Encyclopedia of Marketing. Types of social advertising

Social advertising is one of the types of non-commercial advertising. It is information in any form and on any media, aimed at the formation of certain moral values, public views, as well as for transforming models of mass behavior and attracting society to the problems of society.

Types of social advertising

Depending on the purpose and range of interests of the initiative group, advertising events of a social nature are divided into subtypes. Their unifying feature is considered to be adherence to ethics and compliance with constitutional principles.

Classification by areas social advertising:

  • Advertising values ​​(promotes certain ideas and beliefs, for example, calls for raising children correctly and not using force against them).
  • Advertising of NGOs, projects, events, activities, programs (movement to protect the environment and forests).
  • Information and educational advertising (propaganda of a topic with the selection of information and analytical base, for example, about the problem of abortion, alcoholism, drug addiction).
  • State (organized by state institutions and structures in defense of their interests, for example, patriotic advertising of the military registration and enlistment office “Serving the Fatherland”).
  • Non-profit organizations (implemented by foundations, public associations for ideological purposes, for example, the “Gift of Life” relief fund).
  • Commercial enterprises (refers to business advertising in society, for example, the project “Does it matter?”).
  • Public (organized through informal structures by private individuals in the form of signs and banners, for example, calling on drivers to drive while sober).

  • The calling contains various kinds of incentives to action, for example, a call to live correctly.
  • The questioner addresses the audience by asking a problem, for example, containing a question from an insurance company: “Are you sure that your life is under control?”
  • The thesis statement expresses a judgment about a certain model of behavior in society, which does not contain assessments or appeals, but states facts. For example, “Healthy parents - healthy children - a healthy future of the nation!”
  • The informative one deepens the audience’s knowledge on the topic, for example, characterizes the specifics of the effect of ecology on the systemic functions of the body.
  • A combined one can use both an appeal and a thesis or information block.

Classification by format:

  • A sound request, for example, to pick up children from kindergarten on time.
  • Visual-graphic and electronic-digital. For example, a call on a banner to ensure a carefree old age.
  • Visual and cinematic. For example, videos for Victory Day.
  • Visual-objective. A unique type of propaganda using forms that evoke various associations, without transmitting textual information.
  • Text. For example, a ticker about the importance of contraception.

Classification by emotional orientation:

  • Positive creates a positive image and evokes a “For” reaction.
  • Negative has the vector “Against”.

Objectives of social advertising

  • Attracting public attention to common problems.
  • Impact on moral guidelines.
  • Changing behavioral patterns and perceptions.
  • Campaigning for certain actions.
  • A call to solve a problem or provide financial assistance.

Specifics of social advertising

  • The target audience is society. The expected effect is designed for the long term, and the company’s effectiveness cannot be expressed analytically in numbers.
  • Expresses the interests of society in the context of society.
  • May encourage charity and donations.
  • Can promote a certain worldview.
  • Serves social ideals and landmarks.
  • Can be used as information and educational propaganda.

Impact of social advertising

The main disadvantage of social advertising is the complexity of content design. Not all information is perceived equally by society. The specific reaction depends on the beliefs, worldview, gender, age and individual characteristics of each person.

In the process of creating a project, marketers take these factors into account and focus on details, taking into account the analysis of psychological attitudes. The most commonly used methods are persuasion and suggestion. To ensure that advertising does not go unnoticed, factors that irritate attention are used. Social advertising is perceived most effectively when using unusual forms and new approaches to influencing the subconscious. An example of a new format of social advertising is stylized eco-urns in parks.

To introduce the audience to the problem, an interrogative construction is used, which encourages them to think about the sentence (in the “How to be” style).

Public interest is attracted by constructing complex theses, which can be understood by rethinking the message.

As a result of the research, the majority of respondents considered social advertising important and necessary. In Russian realities, the perception of this kind of information is difficult due to various factors: the rhythm and pace of life, preoccupation with problems and work, the presence of more important ideals.

According to one source, 40% of those surveyed said that social advertising had no impact on their moral principles and experienced opinions. Another 20% considered it a decoration for the urban environment. The remaining part of people found the advertisement irritating or not noticeable at all. From this we can conclude that most people do not pay attention to everyday information.

Social advertising functions

  • Economic - creates demand.
  • Social - influences behavior.
  • Communication - transmits information in an impersonal way.
  • Marketing - stimulating interest.
  • Educational - data transmission.

Methods for implementing social advertising

  • oral advertising (in any form);
  • photo;
  • social poster;
  • banner;
  • postcards;
  • leaflets;
  • icons;
  • checkboxes;
  • clothes with photo printing;
  • literary work;
  • production video;
  • documentaries;
  • social videos;
  • information signs;
  • brochures;
  • booklets;
  • stands;
  • signs.

Social advertising topics

  • life safety;
  • healthy lifestyle: alcoholism, drug addiction, abortion;
  • issues of equality and social guarantees;
  • protection of the rights of various categories of citizens;
  • ecology, medicine, education;
  • vision of the future;
  • moral issues;
  • government issues: politics, taxation, insurance, military service.

Customers of social advertising

  • Public organizations;
  • government agencies;
  • charity organisations;
  • commercial enterprises;
  • private entrepreneurs.

Social advertising placement

  • One of the mandatory points when placing social advertising is the absence of any information about the brand and other methods of individualization.
  • Advertising must comply with ethical and moral standards.
  • Advertising can be organized either by a commercial structure or by a private individual. Acceptance for its placement must be received when advertising cannot be placed on bulletin boards.
  • Advertising on the Internet is possible on various platforms, including free ones.
    All issues related to content are resolved in agreement with the owner of the advertising space in the process of cooperation.

Legal regulation of social advertising

The conditions for advertising and payment methods are established on a contractual basis (445 Civil Code).
Advertising, if necessary, must be coordinated with local authorities. When creating the layout and design of a project, be sure to follow copyright law.

Social Advertising Commission

In Russia there is a coordination council that monitors the placement of social advertising and its content. The Social Advertising Council under the Public Chamber was created in 2018 and introduced mandatory commissions responsible for placing social advertising on television and radio channels, as well as in electronic media. Their main tasks are the development of guidelines, the implementation of advertising and the control of content and content.

Effectiveness of social advertising

  • recognition by society of a particular phenomenon;
  • assessment of public position;
  • assessment of the existing opinion.

The following levels of effectiveness of social advertising are distinguished:

  • recipient awareness;
  • assimilation of information;
  • formation of beliefs;
  • the emergence of a desire to follow the model;
  • achieving results (100%).

Performance evaluation is carried out through various theories using analysis. The process is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and requires the study of all corrective factors, so such studies are usually carried out at the state level by special associated groups.

Types of social advertising competitions

  • Social advertising competition “New Look” tvoykonkurs.ru. Organized by the World of Youth Foundation and provides an opportunity for young people to demonstrate their creative abilities in solving social problems and significant public discourses or problematic issues.
  • Social advertising competition “Impulse” konkurs-impulse.ru. The organizer of the competition is the state represented by authorized representatives. Only government agencies, institutions and organizations can participate in the competition. The main goal of the project is to attract public attention to solving socially important problems, as well as to contribute to the modernization of the advertising process.
  • Competition-festival of social advertising “Lime” limefestival.ru. Is an International Moscow Competition. The main task of the commission is to search for specialists in the field of advertising and design to create unique projects with a social focus. The festival focuses on school and student projects, as well as the development of advertising to meet the needs of the customer.
  • Social advertising competition “The Art of Living” molgvardia.ru. The competition is organized remotely. Designers, photographers, and videographers can take part in it. Photos and video materials on given topics of a social nature are considered as works.
  • Competition-festival of social advertising “Island of the WORLD” www.ostrov-mir.ru. Conducted to develop projects that address social norms and ethics. Anyone can become an author. The competition is intended for creative people who are able to address the problems of the evils of society.

Examples of social advertising

Russian project Nonna Mordyukova and Rimma Markova

Social advertising of the 90s “Dima, wave your hand to mom!”

"Call your parents"

Social advertising from the traffic police

Anti-drug advertising

Russian legislation gives a precise definition of the concept of social advertising. First of all, this advertising is distributed in order to convey to the majority of the population the necessary information, which notifies about significant charitable and public events held by city or federal authorities, investors, philanthropists and other persons who want to provide assistance to groups of people in need. Social advertising can be distributed in any way, for example, shown on television, broadcast on the radio, published in the press or promoted through outdoor advertising. It is addressed to a large audience that can benefit from this information.

Obligations of advertising platform owners

Owners of advertising sites are required to place up to 5% of the main area per year on their structures. Television channels, outdoor advertising operators, media publishers mass media are required to provide 5% of their airtime or printed space for social advertising per year.

Law on social advertising

The law on social advertising states that this is a type of non-profit advertising that is aimed at changing public behavior patterns and drawing the attention of the masses to social problems. Typically, the customers of social advertising are government agencies and special services responsible for order in society. Discounts are provided for the production of such advertising, or it is produced free of charge. There is also regional social advertising, which attracts the attention of residents of a certain region to existing problems. She calls for changing attitudes towards various difficulties and for the whole world to fight negative phenomena.

Vivid examples of such advertising are well-known campaigns against drunkenness, domestic violence, and calls for compliance with the rules public order, following traffic rules. Social advertising also plays an important role, calling for a healthy lifestyle and the protection of natural resources and resources. Social advertising is also important, calling for care for loved ones, for attention to your parents, who live alone and often need the love of their grown children. Watch a New Year's video about mom:

Points of the law on social advertising

  1. Social advertising can be submitted by both individuals and legal entities, as well as government agencies, local governments, and municipalities.
  2. It is important to note that social advertising should not contain specific brands of goods, or advertise trademarks or brands. Any means of individualization of goods or organizations should not be emphasized, except for the cases specified in the fifth subparagraph of this law.
  3. Persons or organizations distributing advertising in mandatory must enter into an agreement for the distribution of social advertising within 5% of the volume of all advertising distributed per year. The procedure for concluding such an agreement is established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. If social advertising is distributed in radio or television programs, then the duration of the mention of the advertising sponsors should not exceed 3 seconds, and the mention or display of the sponsors itself should not be allocated more than 7% of the frame area. When distributing advertising by other means, this information should not occupy more than 5% of the advertising space. If advertising is submitted by government agencies, municipalities or local authorities, then these restrictions do not apply.
  5. In social advertising, references are allowed to those organizations that are aimed at improving socially significant objects, at supporting people in need who find themselves in difficult situations, who require treatment or other assistance.
  6. Social advertising allows display individuals who find themselves in difficult situations and in need of charitable assistance or treatment.

Social advertising functions

The main functions that social advertising performs are increasing the humanity of society, changing public opinion and directing it towards raising consciousness. With the help of social advertising, you can achieve goals that improve the life of society.

This type of advertising, like all others, performs the function of influencing the formation of certain views and aspirations, changing the behavioral types of people in relation to any object, and creating new values. The laconicism and emotionality of advertising evokes a response from the audience, finds its adherents and followers, draws attention to the problems existing in society and encourages society to fight them.

Types of social advertising

  • Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, drawing public attention to the need to eat right, exercise, and be examined by doctors on time. Attention is paid to such problems as protection from AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, protection from unwanted pregnancy, and family planning. Another goal of this type of advertising is to motivate society to eradicate such negative factors as alcohol addiction, drug addiction, smoking;

  • Appeals for charity and mercy. This type of advertising encourages to provide assistance to public organizations, people in need, to allocate funds for the construction of objects that are significant for the entire society, for example, churches, hospitals, health resorts, etc.;

  • Promoting respect for law and order and laws. Advertising posters create in society a desire to comply with constitutional laws, fulfill their duties to the state and other people, and introduce aspects of legislative acts;
  • Event advertising is issued to familiarize citizens with upcoming events, city holidays, special occasions, the purpose of which is to unite society and satisfy its need to celebrate important dates for everyone;
  • Information advertising that sends messages to government organizations and services that are significant to society. Here you can find telephone numbers, addresses, links to sites that provide services, where you can leave complaints or suggestions, and where you should contact in certain cases.

Each type of social advertising can be divided into subtypes, and in each specific case the advertising is aimed at a specific goal. Therefore, the detailed classification may change depending on the current problems of society, the chosen course of government policy and other internal and external changes.

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If advertising is thought out, it will interest consumers and be remembered for a long time. Social advertising informs the population about social problems, environmental problems, and warns about dangers. Let's look at examples of such advertising and identify the one that can be considered the best social advertising.

The best social advertising in the world: 20 examples

  1. telephone wall

  1. The slower the better

  1. Speed ​​kills

The slogan “Speed ​​kills” is often used when conducting advertising campaigns. The Western Cape Government advertising agency selected a suitable image for the slogan.

  1. Don't be rude to others

On public transport in France, the organization that runs it, RATP, has posted public service announcements calling for respect for other passengers.

  1. Feeding the hungry is not as difficult as it seems

  1. Stop the violence: Don't drink and drive

  1. It is impossible not to approach such advertising

This method of collecting garbage is very original. Its author is the English company Hubbub. The essence of the project: advertising materials contain calls to vote on a certain topic by placing a cigarette butt in a particular container.

  1. Your child eats the same thing as you

The social network was created by the creative agency Paim on behalf of the Brazilian Pediatric Society (SPRS). The posters clearly show that unhealthy eating habits of mothers can cause health problems in children.

Submit your application

  1. No child wants to be fat as an adult.

The American agency LatinWorks (Austin) raises the problem of obesity in its social advertising. It shows that obesity is an obstacle to achieving your goals.

  1. What you spend in two minutes, she can live for two days

Colgate-Palmolive has launched a campaign to encourage water conservation.

  1. Brand logos take on new meaning

The creator of the social advertising Mozambique Fashion Week calls for abandoning fur coats and other fur products, the use of elephant bone and rhinoceros horns. Although it will not affect poachers, it may give buyers pause.

  1. Think for two

  1. Toys against child labor

The social program of the Portuguese company APAV demonstrates the performance of various works with toys. There are a lot of children in the world who are forced to work. A teddy bear in the role of a seamstress and a Teletubby in the role of a shoe shiner make you think seriously about the problem.

  1. When you see tuna, imagine a panda

  1. Telephone conversations while driving are not allowed

In India, the Mudra Group agency created a public service announcement showing the importance of being alert on the road. It encourages you not to be distracted by telephone conversations, as they can cause a serious accident.

  1. Likes don't work

  1. Buckle up, save your life

  1. Did you drink? Choose who will take you

  1. A premature end

This social network warns: “The life expectancy of smokers, according to statistics, is 15% less.”

  1. Romania against pollution

Best Social Advertising: Videos That Make You Think

A very effective way to show a clear example is to create social advertising in video format. Below is a selection of the best social media advertising videos that will shock and make you think.

  1. Anti-smoking campaigns

A series of social media videos produced by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is called “Advice from Former Smokers.” In them, the heroine Terry talks about how she prepares for a new day every morning after losing teeth, hair and having her larynx removed due to treatment for throat cancer.

These videos were created as part of an anti-smoking campaign in England. They show how the main character’s tumor grows and what happens to the body under the influence of nicotine.

  1. “Which of us is perfect?”

In Switzerland, the charitable foundation Pro Infirmis created social videos about people with limited opportunities. In one shopping center in Zurich, foundation specialists replaced ordinary mannequins with figures of real people with disabilities.

The company came up with a slogan: “Because who is perfect?” (“Which of us is perfect?”). 13 million people from all over the world know about it.

  1. Fighting heart disease

The social advertisement was produced by the Swiss Heart Foundation, a foundation for the fight against heart disease. The video shows a love story with a dramatic ending. A man unrequitedly loved one woman all his life, and after many years he almost achieved the fulfillment of his dream. The slogan of the fund is this: life can end very early as a result of a heart attack.

  1. Video from Greenpeace

A video from Greenpeace demonstrates the effectiveness of sending letters and disseminating information in the fight against whale destruction. This method is compared to being in an inflatable boat on board a whaling ship.

  1. Drunk driving

The most terrifying social film filmed in the toilet. The number of views of the video is more than 10 million. Those who watch it will probably never drive drunk.

  1. Social advertising against domestic violence

The customer of the video is the social service of Croatia. It is very convincing, as evidenced by its title: “Photos of every day of the most terrible year of my life.”

  1. Anti-drug advertising

Social media from the Drug Control of Yakutia clearly shows what life can become if you start using drugs.

The best social advertising in Russia

Social advertising has recently appeared in our country. It should be noted that many domestic social campaigns are very interesting. In the Russian social sphere, environmental problems, problems of bad habits, diseases, drunk driving and many others are being raised.

In 2010, the “Whatever?!” project was created. Over the seven years of its existence, 38 campaigns were carried out in 72 cities. The campaign received a great response, touching the hearts of many people. This is evidenced by the summary on the project website.

A very striking campaign is “Garbage has its own home,” which was one of the first to be carried out. News Outdoor and ADV Group jointly developed billboards that appeared on the streets of our cities in 2011. The posters depict bottles and cans asking for a “lift home.” The project was created with the goal of educating and supporting social activity, responsibility, forming an ecological worldview, and achieving people’s caring attitude and love for the environment and their places of residence. 2017 is the year of ecology, so environmental problems are also very relevant now.

The purpose of another campaign is to remind adults that children value every moment spent with their parents. As part of the “Spend Time with Children” project, posters were developed with the slogans: “Which card is more important?” and “Who is your child like?”

The “If you saw a zebra, slow down” campaign was also a success. The project was dedicated to the topic of pedestrian safety. The call to slow down before a zebra crossing is accompanied by a demonstration of the dire consequences for pedestrians that can result from driver inattention.

In 2012, the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications created social posters as part of the “Get Reading” project. The heroes of this social advertisement are classics of Russian literature: Pushkin, Chekhov and Tolstoy. The posters depict them in sports uniforms and encourage them to “pump up” themselves with books. The goal of the project is to convey to citizens that reading books is a serious matter that requires dedication, akin to sports. The relevance of this social network is due to the great popularity of sports training among young people. To implement the campaign on the Internet, a music video was shot for the song of the young rapper Fike.

Another noteworthy project is “Be a Man.” Its authors are activists from St. Petersburg. The government decided to place 150 posters in the city's metro.

Previously, social advertising created by bureaucratic structures was not imaginative and effective, but now many government campaigns touch the nerve. But these videos do not always resonate. About two years ago, the Road Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Russian Film Industry Union developed a social program High Quality. But representatives of major channels considered the videos too cruel and naturalistic, which motivated their refusal to broadcast them.

Places for placing social advertising dedicated to various problems of society are crowded places, both indoors and outdoors (highway, subway, shopping centers, toilets). In our country, the effectiveness of social advertising is growing every year, it becomes stronger and more topical, it makes you break away from endless affairs and think about the problem.

Best social advertising 2016: video that amazes

  1. We are the superhumans

This video in the Internet space is already being called the best in the category of social advertising for the entire time of its existence. The British television channel Channel 4 has filmed a trailer for the summer Paralympics. The heroes of the video - 140 athletes, musicians, dancers - show “superpowers”. They overcome the barriers that result from disability, demonstrating the fortitude of “superhumans.” The video “We are the superhumans” is worth watching more than once.

  1. How do you see me?

For several years in Italy, Coordown has been producing a powerful video for International Down Syndrome Day. In the 2016 video, actress Olivia Wilde became the heroine. She asks: “How do you see me?” People are influenced by stereotypes, so their attitude towards people with Down syndrome is determined by external factors.

  1. 30 Millions D'Amis Foundation

This video features a touching story about a dog that was abandoned by its owner. The purpose of the 30 Millions D'Amis Foundation video is to show that animals are not capable of betrayal. Unlike people. It's impossible not to cry while watching it.

  1. Social experiment by UNICEF

The Georgian company UNICEF conducted a social experiment. Most likely, its results in other countries would be the same. People's reaction to a lonely 6-year-old girl depended on her appearance. The experiment was stopped so that little Anano would not become even more upset.

  1. Behind the leather

Animal activists PETA have initiated another social experiment. In 2016, the British, through their efforts, tried “dog milk” and found out why sex with vegetarians is better. Employees of the organization beat a girl in a woolen sweater and created special condoms for hunters. The promotion found the greatest response in a fashion boutique in Bangkok. The social video shows the reaction of people who saw the cost of luxury leather goods.

  1. The DNA Journey

Momondo's viral video talks about the "journey of DNA." Attitudes towards other peoples can change to tolerant and humane when a person learns about his roots. Even the staged video made a lot of people think. I would like to believe that this social advertising touched the feelings of supporters of the “pure ethnic group.”

  1. The World's Biggest Asshole

The author of the public service announcement about the “biggest asshole” is the American company Donate Life. A notorious scoundrel becomes a hero after his death. The video serves as a reminder that 120 thousand American residents need help - they are waiting for donor organs.

  1. Hairy Nose

The international environmental organization WildAid's GOblue released a video about how polluted the air is in China. Imagine that people need to adapt to the conditions they themselves created. Introduced? Now look what a country looks like whose inhabitants have hairy noses. WildAid's GOblue talks about serious problems with humor.

  1. I'm not asking to be a firefighter

Polish social advertising rarely appears in ratings. But this video, shot with a bit of humor, is very different from others. The Polish Integration Foundation employs people with disabilities. He made a video in which disabled people try to “put out a fire.” Can they do it? Spoiler: they can be offered a more suitable job.

  1. Still The Most Shocking Second A Day

In 2014, a social video about a girl from Syria “Most shocking Second a Day” shocked hundreds of thousands of people. The video lasts 1.5 minutes, in which Save the Children and the advertising agency Don’t Panic were able to fit a whole year of life, which is full of fear and despair. After 2 years, they created a new video telling about the life of refugee children. Its heroine is the same girl.

The best social advertising that appeared in 2017

  1. Blauez Kreuz

The social network Blauez Kreuz was created in Germany, its goal is to show that alcoholism is a family problem. The posters show that the alcohol addiction of one family member is pushing the rest into the abyss. “Alcohol doesn’t just harm them.”

  1. Womanity Foundation

The Womanity Foundation created a public service announcement that reminds us that sexual violence predates revealing clothing. Miniskirts, short shorts and T-shirts began to be worn only in the 20th century. A woman's clothing style is not an excuse for rapists. The posters show retro photographs of clothing and scenes of violence in paintings or documentaries.

  1. Innocence in danger

In Germany, the company Innocence in danger created a public service announcement warning parents that children can easily get unnecessary information from the Internet. On the posters, children read magazines, the name of which speaks for itself.

In Georgia, WWF shows a bunch of grapes made from light bulbs on a poster. The PSA warns: “What goes around comes around. Ill-considered industrialization has an impact on the soil.”

  1. Global2000

The Australian company Global2000 in its public service announcement shows that global warming may result in the extinction of animals. Nature has not created a guillotine for a polar bear or an electric chair for a penguin, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

  1. Beneva Foundation

If you are not attentive enough to children, they will feel unnecessary. Social advertising by Beneva Foudation raises the problem of “homelessness at home” and encourages parents to spend at least 1 hour a day with their children.

  1. Bates Chi&Partners

In India, a public service announcement was created calling for an end to domestic violence. Its author is the Bates Chi&Partners agency. The campaign is called #voiceforvictims and calls on women to speak out against daily abuse and violence. “If you are tolerant and silent, then this will only harm you.”

  1. African Conversation Foundation

The social advertising was developed by the African Conversation Foundation. The disappearance of many African animals is due to uncontrolled poaching. The number of gorillas in Africa is less than 300, and the number of rhinoceroses is less than 5000. 35,000 elephants are killed by poachers every year. In a public service announcement, the African Conversation Foundation compares slaughtered animals to balloons pierced with a needle.

  1. Garde-Manger Pour Tous

The social advertising, created by advertising agency Cossette (Montreal, Canada) for Garde-Manger Pour Tous (GMPT), is laconic. GMPT has been providing hot meals to disadvantaged children in schools from disadvantaged families for over 30 years. The purpose of this social advertising is to attract potential sponsors to cooperate with the organization. The posters depict children holding empty plates. Social slogan: “Help us fill the void.”


The author of this social advertisement is the British company PAPYRUS, whose activities are aimed at preventing suicidal tendencies among young people. PAPYRUS draws attention to the fact that young people are prone to suicide, often hanging out on social networks and not showing their depressive state to others.

In modern society, advertising has firmly taken a leading position. ABOUT advertising practice it is already in the most ancient documents of written history. During excavations in Mediterranean countries, archaeologists found signs announcing various events and offers. The Romans “painted the walls with announcements of gladiator fights, and the Phoenicians painted rocks along the routes of various kinds of processions, extolling their goods in every possible way in these paintings. All these are the predecessors of modern outdoor advertising."

After the invention of the printing press in 1450, the development of advertising clearly accelerated. First advertisements were printed in the form of leaflets and distributed to everyone free of charge. One example of this type of advertising is a leaflet issued in 1457 by an English book publisher, in which he advertised a book of spiritual content. In the 15th century, printed advertising posters were already widespread. Using a printing press provides ample opportunities to contact potential consumers several times, i.e. cover more of them in different places. However, it is worth noting that advertising through leaflets and posters was carried out from time to time, without a specific system. At the beginning of the 17th century, the first printed newspapers appeared, which were published to the public at regular intervals. First, newspapers arose in Germany, a little later in Holland, England, and France. The appearance of periodical newspapers made it possible to regularly inform the population about purchases and sales, services, and prices. Somewhat later, already in the second half of the 17th century, first in England and then in Germany, the practice of selling newspaper space for paid advertisements appeared.

In the future, with the development of industry and trade, as well as with the improvement of the publication of periodicals, increasing literacy of the population, and means of communication, advertising reaches a new level. A division of labor occurs, a new link in advertising activity appears - the advertising agency. The address bureau of Theophrastus Renaudo can be considered the prototype of an advertising agency. So, by the beginning of the twentieth century, advertising had developed significantly. Further momentum advertising business gave rise to monopolies, an unprecedented increase in the volume of production of goods and the transition of capitalism from free competition to rivalry between giant corporations.

The terms “political” and “commercial” advertising are widespread and embedded in our lives. Political advertising is relevant in election technologies, and commercial advertising helps promote goods on the market. However, the abundance of advertising with an insufficient scale of advertising space (a small number of advertising media, TV channels, radio stations, advertising spaces compared to Western countries) at this stage of development of Russian society causes significant rejection and rejection of these types of advertising. In the current conditions, the attention of advertising producers, creators and advertising customers began to switch to the new kind advertising, which in Soviet times was considered an exclusively ideological instrument of propaganda and agitation of the existing system.

Social advertising is “a type of non-profit advertising aimed at changing patterns of public behavior and drawing attention to social problems.” Social advertising is a type of social product (in the USA and Europe, the term PSA is traditionally used for this designation - public service announcement), differs significantly from government and political advertising. Most often, the customers of such advertising are government agencies or non-profit organizations, and advertising agencies and distributors of advertising in some cases produce and place it free of charge or at reduced prices. The most famous examples of such advertising are campaigns against drugs, compliance with traffic rules, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, environmental protection and others.

The history of public service advertising begins in 1906, when the American Civic Association created the first advertisement of its kind, calling for the protection of Niagara Falls from harm caused by energy companies. During the First World War, in 1917, a recruiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg, “The American Army Needs You,” appeared in the United States, in which “Uncle Sam” encouraged recruits to join the army. In composition and style, famous in the 20s and 40s in the USSR, respectively, were Dmitry Moor’s posters “Have you signed up as a volunteer?” and Irakli Toidze “The Motherland is Calling!” Very reminiscent of Flagg's poster. During the same years of the First World War, the then-created Committee on Public Information carried out active explanatory work, informing citizens about why the United States entered the war and what threatened the country with defeat in it. The first social advertising campaign widely known in Russia after the collapse of the USSR was a series of commercials “Call your parents!” After this, a series of “Russian Project” videos were launched on Channel One. Both projects are still primarily associated among the majority of Russian residents with the term “social advertising”.

  • 1. Represents public and state interests;
  • 2. Aimed at achieving charitable goals and results (a socially beneficial result is understood as: improving the crime situation in the country; preventing the spread of drug addiction and diseases associated with it; encouraging the population to fulfill their duties to the state ( military duty, payment of taxes, compliance with regulations, environmental protection) and other results associated with a positive effect in public life.

The principle of social advertising is the impossibility of pursuing commercial or political goals, as well as mentioning specific commercial brands, organizations, brands (articles, models) of goods, as well as political parties and individual politicians.

  • * formation of public opinion;
  • * drawing attention to current problems of public life;
  • * stimulation of actions to solve them;
  • * formation of a positive attitude towards government agencies;
  • * demonstration of social responsibility of business;
  • * strengthening socially significant institutions of civil society;
  • * formation of new types of social relations;
  • * changing the behavioral model of society.

Strictly speaking, the term social advertising, which is a literal translation from English public advertising, is used only in Russia. And all over the world it corresponds to the concepts of non-commercial advertising and public advertising. Let's expand on these definitions. “Nonprofit advertising is advertising sponsored by or on behalf of non-profit institutions and intended to encourage donations, encourage voting, or attract attention to community causes.” Public service (social) advertising conveys a message promoting some positive phenomenon. Professionals create it for free (it would be more correct to talk about the ethical position of non-profit), space and time in the media are also provided on a non-commercial basis.” The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising” in Article 18 gives the following definition of social advertising: “Social advertising represents public and state interests and is aimed at achieving charitable goals.”

Social advertising uses the same set of tools as commercial advertising: television commercials, print, street, transport advertising, etc. The main difference between social advertising and commercial advertising is the goal. While commercial advertisers stimulate favorable attitudes towards a product or an increase in its sales, the purpose of social advertising is to attract attention to social phenomenon. For example, if the ultimate goal of a commercial television advertisement for a new type of coffee is to change consumer habits, then the goal of a social advertising video, for example, to combat homelessness, is to draw attention to this problem, and, from a strategic perspective, to change the behavioral model of society. In addition, the target audiences of the two types of advertising compared are significantly different: for commercial advertising it is a fairly narrow marketing group, for social advertising it is the entire society, or a significant part of it.

It is not easy to distinguish social advertising among various types and subtypes of commercial and political advertising. Its goals and objectives were often confused with the goals and objectives of other types of advertising, as well as journalism. Thus, mobilizing the population during hostilities, conducting campaigns to raise funds and donations can equally apply to political and social advertising.

First of all, social advertising should express as explicitly as possible the idea of ​​the existence of a plausible and/or unseemly act. Even if this idea is a variation of the solution to the theme by showing those who suffered from an unseemly act or benefited from a plausible act, the very essence of this dichotomy of “good and bad” should be clearly present, if not textually, then as an explicit thought conclusion. It should be said that social advertising is united with commercial advertising by “the very scale of its presence in the public consciousness: it is multiplied in the means of communication, the consumption of which is the daily activity of large masses of people, which guarantees these texts a greater likelihood of assimilation.” Any personal behavior or condition (for example, individual health) becomes the subject of social advertising only in one case: if its absence becomes a social problem.

So, with AIDS and other social diseases, which are therefore called such that they are transmitted socially, as a result of contact with their own kind: until they acquire the character of an epidemic and do not include in their orbit people who have become victims as a result of social interaction with other people (blood transfusion or infection of a child in the womb are also social reasons), society will not sound the alarm en masse. For this there are other channels, other methods, other forms: then this sphere of activity is school, family, health care, art.

It is precisely based on the fundamental characteristics of social advertising, associated with the fact that it promotes universally significant social values, that it becomes obvious that efforts to ensure this phenomenon (financing production, posting such texts, and not least setting priorities for problems that need to be discussed in society full voice) fall on society, not even the state, but society. Almost all production and placement of such advertising occurs on a free charitable basis, and only partly for programs initiated by government organizations, using funds from the state budget.

The topics that have been reflected in social advertising for more than half a century reflect the entire range of social problems that the country has faced during this time: drugs and alcoholism, including children’s, the cost of higher education for the poor, the development of pension savings, the fight against forestry fires as a result of careless handling of fire, national census, violence against children in the family, etc.

Nationwide actions are paid for from the state budget, but state participation is limited to this. Much of this movement depends on private initiative. Thus, private television channels provide free airtime to demonstrate social videos, and famous people take part in social events. Popular singers donate their fees to the treatment of sick children. Some of these forms are beginning to take root in Russia. During the daytime, public service advertising runs more often than during the evening, when commercial TV spots provide TV stations with more profits, since prime-time advertising costs more. Advertising with a social message often runs between programs rather than interrupting them. About a third of social advertising accompanies children's programs, news, television conversations and films. Most rarely, Ї comes in a “package” with quizzes and sports reports.

The emergence and, accordingly, the development of social advertising in Russia was determined by significant causal factors. Each example of social advertising given below speaks about many events that occurred in the Russian Federation. In 1992, the videos “Bees” and “Call Your Parents” appeared (I. Burenkov, Domino agency). The breakdown of social ties, economic and political crises in Russia, and the rapid development of crime lead to demoralization of society and form a new system of relationships based on the primacy of property values. The public insecurity of the Russian population, the lack of support from the state itself and social systems caused the aggravation of existing problems and the emergence of another - social one. There was an obvious need for change. The instrument of such a policy was social advertising.

How social advertising began

In the Russian Federation, social advertising as a type of information and advertising activity has existed for more than ten years, in Western countries - for more than a century. IN Russian Federation in 1993, the so-called Advertising Council was created, its membership included advertising firms, media (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trud - printed publications; NTV, Ostankino - television companies; Radio Russia, Europe Plus, "Mayak" - radio stations), as well as some public organizations - the Moscow Foundation of Mercy and Health and many others. The purpose of creating this Council is to produce unified advertising products on social problems. Its members develop examples of social events for print media and produce audio and video clips. The Council's basic position is based on its refusal to put its mark on an advertising product.

What does it look like

  • Family relationships in the "Children-Parents" section. An example of a social one in this section: “They grew up and forgot their parents. Do you remember? Call your parents.”
  • Family relationships in the “Children in the Family” section: “It takes a lot of strength to grow a flower. Children are not flowers, give them more love.”
  • Attitude to life: “These are bees. Life decided everything for them. We build our lives ourselves. Don’t be afraid of change.”

Members of the Council regularly hold thematic press conferences, organize the placement of information material in other media, and conduct all kinds of presentations and excursions. They take part in special training for social workers, in the implementation of social scientific projects, provide all possible support for the creation of public organizations, unions, clubs, and take an active part in thematic days: Children’s Day, the fight against tuberculosis, Healthy Lifestyle Day, etc. etc. In many Russian non-profit organizations Press services have emerged and are operating. The press service of the Social-Ecological Union was formed in 1999. The purpose of its creation was to disseminate environmental and social information in the media. The basis for the beginning of its activities was sending information about the existence and activities of the union, but now the press service functions in several directions. Employees prepare and distribute press releases about the actions of the authorities on issues of achievements in the field of environmental protection, innovative technologies, environmental legislation, and more. SoES has a unique data bank on environmental issues, which comes from more than 250 members of the Union. And as a result, approximately 130 Russian and foreign media outlets constantly contact the union’s press service. A significant step was the establishment of the Social Information Agency in Russia. Russian authorities and the media turn to his services. Since the emergence of the agency in the life of society, one can now find examples of social advertising literally at every step (both in public transport and in other crowded places).

Legislative regulation of social advertising

In Russia, the existence of social advertising is regulated by law. Article 10 of the 2006 Federal Law “On Advertising” states that social advertising is aimed at state and public interests and pursues charitable goals. Legislative regulation of social advertising activities speaks about
creating a professional society that produces social products and helps increase public interest in significant social problems. An example of social advertising to increase the interest of the population is the emergence of the category “social advertising” in quite influential advertising competitions in Russia: Youth Advertising Festival, Advertising Festival in Nizhny Novgorod, etc.

Social advertising, examples, its perception

The results of a sociological survey conducted in 2000 in Novosibirsk (60 respondents participated) indicate low knowledge of social advertising (25%), while videos about ACE and the relationship between parents and children (“Call your parents”) were cited as examples of social advertising. In addition to this, respondents recalled various rallies on the topic of drug addiction, AIDS, broadcast by the media. They expressed a positive attitude towards social advertising in 65% of cases. 20% did not see much benefit in advertising, and only 15% consider such advertising necessary in the formation of social opinion.

Social issues as topics or example of social advertising

All social problems that need to be mentioned through social advertising were distributed by the surveyed audience in such a way that it is impossible to determine the priority of the problems. So, the survey led to the following results:

  • the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism (this is the only problem ranked first in importance by respondents - 65%);
  • the problem of HIV-AIDS;
  • protection of motherhood and childhood;
  • environmental protection;
  • formation of a national idea.

Thus, the best examples of social advertising in Russia are those that are issued on paper, in or other versions and are put on public display in places where there is the greatest concentration of people.

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