Social advertisement. Types of social advertising

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between two types of social advertising: advertising of values ​​and information advertising promoting social programs, services, and organizations.

Advertising of values ​​exists all over the world. It is philosophically integral, like the 10 Commandments, and therefore, as a rule, does not require the presence of the creator's brand. In our country, there has been only one such pure social project so far - “Call your parents!” If a signature does appear under such value-based advertising, then most often we are dealing not with social advertising, but with social discourse. Thus, advertising with the slogan “People are talking” (MTS) is a commercial advertisement with social discourse, and the 2003 SPS advertisement - “A well-fed soldier is the best defender” - is a political advertisement with social discourse.

Information social advertisement- This is a significant type of advertising in our lives. It draws attention to very important problems of society, to social programs and the possibilities of solving them. The main thing in this advertising is the presence of feedback. If a problem is clearly, acutely and vividly revealed, then the social responsibility of such advertising is to give viewers the opportunity to choose ways to solve this problem or react to it. Such advertising must be signed indicating telephone numbers, website, and other contacts so that viewers can react to it and express their attitude to the situation described. Thus, in advertising about orphans, the video often ends on a bear left on a bench. Such advertising fills viewers with a sense of guilt and creates a strong desire to adopt a child. Most of these impulse adoptions then result in people regretting their action because they cannot cope with the adopted child.

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that the term “social advertising” is used only in Russia. All over the world it corresponds to the concepts of “non-commercial” and “public” advertising. Hence the difference in the interpretation of the terms:

  • “Nonprofit advertising is advertising sponsored by or for the benefit of non-profit institutions and intended to encourage donations, encourage voting in someone's favor, or attract attention to public affairs” [Courtland L. Bove, William F. Ahrens Modern Advertising 1995, 610].
  • “Public advertising conveys a message promoting some positive phenomenon. Professionals create it for free (it would be more correct to talk about the ethical position of not profiting). The place and time of advertising in the media are also provided on a non-commercial basis” [Wells W., Burnet J., Moriarty S. Advertising: principles and practice 2001, 800].

The following term is derived from existing practice. We are talking about a common and most important subtype of social advertising - government advertising. Government advertising is the advertising of government institutions (such as the army, air force, tax police) and the promotion of their interests.

And finally, the fourth type, which we consider most relevant to the realities of our country, is social advertising itself.

Its purpose is the humanization of society and the formation of its moral values. The mission of social advertising is to change the behavioral model of society.

Tatyana Astakhova, one of the first researchers of social advertising in Russia, in the article “Good ideas are advertised in America,” described Western standards of social advertising, which were primarily oriented toward social advertising in Russia. “The very phrase “social advertising” is a copy of the English “social advertising”. In the USA, the terms “public service advertising” and “public service announcement”, abbreviated PSA, are used to refer to this type of advertising. The subject of a PSA is an idea that must have some social value. Social advertising is often designed for the widest audience that is concerned about universal problems: the fight against violence, nature conservation, children's (and society's) health, drug addiction, AIDS. The goal of PSA is to change public attitudes towards an issue and, in the long term, to create new social values.” The Russian analogue of PSA is the subject of our research.

Some analysts distinguish two more levels of social advertising:

2. Advertising that paints an “image of the world”, designed to legitimize already existing or just proposed moral and behavioral norms. Thus, second-level advertising, for example, does not simply encourage the use of condoms (or not to throw garbage past the trash can), but provides an ideal picture of a “strategic” attitude to life, into which the supposed correct actions are built in as a logical element. Such advertising is more effective and interesting, but in Russia it actually does not exist. Domestic social advertising is still more “instrumental”: it describes an action that needs to be performed.

Key participants in the social advertising market

Of course, it is too early to talk about the concept of the market, but the main players have already been identified - this is the state (including ministries and departments), non-profit organizations, politicians and political parties, and business.

If we have already defined government advertising as a subtype of social advertising (see definition), then the inclusion of social motives in political and commercial advertising cannot be called social advertising, although it imitates it (social advertising is often trusted more). That’s why the 2003 SPS advertisement, for example, “A well-fed soldier is the best defender,” or the blatant allusion in Chelyabinsk on the State Duma building in 2007 — “Call your family!” is, of course, political advertising with social discourse.

Do we need a separate law on social advertising?

Until recently, in discussions on this topic, there was a confident opinion that such a law was needed. However, opponents of the law have very compelling arguments: it will only complicate the regulation of social advertising and demonstrate their helplessness in managing processes in the social advertising environment in Russia. Indeed, in the developed countries of the world there is not only a law on social advertising, but not even a Law “On Advertising”, since in a stable advertising market there are no blatant precedents and constant violations.

By the way, the main confusion in the interpretation of social advertising also lies in the fact that the term “social advertising” itself is not entirely accurate. “Social” is too ambiguous a word to have precise connotations. “Advertising” is too commercial in our understanding. All major disputes and interpretations, including in the field of legislation, also arise because of this terminological inaccuracy of wording.

Having studied the situation with legislation in the field of social advertising in countries near and far abroad, a group of experts and I came to the conclusion that it is appropriate to make changes and additions to this legislation within the framework of Article 10 of the existing Federal Law “On Advertising” of March 13, 2006.

Commercial and social advertising: similarities and differences

It is quite difficult to distinguish social advertising from other types of advertising. In order to analyze the features of social advertising in the most simple and accessible way, it is best to consider it in comparison with commercial advertising.


Commercial: Promotion of a brand/product/service on the market.

Social: Humanization of society and the formation of its moral values.


Commercial: Changing the behavioral model of society from an economic point of view.

Social: Changing the behavioral model of society from a humanistic, social point of view.


Commercial: Marketing, economic, social, communication, information.

Social: Educational, educational, propaganda, communication, information.


Commercial: Product, service, object (company, brand).

Social: An idea that has some social value.


Commercial: Consumer (trade and retail), political, image, address and reference, corporate, social (public).

Social: Non-profit, public, government, social.


Commercial: Create awareness, provide information, persuade, remind, persuade to purchase.

Social: Draw attention to pressing social problems, change the attitude of the population towards any problem.



  • press (newspapers, magazines: advertising modules, texts, information notes - so-called text advertising, information and advertising inserts, applications);
  • printing advertising (printed: books, reference books, booklets, leaflets);
  • advertising in electronic media (on radio and television: commercials, spots, programs, sponsorship);
  • film advertising (including advertising before films on video cassettes, DVDs, and in cinemas);
  • outdoor advertising (neon, pylons, billboards, banners, lightboxes, signs, signs, building decoration, etc.);
  • advertising on the Internet (websites, banners, text advertising, mailing lists, conferences, chat rooms, forums, bulletin boards, discussion lists);
  • advertising in cellular networks (SMS mailings, information directories);
  • mailings;
  • transport advertising;
  • holding various promotions and events (holidays, conferences, sessions, competitions, seminars, festivals, exhibitions, etc.);
  • information sponsorship (in all types and on all media);
  • non-traditional types of advertising (some of them are highlighted above, as well as the design of points of sale, souvenirs, inflatable advertising, balloons, advertising on tickets, statements, cash receipts and much more);
  • PR methods (although PR includes advertising and therefore the points described above).


If commercial advertising pursues fairly obvious goals (informing about the release of a new product on the market, encouraging increased purchasing activity, changing consumer attitudes towards a particular service or product, changing consumer habits), then the purpose of social advertising is to attract the attention of the general public to this or that another, usually problematic, phenomenon of social life. Most often, social advertising indicates certain social phenomena: for example, a high level of drug addiction or prostitution, a low birth rate, lack of attention to the elderly, etc. Government advertising may not be directly related to social issues, but promote one or another public institution, such as the armed forces. At the same time, the ultimate goal of social advertising (and government advertising as its subtype) is not only to attract the audience’s attention to any social phenomena, but also to change the attitude of citizens towards them. For example, by advertising the armed forces, the state sets itself the goal of changing the extremely negative attitude of Russian society towards the army, convincing that military service is a sacred duty for everyone, a job for real men, strong in spirit and body. That is, ultimately, to reduce the number of conscripts evading the army. That is why the mission of social advertising is to change the behavioral model of society. Today, it is this aspect that concentrates the main value difference between social advertising and political and commercial advertising.

Despite the fact that in all cases advertising is promoting something, the subject of promotion in the two types of advertising under consideration differs markedly. Commercial advertising promotes a product or service, while social advertising promotes social ideas and values.

2. Efficiency.

If the effectiveness of commercial advertising can be assessed based on specific market indicators, such as the level of sales of a particular service or product, then the effectiveness of social advertising should be measured by such indicators as public recognition of a particular social phenomenon and changes in public position in relation to it, formation of sustainable public opinion. In this case, one important thing should be taken into account: unlike commercial advertising, social advertising often does not bring quick results in the form of profit, material and moral dividends. Its effectiveness can manifest itself in a few years, or in a whole generation.

3. Target audiences.

Since social advertising aims to change the attitude towards various social phenomena of the entire population, the target audiences of commercial and social advertising differ accordingly. A specific commercial or poster is aimed at a narrow circle of consumers of the advertised product or service. Social advertising affects the whole society or its most active part, or those individuals who participate in making significant social, economic or political decisions.

  • state,
  • non-profit or public organizations,
  • business,
  • political factors.

And its placement should be mostly free.

Information The function of commercial advertising is the dissemination on a mass scale of information about a product or service, its nature, place of sale, highlighting a particular brand or trademark. The information function of social advertising is to inform citizens about the presence of a certain social problem and attract attention to it.

Economic The function of commercial advertising is to stimulate the sale of goods and services, as well as investment. In social advertising, the economic function is manifested in the long term in the desire to achieve results that are economically beneficial to the state, since the elimination of many social problems leads to the well-being of the state: the health of the nation, the receipt of taxes in full to the budget. This increases the potential of the state and ultimately leads to profit. Thus, maintaining the personal health of, say, employees simply leads to an intensive production rate in the companies in which they work. The health of a nation is also determined by the fact that a strong nation can reproduce healthy children. It can also be added that increasing the working capacity of citizens leads to increasing the potential of organizations and firms in which they work.

Educational The function of commercial advertising involves promoting various kinds of innovations in all areas of production and consumption. The educational function of social advertising is dissemination, instilling certain social values ​​and explaining the problem, as well as, possibly, its source and solutions.

Social The function of commercial advertising is aimed at shaping public consciousness, strengthening public relations, and improving living conditions. The message of some advertising commercials can be disguised by social discourse, that is, the argument for the buyer’s choice in favor of a particular product or service will be its social usefulness. The social function of social advertising in the long term is aimed at shaping public consciousness, and its main mission, which we have already discussed, is changing behavioral patterns.

Aesthetic The function of commercial advertising is to shape consumer taste. Due to the fact that product advertising is created by talented designers, artists, directors and other people of creative professions, it can even become a work of art. Advertising videos that are brought to the level of art often win at international advertising festivals. But, unfortunately, they are not always functional. The aesthetic function of social advertising is also aimed at shaping the taste of the audience.

Practitioners' opinions

Based on materials from the round table of the Advertiser magazine

The Federal Law “On Advertising” (Article 3) states that social advertising is “information... aimed at achieving charitable and other socially useful goals, as well as ensuring the interests of the state.” Unfortunately, social advertising is often incomprehensible to those to whom it was addressed, is made at a low aesthetic and production level and, most importantly, social advertising has problems achieving what it was made for.

Issues for discussion:

  • What changes and trends in social advertising in Russia and the world can you note?
  • Which of the social campaigns conducted do you consider the most and least successful and for what reasons?
  • What specific ways do you see making social advertising more effective?
  • Experience of participation in the development of social advertising, examples of unsuccessful and successful, original solutions.

Alexandra Bogdanova, Marketing Director for Russia and the CIS, APC by Schneider Electric (Moscow)

I would like to note that there is much more social advertising now than, for example, 10-15 years ago. It can really be seen and heard: billboards on the streets, in the subway, radio spots, television spots. I attribute this to the fact that, firstly, during this time the country has taken another step in development towards building a society that strives to resolve social issues, and secondly, people have become more susceptible to such influences. This is connected both with personal development and with an increase in the material standard of living.

It is difficult to assess the success or failure of any campaign, since this would require official statistics on the “before and after situation,” so I will give my subjective assessment.

As an example of a campaign that works well or poorly, we can mention the “Code of Politeness” billboards and a series of TV spots with celebrities on the topic of family values ​​and the adoption of orphans + billboards about caring for orphans (“Someone else’s child can become your own”). It seems to me that the first campaign will not be successful, but the second, on the contrary, achieved its goal. The reasons for the possible failure of the first are the vagueness of the message, which does not contain a call to action and, secondly, the insufficient number of shields. The second campaign, on the contrary, evoked a response in the hearts of people - evidence of this is the increase in the number of children taken into families. I think that, in addition to the already mentioned development of society, this is the result of a competent PR and media strategy of the campaign organizers.

There are also funny examples: not long ago I noticed on the streets a rather bright advertisement from the city authorities “clean up after your dog.” It is memorable, but the paradox is that even if it reaches its target audience (dog owners), it is unlikely to work. The authorities have not prepared anything other than a call: there are basically not enough waste collection facilities in the city, and in places where dogs are walked on a large scale there were none - I don’t mean small fenced areas of 15x15 m, but equipped “vacant lots”, mini-squares and so on. I think that the people who were the organizers of this action simply approached the issue formally, without analyzing the situation.

It seems to me that the key to the success of social advertising is, first of all, people involved in organizing and conducting campaigns who are not indifferent to human problems in society, as well as the availability of the necessary resources, competent media planning and a non-standard approach when implementing such projects.

Lyudmila Gindulina, director of the company “Two Lions” (Novosibirsk)

Alexander Laskin, member of the international union of Internet activists “EZHE” (Novosibirsk)

In order for a social advertising campaign to be more effective, it is necessary not only to place it on outdoor advertising billboards and layouts in the press, but also not to forget about the Internet. An advertising campaign will be much more effective if it takes place offline and online at the same time.

What's the best way to do this? So, we need to plan an advertising campaign for one reason or another. The first thing we must do is determine into which groups the target audience of this advertising campaign is divided. Secondly, we need to understand where these target groups can be found both online and offline, and place advertising in these places. In the case of the Internet, this place may well even be separate sections of a particular site.

We cannot say how effective it is to place a website address on a social advertising billboard. As a rule, the sites indicated on such advertisements have non-obvious addresses that do not immediately fit the usual associations and therefore are difficult to remember. For example,,,, etc. Even if a person, having seen such an advertisement on the street, becomes interested in the information, then by the time he gets to home or work, he will simply forget the site address he saw.

In general, we have the feeling that those who plan advertising campaigns with a social orientation are simply earning money from the state or sponsors, without caring about the effectiveness of the campaigns themselves. Sites dedicated to social issues are not easy to find on the Internet. We're not talking about using search engines now. Like outdoor advertising billboards, social site banners should be found on the most popular, highly visited portals.

Thus, on the main page of the Novosibirsk city website, out of 15 banners, there is not a single social one. And Novosibirsk, like any metropolis, has a lot of social problems. The traffic of this city website is 60 thousand unique visitors per day. And, for example, the attendance of the website of the Regional Center for Family Forms for the Placement of Children is 20 people. The difference is obvious. And what’s surprising is that this social site has a “Friends and Partners” section with a list of commercial companies, including their name, logo, and a link to the site. However, none of these sites have a backlink or banner.

On the one hand, leaders of public organizations should take the initiative and establish cooperation with visited Internet resources not only within the same city. On the other hand, the social responsibility of business, which the authorities talk so much about, should extend to both offline and online.

Victoria Danilova, global marketing theorist, seller of ideas, candidate of sociological sciences (Pyatigorsk)

In general, analyzing domestic social. advertising, I’m reminded of propaganda posters from the Soviet era. Remember Bulanov’s photomontage poster “Dad, don’t drink”? Simple, concise and surprisingly terrifying. And the work of ISORAM artists “Remember, when you drink, your family is hungry”? They could, they did! Have we really lost any talented artists? Or maybe we have become more indifferent and the grief of others does not bother us?

I once had the opportunity to participate in a city social advertising competition. The first prize is recognition of the author and his work followed by advertising - what the young and ambitious need. I chose the problem of the number of abortions in our country. I went to antenatal clinics, talked with gynecologists, with women who had decided to take this step. It turns out that most are afraid not of the consequences, but of the pain of the upcoming operation, but anesthesia saves them from it. In general, there is no fear as such. Have you heard the theory about the genetic memory of every cell in the human body? These memories are stored and transmitted by billions of cells. And, of course, the female body remembers how a new life was born inside it, how all resources and forces were aimed at preserving this new life, and how one day this life was killed. These are not my fantasies, no! Anyone interested can find a lot of information on this issue on the Internet. A woman's uterus stores the memory of the life and death of the embryo, of every abortion, of the pain she endured. In essence, by killing the embryo, a woman creates a cemetery within herself. This was the idea of ​​my poster - “The cemetery within itself.” I was not given a designer and was excluded from the competition, citing the fact that such a banner could not be hung on the streets of the city.

Vladimir Evstafiev, vice-president of AKAR, chairman of the commission of experts, president of Ima-press CJSC (Moscow)

Conversations that social advertising has the opposite effect are conducted by, forgive me, amateurs, no matter what positions they hold. First of all, we need to understand what social advertising is from a communication point of view. If it is defined by law as information, and officials can prohibit or allow it, that’s one thing. But if we called it communication or marketing communication that has a social meaning, it would be completely different. From a marketing point of view, social advertising already has a message. In commercial advertising we must give maximum information, but in social advertising it seems to be compressed. But at the same time, I believe that creating social advertising should be approached in the same way as creating commercial or political advertising. That is, the result should be good publicity. If I come up with an advertisement, then first I must clearly understand the audience, i.e. segment it. Then you need to clearly formulate the goals and objectives of your advertising campaign. The goal should not be to create beautiful social advertising simply because you don’t really want people to smoke. The task is completely different: to force people not to buy cigarettes or smoke in certain places, or to smoke little, or to quit smoking. There should be no abstract goals! Therefore, the problem of the ineffectiveness of social advertising lies not in the lack of professionalism of those who create advertising, but in those who launch it without testing. If the so-called creator came up with the most beautiful advertisement, and higher-ups began to haphazardly attach it somewhere, it will lead nowhere. If you test it, test it in a focus group, understand how it works, you won't have any mistakes. And then the question that the call not to smoke encourages people to take a smoke break will be removed from the agenda.

There are many scientific studies that have thoroughly explored different options for assessing the effectiveness of advertising messages. This is very difficult to do in social advertising. For example, let’s look at a specific call not to drive drunk. From the position social marketing everything is correct, the audience is clearly defined, and so are the means of delivery. Never before have an anti-drunk driving ad encouraged anyone to get drunk and drive. Everything is error free here. But how can we evaluate its effect? How can we measure how many people got drunk and did not drive? It is very difficult to calculate, but you can come up with something else. For example, find out how and how many lives we saved on the roads. I recently watched a scary program about a girl who was hit by a drunken traffic police officer. Moreover, her own, the winner of the competition of the State Traffic Inspectorate itself in some city. How can we calculate this? There are ways to do this, I assure you, they just need to be scientifically substantiated and developed. Advertising must become a science.

The first difficulty of social advertising is its financing. But even here there are elementary solutions: do not tax it or write off the profit from the enterprise, or something else. Find purely economic ways to encourage any manufacturer to become sponsors of social advertising. This is easy to come up with at the state level, you just need to attract specialists.

Among our masterpieces of social advertising, I will cite the “Children of Beslan are painting the city” campaign, which was carried out by “IQ-Marketing”. You know that in the south, when people mourn, people wear all black, but here the city lost a huge number of residents, many of them put on mourning for the rest of their lives. And “IQ-marketing” invades this difficult atmosphere, brings there a lot of bright oil paints in jars with brushes and simply distributes them to everyone. Of course, everything was organized in advance, there were coloring books on the main square, various competitions were held, some children were prepared, but the rest were taken by surprise. Everyone received as much paint as they needed. If you want, paint it, if you want, take it for yourself, if you want, paint the fence, it doesn’t matter. I know that cars and some cows were painted back then, but in the end the city changed, it acquired bright rainbow colors - it’s brilliant. It is clear that you cannot drown out a mother’s grief with a red and yellow wall or a cow, but you can defuse the atmosphere a little.

At each Cannes advertising festival, at least 20 striking social videos are presented. The last one was an advertising video where the same boy, 4-5 years old, was first made up as a boy from the lower strata of society. He sits on the sidewalk with his legs dangling over the roadway. Everyone passes by without paying attention to him. And another time, this same boy, dressed in a nice nice suit, clean, combed, sits on the same sidewalk with his legs dangling, and a crowd of people immediately gathers and asks: “What happened? Boy, where is your mother? Why are you lost? Question: why do we treat different children differently?..

Roman Kozlov, head of the creative group NEWTON.PR&COMMUNICATIONS (Moscow)

In world practice, advertising that is done on behalf of public organizations (for example, social support funds and environmentalists) is distinguished by its radicalism and brightness. Because agencies throw their best creative forces at it, hoping to get a festival product. And a significant part of the exhibitors at Cannes are “social”, and they often receive serious awards for it.

And the customer, in turn, receiving a discount or even free services, gives the creators more freedom than companies promoting yet another chocolate bar.

There are no serious customers for social advertising in Russia yet. There are the same Greenpeace and WWF, but they don’t make the weather. And government agencies generally still understand social advertising as frontal propaganda. The level of competence of the state customer of the social sector until recently was somewhere in the 80s.

Accordingly, there is no understanding that information aimed at achieving charitable and other socially useful goals can be broadcast not only through direct advertising. Moreover, advertising is much inferior to other communication tools in creating a trusting relationship with the recipient of the message.

A social campaign in our time should be integrated, built on the TTL principle. The recipient must be involved in a system of concrete actions, and not just nod their head in response to a statement on the screen in the spirit of “stop corruption” or “HIV affects everyone.”

Although the “StopAIDS: Affects Everyone” campaign is an example of a good “social program”. It would work great accompanied by, say, BTL and events. It is safe to say that this would significantly increase the number of people tested for HIV.

Vladimir Korovkin, General Director of DDD agency FCBi (Moscow)

The main problem of social advertising in Russia, in my opinion, is the lack of faith in its effectiveness. Almost never does it have clear funding and is used either to replenish the agency portfolio or to solve some political problems of the customers. I have never yet come across a brief that would set extremely clear and measurable performance indicators, despite the fact that it is not difficult to do this in the social sphere. “Reduce the percentage of smokers by...”, “Provide... calls for early diagnosis of cancer”, “Reduce the number of accidents involving drunk drivers by...”. Until customers and creators of social advertising begin to think in such categories, nothing will change. By the way, social advertising is a rare example of authentic Russian word creation in advertising - this term is not used in any other developed market. The English version of “PSA - public services advertisement/announcement” is good because it clearly indicates the final beneficiary - the public. Who does social advertising serve is a mystery. To society? Do any of us consider ourselves at the everyday level a member of society?

By the way, not all advertising paid for by the state is social. In the United States (and even more so in Canada), the government is a major advertiser. Here are the main themes of the campaigns: attracting recruits to the army and navy (not a “social campaign”, just a large-scale recruiting campaign), promoting postal services (a regular grocery campaign), etc., etc. From the field of PSA, only a large-scale long-term campaign comes to mind forest fire prevention work (Smokey Bear). By the way, none of the Russian campaigns suffer from longevity, which is not surprising, since the creators’ task is usually to ensure another fruitless attempt to distinguish themselves in Cannes.

Victor Tamberg, managing partner of Tamberg & Badin (Moscow)

There is more social advertising - this is an obvious trend. The second trend, which naturally follows from the first (due to the growth of advertising noise, it is necessary to more actively fight for the viewer’s attention), is embodied in the fact that social advertising is becoming more cruel. In Russia this is not so noticeable, but the West, with its struggle for the rights of women, minorities and the environment, is already falling into insanity and immorality, frankly shocking the viewer. And to no avail. In Russia, programs are designated, advertising is done, but everything results in empty shaking of air and the development of budgets.

I would call the most interesting and successful advertising for WWF - the Wildlife Fund. Actually, of all similar organizations, I would generally call the WWF as having the most clear and competent strategy as a whole, which is reflected in advertising. What needs to be said in advertising (including social advertising): here is the problem, and here is the solution. WWF advertising campaigns talk about this. The bulk of native examples - about family, tolerance, etc. - are seen as simply using the state budget and do not imply evaluation of effectiveness.

Social advertising is the same advertising, and it “sells” in the same way and creates a certain idea. Only this idea is not associated with specific products/brands, but with social change. How are these changes formed? It is necessary to convey to the viewer how it should be, how it should be. To enhance the effect, you can and should identify the problem: how it is now, how bad it is and what needs to be changed. But the way out must be shown. The consumer must understand what and how to do in order to solve the problem, which in this case is in the social field. Instead, advertisers either talk about nothing at all or resort to intimidation, showing all social ills and diseases. Thus, the viewer was frightened, but was not told what to do. In the end, the viewer will only defend himself from such information and not change anything.

The lack of an adequate advertising theory has another consequence - the lack of criteria for evaluating social advertising. If product advertising can be compared with the dynamics of contacts, sales and other numerical criteria, then what to do with social advertising? It’s impossible to check, because it’s a black hole where any budget can go. However, knowing what the goal is, you can check the “social network”. Social advertising reformulates certain social ideas among a certain group. Accordingly, it is quite possible to check the consolidation of these values ​​in the course of relevant research, after which a conclusion can be drawn about how effectively the money was spent. These two parameters - understanding what needs to be changed in the public consciousness and testing these changes - will ultimately make it possible to create fully functional social advertising. Without this, social advertising is and will probably continue to be viewed only as a way to line one’s pocket (in our country) and as intimidation of the viewer (abroad). And until this approach becomes the norm, nothing will change.

Maria Tereshchenko, executive director of Brand Action Group (ANCS Group) (Moscow)

The main trend is that more funds have been allocated for social advertising, and, as a result, its quality and quantity have increased. Although, as before, the most successful campaigns are “frightening” campaigns: anti-tobacco, anti-alcohol, dedicated to compliance with traffic rules, AIDS, etc. If there is nothing to frighten, then the advertising turns out to be inexpressive and often not very clear.

Of the recent campaigns I saw, the most memorable one seemed to me to be a series of videos about traffic safety (//, where the problem is quite clearly and clearly shown. The videos leave a strong impression and draw attention to the situation they describe. Also, a few years ago there was a pretty good campaign to combat smoking among teenagers. I really liked the idea: the advertisement didn’t scare people about the consequences of smoking, but rather demonstrated that not smoking is truly “cool.”

The main problem with the low effectiveness of social advertising is that it is extremely rarely done according to all the rules of advertising science (audience analysis, brief, tests, etc.). Most often this is due to budget restrictions. And don’t forget about media placement, since it plays an important role in the success of the campaign, and “social media” is rarely given over to prime time or A-sides.

Natalya Tsebers, project manager of the Russian representative office of the Z-CARD® company (Moscow)

There is more social advertising in Russia, the topics have expanded, but there are no qualitative changes. I would like more interesting, unusual advertising using non-standard approaches and media, with a clearly verified target audience, calculated effect and constant monitoring of effectiveness. There is nothing of this yet.

What we can observe today is often done in free time from the main job. There are no people specializing in social advertising, but meanwhile we understand that there are subtleties and nuances here. There is also no complexity; competent creativity can be ruined by incorrect placement and vice versa. Nevertheless, the Russian advertising market is developing, and we hope that all existing problems in the field of social advertising will be gradually resolved.

Speaking about successful social projects, I immediately remember one of the Western advertising campaigns. It was aimed at increasing the caution of car drivers near schools. An image of a run-down child bleeding to death was plastered on the car's windshield. The slogan read: “Slow down when passing a school.” I don't know anything about the quantitative performance indicators of this campaign, but I think they were impressive. Here we see a clear statement of the problem, an adequate choice of the target audience and bright creativity that affects people’s emotions.

I have fond memories of the “Call Your Parents” campaign that took place in the 90s. A series of videos encouraging a specific simple action - picking up the phone and dialing a number - ultimately served to strengthen the institution of family.

Many social campaigns are doomed to failure precisely because they do not motivate specific actions, but only draw attention to a social problem. As a result, everyone knows there is a problem, but still has no idea what to do about it. Another mistake is calls with vague content and ill-conceived visual design. For example, now in the Moscow metro there are billboards “Say NO to cigarettes”, where the word “no” is very appetizingly laid out from cigarettes and evokes an open desire to smoke.

A non-standard approach to social advertising is a huge problem, as it requires the investment of additional resources. If the placement of social advertising on standard media is provided for by law, then with non-standard media the situation is much worse, and this cannot be done without targeted funding.

Viral marketing works great for social issues. With minimal investment, significant results can often be achieved. For example, the carrier is a picture or photograph distributed via the Internet, the content of which should “hook” a person. If this happens, he will send it to a friend, and so on down the chain. Another option is to spread information through blogs. In any case, the main task is to create a message that will certainly touch a person’s emotions. Not everyone decides on some kind of shocking advertising; many continue to write and draw banalities, but in vain.

Product placement in social advertising is also a very interesting topic. Actually, all cinema and TV programs are complete social product placement. Only sometimes it works in the wrong direction. But if the heroes of the films began to consciously act for the benefit of social goals, it would be interesting.

In the UK, so-called SOS cards are very common - these are hotline directories, various safety instructions, etc. They exist in a wide variety of areas: from fire prevention measures to recommendations for safe communication on the Internet. Such products owe their success to an advertising medium that allows this information to be stored in a pocket or wallet and accessed repeatedly. With the right approach, such a product will not only be carried in a wallet, but also shown to friends.

Representatives of the British police handed out small pink handbags to girls in nightclubs. In fact, these handbags turned out to be nothing more than social advertising that told the fair sex about safety rules that read: “Don’t walk alone in dark alleys! Don't drink a lot of alcohol! Shout loudly “Fire!” if you are attacked...” In combination with the tipsy young ladies depicted there, the advertisement made an indelible impression.

And recently we made a Z-CARD® for the StopAIDS campaign. This was a joint action of several organizations: some developed the creative, others printed it, others provided condoms for insertion, and others provided distribution. It all started, it would seem, with a small thing: we noticed that a condom was the right size for a credit card, and we made a corresponding sample of an advertising medium with a pocket. And it ended with an alliance with the Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS (TPAA) and Independent Media represented by Men’s Health magazine and the release of a quarter of a million copies of public service advertising. This is how a large social project grew from a simple idea. I want to say that when there is a good idea for a project, it becomes not so difficult to interest partners even on a non-commercial basis.

Alexander Chumikov, General Director of the International Press Club Agency. Chumikov PR and consulting", Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor (Moscow)

The general message today: social advertising is not clearly targeted at its audience and is ineffective. Social advertising is no different from any other. It is intended for a specific target group and is designed to solve a specific problem. In order to get into this group, advertising must first be researched and tested. And while testing is carried out when promoting a product for sale, this is not done in the case of social advertising. There are good logos, posters, and websites that take prizes at some international festivals, but many of these websites have dozens, or at best hundreds of people visiting them. Drawing beautiful social advertising from an aesthetic point of view is very cool and good, but what then? Missing the target audience.

What other important layers are not touched by the state in social advertising? This is a fight against drunkenness, which, by and large, has not yet been achieved, since state projects on alcohol will start in 2010. And the second most important problem is the fight against smoking. It came down to tobacco. This year, Russia joined the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, although after 150 countries had done so, that is, with a great delay. Joining the convention provides for a number of measures, including social advertising, starting with images on cigarette packs. And it became clear that if earlier they said “smoking is harmful,” then today we need to move on to some more complex things. Analyzing the experience of other countries, we need to observe what generally works and how it works, and then adapt this experience to our realities. So far the movement is not coming from the state, but from public organizations, and it is quite progressive. Alcohol is next. For now, everything is limited to a child begging “Daddy, don’t drink.” This is already better than “drinking is harmful” and “smoking is harmful”, “a drop of nicotine kills a horse”, etc. Within five years, tobacco advertising will be completely banned; it will no longer be on television, just as it is not in newspapers or on the streets. The only advertising left is in glossy magazines and the metro, but it won’t be there soon either. Cigarette advertising will be banned completely.

We need to move on to other, more effective measures. After all, in the field of commercial advertising, everything works very clearly, because no one will waste money, sales need to grow. And they grow as everything is measured and tested. The same should be true with social advertising.

After such monitoring, the launch of advertising campaigns immediately begins, during which families of four are shown along with the father. For City Day, posters appear representing a whole series. In the capital, images of a seamstress, a turner, a mechanic, a milling machine operator, a driver, etc. are hung. This is pure “social”, this is a demonstration that such people exist, that there is respect for them. But the execution is monstrous, of course. There is a smiling man in a helmet with the signature “foreman”, but this is not modern, not dynamic and therefore incomprehensible, it does not affect anything. And why? Again, because the writer writes, and the reader reads. Because there is a task, there is an idea that is brought to life by a designer or photographer, but in the end all this is not tested.

During the development of corporate styles for the Year of the Family, three options were considered at the top level for Moscow and for the country as a whole. Children 1 + X appeared on all logos instead of the previous one! It is very important to visualize such moments. Before we got to visualization, colossal research was carried out directly in Moscow, research on family image in the media mass media, and only after that began work on logos. The same approach was used in developing the presentation calendar for the Moscow government. In the pictures it was important to get closer to people. Calendars with other people's foreign families breaking into smiles will not be hung on the wall. It was impossible to make calendars with famous people, because for some a specific person is an idol, and for others - an object of hostility. As a result, we came up with the idea to involve philocartists who collect collections of postcards. But that was just the beginning. We went through the stages of socialization, got into the target group, first with general symbolism, its encryption in different fragments, and then the most interesting thing had to begin: in response to our actions they had to respond simple people. I very often remember “Operation Y”, where there is a humorous phrase: “Do you think they gave me 15 days? They gave us 15 days!” This is the most important thing. That's why we held the competition “Moscow. Family Album”, where they implemented this engagement strategy. Muscovites sent us their photographs, which they could then see at the exhibition. We held a competition, organized an exhibition, and now these photographs are wandering around Moscow. The winners were chosen in three categories: “Family History”, “Young Family” and “Family Nest”. Both professionals and amateurs participated in each category. Hobbyists are more important for solving social advertising problems. A professional films everyone and looks at the frame as if it were a photograph, while an amateur films his family and looks at his family. Several thousand people took part in our action.

It is wrong to say that during the Year of the Family, social advertising will be the dominant factor in increasing the birth rate. Imagine that, on the one hand, you saw 10 social pictures, and, on the other hand, maternity capital was determined for you. Pictures will have a stronger effect on the consciousness of a wealthy person, but for people of lower social status, capital, of course, is more important.

Now we are carrying out serious anti-tobacco projects. The state is not involved in this yet, so our programs are aimed at journalists. In general, a social anti-tobacco campaign can be carried out from four angles: medical advertising (“scarecrowers”), ironic advertising; advertising encouraging smoking cessation; advertising of anti-tobacco lawsuits Cigarette packaging is one of the important aspects of the fight against smoking. The State Duma has not yet adopted a tobacco regulation that sets out how much space social (anti-tobacco) advertising should occupy on packaging.

And the “lights” inscriptions that exist to this day on packages (and in the draft regulations) are real tobacco (anti-social!) advertising.

There is one very sad fact: up to 5% of people can quit smoking on their own. Under the influence of substitutes (tobacco-containing chewing gum, patches) - up to 10%, with the use of expensive drugs and techniques - 20%. And the rest smoked and still smoke and will not quit. They will no longer be affected by any anti-tobacco advertising. We need to influence those who do not smoke yet. In our country, these are women and children - a group affected by smoking to a lesser extent than men. So when we work in their direction with social advertising, it makes sense.

But an increase in prices for tobacco products, which could reduce their availability, would also have a positive impact. And today even the cheapest lunch in a cafe costs 100 rubles, and cigarettes cost ten times less.

It is important to prohibit smoking in public places. We are thinking about how to place the results of the latest research in Moscow chain cafes in the form of social advertising: people sitting in non-smoking seats receive only a quarter less than the harmful dose that they would take in a smoking room. And twice as much as the air in the Lefortovo tunnel during rush hours...

The emergence and, accordingly, the development of social advertising in Russia was determined by significant causal factors. Each example of social advertising given below speaks about many events that occurred in the Russian Federation. In 1992, the videos “Bees” and “Call Your Parents” appeared (I. Burenkov, Domino agency). The breakdown of social ties, economic and political crises in Russia, and the rapid development of crime lead to demoralization of society and form a new system of relationships based on the primacy of property values. The public insecurity of the Russian population, the lack of support from the state itself and social systems caused the aggravation of existing problems and the emergence of another - social one. There was an obvious need for change. The instrument of such a policy was social advertising.

How social advertising began

In the Russian Federation, social advertising as a type of information and advertising activity has existed for more than ten years, in Western countries - for more than a century. IN Russian Federation in 1993, the so-called Advertising Council was created, its membership included advertising firms, media (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trud - printed publications; NTV, Ostankino - television companies; Radio Russia, Europe Plus, "Mayak" - radio stations), as well as some public organizations - the Moscow Foundation of Mercy and Health and many others. The purpose of creating this Council is to produce unified advertising products on social problems. Its members develop examples of social events for print media and produce audio and video clips. The Council's basic position is based on its refusal to put its mark on an advertising product.

What does it look like

  • Family relationships in the "Children-Parents" section. An example of a social one in this section: “They grew up and forgot their parents. Do you remember? Call your parents.”
  • Family relationships in the “Children in the Family” section: “It takes a lot of strength to grow a flower. Children are not flowers, give them more love.”
  • Attitude to life: “These are bees. Life decided everything for them. We build our lives ourselves. Don’t be afraid of change.”

Members of the Council regularly hold thematic press conferences, organize the placement of information material in other media, and conduct all kinds of presentations and excursions. They take part in special training for social workers, in the implementation of social scientific projects, provide all possible support for the creation of public organizations, unions, clubs, and take an active part in thematic days: Children’s Day, the fight against tuberculosis, Healthy Lifestyle Day, etc. etc. Press services have emerged and are operating in many Russian non-profit organizations. The press service of the Social-Ecological Union was formed in 1999. The purpose of its creation was to disseminate environmental and social information in the media. The basis for the beginning of its activities was sending information about the existence and activities of the union, but now the press service functions in several directions. Employees prepare and distribute press releases about the actions of the authorities on issues of achievements in the field of environmental protection, innovative technologies, environmental legislation, and more. SoES has a unique data bank on environmental issues, which comes from more than 250 members of the Union. And as a result, approximately 130 Russian and foreign media outlets constantly contact the union’s press service. A significant step was the establishment of the Social Information Agency in Russia. Russian authorities and the media turn to his services. Since the emergence of the agency in the life of society, one can now find examples of social advertising literally at every step (both in public transport and in other crowded places).

Legislative regulation of social advertising

In Russia, the existence of social advertising is regulated by law. Article 10 of the 2006 Federal Law “On Advertising” states that social advertising is aimed at state and public interests and pursues charitable goals. Legislative regulation of social advertising activities speaks about
creating a professional society that produces social products and helps increase public interest in significant social problems. An example of social advertising to increase the interest of the population is the emergence of the category “social advertising” in quite influential advertising competitions in Russia: Youth Advertising Festival, Advertising Festival in Nizhny Novgorod, etc.

Social advertising, examples, its perception

The results of a sociological survey conducted in 2000 in Novosibirsk (60 respondents participated) indicate low knowledge of social advertising (25%), while videos about ACE and the relationship between parents and children (“Call your parents”) were cited as examples of social advertising. In addition to this, respondents recalled various rallies on the topic of drug addiction, AIDS, broadcast by the media. They expressed a positive attitude towards social advertising in 65% of cases. 20% did not see much benefit in advertising, and only 15% consider such advertising necessary in the formation of social opinion.

Social issues as topics or example of social advertising

All social problems that need to be mentioned through social advertising were distributed by the surveyed audience in such a way that it is impossible to determine the priority of the problems. So, the survey led to the following results:

  • the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism (this is the only problem ranked first in importance by respondents - 65%);
  • the problem of HIV-AIDS;
  • protection of motherhood and childhood;
  • environmental protection;
  • formation of a national idea.

Thus, the best examples of social advertising in Russia are those that are issued on paper, in or other versions and are put on public display in places where there is the greatest concentration of people.

Social advertising is one of the types of non-commercial advertising. It is information in any form and on any media, aimed at the formation of certain moral values, public views, as well as for transforming models of mass behavior and attracting society to the problems of society.

Types of social advertising

Depending on the purpose and range of interests of the initiative group, advertising events of a social nature are divided into subtypes. Their unifying feature is considered to be adherence to ethics and compliance with constitutional principles.

Classification by areas of social advertising:

  • Advertising values ​​(promotes certain ideas and beliefs, for example, calls for raising children correctly and not using force against them).
  • Advertising of NGOs, projects, events, activities, programs (movement to protect the environment and forests).
  • Information and educational advertising (propaganda of a topic with the selection of information and analytical base, for example, about the problem of abortion, alcoholism, drug addiction).
  • State (organized by state institutions and structures in defense of their interests, for example, patriotic advertising of the military registration and enlistment office “Serving the Fatherland”).
  • Non-profit organizations (implemented by foundations, public associations for ideological purposes, for example, the “Gift of Life” relief fund).
  • Commercial enterprises (refers to business advertising in society, for example, the project “Does it matter?”).
  • Public (organized through informal structures by private individuals in the form of signs and banners, for example, calling on drivers to drive while sober).

  • The calling contains various kinds of incentives to action, for example, a call to live correctly.
  • The questioner addresses the audience by asking a problem, for example, containing a question from an insurance company: “Are you sure that your life is under control?”
  • The thesis statement expresses a judgment about a certain model of behavior in society, which does not contain assessments or appeals, but states facts. For example, “Healthy parents - healthy children - a healthy future of the nation!”
  • The informative one deepens the audience’s knowledge on the topic, for example, characterizes the specifics of the effect of ecology on the systemic functions of the body.
  • A combined one can use both an appeal and a thesis or information block.

Classification by format:

  • A sound request, for example, to pick up children from kindergarten on time.
  • Visual-graphic and electronic-digital. For example, a call on a banner to ensure a carefree old age.
  • Visual and cinematic. For example, videos for Victory Day.
  • Visual-objective. A unique type of propaganda using forms that evoke various associations, without transmitting textual information.
  • Text. For example, a ticker about the importance of contraception.

Classification by emotional orientation:

  • Positive creates a positive image and evokes a “For” reaction.
  • Negative has the vector “Against”.

Objectives of social advertising

  • Attracting public attention to common problems.
  • Impact on moral guidelines.
  • Changing behavioral patterns and perceptions.
  • Campaigning for certain actions.
  • A call to solve a problem or provide financial assistance.

Specifics of social advertising

  • The target audience is society. The expected effect is designed for the long term, and the company’s effectiveness cannot be expressed analytically in numbers.
  • Expresses the interests of society in the context of society.
  • May encourage charity and donations.
  • Can promote a certain worldview.
  • Serves social ideals and landmarks.
  • Can be used as information and educational propaganda.

Impact of social advertising

The main disadvantage of social advertising is the complexity of content design. Not all information is perceived equally by society. The specific reaction depends on the beliefs, worldview, gender, age and individual characteristics of each person.

In the process of creating a project, marketers take these factors into account and focus on details, taking into account the analysis of psychological attitudes. The most commonly used methods are persuasion and suggestion. To ensure that advertising does not go unnoticed, factors that irritate attention are used. Social advertising is perceived most effectively when using unusual forms and new approaches to influencing the subconscious. An example of a new format of social advertising is stylized eco-urns in parks.

To introduce the audience to the problem, an interrogative construction is used, which encourages them to think about the sentence (in the “How to be” style).

Public interest is attracted by constructing complex theses, which can be understood by rethinking the message.

As a result of the research, the majority of respondents considered social advertising important and necessary. In Russian realities, the perception of this kind of information is difficult due to various factors: the rhythm and pace of life, preoccupation with problems and work, the presence of more important ideals.

According to one source, 40% of those surveyed said that social advertising had no impact on their moral principles and experienced opinions. Another 20% considered it a decoration for the urban environment. The remaining part of people found the advertisement irritating or not noticeable at all. From this we can conclude that most people do not pay attention to everyday information.

Social advertising functions

  • Economic - creates demand.
  • Social - influences behavior.
  • Communication - transmits information in an impersonal way.
  • Marketing - stimulating interest.
  • Educational - data transmission.

Methods for implementing social advertising

  • oral advertising (in any form);
  • photo;
  • social poster;
  • banner;
  • postcards;
  • leaflets;
  • icons;
  • checkboxes;
  • clothes with photo printing;
  • literary work;
  • production video;
  • documentaries;
  • social videos;
  • information signs;
  • brochures;
  • booklets;
  • stands;
  • signs.

Social advertising topics

  • life safety;
  • healthy lifestyle: alcoholism, drug addiction, abortion;
  • issues of equality and social guarantees;
  • protection of the rights of various categories of citizens;
  • ecology, medicine, education;
  • vision of the future;
  • moral issues;
  • government issues: politics, taxation, insurance, military service.

Customers of social advertising

  • Public organizations;
  • government agencies;
  • charity organisations;
  • commercial enterprises;
  • private entrepreneurs.

Social advertising placement

  • One of the mandatory points when placing social advertising is the absence of any information about the brand and other methods of individualization.
  • Advertising must comply with ethical and moral standards.
  • Advertising can be organized either by a commercial structure or by a private individual. Acceptance for its placement must be received when advertising cannot be placed on bulletin boards.
  • Advertising on the Internet is possible on various platforms, including free ones.
    All issues related to content are resolved in agreement with the owner of the advertising space in the process of cooperation.

Legal regulation of social advertising

The conditions for advertising and payment methods are established on a contractual basis (445 Civil Code).
Advertising, if necessary, must be coordinated with local authorities. When creating the layout and design of a project, be sure to follow copyright law.

Social Advertising Commission

In Russia there is a coordination council that monitors the placement of social advertising and its content. The Social Advertising Council under the Public Chamber was created in 2018 and introduced mandatory commissions responsible for placing social advertising on television and radio channels, as well as in electronic media. Their main tasks are the development of guidelines, the implementation of advertising and the control of content and content.

Effectiveness of social advertising

  • recognition by society of a particular phenomenon;
  • assessment of public position;
  • assessment of the existing opinion.

The following levels of effectiveness of social advertising are distinguished:

  • recipient awareness;
  • assimilation of information;
  • formation of beliefs;
  • the emergence of a desire to follow the model;
  • achieving results (100%).

Performance evaluation is carried out through various theories using analysis. The process is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and requires the study of all corrective factors, so such studies are usually carried out at the state level by special associated groups.

Types of social advertising competitions

  • Social advertising competition “New Look” Organized by the World of Youth Foundation and provides an opportunity for young people to demonstrate their creative abilities in solving social problems and significant public discourses or problematic issues.
  • Social advertising competition “Impulse” The organizer of the competition is the state represented by authorized representatives. Only government agencies, institutions and organizations can participate in the competition. The main goal of the project is to attract public attention to solving socially important problems, as well as to contribute to the modernization of the advertising process.
  • Competition-festival of social advertising “Lime” Is an International Moscow Competition. The main task of the commission is to search for specialists in the field of advertising and design to create unique projects with a social focus. The festival focuses on school and student projects, as well as the development of advertising to meet the needs of the customer.
  • Social advertising competition “The Art of Living” The competition is organized remotely. Designers, photographers, and videographers can take part in it. Photos and video materials on given topics of a social nature are considered as works.
  • Competition-festival of social advertising “Island of the WORLD” Conducted to develop projects that address social norms and ethics. Anyone can become an author. The competition is intended for creative people who are able to address the problems of the evils of society.

Examples of social advertising

Russian project Nonna Mordyukova and Rimma Markova

Social advertising of the 90s “Dima, wave your hand to mom!”

"Call your parents"

Social advertising from the traffic police

Anti-drug advertising

In modern society, advertising has firmly taken a leading position. ABOUT advertising practice it is already in the most ancient documents of written history. During excavations in Mediterranean countries, archaeologists found signs announcing various events and offers. The Romans “painted the walls with announcements of gladiator fights, and the Phoenicians painted rocks along the routes of various kinds of processions, extolling their goods in every possible way in these paintings. All these are the predecessors of modern outdoor advertising."

After the invention of the printing press in 1450, the development of advertising clearly accelerated. First advertisements were printed in the form of leaflets and distributed to everyone free of charge. One example of this type of advertising is a leaflet issued in 1457 by an English book publisher, in which he advertised a book of spiritual content. In the 15th century, printed advertising posters were already widespread. Using a printing press provides ample opportunities to contact potential consumers several times, i.e. cover more of them in different places. However, it is worth noting that advertising through leaflets and posters was carried out from time to time, without a specific system. At the beginning of the 17th century, the first printed newspapers appeared, which were published to the public at regular intervals. First, newspapers arose in Germany, a little later in Holland, England, and France. The appearance of periodical newspapers made it possible to regularly inform the population about purchases and sales, services, and prices. Somewhat later, already in the second half of the 17th century, first in England and then in Germany, the practice of selling newspaper space for paid advertisements appeared.

In the future, with the development of industry and trade, as well as with the improvement of the publication of periodicals, increasing literacy of the population, and means of communication, advertising reaches a new level. A division of labor occurs, a new link in advertising activity appears - the advertising agency. The address bureau of Theophrastus Renaudo can be considered the prototype of an advertising agency. So, by the beginning of the twentieth century, advertising had developed significantly. Further momentum advertising business gave rise to monopolies, an unprecedented increase in the volume of production of goods and the transition of capitalism from free competition to rivalry between giant corporations.

The terms “political” and “commercial” advertising are widespread and embedded in our lives. Political advertising is relevant in election technologies, and commercial advertising helps promote goods on the market. However, the abundance of advertising with an insufficient scale of advertising space (a small number of advertising media, TV channels, radio stations, advertising spaces compared to Western countries) at this stage of development of Russian society causes significant rejection and rejection of these types of advertising. In the current conditions, the attention of advertising producers, creators and advertising customers began to switch to the new kind advertising, which in Soviet times was considered an exclusively ideological instrument of propaganda and agitation of the existing system.

Social advertising is “a type of non-profit advertising aimed at changing patterns of public behavior and drawing attention to social problems.” Social advertising is a type of social product (in the USA and Europe, the term PSA is traditionally used for this designation - public service announcement), differs significantly from government and political advertising. Most often, the customers of such advertising are government agencies or non-profit organizations, and advertising agencies and distributors of advertising in some cases produce and place it free of charge or at reduced prices. The most famous examples of such advertising are campaigns against drugs, compliance with traffic rules, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, environmental protection and others.

The history of social advertising begins in 1906, when public organization The American Civic Association created the first advertisement of its kind, calling for the protection of Niagara Falls from harm caused by energy companies. During the First World War, in 1917, a recruiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg, “The American Army Needs You,” appeared in the United States, in which “Uncle Sam” encouraged recruits to join the army. In composition and style, famous in the 20s and 40s in the USSR, respectively, were Dmitry Moor’s posters “Have you signed up as a volunteer?” and Irakli Toidze “The Motherland is Calling!” Very reminiscent of Flagg's poster. During the same years of the First World War, the then-created Committee on Public Information carried out active explanatory work, informing citizens about why the United States entered the war and what threatened the country with defeat in it. The first social advertising campaign widely known in Russia after the collapse of the USSR was a series of commercials “Call your parents!” After this, a series of “Russian Project” videos were launched on Channel One. Both projects are still primarily associated among the majority of Russian residents with the term “social advertising”.

  • 1. Represents public and state interests;
  • 2. Aimed at achieving charitable goals and results (a socially beneficial result is understood as: improving the crime situation in the country; preventing the spread of drug addiction and diseases associated with it; encouraging the population to fulfill their duties to the state ( military duty, payment of taxes, compliance with regulations, environmental protection) and other results associated with a positive effect in public life.

The principle of social advertising is the impossibility of pursuing commercial or political goals, as well as mentioning specific commercial brands, organizations, brands (articles, models) of goods, as well as political parties and individual politicians.

  • * formation of public opinion;
  • * drawing attention to current problems of public life;
  • * stimulation of actions to solve them;
  • * formation of a positive attitude towards government agencies;
  • * demonstration of social responsibility of business;
  • * strengthening socially significant institutions of civil society;
  • * formation of new types of social relations;
  • * changing the behavioral model of society.

Strictly speaking, the term social advertising, which is a literal translation from English public advertising, is used only in Russia. And all over the world it corresponds to the concepts of non-commercial advertising and public advertising. Let's expand on these definitions. “Nonprofit advertising is advertising sponsored by or on behalf of non-profit institutions and intended to encourage donations, encourage voting, or attract attention to community causes.” Public service (social) advertising conveys a message promoting some positive phenomenon. Professionals create it for free (it would be more correct to talk about the ethical position of non-profit), space and time in the media are also provided on a non-commercial basis.” The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising” in Article 18 gives the following definition of social advertising: “Social advertising represents public and state interests and is aimed at achieving charitable goals.”

Social advertising uses the same set of tools as commercial advertising: television commercials, print, street, transport advertising, etc. The main difference between social advertising and commercial advertising is the goal. While commercial advertisers stimulate favorable attitudes towards a product or an increase in its sales, the purpose of social advertising is to attract attention to social phenomenon. For example, if the ultimate goal of a commercial television advertisement for a new type of coffee is to change consumer habits, then the goal of a social advertising video, for example, to combat homelessness, is to draw attention to this problem, and, from a strategic perspective, to change the behavioral model of society. In addition, the target audiences of the two types of advertising compared are significantly different: for commercial advertising it is a fairly narrow marketing group, for social advertising it is the entire society, or a significant part of it.

It is not easy to distinguish social advertising among various types and subtypes of commercial and political advertising. Its goals and objectives were often confused with the goals and objectives of other types of advertising, as well as journalism. Thus, mobilizing the population during hostilities, conducting campaigns to raise funds and donations can equally apply to political and social advertising.

First of all, social advertising should express as explicitly as possible the idea of ​​the existence of a plausible and/or unseemly act. Even if this idea is a variation of the solution to the theme by showing those who suffered from an unseemly act or benefited from a plausible act, the very essence of this dichotomy of “good and bad” should be clearly present, if not textually, then as an explicit thought conclusion. It should be said that social advertising is united with commercial advertising by “the very scale of its presence in the public consciousness: it is multiplied in the means of communication, the consumption of which is the daily activity of large masses of people, which guarantees these texts a greater likelihood of assimilation.” Any personal behavior or condition (for example, individual health) becomes the subject of social advertising only in one case: if its absence becomes a social problem.

So, with AIDS and other social diseases, which are therefore called such that they are transmitted socially, as a result of contact with their own kind: until they acquire the character of an epidemic and do not include in their orbit people who have become victims as a result of social interaction with other people (blood transfusion or infection of a child in the womb are also social reasons), society will not sound the alarm en masse. For this there are other channels, other methods, other forms: then this sphere of activity is school, family, health care, art.

It is precisely based on the fundamental characteristics of social advertising, associated with the fact that it promotes universally significant social values, that it becomes obvious that efforts to ensure this phenomenon (financing production, posting such texts, and not least setting priorities for problems that need to be discussed in society full voice) fall on society, not even the state, but society. Almost all production and placement of such advertising occurs on a free charitable basis, and only partly for programs initiated by government organizations, using funds from the state budget.

The topics that have been reflected in social advertising for more than half a century reflect the entire range of social problems that the country has faced during this time: drugs and alcoholism, including children’s, the cost of higher education for the poor, the development of pension savings, the fight against forestry fires as a result of careless handling of fire, national census, violence against children in the family, etc.

Nationwide actions are paid for from the state budget, but state participation is limited to this. Much of this movement depends on private initiative. Thus, private television channels provide free airtime to demonstrate social videos, and famous people take part in social events. Popular singers donate their fees to the treatment of sick children. Some of these forms are beginning to take root in Russia. During the daytime, public service advertising runs more often than during the evening, when commercial TV spots provide TV stations with more profits, since prime-time advertising costs more. Advertising with a social message often runs between programs rather than interrupting them. About a third of social advertising accompanies children's programs, news, television conversations and films. Most rarely, Ї comes in a “package” with quizzes and sports reports.

Definition 1

Purpose of social advertising consists in changing the model of social behavior. This is a unique form of non-personal representation and dissemination of various social ideas in society.

Social advertising fulfills strategic task, which lies in changing the behavioral model of society and creating new values.

Social advertising object- social product. It can be tangible or intangible. Intangible products include values, ideas, and relationships. They must influence changes in the consciousness of citizens and mass behavior. Social advertising is necessary to represent the interests of the state. This is why it is presented to a large audience rather than a specific group.

Social advertising functions

  • economic function;
  • social function;
  • communication function;
  • marketing function.

Types of social advertising

  • non-profit, sponsored by non-profit organizations or charitable donations;
  • public, which is used to promote a certain positive phenomenon;
  • state, usually used by the traffic police, police, tax authorities and other social institutions;
  • social, which is aimed at the humanization of society and the formation of new everyday and moral values.

Methods for implementing various types of social advertising

Note 1

  • combating threats and preventing their consequences;
  • declaration of values;
  • creation;
  • psychotherapy of society, extinguishing negative emotional states;
  • social programs;
  • educational programs.

Effectiveness of social advertising

Note 2

The effectiveness of commercial advertising is easily assessed on the basis of specific market indicators, and the effectiveness of social advertising is measured by the public’s recognition of the advertised social phenomenon and the change in public position towards it. At the same time, social advertising most often does not bring quick results in the form of material and moral dividends. Its effectiveness may take a few years or even a generation to become apparent.

The key to social advertising success- these are people who organize and conduct advertising campaigns, who are not indifferent to social problems, as well as the availability of material resources, professional media planning and a creative approach to the implementation of social projects.

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