Easy ways to make money. Let's make money on the stock exchange in the single-player campaign! Gta 5 redwood promotions

Methods of investing on the stock exchange/stock market in GTA 5. In this article we will describe in detail the methods of investing money in the stock market by purchasing and selling shares in GTA 5. First, you need to know that in the world of the game there are two types of stock markets: LCN (The Liberty City National) and BAWSAQ.

The Liberty City National is an exchange that is designed for single player play. Its stock prices are influenced solely by what happens in the GTA 5 story campaign and by your own actions. The BAWSAQ exchange is intended exclusively for the network aspect of GTA 5. Share prices on this exchange are already influenced by Rockstar Games itself and the actions that players take in the virtual world of Los Santos.

From the above, a very obvious truth emerges - the LCN exchange will work even without a network connection, but BAWSAQ will not, since it is tied to the Rockstar Games network. To access the exchange on your PS3 console, all you need to do is sign up for a free account. It's the same on Xbox 360 and you won't need to purchase a Gold Membership. On the current generation of consoles, you can access the stock markets in the same way as on the previous generation.

Largest amount of funds in the account

The largest amount of money in an account in GTA 5 can reach the amount of $2,147,483,647. This figure has a slight quirk in that it is a representation of the maximum value of a 32-bit value.

Earning money by investing through Leicester missions

Now we will describe to you a way to get very rich after completing Lester's missions and investing your money in certain stocks. Everything is extremely simple. Below you can find a description of your actions, company shares and some other useful figures.

Lester's First Mission: Assassination - Hotel

The first steps towards getting rich begin with a mission called "Murder - Hotel", in which we take control of Franklin. Before you begin this task, there are two conditions: each of the three must have a decent amount of money in their account and you will need to buy BettaPharmaceuticals shares on an online exchange BAWSAQ for all this money. As soon as you meet these conditions, start the mission.

So, you have completed the mission. Now you need to wait four in-game days. To do this, you can simply save twelve times in a row. As a result, the price of purchased shares BettaPharmaceuticals will rise to 81,5% . Sell ​​the shares and take your money.

You need to understand that your income from this game on the stock exchange will depend on your funds in your bank account at the moment. That is, you can earn millions of dollars by buying/selling.

Lester's second mission: Assassination - 4 targets

The next mission from Lester will become available to complete as soon as you finish completing the first one, which is obvious, of course. As in the previous point, collect all the money from the three main characters and invest it in stocks Debonaire Cigarettes on the exchange LCN(The Liberty City National). Now you need to perform a series of steps.

First, you need to wait about 3 hours in the game so that the prices for the purchased shares increase by 80% . After reaching this threshold, we shift our gaze to a competitive company - Redwood.

We are waiting for their stock prices to become 50 dollars each and then sell all the shares Debonaire Cigarettes and use all the proceeds to buy company shares Redwood. After which you need to wait again for four game days for the prices of the purchased shares to increase. On the fourth day, Redwood stock prices should jump by 300% . We sell shares and get our jackpot.

Lester's Third Mission: Assassination - Panel

We recommend that you start doing this mission only after completing the story of GTA 5, since it is during this period that you can make the biggest profit. Mission "Murder - Panel" will become available to you immediately after completing the mission called “Black Helicopter”.

Again we take all the money from the troika’s accounts and invest them in company shares Fruit, which can be found on the network exchange BAWSAQ. Once you buy a stock, expect it to rise to the level of 51% . Then we immediately sell the company's shares Fruit and buy shares with this money Facade. Now we wait about three game days. As soon as Facade share prices rise by 33% — we sell them and receive revenue.

Lester's Fourth Mission: Assassination - Bus

Your actions from the fourth mission will be different from what we did in the previous three. You will buy shares after the end of the mission "Murder - Bus". As soon as you complete this mission, then buy shares of the company with all the money Vapid on the stock market BAWSAQ. Now you need to wait about two days in the game. Once the price is on Vapid will rise to 100% , then sell them and get double the revenue.

Lester's Fifth Mission: Assassination - Construction

In the fifth mission, everything is repeated again, as in the cases of the first three. Before the mission starts "Murder - Construction", we buy shares of the company with all the money the troika has Goldcoast. We wait about three days and wait for the stock price to rise by 81% . As soon as this happens, we immediately sell them and get our huge sum.

Somewhere at the beginning of the article, we pointed out to you the maximum possible amount of money in your account in GTA 5. So, this was done for a reason, since by the actions described above, you can earn yourself exactly the amount of $2,147,483,647. Of course, it still depends on your initial capital when playing in the stock markets, but nevertheless the amount should be excellent.

Other investments

If you listen to the players, it becomes clear that they were unable to take Lester’s advice in time (i.e., the actions that we described above) and they missed their chance to get rich. However, there is another way to get rich, and now we will also look at it.

Random event #31

In this random event, you will have to let down one businessman whose car has broken down. While you are driving to the place indicated by him, he will give you one piece of advice about investing money. And the advice is this: invest money in stocks Tinkle on the exchange BAWSAQ.

Complete the mission and buy company shares Tinkle. Now you will need to wait a couple of game days. As soon as the prices for the purchased shares reach the level of 33% , then sell the shares and take your profit. The amount earned will be proportional to your initial investment.

Competition between companies

On many sites you can find advice that you can make huge amounts of money if you take advantage of the competition between warring companies correctly. For example, you can damage the property of one of the companies or kill an employee at its enterprise in order to lower the price of its shares and increase it on the enemy's side.

However, even if you constantly try to do this, you will not be able to earn much. A lot of money can be obtained, perhaps, only from competition between companies Raine And Ecola. With them, everything is quite simple: we buy Raine shares, ruin the life of Ecola and sell the Raine shares that have increased in price.

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One of the ways to make money in GTA 5 is through Exchanges. There are a total of 2 securities exchanges in the game, these are BAWSAQ And LCN.

LCN is a securities exchange in the GTA 5 game, which changes in terms of rising and falling prices only from the single player campaign of the game. That is, during the passage of missions, interaction with the main characters, and completion of a certain stage of the game’s progress.

BAWSAQ - directly depends on all the people who play, as well as on Rockstar’s decisions to change price tags, and this exchange only works if there is an active Internet connection. For example, if players buy armor and weapons in large quantities, then Ammu-Nation shares rise.

GTA 5 How to Make Money on the Stock Exchange, Promotions

To quickly make money by buying and selling shares and securities on stock exchanges, you need to familiarize yourself with the side (additional) missions from Lester, which, if completed correctly, will significantly increase your capital and financial condition in the game. Read more below and how to make money on missions.

How to make money in the mission "Murder - Hotel" - Task 1

Before starting the mission, you must go to the BAWSAQ exchange and buy shares Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET) for all the funds available to you. Next, complete the mission, and upon completion, wait 4 in-game days, and then sell the shares back with a price increase of 81.5%.

How to earn money in the mission "Murder - Four Targets" - Task 2

Before starting the task, go to the LCN exchange and buy back the company's shares Debonaire Cigarettes. Upon completion of the mission, wait about 2.5 hours of game time, open the Liberty City National exchange and begin to look closely at the company Redwood. As soon as the cost of 1 of their shares reaches $50, quickly sell all shares Debonaire Cigarettes, and immediately invest all your money in Redwood, then wait four game days. Just at this time, the company's shares Redwood will rise by 300% - sell them here.

How to earn money in the mission "Murder - Panel" - Task 3

And so, before starting the task, we invest all the money in the company Fruit (FRT)- its shares can be purchased on the BAWSAQ exchange. After completing the mission, wait for the stock to rise by 50%, repeat the steps from the previous tip, but this time turn your attention to the company Facade. As soon as their shares rise by 33%, feel free to sell.

How to make money in the mission "Murder - Bus" - Task 4

This time you will only need to buy back shares at completion tasks. Open the BAWSAQ exchange and buy shares of the company Vapid (VAP). Having purchased shares, wait two game days, and then, after a 100% rise in prices, sell them.

How to make money in the mission "Murder - Construction" - Task 5

Before starting the mission, visit LCN and buy shares of the company Goldcoast. After completing the mission, once the stock profits Goldcoast will rise to 80% - feel free to sell them.

Additional task

In addition to these missions, the game has an interesting sub-mission with businessman who needs to be taken to the airport. If you listen to his advice to invest money in Tinkle (TNK) on BAWSAQ, you can make good money. To do this, immediately after completing the task, buy back the shares and wait for them to grow by 30%, and then sell them.

How to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5 using competitive companies

In GTA 5, there are competitive companies on the stock exchanges, by influencing which you can change the rise and fall of stock prices for the opposing company. For example, if you hijack a company plane FlyUS, but before that, having invested in the shares of their competitor AirEmu, then after the theft incident, AirEmu’s shares will increase sharply - here you can increase your capital by selling their shares at a higher price, thereby benefiting from rising prices. Here is a note on competing companies in GTA 5 on stock exchanges:
  • Bilkington And DollarPills
  • Pisswasser And Logger
  • MazeBank And BankOfLiberty
  • Redwood And Debonaire
  • Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter And Bullhead
  • RadioLosSantos And WorldwideFM
  • eCola And Raine
  • CoolBeans And BeanMachine
  • Burgershot And Up-An-Atom
  • Clucking Bell And TacoBomb
  • FlyUS And AirEmu
  • GoPostal And PostOP

Also, do not forget that you have 3 playable characters at your disposal. That is, you can, with all three heroes, buy shares from one company on a clean sheet, spoil them for a competitor, as a result of which all the shares that your heroes will have will rise sharply in price.

Some more tips for trading stocks in GTA 5:

  • If there is not enough money for your operations, then simply complete the story campaign to the end, and you will have $25 million at your disposal;
  • If you don’t want to wait for the stock to rise, then just put the character to bed - time will fly by faster;
  • Invest in companies with competitors - this way you will know that a fall in the shares of one company increases the shares of another;
  • You can invest in Augery Insurance (AUG), and then start destroying city cars - the shares will skyrocket and you will earn extra money.
Finally, a list of abbreviations on the LCN exchange:

ARK - Animal Ark
AUG - Augury Insurance
BAN - Cool Beans
BEN - Bean Machine
BRG - Burgershot
BIL - Bilkington
BOL - Bank of Liberty
BOM - BobMulet
BUL - Bullhead
CLK - Clucking Bell
DEB - Debonaire
DOP - Dollar Pills
ECL - eCola
EMU - AirEmu
GAS - Gastro Band
GCD - GoldCoast
GOP - GoPostal
GRU - GruppeSechs
HAF - Hammerstein and Faust
HJK - Hijak
KRP - Krapea
LFI - Liveinvader
LOG - Logger
MAX - Max Renda
MAZ - Maze Bank
MER - Merryweather
MOR - Mors Mutual Insurance
POP - PostOP
PROP - Prolaps
RAI - Raine
RIM - Richards Majestic
RLS - Radio Los Santos
SSS - Slaughter, Slaughter, and Slaughter
TBO - Taco Bomb
UNI - Vanilla Unicorn
UPA - Up-An-Atom
VAG - Vangelico
WFM - World Wide FM


AMU - Ammu-nation
BDG - Badger
BET - Betta Pharmaceuticals
BIN - Binco
BLE - Bleeter
BRU - Brute
BTR - Bittersweet
DGP - Daily Globe
EYE - Eyefind
FAC - Facade
FRT - Fruit
GOT - Grain of Truth
HAL - Hawk and Little
HVY - HVY Industries
LSC - Los Santos Customs
LST - LST Transport
MAI - Malbatsu
PIS - Pisswasser
PMP - Pump n Run
PON - Ponsonbys
RON - Ron Oil
SHR - Shrewsbury
SHT - Schyster
SPU - Sprunk
SUB – Suburban
TNK - Tinkle
UMA - Ubermacht
VAP - Vapid
VOM - Vom Feuer
WAP - Dept. Water and Power
WIZ - Whiz
WZL - Weazel

To get gold for this mission you need:
1. Kill a target with a sniper rifle.

This is the first task, after completing it you can make very good money by buying and selling shares. How to do it? And it's very simple: BEFORE How to take this task, buy shares of the company with all three characters BettaPharmaceuticals for all the money. In my case it turned out like this: Franklin bought 428 shares for 196.893$ , Michael 2543 pieces on 1.169.857$ , Trevor 350 pieces per 156.411$ . The price per share was $460.02. Now we switch to Franklin and take the task from Lester.

1. We go to the multi-level parking lot at the Von Krastenburg Hotel and go up to the top floor. We take a position with a sniper rifle with a silencer on the roof of the car in which we arrived (see screenshot below).

2. Our goal is a man in a pink shirt. When you see him, shoot.

3. Now get into your car and jump down from the springboard.

4. This will complete the mission. In just half a minute, Lester will call Franklin and say that he bought a house in Vinewood Hills. And to minimize tax payments, someone needs to live there. So this house will be given to Franklin.

5. We go to our new home, go down to the ground floor and sleep on the bed 3-4 times until the percentage of income of our shares reaches 49.99$ . Now you can sell them. Franklin's profit will be 98.444$ , Trevor will earn 78.203$ , and Michael will receive accordingly 584.915$ .

6. Now we are spending all our money on securities again. This time we are buying shares of the company Bilkinton on the LCN exchange at a price of about $80 per piece. You will need to sell them after completing the next mission.

Next mission: "

It's no secret that in GTA games for quite a long time you can make money not just by killing other characters, robberies or selling stolen cars. With each new episode, your earning potential expands - already from the third part you can buy a business and then receive a stable income from it. This is just one of many examples of how you can make money. What does the fifth episode of the legendary series offer you in this regard? Naturally, you can use a variety of new features, such as robbing an ATM, attacking, or searching underwater for sunken bags of money. But first of all, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the financial exchanges on which you can trade in GTA 5. How to make money on the exchange? You will learn about this from this article.

LCN Exchange

Naturally, the game does not have the variety of financial exchanges that exists in reality. You will only come across two exchanges in GTA 5, the first of which is LCN. This exchange will be of interest to those players who prefer single-player mode and storyline progression or regular GTA 5 freeplay. How to make money on the LCN exchange? The fact is that here stock prices rise and fall only a little on their own - to a greater extent, it is you who influence how much the shares will cost. So you can use this to get maximum profit by performing certain actions, which will be discussed later - in fact, almost everything you do will affect the stock prices in GTA 5. How to make money on the LCN exchange, you You’ll find out very soon - first you need to figure out what another exchange is.

Exchange BAWSAQ

If the first exchange is intended for single-player play, then you can easily guess that the second one is suitable for the multiplayer mode of GTA 5. BAWSAQ? This will be much more difficult to do, because stock prices are influenced not only by your actions, but also by what other gamers will do. So here you will not be able to go do some significant act and then take advantage of it - this exchange requires much more care, and if you want to make serious money, then you will have to closely monitor share prices, buying and selling them at the right time . As a matter of fact, this is the main way to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5 - this is what will be discussed further.

Rising and falling prices

If you want to know how to make money on the stock market in GTA 5, then you need to understand that stocks are exactly what you need to buy and sell. So, if you want to trade on the stock exchange and make money from it, then first of all you need to go to the menu of the exchange that you have chosen for yourself. There you will see the prices of shares of companies existing in the game, which are constantly either rising in price or falling. You need to pay attention to those shares that are marked with a green arrow up - these are the ones you need to buy. After purchasing, keep an eye on how things are going on the stock exchange - if the price of your shares rises, then you can sell them at any time and get income from it. It is advisable not to sell stocks too early - wait for them to fall slightly for the first time after a long rise, and sell them immediately to extract close to maximum profits. But using only this method, you will never learn how to make a lot of money on the stock exchange in GTA 5.

Impact on prices

As mentioned earlier, if you want to learn how to make money on the stock market in GTA 5, you shouldn’t just wait for the weather by the sea. The fact is that by your actions you can influence the state of affairs on the stock exchange. Accordingly, this is exactly what you need to aim for. For example, if you buy a large quantity of guns, the stock price of the gun manufacturer will rise. Thus, before purchasing weapons, also purchase shares of the relevant company in order to make a greater profit. You can also play short - for example, you can destroy a large number of cars, which will lead to a fall in the price of shares of a car manufacturing company. All you have to do is buy shares at a low price and wait until it recovers to its normal level in order to sell them at a much higher price. Well, now you know how to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5.


The last thing you should know about stock exchanges is that there are those missions after which there is a record growth of certain stocks. For example, if you buy shares of BetaPharmaceuticals before completing the mission "Murder - Hotel", then three days after completing the task you can receive fifty percent of the profit. Special attention should be paid to the mission “Murder - 4 targets”. Here you need to purchase shares of the Debonaire Cigarettes company in order to receive ninety percent of the profit three days after completing the task. But that's not all - if you buy Redwood shares immediately after that, in a few days you will receive a 300% return, which is simply incredible.

In this guide you will learn how to get rich after beating the game.

After completing all the robberies, each of the heroes will have about 40 million in their account. Now you have a chance to increase these amounts on the exchange with the help of Lester’s tasks.
1 task - "Murder - Hotel"
Let me remind you that to complete the plot, you will have to go through the first mission - “Murder in the Hotel”. Although there will be little money in the account, you can increase the amount, as this will be inevitable.

Before your assignment, visit the BAWSAQ website and invest in BettaPharmaceuticals stock. Complete this for all 3 heroes, and then return to Franklin and begin the task. Once you kill the head of a rival corporation, the stock will rise. Wait until prices stabilize in the market and amount to 180% of the initial price (that is, rise by 80%). Start selling them before the price starts to fall.

Task 2 - "Kill 4 targets"
The second task is “Murder - 4 targets”, leave it for completion after completing the main plot. First, we suggest you pay all your money for shares of the cigarette magnate Debonair, which can be purchased on the LCN exchange. After this, begin completing Lester's quest for Franklin. Then everything is simple - wait until prices rise, and then dump the shares back.

After you sell Debonair shares, buy Redwood shares, which dropped to pennies after you completed the task. It will be a long wait, but the shares will eventually be worth the same as when they started trading. Then you will sell them, increasing your account several times.

Task 3 - "Murder - Panel"
The third task - “Murder - Panel”, just like the past, will bring us quite a bit of profit on BAWSAQ.

Buy Fruit shares before the mission, and after the mission, sell them and invest in the Facade company. Just like in the previous task, the shares fell greatly in price, but over time they will return to their initial level.

Task 4 - "Murder - Bus"
The next task will be “Murder - Bus”. There is no need to invest money anywhere before him. After you kill the victim, go to BAWSAQ and buy back shares of the Vapid company with all the money. Now they have fallen to $162 per unit, but after a while they will return to $320 per share. This will double your gaming capital.

Last task - "Murder - Construction"
Lester's last mission will be "Murder - Construction". Purchase all GoldCoast Dev assets on LCN and complete the task to the end. In a day the shares will jump by 80%, then sell them.

Additional task
You can earn money on the GTA 5 exchange not only during missions with Lester. As the game progresses, the task “Hitch Lift 1” will be available to you, in which you will have to deliver one trader to the airport, who is in a hurry to catch a flight to Liberty City. If you help him, he will help you and tell you who you need to invest money on in order to make money.

You can find this meeting in the center of the town of Chumash, which is nicely located on the western coast of the state. It is assigned a blue marker on the map. He catches passing traffic near the Great Ocean Highway exit onto Ineseno Road. You have to get to Los Santos Airport in 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Before the mission, go to BAWSAQ and deposit money on Tinkle (TNK), a mobile operator company. After completing the mission, you need to wait a day and then sell shares on the stock exchange. The capital gain will be approximately 40%.

1) If before this, you managed to complete all the above trades on the exchange without missing a single transaction - the total income for all sales, including this one, will be more than $2.5 billion.

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