How to make money from your handicrafts. Handicrafts as a do-it-yourself business at home

I am glad to welcome you, my dear readers, today we will discuss in detail a very relevant topic for many handmade craftsmen or those who want to become them, how to make money from your hobby and make your favorite business a permanent source of income.


1 Who is this type of activity suitable for?
2 What are the advantages of earning money from handicrafts?
3 Where to start? Basic moments
4 What are the types and methods of sales?
5 Which sales method is the most profitable?
6 Successful examples
7 How to overcome difficulties and become successful

You're probably wondering where to start? How to find buyers? How to organize the whole process?

In fact, you can learn anything, if you really want to!

Who is this type of activity suitable for:

  • Moms on maternity leave (who want to see how their children develop).
  • Retired women.
  • Creative individuals who live by it.
  • People with disabilities.
  • And in general, everyone who wants to work freely...

What are the advantages of earning money from handicrafts:

  • Handmade work is valued much more than something stamped at the factory.
  • Uniqueness of products
  • Low cost
  • Work from home in comfortable conditions
  • There is no boss to report to
  • Flexible schedule

And this is only a small part of the benefits.

I won’t hide there are some disadvantages -

To make money from handicrafts, you need to really work.
Plan your own schedule
Find the best prices on craft supplies
In some types of creativity, the manufacturing process can take a long time.
And of course, searching for buyers.

But fortunately, all these issues can be solved and most of them cause inconvenience only at the beginning. Over time, the necessary knowledge and information accumulates, and invaluable experience appears, which simplifies the entire further process.

Where to begin? Basic moments:

1. Of course, the first thing you need to do is decide on a niche (if you haven’t already done this) i.e. what type of creativity would you like to do to earn money?

2. Understand whether there is a demand and need for what you want to produce.

3. Determine who your target audience (TA) is, i.e. who might be interested in your product.

4. Find competitors in your niche and analyze what they do well and what they don’t do well and do better.

5. It is advisable to draw up a small business plan, where you can calculate all the costs for materials, tools, etc. All possible profit options, your target audience and ways to interact with it, methods of promotion and advertising.

Many people may have questions and doubts:

What if I can't?

What if they don’t buy from me?

There is too much competition in my niche, etc.

If you also catch yourself having similar thoughts, I want to assure you that this is normal and most experienced and successful masters have also struggled with similar feelings and thoughts. But despite all the fears and doubts, they took it and did it, and today they are successful.

If you build your business correctly, you can sell absolutely anything! Even the craziest things find their buyers. Here are some screenshots to prove it:

Do you think it’s possible to sell the meat of something that doesn’t even exist in nature? In addition, the description says that this meat cannot be eaten. However, look at how many pieces were sold - 18 and note the price is not cheap.

Another example

Eyelashes for car)

How! Haven't you bought yourself this beauty yet?!

Poor things, how can you live without them(

I think many will agree that this is not an essential thing, and in general it is a useless thing, however, there will be those who will squeal with delight looking at this creativity)))

Or maybe you want a knitted squid hat for yourself?))) Or maybe give your husband a knitted beard, he will definitely be amazed, because for complete happiness in life, he definitely needs this extremely. I'm joking, of course, but the sellers clearly seriously think that this is a very necessary thing. Look how many results were found in the search 1,326

You can find a lot of similar examples and, as you can see, even the most crazy and useless things are sold. And if your products solve the problems of your potential customers, then you will have no end to them.

However, even the most amazing and professionally made things will not bring any benefit if they just lie at home and no one knows about them except close relatives and a couple of girlfriends.
Therefore, we’ll talk further about how to move forward.

What are the types and methods of sales:

  1. Sale finished products
  2. Custom made to order
  3. Selling photos or videos of master classes
  4. Conducting live master classes

Let's start with finished products - this is the most common type of income for needlewomen.

  1. The most effective way to sell is direct sales. When you personally, as a master, tell and show a person your product.
  1. Give your products for sale to stores. The conditions may be different, someone offers a separate shelf for a certain fee per month, and with someone you can agree on a percentage of the sale.
  2. Selling via the Internet. There are also many options for how to sell here. Through your website or third-party sites such as the Crafts Fair,, Ebay and many others, through your group on social media. networks or in other people's handicraft groups. Through one-page websites (landing pages) or using email marketing. Alternatively, you can still display your finished works on Avito.
  1. Participation in handicraft fairs, the only thing such fairs are usually held for a fee, i.e. a place to sell at such a fair will cost money.

Making to order is also a pretty good way, but usually it works when they already know about you as a master of your craft.

  1. And the first thing that works here is word of mouth, we did it for ourselves, our friends saw it and they wanted it too.
  2. You can make business cards and offer them, if possible, to those who are your target audience or post advertisements.
  3. The Internet is also a wonderful platform for collecting orders. It’s just that in addition to ready-made works, you emphasize that you accept orders for individual production.

Master classes of photos and videos are a very cool thing, do it once, and sell it at least a thousand times.

Despite what they say today, there is a lot of information in the public domain, many masters on Mk earn very decent money. Why?

Yes, because what you need is not always freely available, as you know, a self-respecting master will not lay out all the secrets and all his experience accumulated over the years just like that. Over the years, many masters have developed their own developments and technologies which they share only with a select few in their paid master classes. In addition, scattered information is freely available and not everyone can structure it independently. And with free MK, no one will answer questions that may arise, and feedback is worth a lot.

  1. The main method of promotion is, of course, the Internet, websites, groups, thematic platforms, landing pages, email, webinars.
  2. You can also create a pdf master class in the form of a book. Print the book and offer it for sale in a bookstore.
  3. Photo master classes can be published on your website, and the site can be monetized. They also buy online stores or you can post articles for sale on stock exchanges, such as these -


  1. Video master classes can be posted on You Tube for free and your channel can be monetized, i.e. earn money by displaying advertising.

Live master classes are a very interesting type of activity, but not the easiest.

To carry it out you need a suitable room. Materials and tools for all participants. And also a good advertising campaign to attract an audience.

  1. You can gather an audience to participate in a master class on the street using leaflets.
  2. Or all the same with the help of Internet resources.

Which sales method is the most profitable?

If you build a business system correctly, any of these sales methods will work, but the most profitable and convenient at the moment is selling master classes via the Internet.



  1. A recorded master class can be sold an unlimited number of times.
  2. Reaching buyers from all over the world.
  3. Payment and delivery methods can be automated.

If, while making a product, you simultaneously take photos or videos of MK, then in the end you will be able to sell both one finished product and an “endlessly” filmed MK, besides, in order to sell the finished product you need to think about the delivery of the goods and the packaging of the goods, and this turns out to be an additional waste of time and money.

The requirements for custom manufacturing are the same as for the finished product.

Live master classes are also a labor-intensive process that requires your constant participation.

Of course, I am not calling for abandoning these sales methods; on the contrary, they should all be used in combination. Although selling MK is the most convenient way, selling products is the most popular, but to save your efforts, I recommend focusing on one main thing that will work with the least effort and cost on your part. And use the rest as an addition.

Successful examples

Here's another example

Our needlewoman from Moscow came up with original idea. Knit an owl image on the cuffs:
Handmade connoisseurs immediately liked the idea and immediately began buying her cuffs. Since registering on etsy, 22 pairs have been purchased in a month.

Additionally, she also sells fingerless gloves with the same owl

These gloves also sell well from her (she sold 7 pairs of these gloves).

But cuffs for boots are apparently in greater demand now.

So, Russian needlewomen can successfully trade on Etsy, despite the fact that they live far from American shores. But for this, of course, our product must be more original, more beautiful, and better quality.

And here is another independent review from a person:

Personally, I was inspired by one incident that I watched in some video. A girl from Moscow worked as a salesperson in a flower shop, but for some reason she decided to quit and on the way home she came up with an unusual idea: to create hippos out of golden-colored leather. Although she didn’t know how to sew herself, she bought leather and found a seamstress.

Together they designed a pattern of the required size, the seamstress sewed six hippos and the girl gave them for sale to the flower shop where she worked.

The girl valued her work at 6,500 thousand. And lo and behold, on the very first day, four out of six hippos were taken. As a result, the process began to spin and production expanded; hippos began to be made from different colors of leather and different sizes. Over time, other animals were added to the hippopotamuses. And the girl began to receive a million-dollar profit, with which she bought herself an apartment. Although not all of us live in cities with a population of over a million, where there are many opportunities to realize our ideas, each of us has a whole world of the Internet, where there are even more opportunities, regardless of our place of residence. The main thing is to use them on time!

These are just isolated successful cases, in fact there are many, many of them!

But along with this, there are many talented needlewomen who, due to uncertainty or lack of knowledge, give up and their hope for success dies, and at the same time their talent ceases to develop, because there is no necessary encouragement. And it’s so sad when a dream remains an unfulfilled dream (When no one else will see the master’s masterpieces(
I have already met many needlewomen on my way who never achieved their goals.

Don't let this happen to you either.

How to overcome difficulties and become successful.

  1. Set realistic and specific goals. Look for ways and information on how to achieve them.
  1. Learn from those who have already achieved something. Invest in your development.
  1. Find like-minded people. Communicate.

4. Look for inspiring examples of successful people.

  1. Improve your technical knowledge of working with computers, social networks, email marketing, copywriting.

6.Master the basics of video and photography, working with a graphic editor

  1. Be sure to apply the acquired knowledge immediately, while it is fresh in your memory. And the result will not take long to arrive.
  1. It’s better to move slowly, gradually, little by little, step by step... But regularly!
  1. Remember that all difficulties are temporary. Every field has its ups and downs.
  1. The main thing is don't stop!

Success is not a spontaneous event, but the result of efforts directed in the right direction!

Interests and hobbies give positive emotions, help you relax and unwind. But why not combine business with pleasure and turn your favorite activity into income?

The problem of additional income is acute in every family. We have already raised questions about how and how you can make money at home. Today we will tell you how to make money on handicrafts and other hobbies using the Internet and without it. These methods can be used at any age - they will help both a young mother on maternity leave and a bored pensioner find themselves.

Needlework and handmade: what is the difference

Recently, handicrafts have become very popular. True, they call it more by the newfangled word “handmade”. In fact, there is no difference - the same words, only in a different language, but it sounds interesting. Handicrafts are something that grandmothers do in the evenings.

Handicraft is an attempt to acquire a wardrobe for a low-income person. Handicrafts include embroidering tablecloths and weaving rugs from old tights. But handmade - this will be more serious. There are dolls, and designer clothes, and...

But no matter what you call manual labor, the essence remains the same: interest in it in different eras does not fade. During the turbulent 90s, the reputation of handmade was somewhat tarnished, but today the situation has changed. Having handmade items is fashionable and stylish. Due to their high cost, it is also prestigious.

No, of course, handmade work varies in quality and price, and today there are would-be masters and would-be craftswomen who create things that are not very successful. But in today's market, handicrafts are also a great way to make money at home. But how to do this? For many talented people, the answer to this question to this day is under seven locks.

Types of earnings from hobbies

Only those who do not yet have a serious hobby think about how to earn money through handicrafts. For women who have already decided on their favorite hobby, there is no point in racking their brains. start with what you do best.

Almost all handmade masterpieces are now in demand: felted items, beaded and satin stitched paintings, soap, coffee crafts, leather goods. Take a look at the section where they are described - each of them is suitable for making money!

Earnings from handicrafts can be divided into two large sections: receiving income from the sale of finished products and from teaching those interested in one or another skill.

The first option seems preferable for many - no one has the desire to raise competitors for themselves, especially when the town is small, the client base is limited, and here every second person learns all the secrets of the craft himself. But this is nothing more than a stereotype. In fact, both ways are equally beneficial.

Selling ready-made items has its downside. You not only need to be able to create things that people would agree to buy, but you will also first have to invest money in purchasing materials, time and effort to make a product, at least a trial batch, according to which customers will be able to purchase unique things for themselves.

This is especially difficult with clothes: you can, for example, sew a luxurious skirt, but the chances that they will buy exactly that are small - most likely they will just order the same one, but “with mother-of-pearl buttons.” Thus, the investment in this case must be considerable.

However, to the topic of the question, namely, to the mechanisms for turning one’s own skills and knowledge into hard cash. First, you can consider the option of selling products made with your own hands.

How and where to sell the products of your labor on the Internet

There are two ways to sell things: using the World Wide Web and by actually introducing a potential buyer to the product. The first way seems to be easier. Here's how to make money on handicrafts on the Internet:

  • start a blog,
  • community in social network,
  • personal page on handmade store sites.

True, creating your own website from scratch will require investing not only effort and time, but also money - you will have to pay for a domain and hosting.

It would be nice to have a technical specialist who can not only create a website, but also promote it. Otherwise, he will not bring clients. It is somewhat easier to open your own small store on a blogging platform or on a social network, where you can bring your friends.

Then you can rely on word of mouth and also use promotion tools. Fortunately, there are a lot of them, and a lot of materials have been written on this topic. Again, you can hire a specialist who can promote a store.

It is somewhat easier to create your own page on large portals of needlewomen - for example, in the Russian-language sector of the Internet this is the Crafts Fair. If your knowledge of a foreign language allows, you can also discover Etsy.

Some people prefer to work on auction and classifieds sites. In this case, you can consider Avito and Ebay. At least it’s free and nothing prevents you from displaying one craft on different sites.

Hello, dear readers!

If you are reading this article, then you are probably looking for ways to make money from handicrafts.

In today's article I will tell you:

  1. Is it possible to make money from handicrafts?
  2. Where to start making money on your favorite hobby.
  3. I will share my experience in the field of earning money.

Probably not every needlewoman, while pursuing her favorite hobby, strives to make this business profitable and profitable. But if you do not belong to this group of craftswomen, then the article will be useful to you.

So, let's begin.

Is it possible to make money doing handicrafts?

What do you think: “Is it possible to make money from creativity? How much can you earn?

I will answer you: “You can make money. And as much as possible. But how much? It depends only on you.” Having extensive experience in communicating with needlewomen of different directions in creativity, I can say that some needlewomen, once they start making money from what they like, never stop.

I know this from myself. Isn't it great to do what you love and also get paid for it?

Where to start earning money?

I’ll tell you about my experience, how I started making money from my creativity.

Step No. 1. Determine the type of creativity.

To each his own: some like to embroider with beads, some like to sew toys, some make paper crafts or draw portraits. You can make money on absolutely everything.

If there is supply, there will be demand.

On a note!

You should not choose a type of creativity depending on popularity or demand. On the contrary, the narrower your specialization, the greater your chances of getting through.

I chose a niche for myself - beaded jewelry. A very exciting activity.

Step No. 2. Determine your target audience.

Look at the shelves of clothing stores. What we will see: dresses, blouses, skirts, trousers, sizes, for example, from 40 to 60. What does this mean? This means that the store's products are designed for girls and women with clothing sizes from 40 to 60.

So you must determine who can become your buyer. I make jewelry from beads, and my potential customers are girls and women from about 18 to 60 years old.

How did I find out? Only with experience. You can never immediately tell who your buyer will be, except that grocery stores. Everyone eats!

Step No. 3. Make several samples of work.

In order to start selling and making money from it, you must first offer something to your potential buyers.

To do this, make three to five products in your direction. Don’t do it just to make it happen, but do it purposefully to sell. So that later you won’t be ashamed to look the buyer in the eye about the quality of the product.

Step #4: Showcase your products.

You can do this in different ways:

  • wear the products yourself (if you make jewelry),
  • give gifts (give a sewn hare to a friend for her birthday),

  • put up advertisements,
  • hand out business cards (I handed out business cards when I was a beginner in hairdressing salons and nail services. Often these organizations allow you to leave your business cards on the table with magazines).

Your task is to do everything so that as many people as possible hear about you. The first orders will begin, you can proceed to the next step.

Step No. 5. Create a store or group.

Finally, you have grown to the level where you have small orders from friends or relatives. You can safely create your own resource for selling products.

The easiest way is to create a VKontakte group. You can read about all the intricacies of creating and maintaining a group in the free book: My VKontakte group: rules for maintaining and promoting.

You can create your own website on your own, but if you do not have programming skills, then it is better not to waste time, but to entrust this task to knowledgeable people.

We created the site ourselves. My husband studied a million information on this issue, watched a lot of video courses and lessons.

And I’ll tell you honestly - this is a very labor-intensive process - studying, but even more difficult - the creation of the site itself.

But having a personal blog or website is very important for every needlewoman. Why? I talked about this in the article Why does a needlewoman need a website? Let's look at the topic piece by piece.

Step 6. Replenish the catalog.

The final stage on the path to making money from handicrafts. Don’t forget why you did all the previous steps. Your goal is to learn how to make money from handicrafts. And for this you need to regularly update the catalog of your works.

Perhaps these are the main steps on the path to making money. Naturally, this is not a standard set of steps. This is my experience that I went through and lived myself. Between these steps there may be additional ones: for example, participation in exhibitions, provision of products for photo shoots, rental of products, etc.

How much can you earn from handicrafts?

A novice craftswoman who is in the initial stage of her creative development can even work at a loss.

And that's how I worked. You buy materials for 600 rubles, and sell the finished product for 500 rubles. Beginning needlewomen often underestimate their creativity. Then, with experience, this feeling will pass.
When I just started accepting my first orders, I could earn about 2000-3000 rubles. per month. Not much, but for me, as a beginner, this was already progress.

Now that I’m back on my feet, my net earnings from handicrafts have increased significantly. How much can you earn from handicrafts? Someone will say 500 thousand rubles. per month, for some 20,000 rubles. per month. Until you try, you won't know.

Work to your full potential, try first of all to work not to earn money, but because you like it. As they say: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.”

All in your hands! Work, work hard and you will definitely learn how to make money from your handicrafts. Handicrafts can become the main source of your income. I wish you, needlewomen, good luck! Don't be afraid of anything! You will succeed! Bye bye!

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to blog updates and learn more useful information. Tell us about your story of making money from handicrafts in the comments or write a message, and I will definitely write an article about you.

This topic has been brewing for a long time. And I really wanted to find such a form to convey to everyone that these myths are only in everyone’s head. I will try to operate as much as possible with the facts that are known to me personally. That is, all this data was verified by me personally. So, how much can you earn from handicrafts? >>>>> More than once at a webinar (online seminar) I was asked a similar question. But it sounded like a statement... - Well, tell me honestly, you can’t earn a lot (how much is that?) just from handicrafts? I understand the anxiety of such people... I really want to be creative. I really want to give joy to myself and those around me, because the author, when creating a work, splashes out so many emotions, so much love, so much energy and energy of the creator... It’s something magical.. It’s not for nothing that I called our site and our beadwork school that way) But the materials and time costs money.. And loved ones need to be fed and clothed.. Therefore, we are looking for material confirmation of our creativity. You can make money doing handicrafts! And you can earn more than $1,000/month. I don’t know if this is too much or too little for you. And many handmakers are already earning these amounts. But handicrafts (beading, knitting, weaving, patchwork, embroidery, scrapbooking, etc.) are a business like everything else. Only more subtle, more soulful... That’s why you need to build it like a business. Calculate profitability. Look for ways to promote and sell. Find out market trends. And in order to earn really decent money, you need to receive income from several sources. The first myth is that making money on handicrafts means making money only from selling your works. Let's consider. Check the boxes that you are currently using. And you can calculate how much you can earn per month.

  1. Do you make money by selling your works?

My question immediately arises: how many sources do you use to sell your work? I hope you have exhibited your works on more than one site, and expect them to all be sold out right away? I know 7 types of sales sources your works. Only sales of works, and exactly 7 types of sources. There are much more subspecies. How much do you use? I’ll tell you in detail about the sources in the next article or at the webinar. If it’s important for you to know, write, then I’ll quickly reveal all the sources. 2. Do you make money by selling designs of your work? 3. Do you make money by selling creative materials? 4. Do you make money by conducting master classes? 5. Do you make money by selling your book about your crafts? 6. Do you teach courses both online and offline? 7.Do you make money by mass producing your work? 8. DO YOU earn money by selling the works of other artists? 9. Do you make money by running a website or blog about your handicrafts? Yes, in fact, there are still many options for making money from handicrafts... If you have ticked affirmatively 3-4 options for making money from handicrafts, you have every chance of earning more than $1,000/month. Of course, the decisive factor here is also the quality of your work and productivity. And how much you have promoted these earning options... But the fact that you don’t get hung up on one type gives you a huge advantage. The biggest secret to making money is your strategy. It is she who decides how quickly you will earn money. Are you working for the future or want to get results this month? Are you creating multiple streams of craft income at once or are you developing one in detail? Do you create highly artistic works or many popular products? You can write your opinion or questions in the comments. Or come on February 6 at 20:00 Moscow time to a webinar (online seminar), where I will talk about 7 sources of income from handicrafts(suitable for any type of needlework)

Enter your email address:

    December 21st, 2012 Elena Tsvetkova

    I came across the fact that many needlewomen (both beginners and not-so-beginners))) do not know that there are MANY ways to make money from your skills. And this is not just about selling your products. And by the way, I agree that many needlewomen, especially beginners, will not be able to earn much just by selling their products. Here I completely agree with many who at my webinars ask the question:...

    February 14th, 2013 Elena Tsvetkova

    I came across this article by accident and urgently share it, since everything is said here as simply, concisely and correctly as possible! Our needlewomen narrow the range of sales of their works too much and miss out on millions of opportunities. At the same time, this article will be a good answer from life, how much you can earn from handicrafts. Only now it will be the language of facts “I get up around eight in the morning...

Attitudes towards handicrafts have remained biased for many decades. Large enterprises provided the consumer with everything necessary, and therefore any creativity, including creating clothes, jewelry or interior items with your own hands at home, was considered an innocent hobby that allowed a housewife to escape from daily worries. However, in the end, buyers became fed up with the same type of industrial stamping and began to pay attention to exclusive things, endowed with individual features and retaining the imprint of the master’s hand.

The second most important factor that led to interest in the question of how to make money on handicrafts was the advent of the Internet. Today, any needlewoman, using the World Wide Web, can present her creations to an audience of millions and send the goods to a buyer living in any country in the world. It is logical to assume that such a unique opportunity was immediately noticed by people who possess not only handicraft skills, but also minimal experience in entrepreneurial activity.

Business Features

For a creative person launch own business often becomes a time-consuming and stressful process. Women who want to figure out how to make money doing needlework while sitting at home should first of all assess the degree of personal readiness for such radical changes. At the stage of establishing your business, you will have to work almost around the clock, and the main expenditure of time and effort will not be associated with creativity, but with finding clients and promoting the product. To determine how much a novice entrepreneur can earn from handicrafts, you need to take into account:
  • Direction. Some types of products are in constant demand and are in demand among a wide range of people, while for others it is much more difficult to find buyers. It is necessary to research consumer preferences and find out which handicraft is best to earn money in a particular locality;
  • Materials. It is logical to assume that the cost of a product made using rare fabrics, semi-precious stones and high-quality fittings will be much higher than the price of an analogue made from available materials;
  • Labor intensity. Handicrafts from which you can earn money are associated with painstaking work, the need to obtain additional knowledge or purchase special equipment. The cost of such things, by definition, should not be low;
  • Marketing. The master will have to study various methods of promoting his products, since it is almost impossible to make money at home from handicrafts without carrying out marketing activities. In addition, sales volumes directly depend on the strategy and intensity of the advertising campaign.

It should be noted that running a business at home is accompanied not only by bonuses in the form of creative self-realization and financial independence, but also by unexpected problems, including:

  1. Attitude of relatives. Housework is often not adequately perceived by the rest of the family - business in their eyes looks like a frivolous hobby that distracts a woman from more important pressing matters. To convince your relatives and dispel their doubts about whether it is possible to make money from handicrafts, you will have to make a lot of effort;
  2. Personal care. A woman absorbed in the creative process has difficulty finding time to communicate with friends, walks, go to the gym and visit beauty salons. It is quite easy to plunge into such a state; it is much more difficult to get out of it. Therefore, your daily schedule should be drawn up taking into account the need for such events;
  3. Guaranteed income. Employment requires regular payment wages, the value of which often does not depend on the effort put in, whereas in a home business, profit is determined solely by the number of orders completed. Preferring handicrafts as a way to earn money, you need to soberly assess your capabilities and their relationship with the need for money;
  4. Qualification. Being busy making products around the clock, many women do not pay due attention to the development of fashion trends, the emergence of new techniques and improving their skills. When learning how to make money from a hobby, handicrafts should be perceived not as a set of stamps and templates, but as a creative process that requires constant expansion of your professional circle of contacts and gaining additional knowledge;
  5. Chasing money. A beginner who has made his first profit may feel an uncontrollable desire to earn more and more. When income becomes an end in itself, a person, in pursuit of money, begins to work virtually exhausted, which leads to rapid exhaustion and professional “burnout.” To avoid becoming a workaholic, you need to increase profits not through quantity, but through quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Popularity of products self made has been growing continuously in recent years, and this process is based on quite objective reasons:

  • Craftsmen use only high-quality materials in production, and also monitor the accuracy of their work, thanks to which the finished products look very decent;
  • Products are most often exclusive, released in a single copy or in a limited edition of several pieces;
  • The price of the product does not include office rent, wages for support and administrative personnel, and in some cases, even taxes.

What are the advantages of this business for craftsmen? When asked whether it is possible to make money from handicrafts, women pay attention primarily to the positive aspects of this type of activity:

  • Products can be sold not only through regular stores, but also via the Internet;
  • The purchase of tools and materials is accompanied by small expenses;
  • The markup on products is 120–150%;
  • Business promotes personal creative self-realization;
  • You can independently choose a convenient work schedule and daily routine;
  • There are dozens of different techniques, among which everyone will surely find handicrafts on which they can make money.

However, it is unlikely that you will be able to imagine the full picture if you do not mention the difficulties characteristic of a handicraft business. First of all, this is an inadequate perception by others of the complexity of the creative process, as a result of which clients constantly have to explain why a frame made of buttons or a panel of twisted paper ribbons can cost so much.


  • There are many competitors working in each direction, among whom there are well-known talented craftsmen;
  • When choosing which handicraft to earn money from, you need to take into account the presence of creative abilities and their combination with personal preferences;
  • Income is variable and its amount cannot be predicted.

Popular types of needlework

The division of handicrafts into types is quite arbitrary, since craftsmen often combine them, adding individual features to the production technology. However, taking into account the materials and technology used, several of the most popular areas can be classified. So, what kind of needlework can you make good money on:
  1. Bijouterie. Jewelry made from metal, leather, beads, ceramics, natural stones and glass beads may vary in both price and complexity of production. Not only earrings, rings and necklaces are in demand among buyers, but also pendants, bracelets, and various pendants;
  2. Bead products. Craftsmen use this material not only for making jewelry, but also as an independent decorative element. What kind of handicraft can you make good money on: the most popular are bead embroidery on clothes, paintings and panels, as well as finishing bracelets, cases, wallets and belts;
  3. Knitting. Despite the fact that this type of needlework is classic, the modern buyer is interested in it due to the opportunity to receive an absolutely exclusive stylish item. You can knit almost any item of clothing - from a scarf or hat to a sweater and coat;
  4. Sewing. By turning to private craftsmen, clients have the opportunity not only to choose the material for the product themselves, but also to purchase an item that is perfectly tailored to their figure. What handicrafts can make money: experienced craftsmen sew custom dresses, suits, blouses, skirts and trousers, and also provide services for repairing clothes, making bedspreads, covers, bed linen and curtains;
  5. Embroidery. With the help of embroidery, you can add unique features to the design of any item - sweaters, shirts, dresses, blouses. Decorating or applying branding to robes, workwear, tablecloths, towels and napkins is also in demand, and embroidered tapestries and paintings are often purchased as souvenirs;
  6. Polymer clay. This material looks like brightly colored plasticine, however, when heated, the mass hardens, maintaining its given shape. How to make money from handicrafts: various souvenirs, photo frames, figurines, pendants and earrings, refrigerator magnets are made from clay;
  7. Wicker weave. Taking into account the increased interest in interior items made from natural materials, tables, chairs, rocking chairs, baskets and stands, plates and other products made from wicker will be in demand among buyers, and it is quite possible to produce such products at home;
  8. Felting. A special technique of dry or wet felting of merino wool allows you to obtain a material similar to felt. What type of handicraft can you earn: craftsmen offer customers soft toys, bags, paintings, jewelry and even clothing items made using this technique;
  9. Scrapbooking. This direction includes the author's design of photo albums, notebooks, diaries, photo frames and book covers using various decorative elements - collages, scraps of fabric, ribbons, old photo cards, postcards, buttons and beads;
  10. Decoupage. Using the decoupage technique, you can decorate interior items, furniture, boxes and dishes with appliqué by transferring images and ornaments from postcards, napkins and photographs. The surface is sometimes artificially aged, and the finished product is varnished to protect the design;
  11. Quilling. In this direction, compositions, panels or paintings are assembled from decorative elements, which are long strips of multi-colored paper twisted into spirals. The elements are glued to the base and form a flat or three-dimensional stylized image;
  12. Topiary. The essence of this art was originally to give plants a certain shape. Today, topiaries are made in the form of small balls, cones and hearts, decorated with buttons, beads, paper and dried flowers and even candies. The finished product is fixed on a leg and placed in a flower pot;
  13. Cosmetics. Women have long mastered the technology of making designer soap from a base and various aromatic additives in combination with fillers. What kind of handicraft to do to earn money today: at home you can produce not only soap, but also scrubs, masks, creams, shampoos;
  14. Decorative candles. To make them, wax or paraffin is used, as well as various dyes, fragrances, and decorative elements in the form of pebbles, coffee beans, dried flowers and sparkles. Finished products are made multi-layered and given intricate shapes of flowers, plants and geometric figures;
  15. Leather products. This technique requires not only skill, but also the presence of special equipment - knives, patterns, punches, and a sewing machine. What is the easiest way to make money with handicrafts: women's and men's bags, bracelets, belts, wallets and purses, cases for smartphones, key rings and key holders are in demand.

Workflow organization

How to make money on handicrafts? A meaningful approach to this process requires a rejection of spontaneity, careful arrangement of the workplace, as well as daily and long-term planning of your actions. Thus, when working at home, the needlewoman must find optimal ratio between the creative and production components of a business.

Work time

Many craftsmen complain that it takes them too much time to make each item. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that during the day they manage to watch several TV series, surf the Internet and chat with friends on the phone. If you treat creativity as work and devote at least eight hours to it every day, then the speed can increase several times.

In addition, creative individuals are characterized by a constant flight of thought: when we make money through handicrafts, ideas overwhelm us, there is a temptation to try something new, master related technology, or get distracted in some other way. Such actions significantly reduce labor productivity: during working hours you should only do work, and carry out all creative research in your free time.

Finally, it is not recommended to engage in creative work continuously, since it is impossible to make money from handicrafts at home if you have chronic fatigue. Therefore, if there are obvious signs of fatigue, it is better to take a break and walk in the fresh air, and upon returning start working with new strength and new ideas.


If the master is forced to collect the necessary tools throughout the apartment every time, and then look for a free corner, then there will be little time left for work. Therefore, a properly equipped, well-lit workplace not only allows you to keep equipment and materials in order, but also creates the appropriate mood.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to dedicate a separate room or an entire workshop for creativity. However, any corner for creativity should be inviolable for the rest of the family, to whom it should be explained: if the mother or spouse works, then you cannot disturb her over trifles.

Goal setting and planning

Unfortunately, even women themselves sometimes do not consider needlework a serious business and do not want to spend time on planning. Accordingly, all business is conducted chaotically and spontaneously, which naturally leads to disappointment and collapse. Of course, a full-fledged business plan is necessary mainly to attract investment, however, in any case, it is advisable to transfer some of its points to paper:

  • Equipment. In this section you need to list what equipment you already have and what needs to be purchased. It is advisable to carry out such investments in stages to reduce the financial burden;
  • Materials. A woman passionate about her hobby usually does not think about the cost of raw materials. However, if you consider handicrafts as a business, you need to look for wholesale suppliers in order to reduce overhead costs;
  • Expected income. When making calculations, you should not proceed from how much well-known craftsmen and recognized authorities earn from handicrafts. It is necessary to indicate values ​​based on the real productivity of the master and the amount of current expenses. The obtained figures will allow you to take a critical look at the business and determine whether it is advisable to engage in it at all;
  • Sales strategy. In this section, you need to take into account the costs associated with promoting the product, select suitable advertising and trading platforms, and also determine the portrait of the average consumer.

How can you make money?

There are several main ways to turn your hobby into income, and experienced craftsmen use each of them to increase profits:

  • Sale of finished products. Begin home business You can distribute products among friends and acquaintances, as well as making themed gifts for the holidays. As they gain experience, needlewomen move on to posting their works on social networks, on thematic virtual trading platforms and in nearby stores that sell souvenirs and related products;
  • Work to order. Some customers quite often turn to the master with a request to copy something with some variations, or to re-make the product presented in the portfolio. Others, on the contrary, do not set strict conditions, indicating only the theme and leaving the practical implementation of the idea to the discretion of the artist;
  • Conducting master classes. There are two ways to turn your knowledge into income - by conducting classes with clients in the real world, or by publishing photos and videos on the Internet. How to make money on handicraft master classes in the first case: you need to conduct advertising campaign, recruit students, rent suitable premises, purchase sets of materials and tools. Organizing online training is much easier - all you need is a webcam, microphone, camera and Internet access. Such classes can be available both in real time (in webinar format) and recorded;
  • Sales of raw materials. When considering how to make money with handicrafts on the Internet, you should take into account that the sale of materials and raw materials is a good additional source of income for a craftsman who has contacts with wholesale suppliers. It is difficult to imagine a more qualified seller: a person who knows the secrets of art will always be able to offer the client best product and provide comprehensive advice on working with it.

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How to sell products?

The issue of finding clients remains relevant for both a novice entrepreneur and an experienced professional. To develop the right strategy, you first need to choose between working for sale or working to order. Accordingly, in the first case, you will have to produce enough inventory to fill the display case, and in the second, you will have to pay attention to the high-quality content of the portfolio. The most popular and affordable ways to sell finished products are:

  • Thematic trading platforms. There are many Russian-language and foreign specialized sites that provide needlewomen with the opportunity to put their products up for sale. Venues conduct different pricing policy for authors, however, in most cases it is possible to post several proposals for free, while subsequent ones are subject to a nominal fee;
  • Interest forums. There are dozens and hundreds of popular women's forums on the Internet, the administration of which allows the publication of advertisements for sale in the appropriate sections. There are also specialized forums dedicated to design, handicrafts and other related surveys - here you can also offer your work and find regular customers;
  • Social media. The needlewoman needs to select several of the most popular networks (most often these are VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Instagram), create personal pages or groups in them with examples of work, prices, delivery conditions, and then start attracting interested visitors, communicating with them, and holding various competitions and voting - in a word, the account must be active, with constantly updated information;
  • Souvenir shops. In any city there are retail outlets that cooperate with craftsmen and accept their work for sale. If there are too few of them, or the proposed terms of cooperation do not suit the needlewoman, you can pay attention to stores selling related products - flowers, gifts, stationery and even furniture;
  • Own website. At a certain stage of development, a business becomes cramped within the framework of social networks and specialized portals, and a master who already owns a well-known brand begins to study in more depth the question of how to make money on handicrafts on the Internet. Such searches inevitably lead to the idea of ​​​​the need to create your own online store. Of course, developing your own website will require expenses of 25–50 thousand rubles, however, with a constantly updated assortment and advertising support on social networks, these investments will pay off within a few months;
  • Fairs and exhibitions. To participate in specialized or general city fairs, even an individual often only needs to pay the cost of participation.
  • However, any such event requires some preparation - the master needs to:

  1. Consider the design of the exhibition space and the display of goods;
  2. Purchase commercial equipment;
  3. Prepare beautiful business cards and other information materials;
  4. Print neat, stylish price tags.


It is necessary to make a considerable amount of effort to turn a hobby, which is unobtrusively practiced in free time, into a serious business: the needlewoman will have to study direct sales techniques, advertising technologies and the basics of doing business. However, success stories of famous craftsmen show that with determination, hard work and a certain amount of talent, you can get a very real income from handicrafts.
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