Top manager and company development. Top management pitfalls

Igor Denisov, General Director of Global Management Group LLC

In the West, there are special test methods that identify entrepreneurial abilities in young people at an early stage of growing up... According to researchers, if by the age of 14 children have not demonstrated a number of relevant abilities, their chances of becoming a successful top manager are slim.

— Igor Vladimirovich, you are a professional top manager in all respects: you received an MBA degree, you have your own company under your leadership, and you have extensive experience in management and business. Who is - in your understanding - a top manager?

— The characteristics of this profession, it seems to me, completely coincide with the characteristics of an entrepreneur. This is a person endowed with the ability to communicate with people of different intellectual levels, with the talent of forecasting, with a focus on the priorities of the tasks being solved. A person with high moral and spiritual qualities. A top manager is a leader. And he must understand: his leadership is based on the fact that he has the last word, he makes the final decision. But this does not mean that his decision is an order and he himself, as a regiment commander.

Today, along with the traditional system of subordination adopted at enterprises, the less popular “distributed leadership system” is widespread, which, unlike the traditional one, does not involve restraining employees with the authority of senior management. If a person exhibits bright qualities, they cannot be leveled out under any circumstances. I am for a partnership of equals - and I believe that a person can take as much freedom as his sense of responsibility allows him.

Guided by experience, I can say: the “distributed leadership system” not only eliminates the suppression that any subordination implies, but also provides more opportunities for the development of the enterprise as a whole.

— Is it possible to talk about “varieties” of managers? Which ones are found among them?

— There are a lot of them: by psychotype, by worldview, by other human qualities... I would mention a few: modernizer, creator, advisor, analyst, “prophet.”

— Do you think any mortal can become a successful manager if he wants?

— In the West, there are special test methods that identify entrepreneurial abilities in young people at an early stage of growing up. First of all, these are strong leadership qualities, communication talent, and the ability to focus on solving a specific task and bring it to completion.

Lack of fear of new beginnings, desire for professional growth and a high analytical - not to say visionary - gift. According to researchers, if by the age of 14 children have not demonstrated a number of these and similar relevant abilities, then their chances of becoming a successful top manager are slim.

— It turns out that for some people the doors to the world of management are tightly closed?

— The basis for achieving success in a career is, first of all, the desire to climb the stairs, titanic work, self-development, creativity and the ability to fall and rise. Not everyone can do this.

Top managers are respected by society and the people they serve, this is an undeniable plus. But you need to know: our profession has one drawback. A person in the status of a top manager is constantly in a state of instability, making decisions in ever-changing conditions. This cannot but affect health. Stress, breakdowns and high nervous tension do not remain without consequences both for the top manager himself and for his close circle. You need to be prepared for this.

— What qualities will you first of all pay attention to when hiring a recent graduate to a company? And where would you advise him to start working, will you help him?

— The main criterion for assessing a candidate for a position is his concern and the “divine spark” in his eyes. Employment for a university graduate is currently a very difficult issue. I always suggest starting with small tasks, moving from simple to complex. During the period of adaptation and entry into a position, I try to help a person with advice and deeds.

— Some successful managers, having gained experience in overcoming difficulties, often start their own business from scratch. How does this happen - and what can you say about your company?

— Much in this regard is determined not only by one’s own accumulated experience, but also by the socio-political situation. The fact is that the birth of companies “from scratch” is determined by the state of society and the relationship between business and the state. The more unstable and tense these relationships are, the higher the percentage of companies being created from scratch. The life cycle of a business in a country developing spontaneously (without a development strategy, without a state approach to power) forces businessmen to narrow the forecasting horizon to the duration of the existence of one or another type of government.

Our company is engaged in investment consulting in the regions of Russia - attracts private and international investments, as well as government investments under federal targeted and regional programs. The company is young, it is only two years old. We are not looking for clients and partners - they are looking for us. We use existing connections, contacts and social networks.

The emergence of Global Management Group is due to the federal target program for the development of the North Caucasus, aimed at creating a modern social infrastructure and reducing unemployment. I worked as a consultant to the representative office of Kabardino-Balkaria within the framework of this program. At some point, the federal government approached me with a request to organize a consulting firm for the preparation and examination of various investment projects, so that the latter would later be included in the investment registers of the federal target program for the development of the North Caucasus.

We work within the framework of the blue ocean strategy (any new market, a niche where there is practically no competition, a red ocean; see: Kim W. Chan, Mauborgne Rene “Blue Ocean Strategy”, translated from English - Ed.). Such companies do not compete for first place in the market and, accordingly, do not participate in “price wars” (a gradual reduction in the existing price level in order to displace a competitor).

— Each manager builds his own business model for the enterprise. Which one, in your opinion, has the most favorable effect on the success of the company?

— Yes, there is a certain business model that I have preferred for many years: an enterprise where “family” relationships prevail to a greater extent, where the level of trust between people is so high that practically no one controls anyone. After all, everyone understands what goals and objectives the company faces - within the framework of one or several projects. Everyone works autonomously and is responsible for their own area of ​​work.

— There are companies where employees work not for a high salary, but “for interest,” for love for the company. Is this a common occurrence?

— Yes, there are such companies. These are the so-called “family-type” companies. The German economy is built on them - and this is the basis of the country’s “economic miracle”.

— How to properly establish relationships with partners, motivate them to cooperate with you (if they have a choice)?

— Building relationships with a partner begins with reciprocity and respect, trust in each other and complete “transparency” of doing business. If you want your partners to want to cooperate with you, take an open position and do not take on obligations that you cannot fulfill.

Motivation is a complex mechanism. The higher the manager’s competence, the richer the system of motivational techniques he uses. As a person is individual, so is his motivation. It is a constant process of experimentation and evolution.

Motivating a partner means telling him about the “rules of the game” within the framework of a joint project, which is not limited to receiving a salary or one-time income. The project should be aimed, first of all, at the availability of future profits and thereby attract a partner.

There are a number of companies with which we work as part of affiliate programs. Our partners include appraisers, auditors, business planners, as well as consulting, insurance and construction companies, banking structures and so on. For example, insurance companies "Rosgosstrakh", "Reso-Garantiya", consulting companies - "Deloitte & Touche", banking structures "Vnesheconombank", "VTB".

— In addition to working with partners, you need to monitor the activities of full-time employees and somehow reward them for quality work done...

“I believe nothing new can be invented here.” There is functionality for which a person is responsible, and a system of relationships between employer and employee. If we talk about companies operating at the level of global outsourcing, as we do, there are no problems with employee incentives in these cases, since the staff is small: for example, we have 11 people.

Our reward system is usual: social packages, a bonus system, focused on the final result. It all depends on what functions the employee performs, be it a secretary, lawyer or executive assistant.

— In any team, conflicts arise sooner or later. What are the ways to resolve them?

— Such a broad question is for conflict experts. In recent years, conflictology has emerged as a separate science. Typical conflicts in business are, first of all, personal in nature. This is what we need to proceed from. Each specific case has its own specifics.

— Will you say something about the secrets of management? After all, in addition to having certain qualities, does a leader also have them?

— And perhaps we can add attention to priorities here? For you as a leader, what is your priority in your work? Does money play a big role?

— I cannot answer this question unequivocally.

Money is definitely very important. It's no secret that money has always been a financial tool for realizing plans. Moreover, if you have ambitions, they will not let you live in peace and one way or another will force you to look for new and more interesting projects.

— Does the significance of your work for society play any role for you?

—Today, I am not ready to discuss topics of social significance and social responsibility of business as such. The fact is that now the state has its back turned to him. Therefore, we can say that the social responsibility of business is one-sided.

Only under the confluence of certain circumstances, which may entail changes in the government structure, is it possible for a business model to emerge that will be socially responsible.
The main social agent of Russia appears to us today in the person of the state, and it is “not becoming” for business to replace state functions with its own.

— The work of a top manager takes up the maximum of his time. Do you manage to keep up with everything?

— The schedule of any leader is always very busy. He needs to cope with the maximum number of cases that can benefit his enterprise.

I plan my working day. I may have four to five meetings during the day, then I summarize the results, do analytical work on materials and projects that can be taken for the future.

Every day - studying the press. These are analytical publications whose topics cover business, economics and politics. And also a separate block concerning another type of activity that I do.

I teach at the Higher School of Economics. I teach master classes in the MBA executive program. I’m talking about my experience in business, about the tendencies and tendencies that have emerged in sectors of the economy. As an active consultant, I share the business situations in which I find myself. At seminars with listeners, we simultaneously have a dialogue and an economic show. We get mutual pleasure.

— At one time, you also studied under the MBA program. How much did she help you, what role did she play in your career?

— It’s difficult to say in a nutshell. I graduated from several educational institutions, I have three degrees: technical, political science and economics with a degree in Finance and Credit.

In 2002, I took a classical MBA - it was one of the first at the Higher School of Economics, opened in 2001. Over two and a half years of study, I practically systematized all the knowledge and skills that I already had.

Andre Barendregt* talks about the intricacies of choosing managers for a modern company.

The most important competencies of top managers

First of all, the ideal top manager must have entrepreneurial skills and creative thinking. In addition, no less important for the “top” and analytical capabilities, which allow us to anticipate scenarios for the development of situations, predict crisis trends and respond adequately to them. It is important to remember that at different stages of a company’s development, it requires a top manager with different specific skills. At the start-up stage, this should be a bright person endowed with entrepreneurial qualities; during the active growth of the company - a person with strong inclinations as a strategist. If a company is in decline or during a crisis, then it needs an anti-crisis manager.

An ideal manager should not just be a professional leader, he should have specific knowledge, that is, be competent specialist in your industry. Often excellent results are shown by those who come to the post, for example, general director from line management structures. Having gone through all the stages of managerial work, such a person brings with him the entire necessary amount of competence. This specialist already has specific knowledge in the field of a specific business segment, and the person is ready to use it to the fullest. He is a self-made leader and can set an example for others to aspire to. At the same time, having experience in line management, the manager is most likely well versed in the procedures for stimulating his subordinates, which he skillfully operates, and this is very important.

I would name another necessary feature of an ideal top manager the ability to properly delegate one's powers. An indicator of the success of delegation of authority is the ability of subordinates to perform the functions entrusted to them independently. If a top manager, without interfering in the work of his subordinates, achieves his goals, then everything is in order. A striking example of a high degree of trust is a decentralized organizational structure, when subordinates themselves make important decisions for themselves and for the company and, importantly, bear responsibility for them. It should, however, be understood that successful delegation is only possible if the manager understands what his subordinates are doing and how.

And this brings us to another quality necessary for a true professional - ability to find the right people And pursue a deliberate personnel policy. A top manager must thoroughly know those to whom he delegates his powers, and often find such people on his own, using his experience and connections, so that only worthy professionals work in the company. The opposite rule also applies here: if responsible decisions in a company are made by employees, it means that it employs professionals who are connected with their manager, among other things, by a very trusting relationship.

Finally, a modern top manager must have ability to adapt to changing external conditions. This is one of those traits that some Russian leaders often lack. In many Russian companies, top officials still adhere to a rather authoritarian ideology: they act as dictators and centralize all processes occurring inside, entrusting any decision-making to themselves. To be fair, it should be said that there are also examples when such leaders reorient themselves in favor of a different ideology. A Russian company working with foreign partners, willy-nilly, switches to transparent business schemes that correspond to the Western management style. This allows Russian top managers to more easily find a common language with partners, which significantly increases work efficiency. The head of the company should not forget that his authoritarianism and inability to show flexibility can negatively affect the results of the entire business.

Regarding the top officials of Russian management, I would highlight an interesting phenomenon: Russian “tops” have grown into a completely new generation, not comparable to the managers of 20 years ago. First of all, they realized that they needed to study, and they studied, first at home - in Russia or the CIS countries, and then in MBA courses at Western universities. Managers began to understand that for successful development it is necessary to be open to dialogue. For 20 years they absorbed the art of management through outside advice. Western consultants came to Russia and told us what to do and what not to do. And today Russian managers have become bearers of invaluable experience. They still listen to advice, but don't necessarily follow it. Managers have definitely become smarter, and the younger the manager, the more open he is to dialogue, open to change.

Top manager as business co-owner

The image of the company's top person is fundamentally important. The CEO is the face of the entire company. The clearest example of modern times is Steve Jobs and Apple. Steve's image has had a significant impact on the company's current results and its branding culture. Steve Jobs is an example of a top manager who formed his image progressively, evolving along with the company and its products. And at the same time, Steve always remained true to himself. Today iPad, iPod, iPhone are the most recognizable brands in the world, which have no worthy competitors, but have unlimited opportunities in the market. And Steve Jobs himself became one of the most recognizable heads of companies in the world and the first CEO whose death caused such a colossal reaction around the world.

Of course, the top manager of any large structure is not its only employee, so he must establish an ideal scheme of interaction with his colleagues and subordinates, as well as monitor their daily work. After all, the total result is formed from the volume of actions that each employee performs every day in his place. Refusal of a selfish model of behavior and a focus on common success is a necessary feature of an ideal manager. Unfortunately, new top managers often set only short-term goals and objectives, which directly depend on the terms of office stipulated in the concluded contract, which ultimately leads to not the most rosy results. In this sense, I would like to turn to the so-called dynastic thinking, which is characteristic, for example, of Italian companies.

As you know, the top ten oldest companies in the world are dominated by Italians. This is a testament to the strength of family ties and traditions in Italy, a factor that speaks to the strength of family ties in Italian business and the special view of their top managers on how the company should function. The most ancient Italian family companies occupy the fourth (Barone Ricasole - winemaking, olives), fifth (Barovier & Toso - glassmaking), eighth (Torrini Firenze - jewelry), ninth (Antinori - winemaking, olives) and tenth (Camuffo - shipbuilding) places on the list of the oldest companies in the world. In addition, probably everyone knows companies such as Ferrari, Pirelli, Ferrero or Martini & Rossi, which have been proving their viability in a changing world for many decades.

"Dynastic" thinking is respect not only for the past, but also for the future of the company. When occupying a new position, a top manager must be ready to accept the traditions already formed before him and act in such a way that his successor can do the same. The ideal top manager must be so involved in the company that he can say with confidence: “I am the company. And I’m taking all the necessary actions to ensure that it grows, despite the fact that my contract is ending soon.”

I am forced to admit that in Russian conditions the Italian model most often does not work; this is predetermined by many factors, including corruption, the peculiarities of political development, and the absence of any long history of private business. The future of the company can only be guaranteed by a person who acts as opposed to a selfish strategy; he knows what he needs to do so that his initiatives are continued after his departure.

That is why I believe that the ideal top manager, who formally holds an executive position, is in fact no different from the owner of the company in the aspect that he is well aware of the goals and objectives, as well as the need for long-term planning.

Find or “grow”?

It is almost impossible to find a person claiming to be the first person of the company without connections at the appropriate level. If you are at zero level in terms of interaction with leading market players, it is unlikely that you will be able to get an experienced professional for the position of CEO. The only reliable channels of access to top officials are personal acquaintance and/or involvement in a circle of professionals and senior managers.

If there are such connections and a candidate has appeared, you must very carefully correlate your expectations with the candidate’s competence: begin confidential communication with him, interest him in new opportunities and, at the same time, conduct an assessment. Assess the candidate’s leadership and creative abilities, his ability to find adequate people for his goals, set goals and objectives for them, and make the right decisions. Will he be willing to engage in ongoing dialogue with other decision makers? Will he be ready to act without regard to the terms specified in the contract? If the candidate's answer is “yes” - welcome!

When looking for a suitable leader for a company, you should not forget about the employees who already work there. Because a student of a corporation will need much less time to understand its work and get used to its image and corporate culture. I am a supporter of exactly this approach. For example, in Media-Saturn Russia, after the first 5 years of work in Russia, already a third of store directors are employees who have risen to their position within the company, and in Germany this figure is even higher - more than 70%.

I am a fundamental opponent of such a theory as a person’s genetic or natural predisposition to successful business. Managers are not born. A person can always be taught anything, and the emphasis during training should be on identifying and developing the strengths of the individual, and not on suppressing shortcomings, as is done by supporters of “genetic” theories. For me, a person’s virtues are always more important than his shortcomings.

Unfortunately for myself, I note that in Russia very often work with personnel is perceived as something of secondary importance, and its effectiveness is greatly underestimated by management. At the same time, life shows that it is from among HR specialists that the best managers emerge - both as general directors and as managers of various departments. Regardless of whether a person understands business processes or not, it is very important for him to be able to find an approach to people, to be able to calculate their actions several steps ahead. Otherwise, it will not become an ideal “top”.

Leadership is not based on words. A true leader is one from whom employees follow an example. This is a person who sets a certain standard, below which it is at least uncomfortable. Based on this axiom and from my practice, I can say that the optimal top manager is a person who has gone through several levels in the company, has a specialized education, is not devoid of charisma and, most importantly, puts the interests of the company first, regardless of the terms of the contract , the comfort of the chair and the beauty of the view from the window.

*We were interviewed by Andre Barendregt, President and CEOMCSManagementConsulting, etc. O. HR DirectorMedia-SaturnRussia (networks selling household appliances and electronicsMediaMarkt andSaturn) and member of the board of directors of OJSC Detsky Mir-Center".

Dmitry Kristofor, [email protected]

Section 1. Basic facts about the profession of top manager.

Top manager- This business owner, creator and thought leader or hired - hired professional manager.

Basic facts about the profession top manager

Top management implements policies (formulated by the board of directors) into goals, strategies, business plans, budgets and projects. Top management makes decisions that affect every employee of the company and are also responsible for success or failure companies.

Top managers have different specializations and are responsible for different areas of activity companies or organization. Each position has certain requirements covering educational, personal and other characteristics of top managers.

Top management positions


Executive Director;

Technical Director;

Chief Operating Officer;

financial director

9. Amazon Store - Jeff Bezos

Determination, vision of the situation and the ability to predict events down to the minute helped a talented businessman achieve success in business. And his business success story began with the fact that he asked his friends and acquaintances to tell everyone they could about Amazon. The first month of operation, the site sold books already at 45 countries peace. With zero advertising costs, the first year of work brought profit about millions of dollars.

10. Company: Fast Retailing - Tadashi Yanai

The businessman's intuition has proven that a business success story leads to a positive result. And his business success came from selling inexpensive clothing. Representative offices opened in New York and Paris helped Yanai achieve business success and worldwide recognition.

In the business sphere, the profession of a manager is well-known to everyone, but few people fully understand what the functions of this employee are and what skills he should have. Professionals of this profile are in great demand, and the demand for them is only growing every year. But contrary to popular belief, this is not a universal direction. According to workers in the field of career guidance, in order to become a sought-after manager, it is not enough to acquire the relevant knowledge. You also need to have a certain mindset, character type and communication skills.

Who is a “manager”?

A manager is a hired manager who monitors production, turnover of goods or provision of services. He manages an organization or department, works remotely or directly in the office.

Management as a direction implies the organization of the work process at all its stages or individual segments. The higher the professionalism of an employee and the longer the list of skills, the wider his powers, the higher his salary and the likelihood of career growth.

Functions and responsibilities of managers

To understand what kind of profession this is - a representative of the field of management, it is recommended to study the list of requirements that apply to a manager. It is not so important whether we are talking about strategic, administrative or production management; the employee is obliged to distribute functions among employees, provide them with algorithms for performing tasks and control all processes in the enterprise.

Regardless of the area of ​​activity, the list of professional responsibilities includes the following items:

  • launching, maintaining and monitoring the work of the organization in order to maintain its smooth and effective functioning;
  • defining strategic goals and drawing up plans to accomplish tasks;
  • assessment of the degree of risk of concluded agreements, compliance with their clauses;
  • analysis of the enterprise’s activities in the personnel sector, assessment of personnel performance, drawing up motivation and reward plans for employees;
  • maintaining fruitful relationships with business partners;
  • market analysis to identify demand for specialized goods or services;
  • involvement of third-party experts in solving problems set by senior management.

The profession of a manager involves working in different areas, regardless of whether he manages a small department or a huge enterprise. The main goal of this specialist is to increase the profit of a particular organization or reduce its costs.

Classification of management representatives

The description of the manager's profession and the list of his job responsibilities largely depend on what level of management the specialist is at. There are three international levels of hierarchy in the direction. Moving up the career ladder is influenced by: education, experience and skills, and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

What types of managers are there?

  • lower level. This category includes junior managers who have at least one subordinate. You don't even need a specialized education to start a career. A striking example of such an employee is a foreman, administrator of a store or service provider, sales manager, head of a department;
  • middle level. In this case, you cannot do without higher education. Management is carried out at the level of a department, workshop, faculty, or one of the network points. Such a manager controls the work of lower-level managers;
  • senior level. This is the smallest category. Even in large enterprises, such managers are represented by a group of only a few people. Often these employees have diplomas in a number of fields and many years of experience in a specific profile. This includes directors of enterprises, stores, educational and other social institutions, and production facilities.

Despite the similar principles of work for managers in all areas, it is better to initially decide on a preferred topic. Career guidance will help determine the direction of career development. Through tests developed by psychologists and statisticians, industries that are most interesting to a particular person are identified.

Advantages and disadvantages of working in management

Before you go to study to become a manager, it is recommended to evaluate the pros and cons of the profession. Some points can be viewed from both sides. For example, manager mobility. For some, frequent business trips become a pleasant bonus, for others - an undesirable specificity of work.

David Zaslav is a TOP manager at Discovery Communications. Salary $156 million

Pros of the direction

As with many other professions, you can make great money in management. At the same time, the prospects for career growth are almost limitless. Even senior managers often have room to grow, provided they have the right skills. Managers constantly communicate with people, which allows them to quickly acquire useful connections and, if desired, change their field of activity. Another advantage of this choice is the demand for qualified employees. An experienced and ambitious manager will always find a good place for himself.

Disadvantages of the professional sphere

There are also negative aspects to being a manager. Firstly, the level of competition in this area is constantly growing. This requires full dedication from employees, constant development, and work to improve their skills. Second, managers need to be prepared to work under pressure. It is they who bear the responsibility of making decisions, they are responsible for the results obtained. The income of most managers at the initial stage of their career is low. But their growth depends entirely on the specialist himself.

Another important point is that to work in management you must have a special character, or attend various trainings to develop the necessary qualities. The characteristics of a person who expects to succeed as a manager look something like this. This is a bright and self-aware personality with the habits of a leader and the ability to manage people. Additional advantages of a manager include communication skills, an analytical mind, attentiveness, and a good memory.

How to become a manager

Management training today is carried out not only in large specialized institutions, but even in regional training organizations.

What subjects you need to take to enter a management university depends on the specifics of the field. Today, managers are trained by both humanities and technical faculties. In the second case, in addition to good knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics and social studies, high grades in physics or chemistry may be needed. International management requires additional testing in foreign languages.

Upon leaving the educational institution, a qualified manager should know:

  • fundamentals of law in the field of regulation of commercial and entrepreneurial activities;
  • business strategy and market economics;
  • specifics of working with personnel;
  • technologies and rules for conducting marketing research and advertising campaigns;
  • basics of taxation, document flow, office work, administration;
  • principles for drawing up business plans, commercial and legal agreements;
  • ethics of business communication, labor protection regulations;
  • basics of logistics and state certification.

An additional advantage for a manager is the knowledge gained in courses in sociology, psychology, human resources, and the basics of advertising and marketing. It is advisable for a modern manager to speak at least one foreign language at a decent level. A person who constantly communicates with people must have correct speech and a high level of literacy.

There is such a profession - top manager. This is the name given to the “professionals” whom company owners hire to manage their businesses. These people are very expensive because they promise a lot when they “sell” employers fast growth, quick profitability, respect from their counterparties and victory over the mess. Top manager is a promising profession. In the sense that its representatives promise a lot.

However, b O Most of the buzz goes to waste: the top manager receives 90% of his salary and bonuses precisely for his ability to “sell” himself to shareholders. Only 10% reflects their objective abilities, experience and education. Like any luxury product, the price of a top manager is determined only by a small part by functional properties, the rest is branding and marketing. It would be more correct to call headhunters who sell this product “headsellers” - they are so good at it.

A top manager uses self-selling skills not only when concluding an employment contract. On the contrary, the most interesting things begin afterwards. Every undertaking, every big meeting - everything is subordinated to one goal: increasing salaries and personal “capitalization” (the price at which headhunters will be able to sell a person next time).

First of all, the top manager initiates projects that will ensure that the necessary lines appear in the resume. With his arrival, strange partnerships appear in business, eternal project projects that divert resources from solving everyday operational problems. Next, the experienced manager is closely involved in corporate policy.

The probationary period has not yet ended, and all the time is already spent on “meetings” - meaningless and endless conversations with the same “professionals”. He “works” a lot, filling his calendar with breakfasts, dinners and meetings. And of course, trainings. It’s impossible without them, because they are the ones who “develop staff,” “unite the team,” “give a new look at old problems.” Yes, and they also increase the “capitalization” of the top manager.

At the same time, you definitely need to travel a lot - around the country, around the world. Why sit in the office if the company pays for your “business trips”? This is a kind of corporate tourism, a pleasant addition to your salary and bonus. At the same time, the top manager considers it important and necessary to regularly communicate with “colleagues in the industry,” which in reality means going for veiled interviews. Headhunters-headsellers recommend: in order to be worth more, you need to continue to sell yourself.

But not everything is so rosy in this profession. Like any work, it leaves an imprint on the personality. Over time, doctors stop being compassionate, and cops stop believing. Top managers lose one of the most important human qualities - loyalty, and become professional traitors. In the worst case, if a person is not very loyal by nature, once he gets comfortable in the chair of a top manager, he will turn into a complete scumbag.

A person who was born normal and developed into a socially valuable personality, having risen to the rank of leader, begins to “push” the boundaries of decency. Avoiding direct betrayal, he begins to monetize his own corporate status in all available ways, while simultaneously selling more and more of the process to the owners and showing less and less results. Even the most decent people will be loyal to their employer as long as it benefits them. As soon as it becomes unprofitable, they will roll up loyalty like a rug and take it to the new employer to spread it out in front of him. And what, fish like where it’s deeper, people love where it’s better. Is not it?

For small and medium-sized businesses, inviting a professional top manager will be a mistake in 100% of cases. They also have no place in the most dynamic, entrepreneurial large businesses. “Professionals” will not only fail the job, but will also demand a lot of money for their failure. Moreover, the active role of the entrepreneur can never be reconciled with the fundamental disloyalty of professional mercenaries. And the active owner will not pay for the process for a long time. The exception is when active owners deliberately overpay for control of already established processes in order to focus on more innovative and entrepreneurial areas.

Entrepreneurial companies tend to develop their managers. Any business over five years old is capable of this. And the stronger the spirit of entrepreneurship in a company, the less chance professional mercenaries have of settling down there. It is too original for them, there is no space for politics, no one is interested in the process, and the business model can seriously change every six months. There you cannot “set everything up and start managing.” You have to work there! Moreover, this state of affairs is true even for very large companies. A striking example is Magnit, whose annual turnover exceeds 1 trillion rubles.

So who needs managers who are fundamentally disloyal and radically inflate their own value? They are needed by companies experiencing stagnation, businesses in which the owners do not play an active role in management and the requirements for innovation are minimal, bureaucratic structures where the real contribution of managing managers is not visible behind the thickness of corporate nonsense.

The owners of such businesses have long lost interest in management. They need someone who will be called early in the morning by employees frightened by the next crisis, who will represent the company to partners and investors in an expensive suit, who will oversee long-established operations from a spacious office, planning the next training or business trip. Personal loyalty, decency and even ability are secondary here.

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