Technical specifications for refilling cartridges. Or maybe outsourcing printing? Provision of services for refilling and restoring cartridges (according to technical specifications) Terms of reference for refilling cartridges without specifying the quantity

Does your organization use the services of a third-party company for refilling cartridges, or are you just looking for such a company? Are you going to announce a tender? Then this article is for you.

How many did you print?

There are several ways to find out this indicator.

Pfirst way- calculate how much unused paper there was at the beginning of the year (number of packs * 500 sheets), add the amount of paper purchased for the year and subtract the remaining paper at the end of the year. A few questions remain. Perhaps some paper was not used for printing? How much was printed on the drafts? How many were printed with double-sided printing? In principle, this method gives a general idea of ​​the number of printed pages, but as we said, due to the remaining questions, we allow for a significant error.

Method two. At the beginning of the year, print a status sheet on all devices, which indicates the number of printed pages, do the same procedure at the end of the year, then calculate the difference first in terms of , and then add up all the resulting indicators to find out how many documents were printed for the organization as a whole. The procedure for removing the meter must not be forgotten to be done on arriving and departing devices. This method is of course more accurate. However, if in the first case the accounting department provides the data relatively quickly, then in the second case, if you did not take readings from printers, MFPs and other printing devices a year ago, then having done this for the first time today, you will have to wait another year.

Trthis way, which you have probably heard about, and which, in our opinion, is the most correct, install a specialized program that will automatically receive information about the number of printed pages for any period, for all printers and MFPs, and, if necessary, for users . There are paid programs, but it is possible to use free solutions. We mainly use the PriSma program. As our experience shows, the capabilities of this program fully cover almost any customer needs and allow you to build a full-fledged print monitoring system.

How much did you spend?

Let's move on to the calculation; to do this, we first divide all the costs into obvious (which we know about) and non-obvious (which we, as a rule, only guess about).

Obvious costs(data can be obtained from the accounting department):

  • the cost of purchase, and other printing devices (calculated per year, the amount of annual depreciation of printing devices);
  • purchase cost (paper, cartridges, etc.);
  • cost of printing device services
  • cost of services for refilling and restoring cartridges
Unobvious costs(we will try to describe options for calculating costs):
  • use of workspace, or the area occupied by printers, MFPs and other printing equipment. Rental rate per square meter for the total area under printers.
  • power consumption of printing devices. It’s hard to calculate, you need to be guided by the documentation for the devices and take into account that printers do not turn off at night;
  • labor costs for the organization and functioning of the internal service desk. Salary in part related to supporting the document printing process.
  • labor costs to resolve incidents. It is necessary to determine by multiplying the hourly rate of employees involved in eliminating the incident, both on the part of the applicants and on the part of the performers.
  • labor costs for organizing work with contractors. Includes the wages of employees who place requests to contractors and control the timing and quality of work.
  • losses from downtime printing devices at user workstations. It is the most difficult thing to evaluate, since you need to understand the continuity of what business process the document printing process provides, and what added value the organization is deprived of due to downtime. An organization's financiers can calculate and report the average productivity of one employee in terms of income per unit of time. You can multiply this figure by the equipment downtime.
  • costs for office equipment and consumables. Amounts that must be paid for an independent assessment to make a decision on write-off and for carrying out disposal work to specialized organizations.
  • labor costs for organizing the procurement process printers, MFPs, copiers, scanners and consumables for printing equipment. At first glance, the costs are not significant, but in fact, the IT department, the business department, and the accounting department are involved in the process, and the decision is made by management.
I think we have tried to list all possible costs. It is not easy to obtain data on “obvious” costs, but it is possible - we make a request to the accounting department. How to calculate data on “non-obvious” costs, the question here is much more complicated and getting an answer to it is comparable to writing, well, of course, not a doctoral dissertation, but that’s for sure a candidate’s dissertation. Again, this process largely depends on the scale of the enterprise and the transparency of the business processes occurring within it.

You can, of course, stop at counting the “obvious” costs and divide these costs by the number of pages printed. However, in practice, “non-obvious costs” range from 30 to 100% of “obvious” costs.

Now that we have received the information we need, let's share" Spent" on " Printed" And we get the long-awaited figure. As a rule, this cost of printing one A4 page for black and white printing ranges from 1 to 3 rubles and from 7 to 15 rubles for color printing.

Technical specification - the need for "Uninterrupted printing of documents"

Now let's sum it up and look at why we propose to change the need from “Refilling cartridges” to the need “Uninterrupted printing of documents.” The volume of printing, the continuity and quality of printing, and financial costs are what, in our opinion, the customer should control. At the same time, this control should be given as little time as possible, and it should be transparent for understanding by all participants in the process.

We believe that it is not a correct approach when the customer counts how many times the cartridge has been refilled or restored, much less keeping records of how many times the squeegee, charge roller, and photodrum have been changed (as indicated in most technical specifications).

It is difficult for the customer to make an objective decision when assessing the feasibility of repairing equipment, since in the process of making such a decision, the costs of searching for information about the competitive cost of repairs are sometimes not comparable with the cost of its implementation, and the results of assessment by different service centers may differ significantly. Any repair is subjective! Only the price of printing one document is objective, and this is the price that should be demanded from the contractor!

How to write a technical task in which the need is “Uninterrupted printing of documents”? In our opinion, it should include the following:

  • information to potential contractors about the fleet of printers, MFPs and other printing equipment and its location
  • approximate volume of document printing
  • determining the feasibility of installing software to monitor print volumes
  • determining whether the contractor can install his own equipment, both main and backup
  • determining the possibility of forming a reserve of consumables for printing equipment on the customer’s territory for the agreed volume of printing
  • determination of requirements for uninterrupted operation and quality of printing (percentage of equipment availability, time to resolve incidents, etc.)
  • proposal to contractors to determine the cost of services based on the cost of printing a page of a document.
What benefits does the organization receive? when switches to service on the terms of a page-by-page (copy-by-page) contract:
  • predictability and budgetability of expenses, you will be able to clearly understand who prints, how much and for what;
  • savings of up to 30% due to the reduction of directly measurable “obvious costs” of printing and the reduction, or complete absence, of most “non-obvious costs”;
  • no losses from equipment downtime due to its more rational placement and use;
  • reduction of administrative costs and labor costs to support the printing process;
  • no need to invest in printing equipment and consumables;
  • significant reduction in cost items for organizing the printing process.

The customer purchases cartridges for printers. The purchase is carried out within the framework of Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ. Technical documentation for printers contains a recommendation for the use of original consumables (cartridges), as well as an indication of refusal of warranty service in case of violation of such recommendations.
Is it possible to indicate in the procurement documentation for a specific trademark the purchased cartridges for the printers used by the customer (including printers for which the warranty period has expired) without the words “or equivalent”?

Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
In the above situation, the procurement documentation may indicate a specific trademark of the purchased consumables without the words “or equivalent”, regardless of whether the warranty period for the equipment for which the consumables are purchased has expired.

Rationale for the conclusion:
According to the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as Law N 44-FZ), the object of procurement refers to the goods, works, services themselves , delivery, performance, provision of which are the subject of the contract. The uniform requirements that the customer must follow when describing the procurement object, regardless of the method of procurement, are established by Art. 33 of the said Law.
In accordance with Law N 44-FZ, procurement documentation may contain an indication of trademarks if, when performing work or providing services, it is intended to use goods the supply of which is not the subject of the contract. In this case, a mandatory condition is to include the words “or equivalent” in the description of the procurement object, with the exception of:
- cases of incompatibility of goods on which other trademarks are placed, and the need to ensure the interaction of such goods with goods used by the customer;
- cases of procurement of spare parts and consumables for machines and equipment used by the customer, in accordance with the technical documentation for the specified machines and equipment.
In other words, N 44-FZ directly allows for the possibility of indicating in the procurement documentation a specific trademark of purchased consumables, without accompanying such an indication with the words “or equivalent”, if the need or feasibility of using original consumables is provided for by the technical documentation for the relevant equipment. This opportunity does not depend on whether the warranty period for the equipment for which consumables are purchased has expired. The above is confirmed by law enforcement practice (see, for example, the decision of the OFAS for the Tyumen region dated July 19, 2017 N FKS17/203, the decision of the OFAS for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated November 15, 2016 N 03/PA, the decision of the OFAS for the Lipetsk region dated December 15. 2016 N 537-T-16, decision of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region dated 07/04/2017 in case N A60-2335/2017, Fifth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 08/05/2015 N 05AP-6479/15).
The inclusion in the procurement documentation of provisions that consumables must be original cannot be considered as a restriction of access to tendering. Such requirements do not constitute a violation of current legislation, since they apply to all procurement participants without exception. Each of the participants has the opportunity to fulfill them, since original cartridges have wide distribution channels and no special permissions are required to purchase them from printer manufacturers (or other sellers) (decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Kurgan Region dated October 1, 2014 N 05-02/ 176-14).
Thus, under the described circumstances, the purchase documentation may indicate the specific trademark of the cartridges being purchased without the words “or equivalent.” This also applies to goods purchased for use on equipment for which the warranty period has expired.

Prepared answer:
Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Lozhechnikova Elena

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Alexandrov Alexey

The material was prepared on the basis of individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

We will tell you how to competently draw up technical specifications for the purchase of consumables for electronic computing and other equipment using the example of purchasing printer cartridges.

From this article you will learn:

  • the principle of compatibility of consumables with equipment;
  • criteria for purchasing consumables for EVT;
  • requirements for packaging and labeling of consumables;
  • example of Terms of Reference for the purchase of consumables for electronic devices;
  • indicating “or equivalent” when purchasing supplies.

It is known that consumables for electronic computer equipment require regular replacement, unlike the electronic computer products themselves. Most often, customers require consumables for printers, multifunction devices and duplicating machines (KMA). Such consumables are, as a rule, various cartridges and toners.

The customer has the right to indicate the need to supply an original cartridge or toner cartridge, oriented for use in the brands of office equipment indicated in the table, in order to maintain warranty obligations for its operation. If a participant in placing an order offers for delivery goods with a brand of office equipment that does not correspond to that required in the customer’s Technical Specifications, he will be denied admission to participate in the auction. As a rule, this requirement is always set by customers.

In addition, the Terms of Reference for the supply of cartridges may establish requirements for their novelty and the absence of defects in materials and workmanship. Often customers specify that cartridges must not be modified, refilled, altered or damaged in any way.

In addition, as with the supply of other equipment, it is possible to indicate a specific period of manufacture of the cartridge (for example, no earlier than 2016) or a specific year of manufacture, as well as the resource of the manufacturer. In addition, the Technical Specifications may indicate the chemical composition of the toner, which must guarantee, for example, print quality with increased clarity of black, smooth transitions of shades of gray, and highly detailed graphics.

Sometimes customers indicate in the auction documentation such special requirements for cartridges, such as, for example, the elimination of streaking when the toner level decreases (requirement for the operation of the helical drive mechanism), securely locking and securing the toner in the cartridge to prevent leakage (requirement for magnetic seals) , as well as the requirement for print density and background density measured by a densitometer.

To identify a supplier, contractor or contractor, you first need to plan electronic procedures. Get an electronic signature. Select the platform that best suits your organization and register. Next, generate documentation and notices, carry out procedures and identify a supplier and conclude a contract, taking into account the characteristics of each procurement method.
See solutions for each electronic method: auction, competition, request for quotations, request for proposals.

The customer also has the right to establish requirements for packaging and labeling of consumables. For example, it is possible to indicate the original packaging of consumables if this is necessary for the customer. The general formula for packaging and labeling requirements for consumables usually looks like this. Packaging and labeling of goods must comply with the requirements of GOST, and for imported goods - with international packaging standards. Packaging and labeling of consumables must contain all signs of originality established by manufacturers, signs of authenticity, holograms, security seals, stamps containing all elements of protection against counterfeiting (inscriptions and sticker color that change at different viewing angles, a unique sticker number, a barcode on the sticker , thermal strip, etc.), contain all the necessary codes and signs of the manufacturer, and be free from mechanical damage.

The cartridge body must not have abrasions, scratches, chips or signs of tampering. The packaging must ensure the safety of the goods during transportation to the final place of operation and loading and unloading operations. The packaging labeling must strictly correspond to the product labeling.

Further, the customer has the right to indicate the performance of the cartridges, which, for example, should guarantee trouble-free operation of office equipment with minimal user participation, if necessary. Typically, customers want a product that combines quality, high-performance printing with a reliable, easy-to-use design, easy installation and maintenance.

If ease of operation plays a key role, this must also be indicated in the Terms of Reference. As with the purchase of other goods used in the customer’s daily activities, an integral part of the Terms of Reference for the purchase of cartridges and other consumables are the requirements for the warranty period for servicing the product: the guarantee period for the normal functioning of the product, subject to proper storage or until the end of the original toner in the cartridge.

It is necessary to pay attention to this fact: the customer has the right to indicate that the supplied goods must have a certificate of conformity. At the same time, it is not allowed to establish in the auction documentation a requirement to provide a copy of the specified certificate as part of the bidder's application in accordance with the Law on the Contract System, and an exhaustive list of information contained in the bidder's application is not provided.

In addition, according to Part 2 of Article 456 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the seller is obliged to transfer to the buyer the accessories and documents related to the item (technical passport, quality certificate, operating instructions, etc.) simultaneously with the transfer of the item itself. The establishment of this requirement contains signs of an administrative offense, liability for the commission of which is provided for by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The customer is also obliged to establish the place of delivery of cartridges indicating specific addresses.

Thus, the main feature of placing an order for the supply of cartridges and other consumables for electronic devices is the indication of the trademark of the purchased product without the words “or equivalent” by virtue of the Law on the Contract System, since the supplied consumables are necessary to ensure their interaction with the electronic computing system equipment and office equipment, i.e. goods used by the customer.

From July 1, 2016, when describing the procurement object, customers are required to use the requirements of technical regulations adopted in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation and documents of the national standardization system. These requirements were established by Federal Law No. 104 of 04/05/2016.

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Attached files

  • Terms of reference for the purchase of printer cartridges.docx


JSC "Syktyvkar Vodokanal"
__________________ K.Yu. Timshin

Technical assignment No. 16/2016

for maintenance of copying equipment, refilling and restoration of cartridges used in this equipment.


Job title



Full name


Syktyvkar, 2016

  1. Subject of purchase:
Perform maintenance work on copying equipment, refilling and restoring cartridges used in this equipment.

  1. Place of work:
The work is carried out in the buildings of JSC Syktyvkar Vodokanal. At the Customer’s discretion, the equipment may be transferred for maintenance and repair to the Contractor’s service center. Transportation of equipment is carried out at the expense of the Contractor.

  1. Turnaround time:

    1. The work is carried out from the date of signing the contract until December 31, 2016.

    2. Calling the Contractor's representative to carry out work to restore the equipment's functionality should be possible on any day from 8:00 to 20:00, including on holidays and non-working days. The visit of the Contractor’s specialist to the Customer, in order to diagnose equipment malfunctions and eliminate the malfunction, must be carried out within 2 hours from the date of the Customer’s application.

    3. The Contractor must carry out maintenance and repair of equipment within no more than 1 (one) working day from the moment the equipment is transferred to the Contractor (the period can be increased by agreement with the Customer).

    4. The frequency of equipment maintenance should ensure uninterrupted operation of copying equipment.

    5. The Contractor visits for cartridges to be refilled and restored weekly. The Exact time of departure is agreed upon by the Contractor with the Customer by prior agreement, both written and oral.

    6. Services for refilling and restoring each batch of cartridges must be performed as soon as technically possible, but no more than two calendar days from the date of receipt of the cartridges by the Contractor.

  1. Scope of work:

Types of jobs

Total number of works per year

Prevention of CMA in A4 format


Prevention of CMA in A3 format


Repair of component KMA A4 format


Repair of component KMA A3 format


Refilling a laser cartridge (monochrome) A4 format


Refilling a laser cartridge (monochrome) A3 format


Restoring a laser cartridge (monochrome) A4 format


Restoring a laser cartridge (monochrome) A3 format


Restoring a color laser cartridge.




  1. General requirements for the work:

    1. During the provision of services, the Contractor must ensure uninterrupted operation of the Customer's copying and duplicating equipment, cartridges (hereinafter referred to as equipment), continuously monitor the technical condition of the equipment and promptly provide recommendations for replacing obsolete equipment or worn-out spare parts, implement measures aimed at optimizing printing processes and copying for the purpose of the most rational use by the Customer of copying and printing equipment and to prevent disruptions in the work of the Customer’s departments.

    2. Restoring the functionality of the Customer’s equipment should be understood as the work that the Contractor needs to perform in order for the Customer’s equipment to perform the work for its intended purpose without interference or additional manipulations on the part of the Customer.

    3. The Contractor is obliged to comply with the internal regulations, safety regulations, and fire safety regulations in force at the Customer’s enterprise (organization).

    4. All spare parts and consumables used by the Contractor must be original, new, previously unused, and made from new high-quality components. Spare parts and consumables must be free from defects in design, materials or performance during use, with a shelf life of no more than 1 year, and are free from rights and obligations of third parties.

    5. New components used for equipment repair must comply with the standards, indicators, parameters and other requirements in force in the Russian Federation.

    6. The Contractor carries out restoration of the equipment in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

    7. If it is impossible to restore the functionality of the equipment, the Contractor provides a free technical report on the inappropriateness of the repair and transfers it to the Customer. In the technical report, the Contractor describes in detail the necessary work, measures and required consumables to restore the functionality of the equipment. Write-off (refusal of further servicing) of the Customer's equipment by the Contractor unilaterally is unacceptable. The write-off procedure requires the presence of a commission created by the Customer. The commission consists of representatives of third-party organizations in the city of Syktyvkar and the Komi Republic that are engaged in a similar type of activity, as well as representatives of the Customer and a representative of the Contractor. The Customer determines the competence and professionalism of the organization that is part of the Customer’s commission independently. For the period until the equipment transferred to the Contractor for restoration of functionality is transferred to the Customer in good condition, the Contractor must provide the Customer with equipment of a similar printing class and functional characteristics for the duration of the work to bring the Customer’s equipment into good working condition by the Contractor. At the same time, the Equipment transferred by the Contractor for the period of restoration of operability must be provided without the need to install and change the driver in the operating system of the Customer’s personal computer.

    8. Work to restore the functionality of the equipment is considered completed only if all faults of this equipment are completely eliminated, all work is carried out to configure the repaired equipment, and save (restore) all information available before the equipment failed.

    9. Equipment restoration work that does not lead to the elimination of all faults and adequate operation of this equipment is not considered completed and is not subject to payment.

    10. If the Customer has any comments or complaints about the work performed, he declares them in writing or by fax within 3 (three) working days after he signs the Certificate of Completion. After receiving the claim, the Contractor satisfies it within 1 (one) business day at no cost to the Customer.

  1. Requirements for the content of work:

    1. Equipment diagnostics:

      1. At the Customer’s request, within the time limits specified in clause 3, the Contractor will visit the site to identify faults in components and mechanisms and assess the condition of consumables. Diagnostics are carried out using the Contractor's tools and equipment. Diagnostics includes inspection of the Customer’s equipment to identify the problem. After this, the master, together with the Customer’s representative, decides on the required type of service to eliminate the device malfunction - prevention or repair
    2. Prevention (maintenance) includes the following mandatory steps:

      1. cleaning the optical system of the device: mirrors, lenses, optocoupler pairs, sensors, etc.;

      2. cleaning the paper feed and transport unit;

      3. cleaning the paper registration rollers;

      4. cleaning and lubrication of gears of the transmission mechanism;

      5. cleaning waste toner bins and checking cartridges and drum units;

      6. Cleaning the paper trays and exterior panels of the machine;

      7. cleaning the pressure and Teflon rollers, copier compartment feet or printer fusing unit, MFP;

      8. identifying the need to replace parts and assemblies that have exhausted their service life and replacing them as agreed;

      9. testing the device, setting the necessary parameters after maintenance;

      10. eliminating jams and paper jams;

    3. Repair includes the required steps:

      1. disassembling the printer down to individual components (if necessary, down to parts);

      2. cleaning, washing mechanical components and parts of the printer;

      3. cleaning and restoration of rubber paper feed rollers of the printer with special technical liquids;

      4. diagnostics, adjustment of individual printer components;

      5. repair or replacement of faulty printer parts and components;

      6. lubricating the mechanical components of the printer;

      7. assembling the printer, checking its functionality during autonomous operation;

      8. replacement of all necessary materials and failed elements;

      9. checking the printer's functionality after connecting to a computer.

      10. cleaning the Equipment body from dirt and toner traces.

      11. Spare parts, components and consumables used for equipment repair are included in the cost of the Customer’s equipment repair service.

      12. All spare parts and components must be recommended by the manufacturer and compatible with this office equipment.

    4. Refilling and restoring cartridges
Before refilling a cartridge, the cartridge must be diagnosed. Diagnostics are carried out using special equipment, after which a conclusion must be issued on the technical condition of the wearing parts, indicating the required type of work - refilling or restoration.
      1. Refilling the cartridge includes:

        1. cartridge diagnostics;

        2. complete disassembly of the cartridge;

        3. refilling the cartridge with toner;

        4. cartridge assembly;

      2. Cartridge restoration includes:

        1. complete disassembly of the case;

        2. thorough cleaning of all parts and bins, assemblies from toner residues (including external parts and the cartridge body);

        3. checking for defects;

        4. refilling the cartridge with toner;

        5. photoreceptor replacement;

        6. replacing the squeegee;

        7. replacing the magnetic shaft;

        8. replacing the charge roller;

        9. replacement of the housing (if necessary and in agreement with the Customer);

        10. cartridge assembly;

        11. reprogramming or installing a new chip (if necessary);

        12. control testing of each cartridge after assembly. (Printing a control copy on the Contractor’s equipment).

    1. Quality requirements

      1. Refilled (remanufactured) cartridges must provide high-quality performance throughout the warranty period. When remanufacturing cartridges, only new parts and components should be used; failed parts and components should be returned along with the cartridge in separate packaging.

      2. It is not allowed to replace cartridges sent for refilling or restoration without the Customer’s permission.

      3. The quality of refilling and remanufacturing of a cartridge is determined by the control print attached to it, printed on this cartridge using the Contractor's printer.

      4. The absence of a control print attached to the cartridge entails refusal to accept work on refilling and restoring this cartridge and is a violation of the terms of the contract.

      5. Cartridge defects identified during acceptance of work or after installing the cartridge in the printer must be corrected within 2 hours.

      6. If the period for eliminating a cartridge defect increases beyond 2 hours or more, the Contractor is obliged to provide the Customer with a similar serviceable sample of the cartridge for the entire period of eliminating the defect. The Contractor bears the costs of eliminating cartridge defects at his own expense.

      7. Disposal (refusal of further refilling and restoration) of a cartridge due to the inability to eliminate printing defects is unacceptable.
Cartridge defects should be understood as:

  • Damage to the housing resulting in its inoperability, including spillage of toner;

  • dots and stripes in various variations;

  • fading of the print or its parts (illegibility when printing in 8 font);

  • any defects that distort the printed page.

      1. Acceptance of services for refilling and restoring cartridges is formalized by a bilateral acceptance certificate signed by both parties.

    1. Additional requirements:

      1. at the request of the Customer, the Contractor is obliged to open the cartridges (selectively) to determine the filling level of the toner bin;

      2. The Contractor must have a weight control system installed to resolve disputes regarding the amount of toner added.

    2. Acceptance of completed work:

      1. Within the pre-agreed and agreed upon time frame with the Customer, the Contractor is obliged to transport the Customer’s equipment to the initial location;

      2. Equipment serviceability checked in the presence of the Customer’s representative;

      3. The parties sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate (Appendix No. 1) of equipment for services provided in the exact quantity, completeness and name;

      4. In the event that the work is completed partially, improperly, or late (which may result in the stoppage of the Customer’s work), the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 1) The Customer reserves the right not to sign. Phased, partial performance of work by the Contractor is unacceptable;

      5. After signing the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 1), the Contractor provides the Customer with a Certificate of Completion and an invoice for payment for services rendered. The quantity, name, and completeness of the work performed in the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 1) and in the documents for payment must strictly match;

      6. The customer has the right to organize a commission that checks the quality of the services provided. For this purpose, the Customer has the right to engage a third-party organization that provides a similar type of work. If, according to the results of the commission's inspection, the Contractor's work is partially provided and of inadequate quality, all expenses incurred as a result of the commission's inspection are borne by the Contractor at his own expense;

      7. After full acceptance of services (works) and signing of the Work Completion Certificate, the Customer submits payment documents for payment.

  1. Contractor's guarantees for work performed

      1. The guarantee for the work performed on refilling and restoring cartridges is at least 3 (three) months from the date of signing the Equipment Acceptance and Transfer Certificate (Appendix No. 1) and the Work Completion Certificate;

      2. Guarantee for work performed on repair and maintenance of equipment - at least 3 (three) months from the date of signing the Equipment Acceptance and Transfer Certificate (Appendix No. 1) and the Work Completion Certificate;

      3. In case of detection of problems and malfunctions in part of the work performed during the warranty period, carry out repairs, eliminate problems and malfunctions on your own and at your own expense within 3 (three) working days.

  1. The amount of the deal:
Contract amount: the price of services performed under the contract must include all costs, including all costs of repair work and equipment maintenance; the cost of spare parts and consumables used to perform the work, delivery and installation of cartridges and equipment; expenses for the implementation of warranty obligations, the cost of packaging, loading and unloading operations, transportation costs, expenses for cleaning and removal of packaging material, payment of taxes, customs duties, fees and other mandatory payments.

Appendix No. 1

to the technical specifications for servicing copying equipment, refilling and restoring cartridges used in this equipment.

_________________ "___" ___________ 201__

We, the undersigned,

Hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, represented by _____________________________________, acting on the basis of_____________________, on the one hand, and _________________ , hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by ____________ acting on the basis of___________________________, on the other hand, have drawn up this act in that
1. The Contractor handed over and the Customer accepted the following equipment for work:

2. The above equipment was accepted into the work of the Work Contractor for a period of up to “___” ___________ 20__.

3. The contractor bears full responsibility for the safety of the equipment accepted for repair and storage and undertakes to take all necessary measures for its safety.

5. This act is drawn up in two copies, the first - for the Contractor, the second - for the Customer of the work.

The equipment was transferred to the Contractor for work by:

The following equipment was accepted for work from the Customer:

Customer Representative

Representative of the Work Contractor

(signature, transcript, date)

__________________ /______________/

(signature, transcript, date)



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