Increased premium for complexity and tension. The procedure for granting and the amount of bonuses for the complexity and intensity of work

The bonus for work complexity and intensity is intended to encourage people to work better. Such a payment is accrued along with the basic salary, and it can be either permanent or one-time. For example, this allowance exists in the Donetsk People's Republic. Actually, the provision on payment can be specified in a regulatory act (for public sector employees) or in a local act of the company. You should be aware of important points about the surcharge, for example, its calculation and amount.

What is this

The Labor Code stipulates that wages may include various types of allowances, including for the intensity of the work performed. Therefore, some people have the right to receive additional funds if there are reasons for this. They can be, for example, long work experience, intensity of work, place of activity, etc. Copayments are assessed on an individual basis if the individual qualifies.

Important! Any allowance must either be added to the employment contract that the employee signs, or the contract must contain a reference to a regulatory or local act. In the second case, the person is certainly introduced to the contents of the document and required to sign.

As already mentioned, direct additional payment for the complexity of work stimulates people to increase their productivity. The company, in turn, needs exactly this, because in this case tasks are completed more efficiently. Therefore, some employers motivate a person to achieve greater results, and material additional payments serve as a good incentive. Therefore, an allowance for the complexity and intensity of the work will be a good reward for hard work.

We can come to the conclusion that this compensation is assigned to a certain circle of people. Its size is not officially established, nor is the procedure for receiving it. However, it must be prescribed in the local or regulatory act of each company.


First of all, let’s figure out how additional payment will be paid for the complexity and intensity of work in commercial companies. Since they are not related to budget funding, management can establish compensation in one of these ways:

  1. The condition is stated in the employment contract concluded with the employee. In this situation, it is imperative to specify the amount of payment and requirements.
  2. A local act is issued, and then an additional agreement to the employment contract is drawn up. This option is suitable for those workers who have already been employed.
  3. The agreement creates a reference to the local act of the company, which contains the procedure for assigning and issuing additional payments. This method is suitable for those people who are just joining a company.

The boss has the right to choose any option depending on which one is more suitable for the situation. Moreover, these rules apply both in the Republic of Belarus (Republic of Belarus) and in the DPR. However, in any case, it will be necessary to familiarize the employee with the conditions under which he will be given an allowance. Therefore, the employee will need to read the local act upon employment or after the document is issued, and then sign.

For state employees, things are somewhat different, and in their situation the issue is regulated by a regulatory act of a higher body. For example, by order of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. It is already stated there for what reasons they can make an allowance for the complexity of the activity. Most often, an additional payment is assigned from the moment of employment and is issued along with the basic salary.

About the size

People are often interested in how much this bonus is paid. However, this question cannot be answered unambiguously, because the amount depends on individual factors. You can say what criteria will be used to determine the size, and all of them or just one can be used.


  1. The specific amount is determined in a fixed amount for one position or for a group of positions.
  2. The bonus can only be accrued when the plan is fulfilled.
  3. The amount is set as a certain percentage of the salary.
  4. The size has a direct relationship with the load in a particular month.
  5. Several options are combined to calculate the payout.

The employer will personally determine who, when and how much should be paid extra. As a rule, most often they do not set a specific amount that must be paid out each month. The employer, depending on the specific situation, decides what percentage, for example, to add to the rate.

We also note that management has the right to change the fixed amount of payments and even cancel them if they were due to the person. To do this, he will need to issue an order and familiarize the person with the document. In this case, it will be necessary to clarify the circumstances due to which the person was deprived of the bonus for the complexity and intensity of the activity or its amount was reduced. For example, working conditions may have changed, and now they do not meet the conditions for calculating additional payment. Therefore, the employee has the right to demand not only that the decision be explained to him, but also that the reasons be stated in the new order.

All calculations are handled by the accounting department, so a person does not need to personally determine the required allowance. If you wish, you can control that your management accrues the required amount exactly every month. In case of any infringement of rights, you can contact higher authorities if the director of the company does not respond to the complaint. Then you can visit the Labor Protection Inspectorate, as it deals with these problems. You can also contact the prosecutor's office and the court in order to achieve justice.

Articles on the topic

Many organizations widely use a system of additional payments and compensations that supplement employee salaries. This allows payments to vary from month to month depending on the productivity of each employee, as well as the issues that had to be resolved. After all, the volume of work, urgency and complexity of tasks can vary even within the same position. But when using the surcharge system, you need to know the specifics of their design and calculation. Let's see what the additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work may be in 2017.

Read more about surcharges here:

From this material you will learn:

  • the amount of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work;
  • registration of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work;
  • in what cases the system of additional payments may be convenient.
  • Amount of additional payment for complexity and intensity of work

    Unlike a fixed salary, additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work can be more flexible in size. This is established by Rostrud Letter No. 395-6-1 dated March 19, 2012, which states that the employment contract must indicate the exact size of only the tariff rate or official salary. The amount of copayments and other payments may vary. At the same time, in comparison, for example, with bonuses and bonuses, the amount of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work is established more definitely, and the conditions for its calculation are also precisely specified. How to choose the best option for calculating surcharges? Let's look at the options:

    1. Fixed amount of additional payment for a particular position or employee
    2. A constant amount of additional payment provided for when working hours are completed in full (fulfillment of the plan, etc.). In this case, in case of incomplete work, the additional payment can be calculated in proportion to the time worked
    3. Several options for the amount of additional payment, depending on the quality of work, compliance with deadlines, and working hours. Then the amounts and conditions for their payment must be specified in detail in the employment contract
    4. Dependence of the additional payment on the actual workload in a given month, performance, complexity of solved tasks, and so on (as a percentage or based on a coefficient)
    5. Note that a fixed additional payment is not beneficial for the employing company itself, since it will have to be paid to the employee in any case. With a more flexible approach, additional payment can stimulate the employee, and on the other hand, become compensation for hard work.

      Registration of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work

      The employer is obliged to stipulate the amount of remuneration; this is indicated in Part 1 of Art. 135 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is imperative to note in the employment contract not only the amount of the salary, but also various allowances (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But such an indication may not be direct, but referential. That is, instead of specific amounts or calculation rules, you can provide a link to a local regulatory act adopted by the organization. That is, the design of additional payments for the complexity and intensity of work may be different. The employer can:

    6. Determine the exact amount or mechanism for calculating the bonus and reflect this in the employment contract with a specific employee, or in a standard contract for specialists in this profile (all employees of the organization)
    7. Develop a local regulatory act on the basis of which the organization will calculate allowances and other surcharges. In such a document, you can regulate in detail all the conditions on which the payment and the amount of the surcharge depend.
    8. If a local regulatory act is developed, employment contracts must contain references to this document, and employees must be separately familiarized with it.
    9. In what cases can a surcharge system be convenient?

      Like any payments, the amount of which is not fixed, additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work allows you to tie the level of income of employees to the efficiency of their work, that is, to motivate them to do good work. In addition, additional pay for complexity and intensity can be a reward for working in difficult conditions or with a large volume of complex tasks. In this case, the additional payment will help maintain the employee’s loyalty to the company, or even encourage him to continue working on the most difficult tasks (if there is such a need). So, when would a copay system be useful?

    10. In organizations and industries where it is difficult to plan the actual volume of work, and a fixed salary calculated according to general rules cannot objectively correspond to the labor contribution of each employee
    11. In situations where other forms of surcharges are inconvenient to use. For example, in the field of sales, employees can be rewarded with an increased salary based on the profits received. Where there is no material expression of labor efficiency, but it is possible to evaluate it, a flexible system of additional payments will be useful.
    12. Establishment

      Allowance for complexity and intensity of work is one of the types of compensation payments and is assigned either by a regulatory act (for employees of government agencies) or by a local act of the organization. In this article we will take a closer look at the issue of establishing a premium.

      What is the complexity and tension premium?

      Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation includes among the conditions that must be contained in the text of the employment agreement, questions about wages, which include various types of allowances and payments.

      Rostrud, in letter dated March 19, 2012 No. 395-6-1, explains that the clause on the allowance can be included either in the text of the employment contract, or it may contain a reference to a local or regulatory act regulating this issue. In the latter case, the employee must be familiarized with the contents of this act against receipt.

      Why is this surcharge necessary? Stimulating employees to increase productivity is one of the important tasks of production. If the employer is interested in motivating an employee for better results, including financially, then the bonus for complexity and tension is an excellent help, since it can be “tied” to the implementation of any plans or made a reward for work in difficult conditions .

      So, speaking of bonus for complexity and intensity of work, we can conclude that this is a kind of compensation payment that is assigned to a certain circle of workers, and its amount and procedure for receiving it must be prescribed in an act (regulatory or local).

      Below we will look at how the amount of payments is established, as well as the question of the procedure for assigning it.

      How is additional payment made for the complexity and intensity of work?

      If we are talking about commercial organizations not related to budget financing, then the employer can set the premium in one of the following ways:

      1. Write down a condition about it in the employment agreement with the employee. In this case, you must indicate its size and terms of payment.
      2. Make a reference in the employment contract to the local act of the organization, which contains the procedure for appointment and payment bonuses for complexity and intensity of work(for new employees).
      3. Issue a local act and draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract (for already employed employees).

      Regardless of which option the employer chooses, the main thing is that the employee knows in which case he is entitled to a bonus and what its size will depend on. In other words, the employee becomes familiar with the local act against receipt either at the time of employment or after the act is issued.

      When it comes to public sector employees, the issue of assigning bonuses is, as a rule, regulated by a regulatory act of a higher authority. For example, order of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated 08/08/2016 No. 73.

      As a rule, regulations of this kind stipulate what exactly are the criteria for assigning payments, for example, intensity of work, involvement in the performance of important tasks, etc.

      The bonus must be established from the moment a citizen is appointed to the position, and is paid simultaneously with the salary.

      Additional payment for tension and complexity

      As a rule, when setting the size bonuses for complexity and intensity of work the employer can choose one of several options:

    13. the amount is assigned in a fixed amount for a position or group of positions;
    14. the amount of additional payment is set as a percentage of the salary;
    15. the bonus is paid only if the plan is fulfilled, etc.;
    16. the amount of additional payments is related to the workload in a calendar month;
    17. combining several options for calculating payments.
    18. The local act that establishes the bonus may specify the amount of payments as follows: “The monthly bonus for complexity and tension can be set as a percentage of the employee’s salary (from 20 to 100%).” And the specific size is specified by the head of the organization in agreement with the employee’s immediate superior. In addition, you can indicate that no more than 10 salaries for the position are allocated annually for the complexity bonus from the organization’s budget, for example. Accordingly, the accounting department cannot go beyond this amount and the amount of additional payment is established based on this criterion.

      The employer has the right to change the amount of payments, as well as cancel them, by issuing an appropriate order and familiarizing the employee with it. At the same time, the local act should reflect the circumstances under which the employee is deprived of the bonus.

      Thus, despite the fact that the complexity bonus is an incentive payment, if it is included in the remuneration system, then its accrual is mandatory, except for cases established by the legislator in regulations or by the employer in local regulations.

      Regulations on the payment of bonuses for complexity and tension to employees of the company

      OOO "_____________"

      "___" _______ 201_

      Regulations on the payment of bonuses for complexity,
      tension and high achievements at work

      1. This provision on the payment of bonuses determines the procedure and conditions for the payment of monthly bonuses for the complexity, intensity and high achievements in the work of employees of LLC "________________".

      2. A monthly bonus for the complexity, intensity and high achievements in work of employees is established in order to materially stimulate the work of the most qualified, competent, responsible and proactive employees who conscientiously perform their functional duties.

      3. For the payment of a monthly bonus for complexity, intensity and high achievements in work, funds are provided in the amount of one wage fund per year for all employee positions provided for in the Company’s staffing table.
      4. A monthly bonus for complexity, intensity and high achievements in work can be set for an employee for a year or for a certain period (month, quarter).

      The main criteria for establishing a premium are:

      — conscientious performance of official duties by the employee;

      — involving the employee in performing urgent and responsible tasks;

      — the competence of a specialist from among employees in making management decisions, the responsibility of a technical contractor in maintaining high quality technical support for the Company’s activities.

      The listed indicators for establishing an allowance for complexity, intensity and high achievements in work can be clarified and specified.

      5. The amount of the bonus for complexity, intensity and high achievements in work for an employee cannot exceed 100 percent.

      The specific amount of the monthly bonus for complexity, intensity and high achievements in work is established (as a percentage of the tariff rate (salary) taking into account increases and raises for employees in such a way that the total amount of bonuses paid during the year does not exceed the amount of the annual wage fund for employee positions.

      6. Due to the fact that a monthly bonus for complexity, intensity and high achievements in work is not a mandatory form of remuneration for each employee, the inclusion of funds for the payment of this bonus in the annual wage fund for all regular positions is not the basis for establishing this allowances specifically for each employee.

      7. By order of the General Director of the Company, the previously established amount of the bonus may be reduced to an employee or its payment may be terminated before the expiration of the period specified by the order in case of failure to meet the criteria for its payment, violations of labor discipline and internal labor regulations, as well as in the absence of funds for these purposes.

      8. The funds provided by the annual wage fund for the payment of monthly bonuses for complexity, intensity and high achievements in work for vacant positions of employees can be used to pay these bonuses to other employees.

      9. The allowance established in accordance with this provision on the payment of allowances is paid simultaneously with wages for the past period and is included in the average earnings to pay for annual leave and in other cases established by law.

      Head of HR Department ______________

      Additional payment for work: what you need to pay employees for above what they are supposed to

      At the level that the state regulates, the methodology and rules for the use of additional payments and allowances as employee incentives are determined by Ch. 21 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But in practice a lot of questions arise on this topic. Mainly due to the fact that some remunerations are regulated and established by law, while others require an official order from the employer.

      You will learn:

    • What you need to know about surcharges and allowances
    • What additional payment is due to employees when working on weekends and holidays?
    • How much to pay staff for night work, overtime and intensity
    • How overtime work, traveling activities and work in the Far North are regulated
    • Do I need to pay extra for an increased amount of work and for working on a computer?
    • What is an additional payment for work, how does it differ from an allowance?

      In the process of assessing payment for work by a company, it is the division of salaries into constant and variable that is of great importance.

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      If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation you are doomed to time trouble.

      We have published in this article a delegation algorithm that will help you free yourself from routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to correctly assign a task so that it is completed, and how to supervise personnel.

      The constant part is the monthly salary itself, or piecework wages, as well as a coefficient that is established by the state for certain areas.

      The variable part of the salary consists of additional cash payments, bonuses, additional payments for working or exceeding the plan, and other things.

      Any additional payments and allowances to the basic salary are usually made due to special operating conditions. They are stable and personalized, that is, unique for each employee.

      Some excess payments are mandatory for organizations. Payments of such funds are guaranteed by the government and specified in the Labor Code. The level of other incentives is regulated directly by the organization itself, but obligations for their implementation are also controlled by the government. The only thing that an enterprise has the right to control is the level of such payments, in some cases.

      TOP 5 most necessary articles for a businessman:

      Depending on the nature of the payments, additional accruals can be compensatory or incentive.

      In a period when the market economy has absorbed almost all companies, the state cares about only a few payments and guarantees that are paid when the required volume is fulfilled, which is considered the minimum. Thus, employees receive motivation to work in the form of increased payments for more work performed. Additional payments and bonuses of a compensatory nature are guaranteed by the state for working conditions that deviate from normal ones. Today there are about 50 different widely used payments that can be regarded as compensation for a certain type of activity or work.

      Compensatory additional payments include:

    • for work in the period from 22:00 to 06:00;
    • payments are made for additional work performed by employees;
    • compensation for time spent on weekends, as well as holidays spent at work;
    • for constant and frequent movements during work, traveling;
    • employees under 18 years of age;
    • workers performing lower-skilled work;
    • in case of failure to fulfill production plans and release of defective goods without the fault of the employee;
    • up to the average wage provided by law;
    • employees whose working conditions deviate from the norm;
    • for work according to the schedule, dividing the day into parts with breaks of at least 2 hours;
    • for high employment and a large number of shifts;
    • additional payment for overtime work that exceeds the established working day.
    • Compensations related to harmful and difficult working conditions are mandatory.

      Incentive additional payments and allowances include payments:

    • highly qualified employees (for skill level);
    • for professionalism (to employees);
    • for working with fewer employees;
    • for performing several different work duties at the same time;
    • for increasing the range of production at the enterprise, exceeding established plans, and providing services;
    • for part-time work while replacing an absent employee;
    • workers who are foremen and at the same time perform work together with subordinates;
    • for accounting work, as well as office work;
    • for monitoring and maintenance of equipment.
    • Previously it was said that the largest amount of payments is made due to the control and guarantees provided to company employees by the state. Additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature are established at the discretion of enterprise management. The amounts of such payments are determined and controlled directly by the director of the company. In the process of establishing the amount of additional payments, the organization takes into account the current working conditions, labor intensity and harmfulness of the work performed.

      To determine the level of additional payments, the company also takes into account the employee’s position, his salary, or tariff rate, plus time worked, overtime, etc. However, the organization has the right to simply set a fixed amount for certain people doing different work, and not evaluate each employee separately.

      Incentive payments, which are a percentage of the fixed rate, are prescribed in the local acts of the organization, as well as in the collective agreement.

      Among other things, all additional payments must be specified in the employment contract, because all terms of payment for work are stipulated there, including the amount of additional payments, the calculation of bonuses and everything else. This is regulated by paragraph 5 of Part 2 of Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

      Therefore, if a company chooses a method for calculating additional payments in the form of a percentage of wages, salary, etc., this must be recorded in the above documents.

      Typically, the level of surcharge, which is set as a percentage of the salary, is subject to changes when the monthly salary or tariff rate changes.

      The accrual of additional payments continues during vacations, business trips, etc., as long as the employee maintains his average earnings.

      orders establishing allowances and additional payments.

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      A CHILD is a perpetual motion machine, and also a kicker, a jumper, a galloper, a biter, a hugger and a tight kisser.

      How are changes made to the staffing table when the contract changes the allowance for the complexity and intensity of work?

      A change in the amount of the bonus for complexity and intensity established by the staffing table is made in the same form as other changes (it is advisable to assign a number to each approved change). The name of the column is the same as in the staffing table. The change indicates the exclusion of the line with the position for which the amount of the allowance was provided, and this position is introduced, but with a new amount of the allowance. Then, taking into account the changes made in the staffing table, new results are summed up and approved in the prescribed manner.

      Salary magazine for April 2007

      but I don’t think that this is the best option, by the way, it would be interesting to know the opinion of the luminaries on this matter

      You asked. Am I working? Yes, I work 24 hours a day. I AM A MOTHER! I am an alarm clock, a cook, a janitor, a teacher, a nanny, a doctor, a builder, a security guard, a photographer, a coach, a comforter. I can't take sick leave. I work day and night. My salary is kisses and hugs!

    It is paid to military personnel serving under a contract in the amount of up to 50% of the salary for a military position with an increase of 25% for service in the RF Armed Forces, but without an increase for service in remote areas and with difficult climatic conditions and other increases.

    To pay the bonus, a cash limit is established quarterly in the amount of 25% of the salary fund for the main military positions of military personnel on the payroll (for staffed positions). Establishing and paying a premium in excess of the limit is not allowed.

    The allowance is established by order of the commander of the military unit (and by his superior commander), as a rule, for 1 year, indicating from what date it was established, within the limit of funds for these payments.

    At the same time, military personnel who arrived and were appointed to military positions, as well as those who are at the disposal, allowed to fill vacant positions after the first day of the month of the quarter for which the unit commander approved the limit of funds for paying an allowance for complexity, intensity and a special regime of service, the specified bonus during this quarter can be established from the date of taking office in the amount of up to 25% for their main (temporary) position without changing the cash limit for the current quarter.

    The allowance can be reduced (increased) if the conditions of service change based on the order of the commander of the military unit. If a serviceman receives a disciplinary sanction for omissions in service, the payment of the bonus is terminated without fail.

    A special procedure for paying bonuses has been established for commanders of military units, as well as commanders of units who have achieved excellent and good results based on the results of winter and summer training, inspectors and auditors, military personnel performing tasks in a state of emergency and during armed conflicts, who have the primary right to establish a bonus. over the cash limit.

    For military personnel of the prosecutorial and investigative staff of the military prosecutor's office, an allowance for the complexity, intensity and special regime of service is established for the entire period of service in the relevant military positions in the amount of 50% of the salary for the military position.

    Military personnel - full-time investigators (senior investigators) of all bodies of the military prosecutor's office are also paid a bonus in the amount of 25% of the salary for a military position for the specifics of work in the investigation of crimes, ensuring the safety of federal property and compensation for damage caused to the state.

    For military personnel who, along with their functional duties, perform military positions for temporarily absent military personnel, an allowance is established, as a rule, in the amount of at least 35% of salaries for military positions, within the cash limit.

    Payment of the bonus is made from the day determined by the order of the commander of the military unit, but not earlier than the day the serviceman takes office. Upon release from a position, the payment of the bonus ceases from the day following the day of release from the military position.

    For military personnel who fill vacant military positions during the period at their disposal, or who perform tasks in a state of emergency and during armed conflicts, an allowance is payable for the period of fulfillment of these positions and the completion of tasks.

    An allowance for complexity, intensity and special mode of service is not paid:

    cadets and students of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

    cadets of schools for warrant officers, technicians, training units, divisions, courses, training detachments and training centers;

    military personnel sent abroad to provide technical assistance and perform other duties, who are paid salaries for military positions in foreign currency and allowances in Russian rubles according to established standards.

    VIII. Awards to military personnel for personal contribution and achieved results in combat training, mastering training programs, performing special command assignments and conscientious performance of official duties.

    Bonuses are established depending on the categories of military personnel and are paid in the calendar year in the following amounts:

    a) military personnel performing military service under a contract in military units - 3 salaries;

    b) cadets and students of military educational institutions who entered into the first contract for military service before enrolling in training, depending on the results of the past examination session or entrance exams;

    those with only excellent grades - 3 salaries;

    having only good and excellent grades - 2 salaries;

    those with satisfactory grades – 1 salary;

    c) cadets and students of military educational institutions without officer ranks who have entered into the first contract for military service, respectively, during the period of training and upon enrollment in training, depending on the results of the past examination session or entrance exams - 50% of the amount of the bonus established for cadets and students who entered into their first contract for military service before enrolling in training.

    For cadets and students acting as commanders and deputy commanders of training platoons, foremen of training companies (batteries), courses (faculties) and commanders of training groups, departments, who conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to them by the relevant charters, regulations, manuals and instructions, the bonus may be set at maximum sizes (i.e. 3 ODS or 1.5 ODS) subject to successful training.

    The bonus is paid quarterly in the amount of 1/4 of the annual bonus (75%, 50% or 25%, respectively, of the monthly salary) in April, July, October, for the fourth quarter in December, based on the order of the commander of the military unit.

    The bonus is calculated from the salary according to military rank and salary according to military position, increased by 25% for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but without an increase for service in remote areas and with difficult climatic conditions, received by military personnel on the first day of the month following the end of the quarter, and for the fourth quarter – as of December 1 of the calendar year.

    Commanders of military units have the right to reduce the size of the bonus to military personnel or to deprive the bonus entirely for omissions in service, studies and violations of military discipline, which is announced in the order of the commander of the military unit indicating specific reasons.

    The decision to pay the bonus, deprive or reduce the size of the bonus is made by the unit commander on the basis of reports from commanders (chiefs) submitted by command at the end of the first, second and third quarters and at the end of November with requests for the payment of bonuses to subordinate military personnel. In reports with petitions to reduce or deprive a serviceman’s bonus, they indicate the specific reasons that served as the basis for such a petition. For military personnel who have served and actually performed positions for an incomplete corresponding quarter, the bonus is calculated for the period from the date of entry to the day of delivery of affairs and position, inclusive, by dividing the full amount of the bonus for the quarter by 90 days and multiplying the resulting amount by the actual calendar days of performing the military position in the corresponding quarter .

    For cadets and students of military educational institutions, the calculation of the bonus amount based on the established amounts is carried out in the above order from the date of enrollment in training, but not earlier than the beginning of the academic year and until the day of signing the order on graduation from the military educational institution, and for cadets and those without the period of training for officer ranks of students is until the day of signing the order on conferring the officer rank.

    For military personnel leaving a military unit due to a promotion or dismissal from military service, bonuses are paid upon departure based on the order of the commander of the military unit.

    They are not paid a bonus at their new place of service (in the military commissariat) for the period of military service in the military unit from which they left.

    No bonus payment is made:

    soldiers and sergeants undergoing military service by conscription;

    cadets and students of military educational institutions without an officer rank before concluding a contract;

    cadets of schools for warrant officers, midshipmen, technicians, training units and units, courses, training detachments and training centers;

    military personnel during the period of being at the disposal of the relevant commanders and superiors (except for military personnel temporarily filling vacant positions, as well as performing tasks in a state of emergency and during armed conflicts);

    military personnel who have not met (without good reason) the standards for physical training, test firing, etc., who have not passed tests in the disciplines provided for by thematic plans for commander (professional) training based on the results of the corresponding period of training and inspections;

    military personnel who have an outstanding disciplinary sanction as of the first day of the month following the end of the quarter;

    military personnel undergoing military service at enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which have bonus systems for the main results of production and economic activities, as well as in field institutions of the bank;

    military personnel sent abroad to provide technical assistance and perform other duties, who are paid salaries in foreign currency and allowances in Russian rubles according to established standards;

    Military personnel dismissed from military service for failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, for committing an offense discrediting the honor of a serviceman, in connection with the imposition of a criminal penalty in the form of imprisonment and in connection with the deprivation of a military rank, are not subject to payment of the bonus.

    In the event of the death of a serviceman, the bonus, calculated in the above order in proportion to the time served in the corresponding quarter, is paid to family members who lived with him, as well as to persons who were dependent on the deceased.

    Many organizations widely use a system of additional payments and compensations that supplement employee salaries. This allows payments to vary from month to month depending on the productivity of each employee, as well as the issues that had to be resolved. After all, the volume of work, urgency and complexity of tasks can vary even within the same position. But when using the surcharge system, you need to know the specifics of their design and calculation. Let's see what the additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work may be in 2017.

    From this material you will learn:

    • the amount of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work;
    • registration of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work;
    • in what cases the system of additional payments may be convenient.

    Amount of additional payment for complexity and intensity of work

    Unlike a fixed salary, additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work can be more flexible in size. This is established by Rostrud Letter No. 395-6-1 dated March 19, 2012, which states that the employment contract must indicate the exact size of only the tariff rate or official salary. The amount of copayments and other payments may vary. At the same time, in comparison, for example, with bonuses and bonuses, the amount of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work is established more definitely, and the conditions for its calculation are also precisely specified. How to choose the best option for calculating surcharges? Let's look at the options:

    1. Fixed amount of additional payment for a particular position or employee
    2. A constant amount of additional payment provided for when working hours are completed in full (fulfillment of the plan, etc.). In this case, in case of incomplete work, the additional payment can be calculated in proportion to the time worked
    3. Several options for the amount of additional payment, depending on the quality of work, compliance with deadlines, and working hours. Then the amounts and conditions for their payment must be specified in detail in the employment contract
    4. Dependence of the additional payment on the actual workload in a given month, performance, complexity of solved tasks, and so on (as a percentage or based on a coefficient)

    Note that a fixed additional payment is not beneficial for the employing company itself, since it will have to be paid to the employee in any case. With a more flexible approach, additional payment can stimulate the employee, and on the other hand, become compensation for hard work.

    Registration of additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work

    The employer is obliged to stipulate the amount of remuneration; this is indicated in Part 1 of Art. 135 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is imperative to note in the employment contract not only the amount of the salary, but also various allowances (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But such an indication may not be direct, but referential. That is, instead of specific amounts or calculation rules, you can provide a link to a local regulatory act adopted by the organization. That is, the design of additional payments for the complexity and intensity of work may be different. The employer can:

    1. Determine the exact amount or mechanism for calculating the bonus and reflect this in the employment contract with a specific employee, or in a standard contract for specialists in this profile (all employees of the organization)
    2. Develop a local regulatory act on the basis of which the organization will calculate allowances and other surcharges. In such a document, you can regulate in detail all the conditions on which the payment and the amount of the surcharge depend.
    3. If a local regulatory act is developed, employment contracts must contain references to this document, and employees must be separately familiarized with it.

    In what cases can a surcharge system be convenient?

    Like any payments, the amount of which is not fixed, additional payment for the complexity and intensity of work allows you to tie the level of income of employees to the efficiency of their work, that is, to motivate them to do good work. In addition, additional pay for complexity and intensity can be a reward for working in difficult conditions or with a large volume of complex tasks. In this case, the additional payment will help maintain the employee’s loyalty to the company, or even encourage him to continue working on the most difficult tasks (if there is such a need). So, when would a copay system be useful?

    1. In organizations and industries where it is difficult to plan the actual volume of work, and a fixed salary calculated according to general rules cannot objectively correspond to the labor contribution of each employee
    2. In situations where other forms of surcharges are inconvenient to use. For example, in the field of sales, employees can be rewarded with an increased salary based on the profits received. Where there is no material expression of labor efficiency, but it is possible to evaluate it, a flexible system of additional payments will be useful.

    Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel Rostrud in a letter dated March 19, 2012 No. 395-6-1 explains that the clause on the allowance can be included either in the text of the employment contract, or it may contain a reference to a local or regulatory act regulating this issue. In the latter case, the employee must be familiarized with the contents of this act against receipt. Why is this surcharge necessary? Stimulating employees to increase productivity is one of the important tasks of production. If the employer is interested in motivating an employee for better results, including financially, then the bonus for complexity and tension is an excellent help, since it can be “tied” to the implementation of any plans or made a reward for work in difficult conditions .

    Premium for complexity and tension

    According to paragraphs 1.1, 1.2 of Appendix No. 4 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 27, 2008 No. 751 “On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. dated August 5, 2008 No. 583 (hereinafter referred to as the Order) to civilian personnel (except for civilian personnel whose official salaries are established in accordance with subparagraphs 8.3, 8.4, 9.3 and 11.4 of Appendix No. 1 to this order) a monthly bonus is paid for complexity, intensity, high achievements in work and a special mode of work (hereinafter referred to as the bonus). The bonus is established within the limits of the civilian personnel wage fund and is not limited to the maximum amount.

    Current edition

    The establishment of monthly bonuses for complexity, tension, high achievements in work and a special work regime, based on the results of work and the provision of material assistance to employees of certain bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is carried out at the expense of and within the limits of the wage fund. 3. The wage fund for employees of individual bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in addition to the funds allocated for the payment of official salaries, provides funds for the payment (per year): a monthly allowance for complexity, tension, high achievements in work and a special mode of work - in the amount of 8 ,5 official salaries; monthly bonus for length of service - in the amount of 3 official salaries; bonuses based on work results - in the amount of 3 official salaries; material assistance - in the amount of 2 official salaries; monthly monetary incentives - in the amount of 12 official salaries.

    Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

    Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”, when resolving cases on declaring illegal changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties when the employee continues to work without changing the labor function (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), it is necessary to take into account that, based on Article 56 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged, in particular, to provide evidence confirming that the change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties was a consequence of changes in organizational or technological working conditions, for example, changes in equipment and production technology, improvement of workers places based on their certification, structural reorganization of production, and did not worsen the employee’s position in comparison with the terms of the collective agreement or agreement.


    The conditions of funds for the payment of bonuses for all regular positions of civilian personnel of a separate body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is not the basis for establishing this bonus for all employees, since the specified bonus is a form of material incentive and depends on their personal contribution to the successful implementation of the tasks facing the separate body and its structural divisions. 14. For employees who perform (complete) tasks (responsibilities) poorly and untimely, the amount of the bonus may be reduced or its payment may be terminated before the expiration of the period for which it was established, on the basis of a corresponding order from the head of a separate body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, indicating the reasons. 15. The bonus established in accordance with these Conditions is paid simultaneously with wages and is taken into account in all cases of calculating average earnings.

    • the amount of additional payments is related to the workload in a calendar month;
    • combining several options for calculating payments.

    The local act that establishes the bonus may specify the amount of payments as follows: “The monthly bonus for complexity and tension can be set as a percentage of the employee’s salary (from 20 to 100%).” And the specific size is specified by the head of the organization in agreement with the employee’s immediate superior. In addition, you can indicate that no more than 10 salaries for the position are allocated annually for the complexity bonus from the organization’s budget, for example.

    Accordingly, the accounting department cannot go beyond this amount and the amount of additional payment is established based on this criterion. The employer has the right to change the amount of payments, as well as cancel them, by issuing an appropriate order and familiarizing the employee with it.


    By decision of the head of a separate body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the previously established amount of the bonus may be reduced to an employee or its payment may be terminated before the expiration of the period specified by the order if the criteria for its payment are not met, the employee violates labor discipline, and also in the absence of funds for these purposes. The basis for reducing the amount of the bonus or stopping its payment to an employee is an order from the head of a separate body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, indicating the reasons. 7. The bonus established in accordance with these Regulations is paid simultaneously with wages for time worked and is taken into account in all cases of calculating average earnings.

    8. The heads of individual bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation organize accounting of the use of funds allocated for the payment of bonuses.
    The allowance may be established for civilian personnel of certain bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for a certain period (month, quarter). The main criteria for establishing an allowance are: performance of official duties by employees in conditions deviating from normal (complexity, urgency and increased quality of work, knowledge and use of computer and other equipment, foreign languages, etc.); performing unforeseen, particularly important and responsible work; the competence of employees in making appropriate decisions, responsibility in maintaining high quality support for the activities of individual bodies; employees have state awards, academic degrees and academic titles, and other distinctions received for personal contribution and achievements in work. 5.


    Changes during the calendar year to the approved wage fund are made in the following cases: indexation of official salaries; significant changes in the current conditions of remuneration; transition to a new staff, resulting in an increase (decrease) in the number of civilian personnel; reduction in the volume of work or failure to perform work on vacant positions (the wage fund for reduced positions, or positions for which work is not performed, is not spent and is subject to return (cancellation) to the financial authority). 6. Control over the expenditure of the wage fund is carried out during inspections and audits of financial and economic activities. II. Conditions for the payment of monthly bonuses for complexity, tension, high achievements in work and special work hours 7.

    The distribution of the created bonus fund between structural divisions is made by the head of a separate body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, depending on the volume and complexity of the tasks being solved and the results of their implementation achieved by the corresponding division. In order to reward employees for performing urgent and unforeseen work (emergency response and other activities), the head of a separate body is recommended to create a bonus fund reserve. The reserve percentage (size) of the bonus fund, if created, should be provided for in the Collective Agreement.

    19. Bonuses are awarded for timely and high-quality completion of work.

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