How to open your own point of sale. Well, we've decided on the concept.

Typically, business people prefer to open a small store selling retail goods at the very beginning of their business. This is correct, since the risk of losing a large amount is minimized. This option is ideal for good start. If you decide to open a retail outlet, then you need:

  • know how it's done;
  • choose a suitable location;
  • correctly plan the entire assortment;
  • set prices
  • maintain proper records.

How to open a retail outlet

  1. First of all, you need to decide what the starting capital will be. It is important to know what products will be sold. After this, you should start looking for suppliers who offer the conditions that will be the most profitable and convenient for you. It is also good to prefer those products that are related.
  2. Have you decided to open your outlet in a large shopping center or market? You must be registered with the tax authority. Choose the right method for paying taxes. The simplified tax system is an ideal option for retail trade.
  3. You must be very careful when choosing the location where your retail outlet will be located. It's worth checking out what stores are nearby. It is very good if there are few competitors. If you have already decided, then you need to find out how much the rent will cost. When you enter into a contract, do not forget about the mandatory clause that will allow you to terminate it early.
  4. The equipment you purchase must be appropriate for your location. The appearance of the point of sale and its design is very important. Buyers pay attention first to these parameters, and only then look at the assortment.
  5. The seller influences the profit margin and the success of the entire trade. It is important that he is truly experienced. Such a person must have excellent knowledge of the assortment. His friendliness is no less significant.

Prices. How to set them correctly

The target audience (its specific capabilities) has a direct impact on prices. It is also necessary to take into account the specifics of your product. It can be elite or budget. If you are just starting your business, then it is better to keep the markup to a minimum. This will help attract buyers. But you need to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that at first you will only get back what you spent. But don’t think that a big markup will provide a good profit. In this case, sales will occur quite rarely.

It is important to choose an intermediate pricing option. You need to find out what level of markup on the goods you sell will be optimal. It is also worth analyzing the prices that are usually set in a particular region. It is also important to study the prices at which products are sold in the stores of your direct competitors. Make appropriate adjustments.

Working with clients

Principles of automating your sales

You need to have a clear idea of ​​where your business is at the moment. Writing everything down in a notebook won't help you see the whole picture. Also, you will not be able to decide on the direction in which you need to move. The ideal option is trading automation. To do this, you need to choose the right accounting program that has all the functionality you need. There is no point in buying newfangled programs in stores. They are expensive and also require maintenance which can be detrimental to your business.

Today there are convenient systems that allow you to keep records online. They do not require installation. You will always be aware of everything that happens in the sales field. At the same time, you can relax, be on a business trip or do something else. “Big Bird” is a system in demand today. It was created as a regular application on the Internet. That is why no downloading or updating is required. System advantages:

  • You can organize sales at several points at once.
  • The seller interface is ideal for registering sales.
  • You can generate reports for the required period in shifts.
  • Create and print all the documents you need.
  • Assigning a discount manually or automatically.
  • Carrying out non-cash and cash payments with each buyer.

You will clearly know the amount of profit and revenue received. You will know how profitable your company is. You will be aware of all sales dynamics, ongoing movements of goods and available balances, the status of all cash and non-cash funds. Expense and income transactions will become as transparent as possible.

If you prefer to automate your trade using Big Bird, you will have the opportunity to use printers and barcode scanners for convenient printing of labels and receipts. This will make it easier not only to record sales, but also to keep all records.

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then using the system will be absolutely free for you. At the same time, the time is completely unlimited.

If you decide to open a retail outlet, be sure to take into account all the details. The success of your business depends on you.

A point on the market in the dashing 90s was considered a profitable and prestigious business. You could call yourself a businessman or entrepreneur, get up at 8 in the morning, when factories in the country were already working at full speed, and earn as much as your energy would last. Over time, the demand for market goods began to fall. This was facilitated by covered pavilions, tents, and departments in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Essentially, the goods have moved under the roof, where it is dry and warm. The buyer, having bought a low-quality product there, knew who to contact to replace the defective product or return the money. And these are difficult times for market traders.

Does it make sense to open a retail outlet in the market?

Those who have worked in the market for many years, and some even decades, say that trading is addictive, and work quite quickly begins to shape your new lifestyle. Trading requires a certain type of character and qualities that you cannot do without: communication skills, entrepreneurship, and an analytical mind. And, of course, you must be able to count well and quickly. No matter what difficulties market traders encounter, this type of activity still brings money, and the owner of the outlet himself determines how much time per day, week, month he will work. So, there is a certain sense in trading on the market. When you are your own boss and boldly manage your time and finances, it is always pleasant.

Tips before...

You still have time to bargain, so you shouldn’t rush headlong into market relations. First, you need to resolve several important issues. Decide what you will sell. It doesn't have to be clothes, shoes or food. You can also sell services, for example, repairing shoes and boots, making keys for locks, or mending clothes. Whatever interests you, do it. Is the child growing up? Trade children's shoes and clothing. Do you like to eat delicious food? Sell ​​food products. Do you like gardening? Sell ​​seeds, seedlings, vegetables and fruits. The main thing is that you enjoy the process. In addition, there is a small plus: you can always use goods that were not sold on time.

Now regarding the markups. There is a simple rule: the greater the turnover, the lower the markup, and vice versa. Money must work, be constantly in circulation. Only on cheap small things you can throw 200-300%. In general, previously all over the world, on average, they traded for 10% profit. And this was considered the norm. Now everything has changed. The margin percentage has become much higher. That is why when you buy two products you will be offered a third one for free. It is not difficult to calculate how much the seller makes.

Do not sell goods that are already overstocked on the market. Firstly, they will not sell well, and secondly, you can have a serious conversation with your competing neighbors. Since we are talking about them, we must honestly note that no one is waiting for newcomers in the market with open arms. All spheres there have already been divided, so “a place in the sun” will have to be conquered. It is important to find good suppliers to purchase goods at a low price. The greater the difference in wholesale/retail costs, the greater the opportunity to reduce the price if the product suddenly does not sell. It is also necessary to take into account such a factor as seasonality. Some products are better purchased in the summer, while others are more actively sold out in the winter. Plan your assortment to make a profit at any time of the year.

Some useful tips

One of the main figures in the market is the administrator. It can influence various events. He wants it, and your point will be in the very passable place, and if he doesn’t like you, you’ll trade on the fringes. Therefore, you need to be friends with the administrator. This person will help “resolve” difficult situations. He can create them for you if you don’t find a common language. If you have already decided which market you will trade in, do some research. Walk around the market, see where people are mostly crowded, and see if there are any empty seats there. Talk to the merchants about topics that are important to you, but do not admit that you are going to trade here.

At first, stand behind the counter yourself. This way you will get to know the market better from the inside, see what the daily revenue will be. In the future, if things go well, you will not be able to do without a seller. But never trust them. These are the kind of people who will gladly cheat not only customers, but also you for company. Therefore, occasionally you need to check them, sending reliable people under the guise of buyers. These could be your relatives, friends, acquaintances. Let them see if the seller is raising prices in your absence, pocketing the difference, or cheating buyers. Otherwise, the seller needs to be changed. Don't be afraid to experiment and offer new products. Prepare for the holidays in advance and thoroughly. If things go well, you can make a month's income on such a day.

Organizational aspects

So, you have thought about everything and are ready to trade on the market. It's time to meet the administrator. Introduce yourself with a smile and ask if there is free space. If the answer is positive, find out the rental price and inspect the place. By now you should already know its approximate cross-country ability; it was not in vain that you went on reconnaissance. If the conditions suit you, you can draw up an agreement. You shouldn’t immediately count on a “bread” place. Life in the market goes on as usual, someone comes, someone leaves. Over time, you can improve your conditions. The main thing is to try not to quarrel with anyone.

The second step will be going to the tax office to obtain a work permit. There you will be advised on what documents you need to provide to become an individual entrepreneur. While the permit is being issued, you can start selecting an assortment of goods so as not to sit idle. Think about the appearance of your retail space as well. Even if it is small, but tastefully decorated, buyers will immediately appreciate it, because most of them are constantly at the market, so they will immediately notice the new point. When the permit is ready, show the administrator all the documents, pay the rent and get ready for the working day. Don't forget to give a bonus to the very first buyer. He, like his first love, is remembered for a lifetime.

When you have a salesperson, set him a small fixed salary, and make the bulk of his earnings dependent on revenue. This will be a great incentive for your assistant. The seller must have a good understanding of your product in order to help the buyer with professional advice, be polite and courteous. Your profit will depend on many factors, all of which need to be taken into account. Experts say that if a market outlet is organized correctly, the initial investment in it will pay off within a year. So, everything is in your power. Good luck and prosperity!

Mikhail Vorontsov

A small business can be started with a small retail store. In this case, the risk of bankruptcy is minimal, and this starting option will be the most optimal.

And this article will help answer questions about how to open a retail outlet from scratch, where to open it, how to choose the right range of goods sold, organize a pricing policy and keep records correctly.

To begin with, the amount is determined starting capital and the selection of products sold is carried out. A search is made for suppliers whose conditions are favorable and convenient for those opening office work. At the first stage, it is recommended to select related product groups.

When opening a retail outlet in public places - in a market or in a shopping center, registration of an individual entrepreneur will be required.

Moreover, the optimal choice of the system by which taxes will be paid to the state is important. The most common tax system is the simplified tax system.

The selection of the location where the retail outlet will be located is carried out very carefully. Competitors' stores should not be located in close proximity to the opening outlet.

Having decided on the location, you can agree on the cost and rental conditions. When concluding a lease agreement, you should pay attention to the possibility of early termination.

Purchasing commercial equipment to create the appearance and design of the store will greatly affect the loyalty and trust of potential customers.

Hiring a seller is mandatory so that the businessman has time to deal with other organizational issues. The friendliness of the seller and his good guidance in the assortment will affect the success retail and its profitability.

Price policy

The cost of the proposed product should be thought out depending on the capabilities of the target audience - whether it will be a budget product designed for a large part of the population, or an elite one.

At the beginning of office work, you can organize an exhibition with a minimum markup to attract potential buyers and create a client base. At first, only a refund of the money spent is guaranteed. But there will be no significant profit, even with a large markup, due to the irregularity of sales.

It is preferable to choose an intermediate price setting option. To set the optimal markup for products sold, you should analyze the prices most often set in the sales region; it is necessary to study pricing policy competitors and adjusting the prices of an open outlet from scratch.

Automation of retail sales

At the initial stage of office work, it is important to promptly obtain reliable data on its active state. For this purpose it is desirable to automate this business by selecting a functional accounting program.

Purchasing expensive software products is not justifiable for a small company due to the associated purchase and maintenance costs.

Online accounting systems do not require installation; they are basically Internet applications that do not require downloading or updating. Their capabilities:

  • Organization of sales at several points;
  • Using the seller interface to register a sale;
  • Generating reports by shift and for the selected period;
  • Creating and printing documents;
  • Automatic and manual assignment of discounts;
  • Carrying out cash and non-cash sales;
  • And other.

Such programs provide data on profitability, profitability of a retail outlet, cost and volume of goods sold, trade dynamics, balances and movement of products sold, the state of non-cash and cash funds, income and expenses for certain items.

The idea of ​​opening a small grocery store often comes up as an idea profitable business V small town. Indeed, even a small grocery store can become a source of stable income.Not so long ago, to make money trading, it was enough small investment, unsuitable premises and unobtrusive service. Nowadays the retail industry is very competitive, so the approach to organizing the work of a store must be serious.

Opening a grocery store in a residential building is not always easy. If the high-rise building does not have special retail space, then to do this you will have to buy a couple of apartments and transfer them to the category of non-residential premises. This can be a difficult task because... you will have to make a separate entrance, agree with the meeting of residents on the use of common property (facade, roof, basement), obtain permission for redevelopment, etc. In some cases, renting space for a store will be the best option.

Choosing premises for a store is one of the key issues with which you need to begin implementing your idea. But that's not all. In our instructions, you will learn about other important factors for retail that directly affect your entrepreneurial success. So, let's open a grocery store.

Your own store: how to open a grocery store from scratch

Are you planning to open your own business? Don’t forget about the current account - it will simplify doing business, paying taxes and insurance premiums. Moreover, now many banks offer favorable conditions for opening and maintaining a current account. You can view the offers here.

How to open a grocery store from scratch: step-by-step instructions

If you want to learn how to open a grocery store, then our step-by-step instructions will help you with this. Where to begin? Marketers are confident that for the success of retail trade, the most important thing will be the choice of location and assortment of the store, so the first point of our step by step instructions It will be just a choice of location.

  1. Select a store location. You can open a store in a separate building, in a residential multi-storey building or on the territory shopping center. Each option will have its pros and cons, but you need to focus on the expected customer flow. It is preferable to choose a more expensive premises with more traffic than a cheap one, but where there are few potential buyers.
  2. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC; you can find out the full description of these organizational and legal forms in the article “”? Please note that if you want to sell alcohol, you must register an LLC.
  3. Select a tax regime and calculate. You will have little time after state registration to decide on the choice of regime, otherwise you will remain on the general taxation system. And this is difficult and unprofitable. In addition, the need to purchase a cash register depends on the chosen tax regime.
  4. Make a technical project and obtain permits for opening grocery store. We have already described above what permissions are needed for this.
  5. Purchase and install commercial equipment.
  6. Define your target audience. Who will be your buyer: housewives of several neighboring high-rise buildings; business center employees; discerning consumers of gourmet foods? The solvency of your category of potential buyers must be taken into account when choosing assortment for the store.
  7. Select several suppliers of goods for your store, find out under what conditions they work: delivery times, minimum purchase quantities, availability of quality certificates. Purchase the first batch of goods to start the store.
  8. Report the opening of the store to Rospotrebnadzor by submitting a notification.
  9. Make a deal with your employees.
  10. Launch advertising and arrange a store opening.

Video: "How to open a grocery store from scratch?"

A retail outlet on the market is becoming an attractive idea for those who want to try themselves in a new type of business and understand how they make money in the markets. Perhaps this will be the first step towards a new life, on the way to big business. Despite its simplicity, having a retail outlet requires from the first days attention and consideration of the product, the ability to communicate with customers, and decide on organizational issues. questions, and feel in the flow, which is important. Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that a person suddenly loses his job. Our time is a time of opportunity for enterprising people. If you try to open a point, you can be sure that you will start running your own business, make a profit, acquire new experience. There will be certain risks, but there will be no bosses over you, and you will create your own work schedule.

How to open a point on the market?

How to open?

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. face.
  • Decide on the type of taxation. It is best to stick to a simplified system.
  • Conduct marketing research for a retail outlet - what group of goods you will sell.
  • Find suppliers with favorable terms of cooperation. You can minimize costs if you negotiate correctly with suppliers.
  • Find a place to sell. A suitable place is away from competitors.
  • To sell correctly - have an assistant with a health certificate, work experience, and responsibility for the result.

Trading Features

Start-up capital will be needed in any case. You can take out a loan, you need to decide in which market you will do business and what to trade. There are clothing, construction, automobile, mixed, and food markets. And everywhere has its own specifics and rules of trade. Perhaps you already have some ideas and preferences. Or, for example, a time of crisis suggests which goods will be in high demand and which should be abandoned.

After the market and product category have been selected, it is necessary to study the demand of the population. Pay attention to how customers walk between the rows, what they are missing, study the prices and decide what will be sold, in what form, and how best to arrange the goods. The point of sale should attract the attention of the buyer, even if he just stopped. How to detain him, how to attract him - the seller’s ability to find the right words and convince him that the product is necessary, and only now there are discounts.

Many traders don't do this in the beginning, so they get into a lot of trouble. There may be a popular place for trading near the market. It's better to sell what you know. If you have a medical education, you can open a pharmacy or a point of sale of massagers and applicators. If you understand building materials, it is better to open a point on the construction market. But one thing is clear, the most popular point is selling food. Even if the market has recently opened, there will be no problems with customers. For example, if you open a mini-cafe, sellers will eat there, and you will always have an influx of customers.

After you have made a decision, you need to enter into agreements with wholesale suppliers who have low prices for their products and high-quality goods. To do this, you will have to do the work - find options on the Internet, advertisements in the newspaper, look at samples, analyze and make the final decision with whom to cooperate. This will determine your activities many steps forward.

Trading Rules

There are trading rules that a seller needs to know. After making a decision, you need to contact the market administration and inquire about rent. Each market offers different options. For example, you don’t need a room on the ground floor, but part of the room will be fine. It is necessary to persuade the tenant to give you half, or a part at a suitable price.

After registering a business, you need to recruit sellers. But if you have not yet promoted the point, it will be difficult for you to pay everyone salaries. It is enough to first hire an efficient assistant and work on increasing profits. Either expand the range of products, or make marketing moves - offer discounts, organize sales.

Point design

How to attract a buyer? Colorful design of the point, signs, showcases, banners, business cards, flyers, and they can be distributed at the entrance to the market, all this will attract the attention of the buyer with its originality. An individual approach is what can attract customers to your location these days. If the buyer was treated attentively, was not deceived, and was advised what he needed, he will definitely return. Store the goods in places suitable for this purpose, do not sell perishable or stale products.


For each point, profitability may be different, but approximate calculations can be made. For large items, you can mark up up to 30% of the purchase price. For small household goods - 100%. Payback depends on the rent, the purchase price of the product, and the level of sales for the product. The product may be seasonal or perishable. Experts say that the point can pay for itself in a year, provided that the trade was organized correctly and you did not make mistakes anywhere.

Watch also the video “Basic steps when opening a retail outlet”

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