What is needed to open a company. List of documents for LLC registration

This article will focus on the issue of self-registration of an LLC. It contains detailed instructions and answers many questions (collecting documents, opening an account, and others). Based on the results of studying it, you will be able to understand for yourself whether it is worth registering yourself or turning to specialists for help.
This instruction was created so that you can independently open an LLC (limited liability company) by following the indicated steps.

1. List of documents for opening an LLC

The collection of documents required for opening should be determined by the following issues:

  • What will be the direction of activity of the future LLC;
  • How many founders will participate in this project;
  • The amount of your funds;
  • The name of your future limited liability company;
  • Address of the company, location of the future office.

2. Submission of documents

The next stage is the submission of the package of documents required for registration. If you were planning to organize your future business, then you probably already have an idea of ​​the direction of your activities in forming a society.

Registration of a limited liability company involves first filing an application for such registration. There is a section in it in which you must indicate OKVED codes, in other words, these are the types of activities that your society will be engaged in in the future.

When forming your own list of types of future activities, it is preferable to choose more codes. Most often in practice, 20 codes are used (it is not recommended to take more). Among them, as a rule, are those types of future activities that you may not be involved in. This must be done so that later you do not need to additionally register more OKVED codes, because for this procedure you will have to pay a state fee of 1,200 rubles. It will also be necessary to make changes to the Charter.

The first place on this list should be the type of activity that will be the main one. When specifying the OKED code, use at least 3 digits. This will have an impact on the insurance rate (its size) for various accidents, as well as on the ability to receive benefits from the Pension Fund. Notification of the assignment of OKVED codes can be obtained upon registration with the tax authority, as well as independently. Then you will need to contact the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service. You can also obtain codes from specialized legal organizations (approximate cost - 1,500 rubles, receipt time - 1 business day). The code classifier itself includes almost all possible types of activity.

You will need to provide the registration authority with the decision on the formation of the LLC, the Charter of the company (2 copies). These documents must be originals and not copies. And you will need a receipt for payment of state duty.

3. Who are the Founders of the LLC?

In accordance with No. 14-FZ “On LLC”, citizens (IMPORTANT: legal capacity and age of majority for both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign) and legal entities (Russian and foreign) can act as founders (participants) of the company. An LLC can be founded by one participant. The number of participants should not exceed 50. The following is provided:

  • for making contributions to the authorized capital in a timely manner;
  • for the activities of the company within the limits of the value of deposits;
  • for obligations arising from the establishment of an LLC (such as payment of expenses associated with the creation of a company).

There is a more detailed article about, where everything is described in more detail.

Before opening an LLC, what areas will be in demand in the future.

4. LLC Charter

This document is the constituent document for the company. In accordance with the above law, the contents of the LLC charter are as follows:

  • Full, abbreviated name of the company
  • Location information
  • Information on the amount of authorized capital
  • Composition, competence of bodies
  • Rights, obligations of company participants and other information contained in the Federal Law “On LLC”.

5. Round seal. Requirements for LLC seal.

In accordance with the already mentioned law, each LLC must have a round seal. It must contain the FULL corporate name of the LLC (IMPORTANT: in Russian), as well as an indication of the location of the company. If desired, the seal may indicate the name in a foreign language or in the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Any legal company that provides LLC registration services has a standard package of these services, which includes the production of seals. It is also possible to order printing at copy centers. Ordering a print costs between 500-700 rubles, and its production time ranges from 1 to 3 days.

6. Opening a current account for an LLC

The legal basis for opening an account is a bank account agreement, which is also referred to as an agreement for settlement and cash services. Before opening an account, check the terms and conditions of several banks. Only after analyzing the information received, choose the bank that is most acceptable to you.

To open an account you will need:

  • Application (form provided by the bank);
  • Documents of your organization (charter, minutes of the meeting of founders). They will need to be copied;
  • A card containing sample signatures and a seal impression. It must be certified by a notary;
  • State registration certificate;
  • A copy of the lease agreement to the legal address;
  • A document that confirms the authority of persons to manage an account.

When the documents are submitted to the bank, a current account will be opened for your company within a short period of time.

The opening of an account must be reported to the tax office and the Social Insurance Fund within 7 days. If this requirement is not fulfilled, then you will face a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Legal agencies provide services for opening a current account. Their cost is approximately 2500 rubles.

7. Registration of an LLC at the home address of the founder

The Civil Code provides for the possibility of carrying out business activities in residential premises. Thus, registration at your society's home address is possible. The ideal option seems to be registration at the address of the director, who is also the founder and is registered in the apartment. It is not necessary that he be its owner. In this case, the tax office most often accepts the documents. If the director is not the founder, then the tax office in most cases also does not find fault with the documents. But it is impossible to give a definite answer whether you will be refused or not. If the director has a residence permit, then the registration will be successful.

If you want to register at the address of a founder who is not a director, then in almost all cases the tax office will refuse you. Of course, it is possible to obtain permission, but it is better not to risk it.

In order to register, you need to submit the following documents:

  • Copy of passport (certified by a notary);
  • A copy of the certificate confirming the right of ownership;
  • The owner's consent to registration is in writing.

If your documents are in order, you will not have any problems with registration.

There are advantages and disadvantages to registering an LLC at a home address. The advantages of this option include solving the problem of a discrepancy between the legal address and the actual one. This will also provide you with savings on office rent. And, finally, this will act as a guarantee of your independence, since in this case no one will be able to break into your “office” without a court order.

Now to the disadvantages. If your company finds itself in debt, the bailiffs can describe the property located in your apartment. Another disadvantage is that your counterparties may have an opinion that the company that is registered at your home address is undignified. The bank where you plan to open a current account in the future may also respond.

In general, such registration has both pros and cons. Whether to use this option or not is up to you.

8. What to do after registering an LLC?

So, you have received your registration certificate. But you will need to complete a number of steps before starting your business.

As a result, it is worth noting that, as a rule, collecting documents for registration takes considerable time. If you do not want to do this yourself, then a large number of law firms provide these services. In practice, such law firms charge about 10 thousand rubles for registration. Therefore, depending on your time and desire, you can hire a specialist or register a limited liability company yourself.

Video about LLC registration:

The process of opening a Limited Liability Company takes longer.

In addition, to register an LLC with the tax service, you will need to collect an impressive package of documents. We will tell our readers what these documents are today.

From our material today, the reader will learn what documents are needed to open an LLC in 2017. In particular, we will tell you what the package of necessary documents depends on. We will also touch on the topic of what documents the Federal Tax Service should issue to a newly registered LLC.

LLC Laws

Before you start collecting documents for opening an LLC, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the following federal laws:

1. “On Limited Liability Companies” No. 14 -FZ dated 02/08/1998 (as amended on 07/03/2016).
2. “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” No. 129 dated 08/08/2001 (as amended on 12/28/2016).

After familiarizing yourself with these laws, you can begin collecting the documents necessary to open an LLC.

Preparation of documents

The answer to the question of what documents are needed to register an LLC is ambiguous. The fact is that the package of documents for registering an LLC may differ depending on the following factors:

  • type of activity of the company (OKVED codes);
  • number of founders;
  • amount of funds;
  • Business name;
  • taxation system;
  • location of the company and its address.

Regardless of the above factors, the documents required for registering an LLC are as follows:

1. Passport details of the founders.
2. Passport details of the manager.
3. TIN of the founders and manager (if available).
4. A photocopy of the ownership of the premises (letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises, consent of the owner of the property, if registration is made at the home address).

Documents for submission to the tax service

In addition to the above papers, you need to submit the following documents to the tax office to register an LLC:

  • application for state registration of a legal entity upon creation (form P11001);
  • LLC charter (2 copies);
  • protocol on the establishment of an LLC;
  • agreement on the establishment of an LLC (if there are several founders);
  • a photocopy of the certificate of ownership of the premises (or the original letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises);
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of a legal entity (in the amount of 4,000 rubles);
  • application for transition to the Simplified taxation system (form 26.2-1) if you wish to work on the simplified tax system;
  • employment contract with the leader.

The LLC charter must contain the following information:

  • LLC name;
  • procedure for exit of founders;
  • LLC location;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • information about the structure;
  • the procedure for making and implementing management decisions;
  • the procedure for the withdrawal of members of the organization;
  • the procedure for storing and providing information and documents about the founders of the LLC;
  • a list of rights and obligations of owners and members of the organization;
  • information on the distribution of responsibilities between divisions of the LLC;
  • procedure for storing and providing information and documents about LLC participants
  • procedure for making changes to the Charter.

At the request of the founders, the Charter of the LLC may contain, in addition to the mandatory ones, additional information and regulations for the activities of the LLC.

Don't forget to have your signature certified by a notary on the LLC registration application.

The decision on the formation of a Limited Liability Company must be provided in the original, and the Charter - in two original copies. A receipt for payment of the state duty is also required.

Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service, located at the location of the company’s legal address.

LLC registration documents

The Tax Service reviews the package of documents for opening an LLC within three working days. After this, the Federal Tax Service notifies the applicant that registration has been successfully completed, or registration of this company has been denied.

If a positive decision has been made, the tax inspector issues:

1. OGRN certificate.
2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
3. Charter with the stamp of the Federal Tax Service.

When issuing, check the correctness of the data specified in the documents. If you find an error, immediately return the documents to the inspector to correct the discrepancy.

What to do after opening?

After you have received the documents from the tax office, you need to do the following:

  • receive a letter from Rosstat (it will indicate the codes assigned to the LLC);
  • order a company seal;
  • open a bank account;
  • register with extra-budgetary funds.

Now you know what documents are needed to register an LLC in 2017. In conclusion, I would like to note that if you have enough money and do not want to waste your time collecting and submitting documents to open an LLC to the tax service, you can contact a specialized company. As a rule, the cost of services from such companies is several thousand rubles.

And you can significantly reduce the administrative burden already during the operation of the company by organizing the submission of reports in electronic form.

Required Forms

By clicking on the buttons below, you can download an application for registering an LLC (form P11001), as well as an application for transition to the simplified tax system.

If you decide to start a business and open your own LLC, then first of all you will have to collect a package of documents necessary for this and register your company with the tax office. Do not rush to seek help from companies that promise to quickly complete this process for a fee. Try to do this yourself, and our article will definitely help you with this.

The most important stage in this matter is collecting documents for opening a limited liability company. By the way, now documents can be submitted not only during a personal visit to the tax office or using the services of a nearby post office, but also via the Internet in electronic form using a special program on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. So, you will need to prepare the following documents:
  1. The charter of the LLC in two copies, both of which must be originals. If you plan to submit online, one copy in electronic form is enough. Do not forget that the charter must be notarized, as well as copies of the passports of all founders and the constituent agreement.
  2. If there is only one founder, then it is necessary to prepare his decision on creating an LLC. In the case where there are co-founders, minutes of the meeting will be required. Both documents are certified by a notary.
  3. Application for registration of LLC according to approved form No. P11001. It can be filled out by printing the form or using the services of the Federal Tax Service website. The application is submitted to a notary for personal certification.

Using our website, you can download the following types of forms and examples of filling out the documents required for registering an LLC:

When opening an LLC, take its place of registration seriously. It is best if the registration address of the company and the residential address of the director or founder themselves coincide. For these purposes, the address of the office you rented under the contract will also work. But then you will have to prepare the rental agreement for the premises. The most important thing is that the tax authorities can easily contact you at this address. Some people prefer to buy a ready-made LLC from companies specializing in this. In such cases, as a rule, the address of the acquired organization is a place where many companies are already registered. If this is the case, then it is better to check this fact using a special service, because this sign for tax authorities is a hint that the company may be a “one-day” company, and a lot of problems can arise from this. The agreement will be required when visiting a notary.

As you understand, if there is a director of an enterprise, then there must be an order for his appointment, as well as an employment contract. It must be concluded before employees appear in your organization. You should take the agreement and order with you when going to the notary’s office. Now it's time to think about the tax system under which your business will operate. It is best if you can get under the simplified system, because it is much more profitable and convenient. However, companies can operate under it with an annual income of no more than 60 million rubles, and the number of workers is no more than 100 people. If your company meets these conditions, then you can fill out an application at the tax office to apply for the simplified tax regime.

If you successfully went to the notary and properly prepared the documents listed in paragraph 1, then you can go with them to the tax office, having previously paid the state fee at one of the bank branches in your city. In 2014, it was equal to 4,000 rubles. You can find out the most accurate amount on the Federal Tax Service website.

The tax office will make a decision within 5 working days. As a result, your Company will be assigned a TIN and KPP, and you will be given a registration certificate and a registration certificate, as well as a plan for further action will be explained. You can obtain the documents yourself or send them to an authorized person with a notarized power of attorney.

You will need

  • - decision of the founders;
  • - 2 copies of the Charter, numbered, bound and signed by the founders;
  • - certificate of registration of ownership of real estate or letter of guarantee;
  • - application for state registration of a legal entity upon creation, notarized;
  • - receipt for payment of state duty.


Initially, you need to start with planning your future business activities. There are many nuances regarding obtaining licenses, employment, taxation, accounting, which are advisable to study and take into account when choosing the form of an enterprise. After which it is necessary to prepare a draft Charter. It must comply with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal laws.

It is very important to decide on the location. One of the founders may provide premises for the operation of the enterprise; in this case, it is necessary to provide a copy of the certificate of registration of ownership of this premises to the tax office. If you plan to rent premises, the tax office is provided with a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises stating that he undertakes to provide the premises for rent, and a copy of the certificate of registration of ownership of the premises specified in the letter of guarantee. The tax office checks letters of guarantee, so it is necessary to treat this responsibly and provide real information. Otherwise, you may be denied registration.

A legal entity can be created by one or more people. If there is only one, then he must formalize his decision as a decision of the sole founder; if there are several founders, then a protocol of the general meeting of founders is drawn up. In any case, these documents must contain information:
- on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity being created;
- about the name;
- about the legal address;
- on the formation and size of the authorized capital, which of the founders contributes how much and in what form. If the authorized capital is contributed by property, it must be assessed by an independent expert;
- on approval of the Charter of a legal entity.

The next step is to draw up an application in form P11001 - this is a universal form of application for state registration of a legal entity, which includes information about the form of the enterprise being created, its name, legal address, founders (individual or legal entity, their data and the size of shares in the charter capital), economic activity code and other information. You need to fill out and submit those sheets and in the quantity that are necessary for a particular case.
Important: this application is signed by one of the founders in the presence of a notary, about which the notary makes a note, then all sheets are stitched and sealed under the notary’s signature.

For registration of legal entities, the state charges a fee of 4,000 rubles. Payment details can be found at the tax office, which will carry out the registration, that is, by legal address created legal entity. The receipt must be provided when submitting the general package of documents.

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