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When will the salaries of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense be increased. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

In a recently published interview with Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova, there is not a word about salaries, salaries and salaries of such an important component of the Armed Forces Russian Federation as civilian personnel. And, meanwhile, the number of employees of the military department, who are in the status of ordinary civilian personnel, is very large. The fact is that there is also “unusual” civilian personnel, to which Shevtsova herself belongs. These are federal government employees. It’s not necessary to talk about their salaries - in this respect, they are all right. Well, the “ordinary” civilian personnel of the power department have a very small salary. This problem has long been tried not to talk at the state level. Because there really is a problem.

The thing is that the salaries of the civilian personnel of units, divisions and institutions are quite insignificant. They are in the range of 6,000 - 8,000 rubles. If all allowances and even 40% of the salary are taken into account when calculating (for military pensioners who have served in the Armed Forces for 20 years or more), then in this case the monthly income of the GP MO barely reaches 14,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Meanwhile, the list of duties performed by civilian personnel is very large and responsible. They took over the functions of military posts that had been reduced in their time, that is, those replaced by military personnel.

Previously, the problem of insufficient financial support for civilian personnel was solved through the so-called "Order 1010". That is, civilian personnel were paid a quarterly bonus. The amount of this award, even five years ago, could be 30,000 rubles. In this case, on the whole, the salaries of the employees of the Armed Forces were quite tolerable. But gradually, the size of the premium for 1010 came down to the minimum amounts, which reminded only that "there is such a premium." Once every three months, now the State Defense Ministry can pay two or three thousand rubles, or they can pay nothing at all. Therefore, the annual income of civilian personnel has declined significantly in recent years.

In 2018, the civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense expect such a rare and long-awaited salary indexation. But a 4% increase will not solve the material problems of families at all. This is due to the too low salary, four percent of which is a completely ridiculous amount.

When discussing and adopting the 2018-2020 budget, this problem was also discussed by the relevant Committee of the State Duma on Defense. However, things quickly calmed down and a budget with a 4% increase, which "does not solve the material problems of the civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense" was passed.

Most likely, the government knew about the plans to raise the minimum wage to the subsistence level already from May 1, 2018. The fact is that the meager salaries of the State Defense Ministry are included in the list of those salaries that, according to the laws adopted in this regard, must be raised to this level.

But here another problem arises - leveling. Absolutely all categories of employees of the Ministry of Defense will receive almost the same salary - both simple clerks (inspectors) and highly qualified ones.

The union, however, is silent...

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation includes not only military personnel, but also civilian personnel. It was not difficult to guess who had a higher salary. But in fact, this is not deserved, because civilian personnel make up about forty percent of the main composition of our army.

Is it possible to count on an increase in the new year

As you know, the civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense for the past five years have not received an increase in wages. For the most part, this is due to the difficult economic situation in the country. So who can get a raise in their salary, and who should not count on it? The amount of the allowance is influenced by many factors:

  1. Experience. How much you have worked as a civilian specialist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation directly affects your possible increase in salary.
  2. Rank is also of particular importance in this matter.
  3. Undoubtedly, the field of activity on which you have spent many years of your life will also participate here.

The civilian staff is

This category includes military cooks, drivers, storekeepers and many others. According to preliminary data, it became known that the salaries of civilian specialists are approximately two times less than those of the military. So where is the justice if they both receive the same military training? Taking into account the fact that the salaries of this staff have not been changed since 2012, and the standard of living is regularly rising, a decision was made to index salaries.

Where to get money to raise salaries

Everyone is well aware of the current economic situation Russian Federation. So where does the state plan to take the money to index the salaries of civilian personnel? The answer is simple - save money. Thus, from January 1 of the new year, salaries will be increased.

To date, there is already reliable information on the size of the increase in salaries and salaries for civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

As of today, it is already quite clear to judge how much the salaries of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense, employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will increase. This information is quite serious and objective, as it is based on the documents of the draft budget for 2018-2020, the conclusion of the relevant State Duma Defense Committee and the speech of Finance Minister Anton Siluanov at parliamentary budget hearings in the Federation Council.

The news, I must say, is not comforting ... Telling the background of the issue of increasing the payroll of the civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense, we note that it has not been increased for a long time in such a way that one could adequately exist on it. At one time, civilians were paid a premium on order 1010, which was a good financial support and gave some kind of stability in terms of financial security. But, recently, bonus payments under the order of 1010 are gradually disappearing and are ridiculous. Quarterly bonuses under this order sometimes do not exceed 2,000 rubles and are paid with a delay. With the growing problem of paying 1010, the problems of low salaries of civil servants have also become aggravated.

Suffice it to say in this aspect that the majority of employees were raised salaries only after the government adopted the relevant resolutions on raising the minimum wage. And they raised again "tyutelka - in - tyutelka." That is, for a penny.

There were numerous appeals and numerous petitions both to officials the Department of Defense and the Civilian Staff Union. But things are still there. Such an empty and joyless cart of civilians.

It should be noted that civilian personnel in their positions are by no means idle, but perform a fairly wide range of tasks. But the payment for this work cannot be compared with the payment and monetary allowance of military personnel.

So. back to the draft budget 2018-2020. How much is it planned to increase the salaries of civilians. Just 4%. This also follows from the conclusion of the State Duma Defense Committee. If, after reading the budget, there were still doubts about this issue, now they are gone. Yes, by 4%

The draft federal budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020 provides for the following budget allocations for the remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (according to the Register): for 2018 - 233.8 billion rubles; for 2019 - 235.8 billion rubles; for 2020 - 245.3 billion rubles.

This took into account the annual indexation of wages to the forecast level of inflation from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0% and from October 1, 2020 - by 4.0%.

In this regard, the Defense Committee notes that in the period from 2014 to 2017, no decisions were made to index (increase) the remuneration of civilian personnel military units and organizations of federal executive bodies (with the exception of categories falling under the "May decrees"). At the same time, from January 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017, the minimum wage (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage) increased by 40% (from 5,554 rubles to 7,800 rubles). The absence of decisions on indexation of wage funds for most categories of civilian personnel of military units and organizations of the “power bloc” in recent years has practically led to equalization of wage levels for low-skilled workers in relation to workers with higher qualifications, as well as to the leveling of guarantees associated with wages in areas with adverse climatic conditions.

The Committee emphasizes that it is concerned about such a penny increase, which will not solve anything in matters of material support for civilians. But it seems that things will not go further than “anxiety”, as it has been for the past few years. Another unresolved problem will be the equalization of the work of low-skilled and high-skilled specialists, which is also unfair.

The huge break in indexing is also outrageous:

Annual indexation of wages to the forecast inflation rate from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0%.

And in general, it is not clear where such a gap appeared.

I would like to wish the civil ecumenical patience and speedy resolution of these issues!

In the past decade, the Russian government has initiated a number of military reforms aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the army, modernizing equipment, optimizing its size and command structure, and increasing the prestige of service in the ranks of the armed forces.

For several years, the salaries of military personnel have been regularly raised. In addition, they were promised that the authorities would take care of official housing and social guarantees for representatives of law enforcement agencies. However, with the deepening of the crisis, the authorities had to abandon part of the social initiatives - in 2016 it was announced that the salaries of the military would not be indexed, but there could be no talk of increasing the amount of appropriations.

This is because there are simply no free funds in the state treasury. Of course, many noted that this decision runs counter to the "May decrees", which back in 2012 announced a gradual increase in the salaries of all categories of state employees up to 150-200% by the end of 2018. Let's figure out what to expect for professional military and civil servants working in the Ministry of Defense in the new calendar period.

It seems that the increase in salaries according to the "May decrees" has been postponed for the time being

How is the salary of military personnel formed?

The opportunity to serve in the army on a contract basis has opened up new employment opportunities for citizens of the Russian Federation. Of course, at the beginning of a military career, while the soldier does not yet have a rank and work experience, it is not necessary to talk about significant amounts, but later the salary begins to grow at a significant pace. The salary that is accrued to the military directly depends on several factors, among which should be mentioned:

  • salary determined by the rank to which a person has risen, and his position in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • location of the military unit;
  • special conditions for the secrecy of service in a certain place or branch of service, which add up to 65% to the amount of salary;
  • successful completion of qualifying exams, which can add up to 30% to the salary;
  • premium for risky service conditions, reaching up to 100%;
  • bonuses in the form of 100% salary for special achievements;
  • bonuses accrued for excellent service (they can reach up to 25% of the salary);
  • bonuses of 100% of the salary accrued for especially difficult working conditions in the northern regions;
  • compensation intended to pay for rented housing;
  • additional one-time salaries for settling in a new place, and the soldier himself can be paid an amount of 100% of the salary, and his family members - 25% of this amount.

If we talk about the salaries of the military, given the rank and position, then we can give the following gradation:

  • the minimum salary of 30,000 rubles is received by the military with the rank of ensign and sergeant;
  • the salary of a lieutenant reaches 60,000 per month;
  • the captain can receive up to 65,000 in national currency;
  • lieutenant colonel - about 80,000 rubles;
  • colonel - 95,000 rubles;
  • representatives of the high command - more than 100,000 rubles per month.

The amount of salary in the armed forces depends on the rank and conditions of service

According to official statistics, a career officer has an average salary that is significantly higher than the average salary of the civilian population of Russia. To date, the government says that the military receives about 50,000 rubles a month, and this, even in the current crisis times, is quite a good reward for their work. Especially if you compare this figure with the salaries accrued to teachers or doctors.

Such government policy is a measure aimed at increasing the prestige of the profession. It is she who should attract the maximum part of the male population of the country to the army. Separately, it is necessary to note the additional benefits laid down by the military. These include a program of preferential mortgage lending, life insurance, free medical care, and the issuance of housing certificates after retirement.

On the issue of indexing

As mentioned above, in 2016 the government once again decided to do without indexing the salaries of military personnel, since a significant level of budget deficit led to the need to abandon part of social guarantees. It should also be noted that the government has considered a new bill. A special register was attached to it, regulating expenditure obligations performed at the expense of budgetary funds.

This document said that in the period from 2017 to 2019, the payment of appropriations in the form of monetary allowances to military personnel and employees is provided in the form of an annual amount of 448.7 billion rubles. Thus, we can conclude that indexation or salary increases are not provided for in these years.

IN federal budget for 2018 there is no increase in the salaries of the military

This legislative norm is based on the provision that was submitted to the parliamentarians for approval. It proposes to extend the suspension of indexation and salary increases for the military until January 1, 2018. It can be concluded that social guarantees in relation to this category of persons have not been implemented over the past five years, and some experts say that during this time the wages of the military have depreciated by almost 40%.

Exactly the same norm is prescribed for the salaries of civilian personnel who work for the benefit of the Ministry of Defense. The new triennial budget, which was adopted for 2017-2019, states that the annual appropriation for the payment of wages civilian personnel of the Russian Air Force will be 209.7 billion rubles each, which indicates the absence of government plans to index or increase salaries.

What will happen in 2018?

In response to the promise to freeze the salaries of military personnel, representatives of the State Duma Committee on Defense Issues spoke. They said that the current role of the army in Russia makes this bill simply unacceptable. We also recall that very soon new ones will start in Russia, and the authorities traditionally rely on the support of such segments of the population as pensioners, military and civil servants, so it is not at all good for them to spoil relations with these groups of the electorate.

In this regard, it can be assumed that the practice of indexing military salaries can be brought back to life. Of course, you should not count on too high rates of increase.

Perhaps the proximity of the elections will be the reason for the indexation of wages

The exact figures for a possible increase in salaries are not yet known. Some experts say that in 2018 the salary of the military, as well as other categories of people employed in the public service, will be raised by an amount equal to the rate of inflation. In this case, the increase will be about 5.5%. Unfortunately, this increase will not significantly affect the quality of life, but it will help offset the negative processes associated with rising food prices, transportation costs, and the like.

The Russian government is issuing more and more decrees designed to reform the army, modernize equipment, adjust the number of employees to new limits, and restructure management. Much is being done to popularize the idea military service and make it more prestigious.

How the salary is formed

Over the past few years, there has been a gradual increase in the salaries of military personnel. The authorities promised to take care of housing for the military, as well as social security. Since January 2018, military personnel have received increased salaries. Moreover, the growth of their monetary allowance will continue in the next two years. The size of the indexation of salaries amounted to 4%. About 18 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes.

Passing military service on the basis of a contract opens up a whole additional area of ​​employment for citizens of the Russian Federation. Also in the army possible career growth, and a competitive level of remuneration is becoming a decisive argument for many residents of Russia. Of course, a person without a rank - or rather, with the rank of an ordinary one - should not expect cosmic money.

The length of service in the army is just as important as in other areas of employment. But with the first badges received, the salary grows in proportion, and new titles are just around the corner.

The main determining factors on which the wages of military personnel depend are as follows:

  • position (rank) held by the employee. This is the first and most important factor, thanks to which a person of higher rank always receives substantially more money. The hierarchical system works here in the same way as in civilian life;
  • region, in which is military unit. The salary is not the same for all military personnel in the Russian Federation. The country is huge and each region has its own economic realities. For example, in the Moscow region, salaries are always at the highest level than in other regions. But the prices for food, transport and household items have a higher bar. Therefore, salaries of employees are calculated from the general level of requirements of a particular area;
  • whether the passage of service secrecy status. Certain places or branches of the military are engaged in work, the details of which are strictly forbidden to disclose. For such service, the military adds up to 65% to the regular salary of an employee in the same region in an identical position;
  • There are exams in the army too. If an employee wishes to move to a new position, he must go through qualifying exams. And if the delivery is particularly successful, the salary increase can be up to 30% of the previous amount;
  • in some cases, military service is associated with health risks. Work in especially dangerous regions is rewarded with up to 100% of the amount of the regular salary;
  • one-time bonuses, constituting the sum of one salary, are issued to servicemen who have distinguished themselves by special achievements;
  • for the impeccable performance of their duties the employee receives a bonus up to a quarter of the salary;
  • work in northern regions, which differ in much more severe conditions, is encouraged by allowances of one salary;
  • if an employee has to rent housing, he has the right to compensation for the money spent;
  • if a soldier had to move to a new place with his family, he give a one-time additional salary, and another 25% from the same amount - for each of the family members.

Work in armed forces ah is thus organized with the utmost care for the needs of contract employees.

The situation with regard to the monetary allowance of military personnel at the moment

Ordinary career officer today receives a salary above the average in the Russian Federation. At the moment, the average salary in the ranks of the armed forces reaches up to 60 000 rubles. Such significant privileges are due to the fact that the government adheres to the course of popularizing the implementation military duties. First of all, salaries attract new contractors. In addition, we should not forget about additional benefits: free medicine, mortgage benefits, and so on.

The standard gradation of the salary of military personnel is as follows:

  • an ensign and a sergeant receive an average of 35,000 rubles;
  • a large-scale "jump" occurs with the advent of the rank of lieutenant: the salary is doubled and amounts to 65,000 rubles;
  • the captain receives a small increase: 70,000 rubles;
  • lieutenant colonel - the next large-scale salary increase, which is already 85,000 rubles;
  • the colonel receives 100,000 rubles;
  • all other ranks above the rank of colonel belong to the high command. Their salary starts from 110,000 rubles per month.

Today, employees are increasingly expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of allowances, bonuses and, in fact, salary increases.

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