Manipulations performed by a dental nurse in a therapeutic dentistry office. Responsibilities of a nurse in a dental office

This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of a dental nurse (hereinafter referred to as the Nurse).

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APPROVED Head of the organization A.V. Lviv 2015-01-02

Job description No. 79 of a dental nurse

Moscow 2015-01-02


1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of a dental nurse (hereinafter referred to as the Nurse).

1.2. A nurse belongs to the specialist category.

1.3. A nurse is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the organization.

1.4. The nurse reports (receives orders, work instructions, etc.) directly to the head of the organization.

1.5. A person who has a secondary vocational education in the specialty “Nursing” and a specialist certificate in the specialty “Nursing” is appointed to the position of nurse without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.6. The nurse in her activities is guided by:

– legislative and regulatory documents, methodological materials regulating the activities of a dental nurse;

– Charter of the organization;

– this job description.

1.7. The nurse should know:

– laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare;

– theoretical foundations of nursing;

– basics of the diagnostic and treatment process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

– rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment;

– statistical indicators characterizing the state of health of the population and the activities of medical organizations;

– rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical organizations;

– the basics of the functioning of budgetary insurance medicine and voluntary health insurance;

– basics of valeology and sanology;

– basics of dietetics;

– basics of clinical examination, social significance of diseases;

– basics of disaster medicine;

– rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, main types of medical documentation;

– medical ethics;

– psychology of professional communication;

– basics of labor legislation;

– internal labor regulations;

– labor protection and fire safety rules.

1.8. During the absence of a nurse (vacation, illness, etc.), her duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.


The nurse is obliged to:

2.1. Before starting to receive patients, he prepares the dentist’s workplace, checks the serviceability of the drilling machine and other equipment, and lays out the medical instrument on a sterile table.

2.2. Supervises the admission of patients to the office.

2.3. Provides pre-medical care and collects biological materials for laboratory research.

2.4. Sterilizes medical instruments, dressings and patient care items.

2.5. Assists when a dentist performs diagnostic and treatment procedures and minor operations:

– delivers the tool;

– prepares paste for filling;

– prepares water for rinsing;

– writes prescriptions, as well as referrals to auxiliary offices;

– carries out other instructions of the dentist.

2.6. Prepares patients for various types of examinations, procedures, operations, and appointments with a dentist.

2.7. Carries out accounting, storage, use of medicines and ethyl alcohol.

2.8. Maintains personal records and an information (computer) database of the health status of the population served.

2.9. Manages the activities of junior medical staff.

2.10. Maintains medical records.

2.11. Conducts health education work among patients and their relatives to promote health and prevent diseases, promote a healthy lifestyle.

2.12. Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste.

2.13. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilization of instruments and materials, and the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, and HIV infection.

2.14. Maintains medical confidentiality.

The nurse has the right:

3.1. Require specialists and other employees of the organization to perform their official duties.

3.2. Make proposals to improve the organization's work.

3.3. Require the creation of all conditions for the performance of job duties provided for in these instructions, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, personal protective equipment, benefits and compensation for work in working conditions that deviate from normal ones.

3.4. Get acquainted with the decisions of the organization’s management regarding its activities.

3.5. Submit proposals to improve your work for management's consideration.

3.6. Request through your immediate supervisor information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. Receive all social guarantees provided for by current legislation.


The main responsibilities of a dental nurse are, first of all, preparing the doctor's office before visiting visitors and cleaning it after patient procedures. Let’s figure out what else this clinic employee is required to do.

Working as a nurse in dentistry - responsibilities

According to existing job descriptions, the main responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry are to participate in the preparation of medical instruments and equipment and equipment necessary for receiving patients. The nurse must be responsible for the readiness for operation of all equipment available in the office and monitor the condition of the office in terms of its compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. In addition, she will have to show her talent as an organizer, since the responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry also include organizing the work of junior medical staff, equipment maintenance technicians and cleaning staff. The most important duty of a nurse is to provide the dentist's office with all the required medications and materials. She is also responsible for quality control of disinfection of working tools and materials used. The dental nurse is required to participate in differentiating the flow of patients, monitoring dates and organizing the progress of patient visits. In addition, the responsibilities of a dental nurse also include dispersing dentists to work stations, maintaining documentation and taking care of priority appointments in case patients have cases of acute toothache.

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A modern nurse always takes part in therapeutic and preventive procedures performed by a doctor. At the same time, she is quite capable of carrying out a number of actions herself. This not only increases the efficiency of the physician’s work, but also speeds it up. When a nurse works in large clinics or a specialized dental department, her responsibilities may include differentiation and optimal division of necessary responsibilities among all nursing staff. This is usually done by the senior nurse.

Responsibilities of a dental nurse in case of emergency

All dental clinics must be provided with sets of medications necessary for emergency medical care. Their completion is also the responsibility of the dental nurse. Kits of drugs must be packaged in separate boxes, labeled with information about their purpose and use. For example, “To provide emergency care for a heart attack.” The kits must include a list of required medications with a specified expiration date and instructions for action by medical staff. There is a special List of equipment, medicines and medical kit instruments required to provide assistance in emergency cases, recommended by the Council of the Dental Association of Russia (StAR) dated September 18, 2007 “On measures to ensure the safety of dental services to the population.” According to this list, such a first aid kit must contain:

  • scissors
  • nasal and eye pipettes
  • albucid (20% sodium sulfacyl solution)
  • bandages and cotton wool
  • fingertip or latex gloves
  • 5% alcohol solution of iodine
  • weighed portions of potassium permanganate for a 0.05% solution
  • 70% ethyl solution. alcohol
  • adhesive plasters.

Responsibilities of a nurse in preparation for the operation of dental units

According to regulatory guidelines, the dental nurse's responsibilities include inspecting all dental equipment and devices installed in the office. The check is carried out before the start of medical work; its purpose is to ensure constant and trouble-free operation of all devices.

List of items that need daily monitoring:

  • Checking the availability of water and the functioning of the sewage system
  • Checking the performance of the compressor unit and the level of liquids in the tanks
  • Checking the functionality of the doctor's chair, the necessary dental instruments and handpieces.

The responsibilities of a dental nurse are the treatment of handles and control panels of instruments and equipment, switches of used devices, dentists’ instruments, the surface of the spittoon bowl and chair.

After completing each medical appointment, the nurse:

  • Redisinfects all of the above surfaces
  • Cleans the spittoon bowl container
  • Replaces tips on saliva ejector and air ejector.

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Responsibilities of a dental nurse at the end of the working day

At the end of the working day, the duties of the dental office nurse include carrying out a number of manipulations. She:

  • Cleans spittoon bowls and fills the sewer system with a standard cleaning and disinfectant solution
  • Disconnects power from the chair, compressor, and other equipment that requires it
  • Shuts off the water tap, which automatically turns off the installation from water consumption
  • Bleeds air from the unit’s compressor and its air system
  • Drains remaining water from the hydraulic system
  • Treats the surfaces of handles and control panels, device switches, dental instruments, the surface of the spittoon bowl and the doctor's chair
  • Drains the formed condensate from the compressor receiver
  • Checks oil and grease levels in the compressor crankcase and tip lubrication system
  • Monitors the condition of the oil level in the hydraulic system
  • Lubricates all connections in the equipment - both roller and hinged.

How to care for tips

Part of the responsibilities of a dental office nurse is the process of daily lubrication of handpieces. To obtain a special lubricant, a quarter of any neutral oil (machine, transformer, etc.) is mixed with three-quarters of heated Vaseline (1:3 ratio) and then cooled. There are professional lubricants produced in aerosol packaging. The turbine tips are lubricated through the air flow channel, and the mechanical parts are lubricated in accordance with the instructions supplied with them. The duty of the dental office nurse is to double-clean all external parts of the surfaces of dental handpieces. Surfaces are treated twice with a 1% chloramine solution using two gauze pads for half an hour.

Responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry - working with waste

The work of a nurse in dentistry includes responsibilities for the collection, storage and disposal of biowaste, while she is guided by the standards determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, legislation and requirements, SanPiN “Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste in medical institutions.” However, each clinic, including dental clinics, develops and approves its own system for handling biowaste of different hazard classes, consistent with the requirements of current standards and regulations. This means that the clinic must have the required number of specialized waste containers and disposable packaging.

The standards of this system define responsible persons and indicate the frequency of changing waste containers. The developed scheme for the collection of biowaste, its storage and subsequent disposal is personally approved by the head physician of the clinic; in addition, such a scheme must be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor.

Sterilization and disinfection process in dentistry

The responsibilities of a dental nurse also include procedures for disinfection and sterilization of instruments. At the same time, sterilization of used medical mirrors using high-temperature methods is not permitted, as this can lead to damage to the mirror plane.

In dentistry, instruments used by doctors and nurses are sterilized using chemicals using the following drugs and their solutions. Sterilization is also the responsibility of the dental office nurse.

Table 1. Preparations and solutions of drugs for sterilization and their exposure time, the use of which is the duty of a nurse in dentistry.

After completion of the exposure, the mirrors are washed with clean sterile water, wiped dry with napkins and kept in a dry, sterile medical tray, covered with a sterile napkin. Light guides for lamps used when installing light-curing fillings are also wiped twice, the wipe interval is 15 minutes. After this, after 45 minutes they are treated with a 4% Lisetol AF solution or 70% alcohol. Brush holders, which are used when receiving clinic visitors who require a dental restoration process, are treated in the same way. This disinfection process takes place after each patient treated. Disposable dental brushes should be disposed of immediately after disinfection.

Used glasses used for mouth rinsing are kept in a 3% chloramine solution for an hour. After which they are washed under drinking water. Disinfectant solutions are replaced with new ones after each batch of glasses to be disinfected.

The duty of the dental office nurse is to use the following to disinfect glasses:

  • 0.1% active chlorine Klorcept-17 and Diachlor – 1 hour
  • 4% Lisetol AF – 1 hour
  • 2% Virkon – half an hour.

After each patient, the spittoons are disinfected in a special container - an hour-long treatment with bleach or a 3% chloramine solution. Treatment is possible in a 0.4% solution of the drug Septodore-forte and a 0.1% solution of the drug Klorcept with active chlorine. The opening of the stationary bowls of the spittoons is closed, a 10%-20% solution of bleach or a 3% solution of chloramine is poured into them. After this, the spittoons are covered with oilcloth caps for an hour. The waste from the spittoon is filled with a 10% solution of calcium hypochloride or a 20% solution of bleached lime for half an hour. The waste is then thrown into a garbage bin. In addition, nurses disinfect dental canal fillers and already used pulp extractors.

Nurses in dentistry are prohibited from taking instruments from the table with their hands if they are sterile! Only using sterilized medical tweezers, and tweezers should be changed every 2 or 3 hours.

For preventive purposes, the sterile table is set for 6 hours (1 work shift), while the duty of the dental office nurse is to mark the date and time of setting the table. Nurses should pay attention to the need to sterilize unused dental instruments!

General cleaning as the duty of a dental office nurse

Among the jobs of a nurse in dentistry is the responsibility of carrying out complete general cleaning of the office, while there are no patients in the office. To carry out cleaning, medical staff uses a special uniform, uses clean fabric or non-woven napkins, equipment specially marked for general cleaning, and PPE (personal protective equipment). The walls are wiped with a disinfectant solution (a mixture of detergent and disinfectant) 2 meters from the floor; disinfectant solutions are also applied to doors, walls, furniture, floors and equipment. The concentration of the solution is the same as for standard disinfection. At the end of the disinfection period, the nurse takes off his overalls, washes all surfaces of the office with clean wet wipes, and then disinfects the air in the office. If during the cleaning process the skin becomes contaminated with biological fluids, for example, blood, your hands will need to be treated with 70% alcohol or another disinfectant.

In the laboratory premises of a dental clinic, the duty of the dental office nurse to carry out wet cleaning is carried out both before and after the shift. Every two hours, daily cleaning and quartzing should take place in the rooms where surgeons work. During cleaning, all electrical appliances are turned off.

Even rags or brushes for cleaning must be disinfected - this is also the responsibility of a dental nurse in dental clinics.

  • Carefully monitor the patient in order to promptly inform the dentist about possible complications (fainting, vomiting, etc.).
  • Before releasing the patient, make sure that there are no traces of treatment materials on his face or clothing.
  • Repeat to the patient the recommendations given by the dentist, and write them down if necessary.
  • If there are materials that need to be sent to a dental laboratory, they should first be disinfected, carefully packaged, and ensure that the required paperwork is completed.
  • The performed medical procedures are recorded in the daily log of the dentist’s work.
  • The next step is to prepare the dental office for the next patient.
  • Used instruments must be washed and sterilized.

Job description of a dental nurse

  • make demands to the clinic administration to create the necessary conditions in the workplace to ensure the high-quality performance of their job duties;
  • take part in meetings (meetings) when discussing the work of the dental office;
  • receive the necessary information to perform their functional duties from the dentist, senior nurse of the department (responsible for the office), chief nurse;
  • require visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the clinic;
  • master a related specialty;
  • give instructions and supervise the work of junior medical staff in the dental office;
  • improve your qualifications in workplaces and advanced training courses in the prescribed manner.
  • IV.

Conducts health education work among patients to prevent diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle. 2.12. Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste. 2.13. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime, the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, and the conditions for sterilization of instruments and materials.
2.14. [Other job responsibilities]. 3. Rights A dental office nurse has the right: 3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.2. Make proposals to senior management to improve their work.
3.3. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights. 3.4. Receive information and documents necessary to perform your job duties. 3.5. Improve your professional qualifications. 3.6.

Responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve [organizational form, job description] name of the organization, [date, month, year] of the enterprise] M.P. Job description of a dental nurse office [name of organization, enterprise, etc.] This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of healthcare”, approved by the Order Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 N 541n, and other regulations governing labor relations.
1. General provisions 1.1.

Helps the doctor at the appointment in preparing filling material during various manipulations. 2.6. Provides emergency care in case of acute diseases, accidents, followed by calling a doctor to the patient. 2.7. Administers medications, antishock agents (for anaphylactic shock) to patients for health reasons in accordance with the established procedure for this condition. 2.8. Informs the doctor or manager, and in their absence the doctor on duty, about all detected serious complications and diseases of patients, complications arising as a result of medical procedures, or cases of violation of the internal regulations of the institution. 2.9. Complies with the rules for using equipment, instruments, consumption of medications, and filling materials. Writes out requests for medicines, cotton wool, etc. and receives them from the main (elder) nurse.

Job description of a dental nurse

Job responsibilities of a dental office nurse: 2.1. Sterilizes medical instruments, dressings and patient care items. 2.2. Assists when the doctor performs diagnostic and treatment procedures and minor operations.

2.3. Prepares the dentist's workplace before seeing patients. 2.4. Before starting work, checks the serviceability of the drill and other electrical equipment. 2.5. Prepares patients for various types of examinations, procedures, operations, and outpatient dentist appointments.

2.6. Assists the dentist during the appointment in preparing filling material. 2.7. Ensures the implementation of medical prescriptions. 2.8. Carries out accounting, storage, use of medicines. 2.9. Maintains personal records and information (computer) database of patients.
2.10. Maintains medical records. 2.11.

Job Description for a Dental Nurse


Job description of a nurse

Name APPROVED by the organization (Head of the organization) JOB DESCRIPTION of a nurse in the dental department / Personal Explanation signaturesignature » » city N » » city city M.P. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a nurse in the dental department (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”). 1.2. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.
1.3. The employee reports directly to the Organization. 1.4. The position of the Employee is assigned to a person with secondary medical education in the specialty “Nursing” and qualification category(s). (having, not having) (1, 2, highest) 1.5. The employee must know: - Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts on health care issues.

Job Descriptions


Department (division): dental department. 1.5. Full job title: dental nurse. 1.6. This position reports to and receives orders, work orders from: Head Nurse.


You can receive additional instructions from: - General Director, - Head of the Dental Department, - Dentist, - Administrator-cashier. 1.8. The holder of this position is filled by (position name): nurse. 1.9. The holder of this position replaces (position name): nurse, sterilization nurse, nurse.

Working in this position requires the employee to have the following qualifications: Signs of tenure Requirements 1.10.1. Education Specialized secondary 1.10.2. Specialty Nursing 1.10.3.

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Minimum work experience in specialty No work experience 1.10.4. Professional certification once a year. The nurse in the dental department is the financially responsible person. 2. GOALS The management of the organization has put forward the following goals for the position described: 2.1. performing medical measures and manipulations when working with a patient; 2.2. providing reception with necessary materials and tools; 2.3.establishing a professional partnership with a doctor to recreate positive patient impressions of the services provided and the service provided; 2.4.establishing a subjective type of relationship with the patient (monitor the patient’s psychological and physical comfort); 2.5. organizing the work of the office in accordance with technological and sanitary-hygienic requirements. 3. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1. The nurse of the dental department is obliged to: 3.1.1.
Helps the doctor at the appointment in preparing filling material during various manipulations.2.6. Provides emergency care in case of acute diseases, accidents, followed by calling a doctor to the patient.2.7. Administers medications, antishock agents (for anaphylactic shock) to patients for health reasons in accordance with the established procedure for this condition.2.8.
Informs the doctor or manager, and in their absence the doctor on duty, about all detected serious complications and diseases of patients, complications arising as a result of medical procedures, or cases of violation of the internal regulations of the institution.2.9. Complies with the rules for using equipment, instruments, consumption of medications, and filling materials. Writes out requests for medicines, cotton wool, etc. and receives them from the main (elder) nurse.
During the absence of a nurse (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed person who bears full responsibility for their proper performance. II. Job responsibilities of a nurse: 3.1. Prepares the room and all necessary materials for receiving patients. 3.2. Monitors the cleanliness and order of the medical office. 3.3. Performs disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical instruments, including dressings. 3.4. Monitors compliance with sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regulations, asepsis, properly stores and uses medical products and follows other infectious safety rules. 3.5. Politely meets the patient at the reception desk, greeting and calling the patient by name and patronymic, introducing himself and escorting the patient to the office.

Require the head nurse of the department to provide the post (workplace) with equipment, equipment, instruments, care items, etc., necessary for the high-quality performance of their functional duties. 3.7. Require visitors to comply with internal regulations. 3.8. Improve your professional qualifications in the prescribed manner, undergo certification (re-certification) in order to assign qualification categories.


Master a related specialty. 3.9. Participate in the work of professional nursing associations and other public organizations not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. RESPONSIBILITY The employee is responsible for: 4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of one’s duties provided for in this job description is in accordance with current labor legislation.


Sample job description for a nurse in dentistry

These actions are carried out if it is impossible for the doctor to arrive to the patient in a timely manner, in accordance with the established procedure for applying measures. 7. Informs the doctor or manager (in their absence, the doctor on duty) about:

  • all detected complications and diseases of patients resulting from medical procedures;
  • violation of the internal regulations of the institution.

8. Ensures proper storage and accounting of medications, patient compliance with procedures, and taking pharmacological agents. 9.

Maintains medical documentation according to approved forms. 10. Interacts with facility staff and employees of other services in the interests of the patient. 11. Carry out sanitary educational work to promote health and prevent illnesses.

12. Complies with standards of professional communication and treatment of patients. III.
Prepare workplaces before outpatient appointments with dentists, monitoring the availability of the required quantity of Medical instruments (burs, channel fillers, etc.), medications, equipment, and documentation. 2. Check the serviceability of the drill before starting work. 3. Sterilize and place instruments on a sterile table. 4. Assist the doctor at the appointment in preparing filling material and performing various manipulations. 5. Follow the rules for using equipment, instruments, consumption of medications, filling material. 6. Monitor the serviceability of electromechanical equipment. If a malfunction occurs, disconnect it from the network and notify the administration. 7. Write out requirements for medicines, cotton wool, etc. and receive them from the chief (senior) nurse. 8. Strictly monitor the preservation of labels on bottles. 9.

Prepares workplaces for dentists before outpatient appointments, controls the availability of the required amount of medical instruments (burs, channel fillers, etc.), medications, equipment, and documentation. Checks the serviceability of the drill and other equipment before starting work. 2.2. Ensures infectious safety (complies with the rules of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime, asepsis, rules of storage, processing, sterilization and use of medical products).

Lays out sterile instruments on a sterile table. 2.4. Performs preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures prescribed by the doctor in a timely and high-quality manner. 2.5. Assists when a doctor performs therapeutic and diagnostic procedures and minor operations in outpatient and inpatient settings.

A nurse is one of the most important employees in a dental office.

She assists the doctor in carrying out treatment and diagnosis, prepares the office for the start of the appointment and cleans it after the end of the work shift.

In the article we will talk about the role of a nurse in dentistry and her responsibilities, and also list the main points of her job description. Download the finished job description for a dental nurse.

From the article you will learn

A dental nurse is a specialist who has a secondary medical education in the specialty “Nursing”, “General Medicine” or “Obstetrics”, and has also completed additional training in the course “Nursing in Dentistry”.

A dental nurse undergoes advanced training programs every 5 years throughout her career.

★ Whether it is necessary to prescribe the requirements of the professional standard in the job description, find out in the Chief Nurse System

Key responsibilities of a dental nurse

The work of a nurse in dentistry consists of the following responsibilities:

  • preparing workplaces for dentists, monitoring the availability of necessary tools, materials, equipment, documents;
  • monitoring the health of the drill;
  • maintaining the dentist’s workplace in proper condition;
  • sterilization and placement of instruments and products on a sterile table;
  • assisting the doctor at the appointment, in carrying out medical manipulations (isolating the working field, retracting the lips and cheeks, performing anesthesia, etc.), as well as in preparing material for fillings;
  • compliance with the rules and techniques for operating dental equipment and instruments;
  • compliance with standards for the consumption of materials and medications;
  • monitoring the good condition of electromechanical equipment (if a malfunction is detected, the equipment is disconnected from the network; management must be informed about the incident);
  • registration of requests for medications, dressings;
  • obtaining medications and dressings from the nurse;
  • control of the safety of labels on bottles;
  • participation in conducting health education work among patients;
  • regular professional development (reading specialized literature, participation in seminars, symposiums, conferences and other types of educational activities).

Samples and special collections of standard operating procedures for nurses that can be downloaded.

The role of a nurse in dentistry is enormous, but she does not have the right to independently carry out sanitation and treatment. She can only give the patient recommendations on oral care in some cases - for example, her qualifications are sufficient for this and the doctor understands that he is responsible for the advice that the nurse gives.

In order to perform their professional duties at a decent level, a dental nurse must have a certain set of personal qualities, know the legal framework of their activities and comply with the norms of medical ethics and deontology.

The dental nurse is required to:

  1. Take into account the interests of patients, respect their choices and desires.
  2. Keep medical confidentiality.
  3. Interact with colleagues and other specialists in the interests of patients.
  4. Have a sufficient base of knowledge and skills to work in your industry.
  5. Constantly improve your professionalism.

Job description

The dental nurse participates in the preparation of equipment and technology, monitors its serviceability, and also monitors the proper sanitary condition of the dental office.

It is desirable that she have organizational skills and be able to competently organize the work of junior medical staff, nurses, cleaners and a specialist in servicing dental equipment.

The most important thing a dental nurse does is to provide the office with all the necessary materials and medications, as well as high-quality disinfection of instruments and medical products.

The work of a nurse in a dental clinic involves:

  • participation in the distribution of patient flows;
  • organizing their reception;
  • distribution of doctors among workplaces;
  • paperwork;
  • special attention to minor patients and patients with acute pain.

Disposal and disinfection of carpule dental needles

Nurses are often interested in the question: is the disposal process for carpule syringes and disposable injection needles the same?

The answer is in the Main Nurse System.

A qualified and proactive dental nurse always takes an active part in diagnostic and treatment procedures performed by the doctor.

In addition, she can easily carry out a number of manipulations on her own. Her participation in the treatment process can increase the efficiency of the dentist’s work several times.

In large dental departments and clinics, functionality can be distributed among all nurses. The separation is carried out by the head or chief nurse.

Responsibilities of a nurse when operating dental units

In order for all dental units to work for a long time and properly, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for their operation and carry out their systematic maintenance.

These tasks are the responsibilities of a dental nurse. There is a specific service schedule for dental equipment.

Before starting work, the dental nurse checks:

  • availability of water;
  • serviceability of the sewer system;
  • the serviceability of the compressor and the presence of liquids in the tanks;
  • tools, tips;
  • dentist chair.

In addition, it disinfects control panels, switches, handles, tools, chair surfaces and spittoons.

After the appointment is completed, the nurse carries out:

  1. Disinfect all surfaces, switches, handles and tools.
  2. Replacement of vacuum cleaner and saliva ejector tips.
  3. Cleaning the spittoon bowl.

After completing the work shift, the nurse:

  • cleans the spittoon bowls;
  • pours disinfectant into the sewerage system;
  • disconnects power from the chair, compressor and unit;
  • turns off the water supply tap;
  • releases air from the air system of the unit and compressor;
  • drains water from the hydraulic system;
  • disinfects control panels, switches, handles, chairs, spittoons;
  • drains condensate from the compressor receiver;
  • checks the oil level in the compressor crankcase, tip lubrication system and hydraulic system;
  • Lubricates all hinge and roller joints.

Handpiece care

Caring for the tips, which is also the responsibility of the dental nurse, consists of regularly lubricating them with a special lubricant made from technical oil and heated petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1 to 3. The resulting mixture is cooled. Sometimes ready-made lubricants are produced in the form of aerosols.

Turbine tips are lubricated through the air supply channel, and mechanical models - in accordance with the instruction manual. The outer surfaces of the tips are treated with a 1% chloramine solution twice for half an hour.

Disinfection and cleaning of the dental office

After each use, mouthwash glasses are soaked for an hour in a 3% chloramine solution and then rinsed with clean water.

The disinfectant solution cannot be used a second time - it is changed after disinfecting each batch of glasses.

After each patient, the spittoons are treated with bleach or 3% chloramine for 1 hour. It is also acceptable to use 0.4% Septodorefort and 0.1% Clorcept.

What disinfection regime is needed in dental offices?

Using examples, we will explain the specific requirements for surface treatment of therapeutic dentistry offices, and show how the delimitation of the workspace in a dental office is determined in the Chief Nurse System.

A 10-20% solution of bleach or a 3% solution of chloramine is poured into stationary spittoons with the hole closed. The spittoon is capped for 60 minutes.

The waste material from the spittoons is filled with 10% calcium hypochloride or 20% bleached lime milk for half an hour.

After this, it is placed in a garbage bin. In addition, channel fillers and used pulp extractors are disinfected.

It is strictly forbidden to touch sterile instruments on the table with your hands. To do this, use sterile tweezers, which are changed every 2-3 hours.

The sterile table is set for 6 hours. The date and time of covering are recorded. Instruments that have not been used are again sterilized without pretreatment.

Responsibilities of a Dental Nurse in Emergency Cases

Composition of an emergency first aid kit in case of contact with biological material on the skin and mucous membranes, cuts and punctures with instruments:

  • scissors;
  • Albucid 20%;
  • disposable gloves;
  • pipettes;
  • dressings;
  • potassium permanganate for preparing a solution 0.05%;
  • ethanol 70%;
  • iodine 5%;
  • adhesive plaster.

Emergency kits should be available in every dental office. The dental nurse is responsible for their staffing.

The kit is placed in a box with an inscription about the purpose (for example, “To provide emergency care for anaphylactic shock”), a list of medications and materials, expiration dates and procedures for health workers.

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