Competent staff is the success of a fitness club. How to open a nightclub

HR Manager (HR Manager)- a specialist responsible for the formation of human resources in an organization. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology and social science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The profession of HR manager (HR stands forHuman Resources- human resources) is relatively young, came to our country from the West in the 1990s and replaced the so-called “personnel officers”. Recruiting and office management are only a small part of the responsibilities of an HR manager. A modern HR manager is a strategic manager; his responsibilities include the formation of the enterprise’s personnel policy, which includes the development of a personnel training system, maintaining a healthy psychological climate in the team, and motivating employees. The HR manager belongs to the category of managers. Its main task is to ensure the efficiency of human resources. The success of the enterprise largely depends on the activities of the HR manager. Personnel decides everything. The old slogan is still relevant today. And it is the HR manager who determines the number of required personnel, their development and motivation.

In large companies, there are entire departments or departments for personnel management, in which several employees work. Each specialist has his own specific tasks: recruiting, office work, training, etc. Usually the HR department is headed by an HR Director or HR Director. In small companies, HR issues are usually dealt with by one specialist, whose tasks include the same issues as HR managers of large companies, only on a smaller scale.

HR manager training

The Moscow Education Center "PRESTIGE" conducts. In-house personnel management, technologies for selection, placement, career growth, motivation of personnel, as well as modern management concepts, basics of conflict management, management psychology, economic theory, law, modern information technologies, office work, etc. Monthly payment.

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites aspiring HR specialists and those who are interested in this professional field to undergo training under the program. Retraining courses at MASPC are high-quality additional education in a comfortable distance learning format.

Responsibilities of the HR Manager:

  • organization of work with personnel;
  • working with candidates, conducting interviews, deciding whether the candidate is suitable or not;
  • ensuring that the organization is staffed with workers of the necessary professions;
  • determining staffing needs;
  • organization of personnel training (conducting trainings, educational seminars, advanced training courses);
  • communicating information on personnel issues and critical personnel decisions to employees of the organization;
  • participation in decision-making on issues of hiring, transfer, promotion, demotion, imposition of administrative penalties, dismissal of employees of the enterprise;
  • drafting and execution of employment contracts;
  • maintaining personal files of employees and other personnel documentation;
  • management of employees subordinate to him;
  • monitoring the labor market, informing management about the current situation with personnel, average wages;
  • creation of a personnel reserve, creation of a labor motivation system.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of labor legislation;
  • knowledge of the basics of sociology;
  • skills to work with personnel documentation, knowledge of the basics of office work, labor safety standards;
  • skills business communication and knowledge in the field of psychology;
  • competent Russian language;
  • knowledge of the basics of market economics;
  • knowledge of modern methods of personnel assessment and regulation of its functions;
  • the ability to correctly read a resume, knowledge of existing tests for screening candidates and which of them are effective, the ability to assess the candidate’s competence;
  • knowledge of modern concepts of personnel management;
  • knowledge of the general goals of the organization’s development and the direction of personnel policy;
  • presence of organizational skills;
  • ability to plan time.

Personal qualities

  • communication skills;
  • self-control;
  • impartiality;
  • attentiveness;
  • conscientiousness;
  • ethics;
  • self confidence;
  • active life position;
  • stress resistance;
  • adaptability;
  • strategic thinking;
  • creativity.

Place of work

  • recruitment agencies;
  • HR departments.

Salary and career

Salary as of 04/17/2019

Russia 25000—92000 ₽

Moscow 30000—60000 ₽

Graduates have virtually no problems with employment. Almost any organization with more than 150 employees has HR positions. At the same time, in large companies the HR department can have over 10 employees.

A young specialist can develop his career in one of two directions. In the first option, the career of an HR manager begins with the position of a recruiter. The best place to work is to choose a recruitment agency, where, with hard work and efficiency, you can become a good HR manager in about a year. The second option is to get a position as an assistant HR manager. With experience, your income will increase. The salary of an HR manager depends on the level of the company, the number of employees and the degree of responsibility.

Having your own nightclub, if properly organized, can bring very impressive profits. True, opening it requires a lot of money, time and effort. We will consider further how to competently approach the organization of such a business.

Stages of opening a nightclub

If you want to open your own nightclub, then you will have to do a lot of work, each stage of which is fundamentally important.

Concept development for the club

Before opening, it is necessary to clearly decide who the club will be aimed at. To do this, you need to decide on the following parameters:

  • Age of the audience;
  • Music style;
  • Social status of visitors;
  • Material security.

The most profitable clubs are aimed at young people aged 18-25, students with low incomes.

Search for premises

The choice of building plays an important role for further progress. First of all, you should pay attention to the location. It is desirable that it be located on a street with busy traffic and high passenger flow. It's good if there is a transport interchange nearby. As practice has shown, the clubs located not far from universities have the greatest attendance.

Make sure that there are as few competitors nearby as possible. Ideally, there should be no entertainment venues near you at all.

There should be a parking space near the building and convenient access to it.

The room should not be located in a residential building, as loud music, fun companies will disturb neighbors' sleep, which will lead to a number of problems. It is best to occupy the first or ground floor of a shopping center, or even find a fairly large one or two-story building.

The club area should be from 300 to 500 sq. m., have high ceilings - from 3 meters. These requirements are related to the fact that the club must have enough space to accommodate utility rooms, a stage, a dance floor, a recreation area, a bar, and a toilet. It is advisable to allocate 200-250 sq. m. for the dance floor. The higher the ceilings, the easier it is to install the necessary lighting equipment.

The premises can be purchased, rented or built from scratch. It all depends on the amount you are willing to invest in starting the project.

Required documents

To open a club, the following documents are required:

  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (see also);
  • A project for the refurbishment, redevelopment or construction of premises, agreed upon with Rospotrebnazor and Gospozharnadzor.
  • Permission from Rospotrenadzor;
  • Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station;
  • Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority;
  • Garbage removal agreement;
  • License to sell alcohol;
  • Music license;
  • Medical records for employees;
  • Certificates for food products;
  • Employment contracts with employees.

An experienced lawyer will help you with the paperwork.


Particular attention must be paid to personnel selection. To fully operate the club you will need:

  • An accountant or financier with experience. His main task is to draw up an estimate of expenses and income and control all financial issues. By the way, you can entrust him with drawing up a business plan or draw it up with him.
  • A competent lawyer to whom you can entrust the preparation of all necessary papers, settlement legal issues with various authorities - Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspectorate, sanitary and epidemiological station, police.
  • Lighting technician for setting up and subsequently servicing lighting devices, conducting doomsday events.
  • Sound technician for setting up sound and equipment.
  • Chef and several cooks to work in the kitchen. It is advisable if there are 2 shifts of cooks of 2-3 people, depending on the attendance of the establishment.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Two bartenders for shift work.
  • Two shifts of waiters, 2-4 people each.
  • Creative director. It’s good if he can simultaneously perform the duties of a presenter, organize and conduct various events.
  • Club manager or director.
  • Administrator for working with personnel.
  • DJ.
  • Security of 6-10 people. It is advisable to enter into an agreement with a security company that has excellent recommendations.
  • Cleaning woman.
  • Wardrobe attendant.

It is advisable to conduct personnel selection yourself. It is important that potential employees have work experience and good recommendations.

After purchasing or renting a premises, it is necessary to make at least minor cosmetic repairs. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on it, because visitors will only be in the evening, and in the twilight no one will pay attention to the quality of the wallpaper or paint on the walls.

It is better to spend the money you have on high-quality lighting, preferably neon, installation of air conditioners around the entire perimeter, and speakers. The premises for visitors should be divided into several zones:

  • Stage on which DJs and dancers perform;
  • Dance floor;
  • Relaxation area;
  • Bar counter;
  • Toilet – female and male.

Make sure there are no clocks in the hall. But on the contrary, there should be a lot of mirrors. Mirrored ceilings and walls and columns look good. Make sure that mirrors are located in places where they will be difficult to break.

Windows are one of the unnecessary attributes of the club. They can be hidden with special screens or the same mirrors, or covered up altogether.

The recreation area should have both regular tables and chairs and soft sofas for more picky clients.


What equipment is worth purchasing? To operate a nightclub you need:

  • Equipment for bar and kitchen: refrigerators and coffee makers, juicers, freezers, etc.
  • Lighting equipment: lamps and spotlights, mirror balls.
  • Audio equipment: speakers, remotes, controllers, microphones, amplifiers, etc.
  • Security equipment: video cameras and metal detectors, walkie-talkies for security guards.

Security requirements

Much attention should be paid to safety. First of all, of course, the fire department. To do this, it is necessary to install fire alarms along the entire perimeter and special systems for extinguishing fire.

The second point is safety. The club must employ qualified security agency employees. There must be one or two security guards at the entrance to the club, whose task is to check visitors to see if they have brought prohibited goods or weapons with them.

A few more people need to be placed in the hall. It would be good if the club installed a patrol call system.

Remember that your clients may go outside briefly to get some fresh air or smoke. Think about how you will celebrate them - with special bracelets made of paper, plastic or tattoos.


Another point that is definitely worth paying attention to is the menu. The kitchen and bar are the main source of income.

What should be in a bar? At a minimum, the most popular varieties of wines and champagne, vodka, cognac, liqueurs and other alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, ingredients for cocktails. Please note that you must have at least one signature cocktail. Don't forget about juices, carbonated and still bottled water, popular drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi.

The second thing that should be there is snacks. First of all, cuts of various types of sausages, cheese, and fruit slices. You can also include light salads and snacks on the menu.

Please note that the markup on food in a bar can reach 300% of the purchase price.

Show program

Your clients will quickly get bored with monotony, so it is important to think through the show program at least a few months in advance.

What can you offer your visitors?

  • Theme parties;
  • Light and pyrotechnic shows;
  • Foam parties in the warm season;
  • Halloween masquerade ball New Year;
  • Striptease.

You can also distinguish the so-called “women’s” and “men’s” days, when admission for representatives of one or another gender is free. If possible, invite famous DJs and performers of your chosen genre of music to the club.


Before the opening of the club, as well as before each theme evening, it is advisable to advertise the event. You can do this using:

  • Posters;
  • Billboards;
  • Order advertising on local radio;
  • Use social media;
  • Distribute flyers for free entry or discount to the bar.

Be sure to think over a table booking system and offer discounts when booking a table a few days before the event.

Open air club

During the warm season, you can open an open-air nightclub. This idea is suitable for resort towns, where there is a large influx of people in the summer. It is advisable to open a club not far from the beach.

This can be either a site near which there is a utility room for cooks and equipment, or a separate building without a roof. In the second case, old, destroyed houses are ideal. By leaving only the outer walls, you can design a unique interior.

When opening, you should take into account that this is a seasonal source of income and try to invest a minimum of money in the project.

Expenses and income

We present to your attention sample business plan. The figures are very approximate, since the cost of the premises depends not only on its size, but also on the region and location. The same applies to the cost of equipment, food, wages.

Expenses (in rubles):

  • Purchase of premises – 2-3 million;
  • Repair – 1.5 million;
  • Registration – 500 thousand;
  • Purchase of equipment for the hall – 500 thousand;
  • Purchase of kitchen equipment – ​​300 thousand;
  • Equipment with security systems – 1 million;
  • Furniture – 500 thousand;
  • Advertising – 300 thousand;
  • Purchase of goods – 500 thousand;
  • Payment to staff – 500 thousand per month;
  • Utility bills – 40 thousand per month;
  • draw up a club work schedule;
  • calculate the average number of visitors;
  • the average cost of one check (including the cost of entry).

For example, take the following numbers:

  • Your club is open 5 days a week;
  • The average number of visitors is 250 people per evening;
  • The average check amount is 500 rubles.

It turns out that working about 20 days a month, the club will generate an income of 2.5 million rubles in one month.

Business profitability

As already noted, this business requires a lot of financial costs. On average, to open a club you will need about 10-15 million rubles. It all depends on real estate prices, the scale of subsequent repairs, the cost of equipment and the average salary in your region.

Where can one find such an amount? There are two options - take a loan from a bank or find investors. In both the first and second cases, you need to draw up a rough business plan. In it you should describe the approximate costs of opening a club and income.

On average, costs are recouped in 12-20 months, and profitability of this business ranges from 20 to 50%.

Please note that if after a year your costs have not paid off or have paid off by less than 75%, then you should think about closing the club. As practice shows, in this situation the business will no longer generate the required income.

How to manage a nightclub? (video)

Art directors of popular nightclubs will tell you about the features of the club business. You will learn first-hand what attracts visitors and what they are willing to pay for.

The club business is one of the most profitable. The profitability of the establishment can reach 50%. True, in order to get such a return, you need to invest a lot of money in the opening and promotion of the project, choose the right location and staff, and most importantly, constantly work on the entertainment program of the establishment.

Currently, nightclubs are very widespread throughout the world, including in Russia. There are hundreds of them in large millionaire cities. Clubs can be built even in small towns. Building your own nightclub is a small business that is actively developing today.

Night clubs are establishments whose main areas are service and recreation. Night club- this is a worthy place to invest money. Such a business has great prospects, despite huge competition. The fact that modern youth loves to visit clubs is also of great importance. Some go there rarely, others go there all the time.

Thus, nightclubs are one of the places where people can forget, get away from the hustle and bustle and relax. The nightclub is perfect for relaxing with friends, celebrating a housewarming, and listening to good music. All this makes such establishments very popular. Let's take a closer look at the business plan of a nightclub using the example of a large city. But before that you need to find out what clubs there are.

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Types of nightlife establishments. Required documents

As mentioned above, clubs can be very diverse. The most popular are nightclubs, club-bars, night gaming clubs, clubs for gay people and others. The latter are prohibited in many cities. The most numerous group are ordinary nightclubs. A nightclub business plan includes a whole list of provisions that need to be implemented. It includes choosing the location of the future night establishment, renting premises or building it from scratch, purchasing the necessary equipment, establishing relationships with suppliers of raw materials, choosing the interior of the premises, recruiting personnel, establishing pricing policy: determination of the cost of products, entry into the club, wages to employees, calculation of profits and expenses.

So, the first thing to do is decide on a location. Clubs are usually located in busy areas. It is better if it is the city center or the main streets of remote areas. It is important that there are not many competitors nearby, otherwise the business may fail. Many clubs are located in large shopping centers, this is very convenient, since thousands of people pass there every day. The second step is collecting necessary documentation. In order for the club to operate, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary and epidemiological services to carry out business activities. In addition, documents on territorial property management are required. If the premises are rented, then permission from the fire department will not be required.

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Registration and sanitary-epidemiological surveillance

In parallel with this, the future businessman must register with the local tax office as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The last option is the most optimal, as it can save time and money. The list of documents will also be smaller. An important point is that many nightclubs provide hot meals for clients, that is, this establishment can partially be attributed to catering. Due to all this, it is closely monitored by state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities.

It is divided into preventive and current. Preventive measures are carried out at the stage of site acquisition, construction and commissioning of the facility. In this case, an expert opinion is given.

Once the club starts operating, it is given time to establish its business. And after a few years, scheduled inspections begin. They are held once every 3 years. But they can be carried out more often in the form of unscheduled visits, for example, in case of complaints from visitors to the establishment and the like. If violations are detected, a fine is given or the work of the club is temporarily suspended until the identified violations are corrected. All checks are carried out on the basis of sanitary rules and building codes, GOSTs and other regulations.

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Purchasing the necessary equipment

For the club to operate successfully, you need to purchase necessary equipment, furniture and other interior items.

The equipment you will need is: equipment for music, lights, bar counters, display cases, cash registers, mirrors, wardrobe equipment, tables, chairs and upholstered furniture for visitors and staff.

In addition, if you plan to organize food at the club, you will need an oven, microwave ovens, stoves, dishes, and refrigeration equipment. All this will cost a lot of money.

The important point is to find a reputable equipment supplier. Musical equipment can be bought at a regular music store, for big city It's not a problem. You shouldn't skimp on this. All equipment must be modern and new so that it lasts for a long time and visitors to the establishment can experience good sound quality. In addition to equipment, you need to stock up on dishes. There should be plenty of it. All utensils must be clean, especially glasses. It is the responsibility of the bartender to keep order on the bar counter.

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Interior of the room. Possible ideas

The interior of the room is very important. It's not worth saving on it. It is recommended that the room be spacious. You can organize several halls: dance and quiet. In one you can have fun, and in the other you can chat calmly. The floor and walls must be smooth. It is advisable to finish the floor with tiles to make it easier to clean and handle. Tables should be located around the periphery to make it comfortable and possible to observe what is happening on the stage and dance floor. This is very important, since most clubs, in addition to music, also organize entertainment shows. These could be performances by famous singers and dancers.

The hall must be equipped with light, music or laser devices. The wardrobe should be large, and mirrors are a must. It is better to organize sanitary facilities separately for men and women. They must be equipped with modern appliances, air towels, sinks, and urinals. In the kitchen, order and all anti-epidemic requirements when preparing food must also be observed. In order for all the equipment to work, the first thing is to install communications: electricity, hot and cold water supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, sewerage and waste disposal system. In the hot season, it is especially important to equip the club with an air conditioning system so that visitors feel comfortable. Another requirement is fire safety. This issue became important after the fire at the Lame Horse club in the city of Perm, when dozens of people died when the canopy above the ceiling suddenly caught fire.

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Recruitment of service personnel

Choosing staff is a responsible step, since the number of clients of the establishment and possible profit depend on the quality of service. The staff must include: waiters, bartenders, security guards, cooks, manager, administrator, technician, cleaner. All employees are required to undergo a preliminary medical examination before entering work. All you need to get a job is to go through an interview with the manager and provide your passport information. People without education can work as waiters and bartenders, but work experience is undoubtedly welcome. People with special culinary education are hired as chefs, that is, a diploma or certificate is needed.

All personnel must have personal medical records. It is advisable that he wear a uniform. This primarily applies to the cooks and waiters of the establishment. This will give the club credibility in the eyes of visitors and future clients. The second point is the organization of the nightclub's operating hours. Usually this is 2-3 days a week, but there are also those that work almost every day. The most optimal operating hours will be from 22:00 to 6:00 am. Around midnight, entertainment shows and performances can be arranged.

a real event that will take months to prepare for. The project can be implemented in the form of a dance floor, after party, lounge, offering striptease and karaoke to visitors. At the very beginning, the organizer will have to take on the entire prosaic part of the process: collecting documents, obtain permits, hire employees and purchase equipment and furniture. Of course, this needs to be done after the concept of the establishment has been prepared, the required premises have been found and its design project has been developed.

List of documents for opening a nightclub:

1. A project for the construction or refurbishment (redevelopment) of premises for an entertainment facility. As conditions for opening a club, drawings must be agreed upon with supervisory authorities, including Rospotrebnadzor (SES) and State Fire Supervision Authority.

2. The act of putting premises into operation (for newly built and converted structures). It is signed in strict accordance with the previously prepared project.

3. An approved production control program with a conclusion on the establishment’s compliance with current technical standards and sanitary rules.

4. Signed contracts for garbage and waste removal, medical examination of employees, etc. (disinsection, disinfection, deratization). Specified requirements for opening a club are very important for its smooth operation, since the lack of documentation can cause administrative suspension of activities.

5. Employment contracts with establishment staff. These documents for a night club will help to avoid claims from inspection structures that vigilantly monitor the absence of “illegal immigrants” at the site.

6. Licenses for the sale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. Without them you can get permission to open a nightclub, however, there will be no point in keeping it.

7. Certificates confirming the origin of goods sold. Products sold through the bar and kitchen must be safe for the health of consumers.

Of course, a list of documents for opening a nightclub can be continued: it all depends on the characteristics of his work. Almost any establishment will need a contract for dry cleaning of staff clothes, tablecloths and other things, and all facilities without exception will need internal documents (waste removal log, accounting of special equipment, etc.).

What requirements must a nightclub meet?

The question is what documents are needed to open a nightclub? and what parameters it must meet, includes many aspects. The most important requirement is fire safety, and the premises must have all conditions for quick evacuation of visitors and staff. It is necessary to ensure proper storage of food and alcohol, and create a system for recycling goods that have expired.

And that's not all you need to open a nightclub: An effective management system, managers, and control over the inflow and outflow of funds will be required. At the same time, these tasks are of a technical nature, and with proper work can be implemented without any difficulties.

The Gagarin Group company knows for sure What is needed to open a club: competent concept and team of professionals. An accurate calculation of the cost of the project will allow you to formulate its budget and avoid unexpected expenses. Each client can get advice and find out what is needed to open a club specific category.

Those who have already thought about how to open a nightclub from scratch initially understand that this will require a lot of money. Therefore, this type of business is suitable only for those entrepreneurs who have large start-up capital.

At the same time, a nightclub is a very profitable and very interesting business that can bring decent dividends to its creator. Therefore, if you decide to open a nightclub, the business plan of which has already been thought out to the smallest detail, then you have made an excellent choice.

Underwater rocks

Before opening a nightclub, you must understand that such a business is quite competitive, and therefore some nightclubs are closed without even working for a year, or are sold to other owners. The reason for this is the reluctance or inability to establish the concept of the club and get in touch with the potential audience.

That is why, before opening a nightclub from scratch, it is recommended to conduct a good analysis of the nightlife market, including focus group surveys and marketing research. These events will help you determine what your target audience wants.

According to statistics, approximately 70% of the establishment’s profit comes from regular customers. Therefore, initially you need to decide who the club is intended for: teenagers from the outskirts, “golden” youth, businessmen or representatives of sexual minorities. The music, interior, price of drinks and even the level of service will depend on this. However, you shouldn’t discover something alien to yourself (for example, a convinced straight person founds a club for gays), since such an idea is unlikely to bring success.


The first stage in the process of founding a club will be the construction or search for a ready-made suitable premises. Ideally, the building can be erected independently according to the developed project. But before you build a nightclub, take a good look; it is quite possible that the best and cheaper option would be to buy out or rent abandoned palaces of pioneers or culture (other buildings), there are many of these left in provincial cities (however, in the capital it is already possible to find similar empty buildings unreal).

In most cases, the right choice of location affects the success of the establishment. It must be taken into account that a fashionable club, which is designed for the upper class, should be located in the city center, and for more democratic establishments, the city outskirts are also suitable. For youth clubs, one of the most important conditions is that it is convenient to get to it both by ground transport and by metro.

You should not open a nightclub on the first floors of apartment buildings. Even if local authorities give you permission to do this, and the club has excellent sound insulation, indignant local residents will still not allow you to work normally. In any multi-storey building there will be several pensioners who will constantly call the police, as a result of which your parties will constantly be disrupted.

What does it take to open a nightclub? You only need a separate room that meets a number of requirements: it has sufficient area (it is recommended to make the main hall with a dance floor at least 250 sq.m.) and high ceilings (about 4 m), where you will need to hang sound or lighting equipment.

Nightclub: business plan for a profitable establishment

First you need to register your business. You can open an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Next, you need to decide on the range of services provided. It could be:

Dance hall with music;

Restaurant hall;

Hall for conversations and relaxation;

Bar counter;

Karaoke room;

The list of services, of course, can be expanded at your discretion, taking into account customer requests.

The club will also need to purchase equipment:

A set of lighting equipment (filling spotlights, LED heads);

DJ console;

Powerful sound speakers.

Interior design

If we talk about the interior decoration, it’s difficult to say anything definitely. You can spend 2 thousand dollars on an ultra-modern design, but there will never be any visitors, or you can limit yourself to a couple of hundred dollars, and the club will always be sold out. The thing is that nightclubs “sell” the atmosphere, and only then comes the design, drinks and food. For example, recently there has been a trend in fashion to use rough wood (this solution is also inexpensive).

Before starting finishing work, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate project. It will be quite difficult to do without specialists (you will have to spend about 2-5 thousand dollars on their services). Let's start with a general concept.

This approach will allow you to avoid unnecessary costs and reduce the amount in the estimate several times. Professionals can also help in obtaining permits that are required for a nightclub to operate. The business plan must necessarily include such expenses.

Staff for the establishment

After receiving the documentation, purchasing equipment and decorating the hall, you still need to select personnel. The staff of a nightclub should approximately consist of:

  • directors;
  • manager;
  • creative director;
  • 1 or 2 administrators;
  • 6-8 waiters;
  • cooks – 4-5 people;
  • bartenders – 2-4 people;
  • DJ – 1-2 people;
  • 2 cleaners;
  • cloakroom attendant – 1-2 people.

As for security, there is no clear opinion. Some businessmen create their own security structure, others invite employees of security companies. The functional responsibilities of security should include not only ensuring the safety of visitors from external threats, but also maintaining order in the hall (in particular, to prevent the spread of drugs), because visitors can be very different.

Naturally, all staff must correspond to the level of the club and have at least minimal experience in this area.

Chief worker

According to many experts, the success of any entertainment establishment depends on the promoter. Even the most popular and ultra-modern nightclub will suffer from the unprofessionalism of the administrator. The business plan of an establishment can be thought out to the smallest detail, but if you hire an incompetent administrator, the business will burn out in less than a year.

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