Know your business

What do you need to open a nightclub? How to open a club? Entertainment business: requirements and features of development.

The activities of the night club are managed by a director (manager) appointed by the founder. Its functions include the solution of the whole range of issues related to the activities of the institution.

The director (manager) is directly subordinate to the managers of the technology department (shift manager), the program director (promoter) responsible for the entertainment part of the club’s work (most often everything related to marketing belongs to his department), accounting with the personnel department (usually combined), engineer for operation (senior technician), whose department provides the technical side of the activity, the head of the security service shift.

The casino staff must have at least two managers whose duties - in shift work - include constant visual monitoring of the work of the nightclub, the actions of visitors and employees of the establishment. In the event of disputes between club employees and visitors, he acts as an arbitrator, whose decision is final. The shift manager is considered the main official club that day. His recommendations and instructions are binding on club employees and visitors. Often the manager has to accept complaints from both visitors and employees about the supposedly incompetent actions and decisions of the shift manager. But these are all emotions. Typically, the manager selects managers who strictly perform the tasks assigned to them by the management. Those who do not agree with the policy of the club do not stay in such positions for a long time.

The most numerous employees of the club are employees of the technological department (bartenders, cooks, waiters, barbeques, cleaners, buyers). Their total number depends on the number of bar counters, seating at the tables in the institution, the total number of rooms in the club. The director (manager) of the club determines the work schedule for the employees of this department for a month. For the rest of the departments, a recommended work schedule for the staff is drawn up, which is adjusted on the spot. The peak of the load on the work of the institution occurs on calendar weekends and holidays, when all the employees of the nightclub go out in full force and often work in excess of the stated opening hours of the institution. Some establishments have special requirements for hall employees:

wear clothes without pockets;

do not have any jewelry on your hands.

The club has a security service (SB), the main task of which is to protect the interests of the club from unlawful encroachments on its property by any persons and to protect the dignity, honor, health and personal property of visitors to the institution from criminal encroachments. The work of the Security Council is supervised by its chief, who determines the number of employees and distributes duties among them. The activity of the security service is licensed. Also, Security Service employees must have a license to work. Those clubs that do not have the opportunity to make a license for the SB call their guards administrators. Go to such a trick from the inspection authorities. The head of the security service usually reports directly only to the founder (owner) of the institution.

On each specific day, the work of the club is serviced by a duty unit of the Security Service, consisting of a shift supervisor appointed by the head of the Security Service, employees of stationary security posts, a dance floor security team, a technical means control group, and a security reserve. The quantitative composition of the duty unit of the Security Service is determined by its head.

The shift supervisor directly supervises the activities of the duty unit and - in the absence of the head of the Security Service - is the senior official of the Security Service in the club. He reports only to the director of the club. His safety instructions are binding on all other employees.

The functions of security officers working at stationary posts: checking the availability of entrance tickets from visitors, compliance with public order at the entrance, both inside and outside, prevention and suppression of illegal attempts to enter the territory of the club. In total, two stationary posts are installed; the first is at the main entrance to the club, and the other is at the service entrance. The first stationary post is served by three security officers, the second - by one or two security officers (at the discretion of the shift supervisor).

Functions of Security Service employees working in the dance floor team: visual control of the order in the hall, prevention and suppression of any illegal actions of club visitors or its employees that violate the order in the hall, internal rules and requirements of the institution.

The number of Security Service employees working in the team serving the dance floor is determined by the shift supervisor. Surveillance cameras can be installed at certain points in the hall. From time to time, Security Service employees move around the hall, carefully observing the behavior of visitors and club employees.

Functions of the control group by technical means: monitoring the process of serving visitors by bartenders and waiters, as well as suppressing illegal actions of visitors. The control group by technical means is located in a separate room. Monitors are installed in the room, on the screens of which the tracking cameras installed throughout the club, even in completely unexpected places, transmit the image. If necessary, the control group can carry out audio and video recording of what is happening in the club. The number of employees of the control group by technical means is determined by the head of the SB shift.

The functions of the Security Service employees who are in reserve: to be in constant readiness to come to the aid of the Security Service employees at stationary posts and the dance floor team, as well as providing assistance if an order is received from the shift supervisor. The number of security personnel on standby is determined by the shift supervisor. [ 3 ]

Financial activities of the nightclub

In cases where night club is not a legal entity, but is one of the divisions of the parent organization, then all its financial activities are reflected in the accounting documents of the organization. It is the parent organization that owns all the equipment of the club, the employees are in its staff, and, accordingly, all the income of the institution is the income of the parent organization. In the interests of the club, the parent organization concludes agreements with legal entities and individuals, and bears responsibility for them.

Calculations with the budget for the amounts received from the nightclub are made as follows: from total amount profits received by the parent organization from all types of activities, the amount of profit from the activities of the club is deducted.

The club's profit is formed as the difference between the amount of income from the club's activities and the club's actual costs included in the full cost of organizing this activity. The income of the club is formed from the proceeds from the sale of entrance tickets, the sale of drinks from the bar, the proceeds of the restaurant. It happens: non-profit organization"Public Charitable Foundation" establishes the club. All money from the activities of the club goes to the fund. And the tax authorities do not have the right to check the financial activities of the fund.

Rules of conduct for visitors to the nightclub

Individuals who meet the accepted requirements for a nightclub visitor can purchase a fixed-price entry ticket (subject to availability). The ticket price is determined by the club administration.

Visitors to the club are required to follow the rules of conduct on its territory:

behave correctly, with restraint, not allow obscene expressions and behavior that violates the peace and rest of other visitors;

promptly comply with the requirements of the security officers. At the same time, a visitor who does not agree with the requirements of a security officer has the opportunity to challenge his actions with the administrator, but only after all the requirements of the employee are met by him.

Visitors are prohibited from:

enter the club in a state of intoxication or in a state of narcotic intoxication;

bring into the territory of the club any type of weapon, regardless of the presence of documents giving the right to carry it, as well as poisonous, combustible and explosive substances;

to make film, photo and video filming on the territory of the casino without the permission of the administration;

visit the institution in sports and work clothes.

The club administration has the right to expel any visitor from the club without explanation.

The fitness club staff consists of the following groups:

  • * Service staff.
  • * Technical specialists.
  • * Coaching staff.
  • * Specialists additional services.
  • * Marketing specialists.
  • * Administration.

The first task of the administration is to recruit personnel capable of implementing the concept of the entire project, each in his own place and within his own official duties. The second task is to create opportunities for the staff to do this, not forgetting that it is the employees who contribute to the flow of money. The third task is to ensure continuous monitoring of the business process in all aspects, and, above all, in financial terms, identifying negative trends in time and responding constructively to them. The fourth task is to carry out strategic planning in accordance with new trends.

As part of the first task, it is necessary to select and train qualified personnel. The task itself is not easy, given the ever-increasing demand for fitness professionals. However, as in any kind of activity, there are many specialists - few good ones. In the field of fitness, everything is further complicated by the fact that a fitness specialist (trainer) can brilliantly prove himself in a fitness club of one format, but suffer an absolute collapse in another. For example, a recognized specialist in building muscle mass, who has no price in a bodybuilding club, is unlikely to cause a stir in a corporate fitness club, in which informal communication with clients during training and a certain solution to the problems of the team are the basis of the training methodology. This doesn't just apply to coaches. Any employee of a fitness club communicates with customers. And the level of communication should correspond to the same target group of potential consumers. And not just direct communication.

In fitness, a coach is a model of what any client can become. However, we should not forget that the main purpose of a trainer in a commercial fitness club is to interest the client, teach him to competently work on himself without creating health problems, to keep, and, as a result, stimulate him to leave as much as possible. more money at the register. This is the only quality criterion by which, by the way, it should be evaluated. At the same time, demonstrating your excellent sports form as an example is a secondary task.

A separate question is who will manage all this - about the director or the manager of the fitness center. In fact, these are different types of activities. The director is called upon to solve the main strategic tasks, his main quality is creativity, that is, the ability to develop new ideas and approaches. A manager is a practitioner who implements these tasks. Its main purpose is to monitor the smooth operation of the mechanism. Just like any employee, the director must comply with the concept of the club, that is, have experience in managing a club of this format.

The basis of remuneration in a fitness center should be the principle of material interest of each employee, a commission based on the results of activities.

Only this way allows the staff to feel their involvement in the process of meeting the needs of visitors.

The minimum required number of fitness center employees is 20 people. This is due to the long working day of the enterprise and the need to organize shifts, as well as give rest to employees (usually clubs work about 14-16 hours a day).

The attractiveness and profitability of fitness in the world practice are significant. So, according to the research of A. G. Kashirin, 4.5 million people are employed in the world. The financial resources that circulate in this area and stimulate intensive international trade have brought the sports business to 22nd place among other types of business. Fitness centers are one of the main components of the sports industry.

From lucky marketing policy fitness center depends not only on its financial well-being, but the ability to play any significant role in society.

Since the main concept of marketing is a product, it is worth deciding what a product is in relation to fitness centers.

In the context of the marketing aspects of the functioning of fitness centers, a product is a service that satisfies the need for physical activity. The services of fitness centers are offered to the consumer both under various brands and without them and provide a range of recreational activities based on a person's physical activity.

Since the sale of the service occurs before its actual consumption, the fitness center needs to demonstrate the quality of its service and the level of professionalism through material evidence (location, equipment, cleanliness and design of the premises), as well as the professionalism, courtesy, attention of the staff.

F. Kotler defined the importance of the attitude of staff towards consumers as interaction marketing - an integral aspect of the competitiveness of a fitness center in the market.

Among the services of the fitness center there is one main one - the sale of a subscription (or membership card) and several additional ones.|

Each service - basic or additional - needs its own marketing and positioning. At the same time, the whole range of services should correspond to each other and not enter into an image or positional conflict.

After defining your service, as well as additional services or their absence, it is necessary to determine other marketing aspects of the functioning of fitness centers.

In order to interest buyers in purchasing the services of a fitness center, it is necessary to take into account a number of aspects.

The competitiveness of fitness centers is based on the work of all departments and subdivisions, organizational structure, pricing policy that corresponds to the capabilities of the target group of consumers, diversity and purposefulness of marketing activities.

A visitor to the fitness center, due to a lack of understanding of the service, cannot count on a specific result from the estimated hours spent in the gym or aerobics. Consumers analyze the expected quality of the service by the location of the office or the place where the process of providing the service will directly take place, by the interior design, equipment, fitness center staff and the information received.

Another important feature of the fitness center service is the fact that the visitor is essentially a direct participant in the service process. The final result of the service is directly affected by both the fitness center and the consumer.

The quality of the services provided in different fitness centers is different. Therefore, consumers choose a fitness center from several alternative options. It is for this reason that the percentage of renewal of subscriptions (membership cards) can serve as an indicator of the quality of service.

If the consumer is satisfied with the quality of the service, then he continues to use the services of the same fitness center.

The process of liberalization of some sectors of the service sector - communications, transport, banking and entertainment - has given rise to price competition.

The examples of many well-known companies demonstrate that customers rate the services offered by various fitness centers as similar. Therefore, the buyer tends to think more about the price than about the essence of the offer and the level of professionalism.

In this situation, fitness centers may face fierce price competition that will benefit consumers.

An alternative to price competition is the differentiation of the offer, the process of providing services and the image of the fitness center.

Offer differentiation means developing new services to differentiate them from competitors' offerings. The main problem in offering differentiation is that innovations are easily copied by competitors. However, fitness centers that regularly innovate and innovate gain a temporary advantage over the competition.

Fitness centers have the opportunity to stand out with the quality of service delivery, increasing the number of service personnel, offering an attractive physical environment in which the service is provided.

One of the most effective ways to differentiate a fitness center's services is to continually offer better services than the competition. The key to attracting the target segment of customers to the consumption of the services of a particular fitness center is to meet the expectations of consumers regarding the quality of the service. Consumer expectations are formed under the influence of their past experience, information from acquaintances and advertising.

Consumers choose a fitness center and after visiting compare the expected quality of the service with the actual one. If the impressions about the service provided do not correspond to the expected presentation, the consumer loses interest in the fitness center, otherwise he is inclined to use the offered service again.

Preserving and improving the quality of services of any company involves the passage of three stages in the process of carrying out activities.

The first is staff recruitment and training. Fitness center instructors and administrative staff must go through a multi-stage training preparatory period before starting their practical activities directly with club visitors. Significant funds are used to pay for travel and participation in various conventions held by world-renowned instructors and sports club managers.

To improve the competitive professional level of staff, it is necessary to participate in all conventions of the international system IHRSA (International Professional Association of Fitness Centers), where representatives of all areas of fitness clubs gather.

The second stage is the identification of general directions and trends in the strategic planning of services marketing and the development of market development tactics. In the course of work, it is necessary to take into account many factors that affect the entire work of the company: the state of the business environment, the level of competition and the macroeconomic market situation.

The third and final stage is monitoring the degree of customer satisfaction with the service using a system for analyzing complaints and suggestions, studying the opinions of the company's consumers, comparing the quality of competitors' services with the quality of their own services.

staff fitness marketing consumer

1. I (the Client) hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me in the course of sending an application for information and consulting services / admission to study in educational programs.

2. I confirm that the number I have provided mobile phone, is my personal phone number allocated to me by the mobile operator, and is ready to bear responsibility for the negative consequences caused by the indication by me of a mobile phone number belonging to another person.

The Group of Companies includes:
1. LLC "MBSH", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.
2. MBSH Consulting LLC, legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
3. CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means:
Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training / receiving information and consulting services on the pages of the Website of the Group of Companies
(namely: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, selected training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, email address).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is a legal representative individual under the age of 18, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), who filled out the Application for training/receiving information and consulting services on the Website of the Group of Companies, thus expressing their intention to use the educational/information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

5. The Group of Companies generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Group of Companies proceeds from the fact that the Client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form (Application Form), and maintains this information up to date.

6. The Group of Companies collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for admission to training / receiving information and consulting services from the Group of Companies and organizing the provision of educational / information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

7. The collected information allows sending to the e-mail address and mobile phone number specified by the Client, information in the form of e-mails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS mailing) in order to conduct a reception for the provision of services by the Group of Companies, organization educational process, sending important notices such as changes to the terms, conditions and policies of the Group of Companies. Also, such information is necessary for promptly informing the Client about all changes in the conditions for the provision of information and consulting services and organizing the educational and admission process for training in the Group of Companies, informing the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other events of the Group of Companies, by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for the purpose of identifying a party under agreements and contracts with the Group of Companies, communication with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. When working with the personal data of the Client, the Group of Companies is guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

9. I am informed that at any time I can opt out of receiving information by e-mail by sending an e-mail to: . It is also possible to unsubscribe from receiving information to the e-mail address at any time by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the letter.

10. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive SMS mailings to the mobile phone number indicated by me by sending an e-mail to the address:

11. The Group of Companies takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the Client's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.

12. This agreement and the relations between the Client and the Group of Companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

13. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions indicated by the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing relations between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of the provision of the Services and the Client's access to the personalized services of the Website of the Group of Companies.

LLC "MBSH" legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
MBSH Consulting LLC legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

Currently, nightclubs are very widespread around the world, including in Russia. There are hundreds of them in large cities with millions of people. Clubs can be built even in small towns. Building your own nightclub is a small business that is actively developing today.

Night clubs are institutions whose main area is service and recreation. A nightclub is a worthy place to invest money. Such a business has great prospects, despite the huge competition. Of great importance is the fact that today's youth loves to go to clubs. Some go there rarely, others - all the time.

Thus, nightclubs are one of the places where people can forget, get away from the hustle and bustle and relax. The nightclub is suitable for relaxing with friends, celebrating a housewarming party, listening to good music. All this makes such institutions very popular. Let us consider in more detail the business plan of a nightclub using the example of a large city. But before that, you need to find out what clubs are.

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Types of nightlife Required documents

As mentioned above, clubs can be very diverse. The most popular are night clubs, bar clubs, night game clubs, gay clubs and others. The latter are banned in many cities. The most numerous group are ordinary nightclubs. The nightclub business plan includes a list of provisions that need to be implemented. It includes choosing the location of the future nightclub, renting the premises or building it from scratch, purchasing the necessary equipment, establishing relationships with suppliers of raw materials, choosing the interior of the premises, recruiting staff, establishing pricing policy: determination of the cost of products, entrance to the club, size wages employees, calculation of profits and expenses.

So, the first thing to do is to decide on a place. Usually clubs are located in busy areas. It is better that it be the city center or the main streets of outlying areas. It is important that there are not many competitors nearby, otherwise the business may fail. Many clubs are in major shopping malls, which is very convenient, as thousands of people pass there every day. The second step is to collect necessary documentation. In order for the club to be able to work, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary and epidemiological service to carry out entrepreneurial activities. In addition, documents on the territorial management of property are required. If the premises will be rented, then permission from the fire department is not required.

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Registration and sanitary and epidemiological supervision

In parallel with this, the future businessman must register with the local tax office as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. The latter option is the most optimal, as it can save time and money. The list of documents will also be smaller. An important point is that in many nightclubs hot meals are organized for customers, that is, this institution can be partially attributed to catering. Because of all this, close supervision is organized for him by the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities.

It is divided into preventive and current. Preventive measures are carried out at the stage of site allocation, construction and commissioning of the facility. At the same time, an expert opinion is given.

After the club begins to work, he is given time to establish business. A few years later, scheduled inspections begin. They are held every 3 years. But they can be carried out more often in the form of unscheduled trips, for example, in case of complaints from visitors to the institution and the like. If violations are found, a fine is given or the work of the club is temporarily suspended until the violations are corrected. All checks are carried out on the basis of sanitary rules and building codes, GOSTs and other regulations.

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Purchase of the necessary equipment

For the club to work successfully, you need to purchase necessary equipment, furniture and other interior items.

The following equipment will be required: equipment for music, light and music, bar counters, shop windows, cash registers, mirrors, wardrobe equipment, tables, chairs and upholstered furniture for visitors and staff.

In addition, if it is planned to organize meals in the club, then you will need an oven, microwave ovens, stoves, dishes, refrigeration equipment. All this will cost a lot of money.

The important point is to find a conscientious equipment supplier. Musical equipment can be bought at a regular music store, for big city It's not a problem. Don't skimp on this. All equipment must be modern and new so that it lasts for a long time and visitors to the establishment can experience good sound quality. In addition to equipment, you need to stock up on utensils. It must be in abundance. All utensils must be clean, especially glasses. This is the responsibility of the bartender - to keep order at the bar counter.

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Room interior. Possible Ideas

The interior is very important. It's not worth saving. It is recommended that the room be spacious. You can organize several halls: dancing and quiet. In one it will be possible to have fun, and in the other - to chat calmly. Floors and walls must be smooth. It is desirable to finish the floor with tiles so that it is easier to wash and process. Tables should be located on the periphery so that it is comfortable and possible to observe what is happening on the stage and the dance floor. This is very important, since in most clubs, in addition to music, entertainment shows are also organized. It can be performances of famous singers, dancers.

The hall must be equipped with light music or laser devices. The wardrobe should be large, the presence of mirrors is mandatory. It is better to organize sanitary facilities separate for men and girls. They need to be equipped with modern appliances, air towels, sinks, urinals. In the kitchen, order and all anti-epidemic requirements for cooking must also be observed. In order for all equipment to work, the first step is to carry out communications: electricity, hot and cold water supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, sewerage and waste disposal. In the hot season, it is especially important to equip the club with an air conditioning system so that visitors feel comfortable. Another requirement is fire safety. This issue became important after the fire in the Lame Horse club in the city of Perm, when dozens of people died from the fact that the canopy over the ceiling suddenly ignited.

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Recruitment of service personnel

The choice of staff is a responsible step, since the number of clients of the establishment and possible profit depend on the quality of service. The staff should include: waiters, bartenders, security guards, cooks, manager, administrator, technician, cleaner. All employees are required to undergo a pre-employment medical examination. All that is needed for employment is to pass an interview with the manager, provide passport data. People without education can work as waiters, bartenders, but work experience is undoubtedly welcome. Cooks are people with a special culinary education, that is, you need a diploma or certificate.

All personnel must have personal medical books. It is desirable that he wears a uniform. This primarily applies to cooks and waiters of the institution. This will give the club solidity in the eyes of visitors and future customers. The second point is the organization of the operating mode of the nightclub. Usually this is 2-3 days a week, but there are those who work almost every day. The most optimal hours of operation will be from 22:00 to 6:00 in the morning. Entertainment shows and rooms can be organized around midnight.

Those who have already thought about how to open a nightclub from scratch, initially understand that this will have to be spent very well. Therefore, this type of business is only suitable for those entrepreneurs who have a large start-up capital.

At the same time, a nightclub is a very profitable and very interesting business that can bring decent dividends to its creator. Therefore, if you decide to open a nightclub, the business plan of which has already been thought out to the smallest detail, then you have made an excellent choice.

Underwater rocks

Before you open a nightclub, you should understand that such a business is quite competitive, in connection with this, some nightclubs are closed before they have even worked for a year, or they are sold to other owners. The reason for this is the unwillingness or inability to establish the concept of the club and get in touch with a potential audience.

That is why, before opening a nightclub from scratch, it is recommended to conduct a good analysis of the nightclub market, including focus group surveys and marketing research. These activities will help you decide what your target audience wants.

According to statistics, approximately 70% of the profit of the institution is brought by regular customers. Therefore, initially you need to decide who the club is designed for: teenagers from the outskirts, “golden” youth, businessmen or representatives of sexual minorities. The music, the interior, the price of drinks and even the level of service will depend on this. However, you should not open something alien to yourself (for example, a convinced straight man establishes a club for gays), since such an idea is unlikely to bring success.


The first stage in the process of establishing a club will be the construction or search for a ready-made suitable premises. Ideally, the building can be erected independently under the developed project. But before you build a nightclub, take a good look, it is quite possible that the best and cheaper option would be to buy out or rent abandoned palaces of pioneers or culture (other buildings), there are quite a few of them left in provincial cities (however, in the capital to find such empty buildings already unreal).

In most cases, the right choice of location affects the success of the institution. It should be borne in mind that a trendy club, which is designed for the upper class, should be located in the city center, and the city outskirts are also suitable for more democratic establishments. For youth clubs, one of the most important conditions is that it is convenient to get to it both by land transport and by metro.

You should not open a nightclub on the first floors of apartment buildings. Even if the local authorities give you permission for this, and the club has excellent soundproofing, outraged local residents will still not allow you to work normally. In any high-rise building, there are several pensioners who will constantly call the police squad, as a result of which your parties will constantly fail.

What does it take to open a nightclub? You only need a separate room that meets a number of requirements: it has sufficient area (it is recommended to make the main hall with a dance floor of at least 250 sq.m.) and high ceilings (about 4 m) where you will need to hang sound or lighting equipment.

Nightclub: business plan for a profitable institution

First you need to register your business. You can open an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Next, you need to decide on the range of services provided. It could be:

Dance hall with music;

Restaurant hall;

Hall for conversations and rest;

Bar counter;

Karaoke room;

The list of services, of course, can be expanded at your discretion, taking into account customer requests.

The club will also need to buy equipment:

A set of lighting equipment (filling spotlights, LED heads);

DJ console;

Powerful speakers.

Interior design

If we talk about the interior decoration, then it’s hard to say something unequivocally. You can spend 2,000 dollars on a super-modern design, but there will be no visitors, or you can limit yourself to a couple of hundred dollars, and the club will always be sold out. The thing is that nightclubs "sell" the atmosphere, and only then comes the design, drinks and dishes. For example, in recent years there has been a trend to use rough wood (this solution will also be inexpensive).

Before proceeding with the finishing work, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate project. Here it will be quite difficult to do without specialists (about 2-5 thousand dollars will have to be spent on their services). Let's start with a general concept.

This approach will avoid unnecessary costs and reduce the amount in the estimate several times. Professionals can also assist in obtaining the permits required to operate a nightclub. The business plan must necessarily include such expenses.

Staff for the institution

After receiving the documentation, purchasing equipment and decorating the hall, it is still necessary to recruit staff. The staff of a nightclub should approximately consist of:

  • director;
  • manager;
  • creative director;
  • 1 or 2 administrators;
  • 6-8 waiters;
  • cooks - 4-5 people;
  • bartenders - 2-4 people;
  • DJ - 1-2 people;
  • 2 cleaners;
  • cloakroom attendant - 1-2 people.

As for protection, there is no unequivocal opinion. Some businessmen create their own security structure, others invite employees of security firms. The functional duties of security should include not only ensuring the safety of visitors from external threats, but also maintaining order in the hall (in particular, to prevent the spread of drugs), because visitors can be very different.

Naturally, all staff must correspond to the level of the club and have at least minimal experience in this field.

Chief worker

According to many experts, the success of any entertainment establishment depends on the promoter. Even the most promoted and ultra-modern nightclub will suffer from the unprofessionalism of the administrator. The business plan of an establishment can be thought out to the smallest detail, but if you hire a mediocre administrator, the business will fail in less than a year.

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