Organization of transportation and management of transport (railway transport). Organization of transportation and management of transport - what kind of profession? Profession of organization of transportation and management of transport

Organization of transportation and traffic management in railway transport is a field of transport that includes a set of means, methods and methods of professional activity that ensure the organization and management of the transportation process, cargo and commercial work of railways while unconditionally ensuring traffic safety.

Organizing the transportation process is a complex, extremely interesting job, because... several thousand freight and passenger trains move simultaneously on the railway network; railway stations work closely together; Tens of thousands of people are simultaneously involved in the transportation process.

To ensure train schedules and organize the transportation process, competent managers and production commanders are needed, whose training is carried out in the specialty 02.23.01. Organization of transportation and management of transport (by type).


Training period:

  • on the basis of basic general education - 3 years 10 months
  • on the basis of secondary (complete) general education - 2 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time and part-time

Admission to the correspondence department is carried out on the basis of 11 classes, the duration of study is increased by 1 year relative to the full-time course.

Final state certification: preparation and defense of final qualifying work (graduation project).

Qualification: technician

Characteristics of professional activities of graduates

The objects of professional activity are:

  • processes of organizing and managing the operational activities of passenger and freight transport;
  • accounting, reporting and technical documentation;
  • primary labor collectives.

The technician prepares for the following activities:

  • Organization of the transportation process (by mode of transport).
  • Organization of service in transport (by type of transport).
  • Organization of transport and logistics activities (by type of transport).
  • Carrying out work in one or more worker professions, employee positions (Table 1).

Requirements for the results of mastering the main professional educational program:

The technician must have general competencies (GC), including the ability to:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the results of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

The technician must have professional competencies by main types of professional activity:

Organization of the transportation process (by mode of transport)

PC 1.1. Perform operations to implement the transportation process using modern information technologies for transportation management.

PC 1.2. Organize the work of personnel to ensure transportation safety and select optimal solutions when working in non-standard and emergency situations.

PC 1.3. Draw up documents regulating the organization of the transportation process.

Organization of service in transport (by type of transport)

PC 2.1. Organize the work of personnel in planning and organizing the transportation process.

PC 2.2. Ensure traffic safety and solve professional problems through the application of regulatory documents.

PC 2.3. Organize the work of personnel for technological maintenance of the transportation process.

Organization of transport and logistics activities (by mode of transport)

PC 3.1. Organize the work of personnel in processing transportation documents and making payments for services provided by transport organizations.

PC 3.2. Ensure the implementation of the transportation management process based on the logistics concept and organize rational cargo processing.

PC 3.3. Apply in professional activities the basic provisions governing the relationship between transport users and the carrier.

Performing work in one or more worker professions, employee positions

Qualification characteristics of the graduate

production and technological:

  • management and control of train and shunting work at linear units of railway transport;
  • ensuring compliance with train schedules, traffic safety, safety of cargo and rolling stock;
  • making optimal decisions on traffic control in non-standard situations; development of documentation regulating the operation of railway stations; processing of train information and transportation documents;
  • maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; analysis of operational indicators of railway transport departments;
  • preparation of contracts for the organization of transportation and the transportation process;

organizational and managerial:

  • operational management of the work of a team of performers at stations, dispatching areas, station, information centers;
  • ensuring interaction between structural units;
  • planning and organizing the operational work of departments;
  • organizing the implementation of tasks for processing car and passenger flows;
  • ensuring the effective use of technical means and advanced technologies in the transportation process;

The graduate must be able to:

  • control the movement of trains and shunting operations in absolute compliance with traffic safety requirements;
  • develop technological processes for the operation of railway stations of various types;
  • calculate the throughput and processing capacity of stations and sections; maintain schedules of the completed work of stations and the completed movement of trains;
  • process information about the transportation process;
  • prepare train documentation using a computer;
  • use regulatory and reference documentation;
  • calculate time standards for technological operations with trains and wagons, indicators of operational performance of railway transport units;
  • develop daily schedules, train schedules, turnover of trains and locomotives;
  • analyze schedules of work performed and movement performed, implementation of the daily task plan, train exchange plan at connecting points; read diagrams of various types of stations;
  • determine the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and advanced technologies;
  • apply information technology in solving operational problems;
  • analyze and evaluate the state of traffic safety and safety regulations.

The graduate should know:

  • principles of organization and control of train traffic; design and technology of operation of various types of stations;
  • basic characteristics and principles of operation of technical means of railway transport;
  • train control systems;
  • methods of dispatch control of train movement;
  • main directions of cargo and passenger flows;
  • transport charter of the railways of the Russian Federation;
  • rules for the transportation of goods by rail;
  • technical conditions for placing and securing cargo;
  • Rules for the technical operation of Russian railways and instructions regulating the safety of train traffic:
    • instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation,
    • instructions for signaling on Russian railways,
    • instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during maintenance and repair of signaling devices,
    • instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during track works;
  • methodological, regulatory and other guidance documents on the organization of train traffic and passenger transportation;
  • principles of the design and operation of automated control systems in railway transport, the procedure for working on a computer, the basics of economics, organization, planning and production management;
  • technical and economic indicators and technical standards for operational work, production and economic activities of divisions;
  • rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Graduates can subsequently work in the following positions:

  • station and shunting dispatcher,
  • station duty officer (for parks),
  • operator at the station duty officer,
  • duty officer at the hump,
  • operator of the station technological center for processing train information and transportation documents, etc.
  • foreman of the commercial inspection point,
  • cargo and baggage acceptors,
  • train receptionist,
  • cashier - merchandise,
  • cargo dispatcher,
  • freight forwarder,
  • agent of the corporate transport service center, etc.
  • assistant to the station manager on duty,
  • chief (mechanic-foreman) of a passenger train,
  • station help desk operator,
  • station administrator,
  • cashier - ticket (luggage)
  • baggage and cargo baggage acceptor,
  • service center administrator
  • controller-auditor, etc.

Opportunities for continuing education:

A graduate who has mastered the basic professional educational program of secondary vocational education in his specialty is prepared to master the basic professional educational program of higher professional education (admission to a higher educational institution based on exam results).

Specialty “Organization of transportation and management of transport (by type). This department was opened at the technical school due to the increased need for specialists in organizing the transportation process. The first graduation of technical organizers was in 1962. During this time, the technical school has trained thousands of specialists. Technicians studying at the department are trained to work on the organization and control of train traffic, freight and passenger transportation in the positions of: station duty officer, hump duty officer, cargo yard manager, goods and baggage ticket cashier.

Our graduates can be found in many parts of our country; they occupy high positions not only in the Russian Railways system, but also in other sectors of the national economy.

Some of the graduates of our department, after graduating from universities, returned to the technical school as teachers of special disciplines. Currently, our graduates are working at the technical school: Fedorova N.G., Fedorova O.N., Tarabaeva N.G., Zdyumaeva O.I. They work with great enthusiasm to educate future specialists, giving them their experience. The rest of the department's teachers also work fruitfully, since many of them have more than 15 years of work experience. They also try to pass on their accumulated experience to the younger generation. And they have a lot of experience working with children, most of them have 1st or the highest qualification category. These are teachers such as Emelina N.P., Vlasova E.M., Dyrova I.G., Andreycheva N.V., Fedorova O.N.

Teachers of our department also work on training and advanced training courses for such specialties as train compilers, station attendants, and acceptance officers.

The department has a base for training specialists. In the offices, stands were decorated, and models were made by the hands of graduate students. Graduate students also supplement the department’s video library with self-made films and designed presentations.

A special movement laboratory introduces students to the basics of their future specialty in organizing train traffic, creates opportunities to test their abilities in practice in the role of a station attendant and train dispatcher.

At the training ground, partially equipped by graduate students of our department, students study turnouts, their faults, get acquainted with and study track circuits.

An equipped computer class allows you to develop your abilities in writing programs, as well as use existing programs and workstations. The department’s database contains standard computer programs that allow better study of such disciplines as “Stations and nodes”, “Technical means”, “Traffic management”, “Technical operation and traffic safety”, etc.

The first step to independence is industrial technological practice, which students undergo after the 3rd year. No matter how difficult it is to get paid positions, students manage to do it. Basically, students with targeted areas are hired to work in paid positions. Practice takes place at such stations as Kanash, Yudino, Krasny Uzel, Vekovka, Kazan, Cheboksary, Shumerlya, Alatyr, etc. In our difficult conditions, students gain experience for further work.

After successfully graduating from our technical school, students try to continue their further education in higher educational institutions in their field. Many of our graduates continue their studies at SamGUPS.

Commander of the steel lines
After graduation you must become.
So that the wheels clatter more rhythmically,
There is a lot to learn in life.
Being a movement leader is both honorable and difficult!
But we have no reason to retreat.
This means that our duty is both on holiday and on weekdays
Skip everything on green

Specialty 02/23/01 Organization of transportation and management of transport (railway transport) (DC) was opened in 1985. The first release took place in June 1989. Since then, 1,827 specialists have been trained, of which 269 graduates received a diploma with honors.

DC is:
D – movement, i.e. traffic management at stations and stages;
K - commerce is the representation of the interests of the railway before cargo owners, the preparation of documents for the transportation of goods.

Choose our specialty! If you are active, you like to find ways out of non-standard situations, you are responsible, sociable - you are a real leader, a real mover. If you are neat, diligent, you like to work with documents, communicate with people - you can become an agent of a company transport service system.

Students of our specialty are bright, creative individuals who participate in all events: conferences, competitions, competitions held both at the technical school and at the external level.

Upon completion of their studies, movement graduates can continue their studies at the Faculty of Transportation Process Management in Railway Transport at the Siberian State University of Transport.

Graduates of our specialty are truly “commanders” of railway transport. All railway services work under their leadership: track workers, carriage workers, locomotive crews and other units, so it is no coincidence that the leaders of the West Siberian Railway are movers.

Upon completion of 9th grade, applicants enter the first year and study full-time for 3 years 10 months. Graduates of 11th grade enter the second year and study full-time for 2 years 10 months. Correspondence education exists on the basis of grades 9 and 11.

While studying at a technical school, students of the specialty Organization of transportation and management in railway transport, while undergoing internship in their specialty profile, additionally master working professions:

cargo and baggage handler

station technology center operator (STC operator)

station duty officer (DSP)

train maker

corporate transport service agent (FTO agent or commodity cashier)

as well as such professions as:

Switch post duty officer (DSSP);

Signalman on duty in the park (DSPP);

Operator of electrical centralization station (EC operator);

Train receptionist;

Operator at the station duty officer (operator at the DSP);

hump operator;

Sorting hump duty officer (DSH).

The most capable students can master two professions during practice in their specialty profile in the 3rd year.

Our graduates have repeatedly become winners of professional skills competitions on the West Siberian Railway: “Best station duty officer”, “Best delivery person”.

The most successful of them work as station heads, including Taiga, Kleshikha, Iskitim, Novosibirsk-Glavny, as well as train and shunting dispatchers, heads of services and departments of the Traffic Control Directorate.

Prospects for career growth in the specialty Organization of transportation and management in transport (railway transport)

Transportation and management engineer for railway transport- is the commander of the entire railway transport system. All railway services work under his leadership: track workers, carriage workers, locomotive crews and other departments. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in life safety and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The dispatcher at his workplace solves the following tasks:

  • ensures strict implementation of train schedules;
  • creates all conditions for traffic safety, safety of cargo and rolling stock;
  • organizes competent and rational processing of car and passenger flows.

Operational management of the transportation process in railway transport is provided by a multi-level dispatch management system. The first level of the dispatch control hierarchy is the traffic control system train dispatcher, who directs the movement of trains on a section of the railway that includes a number of stations. The length of the section depends on the size of the traffic and the volume of cargo work.

At large stations, dispatch management is carried out by shift shunting dispatcher .

Subordinate to train and shunting dispatchers are a number of similar technological units that manage railway transport facilities.

Features of the profession

Functional responsibilities An engineer-dispatcher for the organization of transportation contains a wide range of diverse activities:

  • organizing train traffic according to a schedule that coordinates the work of all railway departments with rational use of the capacity of lines, devices and structures;
  • organizing the operation of stations based on standard technological processes for receiving, departing, and passing trains, forming and disbanding trains, loading and unloading cargo, boarding and disembarking passengers;
  • management of work on the implementation of the transportation plan;
  • organization, formation and routing of car flows;
  • timely and rational preparation of daily and shift plans for train and freight work;
  • technical regulation of loading and unloading, traffic volumes in sections, transfer of loaded and empty cars to connecting points, required rolling stock;
  • ensuring quality indicators of operational, train and freight work;
  • control over the implementation by railway departments of regulatory tasks for the delivery of empty cars from unloading;
  • control over the maintenance of the locomotive fleet within the road, compliance with the operating hours of train and locomotive crews.
  • control over the fulfillment of indicators of average weight, fullness and completeness of trains;
  • formation and passage of trains of increased weight and length;
  • ensuring the rational use of technical means of transport;
  • studying best practices in the field of operational transportation management;
  • development and implementation of measures to improve dispatch management of transportation, implementation of automation tools in the management of the transportation process;
  • Conducting technical training among subordinates.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Stable, constantly in-demand job;
  • High salary level.


  • Shift work, have to work on weekends and holidays according to schedule;
  • Extremely responsible job.

Place of work

JSC Russian Railways, metro, scientific and teaching work at the MIIT university complex. Engineering training at MIIT has always been considered the most thorough and promising. Engineers trained in this specialty also successfully work in other sectors of the economy.

Important qualities

  • responsibility
  • ability to competently and effectively organize the work of your department
  • skill to work in team
  • fast and accurate response
  • developed long-term thinking
  • analytic skills
  • spatial imagination
  • good physical and psychological shape
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • ability to make accurate, balanced and responsible decisions
  • ability to analyze and systematize information
  • ability to find non-standard solutions and quickly overcome difficult situations in conditions of lack of time
  • ability to accurately follow instructions given
  • constant desire to improve qualifications

Training to become an Engineer (dispatcher) in the organization of transportation and management of railway transport

Specialists in this profile are trained at faculties "Organization of transportation and management in railway transport" at the Moscow State University of Transport (MGUPS) - until 1993, former MIIT.

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK) provides training in the field. A choice of advanced training and professional retraining courses is offered (on the basis of completed higher or secondary specialized education) with the subsequent issuance of a certificate or diploma to students.

№1 Road safety organization

1. Federal law.

Adopted by the State Duma on November 15, 1995. This Federal Law defines the legal provisions and the basis for ensuring road safety on the territory of the Russian Federation. The objectives of this Federal Law are: protecting the life, health, and property of citizens.

Protection of their rights and legitimate interests, as well as protection of the interests of society and the state by preventing accidents and reducing the severity of incidents. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic terms are used:

Road traffic is a set of social relations that arise in the process of moving people and goods with or without vehicles within roads;

Road safety is the state of this process, reflecting the degree of protection of its participants from road accidents and their consequences;

A road traffic accident is an event that occurred during the travel of a vehicle and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused;

Ensuring road safety is an activity aimed at preventing the causes of road accidents and reducing their consequences;

Road participant - a person directly involved in the road process as a driver of a vehicle, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle;

Organization of roads - a complex of organizational and legal organizational and technical measures and administrative actions to manage traffic on roads;

road - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted and used for double-transport means. Road incl. includes one or more roadways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, roadsides and dividing strips, if any;

vehicle - a device intended for transporting people, goods or equipment installed on it on roads.

3. Regulatory documents on the authorities and without roads.

Road traffic is a system of interaction between trans and pedestrian flows, the streamlining of this process is carried out by normative and positive principles, the main ones. yavl rules of the road. The first rules were signed on June 10, 1920. Since January 1, 1961 The first food rules were introduced on the streets and roads of the USSR. In R.F. The state road safety system is in effect, the essence is cat. closing In persuasion or, if necessary, in coercion using the power of state power. Comply with traffic laws by all institutions, as well as citizens and officials. In 1968 in Vienna, at the UN conference on roads, 2 international agreements were adopted:

Convention on Road Traffic

Convention on Road Signs and Signals.

The Convention on Road Traffic contains general provisions on road traffic authorities, requirements for trans vehicles allowed in international traffic, requirements for samples of driver's licenses and the procedure for their issuance. Requirements for drivers and the procedure for states to join the convention; in addition, definitions of the term convention on road signs are provided - it defines the relevant terms and designations, establishes general requirements for road signs, signals, signs and road markings. In 1973, road rules were introduced, developed taking into account the requirements of these conventions. International regulatory documents on bodies and without two are developed by the following organizations: 1 the Internal Transport Committee, 2 the European Economic Commission of the United Nations Organizations, 3 the international standardization body ISO. In R.F. regulatory documents yavl. GOST (state standard), OST (industry standard), OT (industry standards), RTM (guidance technical materials) GOST relating to structural elements of vehicles are developed in accordance with the rules of the UNECE (unified economic commission ) and their effect applies to all organizations that manufacture regulated products. Do industry standards and industry regulations apply only to the industry??/

RTM for one or a group of plants or any category of trans products. Regulatory documents in the field of design and construction of motor roads. building codes and regulations (SNIP). Countries regulate design axle load speeds, geometric parameters of roads, intersections and junctions of streets, adhesion coefficient, arrangement of roads, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and landscaping.

4. Licensing of activities related to ensuring the safety of roads.

1. In order to ensure road safety, the following types of activities are subject to licensing:

Transport and forwarding services for legal entities. and physical persons

Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles carried out on a commercial basis

Design, construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of roads and road structures on them

Training, retraining and advanced training of drivers of trans vehicles, managers and specialists of transport enterprises directly related to ensuring road safety, in the manner prescribed for licensing educational activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Manufacturing, installation and operation of technical means and road control systems

Carrying out an instrumental check of the technical condition of trans vehicles

Production of driver's license forms, state registration plates for vehicles, certificates, reports and other special products necessary for the admission of vehicles and their drivers to participate in road traffic

Trade in vehicles and numbered units.

5. System, driver – car – road – environment.

6. Vehicle safety. Types of security.

Types of safety distinguish between active, passive, post-accident and environmental safety of the vehicle. Vehicle safety incl. includes a complex of constructive and operational properties that reduce the likelihood of an accident, the severity of their consequences, and the negative impact on the environment.

Active safety is the property of a vehicle that reduces the likelihood of an accident.

Analysis of the active absences allows, with a certain degree of convention, to unite them into the following main groups:

Stability, to a significant extent, depends on the actions of the driver in controlling the vehicle (traction, braking, stability, controllability, information content)

St. independent or dependent to a small extent on the actions of the driver to control the vehicle (reliability of structural elements, weight and dimensional parameters of the vehicle)

St. determines the possibility of effective driver activity in controlling the vehicle (driver’s workplace)

Passive safety is a trans-medicine that reduces the severity of the consequences of an accident.

There are internal and external passive security.

Internal - determines the design capabilities of the trans vehicle to save life and increase injury, safety of drivers and passengers in the trans vehicle at the time of an accident.

External – to reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident for other road users.

Post-accident – ​​a sacred vehicle that reduces the severity of the consequences of an accident, i.e. those consequences that may arise after the accident itself (fire, collision with other participants)

Ecological – the properties of a trans remedy that reduces the degree of its negative impact on the environment. environment, by definition, this vehicle, unlike the first 3, is associated to one degree or another with an accident. It is determined by the very existence and operation of the trans medium and appears throughout the entire service life of the trans medium. All types of security in trans-go environments are interconnected and mutually influence the final result of transportation activities. The safety rule is set out in the requirements of the UNECE (unified economic entity of the United Nations).

8. Organization of roads. Main goals.

The basic principles in the organization of traffic are: development of measures to ensure the efficiency and safety of trans and pedestrian flows.

The existence of this principle is based on:

Research of road traffic characteristics, analyzes of accident statistics;

Identification of areas of increased accident rate;

Identification of places where engine efficiency decreases;

Development of measures to reduce the level of accidents and increase the effectiveness of traffic control at identified locations;

Improving existing bodies and introducing new technical means of regulation;

Forecasting, changing engine parameters;

Development of elements and systems for automated road traffic control.

As a field of science, specialty 02/23/01 transportation organization and transport management (by type), otherwise unofficially now called transport logistics, is a sought-after specialty in the highly competitive labor market of the modern Russian economy.

The implementation of transport tasks by optimizing transport traffic, taking into account the interests of goods manufacturers, carriers and consumers, lies at the heart of the work of specialists. Moreover, modern requirements for a qualified solution to these problems are in a complex relationship with the processes of not only the local, but also the global economy, with trends in interaction within the framework of both interregional and international division of labor and the free movement of goods and capital.

Specialty: organization of transportation at the university

In total, 81 Russian civilian and military universities (institutes, universities and academies) are training, having 02/23/01 - the specialty code for transportation organization and transport management. Among them are higher educational institutions that graduate specialists not only in all types of transport: specialty organization of transportation by rail, organization of transportation by road, organization of air transportation specialty, but also even in certain areas, such as, for example, land transport, air and water transport, such as freight as well as passenger transport.

To enter a university for the specialty Transportation Management, you must provide the results of the Unified State Examination:

  • mathematics;
  • in physics;
  • In Russian.

The passing score is from 150 to 200 points.

The duration of full-time study is five years, and for part-time study it is one year longer.

Work in the specialty of transportation organization

The main activities of certified specialists in the field of organizing cargo and passenger transportation:

  • increasing the efficiency and quality of transportation;
  • implementation of effective methods of using both technical and human resources;
  • development and implementation of effective schemes and algorithms for transport logistics;
  • development of measures for safe transportation in various conditions;
  • ensuring compliance with labor safety, sanitation, as well as fire protection of equipment and personnel.

Senior students receiving a specialty in transportation management have the opportunity to choose who to work:

  • dispatchers in large transport companies and firms;
  • logistics engineers in terminal systems (including international) of all types of transport;
  • specialists in dealer car campaigns and car factories;
  • specialists in transport departments of state and municipal administrations;
  • employees of state automobile inspections (officers) and other institutions that monitor traffic.

University graduates, having a specialty in transportation organization, can decide where to work during their studies, since many universities have close ties with transport companies for the employment of graduates. Therefore, the problem of choosing a place of work for transport specialists by the end of their studies is not relevant.

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