International and national quality standards in the tourism industry. Professional standards in the field of tourism International standards for the quality of service for tourists and sightseers

Standard as a normative document in a broader sense - a document containing rules, general principles, characteristics relating to certain types of activities, including tourism, and accessible to a wide range of consumers. The standard is one of the effective tools for regulating the tourism services market, allowing it to influence both unscrupulous manufacturers, as well as sellers and consumers of tourism services.

Object of standardization- a service, the production process of providing a service or its result, subject to standardization. A service is understood as the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer’s own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs. According to their functional purpose, services provided to the population are divided into material and socio-cultural. Socio-cultural services include services to satisfy spiritual, intellectual needs and maintain the normal functioning of the consumer (maintaining and restoring health, spiritual and physical development of the individual, improving professional skills), as well as medical services, cultural services, tourism, education, etc. On the other hand, transport companies, catering establishments and others, whose services belong to the sphere of material services, also take part in the creation of a comprehensive tourist service (tour).

There are the following interrelated categories of standards:

State standards of the Russian Federation, which are the regulatory framework for licensing and certification - GOST R;

Industry standards - OST;

Standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (unions, associations) - STP;

Standards of public associations - STO.

Regulatory documents on standardization also include all-Russian classifiers, the procedure for the development and application of which is established by the State Standard of Russia. When developing standards, standards adopted by the International Organization of Standards (ISO) and regional standards, rules of the European Legislative Commission of the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as national standards of other countries. The basis for standardization existing in the field of tourism and hotel management currently consists of the following state standards:

GOST 28681. O-90 “Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services. Basic provisions";

GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements";

GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Design of tourist services";

GOSTR 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and excursionists";

GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Hotel classification";

GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the public. Terms and Definitions";

GOST R 50691-94 “Model for ensuring quality of services (authentic test ISO 9002-87)”;

GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements";

GOST R 50460-92 “Mark of conformity for mandatory certification. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements."

When certifying tourist services and hotel services, the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population is used - OKUN (OK 002-93), which provides a list of excursion and tourist services (section code 060000), as well as services of hotels, sanatorium-resort institutions, public catering establishments, transport and a number of others (as amended in 1999),

In addition, in the practice of tourism and hotel activities, regulatory documents such as rules are used. First of all, these include:

Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490.

Rules for the provision of public catering services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036.

The main GOST, for compliance with the requirements of which certification bodies checked the safety of tourist services, is GOST R 50644-94 “Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and sightseers,” which has not yet been canceled.

International system of standards ISO 9000. The first principle is customer focus. Strategic focus on the consumer, methodically and technically, is vital for every organization and every enterprise operating in a competitive market. The second principle is the role of leadership. In accordance with it, the manager must create the conditions necessary for the successful implementation of all principles of systemic quality management. The third principle is employee involvement. This is one of the key provisions, according to which every employee must be involved in quality management activities. It is necessary to ensure that everyone has an internal need for improvement.

The fourth principle is the process approach. A process is an activity aimed at achieving a set goal, which has a quantitative expression - the result. Therefore, to implement the process approach, the organizational system must reorient itself from functional management to results management, the totality of which should ensure increased efficiency of the system and the competitiveness of the enterprise. The fifth principle is a systematic approach to management. In accordance with these principles, the production of goods, services and management are considered as a set of interrelated processes, and each process is considered as a system with input and output, its “suppliers” and “consumers” for management, the basis of which is a hierarchical organizational structure. Principle six - continuous improvement. Twenty years ago, quality strategy was based on the concept of optimal quality. The experience of Japanese, and then American and European industry has shown that it is unacceptable to set limits to improvement; improvement itself must be a system and an integral part of the management system. Principle seven - making decisions based on facts. The implementation of this principle is intended to exclude unfounded decisions, which are usually called strong-willed ones. It is necessary to collect and analyze evidence and make decisions based on it. The most common now are statistical methods of control, analysis and regulation. Principle eight - mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. This principle, the essence of which is obvious in the simplest cases, must be implemented in relation to both external and internal suppliers.

ISO 9000 standards are recognized in many countries. There are translated into national languages ​​and adapted versions of standards, such as GOST R ISO9000 in Russia.

1. GOST 28681. 0-90 Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services.

Basic provisions

This standard establishes the purpose, objectives, objects of standardization and the structure of a set of standards and other documents on standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services.

The standard applies to organizations and enterprises involved in standardization issues in the field of tourist and excursion services, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

2. GOSTR 50644-2009

Tourist services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists

This standard establishes requirements for ensuring the safety of life, health, and property of tourists when traveling.

3. GOSTR50646-94 Services to the public. Terms and Definitions

This standard establishes terms and definitions of concepts in the field of standardization, certification and quality management in the field of services provided to the public.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation and literature (for a given scientific and technical field) that are within the scope of standardization work and/or using the results of this work.

4. GOSTR 50681-94 Tourist and excursion services.

Design of tourist services

This standard establishes the procedure for developing documentation when designing tourism services and is intended for enterprises, organizations of various organizational and legal forms and citizen entrepreneurs providing tourism services.

5. GOSTR51185-2008Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements

This standard applies to accommodation facilities intended for tourists.

The standard establishes general requirements for accommodation facilities and the services provided in them.

This standard is intended for use by organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing accommodation services.

Based on this standard, regulatory documents can be developed that establish requirements for specific types of accommodation facilities, including standards for organizations providing accommodation services.

6. GOSTR 50690-2000Tourist services. General requirements

This standard establishes general requirements for tourist services, requirements for the safety of services for life, the health of tourists, the safety of their property and environmental protection.

This standard applies to legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership, and individual entrepreneurs providing tourism services.

7. GOSTR 52113-2003 Services to the public. Nomenclature of quality indicators

This standard establishes the procedure for selecting a nomenclature of service quality indicators in accordance with the goals of quality management, the nomenclature, classification of methods for monitoring and assessing service quality indicators. The provisions of this standard apply to services provided by enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Based on this standard, regulatory documents can be developed for the selection of a range of quality indicators for services of homogeneous groups and specific types.

The standard can be used for voluntary certification of services.

8. GOSTR 51004-96 Transport services. Passenger Transportation. Nomenclature of quality indicators

This standard establishes a range of recommended indicators of the quality of passenger transportation carried out by all types of public transport, and the basic provisions for the selection of indicators in accordance with the goals of managing the quality of passenger transportation and improving transport services to consumers.

Based on this standard, regulatory documents are being developed on the nomenclature of quality indicators for passenger transportation carried out by individual modes of transport in international, long-distance, local communications, including suburban and intracity transportation.

The entire tourism industry relies on four main government standards:

GOST R 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion services / Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and sightseers”,

GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services / Classification of hotels”,

GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services / Design of tourist services” and

GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements".

They set out the mandatory requirements for tourist and excursion services. Each of the standards has the same structure, and after studying each of them, some general provisions can be made that are very important and applicable to each tourism organization:

Tourist safety;

Reliability of information provided to clients;

Regions offered by travel agencies for recreation must be environmentally friendly/safe for health;

High professional training of employees of tourism organizations.

Tourist safety, that is, the travel organization that arranges the tour is responsible for each participant who purchased a tour package or individual tour to a particular country/region. The travel company must notify the client in advance about possible mental or physical stress that may threaten the safety of tourists during the trip (and inform in connection with what: special natural conditions, biological factors, etc.); provide information on how to act in the event of an emergency and provide all contact information for assistance in cases of emergency in a particular country/region.

Vehicles, places of residence and all tourist equipment must comply with safety measures or requirements established by the current regulatory documentation for certain types of equipment/equipment. All tourist personnel involved in accompanying tour participants during the trip must be prepared for emergencies and informed how to act in emergency cases.

Reliability of information, that is, the travel agent or operator company is obliged to provide the client with reliable information about its company in advance, all the necessary information to ensure the possibility of choice (price-quality ratio); about possible problems/delays associated with paperwork (when selecting certain countries); all contact information for resolving problems if the client has questions regarding contract cancellation, claims, etc.; about the risks during the trip.

Regions offered by travel companies for recreation must be environmentally friendly and safe for health, that is, the travel company must be sure, before selling a tour, that the environmental and political conditions in the selected country do not threaten the psychological and physical health of the client. If the contract has already been drawn up, and at this stage any incidents have occurred in the selected region that may threaten the client’s health, then the travel company is obliged to inform the client about the possible risk during the trip, and if the client wishes to terminate the contact.

When drawing up routes for tourist routes, natural conditions must be taken into account, which must also be safe for the client’s health. The route passport must be agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological service; organizations that control the movement of vehicles (auto and/or water inspection, etc.), and management bodies (owners) of land along which the tourist route passes.

High professional training of employees of tourism organizations, that is, every employee of a particular travel company must be a highly qualified specialist in the field of tourism services; have all the necessary information that the client may need; be honest in providing information about the tour, the company and possible risks; know what actions to take in an emergency (necessary for employees of tourism organizations accompanying/serving clients directly in the country of temporary stay).

All standards can, and should, be used as fundamental points for working with clients and organizing tours.

The consumer's right to a quality and safe service.

The consumer’s right to receive high-quality and safe services is ensured by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Terms and definitions of concepts in the field of standardization, certification and quality management in the field of services provided to the public are defined by GOST 50646-94 “Services to the public. Terms and definitions”, developed by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 342 “Services to the Public”, introduced by the Department of Standardization and Certification in the Service Sphere of the Gosstandart of Russia, approved and put into effect by Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated February 21, 1994 No. 34.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation and literature (for a given scientific and technical field) that are within the scope of standardization work and/or using their results.

The standard defines the following concepts and terms in the field

provision of services:

* service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer’s own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs. According to their functional purpose, services provided to the population are divided into material and socio-cultural;

* socio-cultural service - a service to satisfy spiritual, intellectual needs and maintain the normal functioning of the consumer. Social and cultural services ensure the maintenance and restoration of health, spiritual and physical development of the individual, and improvement of professional skills. Social and cultural services may include medical services, cultural services, tourism, education, etc.;

*public service sector - a set of enterprises, organizations and individuals providing services to the public;

* service - the activity of the performer in direct contact with the consumer of the service;

* performer - enterprise, organization or entrepreneur,

providing services to the consumer;

* consumer - a citizen who receives, orders or intends to receive or order services for personal needs;

* provision of a service - the activity of the service provider necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the service;

* order for a service - an agreement between the consumer and the service provider, defining the legal, economic and technical relations of the parties;

* service time - the period of time during which the consumer interacts with the service provider;

* service execution time - established time standard

for the execution of the service;

* service rules - a document containing requirements and standards governing the procedure and conditions of service;

* service conditions - a set of factors affecting the service consumer during the service process;

* quality of service - a set of characteristics of a service that determine its ability to satisfy the established or expected needs of the consumer;

* quality of service - a set of process characteristics and service conditions that ensure satisfaction of the established or expected needs of the consumer;

* service (service) quality indicator - a quantitative characteristic of one or more properties of a service (service) that make up its (its) quality;

* level of quality of a service (service) - a relative characteristic of the quality of a service (service), based on a comparison of the actual values ​​of its quality indicators with the standard values ​​of these indicators;

* service quality system - a set of organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources that ensures the overall management of service quality.

Relations arising between consumers and performers, sellers when performing work and providing services are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, adopted by the State Duma on December 5, 1995. This Law establishes the rights of consumers to receive services of adequate quality and safe for life and health consumers, obtaining information about services and about?? ?? executors (sellers), education, state and public protection of their interests, and also determines the mechanism for the implementation of these rights.

As stated in Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with a service, the quality of which corresponds to the contract, and if there are no conditions in the contract on the quality of the service, the contractor is obliged to provide a service suitable for the purposes for which a service of this kind is usually used. If, when concluding the contract, the contractor was informed by the consumer about the specific purposes of providing the service, the contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with a service suitable for use in accordance with these purposes.

If the standard provides for mandatory requirements for the safety and quality of a service, the seller (performer) is obliged to provide the consumer with a service that meets these requirements.

When providing tourism services, mandatory requirements for the quality of services provided apply to hotel, transport, food and trade services.

The consumer also has the right to ensure that the service, under normal conditions of its provision, is safe for the life, health of the consumer, the environment, and does not cause harm to the consumer’s property. Requirements that must ensure the safety of the service for the life and health of the consumer, the environment, as well as the prevention of harm to the consumer’s property, are mandatory and are established in the manner prescribed by law.

Damage caused to the life, health or property of the consumer due to failure to ensure the safety of the service is subject to compensation in accordance with Art. 14 of this Law.

Let's consider the main provisions of the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” of March 30, 1999 No. 52 of the Federal Law and their application in tourism activities. The sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the country's citizens is ensured through:

* implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures and mandatory compliance by citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities with them as an integral part of the activities they carry out. Tourist accommodation facilities provide SSEN with their premises for control;

* state sanitary and epidemiological regulation;

*state sanitary and epidemiological supervision;

* certification of products, works and services that pose a potential danger to human health - certification of services of temporary accommodation facilities for tourists, voluntary certification of services of tour operators, services of travel agents;

* licensing of activities that pose a potential danger to humans - licensing of tour operator and travel agency activities, time-share sales activities;

* measures to timely inform the population about the occurrence of infectious diseases, mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings) and ongoing sanitary and anti-epidemic measures;

* measures for hygienic education and training of the population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

This Law regulates relations arising in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population as one of the main conditions for the implementation of the rights of citizens to health protection and a favorable environment provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Quality of tourism product - a set of properties of tourism services and service processes to satisfy the conditional or expected needs of tourists.

Quality etc. characterized by the quality of services and service culture.

Mandatory requirements for the quality of tourism products:

Safety of life and health

Guarantee of services provided according to the voucher

Safety of tourists' property

Environmental protection

The quality criterion is expressed through a system of indicators reflecting various types of activities for serving tourists.

The following factors influence the quality of tour services:

Natural and climatic

Cultural and historical values


Specific needs of tourists

Work culture and employee behavior

Enterprise image

The quality of service is largely determined by:

Policy in the field of T.

Level of capital investments in infrastructure development

Competence of tour company personnel

Flexibility of the control system

Important indicators of the quality of a tourism product are the guarantee of safety and the provision of prepaid services.

Quality standards for tourist services are determined by the standardization and certification system (GOST).

A standard is a regulatory and technical document that establishes the basic requirements for the quality of products (services).

An important role in quality management belongs to technical specifications (TS).

Technical conditions are a regulatory and technical document that establishes additional requirements to state standards, and in their absence, independent requirements for the quality indicators of products, as well as a technical description, recipe, and standard sample equated to this document. The requirements provided for in the technical specifications cannot be lower than those in state standards.

The product quality management system is based on comprehensive standardization.

The standards define the procedure and methods for planning to improve product quality at all stages of the life cycle, and establish requirements for the means and methods of monitoring and assessing product quality. Product quality management is carried out on the basis of: state, international, industry standards and enterprise standards.

State standardization acts as a means of protecting the interests of society and specific consumers and extends to all levels of management.

The ISO 9000 series guarantees the consumer the right to more actively influence product quality; provide a legislative framework that provides for the active role of the consumer in the process of manufacturing quality products.

ISO 9000 is used to define the differences and relationships between the basic concepts in the field of quality and to provide guidelines for the selection and application of ISO quality system standards that are used internally by the company in solving quality management problems (ISO 9004).

Our country has formed the State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (GSS), which includes five main standards.

1. GOST R 1.0-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.

2. GOST R 1.2-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for developing state standards.

3. GOST R 1.3-92 State system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for coordination, approval and registration of technical conditions.

4. GOST R 1.4-92 State system of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General provisions.

5. GOST R 1.5-92 State system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

There are three state quality standards in Russia:

1. GOST 40.9001-88 “Quality system. A model for quality assurance in design and/or development, production, installation and maintenance.”

2. GOST 40.9002.-88 “Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation.”

3. GOST 40.9003-88 “Quality system. Model for quality assurance during final inspection and testing.”

Basic quality standards in tourism are regulated by the following requirements:

1. GOST R 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and excursionists.”

2. GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the public. Terms and definitions".

3. GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Design of tourist services."

4. GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements" applies to legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership, and individual entrepreneurs providing tourism services.

The most important tool for state regulation of tourism activities and protection of the rights of consumers of tourism services is standardization.

Standardization is an activity aimed at developing and establishing requirements, norms, rules, characteristics, both mandatory and recommended, ensuring the consumer’s right to purchase services of adequate quality at an affordable price, as well as the right to safety and comfort at work.

The goal of standardization is to achieve an optimal degree of order in a particular area through the widespread and repeated use of established provisions, requirements, and norms to solve actual, planned or potential problems. The main objectives of standardization in the field of tourism are:

  • 1) establishing a range of indicators of the quality of services and services for tourists and methods for their control;
  • 2) establishment of progressive requirements for technology and standard technological processes for the provision of tourism services;
  • 3) establishing requirements to ensure the safety of services, the protection of public health, environmental protection, the accuracy and timeliness of the execution of services, the ergonomics and aesthetics of services and service conditions;
  • 4) establishing requirements for voluntary certification of tourism services;
  • 5) ensuring coordination of the activities of tourism enterprises with enterprises of other industries participating in the processes of tourist and excursion services;
  • 6) establishment of terms and definitions of basic concepts in the field of standardization and quality management in the field of tourist and excursion services.

Standardization is associated with such concepts as the object (subject) of standardization and the scope of standardization.

The object of standardization is a service, a service process, for which certain requirements, characteristics, parameters, rules, etc. are developed. Standardization can concern either the object as a whole or its individual components (characteristics).

The area of ​​standardization is a set of interrelated objects of standardization, for example, the tourism industry (industry) is an area of ​​standardization, and the objects of standardization can be specific tourist services (hotels and other accommodation facilities, catering establishments, travel agents, transport, etc.), as well as the processes of tourism and excursion services.

Standardization occurs at various levels. Levels of standardization vary depending on which geographic, economic, or political region of the world participants accept the standard. Depending on the level at which standardization is carried out, the following types are distinguished:

  • 1) international - activities open to the relevant authorities of any country;
  • 2) regional - activities open only to the relevant authorities of states of one geographical, political or economic region of the world;
  • 3) national - standardization in one specific state. In turn, national standardization can be carried out at different levels: state, industry, in one or another sector of the economy, at the level of associations, unions, enterprises. In this regard, there are various interconnected categories of normative document standards:
    • - state standards (in the Russian Federation - GOST R);
    • - industry standards - OST;
    • - standards of public associations - STO;
    • - standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (associations) - STP.

In the field of tourist and excursion services, the following categories of standards are used:

  • - interstate (GOST);
  • - national (GOST R);
  • - enterprises (STP).

State standards (GOST and GOST R) establish mandatory general requirements for tourist services, ensuring safety, protection of public health and life, environmental protection, complexity, accuracy and timeliness of services, as well as advisory requirements (purpose, comfort, ergonomic, aesthetic and etc.) to types of services, including terms of service.

Enterprise standards establish requirements for specific tourism services, including service conditions, production management organization, technical equipment, technological processes and methods used only in a given enterprise.

The regulatory documents most often used in tourism practice include:

  • - GOST 28681.0-90 “Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services. Basic provisions";
  • - GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the public. Terms and Definitions";
  • - GOST R 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and excursionists";
  • - GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements";
  • - GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements";
  • - GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Design of tourist services";
  • - GOST R 50460-92 “Mark of conformity for mandatory certification. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements."

Before proceeding with the standardization procedure, it is necessary to accurately determine whether the service belongs to the group for which this standard was developed. The following classifiers are in effect in the Russian Federation:

  • - All-Russian Classifier of Sectors of the National Economy (OKONKH);
  • - All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products, services OK-004-93 (OKDP);
  • - All-Russian classifier of services to the population OK-002-93 (OKUN).

OKONH is used to identify the industry affiliation of an enterprise, for example, code 90220 OKONH means the enterprise belongs to hotels, 91600 to recreation and tourism enterprises, 91517 to sanatorium and resort institutions.

In OKDP, the group “Tourist services and services of accommodation facilities for temporary residence of tourists” has code 060000 and includes the following subgroups of services:

  • - tourist services - code 061000;
  • - accommodation facilities services for temporary residence of tourists - code 062000.

In turn, tourism services include:

  • - tour operator services for organizing domestic tourism - code 061100;
  • - tour operator services for organizing outbound tourism - code 061200;
  • - tour operator services for organizing inbound tourism - code 061300.

In its practical activities, a tourist enterprise must be guided by a set of regulatory documents to ensure the safety of tourists. Tourism enterprises are obliged to familiarize tourists with the risk elements of each specific service (accommodation, food, transport, etc.) and measures to prevent it. Information necessary for tourists in order to protect their life and health should be provided both in advance, before the start of their vacation, and during the service process. Advertising and information materials and the text of the information leaflet for the tourist package must also contain information characterizing the natural difficulties of the tourist route, the required level of personal physical fitness of the tourist, and the features of individual equipment.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597 “On measures for the implementation of state social policy,” the Government of the Russian Federation was tasked with developing and approving at least 800 professional standards by 2015.

Order No. 200 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 2013 approved the List of draft professional standards, the development of which is envisaged in 2013 at the expense of the federal budget. Taking into account the changes introduced by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 4, 2013 No. 294, these include 13 standards for specialists in the field of culture, art and tourism.

In connection with the cessation of application in the Russian Federation of GOST 28681.4-95 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels" and by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2005 No. 1004-r, from August 1, 2006, the law on mandatory certification of hotel services was repealed.

In accordance with Art. 23 of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, only products for which technical regulations have been developed can be the object of mandatory confirmation, and in accordance with Art. 21 services are subject to voluntary confirmation of compliance. In this regard, during voluntary confirmation of conformity, the basic principle of the law must be observed (Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”: inadmissibility of coercion to carry out voluntary confirmation of conformity, including in a certain voluntary certification system.

Qualities and work of a tourism manager

1. Model of a modern manager

The main figure of the organization is the manager (leader). He directs the activities of the entire organization. There are two main types of managers - linear and functional. Line managers head line departments and the entire management system. They make decisions on a whole range of problems. Functional managers head functional divisions; in relation to the entire system they are considered functional managers, and for employees of their department - line managers.

The main actions (roles or functions) of a manager are:

  • - preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions;
  • - informational role;
  • - work as a manager.

The theory and practice of tourism management make it possible to design a certain model of a modern manager (Fig. 10.1).

Rice. 10.1

All managers have the opportunity to develop and improve the effectiveness of their work, but there are also areas in which they are, to put it mildly, incompetent, which is a limitation for managers. The following eleven potential limitations in the activities of a manager are identified.

  • 1. Inability to manage oneself.
  • 2. Blurred personal values.
  • 3. Unclear personal goals.
  • 4. Stunted personal development.
  • 5. Inability to solve problems (make decisions).
  • 6. Lack of creativity in work.
  • 7. Inability to influence people.
  • 8. Lack of understanding of the specifics of managerial work.
  • 9. Low organizational skills (inability to lead).
  • 10. Inability to teach.
  • 11. Inability to form a team.
  • 2. Power, influence, leadership and managerial authority

manager regulation tourism consumer

The concept of “power” means the ability of a person to influence others in order to obey his will. Power can be formal and real. Formal power is the power of a position, which is determined by the official place of the position of its holder in the management structure of the organization and is measured either by the number of employees who are directly or indirectly obliged to obey his orders, or by the amount of material resources that a given person can dispose of.

Real power is both the power of office and the influence of authority. It is determined by a person’s place not only in the official, but also in the unofficial system of relations and is measured either by the number of people who are voluntarily ready to obey a given person, or by the degree of his dependence on others.

The boundaries of formal and real power do not always coincide. Often their owners are different people, even opposing each other.

There are several bases of power in an organization: legitimate power; expert power; power based on coercion; reward-based power; another basis of power is ownership of resources; information power; standard (referent) power.

The following are ways to positively influence subordinates.

  • 1. “Suppressing” the interlocutor with restraint and calm.
  • 2. Concentrated attention on one of the subordinates.
  • 3. “Violence” over one’s own opinion.
  • 4. Unexpected decision.
  • 5. Advance praise.
  • 6. “Put yourself in my shoes.”

To lead effectively, a manager must be a leader. Leadership is the purposeful influence on people in order to unite their efforts to achieve a goal that they all share.

In addition to the fact that the manager has power over his subordinates, in some situations, subordinates also have power over the manager, since the latter depends on them on issues such as information necessary for decision-making, informal contacts with people in other departments, etc. A leader's full and unilateral use of his or her power may provoke a reaction from subordinates in which they want to demonstrate their own power. In this regard, a reasonable balance of power should be maintained - sufficient to achieve the goals of the organization, but not causing negative reactions among subordinates (Fig. 10.2).

Rice. 10.2 Balancing the power of the leader and subordinates: 1 - the power of the leader over subordinates; 2 - dependence of subordinates on the leader; 3 - power of subordinates over the leader; 4 - dependence of the leader on subordinates

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