Advertising fear... Features of advertising insurance services. How to promote auto insurance services online Where can you promote auto insurance services online

Advertising based on showing the consequences of an accident evokes strong feelings in the consumer. But, as a rule, not those that the advertiser would like to see. When a person is told, “This could happen to you,” on the one hand, his child’s defense mechanism is triggered: “No, this can’t happen to me,” and on the other hand, his consciousness, initially tuned to storing primarily positive information, tries to quickly forget what he saw and get rid of negative information. That is, the potential consumer somehow tries not to take such advertising into his head.

To avoid such a reaction from customers, advertising based on showing the consequences of an accident is often softened with humor. But a person, after smiling, still experiences negative feelings, most often fear, tension, etc.

Advertising based on showing the positive aspects of life has a more positive impact. Such advertisements usually present illustrations of cheerful and healthy children, happy married or unmarried couples, satisfied pensioners, etc. The text usually explains that such a (good) life is only possible if there is insurance. The image of happy insured people, despite its apparent simplicity, works as a win-win, because in this case, advertising is based on the most important physiological human need - safety.

Insurance advertising typically focuses either on the insured event or on a typical representative of the insurance audience. If the reader's attention is focused on an insured event, then the ad contains typical insurance cases (life, health, car, real estate, etc.). Usually a specific example of an insurance event with a happy ending is given. By studying this example, the potential consumer finds similarities between those initially described in the advertisement and his own circumstances. He is inclined to continue to do the same thing - to insure himself.

When focusing on a typical representative of the insurance audience, the advertisement describes not a case, but a person who, in terms of his external data (age, financial and social status, etc.) is similar to the reader. This approach is usually used in cases where the impact is on an audience that finds it difficult to decide to make a purchase without firm confidence in the correctness of the action. “If a person similar to the one depicted in the advertisement used the offered service and was satisfied, then,” the potential consumer thinks, “the purchase has been tested and approved by people in my circle.”

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Transformation first Insurance company This transformation story began in November 2009. Renat KARIMOV, General Director of Insurance. Ru”, ordered a usability audit service from RBS Corporation. After a few simple and inexpensive changes, the site

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Advertisements on this topic are placed in the format of smart banners with restrictions.

Your ads must comply with the laws of the countries in which you want to advertise.

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Other countries

Your advertisements must comply with all requirements of the Advertising Law. For example, graphic advertisements for insurance services must contain the name of the legal entity, including information about its legal form. This data should be freely perceived by the user simultaneously with advertising, without using any special means or performing additional actions. The font must be readable at the minimum resolution. Information must be present on the screen for a time sufficient to read all the text present in the frame at an average reading speed (150 characters per minute).

In creative for outdoor advertising, legal information should be present on the screen throughout the entire video in each frame and be perceived simultaneously with advertising without the use of special means or additional actions. Legal information overlaid on top of other design elements should be placed on a special plate for contrast.

Advertising of electronic MTPL policies and assistance in their registration is accepted only from organizations and sites listed in the Register of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

When to send documents

Documents can be submitted at any time after posting advertisements for moderation. If the advertisements were rejected only due to the lack of necessary documents, then after receiving them all advertisements will be re-checked. If the verification is successful, your ads will be allowed to appear. If additional information is required, we will contact you.

What documents are needed

    A copy of the license for insurance activities. The information in the license must match the information in your ads or landing pages.

If the advertisement mentions specific insurance companies, you will additionally need to provide a letter of guarantee confirming the availability of all the necessary documents. The letter must be formatted strictly in accordance with the rules.

How and where to send documents

    Send the original letter of guarantee to Yandex LLC (as well as a power of attorney to sign documents on behalf of the company, if you provided electronic copies of them) to the address: 119021, Moscow, st. Lev Tolstoy, 16. Specify as the addressee: Yandex LLC, Commercial Department.

    Original letter of guarantee to the LLP "Yandex.Kazakhstan"(as well as powers of attorney to sign documents on behalf of the company, if you provided electronic copies of them) send to the address: 050010, Almaty, Dostyk Ave., 43. Specify as addressee: LLP "Yandex.Kazakhstan", Commercial department.

Anything can be advertised. Starting with hygiene items and ending with religious teachings. If you want to make a profit, force others to buy your “it”. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re selling cheap matches or a multimillion-dollar project. One thing is important: to convince the potential buyer that it is “this” that he lacks to achieve his goal in life (trade in “life goals”, by the way, is also thriving). Insurance is no exception. It also needs to be sold. As insurance company employees themselves joke, “insurance is not bought, it is sold”...

However, a person does not buy what you want to sell him, but what he wants to buy. The desire to make a purchase, as we know, comes from a certain need and the ability to satisfy it.

What need does insurance satisfy? Even in the days of subsistence farming, there was a tradition of creating a certain public fund (food, seed, etc.), which could be used in the event of unfavorable conditions or the loss of all means of subsistence by one of its participants. The development of industrial relations could not but influence the development of such “mutual aid funds.” The form of contribution has changed: now monetary funds are being created, but the essence remains: everyone who has invested funds is confident that in an emergency they will receive material support. Thus, the main need satisfied by insurance is the need for confidence in the future.

The properties of a product that determine the concept of its promotion are determined, in turn, by the need that it satisfies. Knowing one, it is easier to create another.

Like advertising of any product, advertising of insurance services is subject to certain laws known to readers of the magazine. Still, insurance is a special product. Hence the nuances that must be taken into account when planning advertising events for an insurance company:

1. Insurance is unfamiliar to Russian citizens

We will not consider compulsory insurance, which is present in our country, although not as widely as in some other countries. We will talk exclusively about voluntary insurance, i.e. about the case when “to insure or not to insure” is decided by the citizen himself or a group of citizens.

Unfortunately, over the years of socialist management, most of us have not learned to take care of ourselves and our property. We are just learning to understand economic mechanisms and mastering the simplest financial instruments.

Although it cannot be said that insurance as a concept is completely unfamiliar. The system of Rosgosstrakh, practically the only insurance company in the USSR that served citizens, worked with enviable precision. But the lack of competition did not make insurance services particularly attractive. The consumer, who had a conscious need to preserve the funds invested in a car, cottage, etc., simply had nowhere else to turn.

And now many insurance companies - at the beginning of 2001 there were about 1,300 of them - offer a wide variety of services, but the consumer does not fully understand what their benefits are. This is not surprising: we do not have the habit of using insurance as a financial instrument for our own security, it has not been formed.

It would seem that the simplest thing is to explain to a potential client in an advertising message what the benefits and benefits of insurance are. Have you ever tried to feed your child porridge that he doesn’t want? The processes are very similar. If you can simply explain the benefits of oatmeal to an older consumer, then a less interested “eater” has to tell fairy tales, sing, recite poetry and, taking advantage of the moment, put spoon after spoon into his open mouth. Unfortunately, most of our fellow citizens are like these “porridge consumers.” And, therefore, one of the main objectives of insurance company advertising is to sweeten this porridge as much as possible, although this porridge itself is very healthy. Thus, one of the ways to make insurance attractive is to make it understandable, familiar, and interesting.

Here we should make a small digression. Those who have to write advertising texts about insurance in Russian are not very lucky. The word “insurance” itself carries some scary connotations. Apparently, it comes from the word “fear”. You can’t help but envy English-speaking advertisers: insurance is based on “sure”, i.e. "confident of something."

When composing an advertising text about insurance for the media, a booklet or a leaflet, you should, if possible, carry out an unobtrusive insurance “educational program”. Depending on the target audience, it can be “scientific”, equipped with diagrams, graphs, explanations of the mechanism of action of insurance protection, or, conversely, replete with details about those cases when the victim, after suffering hardships and hardships (preferably with eerie details), receives money from insurance company. Statistics on accidents, fires, natural disasters, and traffic accidents can also be cited as “cognitive” (see Fig. 1).

Consumers who are inexperienced in matters of their own economic protection are interested in thematic programs, especially when it comes to placement on the radio. A good example, in my opinion, is the program “The Diary of Yuri Detochkin.” It successfully combines the familiar nostalgic image of an insurance agent, interesting information about car insurance and quite aggressive advertising of the insurance company.

Participation of the insurance company in exhibitions is of particular importance. For several years in a row, a specific exhibition “Insurance” was held in Moscow, where insurers had the opportunity to present themselves and their services. Unfortunately, such events are not held now. Therefore, a potential policyholder cannot see a sufficient number of insurance companies at the same time. In this regard, the importance of presence at industry exhibitions increases even more. It is especially important to organize work with visitors at such exhibitions. They are the ones most likely to become clients. The insurance company's booth attendants must provide all exhibiting companies and organizations with their handouts and promotional materials and souvenirs. An insurance specialist in this field must be present at the stand in order to promptly answer questions from both visitors—industry specialists—and the participants themselves.

At large exhibitions, it makes sense to organize a seminar or conference on insurance issues in this industry. In order to arouse interest in the event and “attract” the exhibition participants, it is advisable to involve them in holding a seminar, conference, etc. (forms can be very diverse) not only insurance specialists, but also professionals from the industry that is the subject of the exhibition. Among the issues discussed should be not only insurance issues, which few people are interested in, but also those that directly affect this industry. For example, as part of an exhibition dedicated to tourism, a seminar “The problem of the safety of Russian tourists abroad” is held. Agree, such a topic will attract much more visitors than “Travel Insurance”. In general, any exhibition, from international to regional, should receive the attention of an insurance company, because represents an excellent opportunity to stimulate citizens’ interest in insurance in general and in the services of a specific company.

I would like to add one more point to the issue of “self-serving educational program”. As a component of the insurer's advertising campaign, we can recommend holding thematic events, similar to those mentioned above, in various groups: at enterprises, in organizations, gardening associations, at parent-teacher meetings in schools. The mechanism is the same:

  • The topic should address the immediate interests of the audience.
  • There must be a cognitive element, new, interesting information for the audience.
  • Insurance services are presented as one of the solutions to the problem.
  • All visitors should receive information materials about the company containing its coordinates.

For example, company X decided to intensify the conclusion of insurance contracts for schoolchildren against accidents. To solve this problem, in several schools located near the company’s office, speeches were held at parent meetings on the topic: “Child safety rules.” An employee of the district police department was invited, who told parents about the causes of child crime, how a child should behave on the street, and how to keep him safe at home in the absence of adults. In conclusion, an employee of the insurance company spoke about insuring children and distributed special leaflets to those present containing “Child Safety Rules”, an offer to insure the child and the telephone number of Company X.

From the above, we can draw the following conclusion: one of the features of advertising insurance services, which is caused by the low level of insurance literacy of the population, is the high proportion of the educational element.

2. Insurance is an intangible product

When we buy chewing gum, we give money, take the package, open it, put a strip or pad in our mouth and chew, getting what we wanted: we paid, we got the product. Having decided to use dry cleaning services, we give away a dirty coat, pay money, get a clean coat: pay - get a service. Insurance service is somewhat more complicated.

By selling insurance policies, the insurance company sells confidence in the future, sells its promise not to leave us in a difficult situation. What does confidence look like? We gave money and what did we get? Can this be chewed or seen? Confidence can only be felt. A feeling of confidence arises only if you trust the company that promises it. Establishing credibility is another way to make insurance attractive.

Due to the need to create an image that inspires trust, image advertising becomes of great importance for the insurer.

It has long been known that about 80% of information a person receives through visual perception. And the favorable image of the company must be visual and visible.

Television provides an excellent opportunity to create a company with a credible face. Dynamic picture, huge audience - all this is difficult to overestimate. But, unfortunately, the pros can easily turn into cons. An incorrectly chosen image will cause irreparable damage to the company's attractiveness, because... The insurance company is quite limited in choosing its image: not only by the preferences of the main target groups, but also by existing stereotypes.

Of course, creating a company image is a creative process. But its result should not allow for multiple interpretations. There is a basic requirement for an insurance company - reliability. It is the image of reliability that should be the main one. Additional characteristics can be anything: classic, modern, folk company. If there is no basis, then they will simply “hang in the air”, and efforts to promote the company’s image will not give the desired result. Choosing a symbol of reliability is a task that is both simple and complex: there are stable consumer associations, but at the same time, it is necessary to avoid replicated clichés.

In addition, it is worth noting that a service such as insurance, in order to compensate for its “intangibility”, must be supported by a large number of advertising products: printing, souvenirs, etc. The insured, actual or potential, must hold something in his hands and carry it with him. yourself.

When designing advertising materials, it is advisable to use images that are easily associated with the advertised service: insurance of buildings, property - a house, medical insurance - people in full health, etc. (Fig. 2).

There is an opinion that to actualize the need for security, on the contrary, it is necessary to show the misfortunes that can happen to us and to our property. But, in my opinion, such techniques are good in very moderate quantities: there is a high probability of merging a strong negative image of a disaster with insurance. So far in our country the image of insurance is very weak in order to rebuild itself from the alarming image of danger. Therefore, it is preferable to use images with an unconditionally positive emotional connotation.

The result can be summed up as follows: using the tools to create a favorable image of the company, paying attention to its material media, it is possible to overcome the difficulties of promoting an insurance service associated with the lack of its material expression.

3. Insurance is a service distant in time

When purchasing an insurance policy, the client does not receive immediate service. Unlike any other, the main service of an insurance company is distant in time from the moment of its payment. You will receive the “product”, i.e. monetary compensation for your lost valuables only when something happens that causes their loss. And this can happen either the next day or a year after purchasing the insurance policy. And it doesn’t matter whether you insured your car, your cottage, or your precious life: satisfaction of the need for the safety of funds invested in property or in yourself will come after an indefinite period of time. This is why continuity is so important for insurance company advertising. Efforts should be aimed not only at attracting new customers, but also at confirming confidence in the correctness of the choice someone has already made. Practice shows that as soon as a company significantly reduces its advertising activity, customers immediately become concerned: is the company experiencing difficulties?

In a word, insurance services, more than any other product, require constant advertising support.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that no matter what advertising events are carried out (and the list of them differs little from the standard ones) - placement in the media, participation in exhibitions, various promotions - they should always take into account the specifics of insurance services. And although today the opportunities for increasing one’s own economic security offered by insurance are little known and therefore little in demand, their advertising will certainly not only bring profit to the advertising agency and increase the level of sales of the insurance company, but will also make, thanks to the social aspect of insurance, our lives calmer and safe.

Natalya Zavarzina

Insurers are increasingly using different marketing tools every day, trying to achieve a constant increase in sales, but not everyone knows how to promote insurance services. After all, such services are of a mass nature, and the market itself is highly competitive. What should I do?

Specifics of advertising

Actually, the same resources are suitable for advertising auto insurance services as, in fact, for advertising consumer goods. Of course, there are resources that are available exclusively to market giants - radio, television, billboards, as well as article and image advertising in magazines of various types. But in order to present your brand in such sources, you need to spend at least one million dollars a year on promotion.
Of course, there are resources that are less expensive and more affordable - all kinds of reference books, small publications for car enthusiasts, yellow pages, etc. On city streets you can see Gazelle minibuses with advertisements for such services pasted on them. Also, for advertising, OSAGO and CASCO use BTL mechanisms - distribution of leaflets.

Where can you promote your car insurance services online?

If we talk about “economy class” Internet resources, then it is worth mentioning various Internet forums and other auto-related platforms created for car enthusiasts to communicate with each other. On such resources you can place advertisements for MTPL and CASCO completely free of charge. The disadvantage of automobile platforms is the highest competition between different companies that sell the same services under the same conditions. Therefore, the likelihood that your post will be noticed is tiny.
One of the effective tools for promoting car insurance services is contextual advertising and banners. Although these tools are often ineffective and very expensive in a market with many competitors.

It is very important to stand out among competitors by offering your customers convenient services directly online on the website. A good option would be a convenient calculator on the website.

So, the solution has been found!

With that said, it’s worth trying other, more advanced options. For example, promoting a website that advertises car insurance services. But the creation of such an Internet resource requires the investment of certain funds and an integrated approach, which only professionals can do. Only experienced specialists know how to promote auto insurance services and occupy first positions in search engines. By focusing on online promotion, you definitely won’t regret it, as it provides many more new tools and more opportunities that are quite affordable.

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