Business idea: processing sawdust into fuel briquettes. Technical secrets of wood waste processing Video: Wood processing production

Wood is used in many fields of activity. This includes construction, furniture, and various business areas. But in the process of producing the necessary products, a lot of waste remains. Their recycling is not only a matter of environmentally friendly production, but also saving money and resources. Therefore, business using wood waste is a promising direction today.

Business relevance

Despite the fact that the woodworking business, as well as the business of processing wood waste, has been developed for a long time, the niche has not yet been filled. There are many ways to process sawdust, wood chips, bark, and more. Only 50% of the available material is used for processing, and in Siberia even less - 35%. At the same time, the remains of logging and sawmilling are not used at all. All this means that your business will always have raw materials for production.

At the same time, in the production of furniture and building materials, the amount of wood waste is about 45%. Moreover, not only sawdust and shavings are used, but also slabs and bark.

Place of business organization

For a mini-plant for processing wood waste, you need to rent or buy premises. Its area depends on which direction of processing you choose. This affects the type and dimensions of industrial installations.

But the most important thing is to choose the right production location. It must be located near the place of supply of raw materials. It is advisable to equip a workshop directly at a woodworking enterprise.

Similarly, you need to think through sales channels in advance. They must also be located close to production, otherwise all profits will go to logistics costs. Also, you should not focus on exporting produced fuel to Europe. On the one hand, the demand for it in European countries is very high. But on the other hand, transport and customs costs will force you to charge an exorbitantly high price for the goods. Not to mention the fact that a product for sale in Europe must undergo a lot of checks to ensure compliance with all local regulations. The optimal distance over which you can transport goods from wood waste and make a good profit is no more than 100 km.

Types of wood waste

There are several types of wood waste. They can be divided by density:

  • lump (solid);
  • sawdust and shavings (soft);
  • bark.

They are also classified according to the method of production:

  • primary or secondary wood processing;
  • use of round timber;
  • deforestation.

The type of wood waste depends on the technology for its processing, the equipment that your business will require, sales markets, etc.

Waste treatment process

Wood processing begins with sorting waste by type of wood, cutting, steam treatment, and removing rotten areas. Then the raw materials are treated with salt solutions to remove possible harmful components from the wood that could have penetrated from wastewater or contaminated soil.

The next stage of processing is mechanical crushing on special machines with toothed discs. Before this step, the wood is sometimes steamed to facilitate grinding.

Processing equipment

Depending on which direction of processing you have chosen, the market offers separate specific equipment. But there is a whole list of units that will be needed for any activity. These include:

  • screw conveyor;
  • Press forms;
  • hand tampers;
  • drying chamber;
  • chipper;
  • gas generator;
  • mixing station;
  • wood splitters and wood splitting machines;
  • storage bunker;
  • charcoal kilns;
  • Remote Control.

Areas of application of wood waste

First of all, recycled wood waste is used in construction. For example, in the construction of houses according to the Canadian system, slabs are used, which contain wood chips and shavings, which are glued together with environmentally friendly resins.

In addition, the following is made from wood waste:

  • particle-cement and particle boards;
  • brick;
  • gypsum sheets.

Waste is also used in hydrolysis plants and paper mills for the production of paper and cardboard.

Briquette production

The waste recycling business can be targeted based on the areas of use of wood residues. As already mentioned, these can be building materials: bricks, slabs, gypsum sheets. But the most promising direction is the production of briquettes for fuel. The fact is that their thermal conductivity approaches the thermal conductivity of coal. For example, if the combustion of coal releases 22 MJ/kg of heat, then the combustion of wood briquettes releases 19 MJ/kg. For comparison, conventional firewood provides 10 MJ/kg. In addition, after burning briquettes, a minimal amount of ash and CO2 gas remains.

Equipment for such production will require an investment of approximately 1 million rubles. least. In this case, the business plan includes the purchase of the following equipment:

  • warehouse;
  • packaging;
  • molding press;
  • units for grinding and drying waste.

As practice shows, it is the production of wood briquettes that helps to quickly bring this business to profitability. Additionally, waste can be sold in other directions. For example, agriculture is an active consumer of sawdust.

Pellet production

They are used for heating both private homes and industrial production. The level of thermal conductivity depends on the source material. The most popular is sawdust. To establish pellet production, the business plan must provide for the purchase of the following equipment:

  • for packaging and packing;
  • cooler;
  • press granulator;
  • dryer;
  • equipment for crushing raw materials (up to 1 mm or less).

It costs from 400 thousand rubles. and more. You can purchase special installations made in Europe, aimed specifically at the production of briquettes from sawdust. It is permissible to use wet sawdust in them - the unit simultaneously dries them. The device runs on diesel fuel and gas.

In the production of pellets, it is permissible to use straw and grain waste, but the higher the percentage of their content, the lower the quality of the final product. Pellets with a low content of other impurities are used for home heating boilers. With high – for industrial, as well as for cat litter boxes. But in any case, the percentage of additional impurities should not be higher than 5%.

Production of fibreboards

They are used both in the construction of buildings, finishing works, and in the production of furniture. In this case, the production plan is implemented in the following stages:

  • wood cleaning and chopping;
  • steaming;
  • second stage of grinding;
  • drying;
  • molding;
  • pressing;
  • grinding;
  • decorative finishing.

Today you can buy special lines for the production of such products, both foreign and domestic.

Fuel production

If your business is focused on fuel production, it is worth buying a pyrolysis unit. It consists of the following main components:

  • raw material preparation unit;
  • pyrolysis boiler;
  • gas piston power plant.

They have been produced in Russia for more than 80 years, but you can also buy foreign equipment. A domestic unit for 10 tons of sawdust per day costs approximately 30 million rubles. Moreover, it runs partly on electricity and partly on fuel. From 18 tons of waste, approximately 3 tons of fuel are obtained: gasoline (40%), diesel fuel (40%), fuel oil (20%).

Additional directions

Business can be built not only on sawdust processing. During cooking of the bark and sawdust of coniferous trees, as well as their greenery, condensation remains, which is also called still residue. It contains water-soluble biologically active substances, organic acids, chlorophylls, carotenes, provitamins, vitamins, etc. From it you can prepare a useful pine extract, which is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, medicinal preparations for animals, as well as feed additives for animals and birds.

The hard greens of coniferous trees remaining after cooking can be processed into feed meal for animals. This is another avenue that your business can use to generate additional revenue streams. Moreover, such flour has a bactericidal effect and is used as a preventive measure for tuberculosis in animals.

Another direction that a business can use is the production of fertilizer. The composting method is used for this. You will need to make special trenches and place waste wood pulp in them. During ripening, it accumulates nitrogen. Such fertilizers are used for highly mineralized and loamy soils.

Opening costs

The spending plan at the initial stage will require considerable investments - at least 150 thousand dollars. They will go towards renovating the premises, purchasing equipment and raw materials. The following items should be included in your spending plan.

Arrangement of the premises:

  • fire alarm, fire extinguishing system ($2.1 thousand);
  • lighting ($500);
  • power supply ($1.8 thousand);
  • general ventilation ($800);
  • process ventilation and air ducts ($4.5 thousand);
  • creating conditions for workers ($2.5 thousand).

Equipment costs (using the example of the production of briquettes for fuel):

  • commissioning works (10 thousand dollars);
  • briquette production machine ($110 thousand);
  • packaging machine (12 pieces each, $1 thousand);
  • packaging and storage equipment ($1.7 thousand).

Other expenses:

  • production costs ($7.1 thousand);
  • consumables ($2 thousand);
  • wages (3 shifts of 4 people, about 6 thousand dollars).

Monthly spending plan

The cost plan is formed on the basis that the briquette production will operate 20 hours a day and be serviced by three teams of 4 people each. In total, about $300 per person will be spent on wages per month and another 50% of taxes - approximately $5.5 thousand.

Electricity costs are necessarily included in the spending plan. The operating power of the equipment will be 80 kW. It will work about 600 hours a month, that is, it will cost about 4.7 thousand dollars.

Various additional costs must also be included. Thus, about 240 tons of briquettes will be produced per day (equipment productivity is 400 kg/hour). They will require 240 euro pallets. To do this, you need to include about 2 thousand dollars in your spending plan.

Please note that the basic equipment includes four auger attachments. But they wear out after 80-90 tons of production. The cost of the nozzle is about $300. Used nozzles can be restored for $100. Then the cost plan will be reduced. Additional materials will require stretch film, which will be used to wrap the folded pallets. The total monthly spending plan will be about 8.9 thousand dollars.

Income plan

One ton of wood briquette costs $115. Taking into account the operation of the installation 20 hours a day and the production volume of 0.5 t/h, products worth 34.5 thousand dollars can be produced per month. From this amount, production costs and expenses for consumables - approximately 9.1 thousand dollars. In total, you can receive up to 25.4 thousand dollars per month.

Investments can pay off in just six months, which is a pretty good indicator for a small production. If you have enough funds to organize such a business, then it is quite possible to establish a promising and highly profitable production.

Residents of Europe have long appreciated the convenience, environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness of such briquettes, pressed from wood waste. In many regions, citizens have long been prohibited from cutting down forests for their own needs. But centralized heating is not available everywhere, so the processing of wood waste and sawdust and the production of fuel blocks have long been mastered there. However, the capacity of existing factories in the West does not fully satisfy the demand for this type of fuel. They are ready to import it from almost anywhere in the world.

  • Technology and necessary equipment for the production of fuel briquettes
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a sawdust processing business
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn by producing fuel briquettes from sawdust?
  • Which OKVED code must be indicated when registering the production of fuel briquettes
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for your activity?
  • Do I need a permit to make fuel briquettes?

The production of briquettes and recycling of wood industry waste is not only useful, but also a profitable business. Previously, sawdust left over from wood processing plants was burned. Large amounts of carbon dioxide were released into the atmosphere. This is harmful to the environment. The use of natural fuels - oil and gas - becomes expensive over time and also depletes natural reserves. They are not endless on earth. You can make as many fuel briquettes as you like from a resource that is restored over time.

Technology and necessary equipment for the production of fuel briquettes

Pressing sawdust and making blocks can be done using several technologies. The quality of finished products is measured by such a concept as calorie content. The technical and physical parameters of fuel briquettes are close to wood. The equipment used to process waste from the wood industry must dry the raw material and give it a dense and regular shape. For this purpose, screw pressing is used. In Austria, similar equipment has been operating for several decades. Recently it began to be actively used at enterprises in Belarus. Moreover, the equipment for processing wood waste itself was developed by local engineers, based on Western technologies. Its cost turned out to be cheaper and amounted to 110 thousand euros. Its set includes the following machines and units:

The productivity of this equipment manufactured in Belarus is 600 kg per hour. This figure is not inferior to well-known Western European brands. The press and drying chamber where processing takes place cost 290 thousand euros. The Belarusian analogue can be bought for 78 thousand euros.

An alternative to a screw press can be a granulator. However, its briquette productivity is almost half that. Therefore, this equipment is usually used. Its disadvantages include the rapid wear of the screw itself. It needs to be changed every 50 tons of manufactured products. Replacement occurs within 15 minutes, production is not affected and equipment is not idle. The basic package includes 4 removable augers. In the future, you will need to buy attachments. They cost about 300 euros.

Another useful feature of briquettes obtained by screw pressing. A thin but durable film is formed on the surface of the product. It protects it from destruction, facilitates packaging and transportation.

Equipment for drying raw materials can use different types of fuel: fuel oil, kerosene or diesel fuel. There are installations in which sawdust itself is used for drying. This generally reduces the cost of block production, since sawdust is cheaper than any type of fuel oil and gasoline. However, they also have their disadvantages. The ash content of the blocks increases. The fire hazard of such production is much higher.

Step-by-step plan for starting a sawdust processing business

You can organize the production of blocks from sawdust according to the scheme below:

Non-standard equipment for block production includes:

  • ventilation system, which is manufactured individually for each room;
  • mechanization of the packaging area and storage facilities;
  • project development and installation of fire alarm systems.

Not only a mixture of sawdust, but also straw, sunflower husks, etc. are used as raw materials. The requirements for its purity in such production are low. Interspersed with bark and shavings up to 20 mm long are allowed in the structure. The screw press copes well with such impurities.

How much money do you need to start a business?

In addition to the purchase of basic equipment, the price of which we indicated above, the costs of producing briquettes from wood waste and sawdust will be:

The total cost of opening a workshop for the production of blocks, in which sawdust will be processed and briquettes will be produced, amounts to 163,754 thousand euros.

How much can you earn by producing fuel briquettes from sawdust?

The production can be serviced by 4 people in one shift. For continuous operation of the workshop, three teams need to be organized. 250 euros will be used monthly to pay employees. The tax burden is on average 50%. Additionally, monthly costs will be 4.5 thousand euros. With total monthly costs of 10,907 euros and revenue from the sale of finished products in the amount of 30 thousand euros, the profit will be 19,093 thousand euros. The payback period for the production of sawdust processing units, subject to stable sales and full equipment utilization, is 9 months.

Which OKVED code must be indicated when registering the production of fuel briquettes

In accordance with the all-Russian classifier, the OKVED code 16.10 is used in the production of fuel briquettes. Additional codes are 36.63 and 37.20.

What documents are needed to open

The best option for organizing a small activity is to register an individual business. This organizational form is simple and quick to complete. To register an individual entrepreneur, they provide the tax service with a photocopy of the passport and a receipt for payment of the obligatory payment - state duties, and write an application in the appropriate form.

But if you plan to organize a large production, open branches or have several investors, it is best to register a legal entity. It is worth noting that large companies trust LLCs more. This organizational and legal form will allow you to conclude profitable supply and sales agreements. To register it, provide the company's charter and the decision of all founders to organize this type of business.

Which taxation system to choose for your activity?

Most entrepreneurs choose a simplified taxation system to pay mandatory payments. It does not require accurate record keeping. You can apply a rate of 6% (tax is calculated based on income received) or 15% (income minus expenses). The last rate option requires documentary evidence of all expenses.

Do I need a permit to make fuel briquettes?

The Law of the Russian Federation “On licensing of certain types of activities” dated 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ regulates all activities that are subject to compulsory licensing. The production of fuel briquettes is not included in the list, which means it is not subject to licensing.

Russia has the most significant forest reserves, almost a quarter of the world's total.

The forests of our country represent a colossal resource base.

Wherein no more than half is used of all wood waste, and in Siberia, that is, in the most “forest” region of our country, no more than 35% of wood raw materials.

The rest is simply thrown away without any attempt at recycling.

The following remain unprocessed:

  • woody greens;
  • bark;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

Thus, the figures indicate that there are opportunities for business development in this industry.

In the recent past, sawmill waste was simply destroyed. A business built on the processing of wood waste is:

  • promising;
  • not requiring significant investments;
  • having an accessible production organization.

Waste production in the woodworking and forestry industries they represent lump and soft waste:

  • woodworking;
  • plywood production;
  • furniture production;
  • sleepers;
  • sawmilling.

These also include:

  • branches;
  • branch;
  • woody greens;
  • tops;
  • roots;

The scope of use of wood waste is very extensive.

  1. Sawdust can be used in hydrolysis industries, for the production of gypsum sheets, and for heating.
  2. From shavings it is possible to produce particle boards and cement particle boards, which are used in the construction of houses.
  3. From wood waste paper is made; they are also used in agriculture.
  4. wood chips Mostly coniferous wood is used to produce a building material that is unique in its characteristics.

Where to get wood waste inexpensively or free of charge

When using wood in any field, be it furniture production, construction, etc., wood waste can make up from 35 to 50%.

Disposal of wood waste in cities is a serious problem. They are formed during tree care and during sanitary cutting of green spaces on the street, in parks, forest parks, and squares. This waste is low-quality medium-sized wood:

  • branch;
  • tops;
  • edgings of deciduous and coniferous species.

A significant problem in terms of recycling is waste lumber during the renovation of premises and buildings, wooden products that are no longer in use, furniture, and containers. A huge amount of wood waste is generated when sawmilling.

Under the condition of self-pickup, almost all types of wood waste can be obtained absolutely free of charge.

Cost-effective options for using sawdust

There are many ways to make money from wood waste, particularly sawdust. We list the main options, and below we will consider some of them in more detail:

  • production of sawdust concrete. Possible both in enterprises and privately;
  • on livestock farms, sawdust can be used as livestock bedding;
  • in greenhouses and industrial greenhouses, sawdust can act as a component of the soil, plant nutrition;
  • sawdust on its own excellent fuel;
  • sawdust – compost in agriculture;
  • for private houses sawdust is used as insulation in attics and basements;
  • production of chipboard, fibreboard, MDF, furniture structures, sawdust is the main raw material;
  • for wastewater treatment plants in industry, sawdust can serve as waste water filter;
  • sawdust mixed with peat - great composting toilet filler.

During the cooking of pine and cedar bark, woody greens, condensation accumulates at the bottom of the distillation tank, which is called VAT residue.

One of the inexpensive productions is its processing at pine extract.

Coniferous extract has a lot of biologically active substances that dissolve during prolonged cooking in water.

This condensate contains a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on living organisms, including humans:

  • vitamins;
  • chlorophylls;
  • organic acids.

Concentrating the condensate turns it into a pine extract with high consumer properties.

The extract can be successfully used as a feed additive for livestock and poultry in agriculture, as well as in the form of a preparation for taking medicinal baths. Coniferous extract can also be used for the industrial production of antibiotics for animals.

Feed meal

After digestion of the extract, approximately 90% of the initial raw materials (pine and cedar bark, green wood) remains in the form of waste solid waste. Business income can be increased with further processing of solid waste into feed meal.

Feed flour has bactericidal and anti-tuberculosis properties. It can be used as an alternative to roughage.


Fertilizer can be prepared from wood waste using a fairly simple composting process.

The main costs of implementing this project are laying and equipping trenches for preparing compost mass.

It would be advisable to use such compost to improve the fertility of highly mineralized and loamy soils.


Wood waste processing is a promising area with many areas for implementation. Many technologies that are based on the processing of wood waste are successful in the market.

– one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly fuels, consisting of almost one hundred percent carbon. When burned, it does not poison the air with toxic fumes and is quite convenient for quickly preparing food. It can be used not only on the farm, but also in industrial production.

A number of chemical and metallurgical industries, from small to large, operate on it. In construction it is used as an insulating material. Just like other wood waste derivatives, it is successfully used in agriculture as a feed additive for livestock and poultry.

The waste wood waste can be used for further processing as fuel.

The use of modern and environmentally friendly fuels will help provide the population with inexpensive energy resources, while reducing the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Thus, the negative impact on the environment is reduced and the sanitary condition of forests is improved.

In recent years, EU countries have been experiencing a very active transition to organic fuel. The market is stimulated by government agencies, turning towards:

  • fuel pellets;
  • briquettes;
  • firewood

Energy sources from wood waste are currently purchased in significant quantities.

We purchase equipment

Of course, for processing you need:

  • equipment;
  • electricity;
  • premises;
  • warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

Equipment for the production of briquettes and fuel pellets is available on the market in sufficient variety, both from foreign and domestic factories. With equal quality, Russian equipment costs a little cheaper.

The equipment delivery set includes:

  • wood chipper(machine for grinding raw materials), from 180 thousand rubles to 2.3 million rubles;
  • granulator. Cost from 50 thousand rubles. up to 2.1 million rubles. The price for the OGM-1.5 granulator model is about 1 million rubles;
  • Dryer. The price range ranges from 150 thousand rubles. up to 2.5 million rubles;
  • packaging machine. Price – from 80 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles

In general, equipment for producing, for example, pellets can be an industrial line or a mini-granulator.

Approximate cost:

  1. an industrial line that produces 1 ton/hour costs about 132 thousand dollars;
  2. with a capacity of 2 tons/hour will cost 196 thousand dollars;
  3. the price of a 4.5 ton/hour line is about 408 thousand dollars.

The price for a finished line, providing a productivity of 300 kg of product per hour, is about 1 million rubles. In the same case, if you have premises (your own suburban area) and raw materials (wooden waste at a minimum price or free for pickup), then the investment, taking into account organizational issues, will amount to a little more than 1 million rubles.

Sales and expansion of production

Sales of manufactured products can be carried out through the following channels:

  • wholesale companies that export goods abroad;
  • you can open your own online store;
  • sales through own retail outlets in construction and household markets;
  • sales to organizations that sell at construction markets and supermarkets.

One of the most profitable ways business expansion for the sale of sawdust-based products is cooperation with municipalities.

The fact is that in many formations, fuel oil boilers are installed. Their efficiency is many times lower than that of pellet boilers. If you agree with local authorities to replace fuel oil with pellet boilers(at the expense of budgetary funds) and the supply of your products, then everyone benefits.

Local authorities receive significant cost savings during the heating season, and fuel producers receive a significant channel for marketing their own products.

It is also worth paying attention to areas where there is no gas supply.

In such areas you can sell with considerable success for business fuel briquettes.

But first we will have to explain the advantages of boilers running on fuel briquettes.

Opportunities for business expansion will thus be achieved by increasing the number of sales of manufactured products.


Difficulties that may arise when implementing this business usually come down to several points:

  • transportation of finished products over long distances is not always profitable;
  • When certifying, for example, fuel pellets, certain difficulties may arise. The second point is the composition of the fuel: it should not contain more than 30% bark;
  • To fully sell finished products, you will need to independently search for consumers;
  • control over workers in production is a must for any type of business.

On the other hand, the domestic market of our country is increasingly in need of various wood processing products, and demonstrates full readiness for their use.

Where to start and the price of the issue

Production activity requires the presence of an individual entrepreneur or LLC under the simplified taxation system (6% or 15%, respectively). To operate the enterprise you need:

  • 2-3 general workers;
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • sales manager.

A business based on the use of wood waste, if properly organized, can bring significant profit. In this case, the level of investment can vary from the most insignificant to the largest. Which production to choose depends on the level of capabilities and aspirations.

Due to the huge amount of wood waste to be processed in our country and its affordability, it makes sense to start Earn Money in this business sector.

Using such waste as raw materials, business will help solve a number of pressing environmental problems:

  • cleaning forest areas from wood waste and preventing their decay;
  • forest fire prevention;
  • when used as fuel, there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • promotes the conservation of forests.


In Western Europe and many other countries, in recent decades they have turned to environmental fuels, as well as waste-free types of production in general.

With the active support of the state and its subsidies in support of these types of businesses, we can soon expect more active development of commercial projects based on the processing of wood waste.

Trends developing in the West are always, or almost always, harbingers of commercial trends in our country, so it may be worth taking a closer look at them.

Considering the ever-increasing global demand for environmentally friendly and cheap energy resources, people with a commercial spirit should hurry to take this most profitable and promising business niche, which has just begun to fill.

This is how a wood waste shredder works:

In contact with

Every year, a huge amount of waste from the timber industry is generated around the world. Most of them do not find practical use; they are stored or burned without heat recovery. Disposal of wood waste requires large land areas and costs for their storage.

In the modern world, there is a decrease in reserves and instability in prices for fossil fuels, and this makes the topic of using renewable resources increasingly relevant. There is no doubt that low-quality wood and wood waste are one of the main renewable energy sources. The energy use of this unrealized potential of woody biomass already makes it possible to replace more than 10% of domestic energy consumption without disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. The annual amount of waste from wood processing enterprises in Russia alone is more than 70 million m3.

One of the most effective methods for processing wood waste is fast pyrolysis technology.

The physicochemical essence of the fast pyrolysis process is the thermal decomposition of organic compounds of biomass in the absence of an oxidizing agent at relatively low temperatures of 450-550°C, a high heating rate of 500-1000°C/s and a short residence time of the products in the reaction space (up to 2-3 s) . As a result of the process, when the vapor-gas mixture is cooled, liquid products (bio-oil) are formed with a yield of up to 80% of the mass, depending on the operating parameters and the type of raw material.

Chip processing equipment

The processing of wood chips, as well as the processing of sawdust and other wood waste, is very effective at the FPP 02 Fast Pyrolysis Plant, which makes it possible to obtain liquid fuel and charcoal from waste. The yield of these products is very high (Table 1), which allows the installation to be repaid in a short time (less than 3 years).

Yield of products from sawdust processing

Table 1.

Sawdust processing as a business is very profitable. Charcoal has an established, in-demand market. Liquid pyrolysis products (bio-oil) can be used in various ways such as:

  • Alternative fuel for small and municipal energy (use in boiler houses instead of heating oil and fuel oil, gas turbines). Can be sold at competitive prices locally to enterprises using heating oil (boiler houses, asphalt plants, grain dryers, steam production, dairies, fuel traders, etc.), in addition, can be used at the enterprise for heating in winter using liquid fuels boilers with a capacity of 1 MW;
  • Binder for composite materials (production of biopolymers, replacement of phenol in FFS resins, replacement of polyols in urethanes up to 30%);
  • Raw materials for road construction (addition to bitumen as an adhesive additive up to 30%).
  • Raw materials for the chemical industry (isolation of valuable components, purification, production of oils and motor fuels).

The gas generated during the process is completely consumed by the Installation to provide thermal energy to the reactor and drying module. It can also be used to generate electricity to meet the needs of the installation itself (can be installed as a generator based on a gas piston engine). FPP 02 is a mobile plant for processing sawdust, wood chips, waste from pulp and paper mills and other waste from the timber industry and, in principle, any biomass waste. This is a fully automated complex that does not require capital construction and, thanks to its modular design, can be transported by road in containers. Our company can offer effective equipment for waste processing in the form of the FPP 02 Fast Pyrolysis Unit at the best prices. We supply equipment on a turnkey basis, which means 100% ready for operation.

When processing both sawdust and other types of wood waste, 3 types of equipment are used:

  • shredders;
  • dryers;
  • press.

This equipment used in most technological chains related to the processing of any wood waste.

In this article we will talk about:

  • device;
  • cost;
  • use

such equipment in various technological chains.

Devices of this type process any wood waste into chips and sawdust of various sizes.

All devices of this type divided according to the principle of influence for wood:

  • knife (rotary);
  • drums;
  • disk;
  • hammer;
  • shredders;
  • combined.


Knife shredders suitable for processing:

  • thick branches;
  • scraps;
  • other waste whose length exceeds 20 cm.

Their base is a thick steel circle on which 3–6 knives are attached. Wood fed at an angle to the disc, so the knives also cut it at an angle, forming chips.

The size of the chips depends on:

  • disk rotation speed;
  • feed speed;
  • waste thickness.

The higher the speed rotation of the disk, the faster the knives pass through the wood and the smaller the thickness wood chips The same dependence is on the feed speed - the faster you push the wood into the chopper, the thinner the chips will be at the exit.

An increase in the thickness of the waste leads to an increase in the size of the chips, so from crooked logs and thick branches you can cut large chips suitable for the production of oriented strand boards.


Drum Shredders suitable for any large waste wood, including:

  • logs;
  • thick branches.

The basis of the chopper is a drum on which 3–6 knives are attached. Wood enters the drum in a straight line, so the knives cut off the end part.

Because of this, the sawdust produced by the drum shredder cannot be used for the production of OSB or, because it requires chips of a different structure (cut along the fibers).

Without additional processing, such chips are used for:

  • mulching the garden;
  • filling paths;
  • heating;
  • obtaining pyrolysis gas.

After additional grinding, which was carried out by a hammer crusher for sawdust, the wood chips can be used for:

  • manufacturing;
  • obtaining cellulose.

To supply the material, a ribbed shaft connected to a gearbox is used. A spring presses this shaft against the wood, so the ribbed surface pushes branches and logs forward and prevents them from flying back.

Feed wood into such a chopper manually is very dangerous, because a blow from a knife can cause a branch or log to fly out and injure a worker.


This type of shredder is used to produce large chips cut along the grain. Therefore, the chips obtained from such a grinder are used for the production of OSB.

It is also used for:

  • heating;
  • obtaining pyrolysis gas;
  • smoking;
  • any work in the garden.

The sawdust chopper consists of a shaft on which saw blades of the same size are mounted at small intervals. By adjusting the gap between the disks, the thickness of the chips is also changed.

Wood waste is fed at an angle. By changing the feed angle, the size of the chips is adjusted - the closer the angle is to 90º, the larger the chips will be.


These devices first cut wood, because they have a knife chopper installed, and then they crush the resulting chips, turning them into small sawdust.

Therefore they are used for:

  • waste recycling;
  • grinding large chips.

Finished small sawdust is used for the production of:

  • biofuels;
  • organic insulation;
  • cellulose and glucose;
  • pellets and briquettes.

The basis of the hammer grinder is narrow steel plates (fingers) that strike steel supports. When the engine spins the shaft of the unit, the fingers rotate under the influence of centrifugal force so that move away from the shaft as much as possible.

When sawdust or wood waste is put into the shredder, shaft rotation speed decreases slightly. However, the fingers move at the same speed, so they hit the steel supports, crushing the sawdust that gets between them.

Crushed sawdust fall into a sieve and are sifted out– small ones pass through the holes, and large ones are sucked in by turbulent air flows and they again end up between the fingers and supports.


These devices are designed for processing dirty wood, that is:

  • sleepers;
  • scaffolding;
  • boards with nails.

wood chips after processing with a shredder it turns out:

  • poor quality;
  • different sizes;
  • partially wrinkled,

Therefore, a wood chipper of this type is used to produce wood chips, which, without grinding, are used only for heating.

If further processing is necessary, then wood chips:

  • soak so that the metal settles to the bottom;
  • dried and crushed using hammer crushers.

Power plants

All models of shredders are produced in one of three options:

  • with diesel engine;
  • with a gasoline engine;
  • with an electric motor.

A machine with a diesel engine is noticeably more expensive, because the cost of such a power unit is tens of times higher than the price of an electric motor.

The advantage of a diesel engine is its can be used where there is no electrical network.

Gasoline engines installed on inexpensive portable models low productivity. Their advantage in the low price of a motor, which is 2–3 times more expensive than an electric motor of the same power.

The advantage of an electric power plant is that the cost of electricity is tens of times less than diesel fuel. Therefore, when processing large volumes, the difference in the cost of energy resources is enormous.

In mounted shredders, the power plant is the engine of a tractor or heavy truck, and the energy is supplied through the power take-off shaft.


Shredders of any type are produced in four versions:

  • stationary;
  • portable;
  • based on a wheeled van;
  • as an attachment for a tractor or heavy truck.

Stationary shredders characterized by maximum power and performance, therefore they are installed only at enterprises with a large volume of daily waste processing.

Such devices are equipped with three-phase electric motors, because using a diesel engine is unprofitable due to the large difference in cost:

  • electricity;
  • diesel fuel.

Portable devices:

  • are relatively inexpensive;
  • have minimal performance.

They are equipped with electric or gasoline engines. The weight of such devices is 50–80 kg, so 2–4 people are required to carry them.

They can also be transported to:

  • trunk;
  • body;
  • trailer

Prices for popular models

In this table we have included the most popular models of various types of shredders.

Model Type Plaftorma engine's type Power kW m3/h wood chips Chip size mm Price thousand rubles Website
Moby 200knifewheel trailerdiesel22-50 8—15 7—10 850 Rubmaster
MRG-250Eknifestationaryelectric motor45-55 7—20 5—40 (reg)530
MRG-250Eknifetractortractor50-100 7—20 3—40 (reg)465
RBC-11comboportableelectric motor11 3 10—40 290 Dosagran
RB-30drumstationaryelectric motor45 10—15 25-35 1297
RB-750-4-11knifeportableelectric motor11 3 5—20 from 130
DShK-600-2-x7.5-1shredderstationaryelectric motor15 1—8 30-100 1550
RB-700-LG-18.5hammerportableelectric motor18,5 1,5 3—8 from 130
ShchRM-2rotarystationaryelectric motor7,5 2—5 5—30 (reg)122 SPI
SRUB-350knifeportableelectric motor7,5 2—7 5—40 81 Infel
SRUB-600knifestationaryelectric motor22 5—15 5—40 81


For most technological chains used for processing wood waste, it is necessary to ensure a certain moisture content of the material.

Humidity of feedstock 20–50%, which is good for shredders, but for further processing:

  • wood chips;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust

their humidity must be reduced to 12–15%, therefore, they need to be dried.

Dryers differ in:

  • type of heat generator;
  • type of air flow source;
  • method of moving material;
  • method of influencing the material;
  • productivity;
  • size and weight;
  • price.

Heat generators

Heat generators are:

  • electrical;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • gas;
  • combined.

Electric heat generators- These are various heating devices powered by electricity. Most often these are tubular electric heaters (TEH) or nichrome spirals.

In addition to the spiral or heating element, a fan is installed in these devices, so they combine:

  • heat generator;
  • source of air flow.

Liquid fuel devices- These are nozzles that spray the air-fuel mixture, which is then ignited. The torch heats the air ducts into which air is pumped using a fan or compressor.

Solid fuel devices They work on the same principle, only instead of a nozzle there is a firebox.

The fuel used for them is:

  • board;
  • firewood;
  • wood scraps;
  • wood chips;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust;
  • coal;
  • peat.

Gas devices They also heat the air ducts through which air from the fan flows to the dryer.

Such heat generators can operate from:

  • main gas;
  • liquefied bottled gas;
  • pyrolysis gas produced by a nearby pyrolysis (gas generator) installation.

Using bottled gas justified only for small volumes of material, because the cost of such gas is very high, which means the drying costs will be high.

Main gas is used, if for some reason it is impossible to install a pyrolysis unit and a gas main has been laid.

Pyrolysis plant increases capital costs, but greatly reduces the cost of drying the material, because for gas production they use:

  • sawdust;
  • various wood waste.

In large enterprises as a heat source use their own boiler room.

In this case, the heat generator is a large radiator for water or steam, through which the air entering the dryer from a fan or compressor is blown.

Airflow sources

The following is used as a source of air flow:

  • fans;
  • centrifugal blowers;
  • turbines.

Fans are inexpensive, however are characterized by low productivity, therefore they are used in small industries where the budget for capital costs is seriously limited.

Centrifugal blowers are noticeably more expensive than fans, but provide high performance in a small size.

Turbines are very expensive, but they are The size to performance ratio is much higher than with centrifugal superchargers. Therefore, they are used in powerful dryers, which must be placed as compactly as possible.

The engine used is:

  • electrical;
  • gasoline;
  • diesel

Electric motors installed where possible:

  • connect to the electrical network;
  • get enough power.

Gasoline engines used only in small mobile dryers, for which the ability to be carried or transported from place to place is the most important quality.

Diesel engines used in stationary dryers that cannot be connected to an electrical network with sufficient allocated power.

Methods of material movement

Used in dryers 3 ways to move material:

  • conveyor;
  • drum;
  • aerodynamics.

IN conveyor dryers:

  • wood chips;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust

poured onto a conveyor, which moves them along sources of hot air or heaters.

The most effective designs are those in which the material is moved along several conveyors located one below the other.

In this case, the entire material dries out, and not just the top layer, because when pouring from one conveyor to another, the material is mixed, which improves drying efficiency.

Obvious disadvantage such dryers:

  • complexity and unreliability of equipment;
  • The price is too high compared to other types of dryers.
  • conveyor belt speed (if possible);
  • air supply speed;

Drum dryer for sawdust works on a different principle. The rotating drum is equipped with blades from the inside that pour the material to be dried. Hot air is blown through the drum, which not only dries, but also moves sawdust along the drying drum.

  • drum rotation speed;
  • air supply speed;
  • supply air temperature,

They also regulate the efficiency of material drying.

Aerodynamic dryers They work on the principle of a large pipe through which a stream of air and sawdust is blown.

Sawdust quickly:

  • heat up;
  • give off excess moisture

thanks to

  • high flow rate;
  • sufficient temperature.

The lower the moisture content of the sawdust, the easier it is for the air flow to carry it along with it, therefore The diameters of all pipes of such a dryer are carefully selected.

Thanks to this, sawdust drying occurs:

  • gradually;
  • evenly.

Advantage such dryers in:

  • low cost;
  • good performance.

Methods of influencing the material

Despite the fact that drying in all devices occurs due to heating of the material, the method of influencing it is different.

Here are the main methods of influence:

  • heating without purging;
  • blowing across the movement;
  • purging as you go.

Heating without purging used on conveyor dryers in which all conveyors:

  • pass through a common chamber;
  • located one below the other.

Chamber walls heated with:

  • electricity;
  • hot water or steam;
  • hot air,

and the moisture coming out of the shavings or sawdust is removed through the ventilation holes located on top of the chamber.

Through the lower ventilation holes, street air enters the chamber, the temperature of which is lower than the overall temperature in the chamber, as a result of which a draft is formed.

The heated air rushes upward and exits through the upper openings, causing a vacuum is formed in the chamber, which immediately fills the air coming in from the street.

In this case, the material is poured several times from conveyor to conveyor, until it reaches the bottom belt and through it enters some container where dry sawdust is stored.

Blowing across the movement is carried out in the same chambers as drying without blowing.

The only difference is that air is blown in through the side openings, then it rises and exits through the windows at the top of the chamber.

Both systems are used where there is no way to allocate enough space for a drying unit, because it is long.

Blowing as you go used in drum devices. As the drum rotates, it picks up material, which then slides off the blades and falls to the bottom.

The hot air flow passing through the drum heats:

  • wood chips;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust

and moves forward a little along the drum.

After several turns of the drum (depending on the speed of the air flow), the dried material reaches the outlet and falls through it into the substituted container.

This the most popular and effective way drying, however, to implement it, the length of the drum must be 6 meters or more.

The same principle is used in air dryers. In large-diameter pipes, the air speed is slightly lower than in connecting pipes, so the air flow carries only materials dried to a certain specific gravity.

Popular models and their prices

We have compiled a table that includes:

  • several models of dryers of various types;
  • their configuration;
  • approximate prices.

To find out the exact price of the selected dryer, contact its manufacturer.

Price depends on configuration equipment, so it is discussed individually.

Dryer model Equipment Productivity Description Price (thousand rubles) Website
S-0.152 m long drum, BWW heat generator, fan and cyclone filter400 kg/hWithout heat generator 210, with heat generator
S-5Drum 4.5 m long, heat generator KDO, fan and cyclone filter800 kg/hThe dryer is of small capacity, equipped with a KDO water boiler with a radiator that heats the incoming air flowWithout heat generator 495, with heat generator 931
S-50Drum 13.5 m long, heat generator KDO, fan and cyclone filter2 t/hMedium-capacity dryer, equipped with a KDO water boiler with a radiator that heats the incoming air flowWithout heat generator 1920 with heat generator 3120
10m/d1200A drying drum for sawdust with a length of 10 m and a diameter of 1.2 m without additional equipment, a heat generator, a fan and a filter must be purchased separately.For evaporated moisture 470 kg/hHigh capacity drum dryer1324 SPI
SK-3-600A belt dryer consisting of a conveyor, a heat generator, a fan and a drying chamber.5 t/hHigh capacity drying chamber.from 1300OK
AS-1000Aerodynamic sawdust dryer with heat generator and fan1 t/hAerodynamic dryer with pyrolysis heat generator and spark arrester. The operator makes all adjustments and settings from the control panel900


Sawdust pressing necessary for the production of various processed products wood, for example:

  • pellet;
  • briquettes;
  • chipboards (chipboards);
  • wood-fiber boards (fiberboard);
  • oriented strand boards (OSB).

Although a special press is used for each product, the overall task is the same - creating pressure on the material to compress it and force it into the desired shape.

Therefore, two types of presses are used to process wood waste:

  • mechanical;
  • hydraulic.


Mechanical press(granulator) is used in the production of pellets.

The principle of its operation is that the gear wheel, which creates pressure, moves along the matrix, unable to move away from it even a fraction of a millimeter.

The wheel presses the sawdust and shavings that have fallen under it to the matrix, the exit from which is only through tapering holes.

As a result of this compaction, a pressure sufficient to release lignin from wood, which glues together:

  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

Such a machine for pressing sawdust consists of a fixed frame on which are mounted:

  • electric motor;
  • gearbox;
  • matrix;

Instead of an electric motor sometimes small gasoline engines are used, similar to those installed on walk-behind tractors or chainsaws. The gasoline engine allows you to create fuel pellets even where there is no electricity.

The gearbox performs the following functions:

  • reduces the speed of rotation of the motor shaft;
  • increases torque.

After all, in order to press sawdust and shavings, you need:

  • high torque;
  • low speed.

Shaft connects:

  • gearbox;
  • gear wheels,

which are attached to it using a cross shaft.

For the production of fuel pellets in large volumes granulators are used in which gear wheels are fixed to a stationary frame, and a matrix made in the form of a ring rotates around them.


For the production of briquettes They use a hydraulic press that compresses several matrices at once. The more matrices, the more powerful the press must be, because it is necessary to compress sawdust and shavings until lignin is released, which glues them together.

This press consists of:

  • hydraulic pump;
  • hydraulic cylinder;
  • set of matrices.

The hydraulic pump operates from any electric or gasoline engine.

Also A press extruder is used to make briquettes, which is similar in principle to a granulator, but instead of gears, it has a screw installed, which presses the material into the matrix hole with great force.

It works in a similar way auger in a meat grinder, feeding the material under the knives and forcing it to pass through the holes of the matrix.

After the compressed material exits the die hole, it:

  • cut to the required length;
  • cool.


Another type of press that is used for the production of fuel briquettes is impact presses. In them, the material enters the matrix using a screw.

When the die is filled, the press hits it with a heavy metal punch. During an impact, a pressure of up to 2 tons per cm2 occurs, which is sufficient to release lignin and glue wood.

The output of such a press is the following briquettes:

  • weight;
  • size.

Complex lines

For the production of building boards (chipboard, fibreboard, OSB) they use a press as part of a complex line, because it is necessary to first lay the material in layers, then soak it in glue and only then compress it.

In addition, presses for the production of building boards not only compress, but also heat the material.

Therefore, for the production of building boards use a hydraulic press, which consists of:

  • hydraulic pump;
  • hydraulic cylinder;
  • fixed flat plate;
  • movable flat plate.

The hydraulic cylinder moves the upper plate and, pressing it against the lower plate, creates the necessary pressure. Steam is supplied to the upper and lower plates, which heats them and through them heats the material to be glued.

Hydraulic pump of such a press works only on electricity, and the steam generator can be anything.


Here is a table from which you will find out approximately how much a sawdust pressing machine with the ability to carry out various operations costs:

Model name Purpose Equipment and description Price (thousand rubles) Manufacturer or seller website
Pelletizer 2/200GranulatorA granulator with a capacity of 100–150 kg/h can be equipped with a diesel engine, but this will increase its price114
DG-1000-MX-LGranulatorGranulator with a capacity of 1 t/h, with an electric three-phase motor1660
BP-350Briquette extruderCapacity up to 350 kg/h, electric three-phase motor440
GC-HBP-1000Briquette pressCapacity 1.2 t/h, adjustable briquette diameter, 45 kW electric motor5700
PBU-070-800Briquette Impact PressCapacity 600 kg/h, three electric motors of different power2227 machines-rks.rf
Chipboard production lineFully equipped line, including all necessary equipment, including a pressCapacity up to 50 thousand m3/year, made in China18-144 million

Useful video

In this video you can learn about the advantages of working in the field of wood waste processing:


After reading the article, you learned about various equipment that is used in processing wood waste.

This equipment is used:

  • separately;
  • as part of technological lines.

Moreover, different equipment can be used to perform the same operation.

If you decide to start, then the information from this article will help you decide on the configuration and cost equipment for individual operations and the entire technological chain.

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