Autosurfing with withdrawal of money to webmoney. Autosurfing: programs for making money

Autosurfing involves viewing different sites and pages in manual and automatic mode. Now this functionality has been expanded with many other functions, for example, tasks for adjusting Behavioral and social factors. This is usually of interest to both those who want to make money and advertisers who agree to pay users for visits and views.

Anyone who is interested in making money knows what autosurfing sites is. This is one of the simplest and most universal methods that does not require excessive effort and knowledge. Technology, after all, determines the visits of guests who linger on the pages, the time of their visit and those who instantly leave them. This affects rankings and positions in search engine results. Therefore, the request is always relevant for SEO optimizers.

Types of auto surfing systems

There are a huge number of programs that differ in details, but with the same essence. Such services are divided into two groups:

  • With payments;
  • No payments.

Many systems have their own internal account and credits, which can later be converted into real currency for withdrawal to a card or wallet. Free ones assume that the accumulated credits will be used to promote sites, and all parties benefit.

Among the popular and best resources:

  • Livesurf
  • Yourraise
  • Litesurf
  • Seosprint;
  • Profitcenter;
  • WebSurf;
  • eBesucher.

Advantages of autosurfing from an advertiser's point of view

Website design is very important, because “one meets people by their clothes.” You will find interesting information regarding this issue.

Investment autosurfing

Investment auto surfing sites assumes that it is necessary to invest funds in the project - investments. The level of earnings will depend on this investment. For example, this is regularly credited interest that comes to the user’s account after viewing pages.

Profit will come throughout the entire term of the deposit, and the process itself may take a few minutes a day. Over the life of the investment, you can earn up to two hundred percent of the deposit amount.

Investments in upgrades do not exclude the accrual of credits for visits. Services offer small initial capital. Then it’s enough to buy a new upgrade to do auto surfing for money again.

Of course, this also comes with its limitations.

They differ across services, but a number of common trends can be observed:

  1. The upgrade percentage is not credited for those days when the user has not logged into his account and has not met the minimum requirement, so daily work will be required to maximize profits.
  2. The rules usually stipulate that investments will not be returned to the user; this is his contribution to the development of the project. But all income and interest are at the full disposal of the account owner.
  3. When you open more pages than the minimum, additional credits are added to your account and can be used.
  4. Payments are made through the same payment system that was used to pay for the upgrade. It is better to provide the required information during registration.
  5. Terms and conditions may vary widely, so earnings on autosurfing depend on the time spent, on the correct choice of program or portal.

Projects are needed automatically and exist due to the turnover of funds. To make payments and transactions, money invested by other participants is used, but, unlike dubious pyramid schemes, such a scheme simultaneously advertises its sites or links.

Autosurfing also happens for PCs, tablets and smartphones, for example on Android. Earnings come in both rubles and foreign currencies; there are also services for earning bitcoins. Payments to electronic wallets. As an example on WMZ, dollar wallets of the WebMoney system.

Today there are many programs that are similar in operating principle. Of course, you should only choose known and proven options, having first read all the conditions and accepted them.

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

Popular. This love of network users was achieved due to its simplicity and the fact that no special skills or knowledge are needed. And most importantly, autosurfing makes it possible to make money on the Internet without direct human participation, without investing money and time. Thus, you have the opportunity to earn money automatically. Mechanism making money on autosurfing sites very simple: someone needs visits to the site and someone pays money for it. Money is paid to special Internet resources that organize visits to this site. See the list of these resources (sites for autosurfing) below. Visits to the site are organized through special software - programs for autosurfing. You as willing earn without investment, you register on autosurfing sites, download and install this program, and through it, you actually end up on the advertiser’s website - and get paid for it. Everyone is happy: The advertiser received visits, you received your money, and the autosurfing site received a commission for organizing visits. I hope I explained the principle clearly and not too confusingly . If not, you will understand in the process, the main thing is to start.

Autosurfing sites for money

A short list of popular payers autosurfing sites. On these sites you can autosurf for money - for dollars (WMZ) and rubles (WMR), with withdrawal to Webmoney.

1. - Registration and login. Payments in dollars. Standard set of electronic payment systems: Webmoney, Yandex money, QIWI, mobile. There are three types of surfing: in the browser, and after installing the software: automatic and semi-automatic. All three types of earnings are completely different and complement each other.

2. - registration and login It was intended for autosurfing for credits for website promotion, but it is also possible to simply withdraw earned funds. Two types of surfing: web surfing is surfing directly in the browser, and you can install a special program on your computer and surf through it. By the way, you can view much more sites this way than in a browser. In addition, in this project you can earn money just like with a regular mailer: completing tasks, reading paid letters. Earnings in dollars. The project administration constantly holds competitions with good, impressive prizes. Works with payment systems Webmoney, QIWI, Yandex Money. Read more on this page about the Webisid system of active promotion and earnings.

3. - Registration and login d the most popular autosurfing. In principle, I add it to the list of autosurfs for money, although credits are awarded for viewing sites. Loans can be easily and instantly exchanged for WebMoney without delay. It has its pros and cons. Pros: a special program safesurf.exe is installed on your computer and provides constant, round-the-clock browsing of websites for money. In case of any failures, it automatically restarts autosurfing. In the program, you can check a box in the settings - and the program will also start earning bitcoins through calculations on the video card. Jetswap autosurfing is possible legally cheat, and this is not prohibited by the project administration. Cons: on safesurf.exe All antiviruses, without exception, “swear” and DrWeb does not launch at all on the site. For normal operation, you need to add jetswap to your antivirus exclusions. It is possible to surf in a special browser made on the basis of Mozilla - you can download it after registration.

4. -registration and login German autosurfing for money. As on Jetswap, credits are first awarded for viewing, which can also quickly be sold for WebMoney on the klammlose credit exchange. That is, we can consider that Ebesucher is autosurfing for money. Registration is available in Russian, you can figure it out without much difficulty. You need to download and install software on your computer - the Restarter program, which restores autosurfing if any failures occur during the system. Next: login and registration on Ebesucher autosurfing.

Let me briefly summarize: Jetswap and Ebesucher are long-established paying projects and one of their advantages is that they provide round-the-clock, “eternal” autosurfing, which means automatic earnings without investments or human participation. And it is true. If you don't believe me, see for yourself.

5. S urfearner - registration and login . N A good source of passive income in your online earning system. You can’t call Surferner autosurfing; surfing in a browser is more appropriate here. A program is downloaded that installs the extension in your browser. For browsers Mozilla, Google Chrome, Opera Explorer, etc., each has its own extension. Download and install for the browser with which you work on ATS and mailers. Advertising in the form of banners appears automatically. You get paid for impressions. That's all - you don't need to do anything: make money on the machine in its purest form!

6. - registration and login conditionally paid autosurfing. Conditionally - since credits awarded for site views cannot be sold - you can start viewing your own site. But... - has the ability to imitate the actions of a real user on the site, in particular following advertising links. And if you place links from various advertising exchanges on your website, then he will follow them, and you will earn a profit.

German mail and click sponsors with autosurfing for money.

Autosurfing sites for credits

There are autosurfing sites where credits are awarded for viewing sites and cannot be exchanged for money. Credits can only be used to trigger views on your own site. This type of autosurfing will be relevant for Webmasters - website owners who want to promote their resource for free. For those who do not have a website, you can “throw” into autosurfing some of your referral links from sites for making money. The result is minimal, but a few referrals are joining.)). I’ll highlight two of the best:

7. registration and login .

8. registration and login .

In both cases, it is possible to set up traffic to your site so that the counters will count them as transitions from real users, both from any search engines and from any other resources at your request. Whether this is beneficial or not is a rhetorical question. Of course, leading search engines are actively fighting against cheating, but they cannot completely prevent it yet. Sometimes, it makes sense to experiment and tweak things))). - again, conditionally free autosurfing improves the site’s Alexa rank well.

How much can you earn from autosurfing?

I repeat again: making money on autosurfing sites- this is earnings on the Internet without investment. Well done whoever came up with this. You can earn money, but how much is a completely different question? We simultaneously launch several different autosurfs: Jetswap, Ebesucher, German, etc. and Jetswap on one computer can be launched as many times as your hardware can handle, until it starts to slow down. And if you add an additional extension for viewing advertisements to the browser that you will use to make money with Ebesucher, then your earnings will increase significantly. It’s quite possible to earn 5 dollars a day. Good help, especially if you are still working for on completing tasks or clicking. Better yet, create your own website (this can be done for free) and make money from the autosurf affiliate program and advertising. And how much you can earn in this case is a matter of your perseverance and desire. Average, You can earn from 100-150 dollars per month by autosurfing sites.

Brief conclusion: autosurfing sites is a separate segment of its own system of earning money on the Internet, allowing anyone who wants to achieve financial independence and freedom.

Today we will be interested in autosurfing programs, as well as all the information related to this method of earning money. It attracts many users. Especially those who have just begun to study ways to make a profit on the Internet. Is there really any income from autosurfing? What it is? How much can you get in this or that case? What advice and recommendations do users give each other? We will have to understand all this further. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.

About autosurfing

Autosurfing programs are not the most important thing. First you need to understand what we are talking about.

Web surfing is the name given to the procedure of browsing websites. This technique is often used to make money on the Internet. People visit various pages and receive money for it.

Autosurfing is a derivative of surfing the web. This is an automated process of browsing pages on the Internet. As in the previous case, for money.

Truth or scam

Many people wonder if there is real autosurfing. Do programs or websites for implementing such an operation really exist? Or is it just a deception with which people attract new visitors to web resources?

Autosurfing really exists. Not many people use it, but we can say with confidence that it is not a scam. The main thing is to know where exactly to work. After all, not every surfing exchange allows you to automate processes.

How much can you get

Many people are interested in the issue of income on the Internet. How much can you get per month using a program for making money by autosurfing?

Answering this question is problematic. Income is affected by various indicators. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how much the average user can get in a month.

However, if you believe numerous reviews, then when working with automatic page viewing, a person will be able to earn about 2-3 thousand rubles per month. This amount is usually taken into account for working with one exchange.

Where does the money come from?

How do you make money surfing the Internet? Where do exchanges get funds to pay for completed transitions?

As we have already found out, the studied method of making a profit online is not fraud. Money from specialized exchanges is taken from the creators of certain sites.

Where to surf

On what platforms can you surf (including automatically) for money?

Today it is proposed to cope with this task with the help of:

  • computers;
  • laptops;
  • mobile phones;
  • tablets.

That is, on almost any technology where you can, in principle, view pages through browsers. Some mobile platforms do not support paid autosurfing programs. In this case, you will have to look for web resources that allow you to view pages for a fee through Internet browsers. The majority of such exchanges support automatic surfing. This is quite normal.

Websites for networking

Next, we will study the best programs for autosurfing, as well as specialized exchanges that allow you to earn money in this way. Today, users may encounter both real services and scams. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention only to proven offers.

Let's start by studying the most popular resources on the Internet. These include the following surfing exchanges:

  • SerfEarner.
  • JetSwap.
  • Ebesucher.
  • Autosurf.
  • WebSurf.
  • Uniq-ip.
  • VipIP.
  • Webisida.

These resources offer various ways to make money from clicks. Their main activity is surfing. And automatic too.

Beginning of work

Are you interested in making money by autosurfing? We will study the programs necessary for this a little later. Before that, you will have to understand how to get started with surfing in general. For example, on one of the listed sites.

Typically, the procedure comes down to free registration on the selected exchange and filling out a user questionnaire. After this, you can immediately start working. The user must click on the appropriate task section (for example, “Surfing”), select one or another task, follow the link provided, wait a while, and then enter a captcha or answer a simple question. If everything is done correctly, money will be credited to your account. Otherwise, the transition is not paid.

The given algorithm of actions is relevant for regular surfing. In the case of automatic browsing of pages, you need to click on the “Autosurfing” section, then:

  1. Open a separate tab in your browser and click on the “Start Autosurfing” button on the selected exchange. In this case, transitions will be made through an Internet browser.
  2. Install a specialized program for autosurfing for money (each exchange has its own), then go through authorization there and click on the “Start” button. Now we just have to wait. Transitions will be performed automatically. The main thing is not to turn off the Internet or a running program.

Fast, simple, convenient. In reality, everything is not so difficult.

Automatic or manual?

Many people cannot decide what exactly to choose - automatic surfing or manual browsing of sites for money.

It is impossible to answer such a question. The thing is that manual surfing offers more sites. But viewing them takes much more time. Autosurfing programs, like the corresponding exchanges, sometimes work in vain, but they exhaust all the proposed paid transitions to sites.

It is best to combine the listed methods of making money by viewing resources on the Internet. This way you can get the most from one exchange.

What do you need for work?

Autosurfing programs with money withdrawal will be presented to our attention a little later. Before this, you need to be well prepared to start work.

What does a modern user need? To successfully surf for money, the following components are required:

  • electronic wallets (preferably there are several of them);
  • Internet connection;
  • mobile phone (for some exchanges);
  • valid email address.

As a rule, this is enough. If a person already has all of the listed components, he can easily start working on the Internet by surfing any type.

Important: the majority of autosurf programs with money withdrawal work with PayPal and WebMoney electronic wallets. Therefore, it is recommended to first acquire accounts in these payment systems.

Attention, minimum!

Using even the best programs for autosurfing, the user may encounter some pitfalls of such earnings. What is it about?

The thing is that various surfing exchanges put forward one important requirement - a minimum amount for withdrawal. Until a person accumulates a certain amount of money, he will not be able to withdraw it to a mobile phone or e-wallet.

What is the minimum for cashing out? It all depends on the specific surfing exchange. Somewhere it’s 2 euros, and somewhere it’s 10 rubles. There are services that allow you to withdraw money from the system only if you have at least 100-200 rubles in your account. Accordingly, sometimes you have to work for several weeks before a person is able to withdraw his earnings to an electronic wallet. This is a normal phenomenon and should not be alarming.

SafeSurf by JetSwap

Now let's look at programs for autosurfing on a computer. Let's start with "SafeSurf" from the JetSwap exchange. The utility works on any desktop PC and laptop. It's free. An account from JetSwap is used for authorization. Here you can also find a link to download the application.

The work is based on obtaining so-called loans. This is an intra-exchange currency that is sold for dollars. On average, 1,000 credits cost 1/2$ (about 30 rubles). Currency accumulates over several days.

Here are some features of SafeSurf:

  1. Manual surfing allows you to get 2 times more money. Therefore, it is recommended to use both methods of earning money on the stock exchange.
  2. The SafeSurf program should not be minimized or closed. The application must be opened and “forgotten”. Otherwise surfing will not work.
  3. SafeSurf can be easily taken off the desktop.
  4. As soon as a user begins to view more than 300 sites on average per day, he will be assigned the “Super Active” status. It will allow you to receive 2 times more money.

I guess that's all. Withdrawals are made through the official JetSwap page. The service really pays.

Ebesucher and website browsing

There is an autosurfing program called Ebesucher. More precisely, it is a service that allows you to quickly earn money by viewing advertisements and paid emails. With its help, you can work either using a specialized application or through a browser on a PC.

The minimum withdrawal is 2 euros. At the same time, while viewing pages for money, the user will receive intra-exchange currency - BTP. MTP is awarded for reading paid emails. These currencies can be exchanged for real money on the ebesucher website.

Recently, the service has been working with WebMoney. Previously, it only allowed withdrawals to PayPal.

WebSurf and making money on clicks

There is another good robot program (bot) for making money by autosurfing. We are talking about using a service called Websurf. A unique application for PC can be found directly on the website.

The exchange offers to immediately receive money in rubles to the account of the application form. Then funds can be withdrawn to electronic wallets. You won't be able to get much here.

The application from "WebSerf" allows you to earn money even when minimized. This makes life much easier for modern users. The site also has automatic browser surfing capabilities.

VipIP for earning

Programs for autosurfing are mainly downloaded from one or another exchange. This way you can earn quite a lot of money on one computer at the same time.

The next free utility is VipIP. The program is named after the exchange it works with. The corresponding software is free and can work even when minimized. It has an extremely simple interface. The user receives rubles for the work. They can be withdrawn to your e-wallet account through the official VipIP page.

This program has only one drawback - automatic surfing does not bring much income. Therefore, to work with VipIP, it is better to use manual browsing of web resources.

Attention: this exchange allows you to work with autosurfing using browser plugins. This way you can always check for paid transitions and carry them out automatically.

For mobile phones

What kind of Android autosurfing programs are there? You can find various software for this operating system.

It is best to use the following utilities:

  • Ebesucher Money.
  • VIPIP Client.
  • SubWoder.
  • Mine2Coin.
  • Kryptex.

The last 2 autosurfing programs allow you to earn cryptocurrency. They work through mining. They are not particularly popular yet.


We have studied the best programs for making money by autosurfing on various platforms. In addition, we managed to understand how it is possible to get money for viewing pages on the Internet.

It is impossible to list all applications for autosurfing. Almost every exchange for making money on clicks provides its own programs for work. The main thing is that they are all completely free. Mastering the software is easy and simple.

The Internet makes it possible for anyone to receive a stable income, without investing their own funds. You can earn money in various ways. The most popular of them are copywriting, performing simple tasks on social networks, making money on your own website, speculation on financial exchanges, and information business.

One of the types of earning money on the Internet, which does not require special training from a person, is autosurfing sites. A huge number of users, with the help of special programs and services, receive additional income without making much effort. What is autosurfing sites for money? Let's try to figure it out.

What is autosurfing sites?

People who decide to try their hand at making money online will probably be interested in finding out what surfing is like. First of all, you should know that it is widely used by website owners for advertising and promotion of their resources. For this purpose, there are specialized services where anyone can register and start earning money.

The essence of the work is as follows: the user follows a link leading to the advertised site, visits it and views the web page for the time specified in the task, after which money is credited to the account. As a rule, viewing sites is carried out directly in the browser or using special software, which a person just needs to launch, minimize to tray, and the program itself will visit websites and earn money.

Surfing allows you to increase the behavioral factors of any resource, which ultimately popularizes it. In addition, within a fairly short period of time you can promote your resource to the TOP of search engine results.

As you can see, surfing is beneficial to everyone - users receive money for doing dust-free work, and advertisers quickly promote their sites. It can be carried out manually or work automatically, and the person does not even need to visit the advertised resources. The advantages of making money on autosurfing include:

  • no need to invest your own funds;
  • simplicity of the work performed;
  • guarantee of payment of earned money;
  • the opportunity to receive additional income from anywhere in the world.

It should be understood that, despite the significant advantages, there is still one big drawback of this type of activity - low payment for viewing sites. To get tangible profits, you should create accounts in many advertising services and work with them at the same time.

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Manual surfing allows you to earn significantly more, since it is carried out with the direct participation of a person. If it is performed automatically, web pages are opened using the program, and the user is not even required to enter a captcha and confirm that he is not a robot.

To start making money on autosurfing, you need to register on certain resources. They are called axleboxes or ATS (active advertising systems). In fact, they are intermediary sites between performers and advertisers. Each user has a “Personal Account” in the system, where he can see a list of websites available for surfing.

If a person performs tasks manually, he visits different pages sequentially. Depending on the terms of the service, you need to spend 15-60 seconds on the advertised site, after which the person’s actions are paid automatically. Money can be withdrawn to any electronic payment systems.

The conditions may contain additional tasks for users. For example, you need to click on an ad block on a website or watch a video. A person may also be asked to undergo a simple registration on sites or show a little activity, which allows them to simulate interest in this resource.

Programs for autosurfing

To view sites automatically, there are special programs for autosurfing, which, as a rule, are a product of active advertising systems. Some of them work without human intervention, imitate human activity and earn money.

There is also software that requires minimal participation from the user. Please note that you can autosurf in the browser, for which you will need to download special plugins. After installing the extension, you can start earning money.

  1. WebSurf. The service specializes in autosurfing and is one of the leaders in the industry. The user needs to register on the site, download the program and start earning money. Payment is made in special loans that can be sold on the stock exchange. For 1000 site visits it turns out to be about $2. This amount and even more can easily be collected in a day. The user can go about his business and visit any sites on the Internet, and at that time he will earn money automatically. Please note that this resource is available around the clock and tasks are completed almost continuously.
  2. Clicker. The program allows you to automatically earn money by browsing websites, and also displays the user’s balance and ongoing actions. With its help, you can complete tasks around the clock. If there are no tasks, the software will be automatically paused.
  3. Megasurf. Another program for auto-earnings that does not require user participation. You need to download it, launch it and go about your business.
  4. ABC. Software for manual and automatic earnings, allowing users to view detailed statistics. A person is awarded credits that he can exchange for money. For every 1000 views, about $1.3 is paid. You can also earn money by reading letters. The minimum amount to withdraw money is only 10 kopecks.
  5. Socpublic Agent. One of the most famous mailers, Socpublic, has its own program for autosurfing, which is of considerable interest to users: it allows you to view sites automatically, and also increases the number of tasks available for completion.
  6. Globus. To make money using this service by viewing advertisements, the user needs to go through a simple registration, download and run a special program, and there are mobile and desktop versions. It does not interfere with a person’s work at the computer, since it is in a collapsed state. As soon as the promoted site appears, a window with advertising material will pop up on the screen. The money goes to the user's balance after the view is confirmed.
  7. Shalom. A time-tested foreign service where everyone can make money by browsing websites. It is attractive because a person can only periodically check how his balance is replenished, since everything works automatically. You need to register with the service, download the program, enter your ID, launch it and wait for payments. Please note that, unlike most Russian-language services, Shalom allows you to gain credits several times faster, and the work costs a little more. Payments are made in the E-Gold system, so you should create an account in it.
  8. Safe Surf. JetSwap's software is a utility that, after simple registration and launch, allows a person to earn money in various ways. If you use the hidden surfing function, a person will not see windows with advertising. You can browse any sites on the Internet, and the program will automatically surf various web resources.

Important: Most services that offer users earnings through autosurfing award credits for web page views. They can be quickly exchanged using the exchange for real money. To sell loans profitably, it is recommended to set your own price and put them up for sale.

Autosurfing sites

Let's look at the most popular sites for autosurfing.


A Russian site that, since 2009, has been pleasing its employees with stable payments and a large number of tasks. Every person can earn money by manual and autosurfing, reading letters, and performing simple tasks. To view advertised sites, you do not need to download any programs, since impressions take place directly in the browser. Automatic surfing costs 0.05 kopecks, and when visiting sites independently, users receive about 2 kopecks. for the show.


A domestic site that is rapidly gaining momentum and user trust. If you are interested in reliable autosurfing with real money withdrawal, Webisida will be the best choice. To start earning money, you need to download the program, which can be taken from the user account. The service is calculated in credits, and they are easily exchanged on the internal exchange. For 1 thousand views you can earn more than $5.


The German service Ebesucher is very popular among people who make money by browsing sites on the Internet. Payments are made in euros, and the minimum is only 2 €. There is also a credit system of payment for work performed. For 1000 views you can get as much as 84 euro cents. To withdraw credits, you need not only to browse sites in automatic mode, but also to read advertising letters.


The Surfearner service offers anyone who wants to make money by viewing advertisements, for which they need to install a special extension in their browser. For every 1000 views, about 20 rubles are paid. The project has a 10-level referral system. Payments can be ordered via Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Payer, Qiwi and PerfectMoney.


The social public has earned the trust of users thanks to stability and timely payments. In addition, users get a lot of work - viewing sites in manual and automatic surfing, reading letters, performing simple tasks. The service has its own program for making money, which you need to download and install on your desktop. Payment for auto views is 10 rubles per 1000 pieces.


The project has its own software, which, after downloading, begins to surf sites automatically. The Automoney service is easy to use and works with just one electronic payment system - Webmoney (payments are made in rubles to an R-wallet). The minimum wage is 15 rubles, and money is credited every Monday. The amount of earnings directly depends on the number of active users who use the software throughout the day.


Rubsurf is a fairly promising Russian advertising service, where auto-viewing ads is not the only way to make money. Each person here can perform various tasks, read letters and surf sites manually. Rubsurf has an internal currency - coins, which can easily be exchanged for rubles. As for payment, its size can reach 6 kopecks per site view.


IPGold (Russian advertising service) employees can surf websites and earn money by completing simple tasks. There is a client program that needs to be installed on your computer and launched. As soon as viewing the site is completed, the user is credited with 5 kopecks, which is a fairly good indicator. The minimum threshold for withdrawal is only 10 rubles. The site allows you to withdraw money automatically to the wallets of WebMoney, Ya.D and LiqPay systems.


The service works stably, you can make money from it by autosurfing. For each site viewed by the user, the system pays 0.75 credits. They can be easily exchanged on the exchange at a price of 6 cents per 1000 pieces. As a rule, you can collect about 250-300 credits per day.


One of the most famous domestic bookstores, which provides its users with a large number of types of earnings and several types of programs. So, one of the utilities allows you to work and receive income for the surfing you do. There is also a program that can carry out a number of actions on the web resources of advertisers, which are paid. In addition, there is special software that allows users to work on social networks and earn good money.

How much can you earn by surfing websites?

Autosurfing is ideal for people who are just starting to master methods of making money on the Internet without investment. As practice shows, without a large number of referrals and involved services (in which the user is registered), it is quite difficult to achieve tangible earnings.

Typically, you can earn about 10-12 cents on one site during the day. If you work simultaneously with 15 sites, your income will be about $1.2-1.5 per day. Knowing the data on the approximate daily income, it is easy to calculate the monthly profit.

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Note that autosurfing practically does not require user participation, so it can be considered as one of the additional sources of income. In addition, viewing sites for money will definitely allow you to pay the costs of the services of Internet providers and cellular operators.

Nobody wants to do complicated work and waste their precious time. However, everyone wants to get more money. There are automatic and semi-automatic ways to earn money; using them does not take much time, but it does not bring a lot of money. In any case, it’s worth a try, there’s no such thing as extra money.

Making money on the Internet by autosurfing is a passive type of work. Through programs or special sites, transitions to sites are made and rewards are received for this. In order for income to flow, you need to turn on the computer; the best option is to turn on automatic surfing and mind your own business.

Autosurfing sites for money, how does it happen?

Millions of people from all over the globe open billions of pages on different websites every day. They do it for free, some have fun, some study, some communicate, and so on. Those who own these sites get the money. Sites are monetized in different ways, from advertising to sales.

Website owners pay for autosurfing. This is the cheapest way to increase resource traffic. This is needed for various purposes - to give credibility to a resource, to increase indicators before selling, or to pass verification in advertising networks. It is inexpensive, so the service is ordered often.

When using programs and special services, transitions to sites are made from the performer’s computer in automatic mode. This is the main advantage of autosurfing with the withdrawal of real money. Apart from starting automatic surfing, you don’t need to do anything.

An example of making money from autosurfing

It’s easier to understand how everything works with a specific example. For this, let's use the best click sponsor. This is the most popular email service on the RuNet, so cheats are often ordered through it. Typically, at the beginning of every hour, sites available for autosurfing appear:

Even if the counter shows 0, you can still try to press the button. A new tab will open where the advertiser’s website and timer will appear:

The time varies, up to 1 minute. When it ends, a notification about funds being credited appears in place of the timer:

In principle, you don’t have to monitor this, since available sites will open one after another, without your participation. The main thing is not to close the tab. Until new offers appear, the system will automatically check every minute:

On this box everything happens like this, on other sites it may look a little different, but the essence is the same. As for programs for autosurfing, they go into standby mode until new sites appear. They do not interfere with using the computer; you can easily watch TV shows or play games (PC resources are practically not used).

The best programs for autosurfing

Going to sites to activate surfing is not as convenient as using software. It is not offered on all projects; we have selected a couple of the most popular ones, from which income actually comes in (usually programs stand idle because there are no advertisers).

  1. SafeSurf program from .

The first utility has been popular for many years. The JetSwap service offers many ways to earn money and almost all of them are related to visiting sites. Registration is standard, there is no point in talking much about it. After logging into your account, open the “Surfing” menu and select one of the earning formats.

If you select the first option, a page will open where there is a button to start surfing. Everything is exactly the same as in the example above; sites with a timer will appear:

The second option (SafeSurf) is much more interesting. The system will offer several ways to install the software, you can simply download the .exe file, the utility is installed like any program:

Unlike regular autosurfing, there are many more sites here. After the first launch, you must log in. Then different settings appear in the program window, select autosurfing and click “Start”, the following sites will open directly in the program window:

The program has a “Hidden Surfing” function, use it so as not to observe the window. The utility will be minimized and will not interfere with your business (the sites will still open). While the software is running, credits accumulate on the balance sheet. To withdraw them, you need to go to the site and select a method:

Just yesterday, almost 100,000 transitions to advertiser sites were made through the SafeSurf program. The system works great, and due to its long lifespan, it has many customers.

2. Program for earning money

Once upon a time it was an ordinary click sponsor, but its developers decided to stand out from the competition. Nowadays, work is done here only through a special program or browser plugin. After regular registration, you need to download the client, it will have several tabs, including one for automatically surfing sites for money:

You don’t need to do anything yourself; available sites are checked automatically. While talking about the Vipip website, I would also like to say about an additional utility for making automatic earnings through social networks. It is downloaded from your personal account (as well as the main program):

Some tasks are so simple that even a bot can complete them. The plugin must be downloaded specifically for your browser. You need to add accounts to your profile in advance so that they can automatically get likes, join groups, and so on. If any of the profiles is unavailable, a notification will appear:

As you can see, I don’t have Facebook or Twitter linked to my profile. YouTube gives an error (changed the password), so tasks are completed only through Vkontakte. Everyone knows how much they earn from autosurfing, these are the minimum amounts. Therefore, such plugins and similar programs should not be missed.

The best sites for making money on autosurfing

The only way to receive significant income from such earnings is to use several sites at once. Nobody forbids activating automatic surfing simultaneously through several programs or services.
Not all axleboxes have autosurfing, we have selected the best of them:

  1. – this site can be included in the list of the best programs for autosurfing, since it also has a client. More invitations to view sites are received through it. For automatic surfing on this site I received 1 kopeck, this is a good indicator.
  2. – looks very similar to JetSwap. Here, too, credits are added to your account; it is quite possible to collect about 1000 credits in a day. The exchange rate varies, but slightly, the average price is $0.06 per 1000 credits. The program is also downloaded and sites are visited through it.
  3. – download the program from the site to make money from autosurfing. Users receive credits, and they also manage to collect about 1,000 credits per day. They exchange for $0.052. At the same time, use manual surfing and complete tasks.
  4. – a foreign project where euros are credited for the work. You only need to collect 2 euros to withdraw funds. Users gain credits through autosurfing and letters (the second option is more profitable). Here 1000 credits are exchanged for 0.84 euros, so getting them is a little more difficult.
  5. – the program from this site does not take up much space on the screen and works without failures. The main advantage of the program is multi-threaded work. If you have many IP addresses, you can earn many times more. I got no more than 15 cents per day on one IP address.
  6. - not the most popular site, but you can still make money on it. For visiting one site in autosurfing, 0.75 credits are awarded. They are exchanged at the rate of 1000 kr. = $0.06. You can earn about 300 credits per day. There are other ways to earn money on the site.
  7. – a beautiful website and a free program for automatic surfing. The payment is fixed, 27 kopecks for 1000 solutions to problems (automatic site visits). To order a payment, you need to collect 15 rubles. Withdrawals are made every week to Webmoney.
  8. – autosurfing for money is not the only way to make money on this site. There are tasks, manual surfing, letters and much more. Here advertisers' sites are checked. The internal currency COIN is awarded for the work, then it is exchanged for rubles (they pay up to 6 kopecks for views).
  9. – only surfing and tasks are available on the site. To use autosurfing, you need to download the program. The maximum payment is 5 kopecks per site viewed. Automatic payments are available through Webmoney, Yandex.Money and LiqPay. The minimum wage is only 10 rubles.

Do you want to earn 10 rubles per hour from autosurfing? Then use all available services at once. Only there it is possible to collect more or less decent amounts. Also use additional types of earnings on these sites. The same tasks are capable increase income approximately 10 times.

How much do you earn from autosurfing?

There are beginners who believe in the profitability of this method of earning money. Real autosurfing is not so attractive, because they pay little for it. It would be nice if sites opened endlessly, but that doesn’t happen. Typically, one site can open a maximum of 10-15 resources.

With this information, it is not difficult to calculate the approximate profitability. In theory, it is possible to collect 10-15 cents per day from one site (program). If you use 10 sites, your income increases to 1-1.5 dollars. In practice, this rarely happens. Yesterday the SafeSurf program worked all day and brought in only 300 credits (about 2 cents).

In this situation, if all sites bring in only 2 cents, the total income will be 20 cents, and for a month it will be about $6. In the worst case, you still manage to scrape together $5, but almost everyone gets more. The main thing is to use more than one resource and pay attention to additional ways to earn money.

Tips for making money on autosurfing with the withdrawal of real money

Experienced users use automatic surfing and consider it an excellent part-time job. With a competent approach and using various tricks, you can earn more.
It is also necessary to take into account the nuances so as not to encounter intruders:

  1. Visiting sites is dangerous; they can spread viruses and display prohibited content. Therefore, it is better to install a high-quality antivirus in advance.
  2. To completely protect yourself from hackers, use Virtual PC and install all programs on a virtual computer.
  3. When using automatic surfing through sites, launch it more often; new sites may appear at any time.
  4. Sites appear more often at night and in the morning, and besides, there are few performers online, so you have time to get as many views as possible.
  5. When you run out of sites to browse, try changing your IP and check again to see if new offers should appear.
  6. Be sure to share your successes and attract newcomers to all sites. For this, the systems will give a percentage of each participant’s income.
  7. Pay attention to rewards. Scammers lure newcomers by promising earnings from autosurfing from $1 to $5 per day, but this does not happen.

Listen to these recommendations to avoid problems and get a little more money. Don’t expect huge profits from surfing; this is not a field where millions are earned. This option is more suitable for people who always have their computer on and don’t mind receiving small amounts.

Alternative income from autosurfing

Automatic earnings are offered by developers of browser extensions that display advertising when you visit any website. They all work the same way, you surf websites and see ads from time to time.

As a rule, it is shown in the lower left corner, but there are exceptions:

Such a banner does not interfere with your business, especially if you arrived at the site using autosurfing. On average, they pay a penny for viewing it, but if you also click on an advertisement, a bonus is awarded (the same amount). In a day you can view 50 banners with one extension, the data is displayed in the browser:

You don’t need to do anything, banners appear by themselves, and money is automatically credited to your balance. The average income is about a ruble per day, not enough, but quite good as a supplement to surfing. And if you install several extensions at once, you can collect many times more.

is a relatively new resource, so there are few advertisers yet. But active users are offered to complete individual tasks.

  • – several ad formats are seen by users of the extension from this site. Sometimes promotional videos are shown.
  • If you make money by autosurfing, some sites are constantly opening in your browser. You won’t watch them anyway, so what difference does it make whether advertising is added to them or not. Let these plugins increase income by at least 1-2 kopecks, this is 20%-50% of what they pay for a visit.

    Making money on autosurfing - reviews

    This type of earning money on the Internet without investment is attractive and despite the low profitability, it is used by millions of people. If the money comes automatically, then why not install the programs once and register on special sites. As practice shows, many people like it:

    Autosurfing is popular in the Russian Federation, and even outside our country. You can definitely do this, but you shouldn’t dream of huge profits. It’s a good option for additional profit; it’s enough to top up your phone account, pay for the Internet and manage other small expenses.

    Right now you can download the autosurf program and check how much money this type of income brings. You won’t need any money, you won’t need to study anything, so it’s definitely worth a try. Millions of people have installed the software that you just learned about, for a reason, they use it, which means it makes sense.

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