Business plan for a medical organization. How to open a medical center

* The calculations use average data for Russia

500,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

Up to 2 years




Many doctors who work in budget institutions sooner or later think about the possibility of opening their own private office. Private medical practice is a relatively new phenomenon in our country. Although the opportunity to open their own offices appeared not so long ago, more and more doctors are starting to engage in private practice.

What is needed to open a medical office

If previously obtaining various permits was associated with various problems (mainly of a bureaucratic nature), now the procedure for obtaining them has been significantly simplified. However, opening a private medical office requires considerable investment, and not all doctors who want to work for themselves are ready for this.

This type of business has another, very significant drawback: with relatively large investments, the payback period for a private office is at least two years. Not all doctors have the opportunity to wait that long. However, the increase in the number of private offices indicates that such medical practice can still be a profitable enterprise, especially in the long term. Sooner or later, any specialist working in someone else’s company reaches a “ceiling”. In case of own business The options for development are practically unlimited.

So, let's take a closer look at the procedure for opening a private medical office. First of all, you need to choose a suitable room for its location. It’s good if such a premises is on your property. Someone even uses their house or apartment (or a separate part of it) for an office. However, in order to open an office in an apartment, it must be transferred to a non-residential property. It goes without saying that this apartment should be located on the first floor of an apartment building. To transfer it to a non-residential property, you will need to obtain the consent of all residents of your building. In principle, the process of collecting signatures is not difficult. But, firstly, it takes too much time (you will have to go around the apartments more than once to catch all the owners of the house), and, secondly, there is a high probability that some residents simply will not agree to put their signatures (especially those whose apartments adjacent to yours).

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Another option is to rent a separate office (preferably corresponding to your specialty) in a medical institution - it is more convenient, and in some cases, much more profitable. In this case, you will have much fewer problems with various inspection bodies. In addition, you will have to spend less on advertising, because your potential clients will come to you themselves. This option is especially convenient for dental offices. But experts advise pediatric doctors to look for a separate room. Many parents come to the children's clinic solely to fill out the necessary certificates and do not want to visit it again for fear that the child may become infected there from other children.

To rent an office in a medical institution, you must enter into a lease agreement with the city administration's DIZO. This will take about four to five weeks. When preparing documents, it is recommended to indicate the exact schedule of your work: days and times, otherwise you will pay rent for 24 hours a day, and this may end up costing a lot of money.

How to register a medical office

To run your own private practice, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. You can do this yourself or use the services of numerous intermediary companies. As a code economic activity(OKVED) you will need to select “medical practice” (85.1). It will take no more than a week to complete the documents. As a result, the regional Federal Tax Service will issue you a registration certificate. Select the tax regime that suits you in advance.

The fact is that if you do not apply to choose a tax regime, then by default you will work under the general regime, which is completely unprofitable. You can go broke on taxes and accountant fees. A simplified taxation system is suitable for medical activities, which is special kind tax regime for small businesses with a simpler accounting system. Article 346.20 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following tax rates for a single tax:
6% if income is taxed;

15% if the object of taxation is income minus expenses. From January 1, 2009, in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation, differentiated tax rates may be established in the range from 5 to 15%, depending on the categories of taxpayers.

The second option is less convenient, since in this case it is necessary to keep complex records of all expenses. Unfortunately, not all expenses can be documented with the help of checks and receipts. Please note: an application for the simplified tax system must be submitted simultaneously with the registration of an individual entrepreneur. After receiving the certificate, you will also need to register with the Pension Fund as an entrepreneur and register with the Regional Statistics Committee.

What permits are needed to open a medical office?

To practice medicine you will need a special license. You can start preparing it as soon as you have a lease agreement in your hands. The exact list of documents required to obtain a license can be found in the licensing department of the regional Ministry of Health.

It may include the following documents:

    application for the provision of the established form of license,

    copies of certified and bound constituent documents with seals of the license applicant (for a legal entity),

    a copy of the certificate of making an entry about legal entities in the Unified Register of State Legal Entities,

    a copy of the certificate of state registration of the license applicant as an individual entrepreneur,

    a copy of the certificate of registration of the applicant for a tax license with the tax authorities,

    a copy of the conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority on the compliance of the work performed and services provided with sanitary rules,

    copies of all documents that confirm the qualifications of an individual entrepreneur or employees of a legal entity,

    receipts for payment of license fees for consideration by licensing authorities of an application for a license,

    power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the license applicant (with the participation of intermediaries).

In addition, you will need to submit documents for the premises (ownership document or lease agreement), documents that confirm the availability of organizational and technical appropriate conditions, as well as material and technical equipment (equipment, tools, transport, etc.), documents confirming the availability and maintenance of fire protection equipment (fire extinguishing and fire alarm), documents confirming the presence in your staff of employees with at least five years of experience (for legal entities), documents confirming the presence of secondary or higher medical education and work experience in a licensed activity of at least two years (for individual entrepreneurs), documents that confirm the fact of advanced training at least once every five years for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of medicine.

The exact list of required documents depends on many factors, including the availability of special equipment, the specifics of your activity, etc.

In practice, the most difficult thing on this list is to obtain a conclusion from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. Reaching this conclusion on your own takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, experts advise turning to the services of intermediary firms. In this case, the conclusion will cost more, but the difference in price will be compensated by the time and nerves saved. The services of intermediary firms will cost from 7 thousand rubles (verification of all documents submitted to obtain a license) and from 35 thousand rubles for obtaining the license itself. A license will have to be obtained every five years.

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In addition to the license itself, the registration of which takes the most time, you will need to purchase and register with the tax office the “Book of Income and Expenses”, the “Book of Registration of Strict Reporting Forms”, the strict reporting forms themselves, the “Book of Desk Inspections”, keep various journals, including fire safety log, etc.

Once you start working, you will have to regularly make mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Medical Insurance Fund (the amount of payments depends on the minimum wage). Keep in mind that if you plan to hire employees, you will also have to pay contributions to the Pension Fund, Health Insurance Fund, and Social Security Fund for them.

How to choose a location for a medical office

So, the main issues that you will have to solve when opening your own medical office are choosing its location, obtaining the necessary documents and licenses, and promoting your services. When choosing a location, experts advise carefully analyzing the situation with competitors.

Moreover, since people usually approach the choice of a doctor very responsibly, when analyzing the level of competition, there is no need to take into account only the area where you plan to open an office. Of course, you shouldn’t open a third dental office on the same street, but clients are willing to travel to a good, trustworthy specialist to the other end of the city. On the other hand, experienced entrepreneurs recommend renting office space in a residential area with new buildings and cottages. The more expensive and “elite” the housing in this area is, the better.

You can study competitors not only “live”, but also based on reviews of certain doctors on the Internet on local forums. By the way, you can offer your services and place advertisements there. It is highly advisable to monitor reviews about your work on the Internet, because the number of your clients directly depends on this. Do not forget about traditional methods of promotion - distributing leaflets, placing advertisements in print media, placing outdoor advertising.

Ready ideas for your business

If you rent premises not on the territory of a municipal health care institution and work independently without hired employees, then consider whether it is worth spending money on making a large sign. Most likely, you will not be sitting in your office all the time, and your potential clients, attracted by the sign, may not find you there, which will not make the best impression. You can limit yourself to a sign on the door with an appointment schedule and a telephone number for pre-registration.

Among other issues, you will also have to deal with accounting and management, receiving visitors and promotion. It won't be easy to deal with all this alone. It is advisable that from the very beginning you have at least one assistant, albeit without a medical education, but with good organizational and entrepreneurial skills, who will deal with administrative problems.

To open a private medical office you will need from 500 thousand rubles. The exact amount depends on your specialty, the need to purchase (and cost) special equipment, the number of employees and other factors. The payback period for such a business is two years.

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Until recently, it seemed that the business of medical care would not be in demand by the population, because it is difficult to compete with the powerful system of free medicine. However, more and more people are willingly turning to private doctors. So the question is how to open medical Center, is becoming increasingly popular. With proper organization this business can bring not only moral satisfaction, but also material reward.

Who can engage in medical business

It is generally accepted that only people with higher medical education can create a clinic. Of course, having experience and specialized knowledge will be a plus for you. But when planning, and even when you begin to draw up a business plan for a medical center, the skills of a talented manager and organizer will be much more needed. Often the founders are people who have had nothing to do with medicine before. Only as patients.

Another scenario is the organization of a clinic at the initiative of an insurance company that provides medical insurance.

In any case, creating a private clinic is a titanic task. There are a number of conditions that must be fulfilled. This is licensing, collecting permits. All restrictions are designed to protect people. It is dangerous to allow treatment to those who are not able to monitor the quality of medical care provided. That is why opening a medical center will require you to take a responsible approach and comply with all established sanitary and legal standards.

Business form

When opening a center, they usually go through the procedure of establishing a limited liability company. This is somewhat more complicated than creating an individual entrepreneur.

It is necessary to prepare the charter of the LLC, the constituent agreement, collect the amount of the authorized capital, and register in the Unified Register of Legal Entities. And pay the state fee established for registering an LLC.

Of course, you need to register with the tax office by choosing the appropriate taxation system.

Profile Definition

Before opening a medical center, determine the areas that will be represented in it.

Of course, it’s easier to choose a narrow profile: dentistry, for example, or cosmetology. It is more difficult for general-purpose institutions to obtain licensing. But you will be able to provide a whole range of services in the future.

However, the development of related areas in medicine can be included in your strategic development plan.

We license a medical business

Now let's take a closer look at the procedure for obtaining a license. Please note that each of the selected areas of service provision is subject to licensing. Therefore, it is important to outline the range of these very services at the preliminary stage.

To complete the procedure, collect necessary documents, references. Papers are collected for each type of future medical services.

During the process, it will be necessary to confirm the availability of premises that meet all the requirements and provide a list of the necessary equipment. Accompanying certificates are required for devices.

When undergoing licensing, you must confirm the qualifications of the medical personnel who will receive clinic visitors.

If you intend to issue sick leave to patients, you must go through another licensing procedure.

Permit package

In general, the package of documents that you must have on hand before opening a private medical center is very voluminous. It includes the following papers:

  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor. It establishes the compliance of the premises you have chosen with the sanitary and epidemiological standards adopted for medical institutions.
  • Developed regulations on production control.
  • Contracts for disinfestation, disinfection, deratization.
  • Agreements for the removal and disposal of waste, including hazardous waste.
  • Agreement for the disposal of fluorescent, neon, quartz lamps.

Issues of regulating waste disposal must be resolved in a comprehensive manner. It is unacceptable to get rid of them in the standard way. It is necessary to handle waste of high hazard class with even greater care.

Immediately train yourself and your staff to carefully maintain documentation. Sign contracts with dry cleaners and laundries. It will also be necessary to resolve all issues with the fire inspection before opening a private medical clinic.

We select a place and room

It is clear that the place that you designate as your center should be located near bus stops public transport. It is unlikely that your future patients will like to walk a long way to you from the stopping point.

Ideal location in the city center. This will make it easier for you to be found. Few people will go to the suburbs to look for you. Not everyone has time or personal transport.

In the business plan of the medical center, include a financial reserve for the arrangement of premises for the purpose of providing medical services. It will be better if you rent a separate building (you will be able to avoid possible claims from neighbors).

When determining the required areas, your calculations for approving the main areas of activity will again be useful. This way you will clearly understand how many offices you need to open. It will be clear to you how many square meters are needed to accommodate the purchased equipment, so that there are no complaints about non-compliance with sanitary standards.

When starting an X-ray, magnetic resonance examination, scanning, additional re-equipment of the premises must be carried out in accordance with safety regulations.

Purchase of equipment

The biggest expense before opening a private medical clinic is purchasing all the necessary equipment. As mentioned above, the list of devices and devices is directly dependent on the chosen specialization.

If you are planning to launch a narrow-profile medical institution, then your task becomes somewhat simpler. In the case of multi-discipline, you will have to prepare extensive purchasing lists.

It is better to discuss and approve the list of necessary equipment with specialists. They will tell you which models to order and in what configuration.

Don't forget about small tools. It is also being systematically purchased. Be sure to install devices for disinfecting premises and instruments.

Sometimes it makes sense to set up your own small laundry and dry cleaning service, especially if your plans include organizing a hospital.

All devices must have certificates. Do not buy equipment from unverified suppliers. Then there will be problems with maintenance. Contact official dealers or directly to manufacturers. Typically, in these cases, you will be offered technical support and assistance with installation and training.


Finding highly qualified specialists is what you need to open a medical center. Patients appreciate the work of doctors. They turn to a paid clinic in the hope of finding attentive, sensitive professionals there. It is dissatisfaction with the quality of service delivery that turns people away from free healthcare. Most patients who go to a private clinic complain about the indifferent attitude towards their problems in municipal hospitals.

When selecting personnel for a job, ask applicants to show a diploma, certificates, check the availability of categories and titles. Also ask for recommendations and reviews. Find out how their work was treated by patients and colleagues at their previous place.

Be sure to find out if the specialist knows how to handle the equipment you purchased.

In addition to doctors, you will need to staff nurses and aides. Administrative staff will also be needed. It is important to hire friendly and non-confrontational registrars. They are the first to greet visitors, forming a positive image of your clinic in them.

An accountant is also needed on staff to keep records. It is more complex for an LLC than for an individual entrepreneur.

How profitable is a medical business?

As you already understand, a substantial amount of expenses will need to be included in the medical center business plan. At the same time, in the future you will also have to bear monthly expenses for maintaining the clinic and paying staff.

Will there be any benefit? If you are able to attract and maintain a stable flow of patients (about 50 visitors per day), then your monthly revenue may well be about 20 million rubles. This is if the average check is equal to an average of 1000 rubles.

Of course, in some cases the load may “float”. But with a good reputation, competent doctors and attentive junior staff, you will only increase your client base. This will allow you to return the money spent and generate income.

Now more and more people trust only private medical institutions, since public ones are no longer always able to provide proper service and good medical care.

Absolutely every person who decides to start a business has the opportunity to open a medical center from scratch. It is not at all necessary to have a medical education for this, although if you have it, you will have a very slight advantage over other entrepreneurs, since you will be able to better understand all the specifics of the activity. However, organizational and entrepreneurial skills are more important here than specialized medical education.

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How to open a medical center

First of all, you should start by researching the market for these services in your city or region. Many people tend to visit the same medical institutions if they are satisfied with the quality of care, prices and qualifications of doctors. Therefore, if your city is oversaturated with private clinics of different profiles, it may be very difficult to squeeze into this market and win the sympathy of a large number of clients. After studying your competitors, you can create your own market entry strategy, which will be the most optimal specifically in your case.

Licensing procedure

If many other types of business, for example, or, do not require a license to operate, then conducting medical activities is impossible without a licensing procedure. An application for a license can be submitted after the premises have been brought into the required condition in accordance with the standards, there will be necessary equipment, and staff with valid certificates to practice medicine will be recruited. The entire process of collecting the necessary documents and waiting for a response from the authority that issues the license can take a long time, up to one year. Take this downtime into account when organizing your business.

After receiving a license, you will not be able to move your clinic to another premises, since the license will only be valid at a specific address. If you plan to provide different types of medical services, then you need to submit a separate licensing application for each type.

Choosing a location

A medical center is a business in which location plays a huge role. Regardless of whether your clinic is specialized or multidisciplinary, it should be located as close to the city center as possible.

There should be a constant flow of people on the street where the clinic is located. This way, more and more people will learn about your clinic, even just passing by. And your visitors won’t have to look for it for long, which will also be to your advantage.

Choosing a room size

The size of the room directly depends on the number of services you are going to provide. If your clinic is highly specialized, for example, a dental office, then an area of ​​30 square meters will be enough to open it.

In the case of computer diagnostic centers, the situation is more complicated. Although this is also a specialized clinic, you need to consider whether you can place all the necessary equipment in the available space. For a multidisciplinary clinic, in which doctors of different specializations will receive appointments, you should look for a room of 80 square meters or more.

Cost of equipment

Medical equipment is an expensive purchase, and you must understand that the largest portion of your investment will go towards the equipment. Equipment from foreign manufacturers with the latest technology is a strong factor in attracting customers. The prestige of the clinic will largely be determined by the level of technology, in addition to the qualifications of the doctors.

For example, an ultrasound diagnostic device will cost you no less than 170 thousand dollars, and a laboratory research device – about 60 thousand dollars.

You can also consider the option of purchasing used equipment. If it is in excellent condition and perfectly performs all its functions, then your patients will definitely not suffer from this, and you can save a significant amount of money at the initial stage of your business.


You can select personnel to work in a medical center as you wish, the main thing is to follow the selection rules: having a diploma of higher medical education, successful completion of medical practice, sufficient work experience. Internships in foreign clinics and participation in international medical conferences will be a significant advantage.

There will always be people whose confidence in the clinic will significantly increase if certificates of his professional success and achievements hang in the office of the doctor who sees them.

The phenomenon of luring good specialists from other companies to one’s own has always been and will be present in various areas of business. If we are talking about medicine, then this phenomenon is practiced very often. If you have sufficient arguments to convince a good doctor to come to work at your medical center, then be sure to try. Maybe this is unfair in relation to the clinic in which this doctor already works, but these are the harsh laws of business: everyone is trying to take their place in the sun and does this by any means available to them.

The most profitable areas of medicine

Considerable profits can be obtained both from multidisciplinary medical centers and from highly specialized clinics. If you are considering opening a multidisciplinary clinic, of course, you have a chance to get more clients. But you must take into account that the costs of opening and developing such a clinic will be much higher, and marketing activities to increase popularity will also be more complex and extensive.

If you are thinking about opening a clinic that specializes in one area, then please note that the most popular areas in private medicine today are:

  • Dentistry;
  • Gynecology;
  • Urology;
  • Cosmetology;
  • Laboratory research.

Often entrepreneurs who are interested in the medical field of business first open a small, highly specialized clinic. Such a business requires less investment, less equipment and is also much easier to manage. Over time, when the entrepreneur has already earned enough money from a small clinic and gained experience in running a business, he opens a large multidisciplinary clinic. This strategy is very reasonable and justified, but, of course, only you can assess your capabilities.

Today anyone can open a medical center without even having a medical education. The main thing is to have a great desire to start your own business and certain organizational skills.

  • conduct a thorough analysis of the market in the region where you are going to open a medical institution (what specific services the local population needs, how much money people with average incomes are willing to pay for this or that examination);
  • find out how efficiently the market operates;
  • collect detailed information about competitors (what services they offer, cost of services).

The opening and further operation of a medical center is a complex field of activity that requires the entrepreneur to have sufficient experience in running a business.

Medical center business plan

A business plan for a medical center must include all the important points, without which its opening can be significantly complicated. For example, here it is necessary to indicate the type of future clinic (specialized or multidisciplinary), how much money will be spent on the purchase of equipment, what premises will be chosen for the center’s activities, the number of staff, etc.

Directions in the work of the medical center

The founders of such private clinics should initially decide what services their institution will provide. It is also worth considering the question of whether only a diagnostic center or a full-fledged clinic will be located here. Currently, the most popular areas are gynecology, dentistry and cosmetology.

There are the following types of medical centers:

  • Children's Medical Center;
  • Consulting and diagnostic office or center;
  • A highly specialized office or clinic, for example, private dentistry;
  • Multidisciplinary medical institutions.

Location of the clinic and its appearance

For the successful development of a medical business, care should be taken to have a comfortable and aesthetically attractive building. It is also important that the clinic is located in the very center of the city or on a busy street.

For example, to open a small but high-quality dental office, you will need a room of 25-30 square meters. m. The office itself must be at least 14 square meters. m and sterilization room - 6 sq. m, also a separate room for receiving visitors.

Purchasing the latest equipment

You will have to spend a lot of money on modern equipment, since medical devices and devices are always very expensive. Just for a regular ultrasound diagnostic device you will have to pay at least 160 thousand dollars. The equipment must be the most High Quality, since patients want to be examined using the most accurate and high-quality medical devices.

Official permission to provide services

The activities of all medical institutions are subject to licensing. The medical center receives permission to operate if the premises and personnel meet the requirements. To obtain a license, you will also need a complete list of available equipment and certificates for each piece of medical equipment. A complete list of documents that may be required is issued by the regional Ministry of Health. It will be completely different for a consultation center and a full-fledged clinic with a hospital.

Regarding the requirements for the premises, the office for different specialists meets different requirements. It is advisable to clarify them before searching for premises.

The application for a license is processed for about two months. But each type of medical service requires a separate license, so obtaining all the permits needed to operate a medical center can take a year. For example, in order to obtain the right to issue sick leave certificates, a separate permit will be required. All permits will be tied to the clinic’s address, and after the company moves to a new address, you will have to obtain permits again.

The difficulty of obtaining all permits often becomes the reason for organizing the work of a medical center with the help of commercial companies. They promise document verification and turnkey licensing. It could be good option, which will provide more time to resolve other issues, but can cost a considerable amount of money.

Taxation of medical centers is carried out according to a simplified system. This is 6% of income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. The first option saves the entrepreneur from scrupulous calculations and most often turns out to be more profitable.

Medical facility staff

A good private clinic should employ only real specialists who not only have a diploma corresponding to their profile, but also experience in their field. If candidates have undergone an internship abroad and speak a foreign language, this is welcome and will be taken into account during a job interview. A prerequisite for each candidate is the presence of official work experience (from 3 years).

Any medical institution needs the following employees:

  • Medical staff. Its quantity is a separate topic for discussion. For example, to service one dental office you will need two doctors and two assistants - do not forget about the schedule and the availability of days off for the staff.
  • Two administrators who will work on a 2x2 or 2x3 schedule.
  • Cleaners, the number of which depends on the size of the room. For a small center, two cleaners are enough to work in shifts.

Concerning wages, then doctors of private clinics receive about 800 USD. every month, and nurses for 500 USD. less.

In the modern world, it is difficult to find a truly high-quality specialist in the field of dentistry, gynecology, surgery, etc. Therefore, patients more often go to the clinic where a doctor with an impeccable reputation works, even if the equipment there is not the latest.

Doctors, in turn, often leave those centers where they are not valued and are paid low salaries, for those institutions that have better working conditions.

An entrepreneur is required to spend enough time and effort to find a true professional who will raise not only his own reputation, but also the reputation of a private medical institution.

Most common services

Next medical services, according to medical statistics for the country, are in greatest demand among clients:

  • Obtaining sick leave and other documents. Even people who are in good health periodically need to open a sick leave. In many cities, you can receive a sick leave certificate and follow the recommendation to follow bed rest only in a municipal hospital. This is not always convenient; it is unlikely that a person who has a good income and values ​​his time will refuse to open a sick leave certificate in a private clinic without queues and other troubles. This also applies to other documents that are needed for children’s leisure time, obtaining a driver’s license, etc.
  • Consultation. An important point when working with patients. Many clients will want help in selecting a drug. An initial consultation is necessary before starting treatment, during which the patient receives recommendations and directions that are needed to make a diagnosis. Routine examinations by specialists can also be included in this category.
  • Dentistry. It is difficult to find a person who would not use the services of this specialist. Dental services remain one of the most in demand, because teeth are one of the most prone to damage and disease parts of the human body.
  • Examination. Fluorography, ultrasound, ECG, tomography, and tests are part of patient monitoring by most specialists. Some already have a permanent doctor, but this does not mean that he has all the necessary equipment. Most often, owners of private offices cannot afford this and offer patients to undergo the necessary examination at a large medical center.
  • Gastroenterology. Gastrointestinal diseases are a consequence of poor nutrition. These diseases can be called a problem of modern large cities. Many people skip breakfast for fear of being late for work, skimp on lunch in order to eat at a cheaper establishment, eat junk food and follow diets from “specialists” from various sites.
  • Gynecology. No matter how difficult times may be, children will always be born. Many women will prefer to have their pregnancy managed in a private clinic. In addition, visits to a gynecologist are prescribed from the age of 14, once every six months to a year.
  • Pediatrics. For the same reason described above, treatment and diagnosis of children are in demand medical services.
  • Cosmetology and treatment of skin diseases. The ecology of large cities and food problems can make themselves felt. Every person strives to look good, and skin problems may not contribute to this.

How much money will it take to open a medical center?

In total you will need about 20-30 thousand dollars. This amount will be quite enough to organize and open a clinic with a narrow specialization. Its exact value will depend on the cost of equipment, the number of personnel and other nuances.

Most aspiring entrepreneurs engage in this particular business initially in order to gain experience, knowledge and skills for the further development of their activities. To achieve this, a minimum number of workers are hired, used equipment is purchased, and a limited number of medical services are provided.

Mandatory initial financial costs:

  • you will have to spend a considerable amount on renting the premises, as well as renovating it to suit the needs of the center. On average it is 3 thousand dollars;
  • purchase of equipment - about 15 thousand dollars for one specific type of medical equipment;
  • the cost of obtaining an official license will be at least $200;
  • purchase of various tools and materials necessary for carrying out activities - approximately 2 thousand dollars.

If you add up all these amounts, you get an average of $20,200 to open a small, highly specialized private clinic. To open a full-fledged center that offers several types of services at once, you will need at least 100 thousand dollars.

Profitability of the establishment

Now that you know how to open a medical center, all that remains is to find out what the profitability of this enterprise is. Profitability depends on the number of clients. If an average of 50 people visit the clinic in 1 day, the income could be 60 thousand dollars per month (with an average price for the service of 50 dollars).

The number of clients directly depends on the ratio of cost and quality of services provided, as well as the reputation of the establishment and the specialists who work in it. Many patients choose a doctor rather than a clinic. If the latter changes his place of work, his patients may change clinics. But one unscrupulous specialist can ruin the reputation of the medical center. It turns out that profitability will depend on popularity, reputation and pricing policy medical center, as well as the working conditions of the staff and their competence.

Today, more than half of Russians choose paid medical services. Private clinics are in great demand and bring good income to their founders. Present to your attention ready business medical center plan free for small town with a population of 130 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to start?

Cash investments in the organization and development of the medical center will amount to about $140,000.

Approximately 70% of the amount will be spent on purchasing medical equipment for the clinic. The remaining 20% ​​will be spent on European-quality repairs. And, the remaining 10% will go towards additional small expenses.

In order to minimize all possible risks, it was decided to open a medical center. This will provide special advantages at the initial stage of business development:

  • Legal, accounting and advertising support at absolutely all stages of the project.
  • Ready medical license.
  • Connecting the office account to the main help desk.
  • Training.
  • Regular trainings.
  • The initial contribution to obtaining a franchise is $10,000.

First of all you need to choose. Since the founder will be a legal entity, the form of organization of the medical center is registered as an LLC. Required documents To open a medical clinic, applications are submitted to government agencies or to municipal public service centers (MFCs). It will be mandatory to immediately open a personal bank account.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

When registering, medical businesses are provided with the following types of OKVED:

  • OKVED 2 86 – Activities in the field of healthcare.
  • OKVED 2 86.9 - Other services in the field of medicine.
  • OKVED 2 86.90 - Other activities in the field of medicine.

Permission to open an honest clinic

In order to start a laboratory from scratch, you must acquire a permit to carry out medical work.

Submit the following documents:

  • Constituent papers, notarized;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • Papers evidencing ownership of the property, or a lease agreement for the special equipment and location received.
  • Documents confirming the practice and work experience of hired medical employees, as well as legal employment agreements between the business owner and employees.

The decision to issue a license is taken within 2 months. In addition to the license, an inspection report from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and the fire service is required. This affects the performance of work in purchased or rented premises.

Tax system

The form of organization of the medical center will be LLC. The system for a limited liability company is the simplified tax system, 15% of the enterprise’s income.

The medical center is ready to provide patients with a whole range of services:

  • Diagnostics of blood, urine and feces tests.
  • Diagnosis of spermogram.
  • Diagnosis of genetic diseases.
  • Blood biochemistry study.
  • Instrumental methods for diagnosing internal organs.
  • CT scan.
  • Mammography.
  • Oncology and blood diseases.
  • Urological studies.

The average cost of one study will be 8 dollars. The planned flow of clients in the first month is 20 people. For 4 weeks of operation of the medical clinic, the cash flow will be $3,520.

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