Business plan for a children's playroom. Basic requirements for the premises and equipment of a children's playroom

Many people trying to open own business, don't know where to start. Some have difficulty finding an idea, while others have difficulty implementing it.

One of the simple and not too expensive ideas is to open a children's playroom.

Market and competitor analysis

Business related to children is currently one of the most dynamic and profitable, since all parents are interested in, on the one hand, the comprehensive development of the child, and on the other, making his life more varied, fun and interesting.

That is why a fairly large number of potential competitors can be identified:

  • Family entertainment centers providing a large number of services - from cinemas to slot machines. Their main advantage is a wide range of services aimed at different age categories. On the other hand, prices in such establishments are usually quite high, and children cannot be there without parental supervision. This group also includes cinemas, amusement parks, bowling alleys, etc.
  • Private kindergartens and development centers are educational institutions with small groups in which you can leave a child for a certain amount of time. The advantage is that qualified specialists work with children, and they can be left for the whole day. However, parents often do things on weekends when such organizations are not open.
  • Museums conducting master classes - some museums are becoming child-oriented even without parents present. They organize excursions and special lessons that allow children to learn something new. Their main disadvantage is that the family will have to spend additional time traveling to the establishment, then returning to the store or other place, and after that on another trip to pick up the child.
  • Other children's rooms. This category of competitors has the most significant impact on the business being opened, so it is important that there are no such rooms within the same shopping center or any other similar place.

Accommodation options

A children's playroom can act as an independent business or as an auxiliary part of it (then the visit for children will be free, and the entrepreneur benefits by making a profit from the main business). In the latter case, this applies to the following cases of its placement:

  • Cinemas.
  • Beauty Salons.
  • Cafes and restaurants, etc.

In the case of independent business, game rooms are most often located in shopping centers or stores, as well as in hotels, airports and train stations.

Such points are becoming increasingly popular because they allow adult clients to have time to purchase necessary goods or receive services. In this case, not only buyers and children benefit (who do not have to go with their parents on errands that are uninteresting to them), but also those establishments that are located next to the playground: the more time adults have to make purchases in the store, the higher their average check.

You can also open a separate children's room, which can be located in a residential area (subject to compliance with the requirements). In this case, it will be an independent business, which will most likely require fewer costs, but much more effort to promote and attract customers.

Production plan

When opening such an establishment, it is necessary to install high-quality equipment, since it will be used by a large number of children, which can lead to various types of breakdowns. Therefore, to ensure durability, it is necessary to choose products made of wood or durable plastic.

In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of furniture and various equipment. To do this, you need to understand the number of potential visitors to the room. Otherwise, a situation may arise where children struggle for some kind of entertainment, which will lead to negative emotions and loss of desire to come to this playroom again.

Finally, there are some rules to follow:

  • The room should have good lighting.
  • Ventilation must be provided in the room.
  • Employees must obtain medical records.
  • Constant wet cleaning is required.
  • Children with signs of infectious diseases cannot be admitted to the room.

In the following video you can see what such a gaming complex consists of:

Organizational plan

To open such a company, you must do the following:

  1. Decide on the concept of the business, approximately calculating the level of costs, profitability, identifying possible locations, etc.
  2. Study the legal basis for organizing such a project - this applies to both the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts that are valid only in the territory where the organization will operate.
  3. Prepare Required documents and – the period is from 1 to 2 weeks.
  4. Find a room - from 3 to 4 weeks.
  5. To renovate the premises and purchase equipment - from 1 to 2 months.
  6. Find suitable employees.
  7. Organize the work of the establishment.
  8. Attract your first clients.

To successfully make a profit, you need to change the equipment from time to time: on the one hand, this will protect children from dangerous games with broken things, and on the other hand, it will allow those children who come to you often not to get bored.

Financial plan

The largest costs will go to the purchase of equipment - it will cost 200-800 thousand rubles, depending on its quality, quantity and size of the room. In addition, you will have to pay for rent from 30 thousand per month, provided that many landlords require payment for several months in advance.

Of the staff will be required administrator With wages from 25 thousand rubles per month, and also 1 or 2 specialists working with children (wage from 30 thousand in case of full-time work). Most often, it is not necessary to pay for the services of a cleaning lady, since shopping centers have specially hired staff.

In addition, the entrepreneur faces the following expenses:

  • Repair and design of the premises - from 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of the necessary documentation and permits - 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising expenses – from 7-8 thousand rubles per month, etc.

To make a stable profit and achieve payback within 9-12 months, it is necessary to set the average price of a visit in the region of 100-200 rubles per hour of stay.

Given that start-up costs around 1 million rubles and an average number of small clients of 50 people per day after reaching payback profit will be 170-250 thousand rubles per month.

Marketing plan and advertising

When opening, it is important to consider that best to launch in autumn, since in the summer most children will spend time on the playground (many shopping centers and stores build similar structures and provide opportunities for children to play for free).

Additionally, you can organize entertainment events for children or for the family as a whole free of charge - this will attract more customers.

In order to increase the flow of visitors, first of all you need to come up with an interesting, sonorous name, a beautiful logo and a bright sign. In addition, you should print business cards or flyers and hand them out near the place where the game room is located.

It would be a good idea to create a group in social network, in which various kinds of drawings can be held. For example, an important source of income is holding children's parties. Accordingly, in one of the drawings the prize may be a free organization of an event for children.

Risk analysis

The main risks are related with the wrong choice of location: in particular, this may apply to the situation of placement in a shopping center, where there are several direct and indirect competitors, as well as the case when the room is located in a non-traffic area.

In the case of targeting a very narrow target audience (for example, children aged 5-6 years), the entrepreneur risks seriously reducing the profitability of the project and increasing the payback period.

Therefore, it is very important to purchase equipment and zone the space in such a way that staying in the room is interesting for both very young children and older children.

Thus, if you have a competent approach to organizing a children's playroom, you can quickly recoup costs and begin to receive a high level of profit. This business is not too complicated from an organizational point of view and is accessible to many people. One of the main conditions for success is having a love for children and a desire to develop in this area.

As you know, shopping is an addictive activity, but it depends on who. Children are extremely uninterested in doing this kind of thing, and, therefore, if you have no one to leave your child with, then exciting shopping will not work out. The child is unable to do monotonous activities for a long time. He needs to move and discover the boundaries of the unknown. Today, as a rule, this does not cause much of a problem due to existing game rooms.

Game room

Children's entertainment centers appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation not so long ago. About ten years ago, when large shopping centers were founded in the country, there was an acute shortage of preschool institutions. Parents had no choice but to take their children with them everywhere. The creators took into account the needs of visitors, finding a lifeline to solve the problem in opening game rooms. The establishments quickly gained popularity and became widespread. The idea of ​​leaving children in playrooms and freely enjoying shopping appealed to many parents. In turn, seeing the rapid popularity of this type of activity, Russian entrepreneurs hastened to fill the entire Russian market with a profitable niche.

What types of game rooms are there?

What rooms are there by direction:

  1. Early development. Children from 1 to 2.5 are brought here.
  2. Physical development. Here they practice rhythmoplasty and fitness with children from 2 to 6 years old.
  3. Musical development. Children from 2.5 to 10 years old are taken here.
  4. Development of speech or intelligence. Designed for ages 3 to 6 years.
  5. Creativity. Children from 3 to 10 years old are engaged.
  6. Game room, designed for a long stay if parents need to go away on business.

Types of game rooms

If you are interested in the question of how to open a children's playroom, then first of all you should know what plans they come in. The most common of them:

  1. Soft platform. It looks simple and costs less. This option is suitable for offices, banking institutions, beauty salons, etc.
  2. Jungle, consisting of pipes, ropes, swings, ladders. The complexes are much more expensive, but children are more interested in them and they want to spend more time there.

Products and services for children are always in great demand, as parents want to please their child. They fulfill all requests without sparing any expense. For this reason, any business related to the development and education of the younger generation will be successful. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that working with children requires pedagogical, psychological knowledge and good experience. Therefore, if game rooms become a salvation for parents, then for entrepreneurs they are a great way to start a business. There are two options for using game rooms in business:

  1. Opening a gaming center as an addition to an existing business u. That is, if you already have a good restaurant business, where customers with children often come, then it makes sense to provide good leisure time for both parents and their children.
  2. Opening a children's room as a separate business, whose services will be in stable demand.

Game room in a shopping center

All you need is to draw up a detailed business plan with accurate calculations, taking into account all the necessary investments, payback time and approximate profit. If you approach creating a plan wisely, this will help you avoid mistakes and financial failures in the future. The following main components need to be taken into account:

  • rent price;
  • room renovation;
  • purchase of the complex;
  • hiring employees.

At first glance, it seems that opening a game room is simple, but do not forget that to do this, you need to collect a full package of documents, permits from authorities and funds for unforeseen expenses. It will take several weeks, and sometimes more, to collect the necessary papers and seals, but this is in case you come across some corrupt official who finds fault with everything for the sake of profit. An entrepreneur should be aware that the inspection authorities have increased requirements for children's playrooms, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the following documents:

  1. Recommendations for keeping children in children's playrooms, they were developed by the Moscow Department of Consumer Market.
  2. See whether the equipment complies with safety standards and GOST standards.
  3. Study the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

To open a game room in a shopping center you need to take into account a lot of nuances

Moreover, in any business there are pitfalls and an entertaining children's room is no exception. To ensure that your plan does not go under, you need to thoroughly study all the nuances of the case. If you are planning to create a room as an additional service to some institution, then you should not worry about the flow of clients. Usually people do not sit there for hours, therefore the flow of children will move quickly, but will arrive constantly and throughout the year. But if you want to start a business separately, then you need to take into account the fact that in the warm season the population visits shopping centers less often, since it is preferable to spend time in the fresh air. When launching a business in May, there is a high chance of failure. Therefore, it is better to start from the beginning of autumn.

Read also: How to rent an apartment daily: where to start

Business plan for a children's playroom

A well-drafted business plan will help you recoup your investment and make a profit in short term.
Business plan stages:

  1. Idea selection, competitor analysis, project profitability.
  2. Organizational matters.
  3. Cost report.
  4. Promotion and advertising.
  5. Profit.

You need to open a game room in public places

Profitability and location

Choosing a suitable location is of considerable importance. We are talking not only about large cities, but also about small towns. The business is equally suitable for absolutely all territorial points. But of course, if you plan to seriously develop in this area, then it is better to pay attention to the number of city residents when organizing game rooms.

Statistics show that one entertainment room is enough for every 100 thousand residents. That is, if the selected locality is home to about 200 thousand citizens and two gaming centers are already thriving, then opening a third point will be pointless. Accordingly, with a population of less than 100 thousand, business will not be in demand and will hardly justify the investment. Thus, the profitability of a game room is closely related to where it is founded and located. In order not to fail, you need to first analyze the market situation. That is, find out:

  • what centers exist in the city;
  • what age group do they serve?;
  • what is the cost of their services;
  • what kind of marketing is used by competitors;
  • How busy is the room?;
  • What are the reception hours?.

In addition, for a more accurate analysis, you can conduct a social survey via the Internet. Publish the news about the opening of a gaming room in the newspaper and see how many customers respond. A preliminary assessment is required if the market is oversaturated or the city’s population is small.

The rooms should be spacious

Game room space

It is necessary to take care in advance of finding a suitable premises. You should look either in a residential area with good traffic, where there are no competitors nearby, or in some large shopping center, supermarket, shopping mall, since such places are always full of people. If the choice falls on a crowded, but at the same time sleeping area, you will need good publicity establishments and premises on the ground floor. It must have a bathroom, sink, individual heating, good ventilation and lighting. Business in such a place will only work if the main part of the passing audience is: parents with children aged from two to six years. Complexes with all the necessary communications are in particular demand, as they can be a separate building or a closed area with different entertainment areas. They have: all kinds of slides, swimming pools, musical instruments, everything for drawing and much more.

Speaking of shopping centers, your optimal neighborhood would be with children's departments or a cafeteria. With a good organizational process, opening a leisure room in such a location will be beneficial to both the tenant and the tenant. Here, the funds invested in the business will quickly pay off, because children are the initiators of visiting shopping centers. And parents are always interested in the proper organization of leisure time for their child. In addition, not only clients of the shopping center, but also those who live nearby can leave their children in the playrooms. The only catch is that it’s not easy to get space in a shopping center; advantageous places are always occupied or prohibitively expensive.

Don't forget about the interesting design of the game room

What should be the rented area of ​​the premises?

The area of ​​the rented premises per child must be at least two square meters. meters. That is, for 15 kids you need to rent a site of 30 square meters. meters. This is the minimum room size. Renting less will simply not be profitable. Such a room will cost approximately 50,000 rubles, despite the fact that the child will be charged about 150 rubles per hour. The cost of such premises will pay off in approximately six months.

If you plan to combine a game room with your main business, for example, create a game area in a beauty salon, an area of ​​12 square meters will be enough for you. meters. The average playroom is one whose area is at least 75 square meters. m. Such a room can accommodate up to 70 children at once. To rent a room with such an area, you need about 1 million rubles. If 50 children are accepted daily, then the profit per month will be up to 80,000 rubles. The business pays for itself in a year, taking into account a well-chosen location.

So, to open a standard center you will need a room of six rooms with a bathroom. Each should be from 15 to 20 square meters. m. This means that the entire room should be 150–180 sq. m. m. Look for premises specifically for rent for a period of at least three years. It is not advisable to buy a site. Although it is better to immediately look for a place with the right to buy. If you find a room, but it is continuous, you can simply delimit it with plasterboard partitions. It is not possible to indicate the exact rental price, since it varies in different regions. Let's just say that the average rental price with renovation ranges from 150,000 rubles per month.

Divide the room into zones

In principle, there are no serious requirements for the premises, the only thing is that it should be spacious and have enough space for toys and all sorts of complexes. The complex needs to be equipped not only with toys for children, but also with everything necessary for the staff. The space itself will be correctly divided into zones:

  • reception for parents;
  • hallway;
  • bathroom section.

In this material:

Many people are interested in how to open a playroom for children, because this is a rather interesting type of business. The issue of spending a child’s holiday is quite acute not only in large cities, but also in small towns.

A children's playroom is a well-chosen and equipped room where parents can leave their child to play for a while, and he will be under the close supervision of adults. Such play areas are most in demand in large shopping centers. While parents are shopping, children can have fun under adult supervision. This is a good investment of money, since the demand for such a service will not decrease even during a crisis. At the same time, there will be no particularly significant costs for the implementation of such a project.

Advantages of arranging a play area as an idea for doing business

A playroom intended for children is considered quite popular and promising idea for doing business. Such an entertainment area is an economical replacement for a nanny, so this type of business has a quick payback. To set up an entertainment area for a child you need:

  • carefully consider all the nuances;
  • draw up a business plan;
  • develop an advertising concept and measures to promote the project.

When planning to open a playroom, you need to remember full responsibility for the safety and lives of little guests. This type of business is specific, and its organization must be treated very carefully.

When drawing up a business plan for organizing a game room, you need to take into account the following aspects:

  • idea selection;
  • calculation of project profitability;
  • analysis of competitors and demand for the service provided;
  • organizational matters;
  • advertising development and project promotion;
  • business payback.

A well-thought-out business plan will help solve almost all organizational issues and determine the feasibility of arranging an entertainment place for children.

How to register an entertainment area

Before you organize your own business, you must first draw up a business plan, as well as register your business in a strictly defined manner. First you need to choose the material and legal form of the activity.

It is possible to register as a private entrepreneur, or as a legal entity. You need to select the required OKVED codes, and then register with various organizations, in particular, with the pension fund.

When all the documents have been prepared, you need to draw up a lease agreement, taking into account that the premises must fully meet all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire safety service.

It is also worth considering the fact that all employees of the children's entertainment area must have the appropriate health certificates. In addition, it is important to obtain permission to arrange the premises from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Features of renting premises for arranging an entertainment area

Before organizing the activities of a children's entertainment area, you need to select the most suitable premises. It is best to organize this kind of business in fairly public places. Well suited for this purpose:

  • shopping centers;
  • cinemas;
  • restaurants.

The entertainment area located in the shopping center will be quite popular and in demand. If it is available, parents will not need to look after their child when making purchases.

When choosing a room, you need to take into account the size of the entertainment area, as well as your financial capabilities. The minimum area of ​​a room intended for children must be at least 30 square meters. m. Then it can accommodate up to 20 children at the same time.

If you need to open a gaming area with special machines and attractions, then you need to select a room whose area will be at least 200 square meters.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of equipment intended for arranging the entertainment area. Such costs will be the most significant, but there is no need to save on equipment, since it must be reliable. It is imperative to purchase only high-quality toys, as they will not provoke allergic reactions in children.

The following equipment can be purchased for the entertainment area:

  • labyrinth;
  • inflatable trampolines;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • dolls, construction sets, cars;
  • slot machines, consoles;
  • board games, sets for drawing;
  • tables, chairs, sofas;
  • lockers.

This environment guarantees comfortable work for employees and excellent relaxation for children and parents.

It should also be taken into account that in the entertainment area you need to take off your shoes or put on replacement shoes, so it is additionally necessary to equip special lockers to ensure the safety of things.

Organization of children's play area activities

When organizing the activities of a children's play area, you need to select competent, proven employees who must have specialized education.

They must be able to quickly find contact with children.

Employees of the children's entertainment area must necessarily have a special medical sanitary book and undergo periodic examinations.

For a comfortable stay and organization of children’s recreation in the entertainment area, it is imperative to introduce general rules of conduct in the children’s room.

Children's entertainment areas usually have convenient opening hours for visitors. They begin their activities from 8-9 am and end around 21 pm. There is a particularly large influx of visitors on holidays and weekends, so they work during this time as well.

The time for visiting the center is limited, and the owner has the right to determine how long the child can stay in the institution. It is worth remembering that if a parent wants to leave a sick child in the entertainment area, then there is every reason to refuse such a visitor, since there are certain risks of infecting other children.

On weekdays, particularly in the morning, the influx of visitors will be much less, so you can temporarily attract guests by organizing various kinds of promotions and discounts. Thus, it is possible to get the desired profit by loading the premises for the whole day.

Advertising is considered a very important issue when organizing a children's play area. A colorful sign will help attract additional customers. If the entertainment area is located in a shopping center, then you need to place bright colorful signs and posters indicating its location so that visitors can quickly find it.

Setting up a children's play area as a business is a very profitable area of ​​activity that can bring significant permanent income with moderate capital investments.

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The company must be registered as IP and select the code OKVED 92.7.– “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.”

Other documents for a children's playroom

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor;
  • Certificates confirming the safety of toys and play equipment. They must meet the international safety standard EN – 1176 and Russian GOST: R 52168-2003, R 52300-2004, R 52169-2003, R 52301-2004, R 52299-2004 and R 52167-2003;
  • Employees in mandatory We need health certificates.

The cost of paperwork is around $700-900, the time frame is 1-2 months.

Premises for a children's playroom

The best places to open such a business: in a shopping center, cafes and restaurants, cinemas, at hotels and recreation centers, resorts, in recreation parks, at the airport, at a train station, on the territory of entertainment centers and establishments for adults (fitness club, salon beauty, bowling club, etc.). The main condition is good cross-country ability.

Even in small town The shopping and entertainment center will be an ideal location. A huge number of shops and cafes - guarantee of good cross-country ability and long duration of visits to the game room. An important plus is that in this case the center does not need advertising.

Opening a children's playroom in a residential area is a little more difficult. You will need to choose the most visited place in the area, where visitors constantly flock.

The area of ​​the room is selected at the rate of 1.5-2 square meters per person. That is, for 15-20 children you need a center of 30 square meters. m. Rent will be $1,000 monthly for large shopping centers and about $700-800 for smaller establishments. Repairs will require $600-700.

Tricks of finishing and design

The children's room should be brightly decorated inside and out. For the interior, it is recommended to use wallpaper and pictures with recognizable cartoon characters; good lighting is necessary. The outside walls are also decorated brightly, a good option– make them from thick glass. Children and parents will see the playroom from afar and notice how beautiful and interesting it is there.

According to the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” an establishment needs an information stand with the obligatory indication of the name, details of the company, work schedule, types of services and prices.

To avoid misunderstandings with parents, develop rules for clients (for example, age restrictions, a ban on visiting for sick children, etc.)

Finishing will cost approximately $400-700.

Premises requirements

Activities for organizing children's leisure time can begin if the following requirements are met:

  1. Compliance of the premises with technical regulations on fire safety requirements;
  2. Compliance SanPin and SanPin;
  3. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and washing of equipment and toys daily.

Equipment for a children's playroom and its cost

The variety of platforms, modules and toys is off the charts, so let’s figure out which one you need minimum set. You need to put:

  • Game maze. This is a two- or three-story structure with tunnels, passages, hammocks, slides, ladders and other obstacles. The area of ​​a small labyrinth is 10-15 square meters. m. Approximate cost – $2500-3000. Proven and inexpensive manufacturers - Avira, UniTerra, LAPPSETOY;
  • Gorku with an inflatable dry pool with balls – $250. John, Akonit-M;
  • Trampoline– 500 $. BERG, FUNTEK;
  • Two tables for games and drawing, children's chairs (10 pcs.) – $100. Sovtekhstrom, Nika, PolimerByt, Little Angel;
  • Drawing kits, plasticine, modeling kits, construction sets– 200 $. “Dreamer”, Visma, LEGO, Meccano, Elf-Market;
  • Playhouse– 300-350 $. John, Leadre Kids, Bony, Corrugated Art;
  • Educational game modules, innovative interactive panels – $150. Chicco, Felice, FiveStar Toys, Zhorya, “Toy”;
  • Stuffed Toys– 150-200 $. “Small Toys”, Lava, “Redi”, Yoh-ho, “Umka”;
  • Table and chair for an employee – $40-50. Equivalent, Delacosa;
  • Sectional cabinets for clothes - $110-140. Beacom, "Metal Line";
  • Cash machine, registered with the tax service - $250. "Elwes", "Orion".

Important nuances of arrangement

You should not use cheap or used equipment for a gaming room, as it wears out quickly. It is important to purchase complexes made of thick plastic, avoid anything sharp and brittle so that the child cannot get hurt. All modeling and drawing kits and chairs are needed in several copies so that children do not have to fight for them. Conflict situations in the room will significantly reduce parental trust.

It is better to purchase equipment directly from manufacturers. This is cheaper, plus it will allow you to “tailor” the complexes to your area; manufacturers will be happy to do the work to order.


Employees are not required to have special education, but good characteristics and a pleasant appearance are required. Friendliness, openness, experience in communicating with children - important conditions of employment. The employee must also inspire confidence in parents.

A small playground will require no more than two workers working in shifts (for example, two every other day). Accounting is outsourced.

Monthly salary fund (including accountant services) is about $800-900.

Pricing and operating hours

Standard schedule is from 9.00 to 21.00. On weekends you can open a little later. The cost of visiting a room differs on weekends and weekdays. On weekdays it averages $1.2-1.8 per hour, on weekends – $1.8-2.7. Peak hours – 16.00-21.00. To avoid losing money the rest of the day, offer a discount on morning visits.

To attract customers, develop promotional subscriptions and discounts for multiple visits. and make money by organizing children's parties with competitions and animators.

Costs, profits, profitability of a children's playroom

How much does it cost to open a children's playroom?

To organize such a business from scratch, you need to invest about 10 thousand dollars. These are capital costs for opening, arrangement and rent for three months in advance.

Fixed expenses will be $1800-2000 per month. With a center attendance of 5-6 people per hour, the income will be $3500-4000, and net monthly profit– $1700-2200. Over time, the number of visitors will increase.

Before setting up a gaming complex, it is worth conducting market research, studying the best locations, and analyzing where the most potential customers are located.

Because it can easily be expanded or additional points opened in the city.

Most often, such sites are created at shopping and entertainment centers. For parents who are forced to take their children to the mall, it is much more convenient to leave them somewhere than to drag them along to the shops.

There are advantages to playrooms for parents and children: the former will be able to calmly go shopping without worrying that the child will get lost or start acting up, and the latter will have fun in the company of their peers.

Where to begin?

Any business involving children involves a certain degree of responsibility. If in other areas of business, you are responsible only for equipment, or for fulfilling obligations under contracts, then here you also become responsible for the life and health of small clients. In this regard, many entrepreneurs have a question: how to open a gaming platform with the least responsibility? First of all, you need to provide your business with a solid documentary base. All necessary documents and permits must be obtained before the business begins to operate.

What do you need?

A document confirming your registration as an individual entrepreneur.

  1. Permission from the sanitary-epidemiological station.
  2. Document on registration with the pension fund.
  3. Permission from the fire inspectorate.
  4. Cash register registration document.
  5. Medical records for each employee.
  6. Documents confirming the safety of equipment (toys) used when working with children.

Wet cleaning of the entire play area should be carried out every day. The same applies to everything that is in the room and with which children are in direct contact - toys, children's sports equipment, etc. All equipment must be High Quality, non-toxic, and the material from which the toys are made should not cause allergic reactions. You should also not use equipment that could injure or scratch children. Their life and health depend on this, for which you are responsible for the duration of their stay on your site. Children who look unhealthy or have external signs of any infectious diseases should not be admitted to avoid infecting other visitors.

We draw up a business plan

In general, the profitability of such a business is quite high, however, a lot depends on the size of the room (that is, on how many people you can accommodate at the same time) and on the successful choice of location. If the playroom can accommodate up to 20 children at the same time (this is at least 30 square meters), then expect the business to pay back within 6 months.

If you take a larger room, for about 70 people, then the return on investment and income will be higher, however, the investment in such a site will naturally be greater. To equip such a place, you will need at least 30 thousand dollars. Plus, it will cost from $3,000 to renovate the premises, and from $800 to pay rent. The salary fund depends on the number of working employees, however, to serve a large number of children (50 and above) you will need at least 5 animators.

Choosing a place

The main factor that will determine the success or failure of your business is the favorable location of the children's room. The best choices are shopping centers and entertainment complexes. It is better to place information that there is a playground in this location right at the entrance, and also indicate the route to it (or at least the floor).

In addition to shopping centers, cinemas, various play centers for adults (for example, bowling alleys), as well as places near recreation parks are also suitable for opening a children's entertainment facility. The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a location is dense flows of people.

We purchase equipment

This will be the largest part of the cost, and it is worth taking this into account when developing a business plan. Returning to the responsibility of an entrepreneur, we will once again emphasize that all toys, sports equipment and everything else with which you are going to entertain the children must be of high quality. You should not skimp on gaming equipment, as this is your reputation.

The following equipment can be purchased:

Children's labyrinth. They are usually made to order according to individual sizes. The minimum size of the labyrinth that manufacturers agree to make is usually about 15 square meters. Inflatable trampolines. This is one of the kids’ favorite pastimes, so you shouldn’t give up having a trampoline. For safety reasons, each trampoline must be surrounded by a special protective fence.
Inflatable dry pool. And such pools usually contain a large number of balls of different sizes or soft toys.
Board games, construction sets, drawing sets, plasticine modeling, etc.

  1. Soft toys of different sizes and shapes.
  2. Chairs, cabinets, tables.
  3. For employees - cabinets for personal belongings, chairs or sofas.
  4. We design the interior of the room

It should be bright both inside and out. External walls are often made of thick glass, and this makes sense: children from afar see how fun and interesting it is inside, and they want to get back there as soon as possible. The interior should be bright, but not annoying. It will be great if characters from cartoons and games are depicted on the walls.

We are hiring staff

The number of employees who will spend time with children depends on the size of the room and how many people can be in it at the same time. For a small room, two or three employees will be enough. All of them must have first aid skills (anything can happen), be able to communicate with children in “children’s” language - that is, the child should be interested not only in toys, but also in the animators.

Ideally, animators should have a minimum medical and pedagogical education. The more professional your employees are, the more trust you will receive from parents. Institutions of this type usually work 12 hours a day, so employees will work in shifts, on a two-by-two schedule.

Setting the operating mode

Optimal hours are from 9:00 to 21:00. At the entrance it is necessary to post rules that parents must familiarize themselves with and be sure to follow them.

For example:

  • each child cannot stay in the playroom for more than four hours at a time;
  • when “handing over” a child, the parent must present a passport;
  • Children with any contagious diseases cannot be on the playground.
  • To increase parental loyalty, create a flexible pricing policy. On average, the cost of one hour for a child to stay indoors is between $1 and $3. However, if you give parents the opportunity to leave their child for, say, 30 minutes, and pay only for that time, they will be more favorable towards your enterprise. For regular customers give discounts.

On weekends the price may be slightly higher. You can raise the price from 16:00 to 21:00, since it is during these hours that the maximum occupancy of the room with children is observed. You can also set up so-called “happy hours”, the price of which will be significantly lower than during regular hours.

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