Everything you need to know about the marketing kit. Selling structure of a marketing whale Examples of a marketing whale for construction

Logo and descriptor - the name of the field of activity. For example: a real estate agency in Moscow.

Offer - your unique selling proposition. For example: we will sell your apartment in 30 days for 10% more than the market value.

Subtitle to strengthen the offer. If you need to strengthen or confirm the USP with facts.

Used if your marketing kit is really large: 60 pages or more. We recommend doing marketing kits of 20-40 pages without content.

The list of sections indicating the pages should be made interesting; be sure to add a photo to the main points in order to be guaranteed to attract the client’s attention to them.

03. About the company

This section can be placed at the beginning of the marketing kit or towards the end.

If you really have something to be proud of, write a short text with important facts about your company and add a photo of the team and your office.

In no case do not pour too much water here: we are a team of professionals... many years in the market... we only have an individual approach to clients... If you have nothing substantive to say, then it is better to skip this section.

To point you in the right direction, we have prepared a series of questions about the company:

What exactly does the company do? What is its feature?

What achievements do we have? Big projects, clients?

Plans for development and scaling?

A brief history of the steps in your company’s development (creating a product, forming a strong team, etc.). If you have something to say, write; If it doesn't turn out to be a cool story, you can skip this section.

The history of the company and the dynamics of development can be shown through infographics.

04. General Director

If you are the main face of the business and the creator of all important processes, then this section is for you! There are two possible formats: a brief chronicle of important achievements in your life or a short story from you personally. Here you need to be concise and interesting so that the client can quickly read your story in 30 seconds and understand what kind of person you are and what you have achieved.

Professional photography is a must. A simple face shot will not do. Your marketing kit should be your pride, so don’t be lazy and do a photo shoot like it’s on the cover of Forbes. Perhaps you will end up there someday... But in any case, your success will start with a cool marketing kit!

05. Geography of the company

A map with marks of cities, regions, countries where work has already been performed / services have been provided / there are branches and representative offices. Infographics.

06. What we offer

The section plays the role of a catalog of goods or services with a detailed description of the benefits and specifications. In most cases, it is placed on the first or second spread of a marketing kit. It is advisable to have a professional photo shoot for your product.

07. Our production

If you have it, then you should take as many photos as possible and place it in your marketing kit. It is advisable to photograph workers during the production process. Describe each photo, what equipment it is and what it does. The client will be interested. If you have a unique method for making products, make a detailed infographic about it. Any patents? Attach scans and describe your technologies.

08. Why do customers choose us?

Description of the client's specific problems and your specific ways to solve them. Problem – solution – benefit (with a focus on customer values). Description of situations in which contacting your company is necessary.

09. Our advantages

Figures, facts, percentages... Comparisons with competitors. An example with a brief description of a situation in which your company solves a customer problem much faster, more efficiently, or cheaper than competitors would. Cost-effectiveness of working with you (calculation using an example). Reliability (warranty and post-warranty service).

Many more examples can be given, but the main thing here is descriptions with specifics and arguments for each advantage. Thesis is an argument. A formula to describe the benefits of working with you.

10. Our work / Cases

The most important selling section of the marketing whale, without it the structure collapses like a house of cards.

Portfolio in the format: company name – photo – client’s task (problem) – our solution – result – feedback.

What has changed: before us - with us.

Examples of successful / key projects.

The most expensive, large-scale, famous, unusual and complex project.

11. Operation scheme

If the sequence of interaction with you is already clear to all clients, then this section is not needed. But if some of them don’t fully understand how you work, then it’s better to explain it in an infographic.

Describe the sequence of steps and provide a brief description. Make it clear to the client what they will get in each period of time they work with you.

12. The company in numbers

The main goal of this section is to show your scale and extensive experience.

number of services provided / completed projects number of clients

market share, % / entry into new markets / regions, countries

number of products in assortment number of offices / branches / representative offices / franchises

number of awards

scope of work

volume of materials, etc.

Time numbers:

application response time

period for calculating the estimate

Delivery time

work completion time (production, delivery, installation and installation)

guarantees, etc.

13. Company history

If you missed the “About the Company” section, then you can use the concept of this section.

Major events linked to years (infographics). Creation, launch of a new product/service, opening of new offices/branches/representative offices, entering new markets, company mergers, rebranding, participation in socially significant projects, concluding strategically important partnerships, top rankings, etc.

Dynamics of company development (by year): growth of market share, increase in the number of clients (over time), company staff, etc. (infographic).

14. Our team

The section is needed to show your best employees, their work experience, education, and key competencies. You can also write down their personal achievements in your company.

It may happen that a very cool or well-known specialist in his field works for you; he must also be shown on a separate page and a short story about him, his awards, etc. must be written.

15. Our partners

Logos, briefly about the companies that cooperate with you.

16. Our clients

Logos and descriptions of what they did for these companies, or photos with reviews if these are individual people.

Presentation of the company is short, sweet, professional, effective!

Already have a presentation of the company's services, but do you want to improve it?

Do you want to promote your business both online and offline?

Attract people to an unknown product or unpopular service?

How to create a marketing kit and what it will take

The VozniNet team will reveal its methods. To get off to a good start, we dive into the topic.

We will examine the brief in which you outlined your requirements and provided additional information. We analyze the company’s activities, its direction, plans for the future.

We create a thematic framework, which we supplement with information. Gradually, the presentation takes on a selling form.

We combine selling headlines, photographs, diagrams so that the material is not dry and shapeless.

You can order a marketing kit.

China marketing structure: building the main “backbone”

Features of the company. Let us show you how you stand out among your competitors. We will describe how specific customer requirements are met.

List of goods/services. For each page we will come up with a design that is selling and pleasing to the eye.

Benefit. We will demonstrate with examples, statistics and visual diagrams how your product solved customer problems.

Your services. We will develop descriptions and infographics that will convince the reader of your competence. You can look at examples of a well-written marketing whale.

History of the company. We will inform you about the path your company has taken up to this point.

Employees. We present each member of your friendly team.

Completed projects and clients. We'll tell you who has already collaborated with you and what you've done.

Awards, certificates and participation in conferences and exhibitions. Let us confirm your credibility by the fact that you are socially active.

Contact details. We draw the person's attention to the opportunity to contact you.

This is how whale marketing is developed. At your request, we will include reviews, letters of gratitude or notes in the media in the marketing kit.

Selling marketing whale, taking into account your wishes

Vertical. We are not against the classic readable format. In such a presentation you can present as much information as possible. After a while, a person will want to look at it again.

Horizontal. We visualize the material perfectly. High-quality large photos will kindle the client’s interest in the product or service. Even a casual visitor will be attracted to such an “album”.

Square. We will prepare a compact format that can be used for negotiations and distribution. In a stack of magazines, such a marketing whale will definitely be at the top.

What kind of turnkey marketing kit do you want?

During the discussion, you choose the design that we will implement:

1. Combining elements into an A4 folder. Logo, slogan, contacts, text and photos - we will prepare it all. You just need to put the information in a folder and use it as a presentation at meetings or negotiations with clients.

2. Electronic version. We will create a presentation in PowerPoint or create a marketing kit pdf. This tactic is increasingly used by companies to allow clients to quickly familiarize themselves with services online. As soon as the client says the phrase “what is available for your company,” you know what to send.

3. Printing book. We will develop a rich design for your services so that clients keep it and use it when the need arises. Marketing whale example. Many people still prefer to turn pages rather than view an electronic version. All that remains is to send it to print.

Marketing a company’s kit, which reveals its services and capabilities, will help improve its image. You can also let more people know about your services.

Selling Marketing Whale: Some Profitable Tips

To avoid constantly retyping the marketing kit, use elegant ring binder with eye-catching varnished pages. Before negotiations, you can take out the page with unnecessary information.

Your presentation is a constant companion. Make it comfortable for carrying in a bag. By the way, this may be the reason for its unusual appearance.

We do not have a cost section. There is a separate document for this - price list. The person must be warmed up to tell him the price of your service.
What kind of pleasure is it just to read? I want to see it with my own eyes. Check out the marketing kit online. To do this, click on the picture.

Our team is constantly preparing new presentations for companies. So, if you are not yet promoted, not popular, not prepared for business, but want to convey to more people about your intentions, a presentation of a new company is at your service. about your preferences and the VozniNet team will prepare the best marketing kit.

Team "No Fuss"

If only because it is a wonderful sales tool that your customers need... But they don’t know anything about him!

But how can this be, you ask?

Do you know about marketing whales?

In fact, sales marketing kits have been talked about on the RuNet since 2011, and some companies use them in their work. As for the rest... Some people don’t have time to study this issue, while others want to save money and therefore do not order kits for their business.

Meanwhile, this is a very necessary thing! Look how many advantages it gives.

Why does a businessman need a marketing kit?

  • It works even when other sales tools are on strike - commercial proposals, brochures and presentations.
  • Marketing kit increases sales by at least 2 (or even 3 or 4!) times.
  • Marketing kit allows you to sell immediately several services for one client
  • And suitable for almost any company. It is used in manufacturing and wholesale business, in the service sector and education. And you absolutely cannot do without it when selling expensive, unique and complex goods.

Marketing kit helps you stay on your feet

For us, as copywriters, this means only one thing.

We have a huge field to work with. You just need to learn how to create marketing kits and start offering this service to clients.

And even more than that. Marketing kits can also be used to develop your own brand. Unless, of course, you are engaged in personal marketing. What it is, how and why - read in the book by Stasya Sher.

But let's return to our main topic and see what kind of beast this marketing kit is. And how you need to create it so that you have a working sales tool.

What is a marketing kit?

This is a SELLING presentation of a product, service or company as a whole.

Any marketing kit is built as a fusion of commercial proposals, brochures and presentations. It combines selling text with the same selling design and thoughtful structure. Resulting in…

The reader looks through the pages of the whale with interest, goes through all the links in the sales chain and places an order.

Selling sites work in much the same way. Only, unlike them, the marketing kit is performed in a different format. Most often it looks like

  • ring binder, brochure or catalog
  • document in PDF format
  • or Powerpoint presentation

In a marketing kit, text and design work together

So how do you create a marketing kit?

Before you start, decide what products or services you will promote. Discuss with the client the main idea and style of presentation of the material.

Besides, you will need a plan, or rather, the structure of the future whale. To do this, make a table and write down what you will talk about on each page of your document.

You can format the table like this:

Click to enlarge

After this, you can move on to working on the text.

3 rules for creating an interesting marketing kit

Rule 1: Avoid templates

What clothes do you think will fit best? The one you buy in the store or have it made to order? It’s the same with marketing kits. A template whale—it works like a template whale.

Therefore, if you want to create a truly high-quality sales tool...

…Consider the specifics of your client’s business. Study products, services, target audience. And create an INDIVIDUAL structure for each whale.

Certainly, the main blocks will be present in each kit. At a minimum this is:

  • front cover
  • client problem and its solution
  • presentation of a product or service
  • Information about the company
  • work with objections
  • call to action
  • and back cover.

It all depends on which blocks are needed for THIS marketing kit?. And by the way. In what order they will be located in the structure is also up to you.

This puzzle can and SHOULD be assembled according to your own rules

Rule 2: Use covers

In a good marketing kit even the covers “work” to sell. Therefore, do not forget to come up with an interesting title and selling design for the front cover. Indicate the company name and its slogan (if needed). But the back cover should be used for contacts.

Rule 3: Design

No, no, I’m not at all urging you to run out and study Photoshop headlong. I just want to say that marketing kits cannot do without design.

And who do you think should do this? Ideally, a copywriter.

It turns out that for each page of the whale you write a text and format it conditionally it using improvised means. And the designer is guided by your prototype. Based on your ideas, he draws graphics, selects pictures and forms a complete image of the future whale.

What program should I use to make a marketing kit?

Of course, in the one that is comfortable.

If you are used to working in text editors, then use Word or Google Docs. Both programs allow you to quickly create diagrams, tables, and add graphic elements to text. Both there and there you can save the file in PDF format. And this, in principle, is enough.

You can “draw” such a slide in Word

But if you want something more, try Powerpoint. This program has the same simple interface, but more design possibilities.

And, of course, if you wish, you can work in layout or vector graphics programs. But only if you are familiar with them or are ready to study them. I had a friend who wrote and designed texts in Corel Draw. Just because it was convenient for him.

In my opinion, this is a real paradox, but what if you like this method too?

Now you know what should be in a good marketing kit and how to create it correctly.

Do you offer such a service to clients?

And if so, in what programs do you use marketing kits? Tell us in the comments.

Take the first step in your copywriting career

There are no less conjectures and misconceptions surrounding the creation of a marketing kit than there are around the mystery of the existence of the Yeti. A sad situation that we will now correct.

Let's do the following: first we will give a short introductory introduction, then we will point out the most common mistakes and write a working scheme for creating a selling marketing kit. As a result, in just a few thousand characters you will have all the data in your hands to write a cool “whale” yourself.

Beauty? Even some!

What is a marketing kit?

A marketing kit is something like a passport, credentials and advertising material at the same time. As a rule, the marketing kit text is designed with rich graphics, letters of gratitude, logos of partner companies, driving directions, and so on.

A marketing kit is ideal for achieving a dozen completely pragmatic and specific goals:

  • Demonstration of expertise in a specific area
  • Increase in average check
  • Drawing attention to a company, product or service
  • Increasing the level of customer trust and loyalty
  • Quick introduction to the company for potential partners
  • Evidence of the company's professionalism
  • Sales assistance for managers
  • Distribution at exhibitions, seminars and other events
  • Expanding the consumer base
  • Clear differentiation from competitors

As you can see, there are many goals and benefits. And yet the most important goal for which a marketing kit is created is sales. One way or another, it all comes down to the number of deals concluded. If sales increase after using the tool, the marketing kit is working; if not, then there is something wrong with it. And there can be a lot of things that are “wrong.”

Basic mistakes when writing a marketing kit

A lot of unnecessary information. In their desire to tell as much as possible about themselves, companies resort to verbiage. The desire to talk a lot about yourself is quite understandable, but on the other side of the scale is the reader’s time. He will forgive you one empty passage, the second, and on the third he will stop reading.

It is important that the reader receives new information from each line of text. From. Each one. Lines. If beating around the bush is the basis of your material, then be prepared that most of the circulation will forever settle in waste baskets.

Too detailed explanations. In pursuit of persuasiveness, authors often begin to think that the reader is an idiot. One day we read a marketing kit that said something like this:

CompanyN makes wood products. Wood for products is obtained from forests and comes in different species. Wood has been known as a building material since ancient times. After removal from the sites, the wood undergoes processing and sawing.

A very strange paragraph, considering that the text was written for the B2B sector, where every first reader is a representative of the woodworking industry. Although, who knows... Maybe there really are directors of companies who don’t know that wood grows in the forest and is cut...

Throwing mud at competitors. Unfortunately, this is becoming more and more common. Let’s not even say that this is unacceptable in principle. You need to talk about how good you are, not how bad your competitors are. It is unlikely that anyone will want to deal with a company without moral principles.

Implausible facts. Entire encyclopedias can be written about heresy in the marketing kit. All kinds of “100% of our customers return to us” and “ideal quality” filled advertising texts. This is fundamentally wrong, and it is also unprofitable: for every one who believes, there will be nine who will give up reading. The odds are not in your favor.

Lack of text structure. Perhaps the most serious mistake. The text is written without a specific plan; the author simply dumps all the information about the company into one pile. Yes, it’s convenient - write to yourself, pulling facts out of your head at random. Alas, such a scheme is extremely inconvenient for the reader - not everyone is ready to wade through a heap of heterogeneous facts without structure.

Lack of a unique selling proposition. Every company must have a USP. Yes, not simple, but such that the reader immediately understands “you are different.” It’s not enough to just be “one of”; it’s important to stand out. Unfortunately, many people forget about this and make another “blah blah blah” clone.

Now that we have examined the most common mistakes, we can move on to the very structure of the selling marketing kit. Let's say right away - there are dozens of spelling options, ranging from a modest 5-7 required points, ending with 25-30.

We have developed for ourselves a universal scheme of selling text for a marketing kit. It consists of 15 points and works great. Verified. We recommend taking it into service.

Structure of the selling marketing kit

  • General description of the company
  • history of the company

(when created, who created, who they were and who they became)

  • Your benefits

(why we are cool, but we tell them without lying)

  • Description of the issues you are solving

(how are you useful and what do you decide)

  • Description of product, service, sector

(more details about the product, service, line, etc.)

  • Reaching and identifying the target audience

(explain who your target audience is)

  • Cases and solutions

(examples of past cool solutions: graphs, percentages, amounts)

  • The difference between the company and USP

(your unique selling proposition)

  • Schemes of work

(how do you usually work with clients, where, with what volumes, etc.)

  • Comparison with competitors or other solutions (no negativity)

(give benefits to a company or product)

  • Benefits of the product or service

(and here are the specific benefits of the product or service, diplomas and awards - only a plus)

  • Mission and principles

(company mission, vision, its principles)

  • Your projects and press about you

(any other projects, charity, etc.)

  • Your partners

(most famous partners)

  • Reviews about you

(reviews from partners or major clients, reviews like “Masha, Moscow” are not needed)

  • FAQ

(we close frequent objections, we are not afraid to answer the questions that are asked most often)

  • Contacts (call to action if necessary)

A good marketing whale loves numbers and percentages, but does not like excessive self-praise. Let’s leave the admiration about “we’re awesome” to those who don’t know how to do otherwise. We ourselves will be serious and begin to push with facts.

And finally

Remember that you are not writing a story or an opus. Any information should be scanned quickly and without misfires. Two paragraphs about the company's mission are acceptable, a page of printed text is not. Two or three paragraphs when describing a product or service is normal, two or three pages of A4 printed text is already too much.

The value of a selling marketing kit is that a potential client or partner can start reading from any page and quickly “scan” the information. If information from the fourth spread can only be understood if you start reading from the second, this is a bad whale. If each island of text is self-sufficient and specific, then this is already a good marketing kit.

If you have already written texts for Landing Page and with their short “island” structure, where 2-3 sentences should say all the most important things, then you will also have no problems with writing a marketing kit.

Take the structure given above. Then write down the most important things briefly. Then - graphics. And now the selling marketing kit is ready.

Good for you!

Initially, a marketing kit was conceived as a set of tools that form a single selling mechanism, under one cover. And it was used only to pompously present the company for the benefit of the client.

The effectiveness of such a tool was quickly appreciated and began to be used not only to represent the company, but also to present individual business objects and sales.

A marketing kit performs the function of a salesperson who does not need to pay a salary. He communicates about the product, explains its benefits, and proves its effectiveness.

If everything is done correctly, it helps make a sale.

What does this desired “true” mean?

Set your sights on the target audience and remember the relevance

At the same time, it is important to start from the object for which the marketing kit is being created.

For example, let's say you want to sell a service for clearing snow from roofs. The target audience is business owners.

But your company, in addition to this, also mows lawns, cleans and removes garbage from the territory, brings and plants trees and bushes, and also designs and equips cozy courtyards.

It's December now. Snow is falling on the roofs. They need to be cleaned.

That is, the client already needs your service. He's waiting for you right now. All that remains is to take aim and make him the right offer.

Let's imagine that you sent your client a general marketing kit about the company, which contains more than 10 services. What could happen in this case?

If a client sees your services that are not relevant now (mowing lawns, planting trees), he will not understand why you gave him a marketing kit.

And if you send a marketing kit that you developed specifically for the service “snow removal” from roofs, the client will become interested and, if the terms of cooperation suit him, will place an order.

This is what it means to “adjust your sights to the target audience.” And, of course, make a relevant offer.

This is just one example of using a marketing kit for a separate business entity.

Depending on the object of the presentation, the number of types of marketing kit can amount to dozens of positions. In this article we will look at 7 of them, which are most often encountered.

Marketing kit for the company

This kit includes all the company's tools:

  • Information about the company
  • Advantages and benefits of working with the company
  • Presentation of products and services
  • Special promotions
  • Scheme of work (How do we work?)
  • Geography of activity
  • Operating principles (rules)
  • Company's mission
  • Famous clients of the company
  • Customer Reviews
  • Successful cases in numbers
  • Company partners
  • Publications about the company in the media
  • FAQ - questions and answers
  • Future plans
  • Contacts

This tool works great when you want to introduce your company to a client and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

You can take it to a business meeting and leave it as additional information for the client to review after you leave.

This will help him make a decision in your favor.

Marketing kit for a service (or service package)

If you want to attract the client’s attention to a certain service, make a marketing kit separately for it.

The ideal option is when you have several marketing kits for each service or service package.

In this case, you will be able to meet the specific need of each client. And do it as accurately as possible.

What sections can be included in this marketing kit:

  • Service presentation
  • Benefits of using the service for the client
  • The benefits of the service in numbers
  • Customer Reviews
  • Cases
  • Special promotion
  • How we are working?
  • Questions and answers
  • Contacts

This version contains less information than the “About the Company” marketing kit. Therefore, the likelihood that the client will study it completely increases dramatically.

Marketing kit for a product (or product line)

Each product is unique in its own way and each needs its own “business card” that will act as a salesperson when you are not around.

What information does this include:

  • Company information (briefly)
  • Presentation of the product with benefits and advantages for the client
  • Special promotion (if any)
  • How to receive a product (clear ordering scheme)
  • information about delivery
  • Product reviews
  • FAQ - questions and answers
  • Contacts

Even if the client does not need your product now (uses another, or is still choosing), he will buy later when the need arises.

A good marketing kit is memorable. As soon as the need arises, the client will look at the conditions again and probably place an order.

The task will be completed, and you will receive a pleasant bonus in the form of a sale, because you made sure in advance that your marketing kit was nearby at the right time.

And the client now does not need to look for other sources for solving the problem. He already has you.

Marketing kit for an event

An event is a separate commercial facility that requires its own promotional materials.

Especially if you hold one specific event every year.

And after the event is over, the marketing kit will constantly remind the participant that in a year (or a certain time) there will be another cool event that is worth attending.

What information will be in such a marketing kit:

  • Description of the event
  • Advantages and benefits of attending the event
  • Information about the organizers
  • Detailed event program
  • How to register for an event (instructions)
  • Special promotion
  • List of speakers
  • Famous participants who regularly attend the event
  • Feedback from participants of past events
  • Information partners of the event
  • Publications about the event in the media
  • FAQ - questions and answers
  • Venue of the event and map “How to get there”
  • Contacts for communication

As you understand, this is not just a brochure, but a whole guide for the participant, which he can take with him to the event and use it to clarify the program and other nuances.

Marketing kit for a person

Selling yourself is a separate art. More often, people choose to represent people. But this is a different tool. It contains less information. His goal is not to sell, but to introduce himself.

And for sales it is better to use a marketing kit. With benefits and advantages for the recipient.

What kind of structure could there be here?

  • Information about the person (who does what, what is useful)
  • Achievements (preferably in numbers)
  • Benefits of working with a person
  • Greeting
  • Presentation of services provided by a person
  • How to contact a person
  • Operating principles (rules)
  • Famous clients
  • Customer Reviews
  • Partners
  • Publications about a person in the media
  • Certificates, diplomas, awards and diplomas

Depending on the type of activity of the person, you can add several more blocks.

For example, for a business coach this could be training programs with benefits for each individual target audience.

In a fitness trainer’s marketing kit, you can show “before and after” photos of clients.

An excellent option for event hosts is photos of large, spectacular parties with emotions.

Each person is individual, so such marketing whales are rarely similar to each other.

Marketing kit for a franchise

A franchise is not even a product or service, but an entire business, the price of which is always high. Therefore, here you need to use powerful techniques.

A marketing kit is great for selling a franchise.

What is included in the marketing kit that can be used to sell a franchise?

  • Information about the company
  • Company in numbers (achievements, growth, number of employees, etc.)
  • Franchise introduction
  • Advantages and benefits of doing business under this franchise
  • Welcome speech from a company representative
  • Presentation of products or services included in the franchise
  • Geography of franchise activity
  • Principles of operation of a franchise (conditions, rules)
  • Mission of the company that represents the franchise
  • Famous clients who have already bought and launched a franchise

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