Where do entrepreneurs purchase goods? Where do they buy clothes to sell at the market? Agreement between seller and buyer

Business in the resale of goods is one of the simplest and most popular subtypes of entrepreneurship today. The meaning of running such a business is absolutely clear: purchasing things in bulk, selling them at a higher price and making a profit. Thus, it turns out that the most important point in this type of entrepreneurship is to determinewhere to wholesale clothes,find a good supplier, establish close commercial ties with him, control the goods and gain experience.

Items purchased in bulk can be sold in three ways:

  1. through the Internet;
  2. through your store;
  3. On the market.

Today we will talk about the third option for business development.

Is it profitable to sell on the market?

Definitely profitable!

To become competitive, you must not only learnwhere they buy clothes to sell in markets, but also follow a few rules, and then your business will only go up.

  1. The first step is to study your competitors. What product do they have, how do they offer it to consumers, what marketing techniques do they use? Analyzing competitors does not mean that you have to imitate them exactly. On the contrary, the point of analysis is to highlight useful points for yourself and take advantage of them, note weaknesses and, against this background, present your advantages in the best light, show the buyer why yours is more profitable, more convenient, more useful, more interesting for him.
  2. An extremely important point is to determine your target audience. In fact, this is a rather voluminous and energy-consuming process; often specially trained people are hired to determine their potential audience: marketers, advertisers, etc. The location of your point of sale will depend on the characteristics of your target audience, what hours it is open and how to properly present the product, who exactly to pay attention to, who will definitely buy and who will pass by. A qualitative determination of the target audience will save your time and money, find the “right” clients and immediately begin to develop your business, rather than mark time .
  3. If your product is unique, you should, again, focus on the tastes and needs of customers, and not your own.
  4. Before starting a business, you must carefully calculate all possible expenses and leave a certain amount for unforeseen force majeure.
  5. You must understand that at first the profit may be either very small or may not exist at all, because you are still looking closely at the place, the consumers, and empirically finding the right trading patterns.

Where can I order clothes wholesale?

Perhaps the most optimal, simple, safe and cheap place is the Internet.

As everyone knows, almost 100% of the things we wear are made in China, therefore, it is worth directing your attention there if you need to purchase in bulk.

The leaders in e-commerce are just a few online platforms offering a variety of Chinese products.

Long proven taobao and alibaba, as well as 1688.com offer a wide range of different clothes from China. There you can purchase things both wholesale and retail.

Directly on the sites, you can communicate with the seller and find out all the details of the purchase, delivery, etc.

Which site should you give preference to? It's simple!

  • If you need 1 piece of 1 product item, then go to taobao;
  • If you need more than 1 piece of 1 product item, then you are at 1688;
  • If you need to find the manufacturer directly or even more, then go to alibaba.

To protect buyers, Alibaba uses the Escrow system. It guarantees the seller that he will receive money for his products only after the buyer receives his goods. Only after checking and agreeing to accept the lot, the seller receives money for it.

How to work with the Escrow system when purchasingclothes via the Internet?

  1. The seller and the buyer come to an agreement on the use of the Escrow system for payment and delivery of the lot. They agree on who is responsible for paying for the services (buyer, seller, or equally). The system commission is 6% of the transaction amount. Both parties register accounts and the transaction independently. This allows both the seller and the buyer to check what stage the deal is at. When registering, you must enter your personal information and your credit card into the system, this guarantees delivery and payment for the goods.
  2. The buyer pays for the products via Escrow. The payment is verified and the funds are transferred to the system account.
  3. The seller sends the parcel and enters the number into the system. The supplier immediately knows that the money has been credited to the system account. Steps 2 and 3 occur almost simultaneously.
  4. When the package arrives at its destination, the buyer checks it and, if the product matches the original, changes the status in Escrow. The payment process starts, the system debits money from the buyer’s account.
  5. The system transfers money from the system account to the seller's account.

Benefits in comparison

The main rule of trading with China: never start working with the first supplier you come across. The best way out would be a thorough study of the market offers, goods, getting to know different suppliers and manufacturers, carefully assessing the pros and cons of working with each, and only then - a contract.

China is a huge country. Here you can easily find similar products at different prices. If you want to run a profitable business, be patient. The difference in price sometimes reaches impressive sizes.

How to organize your trading place on the market?

To do this, you will need to get a stall or sales tent. Before choosing, you need to think about how much goods you will have at the retail location, whether there will be a warehouse, etc.

You shouldn’t waste money on a quality tent, because this is a serious purchase. It will serve you faithfully for many years.

You can also find a good sales tent in one of the online stores and order it together with a batch of clothes.

Where else do they buy clothes to sell at the market??

If you don’t know how or don’t want to use the Internet when making online purchases, there is another way to purchase things to sell on the market - an independent trip to China.

This way you can personally hold in your hands all the purchased items, meet the supplier or manufacturer in person And check the quality of the product batch. However, it is worth remembering that with personal interaction you will need, at a minimum, the help of a translator and, at a maximum, an experienced person who works with the Chinese not the first year and knowing all aspects of their behavior.

Hello dear readers. I haven’t written anything about it for a long time, but today it’s time to return a little to the topic, but with a more serious question. Let's talk about where to buy goods from China in bulk. This article will be useful for those who purchase large quantities of goods. I will tell you about two sites where you can purchase any goods in China at competitive prices (i.e. cheap) with delivery to Russia (clothes, shoes, toys, fabrics, watches, bags, branded items and much more).

Why is this relevant?

The growth of exchange rates does not stop, prices are rising and entrepreneurs need to look for options for purchasing goods at lower prices.

Remember, I wrote an article about what’s on? In it I mentioned about. Now it is also profitable to buy goods on Taobao, but there are no wholesale prices there and it is no longer so profitable for wholesalers to buy.

What is meant by wholesale

Many people often ask me questions about wholesale purchases from China, but then it turns out that people want to buy many different goods. THIS IS NOT WHOLESALE!

Wholesale is when 1 type of product is purchased in N quantities.

Each seller (supplier) has its own prices depending on the size of the wholesale purchase. Some people already give a wholesale price from 10 pieces, while others only from 1000 pieces. But there are also examples when from 10 pieces one price, from 100 another price, from 1000 a third, etc. That is, the more you buy, the cheaper the product costs.

Conclusion: Those who want to buy many types of goods for an assortment of 1 piece of each, then you are welcome. And those who need to purchase a certain quantity of one item of goods, then you should read this article further!

2 sites for purchasing in bulk from China

There may be more sites, I haven't found it.

There are 2 tested so far:

  • 1688 - in Chinese, like Taobao
  • Alibaba— Russian language is also available

On these sites you can really find favorable wholesale prices for various goods: clothing, shoes, accessories, fabrics, household chemicals, cosmetics, children's products, interior items, furniture and even vehicles. In general, ALL-ALL-ALL goods that can be bought in China.

The operating algorithm of these platforms is completely different and work with them is carried out differently.

1688 is a wholesale website for the Chinese domestic market. Those. Only the Chinese can buy there (as before on Taobao), but residents of Russia need to work through an intermediary, just as we are now working with Taobao. The work process is 1 in 1, like with Taobao, but the prices there are cheaper depending on the quantity of goods purchased. Here is an article about that, now let’s move on.

Alibaba is the main wholesale platform of the Alibaba Group(Aliexpress, Taobao, 1688, Tmall, etc. these are all the sites of this company). You cannot buy on Alibaba, it is not an online store. This is a platform where wholesalers, factories and factories from all over the world post their offers, but 90% of them are from China. There you can only find the product you are interested in and contact the supplier to clarify the conditions, current price, etc.

Those. you contact the supplier and can already discuss options for cooperation, discounts, delivery or some additional details. And only after discussing all the details, make a purchase directly from the supplier or through an intermediary (as is the case with Taobao or 1688), or through an internal free trade assurance service.

  • Here are the instructions.
  • Here's more.


Now you know where to buy goods wholesale from China. Let's repeat it again:

  • If you need 1 piece of 1 product item, then go to Taobao;
  • If you need more than 1 piece of 1 product item, then you are at 1688;
  • If you need to find the manufacturer directly or even more, then you should go to Alibaba.

Now wait for an article on how to work with these sites (except Taobao, because it already exists). Thank you all for your attention! I look forward to your comments.

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay

It is believed that a business related to the resale of any goods is one of the simplest and, for this reason, popular areas of commercial activity. In this case, there is no need to do anything. You just need to find out where to buy clothes in bulk for sale. This is the most important point on which the further success of the business depends. The lower the purchase price, the more a potential entrepreneur can earn.

In a business related to the resale of clothing, the main point comes down to finding potential suppliers, establishing close business contacts and gaining experience. In the future, purchased goods can be sold in several ways: sold on the market, in your own store or online. However, all this will be impossible if you don’t know where to buy clothes in bulk for sale.

Supplier search

This is perhaps the most difficult and responsible part of the work in trading.

When planning to sell clothes, you need to find someone who can supply goods regularly and conscientiously. This is a very difficult task.

You can always find where to buy clothes in bulk for sale. However, establishing a stable relationship with a supplier is much more difficult. Finding reliable partners is not easy. Some of them will miss deadlines, some will deliver low-quality goods. There will also be those who wish to change the terms of the agreement, raising prices, etc.

That is why it is advisable to constantly look for where to buy clothes in bulk for sale, in this way establishing new contacts. This will allow you to be less dependent on a specific supplier and have alternative options if something goes wrong.

Basic methods

Every potential businessman is faced with the question of where to buy clothes in bulk for sale. The answer is quite simple. Moreover, it is limited to not one, but several options. Let's list the main ones:

  • Search engines.
  • Mass media.
  • Exhibitions and other events.
  • Local manufacturers and dealers.
  • Competitive suppliers.
  • Information on packages.
  • Supplier catalogs.

Search engines

This is perhaps the easiest way for those who are interested in where it is better to buy clothes in bulk for sale.

Simply enter the name of the product you need in a search engine and add the word “wholesale”. Next, you should carefully study the search results, not limiting yourself solely to the first pages.

Have the patience to figure out where to buy wholesale clothing for sale and flip through ten, preferably twenty, pages. It's very simple to explain. Not every manufacturer pays enough attention to promoting their own brand on the Internet. It is possible that the site will only contain information about the company without a detailed description of the terms of cooperation.

Don't rush to draw conclusions based on your first impression. It’s better to contact the company and personally communicate with the manager, requesting detailed conditions and prices.

Mass media

Despite the fact that this source is losing popularity, sometimes advertisements regarding wholesale sales can also be found on the pages of printed publications. In this way, you can get information that is not available online. Pay special attention to thematic publications. If you are interested in where to buy branded clothing in bulk for sale, choose the appropriate publications. This way you will increase your chances of receiving up-to-date information.

Exhibitions and other events

Specialized events such as professional conferences, fairs, etc. attract many people engaged in the same field. In this way, you can make contacts that are useful for business, meeting both newcomers and market professionals.

Often, organizations present at such events offer participants their own products at a discount. In addition, the atmosphere itself is conducive to establishing contacts. Usually the participants are friendly and open to communication.

Local producers

It is possible that there is a manufacturer in your city whose products attract you. This is incredibly convenient, since you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the assortment in detail without moving anywhere.

The big advantage that a novice entrepreneur receives by working directly with the manufacturer is low prices.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the minimum purchase will be too expensive. Therefore, do not exclude the option that you will have to resort to the help of dealers.

Competitive suppliers

It is also possible that while studying the market you found a competitor whose product you liked. To find out the name of the supplier, you will have to use a trick.

Try to play the role of a client and in this way ask the seller where the goods are delivered from. You can make a purchase and then carefully examine the packaging and accompanying documentation. If a competitor has a website, use it to find more information. You can also be persistent by requesting quality certificates for clothing offered by a competitor.

So, let's assume you did manage to find out the name of the supplier. However, do not rush to create illusions that you will be able to outperform your own competitor. Most likely, at the initial stage the supplier will offer you less favorable conditions, which will only change over time.

The biggest benefit you get from knowing where to buy wholesale fashion clothes for sale this way is proven quality.

Information on packages

This is a very non-standard way to answer the question of where to buy children's clothing in bulk for sale.

Having decided on a product, go to stores that offer similar items. Typically, each product contains a label indicating the manufacturer's or dealer's information.

Supplier Directories

Another relevant way for those who are interested in where to buy children's clothing wholesale for sale. This option is similar to the first one, which involves the use of search engines. However, in this case, you need to pay attention to the catalogs that contain suppliers. All organizations should be divided into categories, so finding a company of interest will not be difficult.

How to choose a supplier?

So now you know what search methods you can use. However, this is only half the battle. It is important not only to find out the contacts of the manufacturer or dealer, but also to negotiate with each of them, choosing the most favorable conditions for yourself.

Now your task is to collect as much information as possible about each of the potential partners. It is advisable to create your own questionnaire before the negotiations, including the most important and relevant questions for you.

What questions to ask?

A sample list might look like this:

  • The cost of goods per unit or for the entire lot.
  • Minimum purchase size.
  • Location of warehouses where goods are stored.
  • Payment Methods.
  • Availability of certificates for the presented clothes.
  • Conditions for return and exchange in cases where a defect is detected.
  • Are they informed in advance about price changes, etc.

There may be many questions for potential suppliers. You can use this list by removing unnecessary items or adding other items at your own discretion.

How to make a decision?

During the conversation, it is advisable to record in writing all the answers received. Ideally, put them in a table to make comparisons more convenient.

  • Do not rush to leave just one supplier, abandoning other options. Select several potential partners whose terms of cooperation are most acceptable to you.
  • Start collaborating with Russian suppliers. This will eliminate the language barrier, and will also allow you to quickly receive the goods and start selling.
  • Don’t rush to give your entire order to one supplier. First you need to check its reliability and make sure of it.

It is also important to remember that during the negotiation process, the supplier's manager will represent his own employer in the best light. After all, his goal is to make a deal. However, after signing the contract, all sorts of pitfalls may appear. The more detailed information you collect, the less likely you are to be disappointed in your potential partner.

Studying your own target audience will also allow you to make the right choice. The better you know your own potential customers, the more accurately you can meet their needs. If you are targeting young people, choose suppliers who are ready to offer clothing for the appropriate age category.

An equally important condition for the success of a trading business is the assessment of potential competitors. If you offer less favorable conditions to your own clients, you should not expect an influx of buyers. Each of them is looking for the most favorable conditions for themselves. Moreover, this does not always apply to price. For some, the location will be inconvenient, others will not be satisfied with the payment method, etc.

Moscow is not only a huge metropolis, but also the “breadwinner” of the entire Moscow region, and not only it. Every day, thousands of clients from both remote and nearby regions of Russia come to the wholesale and Moscow region. Depending on consumer demand and the solvency of the population, wholesalers choose wholesale bases that are affordable.

Cheap clothing markets in Moscow

Conventionally, wholesale ones can be divided into “expensive”, with the availability of higher quality goods, and “cheap” consumer goods.

The farther retail outlets are from Moscow, the cheaper the goods consumers choose, realizing that they are buying low-quality products or counterfeits. This is due to the solvency of the population. Taking this into account, the wholesaler will choose the cheapest wholesale market in Moscow. in Lyublino belongs precisely to this category.

Chinese and Vietnamese-made goods are presented here, and they are sold mainly by immigrants from these countries. When making a purchase, you should carefully check the product, since 50 percent of it will be defective.

It is also important that here you can get a receipt for your purchase. The Chinese and Vietnamese, who fill the wholesale markets of Moscow with their goods, speak Russian very poorly, but they keep honest accounting, or at least they are obliged to do so.

Expensive Moscow markets

Those wholesalers who want to maintain the “brand” of a store with quality goods have to pay more. For them, there is a more expensive wholesale market with better quality goods in Moscow. The Dubrovka clothing market is just like that.

The main goods on the market are represented by products from Pakistan, India and Turkey, and they are offered to wholesalers by Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian distributors. Defects in goods are rare, but they also cost an order of magnitude higher than Chinese consumer goods.

Here you can find many fakes of famous brands, but they are made quite decently. A retailer who has wealthy clients around him can be sure that his goods will be well received. The markup on such products is also appropriate.

For customers who want to bypass retail outlets, it also makes sense to come to the wholesale markets of Moscow, since often in the pavilions you can purchase things at retail, the price of which differs significantly from prices in the regions. Sellers are very loyal to retail customers, but you should always ask in advance whether this pavilion sells goods at retail.

Market "Gardener"

Another huge wholesale market is Sadovod in Moscow. Its territory is truly amazing, and its distinctive feature is that here you can find goods for every taste and at any price.

It is important to ensure that when purchasing a large batch, you do not “merge” a quality product with a defect. Seasonal new items appear at Sadovod very early, something other Moscow wholesale and retail markets cannot boast of. Prices here are 10-15% lower than at the same Dubrovka market, which attracts a large number of wholesale customers.

This market can safely be called international, since sellers from China, Russia, India, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Syria and Vietnam are represented here.

It is especially profitable to shop there for clients selling expensive goods, such as fur coats or shoes. Prices vary, so Sadovod is suitable both for those wholesalers who like to buy as cheaply as possible and sell at a higher price, and for those who prefer to deal with high-quality and expensive goods.

Kolkhoz market

The capital of Russia is officially home to 12 million people; there are also many tourists, city guests and those who live unofficially. They spend money on purchases every day, so organizing food markets is a natural economic process.

Moscow wholesale food markets can boast of their abundance. Not only retail outlets, both small and large, but also restaurants, cafes, and canteens sell goods here.

Vegetable markets and bases are more suitable for large wholesalers. It is better for small or retail customers to visit fair weekends, when they can purchase grocery goods in small wholesale or even retail.

Large food and vegetable markets include the Dorogomilovsky collective farm market, which is considered a favorite place for gourmets and restaurant chefs. The products of this market are only of the best quality, and the variety of rare and exotic vegetables and fruits will surprise even the most demanding customers. Prices on the collective farm market are high, so it is unlikely to suit those who want to save money on food.

Danilovsky Market

Another food market worthy of connoisseurs of gourmet dishes is the Danilovsky market on Tulskaya. Large in area, it also features a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as frozen and chilled foods and semi-finished products.

The prices here are not for every budget, but lovers of delicious food can diversify their table with a wide variety of food products. Here you can buy everything from groceries to exotic seafood.

Food and clothing markets

The city of Moscow is considered the richest in terms of the number of markets and fairs held. Wholesale markets for clothing and food products coexist harmoniously on the same territory. This is convenient for those large wholesalers who have retail outlets for both grocery and clothing items. Large supermarkets also stock goods here.

Considering the congestion of Moscow streets with traffic flow, purchasing everything you need in one place saves not only time, but also money.

Construction markets in Moscow

A separate category of wholesale markets is occupied by bases selling building materials. The city and region are constantly being built up with new neighborhoods; the need for repairs and finishing of houses and apartments has caused the need to organize large retail areas where materials for construction can be purchased.

Their distinctive feature is that here you can buy goods both from manufacturers directly, at a very reasonable price, and through intermediaries. The cost of a similar product may vary significantly, so large wholesalers make sense to work directly with distributors from the manufacturing company.

The most popular is the Melnitsa market at 41 km of the Moscow Ring Road. In area it has no equal in Europe, and in price it is also quite acceptable. Here you can contact manufacturers directly, and even bargain or get a discount on a large wholesale, or get related goods almost free of charge.

Two more popular construction markets are Dmitrovsky Dvor and Severnoye Butovo. There are loyal prices even for those customers who buy at retail.

Online stores

Many clothing, grocery and construction wholesalers offer their goods through online stores. This new one saves the customer significant time by providing the product at the same prices as locally. Delivery of goods can be carried out either by the online store, if the customer lives within the customer service radius, or by the buyer himself.

It is enough to select products, indicate the quantity of each item, and the form of payment - and the client can get everything he needs without leaving his office.

This type of service is becoming increasingly popular and in demand, especially among businessmen who value their time and money.

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