneur has nothing, only an idea, and sometimes a registered patent. There are also problems with the formation of the management team; business processes are not established. External investors are often relatives and friends, or they can be private individuals who have some experience in this area and are willing to take risks. On our website you can find such investor offers.

During its formation, the organization already has an established production of finished products, or already provides services, but its activities do not bring the desired income, and sometimes are even unprofitable. This stage is characterized by business processes that have not been fully developed; only the formation of a management team occurs. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the financial and legal documentation of the company. An investor who is interested in it should easily understand the corporate structure of the organization and its financial position. It is good that the company does not participate in litigation, disputes with government services, etc. At the stage of expansion of activities, the volume of operations performed increases, and profits become stable. As a result, the company begins to occupy a stable position. The stage is characterized by well-established business processes, new markets and projects are opening. At these stages, banks, funds and other serious investors are involved in financing.

Advantages of our business portal
The business portal site is designed to assist its visitors in developing their business and increasing capital. In particular, this page presents various investor proposals. We recommend that you read them carefully and do not make hasty decisions. Try to learn as much as possible about your partner and assess his reliability. When drawing up contracts, read them carefully, let there be as few understatements as possible, and let all agreements be recorded in writing. On this page you can both find an investor and become one yourself by posting an investor proposal. Many of our visitors were able to find reliable business partners with whom they have been working for many years. Perhaps you will become one of their number.

What is attracting investment in business? What business projects (startups) are of interest to investors? How to invest in a small business or production?

Hello to everyone who visited the website of the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Denis Kuderin, an investment expert, is in touch with you.

The topic of the new publication is investment in business. The article will be of interest to both novice businessmen and those who have already tried their hand at entrepreneurship.

The long-term goal of any business is to receive a stable, growing income and have continuous development.

Want to know how to achieve this? Then - go ahead!

1. Why is it worth investing in a business?

Smart investments in business are the key to a comfortable future. Successful investments create passive income - this type of income frees up your time and gives you financial independence.

The vast majority of Russian residents (as well as citizens of other states that were once part of the USSR) have a fundamentally wrong idea about long-term profitable investments.

Many people believe that promising financial investments are only available to the rich, successful and talented. Others believe that owning a business is an unjustified risk, especially in conditions of a permanent economic crisis.

With such views, people live their whole lives, unable to escape the grip of hard wage labor and the vicious circle of living from paycheck to paycheck.

By changing our ideas about the essence and meaning of monetary investments, we can change not only our own financial status, but also our destiny. Freedom (including financial freedom) is, first of all, an internal state and only then - expensive restaurants, travel, yachts and luxury cars.

Anyone can achieve all this if they have the desire. If you want to become free, change the vector of your thinking: get busy active economic activity - start working for yourself.

Investments in personal business are:

  • earnings, which, as it develops, depend less and less on labor costs;
  • confidence in the future;
  • the opportunity to realize the most daring ideas and plans.

Modern investment technologies allow you to start your own business with minimal capital. Special knowledge is also not required - there are many areas of business that do not require an economist's education.

2. The best investments in startups – 5 proven options

Option 2. Production

When choosing investments in finished production, investors should be guided by the level of profitability of the enterprise, its competitiveness and possible risks of loss of funds.

It is important that the products of the company in which you invest are in stable demand in the market. The timing of capital turnover is also important.

How to find an investor for a small business from scratch? This question is often asked by young and aspiring entrepreneurs who have their own project and idea, but do not have money. Asking for help in getting money is a difficult step, however, you can find your investor by setting yourself the goal of implementing your project. How to attract investors to small business?

Searching for investors to implement an idea in a small business

How to get investment for a small business? When searching for sources of financing for a project, consider the following rules:

  • do not delay deadlines;
  • collect as much information as possible about the potential investor to avoid misunderstandings in the future;
  • carefully calculate the amount of investment required;
  • focus on specific goals;
  • in the process of negotiations with an investor, be honest and open, do not hide important facts.

Useful video on the topic:

How to get investments for small businesses from the state?

Today, the Russian government offers a wide range of ways to promote the development of small businesses:

  • allocation of state subsidies for the purchase of premises and fixed assets in the amount of up to 60 thousand rubles;
  • grants for beginning businessmen in the amount of up to 60,000 rubles;
  • compensation for previously received bank loans for business development;
  • subsidy from the Employment Center up to 25 thousand rubles;
  • assistance from Small Business Support Funds;
  • subsidy for entrepreneurs aimed at developing innovative technologies (maximum 60 thousand rubles).

You can learn more about state support programs on the Russian Government portal (http://government.ru/).

How to find a private investor to borrow money?

How to find a private investor to borrow money to create and develop a business? To obtain financing, there are online platforms specializing in business lending:

  • Fundico - shared lending service;
  • Nimfamoney is a closed platform for investors and startups (loan amount from 100,000 to 1 million rubles);
  • business.potok.digital - lending to entrepreneurs by private individuals.;
  • vdolg.ru - deposits up to 500 thousand rubles to a bank card;
  • loanberry.ru - online loan service for up to half a million rubles;
  • townmoney.ru is a P2P lending service that unites the interests of borrowers and investors.

How to find an investor for a business from scratch in Russia: 7 ways

How to find an investor to finance a business created from scratch in Russia?

I offer 7 options:

  1. Contact your family and friends– this is the option for financing your own business that is most often used by start-ups. And here the essence of the matter is not to borrow money against a receipt or interest - the essence of the matter is to turn a friend or relative into your partner and boss, and start earning money together. This investment option is optimal if the diet involves a small amount - many friends and relatives will not have a lot of money for your project, free amounts on hand. The main thing is to convince them of the profitability of your idea and the opportunity to receive their share of passive income.
  2. We are looking for a business agent. Today in the service market there are many agents - intermediaries between a startup and an investor who are ready to help you find a potential sponsor for a certain percentage or amount of money. Agents often unite in various associations and clubs - their coordinates can be easily found on the Internet and already on the spot have a more substantive business conversation. This option of finding an investor for your own project will be of interest to those who are planning to bring something grandiose and large-scale to life. Most often, agents have access and contacts with very wealthy investors, and if they like your project and it is approved, the matter will not be about finances. But they are unlikely to sponsor projects that will not bring in a lot of money - this is not their level, and here it is worth going and choosing a different option for finding investment.
  3. Crowdfunding. If we talk about this type of search for an investor, then this phenomenon means the help of the crowd or public funding, built on the principle of mutual aid funds. This phenomenon has been gaining a lot of momentum in recent years - this option of searching for an investor has gained attention and is therefore worth taking into account. The essence of this method of finding an investor and financing one’s own project is that a person publishes his own idea on one or another specialized website, his own project, and on social networks dedicated to this area, having written down the conditions for participation in the project - those under which he intends to attract financial activists. Anyone can take part in the project, and by contributing their part of the money as a percentage or a fixed amount, you can collect the amount necessary for the implementation of the startup. Most often, this method of searching and attracting investors is used in such areas and areas as charity in the field of medicine, financing non-profit projects - recording amateur music and holding festivals, creating films and holding exhibitions.
  4. Bank loan. An option for finding an investor is to contact the bank with your own developed business project, all the necessary calculations of investments and profits, and the payback period. But this option is possible if you have stable and official earnings and can make a certain deposit in the form of real estate or a car. This option is relevant if there is a need for a large amount of money, if the initial investment in your project does not require large financial investments - you can resort to financial sponsorship from microfinance organizations, where the conditions for issuing borrowed funds are somewhat softer, although the interest rate for using the loan will be higher than in jar.
  5. Platforms for attracting business investment. If you don’t want to resort to the help of a bank or microfinance organization, you can visit specialized platforms for startups. It is on such specialized platforms that the necessary information for a beginner is posted - research and statistics, practical advice and assistance in launching new projects, plus data on investors, the ability to find their coordinates and contacts, investment conditions. In search of your own investor, you can visit online lending platforms. This is a kind of MFO or bank lending format. More specifically, such a platform could be Startups.co, which can act as a proven and reliable channel for finding a potential investor. As statistics show, more than 13.9 million potential users and investors have already been registered on the presented platform, who can act as both a consultant and a sponsor. Another proven platform that is popular among startups and investors is Gust.com - with its support, about 1.8 million dollars have been invested in many projects in recent years.
  6. Social networks of professionals– these are groups of potential investors that can be easily found on the Internet. Professional investor networks are a currently developed area where you can meet a potential sponsor working in one direction or another. Most of the sites presented on the network work with foreign investors who are ready to directly join the international, global business space.
  7. Business angels, private equity funds. If you need to find a reliable investor for your own project, you can contact a private investment company that specializes in this type of financial investment. What’s most important is that you can get approval for a variety of amounts, ranging from several thousand to several million dollars. What is the interest of the investors themselves - after a few years, to sell their own part a few years after the start of the startup. An example is the private equity fund Zunder Invest. But even if you were refused a loan of money, you were refused by a bank or an MFO, an investor - do not despair. Perhaps your investor has not yet met your path, or your project does not meet all the requirements of a potential sponsor.

Where to find an investor for a business from scratch: 5 options

To find investments, you can use the following tools and resources:

  • Social networks for professionals (LinkedIn, EFactor, Xing, Plaxo, Startup Nation, Cofoundr and Meetup)
  • Business incubators and accelerators (The best include Synergy Innovations, Ingria, the business incubator of the Academy of National Economy, the API Moscow business accelerator, the First City Business Incubator of St. Petersburg and others)
  • Platforms for startups (the full list is below)
  • Small business support funds and employment centers
  • Investment club “Business Youth” (molodost.bz/investfund_OLD)
  • Investor forums (investory.biz, investorov.net/forum, investtalk.ru/forum/)

Websites for finding investors in Russia and abroad: top 20

The most popular platforms for finding investors today are:

How to attract investment in business: ideas and platforms for startups

How to attract an investor to a startup is the first most difficult task that a novice investor who wants to implement his business idea will have to solve.

Where to find investment for a startup? To finance your project, you can use specialized online platforms for searching for private investors, the help of business angels, business accelerators and incubators, government support programs, and crowdinvesting platforms.

How to get investment for a startup? To obtain funding, the startuper must convince the investor of the viability and profitability of the project. To do this, you will need to cover the following topics in your business plan in as much detail and reasoning as possible:

  • uniqueness and prospects of the project;
  • demand for a product or service on the market;
  • investment size;
  • payback period of investments;
  • projected level of profitability;
  • guarantees for return of invested funds.

How to attract investors to a project quickly and without unnecessary problems? The search for investments and investors can be carried out using specialized online platforms:

  • Boomstarter is a Russian crowdfunding platform.
  • Planeta.ru is a platform that allows you to raise from 20,000 to 15 million rubles for the implementation of any creative idea.
  • nachinanie.ru - service for collective financing of new projects
  • Startups.co is an international platform for startups that allows you to solve the problem of how to find an investor for a project.

How to write a business plan for an investor: key points of the project

How to draw up a project for an investor? The business project summary should contain the following points:

  • description of the essence of the business idea;
  • market analysis;
  • portrait of the target audience;
  • how and with the help of what tools the idea will be monetized;
  • analysis of competitors (their strengths and weaknesses);
  • the team involved in the project implementation;
  • project benefits;
  • investment project performance indicators (payback period (DPP), MIRR, IRR (internal rate of return), ARR (return on investment ratio));
  • how much money has already been invested in the project at the start;
  • investment use plan;
  • what the investor will receive as a result and in what time frame.

How to calculate return on investment (ROI)? To calculate, you must use the following formula: ROI = PE / I * 100%, where PE is the net profit for a certain period of time (this indicator is calculated as the difference between the total profit and the cost); And - investments.

Finding investors for a business: 4 basic steps for searching + 9 sources of start-up capital.

Finding investors for business with the presence of brilliant ideas, a lot of energy and a great desire to develop, it will not require much work.

It is carried out at the initial stage of implementation of a new business project, when the problem of a lack of funds arises.

In this article we will tell you in more detail which investors will help make your dream come true.

How to find an investor for a business and how to interest him?

Every person strives to replenish his “wallet” by any means possible, especially when it comes to an investor.

Who has almost all his finances in work, thereby regularly replenishing his owner’s bank account, provided that he does not have to do anything for this.

Typically, people use this type of saving and increasing funds after they are faced with the interest that banks give for keeping it on deposit.

After all, such income barely compensates for the level of inflation.

An investor should be treated as a full partner.

On the one hand, an idea is invested in cooperation, and on the other, money.

Therefore, such a process is mutually beneficial for everyone.

Experts say that a successful search for investors for a business depends on a professionally prepared and presented presentation that can convince the investor about the profitability of the investment.

There are several points to keep in mind for investors:

  • creativity and uniqueness of the future business;
  • deposit amount;
  • payback period for a new idea;
  • detailed calculation of income.

If weighty arguments are found according to the above criteria, then we can assume that the person will unconditionally agree to cooperate.

Finding an investor to invest in a business: 4 basic steps

Action #1: Develop a Plan

Develop a plan that will subsequently be presented to the investor.

The presented presentation must convince the potential investor of the profitability and quick payback of the project.

An example of information that a business plan for an investor should contain:

A business plan for this purpose is somewhat different from the standard one.

First of all, volume.

It is believed that a document longer than 15-20 pages will “work” much less effectively than its “brother.”

Also, the difference is that this is a guide, like a step-by-step instruction for the entrepreneur himself.

But the plan prepared for investors is a marketing tool.

It should not just describe the business, but present it attractively.

For this purpose, applications, graphs, plates, and diagrams are actively used.

It is better to entrust the creation of such a document to specialized intermediary companies.

Action #2: What type of investor is needed?

Decide what kind of investor is needed to develop the idea.

For example, you can find a depositor who will provide funds for the purchase of necessary equipment for a business or expansion of an enterprise at a specified interest rate.

Or find an investor who will sponsor the business and become a co-owner in the future.

You should determine the direction in finding a investor and the specifics of your cooperation.

Action No. 3: Help from experienced businessmen

“The main thing is not the effect, but the effectiveness of actions.”
Farhad Akhmedov

Seek advice and guidance from experienced businessmen who have been working in this direction for many years.

They will help point out possible risks or simply suggest how to find an investor for a business. .

Action #4: Specialized services

Post the project and a brief description on specialized startup databases and forums for searching for business investors.

After this, after some time, maybe you will receive a call from an investor about interest in investing money in a start-up business.

We present the most popular specialized services for posting an idea and finding an investor:

  1. https://www.investclub.ru/view.php?id=10639 – the site will help you find an investor for any type of business activity.
  2. https://starttrack.ru/ – StartTrack 725 helps to conclude deals between the founder and a person who is ready to invest money in the project being presented.

    To date, there are 800 investors on the site and 40 projects are on display.

    The portal contains 4,325 projects, of which 1,423 need investment.

    https://www.napartner.ru/ is the very first startup exchange on the Russian market.

    The innovative ideas website features 1,239 investors, 9,983 “innovators” and 500 business ideas.

    There is also a section where you can purchase an already completed business.

    https://www.askcap.ru/ is one of the largest investor search databases in the country.

    The website contains profiles of 6,512 ideas, the lion's share of which are available for consideration only after authorization on the portal.

    Technology parks, incubators, accelerators, and venture funds cooperate with Askcap.

    https://angel.co/ – this service is the progenitor of the above investor search sites.

    The portal contains 1,600 startups and 421 investors from the Russian Federation.

Where to look for investors for a business?

Before looking for an investor for a business, you need to contact specialists in the economic sector who will calculate and draw up a detailed action plan.

Friends and loved ones

Finding an investor for a business is not an easy task.

It would be wise to involve all relatives and friends in such a process.

This is the most advantageous method that will reduce the expected risks to a minimum.

In addition, if the implementation of an idea requires small investments, you can interest your comrades in the profitability of the project and offer to invest their hard-earned money in promoting the business.

Naturally, at a certain monthly percentage.

Businessmen with experience

It is either big, there are businessmen who are firmly on the trading “platform” and want the already earned finances not just to sit in the bank, but to generate additional income every month.

You should warm up the person to the new idea and offer to make a contribution on terms beneficial to both parties.

Or, if the investor wishes, make him a partner.

But the latter option can fetter and limit the actions of the business founder himself.

This step should only be taken in extreme cases.


One way to find an investor for a business is through investment funds or funds founded to support start-up entrepreneurs.

But to do this, you need to provide compelling arguments that your project is vital to society.

You should know that often when contacting this organization, a businessman must already have some initial capital and be willing to invest in his business.

That is, this method is more suitable for existing enterprises that want to expand their trading area and product range.

To receive assistance, you must also provide a plan and analysis of the existing company.

Do not forget to monitor the work of investment funds, which may hold competitions and select promising works.

Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky.

Let's look at the most popular funds that have helped many budding entrepreneurs:


    The founder of the fund is Russian businessman Sergei Belousov.

    He introduced brands such as Rolsen to the world and is the creator of Parallels (a platform for hosting cloud services).

    If you manage to cooperate with this company, then there is no doubt about its profitability.

    After moving from Murmansk to Moscow, Igor Matsanyuk founded a foundation specialized in games, services and applications for phones.

    If an entrepreneur has a creative idea related to computer technology, then this fund is just for him.

  1. https://www.kiteventures.com/ is another fund for business development.

Business incubators

There are already more than a hundred business incubators in the Russian Federation.

These are structures that are created to help start-up companies get started.

Business incubators offer their residents:

  • renting premises at a reduced price (and in some cases – free of charge);
  • meeting rooms;
  • support in establishing contact with investors and buyers;
  • consultations in consulting and information matters.

The key difference between a business incubator and other forms of investor assistance is the participation of people who mentor aspiring entrepreneurs.

They function not just as “finance providers”, but also as development partners and business mentors.

If you need support from experienced businessmen, contact the following business incubators:

  • https://www.osp.ru/news/2010/0913/13003512/
  • https://inc.hse.ru/
  • https://www.inmsu.ru/ru/
  • https://www.rea.ru/ru/org/managements/orgnirupr/Pages/bi.aspx
  • https://www.ranepa.ru/kto-ya-2/student-bakalavriata/studencheskaya-zhizn-v-akademii/biznes-inkubator
  • https://rb.ru/incubator/incube/
  • https://theoryandpractice.ru/organizations/3940-biznes-inkubator-incube-ankh

Bank as an investor

When there is not even the slightest idea or all of the above options have been considered, then a bank loan is one of the options for obtaining the desired amount.

But getting it is not so easy.

Banks often make excessive demands on the borrower, which the latter cannot always cope with.

To apply for a loan, the bank provides:

  • guarantor
  • deposit amount,
  • package of relevant documents.

If bank requirements are not met, then you can be left without a business, and even with a huge debt.

A bank loan is ideal for starting a small business that does not require major capital investments.

Finding investors for a business is quite a labor-intensive task that requires enormous patience and perseverance.

It is necessary to carefully consider each of the available options and calculate possible financial losses.

If all this is done, then there is a huge chance of finding a profitable investor.

Investors among foreign businessmen

If all possible methods have been tried, but you still can’t find an investor, then you should turn to foreign entrepreneurs for help.

In the case of foreign investors, you can forget about your previous triumphs.

Such people look exclusively at real achievements in business.

Also, only those projects that can bring multi-million dollar profits (preferably in US currency) are usually considered.

A business idea does not necessarily have to be in a technological direction.

Any ideas that multiply the investor’s capital many times over are considered.

Foreign investors will never invest their capital in a project based only on the ambitions of the creator of the idea.

Exclusively the numbers and facts from the prepared business plan will be strong arguments for concluding cooperation.

You can look for foreign investors for your business idea on the following sites:

  • https://investgo24.com/ is an international portal that will help you find investments for your idea.
  • https://start2up.ru/ - will help you find a person who is ready to invest money in a business, not only in the regions of Russia, but also abroad.
  • https://www.magnat.su/ – using this site you can find not only foreign partners, but also put your own business up for sale.

By franchise

Finding investors for a business using this method guarantees rapid development and a start to enter the market platform under the auspices of a well-known brand.

Banks are happy to provide finance for the development of a franchise business.

This is one of the few cases when the latter without any problems provides the necessary funds to open a company.

And that's not all: a deferred payment period of six months is provided.

With the help of this, a novice businessman will be able to direct his strength and energy to promoting his brainchild.

Thereby speeding up the process of repaying the debt to the bank.

To obtain this type of loan, you must appoint one guarantor, and the bank is guaranteed to approve the application.

How does this method work?

Let's say a novice businessman has a promising and creative idea related to the engineering industry.

The founder contacts the authorized company (eg Porsche).

He demonstrates a presentation of his idea to its representative.

And if a company is interested in this innovation, it can give its patronage to the project in the form of financial assistance or allow the use of the official logo of the company.

When a new firm has such a patron behind it, banks consider it reliable enough to provide the necessary loan.

You will also learn from the video who an investor is and how to look for one:

Finding an investor for a business- this is not an easy matter.

Of course, you can do without outside help if you save the necessary amount and open a small grocery store.

But if the founder has a different task, then the search should be carried out in all possible places with the involvement of a large number of people.

You can also shift this task onto someone else’s shoulders and contact a specialized company that can find an investor to implement the project.

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